Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 12, 1865, Image 3
I* cto |UbertU*mento. QEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Georgia His torical Society will be held This (Monday; Evening at 8 o’clock. EASTON YONGE, jnl2 1 Recording Secretary. yy anted, A Pilot for a Steamboat on the Savannah River. Also—One or two Fiats cr Barges. For particulars, apply to KERN A CO., jul2-2t 114 Bay Street, gODA WATER CARD. In consequence of the careless manner in which some of my customers lose my Soda Water Bottles, which are now held at greatly advanced prices, and difficult to get, together with the limited amount of business doing, in order to meet contingent expenses and continue in business, I am necessarily compelled to adopt the following system: Ist Each customer will receive any required num ber of full bottles, for which they are expected to be responsible. 2d. When a further supply is desired, they will re ceive only as many full bottles as they return of empty ones. Bd. My terms are cash on delivery of goods. By adopting this system, misunderstandings are* avoided, and I think i* wiil enable me in a short time to fupiish goods in my line at a much less rate than I am at pres ent compelled to charge to meet unnecessary losses— thus making this system of mutual benefit, Respectfully, JOHN RYAN, Manufacturer and Bottler of Soda and Mineral Water, Corner Broad and West Broad streets, Savannah, Ga. Established in 1952. jul-2 ts J R. SOLOMONS, M. D. DENTIST, From Charleston, S. C., offers his services to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References.— Dr. Jas. B. Read, Dr. Juhiah Harris, Hon. Solomon Contra, • W. N. Habersham Esq,, A. A. Solomons & Cos., J. R. SOLOMONS, M. D„ jull ts • Dentist. GOODS. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW T YORK, ' PER STEAMER, Printed Jaconets and Organdies, Black Bareges. Crape Maretz, and Hernanis, S-4 do. for Shawls Nainsooks, Cambrics, Jaconet and other white goods, Towels, Huckabacks, Bird’s Eye Diapers. Cambric Trimmings, Irish Linens. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, White Linen Drills, Colored Calicos, Mourning Ca'icos, Fancy Articles and Small Wares, Summer Cassimeres for Gent’s wear, For sale by jul2-0t DmWITT & MORGAN. Q.ROCERIES. Just received and for sale at the old stand of J. J. Snider A Cos., Bay street next door to the Mariner’s Church— -25 bbls. Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do. Steam Refined “C" Sugar.' 10 do. Choice Sugar House Syrup. 80 half chests Hyson, Imperial and Oolong Tea. 60 oxo boxes Hyson and Imperial Tea. 10 boxes Pearl Starch. £0 half boxes Raisins 25 doz. Catsup. 10 doz Lucca Oil. 10 doz. Ground Pepper and Spices. Mackerel", bbls., half bbls. and kits. Codfish, casks and boxes. 100 bbis. Corn Meal. 100 bales Hay. 25 doz. Best Brooms. 50 doz. 2 and 3 hoop Painted Buckets. t> bales Gunny Bagging. 20 pieces S. I. Bagging. 2 bales Hemp Twine. 26 coils half-inch Marietta Rope, lo bbls. Cement. The undersigned will keep on hand a well selected stock of Groceries, and will sell at low prices for Cash. Consignments of Merchandise for sale on Commis sion, or to be forwarded or stored, will receive atten tion. Jul 2 3t WM. H. STARK. - plants. — — 1 ■ -it— . ■ yy ANTED TO HIRE, Three or Four (4; MULE TEAMS to go to Augusta with Goods. Enquire for J. KAHN, julO 2t 161 Congress Street. l^ yy ANTED, ■ A situation, by a ybnng man, as Clerk, Address ,T r , jes-lw Box 74, P. O. Hilton Head, yy ANTED. ; An elderly woman as Housekeeper. Must be a good Cook. To a suitable person high wages will be given Herald* 0 me 0r at °® ce the Savannah Daily . , ' J. K. TONKING, ROSENFELD & CO., BANKERS, No. 8 BROAD BTREET, New Yore. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on" London, Paris, Frankfort, and all other principal citfesof Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and diaw at their convenience, the same us with the Cur Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of four per cent, per annums Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. jes-3taw3m AND LIMBURGER cheese. FOR SALE AT RETAIL. Apply at the Jul ° 3 PLANTERS’ HOTEL, looms, J*, JJOARD WANTED, In * genteel family, for a gentleman and wife (Church family preferred; Post Office Box 248. may3l-tf JJOUSE WANTED. For a small family. Address, “O. W. M.,”Savannah Post Office may23-tf Rooms ro let at hilton head, s. c., m The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants’ Row and Palmetto A ventre, snitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Apply to W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., on the premises. ts mar4m Sjotels, po R T ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. RIDDELL A HUGO, Proprietors. E. 8. BIDDELI, M. f. BUG**. jo3-tf p TTITT k'l H O USE, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS A RIDDELL, Proprietors. J. O. HARTEI.S. E. 8. RIDDELL. _ fuS- f -—. -T *" fun insurance. QOLUMBIAN (MARINE; INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $3,600,000. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of SIOO,- 000 in property in any first class Steamer, and from $50,000 to $76,000 on any first class sailing vessel, on the most favorable New York terms. For further particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO Jones Block, corner Bay and Abercorn streets, may!B ts Savannah, Ga. Restaurants, Jr, OLD STAND RE-OPENED. NO. 110 BRYAN STREET. The Proprietors do respectfully announce that they have this day opened this favorably known and popu - lar STAND, for the accommodation of Private Board ers and the traveling public. To those who may favor the house with a call, the comforts of a home, at very reasonable rates, are hereby guaranteed, The location ol' the honse, together with the experience of the proprietors, are considerations not to be overlook ed by those who value their own interests. julO-1 w FRANCIS SUTTON A CO. STILL LIVE ~ AT THE ‘‘OFFICE,’’ No. \ yc Merchant’s Row, PORT ROYAL, S. C. I do not advertise my Bill of Fare because it is alter ed every day and a printed Bill of Fare is put on each table every morning. THERE 19 WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. My Ice Houses are now filled with Turkeye, Chick ens, Beef, Pork, Fish, Mutton, Pork Sausages, Vege tables, and Salads of ail descriptions. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN, I have now on hand abont’twelve hundred p onnds oflce, so that I can make Ice Cream EVERY DAY and keep my Soda Water and Beer cool. ioe water for ivef.yijody. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. HI have three Punkahs and several girls with fans to keep the flies from the ladies and gentlemen while eating their cleanly served up meals. THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. My Cooks, Waiters, Ac., are all clean. My Saloon has been newly papered, painted, whitewashed, Ac. THERE IS WHERE THE LkUGH COMES IN. There is ho man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, in the rear of the Post Office, THERE IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. Ther e are many men in New York who go to Water street, where they can get therr whiskey for three cents per glass. But you will find that GENTLLE UEN will go where thoy get the best articles regardless of ex pgnse. AND THAT IS WHERE THE LAUGH COMES IN. HONEY IS UP AND SUGAR IS DOWN. BENJAMIN HONEY, Proprietor QLAMS! CLAMS 1 CLAMS ! IN THE SHELL OR SHELLED OUT, With other Refreshments, at the oldest and best stand " ON HILTON HEAD ISLAND, For a variety of something Good to Eat at all times, at THE EAGLE SALOON, In rear ot the Post Office, Port Royal, S. C. PETER FITZGERALD respectfully informs his old friends, and the public in general, that since Oysters are out of season for a time., his Daily Patrons can find a good substitute in CLAMS, cooked to order, in every style, at the shortest notice. He has also a constant supply of FRESH MEATS, POULTRY, FISH A VEGETABLES, From the North apd other places in this vicinity. Meals cooked to order at any hour during the day. Our motto is to “Live well. ” inay23 fKTEH FITZGERALD, Proprietor. QOTTON ! COTTON !! U. 8. AGE N C Y , SAVANNAH, GA., MAY 29, 18C5. All persons, owners, bringing Cotton into the Citv on private account, either by land or the river are hereby required to report and register the same at this office. Purchasers are also requested to make daily reports at this office of their purchases; of whom bought, number of bales, and weigut of each bale T. P. ROBB. U. S. Purchasing Agent may3o ts J^INANCIAL. REMOVAL. James H, Falconer, late Thomas Dixon, Dealer in Foreign Exchange, has removed to 49 William, be tween Wall and Pine streets. New York. Bills on the Royal Bank ot Liverpool in sums to suit purchas ers. jU9 lw (C>oobs (mb (fioibhtg. ARRIVAL OP GOODS. SKEHAN A CONYNGHAM. Os 176 Brvuyhton Street, >: >1 Receive by every steamer fresh consignment* of Goods from New York, consisting of BOOTS and SHOES, Ladies’ BALMORALS, Ac, Gentlemens Felt and Straw HATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES, Dublin and London PORTER, Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels; Also—A choice selection of GARDEN SEEDS, Which we offer at low prices to the Trade. jeO ££ A. TOPHAM, 138 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, GA,, NO. 7 MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON nEAD, Calls the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to his superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS’ CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, and GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to Stock received by every Steamer from New York. may2s-20t £VE 9 • GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, Corner Bull Street and Bay Lane, Opposite Post Office, SAVANNAH, GA. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FINE FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS. CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, NOTIONS, TOILET ARTICLES, Ac. may2B—eod2w J C. NORVELL A CO. CORNER BULL AND BAY STREETS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF— DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, Which will be sold AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UPON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. P R I N T 8 . Lawns, latest styles, Organdies, Organdie Robes, Ginghams, Jaconets, Mozambiques, Bareges, all kinds, Crape Maretz, all colors, MOURNING GOODS. TniS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DETAILS. GLOVES. Ladies and Gents’ Black and Colored Kids, best make, Lisle, all colors, Silk, all colors, Fillet Mlts. HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Cambric, Hemstitched, Gents’ Printed Borderg, Gents’ Silk. HOSIER Ladies’ Black and White Silk, Ladies’ Black and White Cotton, . and White ootton, Children’s Black and White Cotton, J-adies’ and Misses’ Gauze Merino Vests, Gents’ Merino Vests. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Ribbons, Bonnet and Belt, all kinds. BONNETS White,Black aud Colo:ed Straw and Braid Bonnets Ladies' Misses' and Children's Flats, in great va riety, A full assortment of Gents’ oad Boys' Hats. FANS IN EVERY VARIETY. LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP LADIES’ AND GENTS’ SHOES, CLOTHING. Lineu and Cassimere Summer Suits, Alapaca Coats, A Full assortment of Military Dress and Fatigue Uniforms. mc.y2o NE TTINo’ AT ma?2f> L. C. NORVELL & CO’S. STATIONERY AT NEW YORK PRICES. SUITABLE FOB RETAIL TRADE, A RARE CHANCE FOR SMALL DEALERS AND RETAILERS. Consisting of 29 reams Vermont Mills NOTE PAPER, at $2 per ream; 28 reams Alpine Note, at $i.75 per ream; 30 reams New York, $2.75 per ream ; Ivory Thick, $3 : 4,000 Buff Envelopes, at $2.6«, $2.75 and $3 per thousand; 44 gross Quits Percha Pens, 80c. per gross ; 25 gross Falcon Peus, 80c. per gross; Pencils of all descriptions and prices; a large lot of Pen Holders, suitable for Schools; 'Pack Memorandas and Pass Books; 4,000 Newspaper Wrappers. All the anoye Goods at New York prices, by the gross, dozen or package. CORNER OF BROUGHTON AND WHITAKER STS., je6-3teod STORE OF A. HARIQ. QLARET, WHISKEY AND ALE. A few Cases of Superior Table Claret, fi barrels Excellent totality Whiskey 20 barrels Ale. Landing from steamer Chase. For sale by ju7-3 HUNTER A GAMMELL. (Sromiea. M, SCARBROUGH A CO., I GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 140 Congress and 57 St. Juiiann Streets, SAVAMIAU, GEORGIA.,, Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Consisting of TEAS and SUGARS, best brands; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS, BACON, (Shoulder and Clear Sides;; LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS aud PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, Ac., Ac., Ac., All o( which they are selliug at reduced prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere: jeC lmo ££ IL T O N A R A N D E LL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will be in constant receipt, per Steamers from New York, of an extensive and complete assortment of Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASBEB, FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEE, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES, WINES, ALE* CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attention of the Trade. may23-4w JUST RECEIVED. PVR STEAMER CATHARINE WUITUfO, 600 BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, R. H. For sale at low rates, by GADEN A UNCKLES, ju3-lw Corner Bky and Barnard street* JgACON 1 : FOUR HHDS. BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. may& ts 11X10 bushels White Corn, 30 bags Rio Coffee, 200 barrels Family Flour. 250 barrels Old Monongahela and Bourbon Whisky, 60 packages S. C. Hams, Sides aud Shoulders, 45 tierces Bagged Beef, 60 bairels No, 1 Mackerel, 200 kitts No. 1 Mackerel, 66 kits Mess Shad, 4 barrels Pigs Feet; 18 packages Beef and Pigs Tongues, 3000 pounds Prime Codfish, 2000 pair Boots and Shoes, 100 reams Writing aud Letter Paper, 3 gross Playing Cards, 150 dozen Assorted Brushes, 75 dozen Wire Brooms, 25 dozen Buckets, 50 dozen Whisk Brooms, 25 dozen Zinc Washboards, Stove and Shoe Blacking, Twine, Suspenders. Cravats, Linen Dusters, Undershirts, Bonnets, Hats, Ac. Being the Cargo of the schooner James Satterth waite, Just arrived, and for sale by MACKEY, HOGG A CO., No, 2 Stoddard’s Block, opposite Post Office. ju9-3 gUNDRIES. 18 barrels Superior Whiskey, I barrel Jamaica Rum, 2-eighth Casks French Brandy, 1 cask Rhine Wine, 1 cask Maderia, 25 baskets Champagne, 60 boxes Claret, For sale by . W. B. ADAMS; ju9 3 96 Bay street. |JAUDE A WRIGHT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments Solicited. Merchandise Bongbt and Sold. James L. Maude; Thomas T. Wright. % BEFEB TO Hon. Simeon Draper, New York. Messrs. Lee A Waller, *• Messrs. H. B. Claflin A Cos, New York. Glidden A Williams, Boston. Hovey A Cos., “ Smith, Wood A Cos., St. Louis. . Appleton, Noys A Cos, •* R MeCready A Cos, Cincinnati. Charles L. Colby A Cos., Savannah, Ga. Thos, Metcalf, Esq., Augusta, Ga. Robert Campbell, Esq., ” ju9 eod4w £p RES U IMPORTATION —of SEGARB AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND BARNARD STREETS. JACOB LANGSDORF &, CO. Have just received from their well known Bouse in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGARS, Consisting of all the different bran ds, as well as large stocks ot SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES: Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam iue the stock, ju9 lm REWARD FOR A SWORD AND OTHER ARTICLES, CAPTURED AT IOIT WAGNER. Whoever will bring to the subscriber an ENGLISH, FIELD OFFICER’S SWORD, marked with the ini tials “R. G. S.’’ and a GOLD WALTHAM WATCH, and a GOLD SEAL RING, with the inscription “Mother" inside and the sign of a Dove and Olive Branch on the seal, will receive a LARGE REWARD. The three articles were captured by the Confederate Army at Fort Wagner, on the night of July 18th, 1863. Address G. W. J., office of Savannah Dally Herald. ju6 lw jittttuemettif. rpHEATRE. The Theatre will be re-opened for a SHORT SEA SON, ou Wednesday Evening, June 14th, when THE QUEEN SISTERS, Assisted by the SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, Will give one of their Popular MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS. A. WALDRON, jul2 Manager. VARIETIES. (CORNER BROUGHTON AND JEFFERSON STREET*; (Formerly St. Andrew's Hall.; W. P. Sweatnasi Sole Lessee and Manager M. Frebertbyseb Musical Director MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1806, The Beautiful Drama of THE MIDNIGHT WATCH! Miss Maud St. Leon as Pauline De Laßoche. And the Glorioua Farce of OUR GAL! Miss Lottie Howland as Caroline Morton and Mehiiable, [a Yankee Gal,] with Songs. The entire Company will appear In the Programme CAP” In Rehearsal, the new three-act Drama of MIRIAMS CRIME. Which has lately achieved such triumphant success In the principle European and Northern Cities. Cards of Admission , 76c. Orchestra Seats $1 00 Colored Boxes (up-stairs; 76c. Doors open at 7>4\ Overture begins at SJf Special Notice. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall. Juo-1 y OLK9 GARTEN, Corner Congress and Jefferson Streets. THE COOLEST PLAOO OF AMUSEMENT IN TBS CITY. ORIENTAL MINSTRELS, FOR, .THREE NIGHTS ONLY, Commencing this (SATURDAY; Evening, June 10th. The Orientals in Songs, Choruses, Instrumental Solos, Negro Eccentricities, Ac. Prices or Admission Joo. Doors open 7# o'clock, performance to commence • at 8X precisely. For full particulars see small bills. iulO ALFRED FORD, Agent. yOLKS GARTEN, CONGRESS STREET, Between Jefferson and Montgomery streets. Will be open to-night, and every night, for the public. Concert Music every Evening from 7 to 10 o’clock by the ' Jilt ''■} SAVANNAH CITY ORCHESTRA, Professor George Weioand, Leader. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY WILL always he on hand. ml 7—l in jy£ERCHANTS’ LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. FOR NEW YORK FIRST CLASS CLIPPER SCHOONER U N I O is FLAG. Is loading at foot oi Drayton street and will sail for the above port on the 11th Inst. For freight or passage apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., * Juß-.3t cor. Bay and Abercorn street*. WANTED , FOR PHILADELPHIA. The schooner James Satterthwaite will sail in a few days for the above port. Freight will be taken at low r ates by applying to MACKEY, HOGG A CO., No. 2 Stoddard's Block, opposite Post Office. ju9 3 tt. £CE ! ICE 1 ! ICE !! ! The subscribers have opened this day at Wiltberger's Old Ice House on Drayton Street, where they are pre pared to FURNISH ICE TO THE PUBLIC AT REASONABLE RATES. Onr Stock is ample and of the best quality, and by liberal dealings we hope to merit a share of the public patronage. CHUSEMaN a MARSHALL,'' Savannah, June 6, 1866. ifc'J'HE HOSPITAL TRANSCRIPT." The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S. S., by M. J. McKenna, It is designed by the Publisher to make mi Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary of NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected-MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS. ju3-tf . QOAL AN D WOOD AT AUCTION. - Will be sold on MONDAY, 12th inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of “Fuel Supply” Store, No. €2 Bay street, in ' lots to suit purchasers. ,; - 350 tons Red Ash Stove Coal, 603 cord-Hard Wood, 1 76 cords Pine Wood. OCTAVUS COHEN, Cashier. N, B.—Offers will be received at Private Sale for either of the above article* as a whole, until day 0( tale. Ju7