Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 12, 1865, Image 4
The Savannah Daily Herald M()>D\V I*. JSO.'.. FitOTl Otll CVCNING EDITION OF SATURDAY. out MARKET. It was really a most cheeriug and pleasant sight which the early riser enjoyed this morn ing in a stroll through the Savannah Market. The usual variety ol meats and wholesome tish in season, during this warm weather, were there for sale at [.rices really reason able, and then, the vegetables aud fruits!— the sight, if he didn't have, the privilege of buying, would drive a Northerner wild. We have got pretty much through with our early vegetables here, aud our lettuces and water cresses, and all early salads are things of memory only—cucumbers and green peas aie nearly gone; new potatoes have become old, aud now we are revelling in summer squashes, string beans, early summer cabbages, etc., and are looking daily for green corn. As to fruits, our straw berries departed this life six weeks ago, and now we have a profusion of blackberries, huckleberries, pine apples, spring chickens, mulberries, youug lamb, plums, sea-bass, lake and river trout, oranges, ducks (wild aud tame; pomegranates, aud suit codfish. The marketmea have learned the difference between the old shiuplasters aud money, aud now, instead of charging nine dollars and seventy seveu cents for a summer squash, they let you have it for a dime, aud other things in proportion Wood and Coal at Auction.— lt will be soeu that the Fuel Supply Committee give notice of the sale at auction of the balance of their supply of fuel, on Monday at 11 o’clock in front of the “Fuel Supply" store, No. 82 Bay street. The wood and coal will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, and families will find it to their interest to attend ancblay in a supply. When the association undertook this business, wood was selling at from sls to S2O per cord and they reduced the (price to $G lor pine, aud $8 for oak. An Apology. —We return our thanks to the sender of “Gi« me thy blessing, mither,” aud have to make the statement that the poem was mislaid, and has been out of reach for several days. I’s publication was determined ou the instant the article was read, aud it shall certainly appear at au early day. Will the kiud friend who took'the trouble to select and transcribe the veises accept our thanks, and in future be good enough to fa vor us with any aud all other selections, dic tated by the good taste of the sender of this line poem Water. —The late rains have so disturbed the purity of the river water that it is now about the color of old Brown Sherry, which, by the way, it by uo means resembles in flavor. To make this fluid palatable it is ab solutely requisite to filter it and then cool it with ice. As good fortune would have it there is a sufficiently large stock of that gelid commodity in town, for sale at prices tolerably moderate. With a pound chunk of ice a man buys two solid pounds of comfort these hot days. The following note, attached to the 4th number of the articles relating to the Rejula /ut on of the Current/, was accidentally omit ted in our this moruiug’s issue: * We would combine with the system of Nati.iial Banks the independent or Sub-Treasury as it now ex ists, to avoid making any of the a-sociuted banks public depositaries, which as the revenue accumulates at certain points, and before it is disbursed, wonUl af lord a temptation to the preferred banks to expand by means of the public money. The Independent Treasury, contraiy to all expectation, has worked well. » Mk. Stephen Fahkkli.y advertises a large stock of school books, stationery, etc. He has constantly ou ham Hill tbe latest North ern periodicals and daily newspapers aud late novels, besides an extensive assortment of elegant Photograph Albums and Card Photographs. We are assured that Mr. Farrelly can and will sell as cheap as auy other house iu the South. Give him a call ut the old staud of John M. Cooper & Cos. Gas.—Wc are happy to state that the im provement in the quality of tiie gas of the city is quite noticeable. There is however still room for improvement, and we hope soon to see th*e street laihps lighted again. Every man whose business keeps his estub lishment open after dark, should erect aud keep burning oue or more good large gas lumps. Attention is culled to the card of Maude A D&fib Commission Merchants, Augusta, iu our advertising columns. Mr. Thomas T. W right is well kuown in this city as au en terprising and successful business man, and u public spirited citizeu. We cheerfully commend the new firm to the uotice of the business community. Benefit ok Miss Lottie Howland.- -At Sweatuam s Varieties the musical melo-dra matic pantomimic play of the “French Spy" will be given for the Benefit of Miss Lottie Howland. Miss Maude St. Laou euacts the principal part. Mebchamdisk.— Goods of almost every de scription are pouring into the city, and even tustidious customers can suit now their tastes, whatever they may desire. —lt is suggested that the rise in gold is occasioned by “unfavorable news from Lee’s army.” tor+fHWAn’ft t# May 517, 1603. At ft Itieettog of citizens held this day, the Hou. A. 11. IlftnSell was called to the Chair and Robert H. Hardaway appointed Secre tary. The object of tbe meeting being ex plained by the Chairman, the lion. J. L Sewaul, after a few appropriate remarks, in troduced tire following Preamble and Reso lutions, which were, after a tree discussion of them, unanimously adopted. Whereas, The condition of the country requires 1 hat the people should give some expression of opinion in regard to their fu ture welfare and,the best means of restoring quiet aud order, aud securing permanent peace. We regard it as tbe duty of all good citizens to return to their industrial pursuits, stimulate industry aud prepare for the sustc uaure of the needy distressed of the laud ; Therefore, Rrsainad, 1 at, That it is due to the welfare of our common country that all hostility to the Government of the United States cease, and that a ready obedience be yielded by all to the Constitution and laws of the Unit ed States. Resolved, 2nd, That we acknowledge our allegiance to the Government of the United States and insist that Georgia shall resume her functions in the American Union by as suming her former relations with the Federal Government, the compact of the Union as established by our Fathers, and which ex isted before the attempted disentegratiou of the States, composing that Union. Rtso/ved, 3d, That wo ask the Government authorities to indicate the mode aud manner by which our representation in Congress shall be restored, and by which the State shall be able to perfect her political organiza tion in the choice of a Governor, members of the GeneraPAssembly, and the establish •meui. of her judicial tribunals, so that the State may move in harmony with the Fed eral Government as in former days, when all States of the Union w ere in concord and harmony. . Resolved, ith, That the military authorities be respectfully requested to forward the foregoing resolutions to the President of the United States, at the earliest practicable mo ment. A. H. Hanski.l, Chairman. R. H. Hardaway, Sec. At a subsequeut meeting, called by tbe Chairman on this day (3d June), the follow ing resolntiou was adopted: R solved, That the Hon. S. L. Seward be furnished a copy of the resolutions passed by the citizeus on the 27th ult., aud be re quested to take them to the President of the United, and consult with him and the other proper authorities at Washington in refer ence to our condition, and to act genet ally as the agent of the meeting. Auo. H. Hassell, Chairman. R. H. Hardaway, Sec. Went minis ter Review for April, 1805. Art. 1. —The Positive Philosophy of Au gusta cornpte —This article from the pen of John Stuart, Mill, is worthy" of one of the acutest metaphysicians of the age, and who unites to profundity of thought the most lu cid of styles. Art 2.—St. John's Gospel—The writer in comparing Uie gospel of St. John with the gospels of St. Mathew, St. Mark and St. Luke, shows an intimate knowledge of his subject and all the resources of biblical criti cism, characterizing the works of those great Germau auotators, Straus, Baur, Herder,Gies eler, Eichhoru and Sclileirmacher. Art. 3. The State of English law-codifiea tiou—The author of this paper brings to the discussion of l»is subject all the information that is necessary to a proper understanding of the state of a question that has been agi tated in England tor the last half century, and which is no nearer a solution now, than when Beutham brought it before the British public. Art. 4. Modern Novelists—Sir Edward Bulw'er Lytton.—Of the four lines of effort— the drama, history", poetry, and romance— to which Bulwer has devoted himself, his critic thinks that in three out of four he has been successful. He has been a bad histori an (vide bis History of Athens,) but bis plays are popular, because well adapted to the public taste, with which mclo-dramatic ef fects are more accordant than any develop ment of the passions. Asa statesman he held ouly a respectable rank—his enduring fame rests ou his talent as a tale writer, in which dcpaitinent of literature he occupies a higher eminence than any liviug writer of prose fic tion. Having written upwards of forty vol umes of novels, although of unequal merit, they present a tertiiity ot invention that places him ou a level w ith Sir Walter Scott. Art. 5. Parliament aud Reform.—The Re viewer states it us a remarkable fact in the political history of England, that only a tew years since the subject of Parliamentary re form excited iu both Houses of Parliament the most acrimouious aud embittered deba ters; both parties, Whigs aud Tories, having given it the go by. The subject is scarcely ever mentioned iu Parliamentary discussions. The parties have have differed on every pub lic question except tbe agitation of Parlia mentary relorm which they seem mutually" to have agreed to ignore. Art. C—The Canadian Confederacy. The writer thinks that both political atliuity' as well as commercial interest, if not self de fense, will indicate before loug tbe necessity for tbe union of all British America iu a confederacy. The scheme finds favor iu England, who wishes her colonies, when they have reached a high stage of develop ment, to be self-siistaiuiug. “Contemporary Literature."—Under this head there are a number of brief reviews on a variety ot subjects, Theology uud Philoso phy, Politics, Sociology, Voyages and Trav els, Science, History aud Biography, and the Belles Lettres. * * * . ~ A 94*-th ?, |t fW &ett fatk Wftfld cf Uie Jfcffii pdy£ the folknvtug compliment td President John son, iu connection with bis declension of the late present of the citizens of New York. Auioug all the men who have been in pub lic life for the last twenty years, none has shown more vigor ol will in opposition to all the devices by which venality is made to ap pear venial; aud no man has kept more steadily to the republican simplicity, which, iu a public ofiicer, is the best safeguard of probity. The splcudid span of horses which lie has refused are not better matched lhau is tin simplicity" which covetsjio fine coaches with the integrity that wouKFleel sullied by receiving volunteer perquisites. Consider ing the enormous patronage and disburse ments of tbe Federal Government, the coun try has reason to congratulate itself that this resolutely" honest aud high-minded states man is at the head ol affairs. On the next page of the World, occupying more than three colums, are tbe letters of Beverley Tucker aud George N. Sanders, in troduced with large type for the purpose of attracting attention. From Tucker’s letter we extract the following allusion to Presi dent Johnson, intended, ol course, as a neat set-off to the editorial compliment: Is it impossible that Booth may have met Mr. Johnson iu that lower circle they were both known to frequent, and thus have formed an intimacy which a common vice begets 't Andrew Johnson, let It be borne in mind, has been noted tor mauy years past as an almost frenzied aspirant for the Presi dency. All the arts aud appliances which the fruitful brain of the unscrupulous dema gogue could invent and employ have been exhausted to attain this goal of bis audacious ambition. After a struggle of years—and not until the States of the South, including his own, had separated themselves from all political connection with tire North— did he reach the position of second civil of ficer of that government. Then the prize, so loug dazzling his vision, seemed within his grasp. Like Ludovico, he touched his brow in anticipation of the encircling dia dem. TRIAL OF .lEPPEHSOV DAVIS. It having been determined to put Jefferson Davis ou trial before a civil tribunal, as we infer from the proceedings in the Criminal Court of this city yesterday, the question arises where can he be legally prosecuted ? He has uot been personally within the bounds of any legal Slate or district during the re bellion. Can be be legally tried lor treason iu any State or district iu which he has not been personally present at the commission of any overt act of treason ? This important question has bean antici pated, aud somewhat elaborately discussed, iu a work which has very receutly made its appearance before the public. We refer to the “Trial of Aaron Burr,” with “Notes on the Law of Treason, as Applicable to the Existing Rebellion,” by J. J. Coombs, Esq , of this city. The author of said notes takes the ground that Davis may be legally indicted aud tried lor treasou iu auy State or district in which war has actually been levied during the re bellion, provided it can be shown that lie has performed any aot, at Richmond or else whore, immediately auxiliary to the war so levied iu such State or district. If this po sition is tenable, it follows that he may be legally prosecuted for treasou in Maryland, or Pennsylvania, or in the District of Colum bia, which was the scene of actual hostili ties less than a year ago. in the case ot Bollinau and Swartwout, (4th Crunch), the Supreme Court ot the Uni ted States laid down the proposition that when war is actually levied, for a treasonable purpose, “all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in thy*eneral conspiracy, are to be considered .Senators.” Chief Justice Mar shall, in Burr s case, re-affirmed the same doctrine, although evidently inclining strong ly to the opinion that the common law max im, that “whatever will make a man an ac cessary iu felony will render him a principal in treason,” is not iu force iu this country, being excluded by the express terms of the Constitution. But he held that whoever per forms a part iu a war actually levied tor a treasonable purpose, although at a remote place, becomes a principal in the crime of treason, independently of said common law rule. If the Government shall determine to put Davis on trial for treason before a civil tri bunal, it appears to us that there are mauy reasons which point to this district as tiie ap propriate place lor his prosecutiou. It oc cupies a central position between the two lately belligerent sections, and is the common property of the loyal citizeus of both. It is the seat of the Central Government, and its capture by the rebels was indispensable to their success in subverting the Government. Last summer a rebel army invaded it. and fought a battle within its bouuds. If they had succeeded in capturing this city, the Government would, for the time being, have been overturned Even the extremest doc trine of “State Rights” could not redeem this act from the odium of inexcusable and un mitigated Washington Chronicle. Ock Duty. —When a man has been faithful in the honest performance of his duty, he is thought better off' if success attend him in this world. But if it so happens, iu the providence of God, that these material re sults do not follow that performance, still he carries in his own mind the consciousness that he has tried to do what is right in the sight of God, rendering to everybody bis due, contributing all he can to the general happi ness and improvement, diffusing as much enjoyment and contentment as lie can in the little circle of which he is the centre; with that consciousness he goes through life “happy as a king, though he may not be the king,” ends it in felicity, aud goes where there is an end of all these controversies, because there is but one God aud oue Father, before whom all his children are equal.— Chief Jus tice Chase. How Anon r the JNavy. —Our veteran laud forces have reported iu Washington aud been greeted with the welcoming shouts of the people from every part of the laud. Their praises are ou every tongue. Their hearing and carriage at the great review elicited the admiration of tens of thousands, both ot Americans aud foreigners. Their heroic ser vices are gratefully remembered by the en tire ualiou. Amid all the honors heaped up on the armies of the Union, our gallant navy ought not to be forgotten. It should have the meed of praise it has so splendidly earn ed. No man who will call to mind our re cent history can overlook its eminent ser vices.—Norwich ( Conn .) Bulfetiu. MSAfHjPAimf** ft *, ***** I. Paragraph 4, General Order No. 71, ifcadanartera Department of the South, is hereby published for the information of this command. “4. While military restrictions upon trade are thus removed, still District and Post Commanders we re minded that they are expected to keep such a military control over all merchants and traders as is necessary for the maintenance of good order aud a proper P,J lice within their commands. To this end they are au thorized to so regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors, ales aud wines, as may seem to them requisite.’• 11. All existing permits to sell liquors, ah sand wmes, either at wholesale or retail, are nereby re voked This revocation will take effect on June 15th 111. Licences will be given to a limited number of responsible parlies authorizing the sale by them of li quors, ales und wines, for which a license fee of One Hundred Dollars wilt be charged. Printed licenses will be furnished, which will be re quired to be conspicuously exposed in the store win dow. Applications for licenses will be made in writing to tiie Assistant Adjutant General at these Headquarters. •V;_ The regulations prescribed in General Older No. si, current series, lrom these Headquarters, are hereby changed to read as follows, and will lie ii<ridlv enforced: •• 1. Lipuors will not be sold or otherwise disposed ofiu less quantities than by the quart, and will not be drunk upon the premises of the seller. “ No liquor will be sold or otherwise disposed of to enlisted men of the Army or Navy. “3. Proprietors will be held responsible foi the conduct of their employes, and any person who shall be convicted of having knowingly violated uuy porli* n of the foregoing regulations, in addition to suffering tiie penalties adjudged in the Provost Court having jurisdiction, shall be required to leave this District, not l<> return.” V. Capt. Edward G. Dike, Ass’t Adj’t General is hereby appointed Post Treasurer, and will assume the duties of that oltice iu addition to those with w bich he is already charged. By command of Brevet Brig. Gen. S. L. WOODFORD Edward G. Dike, A A. G. juio [Ohiciai..] HEADERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, S. C., June 7, 1805. General Orders, I No. 85. / The following General Order from the War Depart ment', is hereby published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, _ Washington, May 28, ISOS. General Orters, > No. 911. / I. in order to recruit the ranks of the regular regi ments as soon as pr acticable, the Adjutant General will < pen recruiting stations at such points aa offer u reasonable prospect for enlisting good men. 11. Volunteers honorably discharged from the Uni ted States sendee, who enlist in ihe regular army wuh.n ten days from the date of discharge, will be al lowed a lurlough of thirty days before joining their regiments, 'they will be paid all pay and allowance to which they may be entitled, on being discharged troin the volunteer service. By order of the Secretary of War E. Us TOWNSEND, Asststant Adjutant General By command of Maj. Gen. Q, A, GILLMORE. W. L. M. Burger, Assistant Adjutant General. T. D. Hodges, Capt 351 h U. S. C. TANARUS„ Aot. Asst. Adjt. Gen. HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, , Hilton Head, St. Helena, Daufuskie * and Bulls Island, Hilton Head, 8. C.. June 2, 1805. General Orders. I No, 22. ) I, In compliance with instructions from Headquar tms, Port Royal District, Lieut. Col. C. A. Rice, J44th N »• V., is hereby relieved from duty as Chief of Mil it »ry Police, and the duties imposed upon him by General Orders No. 14, dated Headquarters, Hilton Head District, March diet, 1805. Ist Lieut. J. E. Sprague, 20tli U. S. C. TANARUS„ is hereby appointed Chief of Military Police and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order ol Brevet Brig. Gen. M. S. LITTLEFIELD, Commanding Post. CHARLES C. SIVER, Capt. 144th N. V. V., and A. A. A. G. [.Official.] C. Silva, Capt. aud A. A. D. C. julo-l HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES, Hi; Head, St. Helena, Uauicikie ami Bills Island, Hilton Head, S. 0., Juried, 1805. General OfiDEfs ) No. 23. f I. Ist Lieut. S. U, Leavens, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS, in addi tion to his duties as A. Q. M., will have command of St Helena Island, with Headquarters ut St, Helena, S. C. All U. S. troops arriving on said Island will report toLient. Leavens, and will be subject to bis orders, By order of Brevet Brig Gen. M. S. LITTLEFIELD, Commanding Post. Charles Siver, Capt and A A A G. julO UKADQ’itS DLP’T OP THE SOUTH, ) Hilton lleid. S. C., May 27, 1865. J General Orders,] No. 78. ( Port Marion, St. Augustine, Fla., is designated as the place of confinement for tbe following named prisoners: Corporal Christopher Sisco, 32d U. S. C. TANARUS., Privates Peter Thompson, Cos. K; Doctor Thomas, Cos. I; John Unuip-.rey, Cos. D, 26th U. S. C. TANARUS.; Dick Haywood, Bat tery G, 2d U. S. C. Arty ; John Butcher and James lieu ry Wright, Cos. A, 3zd U. 8. C. TANARUS., whose sentences by General Court Martial were approved aud published iu General Orders No. 12, current series, from the Head quarters Beaufort District. By Command of Major General Q A. GILLMOKE, W. L. M. Burger, Ass’t Adj'tGeu. Official: T. D. Hodge s , Capt. doth U. S. C. T. aud A. A. A. U. je3 HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June 0, ISC’s. General Order,! No. 30. J ' I, The removal of all military restrictions upon trade having rendered the services of a Military Super visor of Trade unnecessary, Lient. Col. Alfred Neafle, 150th N. Y. Vole , is hereby relieved from duty in that capacity. 11. The taxes levied within the limits of this District under the provisions of General Order No, 11 from these Headquarters, wjll be collected us heretofore by Lient. Col. Neafle, aud the amount accruing from them turned over to the officer in charge of civil lund each month By command of Brevet Maj; Gen. BIItGE. Oliver Matthews, A. A G. jut-7 ' IIEADQ'RS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, Savauuah, tia., June 8, 1806. General Orders,) No. 31. / Capt. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M. of Volunteers, is hereby a].pointed Chief Quartermaster of the District of sav annah, aud will perform the duties of that otiice in ad dition to those of Post Quartermaster. He will be obeyed and respected accoidingly. By command of Brevet Major General BIRGE. _Oi.ives Matthews. A. A. G. ju9-T HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, ) Savannah, Ga„ June 3, 18C5. j General Order,) No. 29. f Hereafter no pusses will lie necess th to enable civil ians lo enter, leuve, or lravel withinarye limits of this District, excepting when they wish to travel on Gov ernment transports - Iu the latter case it will be necessary to obtain passes Irom the Post Quartermasters, w'ho will be gov erned by Depar'ment Orders oil this subject By Command of Brevet Major-General C. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, A. A. G Tt HEADQ’RS DISTRICT Ob SAVANNAH, l Sananh au, Ua , June 4, 1805. / General Orders- i No. 30. / Inconsequence of the great increase in his duties as Assistant nissary of Musters lor the Distiict ol Sa vannah, Capt. M Benedict, A.C. M., uud Provost .Judge ol the Secoiui Provost Court, will relinquish his duties in tlie latter ottice lo Capt. T. P. Kundlcit. 33th Mass. Vois., who will from this date assume the same. By Cuiiimaud of Brevet Major-General C. GROVER. Oliver Matthews, A. A. G. jes 7t NK VVS-DEAjLERS AND OTHERS! DASIKINO Tue Savannah Daily Herald at Wholesale are rc qu Tsted to send in their orders as early in advance as practicable. S. W. MASON & CO. • i«*n> §<. J-JRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. apothecaries* Hall Corner of Barnard and Brouiiton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W. M. WALSH, M. D. PROPRIETOR. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, AYERS’ AGUE CURE, OSGOOD’S CHOLOGOGUE, for Fever and Ague, DR COPELAND’S SPECIFIC, for Fever and Ague. —I’ILL9 NEVER KNOWN TO KAIL— BLANCARD’S FERAGINOUS PILLS, AYER’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, BRANDETH’S FILLS, LEE’S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS, HOLLOWAY’S RILLS, HERRICK’S PILLS, SIR JAMES CLARKE’S FEMALE PILLS, DUPONCO’S LADIES’ PILLS, MANDRAKE’S LIVER PILLS, for Constipation and Congested Conditions of the Liver. —OINTMENTS— KENNEDY’S SALT RHEUM SALVE, REDDING’S RUSSIA SALVE, DALLY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT, GOLDEN EYE SALVE. MeALISTER’S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, —LINIMENTS— TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LINIMENT, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, SWEET’S LINIMENT, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER JAYNES’ CARMINATIVE, DALBY’S CARMINATIVE, JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT, SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR, IIELMBOLDT’S EXTRACT BUCHU. WISTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, MORTIMER’S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND & BLOOD PURIFIER, PIIILOTOKEN, HOOFLAND’S BITTERS, WISTAR’S COUGH LOZENGES, BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, KIDDER’S ARTIIMATICFUMIGATING PASTILES, BRYAN’S PULMONIC WAFERS, for Coughs & Colds, KIDDER’S INDELLIBLE INK, PAYSON’S INDELLIBLE INK, BROWN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER, THAYER’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA, PURE TABLE OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL, JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, DR. PERRY’S DEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, REXFORD’S GINGER BREAD NUTS, for Worms, KIDDER’S ENEMA SYRINGES. GOODYEAR’S CHILDREN ENEMA SYRINGES, FRENCH SELF-ADJURING SYRINGES, GUTTA PERCIIA SYRINGES, all sizes, GLASS AND PEWTER SYRINGES, all sizes, A large assortment of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, DR. PARKE’S SHOULDER BRACES, SAUNDER’S MAGIC BENZINE, for cleansing the most delicate -Silks, Van Buskirk’s SOZODONT, Swan’s TOOTH POWDER, Clark’s TOOTH POWDER, Thurston’s TOOTH POWDER, Charcoal PASTE, Barnett's White Oak WASH, Lubiti’s EXTRACTS and Toilet POWDER, Edrehi’s EXTRACTS, Barney's EXTRACTS, Phalon's Night-Blooming CEREUS, Baudoiott’s French EXTRACTS, French and German COLOGNES, Bazin’s FLORIDA WATER, ROUGES, LILLY WHITE. Ac., A great variety of Tooth, Nail and Hair BRUSHES, Genuine Badger Shaving BRUSHES, Buffalo, India Rubber and Horn Dressing COMBS, Kendall’s AMBOLINE, for the Hair, Sterling's AMBROSIA, for the Hair, Burnett’s COCOAINE, Barney’s Cocoa CASTORINE, Heimstreet’s Inimitable HAIR RESTORER, Parrish’s BANDOLINE, Edrehi’s POMADES, Thompson’s POMADES, Bazin’s POMADES, Douglass’ POMADES, Barry’s TRICOPHERUS, Lyon's KATIIAIRON, BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS, Mrs. Allen’s IIAIR RESTORER andZYUOBAI.SAMUM Prof. Wood’s HAIR RESTORATIVE. —hair dyes— Batchelor’s HAIR DYE, Miller’s HAIR DYE, Venetian HAIR DYE, French’s Distilled BAY WATER, for the Toilet, An endless variety of Toilet SOAPS, Shaving CREAM, Low’s Genuine Brown Windsor SOAP, A large assortment of POCKET BOOKS, A large assortment of Shaker’s HERBS, A variety of POCKET CUTLERY, —FLAVORING rxtraots— Lemon, Almond, Pine Apple, R tspberry, Strawberry. Orange. Banana, Rose. Vanilla, Nectarine, Peach, Very nice Velvet SPONGES, for the Toilet, SEIDLITZ POWDERS, • CONGRESS WATER, A large assortment of Fresh Garden SEEDS, just re ceived from the House of David Landreth & Cos., Philadelphia. We invite the attention of the citizens and Country Dealers to the above large and extensive Stock, which wi 1 be sold low for CASH, at wholesale andietail. t37“N. B. TO PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES. Our Stock of DRUGS aud CHEMICALS, which are In every day use. are pure, and can be retied upon, nud require no stronger testimony of then efficacy than that of coming from Messrs, Schelfleiu, Brothers & Cos., New’ York, the largest and most extensive Drug liou-e in the world, who have had an enviable reputation lor the last century and a half. The Compounding and Prescription Department is under the immediate supervision of Mr W V V Wil son (late of the house ol Solomons & Cos., of this city,) For his ability and correctnets as a Dispenser ol' Medi cine, the citizens of Savannah are respectfully referted to his past record. Physicians' Prescriptions, as formerly, compo j jded at all hours of the night. Night Bell on the Broughton street side of the Store. ICED SODA WATER, with choicest Syrups, from Stone Fountains. APOTHECARIES’ MALL, Comer of Barnard and Broughton Streeta.