Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 13, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERlffl. YOL. 1-NO. 120. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} IS PCHUaiIETt BY a w. mason at cx>.. At 111 Bay Strut, Savannah, Georgia. tmut: Per Copy Five Cents. Per iluudred $3 &u. Pet Year *lO 00. . ADVEBTISINU: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad * vertiscments inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in tue evening without extra charge JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done, llttsiness J It SOLOMONS, M D. DENTIST, I'rom Charleston, 9. C., offers bis services to the citixens of Sav:tnnah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office. Congress street. References.— Dr. Jab. B. Rea®, Dr. JuuiAH Harris, Hon. Solomon Cohen, W. N. Hauebsham Esq,, jull ts A. A. Solomons & Cos., JQENNIS, PERKINS & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. C 5 Broad Stbeet, NEW YORK . julO lm M BRUCE. *DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN COTTON. —AND— FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, AUGUSTA, GA. The undersigned has made every arrangement to resume his commercial pursuits so soon us trade res rrtetions are removed. I will be prepared to receive, store, insure, compress, ship, .ell or purchase Cotton, and make advances o« shipments to any markets in the United States or Europe. I respectfully invite correspondence, samples and shipments by both Planters and Merchants, assuring ail that they can rely upon prompt responses and the fullest information. E. M. BRUCE. I refer to Merchants generally throughout the U. S. and to Members of Congress. N in3-l2t Q.ADEN & UNCKLES. GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS —IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Sc c,, OF BAY AND BARNARD STREETS. SAVANNAH, GA.- Highest market rates paid for Cotton, W 001, Hides &c., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York house, joU-lm Iddkll jfc mukducr; ~ » AGENTS FOR ISRAEL R. SEALY, Wholesale Dealers in ALES, WINES andIMPORTED LIQUORS, Os ail Kinds and Qualities. No. 5, M ER C H A N T 9 > ROW, Hilton Head, 9. C juuel lmo JiIPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, AT WHOLESALE, FOB FAMILY USE, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY & CO. may24-tf gAVaLE&LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C., —AND— CORNER BRYAN STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 ts 1 I L. JONES, -w SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 17 Broadway, Mew York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER & GAMMELL. Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, 84 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference in New York— Messrs, Stafford, Txleston Sc Co.- may'fC QHAHLE9 L. COLBY & CO' SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. JOSES iJLOCK', OOBNFB BAY AMD AUEBOOBM STBEEi'S, SAVANNAH, QA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ifade on Consignments to the £nn of Cuas. L., of New'York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents tit Augusta, Ga. BEFKBBNOES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. may 18—ts OTEELK & BURBANK, O Merchants’ Row, _ Hilton Head, S. C. 'Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries, Boots, Caps Fi Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., <fcc., Ac. partnership, The undersigned have this day firmed a co-partner ship under the him name of Charles L. Color <fc Cos, for the transaction of business as Shipping,Y’omiuis sion and Forwarding Merchants. • CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLWAY, S.PAGE EDMANDS. Savannah. Ga., May 10th, lbtii. ts may 17 Bakery & con fkction eky estabjusu* MENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bukery * Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for " arded to us. Special attention is paid to the m f* n ufacture of Ornamentai Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday ori estival tables, Feb. 3-ts , McMANLS & MURRAY ||roteues. Just received and for sale at the old stand of J. J. Snider ft Cos., Bay street, next door to the Mariner's Church -25 bbls. Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do. Steam Refined “C" Sugar 10 do. Choice Sugar House Syrup. 30 half chests Hyson, Imperial and Oolong Tea. 50 ox 6 boxes Hyson and Imperial Tea. 10 boxes Pearl Starch. 20 half boxes Raisins 25 do* Catsup. 10 do* Lucca Oil. 10 doz. Ground Pepper and Spices. Mackerel, bbls., half bbls. and kits. Codfish, casks and boxes, 100 bbls. Corn Meal. TOO bales Hay. 25 do*. Best Brooms. 50 do*. 2 and 3 hoop Painted Buckets. a bales Gunuy Bagging. 20 pieces S. I. Bagging. 2 bales Hemp Twine. 25 coils half-inch Marietta Rope, lo bbls. Cement. . The undersigned will keep on hand a well selected stock of Groceries, and will sell at low prices for Cash. Consignments of Merchandise for sale on Commis sion, or to be forwarded or stored, will receive atten tion. jul2 3t WM. H. STARK. a M, SCARBROUGH & CO., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 140 Congress and 57 St. Juliana Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA., Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Consisting of TEAS and SUGARS, best brands; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS BACON, (Shoulder and Clear Sides}; LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, See., See., &c., All o( which they are selliug at reduced prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. jeC lmo JJILTON Sc RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will be in constant receipt, per Steamers from New York, of an extensive and complete assortment of Goods consisting, In part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASSES, FLOUR. TEAS, COFFEE, BETTER. CHEESE, LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES, WINES, ALE’ CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attention of the Trade. may23-4w TJACONi FOUR HHDS. BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by 1 IGHAM, BALDWIN <fc CO. mays ts . pRESH IMPORTATION OF— 9EGARS AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND BARNARD STREETS. JACOB LANG9DORF & CO. Have jnst received from their well known House in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGARS, Consisting of all the different bran ds, as well as large stocks ot * SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES: Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam • ine the stock, .iu# lm gOOKS AND STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the Old Stand of J O HN M. COOPER 4 CO., Just Received the Largest aud Best Selected Stock of 2 SCHOOL BOOKS In the Southern States; consisting of Primers, Spellers, Headers, Geographies, Arithmetics, Grammars, Greek, Latin, French, German and Spanish Text books, aud all other Books used in Colleges, Academies aud Common Schools. STATIONERY. Slates, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, Euvelopes, Blank Books, Ac. 1 also have on hand a large assortment of New and populai Novels by the best authors, Dickens. Reynolds, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Wood, Ac. I will keep constantly on hand a large stock of el egant Photographic' Albums and Card Photographs, as well as a constant supply ot the latest Northern Newspa Srs and Periodicals, N, Y Daily and Weekly Newspapers, arper’s Magazine, Godey'e Lady's Book, Atlantic Moutbly, Demorest's Fashion' 1 , Ac., Ac. Everything will i>e sold at the very lowest figures, and special terms are ottered on School Books to Teachers aud others. I can and will sell at least as cheap as any other house in the South. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Call and examine the Stock at the old stand of John M. Cowes 4 Co s W hitaker and St. Julian streets. Savannah, Ua. STEPHEN FARRELLY, ‘ BOOBSF.DI.ER AMD SIaTIONKB. N. B.—All orders for Miscellaneous Books, Music, or any article connected with the trade, filled at the shortest notice. The friends and patrons of the undersigned, and of the firm of John M. Coofeb & Cos., are respectfully so licited to continue their patronage at the old establish ment to Mr. The undersigned may be bis desk as usual, for the purpose of closing up old business affairs and rendering such assistance a* he caa to Mr. F. A general Wholesale business will be established by ,T M 0. <£ Cos., whenever practicable, upon the upper floors of the establishment. jeS lmo JOHN M. COOPER. SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 166* IMPENDING CHANGE OF THE BIIIT ISH MINISTRY. It is evident tliat, from age and increasing iufirmities, Lord Palmerston will have to re sign his po9t of Prime Minister, and* the signs are uo less evident jhat Mr. Gladstone will be his successor. The ministry will then be composed of discordant materials/as have all the ministries which have beeu formed iu England of late years, with the exception of that constituted of the Tories under the lead ership of Earl Derby. There is nothing more remarkable in English history than the frag mentary character of every ministry that was formed in England since the breaking tip of the great Whig party which earned Parlia mentary Reform under Lord Grey. Nothiug but the great personal popularity of Lord Palmerston has given adhesion to the major ity that lie conlrols in the House of Com mons. Lord John Russell has repeatedly failed in the same effort wheu he has assumed the office of Prime Minister, from the want of the same confidence in his ability and com> sistency iu conducting the goveruinent. It is no less remarkable that the balance of parties has given a character of instability to the government while its measures have not been marked by any deviation from that line of policy which has been thought most con sistent with British interests. Lord Derby,, if he had beeu Prime- Minister instead of Lord Palmerston, would have preserved British neutrality in the conflict between the North and South, if we are to judge from his parliamentary conduct during the debates which have taken place to Parliament when the subject has been agitated. On questions of domestic policy the agree meut has been no less remarkable. It seems to be the conviction of Toffies as well as Whigs that parliamentary reform has reach ed the state of “finality.” On the long de bated topic of free trade the Tories appeal to have withdrawn all opposition, There seems to be no contrariety of opinion be tween the two great parties on Colonial questions. The formation of a Confederacy of the British North American Colonies ap pears to meet with acquiescence from both parties, so that it is really difficult to con ceive what themes of parliamentary contro versy remain. It would be instructive to trace the causes which have disintegrated the two great par ties which have of late alternately spared political power in the House of Commons, for it i9 here that the great struggles for as cendency take place. There were three leading measures that formed the subjects of Parliamentary discus sion from the advent to power of Sir Robert Peel in 1829 to the period of his death, i. e. Catholic Emancipation, Parliamentary Re form and Free Trade, in the order in which we have stated them. His agency in each of these measures led to the disintregation of the old parties and the formation of new ones. His advocacy of the Catholic claims severed his connection with the Tories. w r ho, although he was not of their order, being de scended'from the middle classes, was com pelled to accept him as chief. His advocacy of Free Trade consummated the breach be tween them. The Tories came to hate him with the inteusest hatred for what they call ed his defection. He had sacrificed their most cherished religious convictions, iu liis concessions to the Catholics, and their ma terial interests in sui rendering protection to landlords. Neither of these chauges could have been delayed much longer. Public opinion was rapidly tending to Catholic concession and to free trade, but Sir Robert Peel was in that position that enabled him from his ability and influence to advance those measures materi ally. We may date the disintegration of parties from the period of his estrangement from his former political associates New party combinations immediately took place. A third party was formed, not wholly Whig, noi entirely Tory,but with predictions com mon to both. Such was Sir Robert Peel's influence und popularity that he drew off from the old Tory party some of its most brilliant ornaments, such as Lord Aberdeen, Sir James Graham, Mr. . Gladstone, aud many others. By the liberality of his con cessions to the Catholics and to Free /Trade, he attracted to his standard the bulk of the Whigs, and not a few of the Radicals. With these materials he formed a powerful, admin istration; but it was the signal for those new combinations which have led to the in • stability of ministerial power of late years in England. No ministry hss lasted for a longer period than three years except that of Lord Palmers ton, whose principle of cohesion was per sonal popularity combined with the patriotic forbearance of the Tories, who abstained from opposition on several of the most im portant questions- brought into Parliament. It was Lord John Russell displacing Sir Robert Peel, and Earl Derby superseding Lord Jcftm Russell, he being scarcely warm in bis seat before Lord Palmerston assumed the helm. AUthia was the result of- the balance qf parties that baa produced no leas than seven distinct gqvernments during a period of only twelve years. This, as we have said, has beeu effected by those combinations that have prevented ifce ascendancy for more tbau a short ptriod of either of the two great par ties, Whig# and Tories. The wMild appear to have held the balance of power now uniting with the Whigs, and anon with the Tories, tlie Radicals occasionally throw ing in their weight in tlie scale on the side of the Whigs. It deserfioh of a latfle section of the Tories who followed the lead of Sir Robert Peel when he acted indepen dently on ihe Catholic and Free Trade ques tions, that has giyeu, a temporary, prepon derance to the Whig#, reproach of Democratic instability is no longer applica ble to popular governments, when, we thug perceive that under a hereditary niCtfarcby a stable government becomes impracticable. The retirement of Lord Palmerston id like ly to produce the advent to power dually of the Tories. The Whigs have lost that prin ciple of cohesion which they derived from the personal popularity of that uoblemau. That party has beeu deprived by deafe With in a short period, of some of its most shiuing lights—Sir George Cornewell Lewis, Sidney Herbert and the Duke of Newcastle. Mr. Gladstone will make a desperate throw tor the Premiership chi the retirement of Lord Palmerston, and he may succeed for a short time, for although A man of resplendent ora torical ability, he has not the the Whig partv, and his defection from the Tories makes him very little le9s hated by them than was Sir Robert Peel. What in creases the chances of the Tories under Lord Derby succeeding to place and power, is tyo late event of the collapse of the Southern Confederacy. This event has uo doubt strengthened the Conservative party through out Eurppe, for it is uot the result of flict, where there was such great disparity of resources, hut the tendency to disorganiza tion of Democratic institutions, that will be regarded- . * * * A Scrap of History. [From the N. Y. Times, May 29 ] Apropos of the complaint of Gen. Sher man that his correspondence with General Johnston, respecting the amnesty before the capitulation of the rebel t roops in North Ca rolina, lias been withheld from the public by the Secretary of War, it is as well to relate the following comment, the truth of which will not be questioned. Ju9t before General Grant initiated his splendid campaign against Vicksburg, in the spring of 1863, and after all the preparations had been made for swinging loose from ttye base of supplies on the Mississippi river, to make the circuitous inland march via Jackson, Miss , to the rear of Vicksburg, he was called upon by Gen. Sherman, aud spoken to as follows : “Gen. Grant, I feel it to be my duty to say that, as a subordinate officer, I am bound to give you my hearty co-operatioa in this movement; but, having no faith in it, I feel it due to my military reputation to protest against it iu writing, and hope that my pro test will be forwaided by you to Washing- “ Very well, Sherman," quietly replied the Commanding Genera], “'send along your pro test, I’ll take care of it.” The next day General Grant received Gen eral Sherman’s papers, and the movement was llien initiated, which culminated, in less than three months, in the surrender of Vicks burg and its immense garrison. .Prior, how ever, to Pemberton’s capitulation, but after U was morally certain that the rebtlstronghold must fall, General Sherman rodagnpato Gen eral Grant’s headquarters one day, aqd found his chief stretched on the ground beneath his ‘rty, '■ endeavoring to keep as in the sultry midsummer weather. They were chatting pleasantly on the*pfo|frectß of the quickly approaching success when Gen eral Grant’s assistant adjutant general came up and asked him for a certain pttoei: qT offi cial importance. It is well known that Generalffatatijf enter ed upon the campaign without sonal baggage than a tooth-bnfSh,. *‘ana this accounts for thO fact that his official records were carried in the breast-poeketfof bis mili tary blou*. -Taking a from this receptacle he selected the one that had been asked for,-and before putting the rest away drew forth a secorfd paper from the pile. Then, turning to SlSßraiwMavith a merry twinkle in his eye, he aa4d. , »>V‘By the by, General, here is somethin* » t wWch „ will ’interest you.” Sherman took Jf, a^dsaw the “protest" which a little aforeg than two months before he had handed to. General Grant, to be forwarded to Washington through the proper channel. An expression, half astonishment and half gratification, dif fused itself over Bherman’a war-worn features, which quickly changed .to dt# »of.supreme satisfastibn when General Off#took the paper froYn his hand, and, taring it' into small fragments, scattered them to the winds. No further allusion tot he rrftttter was made on either side. —.—i 1.. «.» For Savannah by Ovkri.ani> Roptk.— We are gratified to be able to anffounccfthat ar rangements have been completed to take pas sengers and freight to and from Savannah by the overland reute. The Aug cuactl and wagon train*will leave Tuesday.morning at We are iuformed that Intention, in a few'days, tfl rua his cOach regularly to Savannah in conofftSflca with the train which runs from here t?JJriyn^sboro’. We are also informed that fjr®pds to run a regular wagon'train to transportation of goods. Both' *of these en terprise will be a great *ee«MHfcdation to the public; and we trust tbe'pfrojeettor wilt find them profitable ones - ronick, PRICE. 5 CENTS i«*GB. '* An-- -4JU--. The Peril* of Modem Courtship. ' . * W».« n be ajpi&tp be trader, makin* him ittt- J AWt for scoff. , £ ** l & ?* ‘Hr*... . Girls aint «s they Were, by a chalk that is loqg, My own experience the change vrtlUprove • They’re getting too forward, they’re going: *t strong On the slang move. There’s saintly Maria the other night, When,l offered mv heart to the mihx on my kne-s. She hoien ionaly said, upsfttuiq me quite, •That’s Jnst the cheesa ”• ‘Alas for sentiment, amt “Love’s young dream !" Dis' 'BHJtieth ■rhuti'oold I do botceffifcT She quickened my pace toa run with th%scream, Where do the dear erestnr('*plek'upsucli afang f X> why wpi “the angels" all romance destroy t When I Kissed the coy Lucy* on me she SDion?, 'Stoky o#boy>“ I was sweet on Anisfnda- charmer divine • I asked her U»-We-s«c, hi accent* devoid; . She said, wheta Hold ter I was “in In a whirl,” •That tet’a yotioui !" *•” Whan I mat tha staid .folia; oh, mtreiy I thought, ‘i Here la a ikuhna devoid, of low wit— . w Her advice was. whenT owned myself caught, ’ .!* '“Otutrt on the Wt lit *■ I declare it’s a shame to.b» treated so rode— <-% When a chap is inclined to “do the neat thing, ” To ha vo the hint dropped on bis tofcs by a prude, j. "He’s on a atnagi"ij I’ve been quite a fond devotee ip, “But so many ‘-set hacks” have made me grow ahv I begin to believe It I*jnst as they say, * ™ An Important Circular. In these latter days of grand reforms, among the many notable srtMenoes of changes for the better in the various depart ments of t&e general govenjment org&nlza tion, none is more noteworthy tffitn' the indi cation of a higher tone of moral sentiment and more just appreciation of the account ability of our rulers and those whom that' employ to the people and toGod* One of the most recent of these nWfiffestations is embodied in the annexed Circular the Secretary of the Interior, to Ihe’heads (fee various bureaux in his Department: DEPARTMENT OF THriNTKRIOR, } Washington, D. <5?, AWy 30, 1865.) Sin—You will please .report jo me as early as practicable the nameAfmd<(K»itk>Dteyour bureau of all employees whom you know to have entertained disloyal sentiments toward the Government of the United States since the bombardment of Fort Sumter. - ■ 2d. All such persous as have not been known to entertain loyal sentiments-aad whp were knoWu to be disloyal. Bd. All such persons as are not necess try for the transaction of the public business, or who are inefficient. 4th. All such persons as disregard in their conduct, habits, and associations i the rules of decorum and propriety prescribed 'by k Cfiris tian civilization. x a Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Jas, Haklan, Sec’ry. The Education of ihe Blacks.—ln an article on this subject, the Washington Chronicle says: But, next to the black people themselves, there are hone so deeply interested in the elevation of that long-oppressed race" as the white people of the Stoutb. It is impossible to be placed in contact with ice without be ing cold, or with ignorance and .vice without partaking of them. Every effort to enlighten the negroes will elevate the intellectual and moral standard of the whites. Who is now so blind as not to see that the absence of* literature in the South has been due to the repression of the education anioug the ne groes ? The chain which bound down the faculties of the subject race fettered and dis torted that of its oppressors, aud the result has been barrenness. In a merely pecuniary point of view, also, the white people of the South have everj - thing to gain and nothing to lose by educa ting the negroes. Thelaborof the lifter will be more efficient, They will make better citi zens, and they will be les3*vicious aud uu ruly. Prejudices, founded J in Contempt of the race, will abate ih proportiotfto its eleva tion, and thus peace and prospqsty will be promoted. '&L In addition to all these jftmsli&iatlons, the Southern people must undersijjfil that, if they neglect the great dtUf of edncatlng>aud elevating their late bondmen,.,others yflfii step in and undertake the wort, ’at the risk of creating a feeling of alleiotoion and Hval ry. They should therefore take the work in their own hands, and, by their zeal and ener gy, prevent others Gksl. Sam. Jose* Denies tHe Infamous Order Attrb(;tei» *o Him.—’flic Port Royal New South say&* . -.* *. ... We have receivefcrtbe following note from Gsh, Sam. Jones, Ajod are happy. Jo publish hi* statement. It uflll make his old com rades *6f the First U. S. Arfiltory' feel, kind lier towards ’ binft la a Conversation With us-he referred to. the-Federal soldiers—offi cers and had fatten into his hands, as prisoners oJt war, for the truth of his statement. HR address was certainly very much-in his fitvor and far from the appearance of ruffianism that has been attributed to him hereabouts: Hilton Heap, June 2, 1865. Ta the Editor of * the*'New South In your papef iMtoed yesterday, find dated Saturday, Junff 3, 1865, it is stated- that I had ordered not to take colored prikmers. The statement.;.!* wholly eirone ous. I gave no'aucn orderl*. Respectfully, 4 aim. j3* Sam,Jo»m. Major General. Kentucky sarrounded on all sides by free teristory; on the i south by Ten nessee, bn the west by Missouri, on the north by Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, aud '• ‘on the east by West Virginia; and eveh ifshe still had it in her power to prevent the Constitu tional Amendment from being carried, and Slavery from befog abolished, theKeotucky Mavehoiders would faHWfifcr fipdk difficult to keep their slavey and to save Slavery. -The “Faust” and the ‘Tudor’.are the names of ladiesrgundhataihU Spring.