Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 20, 1865, Image 3

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#*to Ji,bbfrtiscmrnts,. L“ T - ~ About 2 p. m., .Tune lCrh. on Brvan street, between Drayton and Bull, or on Buii street. between Brvan and Broughton, A SILVER CASED HINTING WATCH, having the following m.,rks: St. Haight Time Keeper, l ine, Hands No. 8597 il. Bock (Locle). • ISrubis £. Jacob, 36,5C4. A suitable reward will be paid to anv one delivering the above watch at the northeast corner South Broad and Bull streets. jn2o 1 jf£OOMS TO KENT, .on bay lane, In rear of Custom House. Apiy to JtftO * A BEASLEY. J_7'OR NEW* YORK FREIGHT AND PASSAGE THE FINE AI CLIPPER SCHOONER RUTH H, BAKEF., ’* *fi commence trading for the above port on Monday "hej2lst inst, at foot of Whitaker streetand will clear n Thursday, the 23th Hassaperior accommodations sor passengers. First Cabin, SSO Steerage, sls. • Apply to C. L. COLBY & CO., ju2Q 16 Comer Bay and Abercom sts. 7^ ORTH RIVER AGRICULTRAL WORKS <3 BIFFING, BROTHER & CO., Proprietors, 53 abo 60 Courij akp Street. NEW Y • O R K Manufacturers of Flow-. Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn’Mills, Cotton Gins. &c. Every implement w anted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds. Also, Agents lor Bruce’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, &c, Send for circular. j U 2o Mm COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS. Bat Street, CrrosiTE Mariners’ C’ucrcu SAVANNAH, GA Refer to Messrs. G. M. Barnard &] Cos., Boston _ JO2O ts F. LOPEZ & CGv Ccßi-Er. or Born and Bkououton Stseet, SAVANNAH, GA . Has Just received a fine lot of Genuine Havana Se gars, vk, CaBaNAS BREVAS. FATRIA ESPARTEROS, CUBAROAS LONDRES, FI OR Dr GOMES jUeO 2 HGGCt & CO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 2 Stoddard's Block, opposite Custom House. . SAVANNAH, OA. Having opened a House at the above stand, in con nection with onr House in Philadelphia, wt- offer to the Trade -250 barrels Bourbon and Rve Hams, Breakfast bacon and Shoulders." Bagged Beef, Lard , Broom , Washboards, Lim) in hogsheads, &e. Consignments to our House in Philadelphia solici ted. MAC rrv W r,, ;r; & Cos, No. 2 Stodd-- 8 Block, Sa? amah, Ga. j;i2o-lm 26 Sou h Water street, p .Jadelpbia, TOBacTY/ auhW’V GEORGE R CRUMP & CO, and 9 Bec> a je> Stem, Augusta, Ga . Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. ju2o R. CRUMP & COZ AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 202 Beoat> Sibset, Augusta, Ga. _jU2O Q UNDRIES NO ISO bales Hay, lOOiarrelij Western Flour, lOtnmskeis Oats, UK) bushels Corn l uEd'.ng from scjroouer Mitch Queen, and for sale c >' _ RICHARDSON & BARNARD. . Bay street, opposite Mariners’ Church, ts - Savannah, tJa. Lo;kcc;.ak. i OFFICEfcHIEF MEDICAL DIRECTOR, District of Savannah, Tune 18, 1385 .v Sen enlisted men in this District are fit subjects lor discharge from service, the Medical Officer of the uegimeiu to which the man belongs, will bring the man before the Medical Ex-mining Board, now in session in Savanuah, Ua., with the discharge papers properly made out. The recommendation ol this Board is necessary iu all eases for discharge of enlisted menlrom seiwice JOHN *i?RKNOR, Jb. , x.-on - , Surgeon of Vols., _ Chief Med. Oflicer Dis. of Savannah. JT 0R A PINE NECK TIE, GO TO IVES'. HUADQ’HS DEPT Os THE SjUTU, i Oncm ObbeesT™ Ueu,; SC ” June K ' lBW i No. 93. j All officers and men on detached service within *h„ uuiita of this department, and belong to •'■hose term otservice expires prior to octonef i', are hereby relieved from duty and will L immediately to their regimental commanders 1 p 1 By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE W. L. M. Bcrueb, Official A SBistant Ad s »t.ant General. . T I>. iIODQE.V, aP - -Adjt. Gen. QO-PARTNERSHIP, shm‘;., n^de^ ig B ed hft7e lhls day formed a co-partner erthe tirmnumeof Charles L. Coloy * Cos, « at, of hu3ine3s «# Shipping, Cominis oion and Forwarding Merchants. CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H. HOLJVAY, Savannnh r, „ SPAGE EDIIAJSDS. —Mayluth, iscj. ts maylT HEADQ’fiS. V. S. FORCES, Orders > s “ v dnnah: Ga , June TANARUS, 1365. No. 40. *” / officers are announced on the ststar.t Post Provost Marshal. N V Actl^Aid^CamlT 0 C Chanre ’ 103du S.C.*. Hy command of b Diar, A^ e A et (f lig ‘ Gt,n - w fWMORD. 'Jf u >HOTOURAPHkH§~ 7 ... for sale, juie-lf {U 0 m s, Rooms to let at hilton head! s. c„ m The Palmetto Herald Building, corner of Mer chants’Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable for busi ness purposes or lodgings. Applv to W. S. S AMPSON Jr., or> the premises, t s mar4m [ §anfs. JN HEIGHT WANTED FOR AUGUSTA The Enterprise boats Nos. 1 and 2 will leave for Au gusta from Demund’s Cotton Press, on Tuesday next 2flth inst., having a good portion of their cargo en gaged. and arg ready to receive the balance at anv time up to Monday evening. For further particulars enquire of . ,_ M. H. WILLIAMS, cor. Bryan gtreee and Market Square. fiflst anb PONY LOST. A small Mare, with Saddle and Bridle on - was left yesterday forenoon iu front of the Market • either strayed or was stolen. A reward of sls will lie naid tor hei return Apply to y DAVID R. DILLON, Steamer Amazon, to J. C. C. WILLIAMS J n2 ‘■* SQriven county, Ga JpOCKET BOOK LOST Containing a sum es money, some accounts, and a card cut from a paper The finder will bs awarded by leaving the boobs at tjfe Herald Counting Room, or at the Chief Quartermaster’s office. , , DO SAMUEI HOFFMAN, jut 8.., Captain Steamship LoyaliM, STOLEN From the stable of the subscriber, on the night of the 17th June, a SORREL HORSE, about seven years old, with saddle, bridle and blankel. A LIBERAL RE WARD will be oaldfor the recovery of the above property, by H. E. LORD, Capt and C. S. V. jal9-tf Depot Commissary. JVES- IS COR. BULL STREET AND BAY LANE.| PKB 8 H IMPORTATION OF— *> SEGAR3 AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, BETWEEN WHITAKER AND EAKNAEIx STREETS, JACOB LANGSDORF & CO . Have just received from their well known Bouse in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of C' IGA R S , . \ Consisting ol ail the different brands, as well as large stocks of «. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICKS; Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam ine the stock,’ jn» lm QLASS ! GLASS ! ! D S. SCHANCK & SON, (Formerly Sohank. & Downi»a.j Extallifhed 1557, Importers and Dealer* in NPENVH WINDOW. COACH, CAR, ana PICTURE GI.AS3. —ALSO, — COLORS® AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS, ROUGH PLATE GLASS FOR FLOORS and SKYLIGHTS, From \ to \% inch* thick. old DEPOT, 45 AND 4; CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. j ill 3-1 mo HEADQ’RS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Hea,., S.[C„ June 14. 1665, Genebal Orders, * No. 92. / I. Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Charleston, S. C., pursuant to Special Orders No. 64, Par 1, dated Headquarters Northern District, D. S., Ist Separate Brigade, Charleston, S. C., March 29th 1365, and of which Col. .James C. Beecher, 35th U. S. O. Troops, 3s President, was arraigned and tried • Private Simon Grant, Cos. H, 2tat U. S. C. 'Troops. Charge; “Murder.” Sfsoieioation—“ln this, that he, the said Private Simon Grant, Cos. H, 21st U. S. C. TANARUS., did with malice utorethought and without provocation, wilfully shoot Private Cuffy Wright, 21st U. S. C. TANARUS., causing his instant death.” This at the camp of the 2lst U. S. C. TANARUS., Mount Pleasant, S. C., on or about, the 10th day of April, isoc To which charge and specification the accused pleaded. “Not Guilty.” Finding : The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, dud the accused. Private Simon Grunt, Cos H, ‘-‘lst U. S. C. TANARUS„ at follows. Os the specification, “Guilty ’’ Os the charge, “Guilty.”. . , Skntknck: Ql -I™* ri *5 rtdo therefore sentence him. Private iUt ‘ ,C om P an y H,2l»t Regiment United States S'?, TANARUS,» tob€ han K ed by the neck until he be m»v» h ns? e K and pIHCe as the P ro P«“r authority d £‘PflrHA d t t i°* be c l? ntlned in irons until such sen- therein effeC *’ tw ° tbird» of the members 11. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case, haling been approved by the officer ordering the Court and submitted to the Major Gen eral Commanding the Department, for hiS action thereon, the same are hereby approved an and confirmed The sentence will be carried into extend!munderdL rectlon of the General Commanding th«* Northern District, at such place end at such fime wUhin one week alter the receipt of this order, as he mav see fit By Command of may see fit. Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE W. L. M. B . Assistant Adjutant General. Offisiai - T. D Uodgis, Capt. 30th U. 8. C. TANARUS., Act Asst, Adiit. Gen. je2o It STEELE * BURBANK, Merchants’Ro; r, Hilton B *.*ad, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retai I purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOT BING Attn „ FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes. Belts, Embroideries, Hoots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets loves, Ac., Ac;, Ac; NEW YORK. The steamship CAROLINA, Phillips, Master, will leave for the above port on WEDNESDAY, the 21st inst. For freight ot; passage apply to jul> HUNTER A GAMMELL. pASSAGE FOR NEW YORK. The At Clipper Schooner JOHN ROSE. Captain Fournier, will clear on MONDAY and sails TUESDAY at 10 P. M. FIRST CABIN ENTIRELY FULL! Steerage almost full-only a few chances left. Price sl'r>. Applv to CHAS. L, COLBY A CO. jul9 It Cor Bay and Abereoru sts. piXBY’S LINE NEW YORK PACKETS? The Schooner JANE F. DURFKE will commence discharging cargo this morning at the foot of Jefferson street. Consignee-*'will please obtain their Permits and attend to receiving their consignments. Freights payable the delivery of cargo. WM CANTWF.LI.. jnl9 2 Agent. PIVER STEAMER FOR SALE An Iron SIDE WHEEL HIGH PRESSURE RIVER STEAMER. Drawing 22 inches of water Hall 155 feet long; 2C feet Beam,- 5 feet 6 inches depth ol' hold has two in clined Engines. 20 inches diameter of cylinder, (5 ieet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck is clear for freight, and the passenger accommo dation is above. She is well adapted for trade on a ■shoal water rivet. Is entirely new, well and substan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain Apply to PUSEY, JONES A CO. ; Irqp Steamboat Building, Wilmington, Delaware. jul7 lm OTICE TO CONSIGNEES Consignees per steamer Carolina are notifie a that she is discharging at the foot of Abercorn street. Par ties having goods, or, board will hand in their - ermits and come prepared to pay their freight upon the wharf JulT HUNTER A GAMMELL. hotels. * pORT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUGG, Pbopeiftosb. F. S. 81D0E1.1., M. F. Hi 00. ju3-tf pULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH. GA. BARTELS A RIDDELL, Propp.i r roit*. O. BAWrrIM. E."S. KIDtIRLL. jllo-'f pOR YOUR TOILET ARTICLES, GO TO IVES’. p^OTICE^ The Proprietor of the. SAVANNAH CITY FLOU R MILLS, Bega to announce to his numerous patrons that he has made a liumocr of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, and is now prepared to furnish his customers with a full snpply of the best * GRITS . AND MEAL, and everything t hat can be expected from a FIRST-CLASS MILLING ESTABLISHMENT, He pledges himseif to always sell his Goods and do his work 25 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He is prepared to grind Wheat and Corn at the customary y a toll, and in addition will, as above stated, always be prepared to furnish hie friends with everything in the old style. His place of business is at the well-known spot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET. jul!i-tf poWLE & CO., NO TO, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Formerly of Alexandria, Va. IMPORTERS OF RAILROAD IRON’, AND— DEALERS IN RAILROAD SECURITIES AND RAILROAD SUPPLIES, Or Every Description. Are prepared to contract lor the delivery of rails either f. o. b, in Wales or ex-ship at any desired Port. jul9 6m 3500 TON * or ENGLISH R 1 A I L S , Os best quality. 50x58 per lineal yard. For sale by jul9 6m FOWLF & CO. rpO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER 1 SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER,- BENNET'f & BROWN, Successbrs to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4(j Vzset Street, a.bvt York. And Memphis, Tenn, Thomas Fenner, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowman. jul9 Cm JQENNIS,. PERKINS A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANT'S, * m No. 65 Broad Street, NEW YORK. julO lm j_ ________ C o'M MISSION MERCHANT, i FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE - or ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF MERCHANPI3, No 294 Broad Srarri. AUGUSTA, GA i jni; L lat STUART* COTTON BROKER, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF COTTON, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, *OiTici No. 4 Jaoxson Stazbt, Acocsta, Ga. jni: 3t groceries. H. G. RI’WE A CO., Cornfu St. Jrt.tßN Struct and Montmknt Sijcabi-, Near the Pulaski House, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES. FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS, WINES CIGARS. Ac. N Also Agents for two large and excellent Breweries, at New York, from which we receive the be«t of ALES AND LAGER BIER. Also, constantly on hand the best EAST INDIA ALE. Werame.down here very inexperienced in business, as conducted under necessary military restrictions; and coming unprovided with the proper papers for onr trade, we at first labored under many disadvan tage*. But we now consider ourselves well posted, and having, by strict compliance with all military rules, been put on a good looting tor disposing of our Stock, with the propei’ license, we propose to offer unusual inducements to toe trade MV shall give a superior article at a small advance on New York prices. MONEY_OR GOODS ADVANCED FOR COTTON. RICK, AND GENERAL PRODUCE, ini? ts M SCARBROUGH A CO. GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 140 Congress and 5.7 St. Streets, BAVANHAxi, GEORQI4., Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,. A LARGE STOCK of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Consisting ot TEAS and SUGARS, best brands ; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS, BACON, (Shoulder and Clear Sides;; LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, Ac., Ac., Ac., All o( w hich they are selling at reduced prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. jeC lmo JJILTON A|RANDEL L, * ~ W H<>l.K KAI. E GROCERS, * R>3 RAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Will be iu constant receipt, per Steamers from New lork, of an extensive and complete assortment of Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRIT 1 , MOLASSES, FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEK, BUTTER, CHEESE, ' LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES. WINES, aLK‘ CIDER, ETC., ETC., ETC. To which they call the attention of the Trade, may 23-4 w T jUfAY BUTTER AND CHEESE. 2(i tubs of Choice Goshen BUTTER, 20 boxes (,'hoice CHEESE, SO tubs LEAF LARD, Received by steaipers and for sale by j McMahon, iulMt ('or. Jefferson and Broughton sts. pJ.OSHEN BUTTER AND CHEESE. Choice and Extra FAMILY FLOUR, In barrel's and half hands, just received per steamer Carolina, and for sale bv * WM. H. STARK, gACON. •> FOUR HHDS BALTIMORE BACON, For sale by , IGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. pOR YOUR FINE BOOTS, GO TO IVES’. •yyiNES, LIQUORS, ALES, &c.; PHILIP B. MARSH, BATTERSBY’S WAREHOUSE, fHEAD OF BAY I.AXI.j Has for sale a Superior Stock of OLD PENET CASTILIAN BRANDY. OLD OTARD DUPUY BRANDY. PLELLIVAISAIN BRANDY. SWAN GIN AND WINDMILL GIN WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. SHERRY AND MADEIRA WINE. IMPERIAL AIE, STOUT, • CIDER. # Ail oi which he has in rases or in bulk, with his usual and well assorted Stock of GROC ERIES. Ail of which are offered at a small advance on New New York cost and charges. julC-Iw pORN, OATS, BRAN, HAY AND FLOUR, Landing from steamer Carolina, and for sale from the Wharf or at the corner of Bryan Street and Mar ket Square. 3t ju!9 ||m ns (limits. SWEATNAM’S VARIETIES. (COBNKB BROrOIITON AND .'BVPBSON STREETS,; (Formerly St. Andrew’s Hall.; W. P. Kweatxam Sole Leasee and Manager M. Freuzuthymcr Muniral Director TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 20, tS66, Will be presented the affecting Drama, in two Acta, of THE IDIOT WITNESS; OR A TALE OF BLOOD. Orchestra Half Buahe 1 Jig, .... Master CharU* Exile’s Return, nr the Broken Heart, an affecting I Act and Taoleau, by Blance and Wallace Serio-Comic Song, - - .Miss Lotty Howland OvKRTIKK, - - . - - - ObCSZSTRA. The whole to conclude with the Side-Splitting MASQUERADE AND BALL In active preparation. “MIRIAM’S CRIME'/ and the “DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER." Cards of Admission .76c. Orchestra Seats $1 00 Colored Boxes (up stairs; 76c Doors opeu at 7 y-. Overture begins at BJ!^ Si-EciAi. Notice. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall. je2o-l THEATRE. HII.TON HEAD, GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE NEW THEATRE, WITH THE DAVENPORT COMBINATION COMPANY. Fodrth Week, of the Highly Prosperous Season I The Company Is composed of the following Ladies and Gentlemen Mr A H, Davenport, Mr T. J, Herndon, Mr Wm Simpson, Mr J Rogers, ' Mr. Bowen, Miss Florence La Fond, Mrs. M L Berrell, And other*. iST Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of engage ments, and Stars, will nddreHs 4 A H. DAVENPORT, jnl9 Theatre, Hilton Head. ... x J. LAJ.BJg. 0r#0«. %t. ■ “QRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. A choice selection of .. .. > DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES. .msT landed YORK. Apothecaries, Planters, and traders from the Interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality.' All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH, WIIO I. EBALE iNI) ( RITAIL. * AT APOTHECARIES' HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. N. B. Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, jnlC-ltm •• Proprietor. 11 . . . ■" —gar" JV ES HAS PHOTOGRAPH VIEWS OF SAVANNAH. piDDELL & MURDOCK, AI)FN'T» FOB ISRAEL B. fIEALY, Wholesale Dealers in ales, wines ahdlmported liquors. Os all Kinds and Qualities NO 5, MEit C NTS’ ROW. Hiltos Head, S. C junel lmo pOTTON! COTTON II U. S. PURCHASING AGENCY, SAVANNAH, OA., MAY 29, 1665. All dersons, owners, bringing Cotton into the City on private account, either by land or the river, are hereby required to report and register the same at this office. Purchasers are also requested to make dally reports at this office of their purchases; of whom ' bought, number of bales, and weight of each bale. T. P. ROBB. U. S. Purchasing Agent. maySft—tf Bakery & confectionery establish ment AT BEAUFORT. 4 We respectfully call the attention of the public to onr Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Bam A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are ptppared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to ns. Special attention is paid to the man ufactnre of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday ors estival tables, • * Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. Sr COMPANY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Having leased the large and commodious Warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Dana <fe Wushbarne. 114 Bay street, Savannah, Go., we are prepared to Store and Forward all kinds of Merchandize. Liberal ad vances will be made on COTTON* • Consigned to our friends In New York, or Liverpool. England KEIN & COMPANY. Refertnces.— Messrs Smith* Dunning, New York; C. C. * H. M Fabor, New York ; W. A. Smith, Esq:.' Mobile, Ala.; Cabot * Sen ter, St. Louis. julS • lmo HEADQUARTERS POST OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., June 15,1365 Gemzsal Orders,) No. 46. > , . After Sunday, June 18th, inst., no person will be al lowed to keep a Theatre, Billiard Saloon, BoWUng Al ley, Concert Saloon, or any place of public amusement at this Post until he has obtained a License therefor from these Headquarters. Applications for such Licenses must be made in writing to Capt. E. G. Dike, Post Treasurer. The License fees will be as follows: ’ For a Theatre $ 26 00 Billiard Saloon, for each table 10 00 bowling Alley, for each alley 10 00 Concert Saloon.,: Mo 00 For any place of pnblic amusement not herein spec ified, such tees, ranging from ten dollars upwards, as the Post Treasurer may deem proper. The Post Pro vost Marshal and Chief of Police are charged with the thorough enforcement of this order. ify command of Brevet Brig. Gen. S, L. WOODFORD. Ed-.vard G. Dike, A. A. G. jolS-7