Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 22, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald, THURSDAY. .H’SK 33, lUfiA IKOIi EVENING EDITION . OF yesterday. Thk Twkstv pkk cent. Tax on Cottos. The removal of this tax has given general satisfaction tifnll engaged in trade. Intend ed as a lax on those engaged in the rebellion, it was only proper as a war measure, lieing otherwise an unjust impost on those whose loyalty to the Union was undisputed. Be sides, it was a tax on the consumer of the raw material, whether in fcnrope or the l ni ted States, as where an article is scantily sup plied, (ns is the case at present with cotton) the harden falls on the consumer ol the sta pie. Con'ikactoks wiil find elsewhere an ad vertiserneut by the Chief Engineer of the At lantic & Gull Railroad, announcing that, pro posals will be received for t{ie rebuilding ot that road from the Little Ogeachee to the Alain Bridge, of the Altamaha. From New York.— The U. »S. Mail steam ship America, Clift, consigned to Messrs. Bngltam, Baldwin & Cos., arrived this morn iug from New York. . The America sailed from New York on last Haturday evening and brought a heavy mail, a number ot pas sengers, and a lull cargo. Mr. Robert H. Owen, Purser, and Mr. Frank Galven, engi ner of the America, have our thanks for favors. The following is a list of consignees and passengers: Consignees.— Dzalynski & Slager, R. H. Tatein, City of Savannah, E. O’Byrne, John Hart, [S], H. G. Ruwe, W. Markham, L Lorentz, G. Yolger & Cos., R. M. Hunt, J. Spivey, Mrs. glippa, Savilte & Leacb, Hilton ’ A Randell, J. O’Donnell, [H], [G. & S.j, Wm. Battersby A Cos., Michael Lavin, S. W. Wright, H. A A . O. A. IJpdge, A. B. lve°, M. H. W., [j], [N], O. C.. fH. H.JWtn. H. Stark, George Gemenden. C.‘ Beermau, AN . & C., T. Henderson, G. & 3., C. 8., S. H. E., [l], [X], Emil Koetche, J. A. K.., NV. H. TANARUS., Bartels & Ritldle, George Welbrook, Adams’ Express, E. Ehrlich. D. Stelling, care A. Fowlett, A. Meyers, B. A R., H. Mein hard, Mr. Cummings, J. B. Ross,.W. H. M., Mrs. Hanson, ;lvj, E. Bond A Cos. Passengers. —John N. Kein, C. Lawrence, A. Tweuname, Bowles Colgate, J. Spiely, G. W. Brasnhall, J. Sedge wick, W. Betty and triend, H. G. Kurhrt and lady, G. H. Moses, J. M. MitcliHl, M. Bogart, J. Boyd; P. Beranee, A. M. Bruce, George Willets, R PI. Stuart, J. Kauffer, .3. Meyer. M. Cum mings, NY. F. Holland, Alisa Elliott, Mrs. Mary D. Brown, Mrs. E. Shippen, Mrs. Ho sensteel, Melina Bobider, PI. Asher, Charles Baker, Mr. Nathan, Mr. Dickson, J. G. Mills, <3. D. Perkins, Airs. Sampson, Mrs. F. B. Cabbell, J. H. Longley, J. Blake, D. P. Ohcsley, C. R. Meirill, Mr. Wallace, Joseph Do Young, NY. D. Lee, F. M. Platt, J. C. Holmes, C. Beermau, C. Huneken, ,NV. H. Howard, J. Hai ring, C. Churchill, AV. Brice, R. Cowdin, AV. T. Thompson. Thiuh * of the Connectirlit I-rtfl-lnt in r to. Major tttneral Uirge. We announced, a few days since, the pas sage of complimentary resolutions to Major General Birge hy the Legislature of Connec ticut. We liud the following in relation to the resplutious in the Norwich Bulletin’s legislative reports: THANKS TO OEn. BIROE. «t>n taking; up the resolutions, Mr. Corn stock, late Major of the 13th C. V., said while he would not review the career of General Birge, though it had been a brilliant one, he would say that while we honor our sol diers we honor ourselves. It is a common saying that republics are ungrateful, not so with this State of late, nor should it tie that his son, like the son <;f Putnam, should be compelled to go into a labored argument to prove the rank of his father. After being chosen Colonel he labored indefatigably through the organization of the regiment, through the dreariness of Ship Island, and at New Orleans was appointed to com mand the defences of New Orleans. He fought at Lafourche. He commanded the reserve in the 14th of June, 1863, at Port Hudson, and he was selected to lead the for lorn hope of 1000 men destined to make the last attack on the foil. Such was the honor m wftch Gen. Banks held him, that he was one of the commissioners appointed to ar range the terms of capitulation. Afterward appointed a brigadier; during the series of disasters of the Ked River expedition, he gained the almost sole victory of Cane river. Now transferred to Western Virginia, he still continued to distinguish himself and rendered the most important services on the occasion <it Sheridan's terrible recoil upon Early. Mr Prat! heartily approved the statements of Mr. Comstock. Mr. Hamilton of Farmington said he could testify to the worth of Gen. Bilge, having served under him. and endorsed the resolu tions. The resolutions were unanimously passed. Paving thi National Debt.— Speaking ot the stupendous scheme first set before the public by the New York Herald, ot paying oft "the entire national debt by private sub scriptions, the New York Ledger, which has by far the largest circulation of any pure ly literary paper in w^merica,#hys : The first idea suggested by the Herald, of immediately paying off the national debt by private subscriptions nfs2l),ooo each is peeu iiuriy an American idea. No other people would'have dared even to contemplate such a stupendous movement. And it has been gallantly led qff bv Commodore Vanderbilt, with an ini tiafi subscription of $500,000 Several other gentlemen have also put down their tiatttes lor pop of more shares of 920,- 000 £ftch; ahd the chutlces tiff that Within a short time the sums subscribed Wltl count by hundreds of millions. That’s the way to doit. Let us pay off the national debt at once, in the off-hand, American style, and not have it dragging along, with its burdens and annoyances of taxation, lor generations and centuries to come, after the old-fogy, European, pauper-fashion. Let everybody who can even contribute a dollar towards it. give that sum if no more; for we do not be lieve in confining the enjoyment of such a patriotic luxury to twenty-thousand-doHar men. The people—the great, enlightened, noble hearted, generous, patriotic., American people—will want, and will have a hand in this most magnificent movement of all the ages. Let us all take hold of it, then in the true democratic spirit. The Ledger will do its share. Still Later from the North. ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA, NY a lock nates to the 17th lustaut. TWO IMPORTANT PROCLAMATIONS. Win, 1,. Sharkey Appointed Provisional Governor of Mississippi ALL RESTttimOH OX TRADE BEHOVED. The Tax on Cotton Taken Oil*. The Work of Steeonstriiutioii Ac tively Going Forward, GRIEVANCES OP COLORED PEOPLE IN RICHMOND. Ben Wood Implicated with the Conspirators, niitlti OF ANOTHER PRiiCE. The Markets, Gold, Cotton, etc., etc., etc. Proclamations. President Johnson on the 13th inst. issued two important, proclamations. In one of these the President appoints the Hon. William L. Sharkey, Provisional Governor of the State ot Mississippi, and directs that he proceed, at the earliest practicable period, to take meas ures for calling a convention of the people, the delegates to which shall be elected by the unqualified loyal only, tor the purpose Os al tering or amending the State Constitution and taking such other action as shall bo ne cessary to restore the Commonwealth to its constitutional relations to the national gov ernment, Tliis proclamation is similar in its instructions and provisions to that appointing Mr. Holden Governor of North Carolina.— The qualifications of electors after the reinsti tution of State government is left to be fixed by the convention or by the Legislature, and the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Navy and Interior and the Postmaster General and Dis trict Judge are directed to take the proper steps for putting in force the various laws which fall within the province of their de partments. The other proclamation of the President is supplementary to those heretofore issued re garding the. removal of the restrictions on trade in the lately insurrectionary States. It. declares the removal, with certain specified exceptions, of all restrictions on trade—in ternal, coastwise, domestic and foreign—in and with ports in the States heretofore pro nounced in rebellion, east of the Mississippi river, after the Ist day of July next. The President also proclaims that, the authority of the United States- being undisputed within tike limits of Tennessee, all disabilities and disqualifications attaching to said Stale and its inhabitants are removed. The Tar on Cotton. The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, under date of June 17th, says: As there, appears to be a wide difference of opinion even among well informed men in all quarters as to.tfie prerise effect of the Executive proclamation of the 13th instant on the cotton trade, it, is thought proper to state that all restrictions on Trade in that article east of the Mississippi are removed, and the only tax it is now required to pay is that of two cents per pound imposed by the internal- revenue laws. Grievances of (he Colored Population of Rlehmouil. The President received, on the t6th inst., a delegation from the colored people of Rich mond, whose object was to make known the grievances which they are suffering. The ad dress of the delegation sets forth a list ot their sufferings, chial among which was the interference of the provost guard and local police with the liberty of colored men. The New York Herald’s correspondent says: The address also states that the position of the colored people is worse than it was’when they were slaves and living under the slave law. It states that under the old system they had the protection of their masters, “ who were financially interested in their physical welfare. But their old masters.” continued the address, “have become their enemies, and are seekiug not only to oppress them, but to thwart the designs of the Fed eral Government.” They claim that they cannot appeal to the laws of Virginia for protection ; tor there the old negro laws still prevail, and worse* stHI, as they claim, the oath of a colored man against a white man will not be received in the courts; so that they have nowhere to go for protection, and hence apply to the President, or, as they say, “to the power that set them iree.” From this they passed to more practical grievances, saying. “ln this city of Rich mond the military and police authorities will not allow us to walk the streets by day or night in the regular pursuit of our business or on our way to church without a pass, and passes do not in all cases protect us from arrest, abuse, violence and imprisonment.” They add that the police, in conjunction with the provost guard, have taken them from their work shops and dwellings, and put them into prison simply because they had no passes, and that even if they had passes the guards would not recognize them as genuine or sufficient. The President havlhg heard the address through, replied as follows: While you afe ill this state of traflSition. there are many things Which we might pre fer to be different^—that we should like alter ed—that yet must lie submitted to till they can be remedied. Whatever can be done, as far as I am concerned, will be done most cheerfully. 1 have no set speech to make to you. If my past has . not been a sufficient guarantee of my future course on this sub ject, my professions now would be none. I will endorse this document, ‘a series of de positions to prove arrests by Mayor and pro vost guards,’ to Major General Halleck, and you can take it to him yourselves. It ei-oiittt ruction. Reconstruction and negro suffrage arc now the great subjects of conversation in political circles at the national capital. They are up permost in the minds ot all, and in fact the alpha and omega of AVashington gossip just now. The trial of the assassination conspi rators no longer attracts any attention or hardly any comment. On the other hand, everything bearing: upon the reconstruction and the organization of the government in the several Southern States is discussed in all its bearings. This probably, in a measure, arises from the fact that the President is de voting his whole time to that subject. In addition to this nrt a day passes that dele gations from the States fate in rebellion, com posed of men whoie names and former repu tations are a guarantee that their statements are worthy of the 'ullest credence, do not ar rive in Wasliingtcn. There are now here delegations from Louisiana, Mississippi, Ala bama, Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia. Ben Wood linplitated with the Conspir ator*. The New York Herald of the 17th says •. The only development of importance in the assassination conspiracy trial yesterday was in relation to a draft, for twenty-five thousand dollars, purporting to have beep drawn on the Montreal brand of the Ontario Bank, in August, ISG4, in favor of Mr. Benjamin Wood, proprietor of the Eaily News, of this city.— Mr D. L. Eastwiod, assistant manager of said bank, testified that Jacob Thompson, the rebel agent, kept lis deposits in that institu tion ; that these moneys accrued from the ne gotiation of bills of exchange drawn by the rebel Secretary of ihe Treasury on the rebel agents in Liverpool; that Thompson gave an order for twenty-fve thousand dollars ot these deposits to be paid to Wood ; that a re quisition to this annum was forwarded by the Ontario Bank tc the cashier of the City Bank, New York, md that the witness un derstood that the rnuney was paid in this city on Mr. Wood's order. ’ Mr. Eastwood also testified that the issassin Booth had dealt with the Ontario Bark. Judge Abraham D Russell and Mr. George. NVilkes, of this city, were both examined hv the Court in regard io Mi. Benjamin Wood's endorsement on tin twenty-five thousand dollar draft referred to. They testified that they were well acquainted with Mr. NVood’s handwriting, and thtt they identified the sig nature as his. Birth of Another English Prince. The steamship Scota. Capt. Judkins, which left Liverpool fid of .Tuue, arrived at New York 13th invt. The Princess of NVales was safely deliver ed on the morning of the 3d, of a son. Moth er and child'are both doing well. The event was somewhat unexpected*, the Princess hav ing given a dinner pa ty and attended a con cert the previous eveiing. The Marketa,| told. Cotton, etc. Sew York, June 17. 'Hie stock market vas rather heavy, and lower quotations were current yesterday; but at the close it was firty. Gold' sold down to 142 1-4, but closed, at fijilf past five p. m., at 144 a 144 1-4. The closing price at night was 144 3-4. The fall in gold nniettled the market for merchandise yesterdly, and where an ad vance was establishetlon Thursday, as a re sult of the advance in gold, it was lost, yes terday bv the fall in gold. Trade was de cidedly dull; but then)were exceptions to the general rule. Groceries, cotton, petroleum. &c., were less active) and not so firm. On ’Change everything ufis about the same as on Thursday, except com and lard, which were a trifle higher. Cotton was dull bui unchanged. The sales were 700 bales. We quote: Upland a. llorUlJt. Mobile X, O.d- T. Ordinary ■ 27 w -j; Good ordinary... ,V 434 :;4 Middling. 41 41 41 41 Hood Middling... 47 47 47 47 Middling lair... 50 60 50 • 50 "3U- .... atel PULASKI H'jUSK, JUNK «». M ij. Sears A Son. Fort Mr and Mrs Bowdick Clinch, Fla. Mhw Ella Bowdirk C O Noil. U S N, Dept Htafll Capt .1 <» Kurrelt, nr hr Z. K Hyde. New York l| A B Terry T S Miles, do Oapt G W Adams, USA Rev C C Reynolds, NY A W McConnell, Memphis C A Gage, do Col A L Human, Ohio Jesse Merrill. HHtou Head Oapt Fred Wilkinson, USA Dr liuody, USA. Oapt H K Mitchell, do Jesie Auuu, do. Waiter Poier, City Win Seed, Buaulort Lt O H Chamberliu, USA Wni Hart, City W H Daniel sou. MaJ ISS.h Mary J Rolins, City U S C T Miss K L Putt, St Augustine] PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [iILTON HEAD,] June IS, J A Roberta s lady, H H ICapt O E Bryant and lady E V White A lady do j Jacksonville D Benedict, do W K Ray and lady, N C Lt J N Allen, Jacksonville |M.q W A Danielson, U3CT Lt (1 cl ray bili .do lIV T Easton, Savannah J M Carver do IF Parsons, do Lt U B Chambsrliu, Beaut |4 P Hugg, do W G Reed. do |W H Thayer, Sura M M Kiugmao, do 14th N fi Vo's C M Reed, U S M C |Mppi»o PORT OF SAVANNAH, .TUNE 20 Arrived. Steamers Achilles. Cliifon), Hilton Head; U S Grant do; Standish, Moore, AugSsta, Oa; steamship City of Foi t an Prince, Curtis, New York, with merchandise to Uudeu k Luckies; slop Northampton, Moss, Hilton Head. Cleared. Schrs Nancy Mills, Smith, Dobfly.Ga; John Rosa Tornalr, New lark; steamers Macau, FLilpot, Hilton L. i l -’ Loursburg, Dale, and Resolute, Cannon, do; tug Starlight, Anderson, do. * PORT OK PORT ROYAL Junfel4-~Steamship Arago, New York; schrs Fleet wood, do; Driver, Charleston. June 10—schrsGer?b Banker, Charleston; Julia, do. June IS—fictn Allen B Ferry, New Y'ork. ~ Cleared. Juue 15—Brig Elmira, Philadelphia; schrs, Albert Thomas, New York; Montrose, do; J p Augur, do; Jos PUMdphm *“ URh; Mimh ‘ Anu ’ Charleston; Carroll, June lo Schrs George J Marsh, Philadelphia Georee Ilcury, Georgetown. ’ * June 17—Schrs C W Locke, Phila; Nancy Mills, Dobr Sound; steamship Arugo, New York; brig A U Oook df ships Paver, do; Lizzie M.jss, Boston andj ’ Q totttlt%. pj G. "RUWE A CO., Cosars St. Joucn Street axd Mohumcnt Near the Pulaski House, OLE SALK DEALERS IN GROCERIES. FIXE IMPORTED LIQUORa WINES CIGARS, Ac. Also Agents for two large and excellent Breweries, at New fork, from which we receive the best of AI. *S AND LAGER BIER Also, constantly on hand the best EAST i N D I A ALE. We came.duwu here very inexperienced in business, as conducted under necessary military restrictions; and coming unprovided with the proper papers for our trade, we at first labored under many dtsadvan tagee. But we now consider ourselves well posted, aud having, by strict compliance with all military rules, been put on a good looting for disposing of our Stock, with the proper license, we propose to offer uomual inducements to the trade We shall give a superior article at a small advance on New York prices. 0 MONEY OR GOODS ADVANCED FOB COTTON. RICE. AND GENERAL PRODUCE M. SCARBROUGH Sl CO GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 140 Congress and 57 St. Juiiann Streets, Sa.V4NU.AJI. GEORGIA, Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK cf GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Consisting of TEAS and SUGARS, best brands; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS BACON, (Shoulder aud Clear Sides); LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE .SERVER, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, Ac., Ac., Ac., All o( which they are selling at reduced prices. Give them a oall before purchasing elsewhere. j p ti 1 mo JJ 1 L T O N A .RANDELL, WiiOUSAIS GBOesas, 193 BAi STREET, NEAR BARNARD SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Will be jn constant receipt, per Steamers from New York, ol an extensive and complete assortment ol Goods consisting, in part, of SUGARS, SYRUP, MOLASSES, FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEE, BUTTER, CHEESE. LARD, SOAPS, STARCH, CANDLES. WINES, ALE 1 CIDER, ETC., ETC, ETC. To which they oall the attention of the Trade may2B-4w . BUTTER AND CHEESE Choice and Extra FAMILY FLOUR, In barrels and balf barrels, just received per steamer Carolina, and for sale bv WM. H. STARE, ju!9-3t _ Cor. Bay and Lincoln sis. jDACON. ' ’ FOUR HHDN BALTIMORE BACON, For ssde by IGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. mays ts -pOR YOUR FINE BOOTS, GO TO IVES-. ■yy inkly liquors, ales, ao.; PHILIP B . MARSH, XI BATTERSBY’B WAREHOUSE, (if KID OF HAY I.A'iTJ Has lor snip a Superior Stock of OLD PKNET CASTILIAN BRANDY. u Jb TARD DUPUY BRANDY PLELLIVAISAIN BRANDY. SWAN GIN AND WINDMILL GIN WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS SHERRY AND MADEIRA WINS IMPERIAL ALE, BROWN STOUT, CIDER All of which he has Id cagjg or ; B bulk, with his usual and well assorted Stock of GROCER IES All of are offered at a small advance on New New York cost and charges. julC-Iw OTEELE A BURBANK, Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to thefr sunnrioi stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING 1 _ XMD . FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Swords, Siwhea, Belts, Embrolderics.Boots, Caps Field Glasses. Gauntlets loves. Ac., Ac., Ac. OATS. BRAN, HAY AND FLOUR, Landing from steamer Carolina, and for sale Rom the Wharf or at the corner of Bryan Street and Mar ket Square. St julV §t. AND stationery! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. At the Old Stand of JOHN M. COOPER a CO, Just Received the largest and Best Selected Stock ot ** SCHOOL BOOKS . "" Inthe Southern States; consisting of Primers. Spellers •L. < ** ogr “* , **>es. Arithmetics, Grammar*, Or-ek’ ~n “ ’ ”*nrl,. German and Spanish Text Hooks, and all olharjtouks '" irJ in Coll ®*C' i > Academies *nd Common STATIONERY. Slates, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Foolscap, Letter and Nats Paper, Envelopes, Blank Books. Ac. 1 also have on lujd a large assortment W and popular Novel* by t r, u best authors. Dickens. Reynolds, Mrs Holmes, Mra.Wood * e - keep constantly on hand a large stock of el egant Photographic Albums and Ow.J Phot, graphs a* well as a cnaahmt supply ot the latest Northern 3W*t*. Krs arid PerlddlcaU, N. Y Daily and Weekly Newspaper arpei* Magazine, Gode> s Lady’s Hook, Atlantic Monthly* Demorpst’a Fashion-. Everything will Ik- sold at the very lowest figures and special terms are ottered on Reboot Bouks to Teachers aoa others. I can and w ill Kell at least as cheap u* any other housa in the South. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Call and e vain in* the Stock at the old stand of .IcH.x M Coocta L Cos.. Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian streets, Savannah, ft a STEPHEN FARRELL Y, * Boe.keVrtXß ANP SrATIOXCk. N. B —-All order* for MUrellaneoiu* Bixiks, Music, or any article connected with the trade, filled at the shorter, notice The friends and patrons of the undersigned, and of the firm of Jon x >l. Coopsb & Cos., are respectfully so licited to ciuitloue their putronuge at the old establieh meni to Mr. Faßbeoav. The undersigned may bn found at hi* desk as usual, for the purpose of' closing tipold business affairs and rendering such assistant as be cun to Mr F. A general Wholesale business will be established by J. M. C. A Cos., whenever practicable, upon the upper floors of the establishment jeS lmo JOHN M. COOPER. PUBUCATIONS FOB THE SOLDIER OR THE CITIZEN. THE MONTHLY NOVELLETTE, contains a Norelette complete, together with from three to eight abort stories, with Illustrations. Terms .- $i per year. Single copies, 45 rents. THE AMERICAN UNION A FIBIVSiDE JOUHNAA NO CONTINUED 3TCEIIS. Thrilling Stories, Racy Sketches, Stirring Adventures and Choice Home Reading. ijj3 a year Four copies, «lu THE FLAG OF OUR UNION Devoted to Tales, Sketches, Adventures Poems, New*, Novellfcttes, Ac A4 per year, THE DOLLAR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The cheapest magazine in the world. $1.50 a year. Seven copies, $9. Nearly one hundred pages of reading matter and illustrations Postage only lk cents per year;. TEN CENT NOVELLETTES 128 pages in each book ; one-third larger than any other Dime Novel. * All of the above publications will bp torw&rded regu larly by mail, on receipt of price, by ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT PUitLiSBEKo, ® 53 Congress street, Boston, Moss Sample* can be seen, or copies purchased, by ap plying at THE SAVANNAH HERALD STORE, 111 kAV * T B A * TANARUS, SAVANNAH. UA. _#prlß ts A LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS* ROW HILTON HEAD, S . C , —ahi> — coa.’lltt ÜBV.l.'f STBAJii A,III iSAkaET SnUARA, SAVANNAH. Ga pOR A COLLAR GO TO IVES’. J KWIS L. JONES, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, So 17 Broadway, Sew York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER A GAMMELL Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, St Bay Street, Savannah Reference in New York— Messrs, Seoi roan, Tu.bstoi, A Cos. may-’ti i QHARLES L. COLBY A CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS. ZONKS BLOCK, COBMU BAY A*l> AUEHOOB-l eYUKZ’Mi f SAVANNAH. GA LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Ciias. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Gu. befebewoes; Messrs Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jal ive Slade. Esq., New York. Hon. J. WtlepEdinafids, Boston. Gardner Colby. EBCj., Bosliu. rr.ayl3—tl Q:ADEN A UNCKLES. GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS . — u* - • GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. A'o count a or a*v and b.ib;iakd striis#, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides Ac,, and libeial cash advances made on shipments to our New York house, Jo3-lm JjiOß A FASHIONABLE HAT, GO TO I YES’ * £ O- PARTNERSHIP, The undersigned have this day formed a co-partaer slnp under the firm name of Charles L. Coluy A Cos;, for the transaction of business as Shipping, Commis ston and Forwarding Merchants CHARLES L. COLBY, ALEXANDER H MOLWAY, S.FAUE KD.MANDS. _Savaanah. Ga., May 10th, I*l6. if mayK yTKGI.NIA TOBACCO AGENCY. GEORGE R, CRUMP * CO , 200 Bbokd Stbsst, Acaos-ra, Ga. Have on band a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smbldng Tobacco Samples seat by Express when desired. 3m jaiO