Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 24, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. S. W. Mason & Cos PRoMurtoßS. AUMNHLW. Maws, Ei>itob. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, Jt XEJ4, SOLDIERS RETAINING THEIR ARMS. Some little time ago it was reixirted that r.ll old Soldiers who should be honorably discharged from, and regularly mustered out of the sei vice of the United States, were to be permitted 10 retaiu and carry home their arms and accoutrements as trophies of their labor and patriotism, of which weapon their children might ever well be proud. Though no otlieial statement had been made of this intention on the part of the Government, it was universally accepted by the country at large, as being an eminently proper and graceful thing for the Govern ment to] do. The order direct from the War Department, which we print this morning as number 101, gives all the tacts of the ca 93, and shows that the authorities have resolved that the returning soldiers must pay u small fee for the privilege of taking home aod keeping their swords and guns. Had all our boys in blue served an equal time, had they all endured the four years baptism of fire, doubtless the United States would have given every man free and hearty leave to cairy to his home the tools with which he had done such true and faithful work for all that bloody time. But mingled with our veterans, are many thousands who can still be styled mere recruits, having had neither time nor opportunity to show them selves worthy of a noble name, it would seem hardly right to accord to these raw men the honors for which their older and war-9easoned comrades had toiled and dared for so mauy years, and through so many dangers. These veterans will, many of them, be distinguished by gold, silver, or bronze medals, of which some are to beslruck by the Federal, and many more by the State Governments, and every one of these men and of their younger brethren in arms, will, each and every man receive the grateful thanks of a country for whose salvation he had risked his life. But should our retuVning braves desire to retain their arms and equipments, they can do so at a price so merely nominal a9 to be almost ridiculous. An ordinary musket with all accoutre ments, cartridge-box, belts and bayonet,ouly costs the soldier $6.00. It cost the United States three to five "times that sum. A Spencer Rifle, a soldier can have, (with all belongings of cartridge-box, belis etc., for $lO, which were, when the U. S first bought them, cheap at SOO. Sabres, and Regula tion Swords, are to be allowed, with belts etc., to returning soldiers at $3.00 each. So that our boys who want to take with them into their homes their weapons of war, can do so at a merely nominal price. THE ACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. It will be seen that the City Council has taken prompt action in regard to the celebra tiou of Independence Day. We believe that this movement on the part of the Ciiy Gov ernment will meet with the hearty approval of every good citizen. No more flttiug op portunity could well be found on which to testify to the world that the city of Savanuah cau still reverence the memories of ’76, and cau join heart and hand with the descendants of our common forefathers in doing them honor. • A PUBLIC MEETING OF CITIZENS I To make arrangements for celebrating Inde pendence Day, will be shortly called, pioba bly to meet on Monday. Qn.mrviNo Intelligence.— The prevalence of Small-Pox since the occupation of Savan nah has somewhat alarmed the city. We are bappy to announce that this fearful scourge is on the decline. For the month of May the number attacked per day, was near six daily; thus tar iu June it bus been oue and a half per <lay. This information is received Ironi a souice beyond dispute, and we shall take great pleasure at a future time in pub lishing somt tacts in regard to this disease in onreity. Otr informant states all new casss now appearing are sporadic cases, and much isolated ; careful watch is kept on every house, and th» moment the detectives notice , that a house u closed and it looks suspi cous, search is shade, and if a case is found the sufferer is immediately removed to the ' House. bi n New Provost Court.—lt will be ob • ed :hat there lias been a change made in m .uagement of the administration of it icy in our city. The old Provost Courts 1 een somewhtt changed and anew '• Provost Court" has been established, 'ueeforth applicants for judicial relief \ ‘ ?l apply to Hanson C. Gibson, lCf< N. Y. .n: .eers. He will have his office in the eo House, between President and York eei,. His Court will b; held between the of nine, r. m., and .wo, p. m., every ‘■i save Sunday. jdent Bo» Dkovvseo. —About six and f o'clock last evening, T o ! m May, aged fifteen years, while, fisting at the Ex ’ ■ ■ ife clock, accidentally fell overboard and was drowned. Sweats aai's Varieties.— An extraordina rily fine Saturday-night bill i9 offered at Sweat nam’s this evening, including the " Dumb Man of Manchester" and a pleasing olio of songs, jigs, etc. An lii tort ant Market Order, from Gen ciodlord, will be found in our advertizing columns. SPECIAL HEETISG OF* 'THE CITI' COUNCIL. The Celebration of tlit> Fourth of July. THE LifcHTiYL OF lIIE STREETS. A special meeting of the City Councd was held yesterday afternoon, Alderman J. L Villalonga, Mayor pro tem., presiding. A1 del man Roberts proposed the following resolution, which was adopted • Resolved, That a committee of four mem hers of this Board, of which the Mayor shall be the Chairman, be appointed to unite with other similar Committees from the citizeus and the military, for the purpose of making suitable arrangements for the celebration ot the approaching Fourth of July. The following is the committee: His Hon or, the Mayor, Chairman; Messrs. H. Rob erts. Joseph Lippman, C. C. Casey. The Council also took steps to ensure an early re-lighting of the streets of the city with gas. THE COURTS. enovosx count— district of savannah, lieut. EIIUN UARSONS, JR., PRESIDING. Savannah, June 23, 1865. The case of the United States vs. Reich, charged with larceny from the house, and with having stolen goods in his possession; plea, not guilty, prisoner arraigned on the eighth day of June, 186"). The court or dered that the goods now in possession of the Military Police of Savannah, and stolen from the store of E. Zacarias on Broughton street be restored to him On motion of defendant’s counsel the dis charge of the prisoner was asked on the ground that the thief had been convicted and there had been no evidence to prove that defendant knew the property was stolen at the time of the purchase. The court ordered the discharge of the defendant. Counsel for the United States Hon. Wal ter S. Chisolm, for the defendant, Levi S. Russell, Esq. Win. D. Howe vs. Nicholas Egan. Claim for rent S2OO, case continued. Judgment rendered for plaintiff in the sum of one hun dred and fifty dollars, counsel for plaintiff, Levi S. Russell, Esq. Win. D Howe vs. Capt. S. S’arr, A. Q. M., claim for fifty dollars rent paid to defendant. Case dismissed. Counsel for plaintiff, Levi S. Russell, E*qr. John A. Staley vs. H. B. Waugh—claim for services rendered. Judgment for one hundred and sixty nine dollars. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. Walter S. Chisolm. Hattie A. Falligant has permission to col lect rents on the following property: Lot in Walton Ward, and of a lot of laud situated injtlie County of Chatham on Warsaw River, in the village of Thunderbolt. G. W. Anderson, Executor of the estate of Waters, is granted permission to collect rents on the following property, in lots 6, 7 i(), Hcathcoatc Ward, lot and building No. 0 Anson Ward, lot No. 4, Liberty Ward, (vacant;, lot and building No. 10, Reynolds Ward. Thomas, George and John Screven, have permission to control the following property: A plantation in Chatham Couuty, known as Brewton Hill, plantation, lots no 14 and 16 Monterey Ward; Union Ferry plantation, situated on Savannah River in Beaufort Dis trict, South Carolina; also the franchise of the Union Ferry between the City of Savan nah and the opposite shore, Great Tybee Is land; a plantation north end of Wilmington Island; Mnfflin plantation: Penkie House plantation; Proctor’s plantation in St. Peter’s Parish, South Carolina. Permission granted George W. Jones, to control ins property in the City of Savannah, provided it is not used by the M 1 tary. Provost Court, Post of Savannah, Lieut. Hanson P. Giiison, Jid.ii: Presiding; Sa vannah, June 24th, 1805.— This Court hav ing “jurisdiction over all violations of Depart ment, District and Port Orders or regula tions which are committed within this Post,” will be convened this- morning at i) o'clock, in the Chatham Superior Court Room, Chat ham Couuty Court House, east side of Wright Square. In the case of E. Burch vs. Alfred Holmes (colored,) on Wednesday, in the Second Provost Court, our Court reporter inadver tently announced Hon. Pnillip M. Russell and Col. Martin J. Ford as counsel for the I plaintiff. They acted for the defendant and gained his case. Mu. Philip B. Marsh, an enterprising merchant, who ha 9an immense stock of goods on hand, and the best of connections nortli for replenishing it, advertises with us a large assortment of ales, wines, liquors, groceries, Ac. His store is in Battersby’s Warehouse, head of Bay street. A perusal of his advertisement will show that ho has a large variety, and iu it some choice brands of liquors. His stock of groceries is also complete. # Officers of the Central Railroad Com pany.—President,—Wm. B. Johnston Directors—John W. Andcrsou, Audrew Low, Thomas Purse, John 11. Wilder, Octa vus Cohen, J. J. Waring. Mr. Waring was | elected on Tuesday last, In place of D H. Baldwin, removed from the city. STlie Springfield News and Republican says-. “It is morally certain that Gen. Wm. lecumseb Sherman will be the Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio.” New Police Regulations. —The re-or ganisation of all the various city depart ments on a peace ba9i9 goes on most rapidly uuderthe scientific rule of General Wood ford, the Post Commandant. In our proper column this morning will be found a gen eral order, which places the Police establish ment ot the city on anew footing. Though the Police duty is to be performed by soldiers, they are governed by such rules, aud are directed to perform their duties in such a manner as to make only!tke very slight est show of purely military authority, while at the same time the peace of the city, aud the perfect security of the citizens will, it is hoped, be complete]}* secured. It is, of course impossible in the best po liced city in the world, to protect all people against the consequences of their own indis cretions. If a inan will become intoxicated and place himself in positions wherr he may easily be taken advantage of by tiieves or other scoundrels, he can hardly hoje to save bol hhimselfand property under suth adverse circumstances, and has no right to blame the police if he chance to be robbed. But under the new organization of the protection force of this city, carried out a9 it will be, mder the eyes of vigilant and intelligent chefs, and ever under the immedi ate observation of the Post Commandant himself, we can guaran the our citizens a degree of after-daik safety to which oflate they have all been Strangers. The Jurisdiction of the ?rovost Coltr ( t9. —For the information of dl inter ested we give the following statemeit of the jurisdiction of the Provosts Courts, for the District and Post of Savannah. The District Provost Court, Lieut Eben Parsons, jr., Judge, has jurisdiction of all civil cases within the District, and all crim inal cases outside the Post of Savtnnah. The jurisdiction of Judge Parsons extends to and through the counties of Chatham, Bryan, Effingham, Bulloch, Emanud and Scriven. The Post Provost Court, Lieut. Hauain C. Gibson, u Judge, has jurisdiction in all|cases of misdemeanors and violation by Chilians of Department, District aud Post Oders, or regulations which are committed vithin the limits of this Post. The Judge may im prison parties fer periods not to exceed six months, and to inflict fines not to ereetl five hundred dollars. Judge Gibson will couveue bis court at nine o’clock tbismoiiing at the country Court House. Several ases will be called that are of interest. Thanks.— We were on Wednesday in debted to Judge Parsons, of the First fro vost Court, Mr. McVeigh of the House, and Capt. Cannon, of the steanpr Resotaißfor copies of late York papijs, important to us. Southern Negroes and Whites. From an article in the New York Wad, we take the following suggestions as woiiy of consideration : A System of Negro Apprenticeship. —Te mother of minor children is of couise kno,n, aud probably is, in most cases, found onlie same plantation with them, although insm ces of separation are numerous. The pa ternity is more doubtful. In cases were both parents are known and able-boted, there ought to be regulations making fcir support of their offspring compulsory, ut there will be tens ot thousands of casesoll over the South, where, from uncertaima teruily, inability to find work, vagraiy, idleness, or vice, this will not be doc — Hence the great magnitude of the quesnn, how minois are to be provided for md brought up. There ought to be vested i lo cal public officers authority to bind thei oirt till they become of age. It, is to be prurn- ed that very young cnildren will by thtime they are twenty-one, eain enough to jy for their bringing up and a rudimentary luca ti< >n. Minors in their teens, who areuden tured to do farm work, ought to liava little outfit on coming of age ; mechnnlcfwouU be sufficiently compensated by thetnowl edge- of a good trade. It is clear tbs one <f the most urgent needs of the South is uthori ty to make permanent equitable rrange meats tor the support and education ti'negr children and youth. But no children slniul be bound as apprentices without thecoutii ot their parents, unless the parents faV support them The South also needs: Equitable Regulations for the suppof’ <V the Poor.— Besides minors, there will e ft host of helpless colored people needing lli protection of the community. The sict„n firm, and aged must not be abandoned: fid there is no justice in leaving them to the are charity of the white families in which 'ey formerly lived. Overseers of the poor hang the cue of this class need to be iutried with a large discretion. Many will lie lia ble of partially earning their living, whuer thejvshall be placed with planters whovill take their services in part pay for theirub sistence, or oe maintained in work-Bses and other institutions, those having tb su pervision of them will, in either case, .Ve a wide field for the exercise of vigilance udg ment and humanity. A Young Lady Dragged Two M s by Runaway Houses. —About ft p’e'k on Thureday night a shocking accjdeioceur red at Rahway, resulting in thie dth ot a highly respected yriung lady, Missfite De graw, daughter of Mr. John Degw, pro prietor ot the principal hotel at tit piece. Mi»s Pegraw, together with her Lb sis L-rs, had attended a pic-nic a sow ipik ou of town, in company with a young gitlcnup named Ennis. Upon their retumthocar riage drew up to the door, and thawteis ters had alighted, and as the decefeedvas being assisted from the carriage, tit lwses took a sudden fright and dashed off,it fur ious speed. The young lady's crippliube came entangled iu the steps of the fcatlge, and with her head and shoulders draing upon the ground, the horses made the fcuit of the village twice before the citizenfuld stop them. When they did so thou rig lady was found to be lifeless, and i re mains presented a mutilated and glia* ap pearance. — N. J. Paper. Kx-Governor Magoffin, at Kentucky and the Constitutional A uiemdment Abolish** ing Slave y. (From the Louisville Journal, June 13.] Some days ago we announced the fact that ex-Govemor Beriah Magoffin favored the ratification by Kentucky of the constitution al amendment prohibiting slavery through out the United States. We had seen nothing at the time from this distinguished gentleman expressive of his views on the subject,— Within a few days past, however, D. B. Goodtoe, chairman of the Union Executive State Committee, addressed a letter to the ex Governor, stating that he had been in formed that he (Magoffin; was in favor of the constitutional amendment, congratulating him upon the fact, and requesting him to ad dress the people of Kentucky on this impor tant question, at such times and places as would suit his convenience. In reply to this, General Goodloe received the following let ter : Temple Hill (near Harrodsburgh), > June 10, 1805. ) D. S. Goodloe, Esq., Chairman, Ac.:— My Dear Sir —I have just returned from a fishing excursion, and received your letter of yesterday. You arc right in sup posing I am for the constitutional amend ment. Slavery upon this continent is gone. It is an accomplished fact, and the sooner Kentucky recognizes the fact the better for her. We want no dead issues in the coming elections, on which, even if success is attain” ed, nothing beyond the election of the candi dates is accomplished. We can’t save sla very, and the people ought to be deeply in terested in acting upon living issues, and in saving what there is left of the constitution —the government of our fathers. I tried to save it all, just as it came to us from their hands aud was expounded by the courts; but as this can’t be done, let us preserve all that is left of it, outside of the nigger, and we shall thus have, if we succeed, the best gov ernment ou earth. The trial through which we have passed clearly demonstrate That, the gov ernment is amply able, without anv increase of its powers, to protect us from foreign or domestic enemies. Henceforeward there”will be more confidence at home aud abroad in the stability of our institutions—slavery bav ing expired upon this continent as a conse quence of the revolution. And now I must decline your very polite iuvitation to address the people of the State upon these questions loi the present. My private affairs impera tively demand my personal attention; vet if I thought my poor services would bring about the desired result, I should not hesitate to act in accordance with your wishes. Num erous letters from old and valued friends are coming in upon me daily, and I may thiuk it my duty in a few days, to make a public answer to these inquiries. It is painful to dif fer from them, but I have acted with no party for several years, because, not know ing what to do, I have done nothing, leaving it to events to shape, toy course. Respectfully, your obedient servant, IL Magoffin. INVITATION. The friends and acquaintances of John D. Jusscly an i John J. Maurice, are invited to atteud the funeral of the Son of the former, from the residence of hie father, on Margaret street, at 4o'clock thia afternoon. HEADQUARTERS POST OP SAVANNAH,! Savannah, Ga., June 23, 1865. / General Orders,) No. 49. j The following regulations are hereby published for the organization and government of the Military Po lice Force of this Post:' I. Ihe Port Provost Marshal w ill bo Chief, nr-d the Assi tarn Post Provost Marshal Asst. Chief es Police 11. The Post Is divided into two Precincts, to be styled *‘A” and ' B,” Prec’nct A will embrace all of tne city lying East of Bnll street. Precinct B the part lyinw \\ est of Bnll strei t v 111. The Precincts are sub-divided as follows Precinct A into two districts ; No. 1 to embrace all that part of the Precinct lying North of South Broad street; No 2 that part of the Precinct lying South of South Broad street. Precinct B into three districts No. 1 to embrace all that p irt of the Precinct lying North of Liberty street and East Os West Broad street ■ No. 2 all that part B ing South of Liberty street; No 3 all that part lying North of Liberty street and West of West Broad street, known as Yamacraw. IV. The Police force will consist of one Captain, two Lieutenants, twelve non commissioned officers, and eighty eight privates, who will be assigned as follows: The Captain will be In immediate command of the whole lorce, under thealirection of the Chief of Police and his Assistant Chief. The force for Pr ecinct A will be one Lieutenant, five non-commissioned ofUinjrs and thirty-four privates: for Precinct B, one Lieutenant, Seven non-commissioned officers and fifty-four pri vates. The non-commissioned officers and privates will be divided equally into three reliefs, and there will always be oue relief on duty. V. Each Precinct will have a station house, at which the officers and enlisted men of that Precinct will he quartered. No enlisted man belonging to the Police force will be allowed to leave his station house (ex cept when on duty; without a written pi«s from the Lieutenant in charge of the Precinct. VI. The privates or patrol men will wear tlleir proper unifoim, viz: uniform pants, blouse, forage cap with letter of company and number of regiment thereon, and a badye ol blue ribbon on the left breart Those, however, belonging to the 150th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, will wear the Zouave uniform of their regiment, with the green badge upon the breast, They will when on duty wear the waist belt and be armed with a bate $ VII. Eash man will have a certain “beat" assigned him when on dnty, which he will not quit, except for some urgent cause, such as a call for assistance, to quell a disturbance, to pursue an offender, or in case ot fire. The men will be posted Rnd relieved In the manner prescribed by Par. 394, U. 3. Revised Army Regulations, Edition of ISO3. VIII. No patrol man will be allowed on any pre text to enter any building upofi his beat, except to quell a disturbance. No building will he searched fpr stolen or contraband goods without a written order from the Chief of Police, his Assistant, or the Captain of Police. IX. it sLall be the duty of each patrol man to strictly follow these instructions, and obey all orders he may, from time to time, receive from his superior officer. X. It shall be the duty of each non commissioned offi, car to strictly follow these instructions, to obey all orders he may receive from his superior officer, to post and re lieve bis squad in the mannei prescribed above, and while his squad are on post to visit each man at least once eiv h hour, to air.-st and confino any patrol man round drunk, or in any building, and to report to the Lieutenant in charge of his Precinct any Policeman found off his beat. XI. It 3hall be the duty of each Lieutenant to enforce these instructions and all oid :rs rt celved from the Chief of Police, bis Assistant or the Captain of Policp, and to see that all enlisted men under his command wear the pro scribed uniform. To insure this ast, he will inspect all his men once each day. He will see that hrt station House is keptin <le inly condition- We will also be held responsible fop tiie good order and quiet of his Pm-jnct and will send a written report to the Captain of Police each in.ruing before nine o’clock, in which he will give full information as to the condition of his Precinct the cleanliness of his Station House, the dress and con luctof hi I men, the number of arrests made, wi h all the par ticulars theieof, and generally all matters of interest af fecting the l’olice force, and goo 1 order of his Precinct dtpring the previous boms. XU; The Captain of Polipe will Upheld strictly re spourtblo far the enforcement of t),eso regulations, and lor the execution of all orders received from the Chief of Police, Jus Assistant or Po t Headquarters. Ho will con solulute the morning report from the two Pr. cincts and for. ward such consolidated report to the Chief of Police each day before 11 o cdock, q. in, A-HI- These regulations will he rend to the Police force each morning for one week, and every Sunday morning thereafter at Inspection. By command of Bt. Brig. Oeu S L. WOODFORD. . _ _ EDWARD G. DIKE, A. A- 0. june'24 7t AND OTHERS DESIRING Thx Savannah Daily Hlßald at Wholesale are re, quieted to send in their ot 5 era as early in advance as practicable, s. W, MASON & 00-B Made New DOCTOE OR «*rac.m Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cenU B FOOTE ' M *•*»• flipping Intelligence. I‘OUT OF SAVANNAH, JUNE 2? ' a . _ _ Arrived. Sicamer Resolute, C muon, Hilton Head. ~ Cleared *tLT“ S U P S fi!- EcAd tins, Darien, G-orgia " A Durfce, Col- Port au Prince i Cnrtlr, New Yorf ing baleß cott ” u - 26 ba S- 7 hales ah yet i’ H Da *2* H&fc^ftsements. gAVANNAH TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. The regular meeting of the above Union will be held this Evening, at S o’clock, at the room, corner of Whitaker street and Bay Lane. Members will come prepared to pay their dues. „ _ J. M. HARRISON, President. 55 . G. Fun-n, Secretary. CHARTER. “ ~ THE SCHOONER WITCH QUEEN, Cai>t. George Hoyt. 115 tons bdrthcn, new measurement. Apply to RICHARDSON & BARNARD. j n23-1 Bay street, opposite Mariners’Church. COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Opposite Mariners’ Church, SASSANNAH, GA. Refer to Messrs. G. M. Barnard & Cos., Messrs. Wm. B. Reynolds & Cos., Messrs. Linder & Meyer, all of Boston. Ju2o ts pRIME WHITE CORN] ~ * FOR MEAL AND GRITS, In Store To Arrive. STEWART’S CRUSHED A. AND C. SUGARS. GCTASTJS COHEN, ,fn24 code 94 Bay street HEADQ’KS. POST OF SAVANNAH. ' _ , , „, , Savannah, Jane 13ih, 1665. On and after this date, articles in the Public Market of this city, will be sold at such prices as are herein after specified. Persons violating this rule, will be reported to this office, aud dealt with as the military law directs. By command of fit. Brig. Gen. WOODFORD. Edward G. Dike, Asst. Adjt. General and Post Treasncr Ducks, per pair 2 00 Turkeys, each $2 00@$2 50 Geese, per pair 2 60 Fowls, per pair I 00® X 60 Half grown Fowls, per pair 76 Spring Chickens,, per pair 60 Beet, fresh, best cut, per lb 20 Beef, fresh, second cut, per lb 15 Pork, fresh, per lb jg Egg*, per dozen 50 Base, large size, each per lb 15 Lass, small size, each per lb 16 Drum, per lb jg Crabs, each ].. ] Shrimp, per quart... 20 Whiting, per bunch of 5 40 Sheepheau, per lb 20 Suckers, per bunch of 5 25 Cat Fish, per lb 13 Porch, per bunch of 5 40 Beans, snap, per quart hj Mutton, per lb 20 Veal, per lb 25 Country Dried Beef per lb 15 Liver, ptr lb 20 Terrapins, per pair 33 M ullete, per bunch, large size 40 Mullets, per bunch, small size 26 Sturgeon, per pound 7 Trout (salt water; per lb 15 Trout (fresh water; per pound i« Bream per bunch of 6 40 Blackberries, perquart 15 Whortleberries, per quart 13 ' Sweet Potatoes, per bushel 4 00 Green Peas, perpeck 80 Honey, per lb ] 6 Bacon, per lb ...., 20® 25 Irish Potatoes per quart J6® 20 Jerked Beef, per lb 10® 15 Tomatoes, per quart 20® 80 Turnips, per bunch 6 Tomatoes, per quart 30 Sausages, fresh pork, per lb 40 Butter, per lb / go Clams, per bushel 2 00 June-'4 HEADQUARTERS POST OF S V VANN AH, Savannah, Ga.,- Jane 23, 18C5. General Orders.) No sb. J General Orders Nog. 25 and 27, current aeries, from these Headquarters, respecting the City Market, are hereby revoked, and the following regulations are es tablished for the government of the Market : 1. All persons who pay the fees prescribed by the old ordinances of the City of Savannah, may sell butch ei’s meat, poultry, fruit, fish, vegetables and all other kinds of provisions, subject to a scale of prices which Shall be established by the Post Treasurer, and posted in two constiieuous places in the Market. 2. The Market -hnll n't be opened on Snndays. On other days it shall be open from lour o’clock to nine o’clock In the morning, and on Saturday s, also from three o'clock to eight o'clock iu the afternoon. The Market shall close at the ringing of the Mar ket bell. 3. Every person killing an ox. or cow, or grown meat cattle, and exposing the same for sale within the city, shall take the hide and head of said animal slaughtered, attached to each other and not severed, to the Clerk of the Market, who shall record soy mirks about the same, and the day of the mon’h It wns brought to the market, and the book shall be subject to the inspection of any person driving market hours. Auy violations of the foregoing, or ueo-lect on the part of the Clerk In not keeping the proper records will be punished by fine. » 4. The Clerk of the Varke* will be responsible for the co rec..nets es weights an I meisnres u3*-d In the Market and will, from time to lime, examine the same, und stroy false weights and measures when found, and will report the names of the offend! g parties to the Post Treasurer He will also collect the Market licensee and hes prescribed by the old Ordinances of *he Citv Hi will act under the orders of tile Pjsi Treasurer, and will account for and pay over to him each Saturday the mo nies received from such licenses and fees during the pre ceding week. He will cause the Market and Rdjtuei t grounds to be thoroughly policed each day, and the wood work ol the Market will be white washed once each week. ~ Any person exposing for sale, in the market, any ar ticles of marketing at a higher price than that establish t*(i for the smurf in the schedule of prirea, will bo subject to a fine and the forfeiture of all right to make further sales iu the market. The C.erk of the market will report promptly to the Post Trcafiirer any violation of this par agraph. 0. The Chief of police will see tjiat a suitable Police guapd Is kept at the Market, and that all persons viola ting tills order, or thequiot of the Market, nrepiomptly arrested and sent before the rro7ost Court for tr al ana pu lislunent. By command of Bt. Brig. Oer.B. L. WOODFORD. EDWARD G. DIKE, A. A. G. June24lt HKAUQTLi DEPARTMENT OP THE cOUTR, * Hilton Head, S. Jnne 20, IhGa, General I No 90 j The action of Brigadier Geneeal E. E Potter, Com manding Beaufort District, in designating Fort Ma rion, St. Augustine, Florida, as the place of confine ment for Privates Deboice Halletk, Co< D, 3Cth U. S. C. TANARUS„ and Adam Shattuck, Buttery A, 2d D. S. Cj Art'y. sentenced by General Court Martial, Is ap proved. By command of Major General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bcbqfb, ' . , Assistant Adjutant General, Official: T. D. Hot oes, CapL 35th U. 8. C.T., Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen,