Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
S. W. Mas,):. & Cos., Pumcmu
Samvel ff. M.vroN, Ekitoo.
Til? Land Route from New York to Sa
We have received llie following coinmnnl
cation, which will doubtless interest many of
our renders who propose going North or
coming South, and who prefer a iand trip to
a sea voyage:
Savassaii, June 26 th, 1865.
Mr. Editor: much curiosi
ty aid anxiety exists relative to the land
route from Ne.v York, and as I have just re
turned by that route, I cannot refrain from
offering mv experience therein, v< ry reason
ably hoping that all who may determine to
avail themselves of the pleasures afforded by
it may not be distppointed.
Theic are four routes: One per Baltimore
& Ohio Railroad; one per Pennsylvania
Central Railroad; another per Erie Railroad,
and the other per New York Central Riil
road. Tne time of departure and the fare
beinsr abont the same with all. We chose
the Now York Central and came through
Albany," Buffalo, Cleveland,Columbus,Xenia,
Cincinnati, Louisville, Nashville, Chattanoo
ga, Cat torsville, Atlanta, Augusta to Savtm
Leaves 30ih street, New York, at C P. M.,
next day Buffalo at 1 1-2 P, M, ariive in
Cleveland to supper, aud Xeuia to breakfast
second day. In Cincinuatti at 10 A. M-, Louis
ville at 11 P. M., Nashville at 7 P. M , third
day. A tegular train leaves for Chattanooga
at 8.30 A. M. arrive there at 9 P. M. fourth
day. Leave for Cartersviile 745 A. M., ar
rive in Cartersviile 4P. M filth day. Arrive
in Atlanta 3 P. Hi. sixth play, Augusta at G
P. M. seventh day. Leave for Savannah at
10 1-2 A. M., arrive in Savaunah 11 A. M.
the following day, the ninth day. This time
can be shortened however.
From New York to Nashville, (through
ticket,) including Omnibus fare, $34.40, aud
fifty cents additional to visit Niagara. From
Nashville to Chattanooga, $12,00; from
Chattanooga to Cartersviile, $6,50; Carters
ville to Atlanta, trom $5 to $lO, as you agree
upon prices aud conveyance; Atlants to Au
gusta, SB,OO in Georgia' R. It. Bank bills; from
Augusta to Savannan $7,50.
. channee of cars.
From New York to Niagara, or Buffalo, or
from Buffalo to Cineinnatti, there is no
change of cars. At Seymour, you change
trom Ohio & Mississippi Railroad; exchang
ing the most beautifully finished, elegant and
comfortable cars, free from dust and well
ventilated, for the indifferent and disagree
able ones of the Jeffersonville and lutil umpo
iis R. It to Jeffersonville, when you cross the
terry in an Omnibus driven aboard the boar,
thence to the Deuotor Hotel iu Louisville ;
thence you take the L Nashville R. R. to
Nashville and on as I have described. Or if
you prefer it, you can take passage in a boat
from Cincinnati to Louisville or Nashville.
These boats are first class and have the very
best accommodations.
In point of scenery, this roufc is far pref
erable to the “Sea,” ot which -‘the few, the
immortal fen, who ne’er were born” to ex
perience that dearthly sensation -‘sea sick
ness so rapturously speak ; for once outside,
you behold notiiug but “water, water every -
where,” until your arrival in port ; whereas,
by the land route, the prospect Is varied al
ternately by cities and villages and relieved
by the most picturesque natural scenery.
For the Beach-Fish Bank.— Yesterday af
ternoou the smack Thomas Taylor, Captain
Bliss, sailed for the Black-Fish Bank ; she
will possibly return early next week, and our
rnaraet will then we hope be furnished with
this delicious fish.
Steamships AT Tviih.E—The tug Starlight
arrived last evening from Fori Pulaski. She
reports at Tybee two large steamships ; one
of them is no doubt the Nevada, over due
from New York, and the other a transport
with paroled prisoners.
Personae.—Among the arrivals on the
steamer Emilia we notice that of Lieut. J.
B. Rife, 6th Infantry United States Army.—
Lieut. Rife is stationed at Fort Pulaski and
has been appointed Local Provost Marshal
of that Post He has take n rcoins at the
Pulaski House.
The FusEßAt of Mr Wkisasd.— 'The f«-
nerttl of Mr. Conrad WeigMtid, \yhiclt is to
take place this morning at 10 o’clock, will be
attended by the Savannah Turaverein and tl.e
German Fire Company, who vyi.l follow the
remains to the grave. The Savannah City
Orchestra and the Band of the 6th U. S. In
fantry are to ho in attendance
iio Oxts If CRT.—Yesterday afternoon some
urchins crawled over the wall enclosing the
yard of the Chatham Artillery Armory, on
the west tide of Wright Square, and placed
;a the mouth of a jthitly-two pounder gun,
dismantled and lying on the ground, nqunn-
Xiiy of guojVJWfler. With either a friction
primer or slow match, they ignited the pow
«ier, and the piece was discharged with a
ioyd report. Considerable excitement was
occasioned but yo one was hurt. Tho poy 3
hare commenced celebrating the Fourth of
July in good season.
or Ford’s Theatre.—The Young
Men’s Christian Association of Washington
have bought Ford’s Theatre, (where Pres
ident Lincoln was murdered.) for .find, ooo.
- (S*w \oitu Fwk Department.—The Volun
teer tue Department of New York city, af
ter resisting to the last the movement to
establish a paid department, have finally been
compelled to give in, as the Court of Ap-
PFals, the highest judicial authorUy in the
• Ui.c, nave decided in iavot of the legality
of the new act. The lireinen quietlv acqui
esced. ana although nt one time there were
threats ol riots, there has been no trouble ns
A Goon Time at White Bluff. —Yesterday
a small and select party of some of the lead
ing military gentlemen of the city made ar
r.iugmentsto proceed to White Bluff and there
enjoy a summer-day picnic. The guests
j having assembled at the appointed hoar and
I interchanged the usual compliment-’,
the carriages were ordered and speed
ily proceeded to. the selected 9pot.
Immediately on arriving at the Bluff, a
thoroughly excellent chowder, with all ap
propriate accompaniments, was served up in
elegant style under the trees. The beautiful
aud shady Pines and Live Oaks formed a
most delightful canopy for the convivial
board ; tiie chosen place upon the bank 9 of
the beautiful Vernon River being one of the
most lovely spots imaginable.
All the go Ml things of a wide and well
spread board having been liberally paitakm
ot, the company then listened to some ad
mirable music from the fine Band of the
12th Connecticut Regt., which was discours
ed at intervals between certain sh irtand ap
propriate speeches by various members of
the company There was no lack of wines,
etc., and many toasts were drunk with ail
the honors, the guests either sitting or stand
ing ns seemed to be most convenient and
Everything passed off in the most satisfac
tory manner, and the occasion was one of the
utmost good feeling, not to say jollity. No
one who sat by the banks of the beautiful
Vernon, enjoying the delightful breeze from
the forest, gazing upon the lovely waters, and
listening to the strains of delicious music, but
would feel that the enjoyment of such a scene
in such pleasant society, is "conducive to llie
promotion of sociality and good feeling be
tween those who are at the same time offi
cers and gentlemen.
Uncalled-for Despatches.
U. S. M. Telegraph Office, 4
Savannah, June 28, 18G5.J
The following telegrams remaiu uncalled
for at this office;
Col. R M Cuyler, Louis Joyle, Lieut G B
Chamberlin, II S Banc, Grcenbaum, 2,
Col J Richards, G W Carlisle, W A McCar
thy, Francis Bai tley, colored, W in H Tison,
M Daneubaum, Thomas F Wright, Colonel
Nichols, G R Crump, G J Fuller, L J Gul
man, L Bolineau, John Bassil, Geo Newtou,
Maguire & DeForrest, B Guiss. C E Baiue,
John A Milson, S W Groder, W r m B Miller,
B Rayßtill & Cos, O 3 Terry, W J Jewett,
Jhos Phelps, W \Y Gordon, O Fallon & Cos,
E D Hinrton, E Wade & Cos, G C Brook,
Assistant Ins.
P. C. Havens, Manager.
G*»- Gearv’s Division. —This organization
has been dissolved aud the soldiers dismissed
to return to their several homes. General
Geary addressed to them a congratulary or
der, in the course of which he enumerated
the list of battles in which they have been
engaged, and which foots up as follows:
Rich Mountain, Canirk’s Fotil, Winchester.
Port Republic, Bolivar. Kenesaw Mountain,
Second Bull Run, Cedar Mountain, Autietam,
Chancellorsvilie, Gettysburg, Wauhatchie,
Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ring
gold, Pino Hill, Mill Creek Gap, Ilesaca,
New Hope Church, Muddy Creek, Noce’s
Creek, Kolb's Farm, Eenesavv, Peach Tree
Creek, Atlanta, Savannah, and the arduous
campaigns through Georgia and South Ca
This is most truly a noble record; the
veterans of the Second Division of the
Twentieth Corps may well be proud of it.
For Augusta.T-rThe fine passenger and
freight steamer Nantaskef, Cnpt. Rale, de
parted yesterday forenoon for Augusta, hav
iug on board a large freight of forage aud a
number of passengers. We annex the fol
lowing ns her list ol'
Passengers.—S. F. Wiietmore, H. Myers,
Mis3 Cleaveland, F. M. Myers, Mrs. Griffin,
daughter and servant, Wm. 11. Turner, Rev.
Mr. French, Capt. Frank Bell and orderly,
Mrs. McCloud aud three children, Miss
Griner, J. F- Rosenthal, Joseph Leon, Senrt
Baker aud three nien 33d U. S. C. TANARUS., Henry
Chuvlin, Wm. Allen, B. L. Mcpoqnell, G.
W. Bell, Edward A. Wild and three servapts,
R. 9. Rutledge, Mr. Harris, U. S. P. D.,
R. T. Bulkley, J. T. Bnlkley, A. Waldron,
Jun., Lieut. J E. Sil>orzo and five enlisted
| ipefl, Terence McKey, C. C. Collins, E. G.
j Terrence.
The Recorders of the District ayd Post
Peovost Courts. —We congratulate Lieut.
Eben Famous, Jr., and Lieut. Hanson C.
Gibson, Judge of the District and Post Pro
vost Courts on securing the service? of effici
ent and Gentlemanly Recorders for their
court 3. The Recorder of the District Court
C harles J. bite. Esqr., is well known in
this community as the former Deputy Clerk
of the City Court of Savannah, and as the
present C. ty Sheriff of this Court. Mr. John
Jos. Piirrill is the R reorder of the Post Pro
vost Court, and has served as such for sev
eral months under Judges Walton, Benedict,
Rnndlett and at present under Judge Gibson.
PimsoxAf..—Thomas Sadler, 11 Wall
street. Counseller at Law, Notary Public,
Commissioner of various States and Terri
tories, was a passenger here by the Nevada.
—lconoclosui seems to be on the tneicase
in France. The allegorical statue of the city
of Ldlc, on the pjacq t)e la Concorde, was
some tunc back badly mutilated; and more
recently the hands wore broken off the stat
ues of St. Louis and St. Elisabeth, which had
been placed at the great door of the Church
Paris Elizaboth ’ 5n lhc Ruo tiu Temple,
Xow York Dates to 1 lie 24th
Inst, incln iivc,
Return of the Sav nnah 9luui e
cipal Cornu ittee.
Site Assassination Trials.
pardon or 1 JosjrnjA 1111,1.
Removal of Governor Pierpolat of Virgins
Gen. Stcdman t» Command the
Department Os Georgia.
SOLD 142 S-8.
At 11 o’clock last night be Nevada, Capt.
Carpenter, arrived at thi? port direct from
New York, which city sin left on the after
noon of Saturday the 54th iqst. To the
kindness of her obliging purser, Mr. C. A.
Bar»tow, we are indebtec for papers of the
24th. This news is one day later thau lias
been published here as yet wo having yester
day laid before our readeß all that there was
of importance in the Not tie rn papers of the
Return of the Municipal Committee.
Among the other-passengers by tne Nevada
there arrived Mayor Richard D. Arnold and
Alderman Henry Brighau, members of the
Municipal Committee of Stvannab, who were
delegated to visit Washington and confer
with the President on pu die affairs vital to
the interests of this city.
Application, for Pardon.
Among the new applications to the Pres
ident for pardon arc those of Thos. W.
Fleming and F. Y. Flemng, ot Georgia
Hon. Joshua Hill, of Georgia, is among
those recently pardoned.
By the President of the United State, of
W'herea9, by the proclamation of the Pres
ident, of the 15th and 27th of April, 18GI, a
blockade of certain port 9 of the United States
wa9 set on foot; but whereas, the reasons for
that measure have ceased to exist:
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, An
drew Johnson, President of the United
States, do hereby declare aud proclaim the
blockade aforesaid to be rescinded as to all
the ports aforesaid, including that of Galves
ton and other ports west of the Mississippi
river, which ports will be open to foreign
commerce on the first of July next, on
the terms and conditions set forth
in mv pr.,cluumt!uu ot the 22d of May
last. It is to be understood, however, that the
blockade thus rescinded was an international
measure for the purpose ot protecting the
sovereign rights of the United States. The
greater or of the civil authori
ty in the region to which it applied, and the
impracticability of at once restoring that in
due efficiency may for a season make it ad
visable to employ the army and navy of the
Uuited States towards carrying the laws into
effect wherever such employment may be
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my haud, and caused the seal of the United
Stales to be affixed,
Done at the City of Washington, tbi9 23d
day ot June, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-five,
and of the independence of the United
States of America tne eiglitv-uinth.
By the president;
W. Hunter, Acting Secretary of State.
Gen. Stedinan to Command the Dcpai-t-
incut of Georgia.
Hd’qrs., Military Division of the Tenn.)
Nashville, Tenn., June 20, 1865. )
By order of the President of the United
States I hereby assume command of the
Military Division ol the Tenuessee, embra
cing the Department of Kentucky, Depart
ment of Alabama and Department of Flor
ida, with headquarters at Nashville. The
Department of Kentucky embraces the State
of Kentucky. “Major General J. M. Palmer,
United States Volunteers, is assigned to its
command, with his headquarters at
Louisville. The Department of Ten
nessee embraces the State of
Teunessee, Major General Geo. Stoneman to
command, witti headquarters at Knoxville.
The Department of Georgia embraces the
State of Georgia, Major General J. B. Sled
mnu to command, with headquarters at Au
gusta. The Department, of Alabama em
braces the Statp of Alabama, Major General
C. R. Woqds to command,with headquarters
at Mobile. The Department of Florida em
braces the State of Florida and District of
Key West, Major General A- A. Humphreys
tp command, vyitji licadqtiarters at Tallahas
see- Qko. H Thomas,
Maj. Gen., \J. S. A.
The Assassination Trials.
In the assassination trial, on the 23d inst,
a witness from Canada swore that during the
present month lie lioaid Beverly Tucker say
that he had burned up his letters and papers
for fear af their fulling into Yaukee hands.
Mr. Ewing summed up for Arnold, when the
defence closed ,and the Court adjourned lo
Tuesday the 27tb, to listen to the argument
for the prosecution-
Di-maml for the Reiqoyul of Gov Plupgiut
Os Virginia.
The delegation from Virginia has demand
ed from President Johnson the removal of
Gov Pier point and the appointment of a Pro
visional Governor.
Death of Admiral Dupont.
Rear-Admiral Mamuel Francis Dupont ex
pired on the 23d, at the Lapicrre House,
Philadelphia, being nearly sixty-two years of
age, fifty of which were spent in the naval
service of the United States. Admiral Du
pont has been ill since Jane, 1863, being in
capacitated for active service, and has been
on an indefinite leave of absence. He was
distinguishedpn the Mexican war he captured
Port Royal and Fernandina, and commanded
in the first attack on Charleston.
Alarming Fraud..
It is said that frauds to an alarming extent
are being practiced upon the Government by
an ingenious method of obliterating the can
celling marks upon internal revenue and pos
tage stamps, and which can be done so com
pletely that the stamp may be used any num
ber of times. A plan ha 9 been submitted to
the Postmaster-General and Secretary of the
Treasury, byjwhich the marks of cancella
tion became indelible, or which cannot be
removed without destioying tLe fees of the
stamp, thus affording perfect security against
farther fraud.
Gold, Stocks, Cotton, &c<
The stock market was dallon the 23d;
but quotations improved iu the ufternoor.
Governments were quiet but steady. Gold
was heavy, aud sold down to i4ojin the mon -
ing; but it advanced before a quarter past fiv-
P. M. to 142 1-4. At night the closing quoe
tationwas 142 5-8.
The decline in gold caused considerable
depression in commercial circles yesterday,
and but little business was done, except in a
few articles. There wus but little specula
tive" feeling manifested, and the sales were
mostly to supply current wants. Foreign
goods were quiet. Groceries were scarcely
so firm. Cotton was firmer. Petroleum was
steady. On change flour was 10c, a 15c.
lower Wheat was Ic. a 2e. lower. Com
steady. Oats were scarce and 2c. a 3c.
dearer. Pork was irregular and lower.
Lard was nearly nominal. Whiskey was
Cotton.— The market was decidedly more
active, and prices were fully one cent higher.
The sales were about 3,000 bale 9, on the
basis of 41 cents for middling. We quote:
Upland. Florida. Mobile. ,V.O- <tT.
Ordinary 29 30 30 31
Middling 41 41 42 42
Good middling. 43 44 45 46
Coffee.— The market was extremely dull,
and prices were nominally 22c.a22 l-2c. for
Tobacco is in moderate demand ; sales of
liO hlids. Kentucky at 8 l-2a24c.; 72 bales
Havana on private terms; 16? cases Seed
Reaf, 14a23c.
The friends and acquaintance of Mrs. MARY E.
BLANCHO, and of her son C. T. Blancho, are re
spectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former,
from her lite residence. No. 8 Walnut street, this
morning at nine o’clock.
The friends and acquaintance of Mr. CONRAD
WEIGAND are invited to attend hi* funeral this
day at 10 o’clock a. m., from his residence on Con
gress street.
J M Wt»ncll. Major Utli Me Dr South.vood Smith S C,
Volnntoeis, Wm Sharp, New York,
Sylvester Scpn, Capt 26th U Mrs Mary Jenkins, Ga,
SC Infantry, j B Rife, U S A.
pipping IlnitlHgiiut.
U S Mali Star Lino Steamship Nevada, Carpecter, New
York with merchandize and passengers, to Brigham.
B.ddwin A Cos.
__ P.istenper*—F S Babbit. RD Arnold, E Swift, J N
Fart ridge, W Sanborn, B H Bronduax, K C Powew, Mrs
Skelton, D CalMbnn, Mrs CAien, Albert Zetnug, Mr and
Mra Hough, L A Dodges, U Urigaom, H W Boshibr.l, U
W D.-nslow, Thos Sudier, M Bryant, C It Sheridan, C .1
Brew, W \V Dedyard, T C Allen. Mark Howard, J W
Frank, F Swais J D Sullivan, D S Jackson, H V Nani, r,
Geo W Summers, R S Brown, C G trash, f \Y Si WU i«. J
St.-amer Emiiie, Bender, Hilton Head,
Sets Silver Ware, Diamond Sets and Rings, English
Silver Cruet Stand*, Bntter Cooler*, Dinner and Tea
Service, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Vest Chains, Brace
lets, Lockets, Gold Pencils, Seta of Jewelry, Ac , Ac.,
of men amj> valuable abtiulku at ose doll as eaou.
JJIUO Fine Gold Chronometer Watches, each S2OO
ajlUO Fine Gold English Lever Watches. 150
200 Ladles' Gold Enameled Bijou Watches 160
500 Solid Silver Hunting Lever Watches. .$ 40 to 80
200 Silver Dinner Seta .: .100 to 150
150 Silver Tea Sets 100 to 150
3,000 English Silver Cruet Stands 20 to So
3,000 Silver Fruit Urns.' 15 to 30
2,000 Silver Butter Coolers 20 to 30
1,000 Silver Ice Pitchers bo to 75
5,000 Silver Goblets, Gold Lined TB to 20
10,000 Gold Pens, Silver Pencil Ca*es 8 to 12
5,00 Q doyen Silver Tea Spoons 15 to 20
5,000 dozen Silver Dessert Spoons 20 to 30
5,000 Large Size Magic-Spi log Lockets 10 to 20
150 Fh6t*C!ass Sewing Machines.; 40 to 80
AH the alM>vc lists of goods will be sold for one dol
4g,cuch. Certificates of all the various articles, stating
what each one can have, are first put into envelopes,
scaled up, and mixed; and. when ordered, are taken
qut without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus
jawing all a fair chance. On receipt of the Certificate
you will see what you can have, and then It is at your
option to send one dollar and take the article or not.
One Certificate may obtain you a Got.n Watoii Ser
vice or Silver Plate, or any other valuable article.
WIL be sold to Clubs, Schooia Agon-ts, &c at the
following rates •
One (Vrtifirnte, sent to any address by mail i0 25
5 Certificates. "* ,
It Certificates " j !.!!
Certificates (with premium) 500
, (with premium 1 10 no
100 Certificates (with premium} j; 00
«^‘ r T , ?- Ct , 9at, * facMon Bttarsnteecl in all cases. Goods
t eT I rh»n ltr a “5? 0t fanC >' of OUr Customers Will
be exchanged Iree of cost
uai l others will be allowed 10 cents on each
certificate ordered by them, providing not less than
five are ordered at a time. Agents will collect 25 rts.
for each certificate and remit 15 cents each to us.
Address all orders to
Anrvmu Nassau st., New York.
Jptto (pfrturtUfijjfntß.
gOARD. ; - T r " r —- ——t?
First class Board, with or without
obtained by applying to Mrs. E. M U
ner of Whitaker and McDonough sS ’ COr "
ju29 n
££ si»d y Money ,> UiAn^:t3tau^Maco r n C Atlanta **s
Oi ricx Cobwee Bay Dsattos StbeKo.
JU29 S E ' P TCNI80 ».
Os a SWORDcaptured at the storming of F 0 t W„~
ner, by Wm. E. Hudgins, of the Southern army, who
was artenvards killed at Kennesaw Mountain
The Svvord and some other articles belonging to do.
ceased officer-: were brought to the city by jp Hnd
gins and left with some friend. The wt
wttsY M? Pt- Wm ' H ‘ SiniPkiD * Massachn-
Avery liberal price will be paid for the aword. and
for any other articles belonging to officers who were
killed on that day which are naturally more valuable
to the relatives of the deceased than to nny other nel
son. ...Apply to 1
Formerly the property of Dt. Johnson, is- for sale.-
Apply to
No. 4 Merchants’ Row,
Hilton Head, S. C.
Our ICE HOUSE, corner of Hall and Abercom sts.,
will be open this day for sale of Ice.
We arc also prepared to furnish Ice Tickets to those
of onr customers who may desire them.
Hake, in boxes,
. Codfish, In boxes,
Soap, white, brown and fancy,
Keroeene Oil. in 10 gallon ease*,
Gherkins, baif gallon, quart and pint cases*
, Cases Pie Fruit,
Ctacgis of fine Green and Black Tea,
Boxe- Comolnation Coffee,
Faucets and other Wooden Ware,
Ink, writ ng aud Printing, Mason's Blacking,
Mess Beet and Pork,
* Half bbls Family Beef,
‘ Barrels Pilot Bread, Dried Apples and Peaches,
Socks Salt, Liverpool, coarse and fine,
.Crashed and Granulated Sugar,
Boxes Table Salt,
’.Kits Sounds and Tongues,
• Fine imported and other Segars,
Glassware, In caska and cases,
Tinware, in cask* and case*, '
! Window Glass, assortment.
For sale at Store, Hod?*on's Range, Bay street,
Fire Crackers, Ex No. l, .
Golden Dragon,
Roman Candies,
Pin Wheels,
_ . Triangles,
Bine Lights,
Bengal as,
Jass Sticks,
_ „ * Sky Rockets.
Pullen Crackers, Flower Pots, Ac.
For sale by
Jots Iw li>3 Bay street, __
W. B. Gairrnt, J. C. F. Plumb.
Will give prompt attention to all consignments and
make liberal advance? when desired. ju2tMm
Central 1< a ad.
Savannah, Go., June 22. iMi5.
Proposals will bo received at this office until Sutnr
day, July Ist, for furnishing Cross Ties and Biidge
Timber, rebuilding the Bridges and Culverts, and re
laying the Track from Station No. 43* to Gordon, and
from Milieu to Waynesboro.
' - _ GEO. W. ADAMS.
Ju-3 » General Superintendent.
BoTiLKa Not Included, but Tp nr Retcu*kx> wbks
I am prepared to furnish any quantity, supply my
patrons regularly without foil, give them a superior
article, at ns low rates ns possible, and live. As the
price of in&teri&l need becomes cheaper, I expect to
make Ftill lurthcr redaction ia my tfinises. Joy this
course I trust to merita continuance of the patronage
so kindly extended heretofore.
Established in 1852 by the puaent Sole Pioprictor.
i tv- „• cor - Bay and West Broad streets,
C Savannah, Qa.
headq’ll3 dept of tRe S.UTII, 1
_ Hilton UUvn, s. C„ June 24, lbC5 f
OeftnriAi Orders, )
No. rs. ;
The following rates will bo charged on nil freight
shipped on private account, on board Government
vessels within this Department, viz;
Between Hilton Head aud Beaufort, 25 ceht3 per
Between Hilton Head and Charleston, 60 cents per
Between nil ton Head and Fernandino, CJJf cents
per foot.
Between Hilton Hcnd and Jacksonville, CiH cents
per foot.
Between nilton n<-nd aud St. Augustine, C?X cents
per loot.
Between Hilton Head and Savannah, 37,*£ cents per
Between Savannah and Augusta, 00 cents per foot.
Between Charleston and Georgetown,' 30 cents per
Between all other places In the Department not
mentioned above, private freight will be charged for
at the saute rate. The nniuey thus received will be
accounted for to the Chief quartermaster, Department
of the South.
By Command of *
Major General Q. A. GILLMORE.
W. L. M. Bci Gsk.
Assistant Adjutant General.
R. F. Wickinoon. Major and A. A. A. General.
jU23 i