Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 30, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH 1»AIL-V TIER AID. VOL. 1-SO. 141. The Savannah Daily Herald: CMORNING AND EVENING :K,: * , , i V i IS PUBLISHED BY I s. w.- jiASON' dt‘co.,' At 111 Ba* Stexet, Satawwas, Qsobou i*. .«■ «*. -c-.. ' Per 0ijpv.V..r..;.....V...j Five Ceuta. Par '""Per Year. ..$lO 00. A t> V E It T IS I W G : l»* -» f ’ Two pedlars per Square of Ten Lines for first in seHfonj’One 'Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad -rertlsearamarinaerted in - rbe ntomlng; wilt ts desired, Appear *nape eveuiag without extra charge.' * JOB Jn every neatly and promptly done. J|nsttxiuu*.-. 1 ... JN S UJt A N ; C E 1 L 5-' - A u V LOW BATES ON RIVER BETWEEN-SftVANNAB AND AUGUSTA, —AESOv— ..i »•,.* ~x ■■ ..j .■riyla' v <» jacks osyi WE. : .ahd savannah. t&e •undersigned arc hdw'prcpaiea to take risks per earner to Augusta, and' Set am er 'dr Flat from Augusta', '* , t AT- LOWER RATS#THAN- GAN B& OFFERED B 7 AN Y "OTfIiSR ’ i*XkTiES its THIS "PLACE. Z.'Z iri Ad. i h.i> i *aU ife i Alee, by Steam and Saying - Vessels to and from jackaontaie. • , chas. l. ccp*t~4i!c&«3f" joSS-1 w i...... M r.cor. JJay arid Aberconi sts. IS YOUR INSURED? • ■-•■, >-&■ .' ihla ia an impflrtaiit qnesUtia 'for arid Important also i'o every, wife and. mother as it affects lbsir.ffttu.l^welfare. ..■■u .... : ,u ... ...r.,:': SEE TO IT AT g&CE. yjljQ NOT JJELAT. u ~ Thu "Knickerbocker Life Insurance'', of New York will insure y»u at the usual rates mdhy'Suhi freftt siuuou. TUey also Issue.-the-f. vorue TEN YEAR NO-.s -FORBEiTUHE : Fo.iCie*, : *»d i wHLafter l tWo years payment give a lull paid-nyi Rolicy -ftfr Two Tenths the wuole eutn, aud -Three -Years Three'Tenths, kadret} on. TUu» a Fvncy ot-siO,hiX*-. ni TWo Premiums paW wpen it wig-toe entitleu th. WpaktapripolUgr of se,-060. toad five year# fivecieuttis for e»dry-addit-ioual -year. * - Fur i'ttrtuer lHforiaatitoe-ftpplyto r : : »•-» - Attke offioeof tbe-ahmelUeurance-Cto;-, : :-^- *»• -yu?T - »• ->■ '■■BS--Bey : at., : 3avaQnahi o>. ' 1 T 4" HE NEW.’ ENGLAND 'MUTBAL-- LIES. IN3U. O. , HtVNCE UIAfiANY, uE BOaTON. .. .... ; pitrrl;?/*:;??,^ ••• This- is -one of the-eldest and best eompaades in Amkrita.' v- ••• -• ; • -*» ' - Policies on- Lives for any emo.nirt up to $15,000 are Buteh oy-tneta;’' -■** *■' •■*—• -~L - The Pohcr-e ors-these Compantes were not cancelled dtrrlu* the war umti nearepfr"'-n-»a fade which •shews their hearing und detertninatlou td bejust anUrbonoF sole t n-aii case*. ' Apply-tO' -• : : -• -•••• • • • JuSf -• ■■■•:— -A.'WrLßßß:Agent t.,u ..a ..sECTjsppp • HANH iTTAM INSURANCE COhtPANYv;;;;; ; PH(£N£X FLRETNSL'RANCHCONPaNY }. *-.^ ' .T- ' C- ofover -FOTJR MILLIONS, K.sks taken on.all descriptions of-Property on rea. souaoie text3s.hy ...:■ - wi.... -A A..LANE, Agt. *esr-ouicc Range, . Day street,--oppor siteiLuteU»lpffio«v: *x. ,<• ; . - l I- » ;• ‘-U jiuid . • .• • Imi» ■ C.-,i •■■■.■ . . K.crL:tL# ftiXN.'... . v -'! .r. f' 5r... . -.) . f, : -I - ~>■> ut. a,, OJ A R INF; -I R Afr'C,®- .<3,0 Ms ANY f ■ OF NEW. TORK ; CASH -CAPITAL.:v ; .. ..y.;.L;$3, \ .... «. .. • /..try’;. ... ,■*•». 4-e*w t- «:• .-.AILJi*. •j.. v .... ... ./ii .k.i 4 v 4* The underaigbed are preparedtO' Insure under Open PoflcyjVoin. the abo've CompMhX to thS uui>. in property in any- first class Steamer, and,from sstk«ufr to'srs.dwJ fliW died*• sailinfir vessel; oa iavoraWe.NVw, a T'nriurther‘perticu-isiwapplyAe-r n.i. .it - - =•;; ' ;• v- so ;cpLBT *OO , " i«*s in : 4ew *• #*» i-• -■• Suvaaaafi.Oa. , ^/' •'; j * .'j j si.'".';’ ’ ;*. p i ~„ .Ct»ttttaM»l,;%- to;; AS-! iitaHt special-Agent ofihe?i!fifth .Aga»&. Ju» Ja.eefi; KMigbett set tie Bisatii Ageacya# l>ej>u- * «piapiiuueaUoi).t«idtisi to. the tie butoess ©t'vto* Fifsb Ageney eheuld -be -ad dressed to Po pKa.tol, : B.'9.,;ftS|a^biitortto |i tip Jbgihii Assuiy sJkhuS. 8r ‘C 'V'-.t.. : • ’• *->1**1,,.. - W#- ■• Aw . vo.iDu?. - * ( , FUSBCRY* • *••*•' -fjgff -• :'" j »•’.; tl[fepflty j Sa!pctvisiii g Agent':-' A ..' general *''commission "merchants, ..... k if«- * -i/.» f..i. i: *a• '*». '.|i«.: ».»*&*•• V..:J> tofj’-JA 4..Pi&le;a .in .Sheetixig, Sikirmg,. : . Oanahnrgs, Ygina, Hope, Bugjftng, Manafserured- and Smoking To bee col ... , .... }i U4> . -..' .i. . IVUcular auemJoagkvea:to4be Eartiiaae, Sale end Shipment of - :•» * Rawoh's- Granite Raj«k;—Tatsn Bamgx, «■ ‘- .; MACON-, ;OAv;Yv' :. u j' ’ ' RtfMt£»■£«».—Srwln -ft Hardee, CMgbora frOan famguimn afctafcrralr*, “BbWeW'Sf.M. fUrtr.fl# lanannui‘; 'E. ». -tidngeß,-'PilVie; Angiieta; 'F F. I‘fcnwe.V. A.- Gutkrtl, At'fatatd. r -'! "■' "-^y '' j U*S. lflr W'jpaJß iiOomAß . XBAKeUaU^X.*'..;,-...., 1‘ . ii,:., ..• ...a ;.- h. Tuu paper above named Is published at HUt<)n ffo*4 8. C, by M. J. MnKgfojjjlt!*..sir. .«.* i » »an Intereetr lng and. instrnctive Paper, not only for buta WEECOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all resident* f It ssiilcout .in Oriicinal LOCil NEwg, a summary of 3JOKTHJKN NRtV^'eatFcarafuUy selected MIS CEUAMSOUB ITEMS, Ijrg antr - - ■: ; “ 7: 4 :... A . wHonraai.r-Aan ssratn riAcsas £»--•- SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, £>fif (SOODS, • '• BOOTS ANB- SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QaKTtEMSN’a Fuenishdio Goona &c., “ No. -6 Merchants* Row, Hilton Head, * S.' C„ W. 0.-BOTWLT..* * ; -~fjul3*tfl ff- /.'SRfiIDOCKd ARRIVAL OP GOODS. 1 ’ :r_ ' SKEHAN & CONY NOHAM 0/ 170 Brvugtiion Street, ‘ Receive by every at earner 'fresh consign meats of Goods . . fromNewycads,-.ccathlstm^nf.T.:' BOOTS and SHOES, n- -L» C.. - Ladies’. BALMORALS, ,, v .; ...c Qfintlemeu'# FeltaadatnertHAlS, .-I CLOTfiINO,' GROCERIES, WINES,' '■ .*l. \ ; .t>.*i.- »-id U „.DuW}P ftPdLwdea.PORTER,: : . ..,- Gqiden AL |S, in -Ais*»t-A choice selection of GARDEN Which we offer at lotj price! tb'^eTrade'' '" '/'/ : : tjSfti ■ H . t.i: mu ’i t." !V..' '-V i 'J'O THE CITIZENS OP GEORGIA a - - ’- ii -»ei u - The tcripmation of § wngptnarj; contest, whicfe.fc>r the past Tour years has presented an impassable barrier A .1 .»• ! L’ 1W..'* 1 .! to all social or commercial intercourse between the twp.great ssctloo» : ol .onr wuntry, having .:at length happily deafed a#hy-"KQ. Obstacles ;to ! a feniiqval of those relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal uulon, I take the eailieet opportunity aflord- me*picioiiß event, to greet my Sonthern friends, and to SJBclt'froin them a reiiew'4l of fhattx. tensive baslneeVctmhecttdtt wlflcli for''V qfiarter of a bhs beCn hnthte'iTflpted save by the great piib jic calamity to which I.have adyert<s, ( t • U scarcely necessary, on the tlifeslrold of a busi- ness re-union, I should repeat the warning so often I. * r: C- -i -ci ** iln given to my friends.—to beware of all those spurious aid de'Cterioua Chniiiouiias.' wiiclg 'tjfe.-spqcloiris and false titles of Imported Wines* Brandies, Hbllsmd Gittr Liquors,- *c., ; have • been equally ■ destrtiEti vq- to the health Os th?.liidtimate' t lmpoi tor." A - i. Many years of my past life have been expended In an open and candid attempt to expos! frauds i no tioMj nor expense has been - spared to ac compliab tbiaHalatary purposej-and to plaee-'before my friends public generally; at the lowest possible mMkwprtce,'*tt!id‘in' , affth'4ff&M<ftiedhsnif£bt suit tlqelr convenience, a trrdy genuine. imjorJs.q.arti cle. ' ' “ ._. Twenty-five years' -business transaction* with the largest and most respectable exporting- hotfefes -ln France and Great Britain have afior%d me unsurpass ed facllitiea .for ,out-#»men»Wet'with Wines, Liquors, and Liquersof the best and most ap proved brands in Etn ope, iff addition :to myowft die tiliery in Hollaud for the manufacture of the “Schie K . ®p. ipn?«»«; «k* uwd- Ical Faculties of the TTnited States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Tirerapeutlf, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all cli mates and during all sea sobs, quickly excited the cu pidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious arttetemweieruhe sainename.” « I trust that I have, alter myr h toil sux fouidedail my safeguards and di rectiona which with ordinary circumspection will in sure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my ciistomera,k 4 ° ’ •*'» «ci a »ri i: I would,, however, recommend whece ; lt is pbssibie,‘'that o'l-clera be seut'direct tVmyDepof, 22 Beatslr street,'New York, or that ptrfctiA'4es be"iniiae b/piFWCredxted'ia^ents,'.''^'., In addition to-k large-stock of Wines, Brandies, •&«, , in' wood, I hare a; considerable supply of old tiled fof e'jgn lies, .erabjAsiug yiu.tagee. of ...nrkiiy.pas't ycarA bottled-up before the canimensetnent of the war, Whifih l ean especially recommend to air couhoiSSetti-S ■oTlilifse.rarfllusqfw^'...’ ,I,'u.’ 2 In. ooqelusion, I would specially call- the early atten tion df my Southern' customers tq tliu advamuge to : be time, calling, personally-at the i>epot r ‘in order to insure the; fti ore from “thfc |f«B6nt large'ism'il'w’fell selected' assortment*. "' " UDOLPHO WOLFE, ju23 lm 22 Beaver street, New York. ■ rrj".'iL jj . .—■■»■-■ .j :».iiiv-. «!».■ - Macky, hogkj & CO., « lit a i i u n ■& & u .. ;is st v GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 2 Stoddard's Block,'* 'opposite Custom House, ? ; .«fcVAM?tfflir‘i»jL A '■»* .1 Bavtnt ppened a jt the.jipaw ataad,,ia.)dDn nectlon wlti our House In Philadelphia, we offer to the Trade**-- 250 .barrels Bourbon, and Rye Whiskey;. Hama frreakfamßaQdri fihd Si'QitJoerel Bagte'd''lieef.Xarfl Brdohi', htfegshe'ids, Ac, . 'CotosightaeflfS to tfaPSbUIS in Pbilad«phli Elici ted- MACB.Y, iiOGu <e.Co, No. 2 Stoddard’s Block, Savannah, Ga. ,!u2o*lm 25,gontq:.Watar efo aeu Philadelphia, J The .FWp'rtttpr of me;; /'; 1 ;. ; .;.. , ' SA y. HA H CITY FLOU R Ml LLS, v.:,c-. -ul.l ;..K. •'■’ .•» i.l i.l-! I«JV>W..«I 1 ißegs hi? npmei'Qna.pairoos. that he has raade.a nuru .er of improvementsiu the machinery at tached to his. estttbiishmtnu.iiud^ furnish his customers with,a.fnd supply.«f the. best .l grjts -and;;- .• mi^l,.-; and everythisf that'can be e»peoted ; from-a 1 -•“ FiRST-CIASS -- . MILLING ’• ■ ESTABLISHMENT- He pledges himself toways.sell hU Goods and ip hi* work 26-PER CENT--LESS t ***»&■' ‘ _ . for theHeneflt of tfid cftfrehs, thag_mahy cf ; hS cbih* peUtora.., He ,V» prepared togrtotf 'and Com at the cuitomary -j toll, atfd In addition wilt as' pbove stated, aiwiu'e : be prepared to .furniftb h a friends ’with everything m the 6ta at vie.' " . wi of business is at. the. at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET. |ul9 ts The Regular Annual Meeting of tb^fefSdWiWdeifirCf Wednesday, mn juiy.'isec, M the'ptupo.^bf-end ing Ihfettora tor the ShEtUbk j'ear; and" 16i 'tbe'tJ'A'ls- Ihl*' it * ' Assistant Secrratry. i .SAVANNAH, GA* FRIDAY, JLNli> 30, 1865; m E STILL .L LVJK#. - . - - ... .... : ar— ;■ T H a 0 F- F i C *V»» . No. I>£ MxsCß4sti>' Row-,- ' HILTON HEAD, s'. -C. ' BENJAMIN HONRY, RlfdVKixf’oß Just received, from, the NosiU--*.. .-;. . y BEEF, ... ,i rJI.UvJ? MUTTON, \ iIiAJU, -i . J J . 1..i. I li - CHICKENS, ~x-..v* TURTLE: Received flpo*i4he^Wimt«i^~eve^-mfirnhij^- CHICKKN3,. VKflJjf APLSS,. .dfec/T' ICE CR BAM, WITH- FANCY CARES The inner!ttiAii mW andishall be - •; -:i4r:.Ria -ivj. ) .* ICE WATER,- FREE TOR EVERT BODY. : , - N. B.—Why d«?s tuj- tebiylittthe rear of thft; Post Office dlswmmhe.tb.W where th.q l^Ugh; come? ip f OiICfi,..TO..CONTRACTORS. .... " "‘•i-'iJV. EN#tNEER«B •OFF’tOE-, -•» *.m> Gbit JUiuuoad, > ■ f! Rpygiiiab, «Sb,-J«ni^»»ilMe.)' 'Pr)SpOBUIB r«t'eH , !e(d at 'thtp'ijffici until ,! the sth ofjuly nexcfm-1 tie' reeonstru«.idn of -the Adau ifr iiud Gulf Raltioiwiflncludrag all Bridging uttd’Traclt. laying- kini : iufulßhi6g oi all MateriWexccpflromfrom tbe Ltitle Ogeeciieir Brmte, indnsiyefto Vhw' Bridge’of the-Altamaha, mtludiitfiS Mbitan Lsifi* life* within sixty fCOJ days from’Hte-date of : <fbD»ac#i . .. '* • “-- J.'T; STONE,-- -'•si ‘’ChiefEn^ntdr.-- Offlce In Stoddard's Building, up Postofiice.., 3i..TVh,;2; ;■*• ** : c»;• ; Augusta papers copy oi»c week and ssn'd-bUMo S ll vaunahi-RepiibUcan-omcwi- jttiri, j nt LHiLOJi9,iAL£B, CA i h r; - - ''’"''.i'Vtf IiXF;. J 9 . M ik-R S 'rfL -. | v’iciiw-;.-• -*.>•<’ v • Vv » • Q .1 ./ri'yj’-L I. -.hi r(* au.-« v-s<± ,asi* 4 RJ.4,9 P#;& i V » # -C: aL.u Joi aw^ 'i‘i . : ;i -'i:-..ifirEis>“o#'.-fcAT-‘aiUrti}-v v|| ..% 014) ssim LiS 4 .: ,ce! i .t eVllit i OLB OTARB BUPUY BRANDY. ... u.... W .. .& t, , ;„..i : -. ‘ r' ;gin WOLFE S SCHUHDhMWIW-SFPS L..i Wr.S&iJtt ■ w * gRRAttf IPLANTAISON BrCfSRI •;». '.i*» ..{ ;-wl U ! !>: V 2 SHERRY-; WINE;;; j^ 1 ; { a.l: ’’..-J —ll I iigißiat' i jaag |4v »'' v^'' 4,; r*™****^,-*?^ -* * «i * »• t \ I swrt/ «i l \ i 4 S -- -•••- • ■ ' ' v --‘'-':-.- 'eiDER. AIV# i tab* All of which he has iUsfiaaafcorJn bulk, with his usual andwell ; "-i tip M.{..nii'>»-•». L W«,M?A.'U J.' -o * Ah..wbich..toftiPfers, $ :a wwk' Yorkxr>Bt atari chafeekT’ : rf'•; , 'dli' 1 litALD A S'D, liu'rjlt dS.f --9b I* WATCHES.., V Sffl# Set* Sliver Ware. Diamond Seta and Ring'*, English Silver ernet Stands, Bt{tWrt?<Jf)l.qr*, Dffinei' and Tea; oemce, Jfianoa, oewlng MBthtlifis;Test*Ctiairfn, Brace •let*,-Locket*; 1 GOfd;?eUCUB, sew.ofVttralry, & : c'v<kc., WORTH "oNE MILLION DOLLARS,- ■ i .•g,. L ■.. m -ii.:.: ll—•. *J i. w- TO DE BOLD AT OWE DOLLAE EACH, vyjZUOCX EI6AT.D SO ,ui Lmim ait. «i. is -- ■ VVLBtti - ■ • *-> . . 1 iiNirNoT ¥6 jߣ>Am foruntll - ion; KNOW u ~ ARB TO KECEIYE. •••- '*' _ i ;U>;.v«i-r5 N-'...::iiAMiGGuk'.'‘.v;r j of ricp a ui>. vAßctont a*wcnlt^^•3k^ , oteeortusto e’aob. ; :i i i 'i'ie-tlol(l : tHscentkneter , Wateheß. ehih; ~:-.'-.; t ?k6u vjlto-Fintmota English Seve*flMiltoMi c .G.F. r Jte H«' 80h Lacies*'©old i£haiui;iA:'B<jo« v «W boKdSifver 'Hunflng Levey W*»tehto«f.4»«a. **•o wetbusiVtf.Y. tftt'ti&.tJM to.l»o ii UP Stiver-Tea Sets.. NH B,WS- English iu.. idi to-iw 3,-OW Silver jmilt Urns;..-.: .vi,.'..16* to -JO 2iWtoßiiv*r 1 r**s3o 1,000. Stiver Ice Pitchers ri>9 to '75 9,i>W lu 10,(M»‘GOW'Foto,^silverPencRCastol-K.... 8 to 12i 5, 59 b dtteeh-Skver-Te* Spotw 16 to 201 5,000 dozen Silver Dessertbpoona.';rir.! i ;:. - 2*' l K>* l ßui 6,000 Larffe Size Magic-Spiing Lockets...i..‘ ; lO to. 201 i “•wn*lfc«M34aise I ii-.-'toid* 80 ■ All Toe-above ttsWof goodsWik-bdebldTer onedW* lar each. Certificates of-WhUte verioiHi ttraefles, statißg whgt edcto’ oiibt*aa : havec. are-flref scaled up, and mixed; and, when ordered, .are. taken out wUhotK-tegat-B to- dboice, and sent by mail, thus: oirlng afl a fair chance, 'tbriraceipt of the Certificate you KhatTQn;caffihws, gnij thRO It is at your option-to ?end.kt*.u.dotiaf aadttafei, ttoi article or not.! SINGLE CERTIFICATES, 25CENTS EACHJ h,ohe.Certifieate may. obuis you aGom WaTOB, Ser vice of-SUver Fiauvor -say oujer valiWbJe art»«ie.- ; Ai . ti ' FAC^GEf,.9^,CERTIFICATES.. ;‘ >; “ WIL b?:eold to Ctnne, Soboow, .Aok»i», i*C;, at the ;.... Si. 1 :. ; .40S0WUigrato8'J.'! J.. . i . • ...-..-iii ; iOn'e eeßtito »ny isiddtossiiiy, mailj,..s &26 .... IWK .,«.|MMOi-G«« 1.50. IX Certificates............. : .-.o »>* • Hi „3Q.CerMficme?:iw'rth PtoWUM- n-***- ■. 500 .M (3«t4cat«>H WtoJ»C««B4MD-a-»s-.*k...•>'*» MfV 10Q OiJ:t4<S**‘‘Oe (wiih'prpnUuißJ.,...,.. • %; Perte’cmitMfacttoE gttaf&nteed In. »H 'cas6B.: Goods not pleasing the taste oh ‘fancy of' bttr ctfstohiers *?ill of coat' 1 *; '[ ..", Agents and otttbfeWnrbe'affowed ICcbjitS e?Ch ceewicate ordered by tnenj, providing "lSSt'Tess than Hvd flj-e ordfrad at'A-'ttifib:' Agehtb Will collect 25 cts. for ea«i'cfertlfidate'and r*ny,t 15 cents each to us,. \ 1 **- --'■ •• 102 Nsshau st., New York. AGENTS WANTED. -. " v XjHNAftUAL*. \'\s .<•» •'-• Jli. w* K*l» ill* l +1 L I j try 'C:;" I 'buls Koyarß^w sintfto\uit j purchasers. ■ iful'iw 1 The tUckuioud Coiiuty Meeting* Resume of the Resolutions. THEY ARE DECLARED TO “HIT AIL i ! A 05 TOE HEAD.” . lie « Servile Expressions .of RepeHtaßce f ,, ■ nor « Sneaking Protestation! of Love;*'' tfbo Government and its Measures ,SSTot to ha Opposed. Tbe Position of tbe People Clearly stated, •* war v ' [From- tire Augusta Cdnatitutioiftlist, SSlhfJ ’ * In aceondauce with a -numerously signed call to that effect, a public meeting was. held in tfua city on Saturday last, J>y a jjortiop pi tlie citizens’of Hicbiinond counts, to give ex pression to’tbeir views as to ibe presefff and prospective politierti rdationa-of the State of Georgia to the Gcftoral Goverumea*. . i Since the initiatpu of this system of pub-; Jfc meetings over the State, it has been our fortivuiy to Tend mnny'tliifertnt fiitß of resolu tions in relation-to the position and teoliugs oLlhqState, noun du.ucovthiuk, that position has b'eeu more clearly stated than in that published to-day. Alter a preamble -stating that; -by the ac tion,of this Stale, tbe citizen-of Georgia was compelled to : .ehPo3C,.. l betw.e«BjiWO: ailegjan ces; thatihq electiou made, of adhering to tiie'State,' had proven an uhf<>rt\mate one'; that the- authority of the- 1 United States had been restored, and.the go vwmuects, -State and.o9.nfe4s»te, gpught jo beytected in op position thereto, had ceased to exist; and that thief S3taj Uhited'Sfaft.3 G-oVerufheht had iniiiateif- steps, by the appoiarinent*of a Pro visional Goverqpr, looking .to a reconstruc tion of* the .resolutions, eight in number, proceed, to set ‘forth the rhdia asseihbhid ih this of-affali-st - -■ • • -'•> ,t*- ■ -It.ds ffint declared.-.that .there to the Government of the United States man ifested in this State. As er of auyihtention tF<rei>ew hereafter tbcvla mentable slide lately .terminated, ,this jesolu.- tjon we .think, meet tile cordiaVendor sal of all who value peace axfa deprecate ihe hwtws of'tittt ’wxr. fu -- • ’ •" By the seaund »eaolutlon, it4s in effect-de clared that, while mot wgoidng In their own discomlhure, 'or disposed td' sing peeans of euforced loyally .to. the Uuiou, ~the -.resolms' are .honesty and id good faith determined to abide dV those'obirgatlbiis deem biuding In -‘cdtrsctettCß ‘wpona-them*Atov. -efp^iiirtShe Union of tbe States, t he. Pod era 1 Constitution kadLhffs, tp ma.iutsin order,.pfeservepeace, in view ot the laid great'Cheuge'iii' thedaibor system of the .qpunjry .the may be liandkia ia prudent niap nfet, aiida ttib*vfewsor the GoveraiDeu tin this regard. adThe: iourth lesoluiiou dtclarea -that, a* this juncture,. .Georgia’s 30113 must, make it tilth' duty to repd'er every service in their power to ttrefr State? ana the flrttiv wfitcif is in 'sub'- toaiace an »tnpiifloatrhn of a portion of the meeting that wu.y,f«r.viditiQd ardent -express* aions of devotion to the Government, consid ering the pecGiihr of those re- would tend-11 ttlo-’ to tstrerifitiieti' the <WKdWK«: ,to.„ be., attrehed to . jhsir simple pledges of loyalty. .- , . - , u The six l h; seventh aud eighth 'resolutions respectively eipi-ess a bbpe thUtciVCumstances i«oay sOno; jieruiit some ahdferneat of military law.; Uep.recate : i« strong term* the lute atro cities perpetrated, or , attempted in Washing ton city, on the personabfthe President and Secretary of State; ■ and tender the'thttnks 'of the meeting to .Brevet Brig. G«u. Moiiueaux, Commanding Disuict, apd staff, , for. the courtesy and consideration with, which their difficult duties in the community have been dfectsnxged.. H i J. f,.t , From.this rather full resale, of these reso lutions,. it may’ be seed their"tone Is one most ettkiflentiy tteuKibUL dignified Snd impressive. ; Ahy'Buhpicit>U9 aduration- bite been as care fuilv avoided on the One hand as the oppo yitp SX! iyme ,of silly bravado has on the oth er The language is siippiy yea, yea, and; hay, Day, ana on that accotiut' more deserv ing- of eredit than- If ; prostituted- to* ser .viie exjU'essioas. of repentance or. sneak ing ; jirote,stat ; ons ficjlSftt The purpose of the meeting was ’merely, we take it, to dxpretofon to the feer irfgs whd. piirposes of. those- pa*ticij!»atiag ; ;har it—ko iet .it be.known, in an autboiitative .and formal manner, tbat tiiis least, 1 were willing, and injending, ter render thatioyatty to the Goverfaineiit; ,r ariy govefh mebt:h«s a right to demand. When th» was said'shthut was necessary to be.done-was effected,; apd .for liavmg. givep the. meeting ao and proper u series tor’ theiy ; -cou- the csjamitfoo on resolutions, de-i servo 'thj thanks of: the community.' *!por 9nr|flvvs, ..we 'JeniJer"^theta and the toeetihg wnfeti" by adopting, mado' tneir labor owd, our acknowledgments.fpr 4 declaration, ■M principles wo can so lpljy endoise, a.-i we: ‘do these resolutions. ' They hit the naif fair 6n‘ the head, son stripped Os alt verbiage, they amount simply to- tnht-—we were overcome, au,di..we kopw h,,and give our pledged, word ,to.henceforth honesfiy abide by that author ity against which we’ hove heretofore unsuc cesstuily been its revolt, ; ‘ t. •! ' • ■ ■ • - ' ; - ‘ 'Marshal Magnam’s fiineraltio lebs than thirtjmiHJUsand men escorted the corpse to the. Church pi, thelu vaiidcs, aod.aa-a pageant the sight vvas mo*i Imposing-. It b'y'an accident. The horses of a private car rikgs took fright at the noise or tbe bafcdk atid rushed through the crowd helter-skelter. {jtVeral pei sons were kucoked dowarand four .snrioiuly - ■ ■ .... v -r-Mi Guijpt, at his seat.of Val-Ricber, nea J L'aieaE t|MDg v Wi«iopt a Ught-firwm one roomtq ahoHier, lately struck against apiece V/f T-uroiture- and fel>»‘biftfctlng' 6 serqre'Con * usion on his head. ! ***** PRICE* 5 3 CENTS -- Chttleiton Sew»,' From files of the Charleston Courier Ao tbe 18th inst.; we take the following Interesting" rnews r * l; •’ *- 1 "*■' *• “ v .NOfrrUaHS SOLDIEHS ABOCT TO SETTLE Ilf SOUTH OABOUSA. in a-short time the 127thclNew York Regl-- 1 ' meat, who have been doing provost guard duty in this city since its occupation by the ' Unionffi irces, will bo mustered out of ser vice. Many <Tf thewhave expressed a desire* to settle iu our midst. Wr hope this desire' 1 will tweet with proper encouragement Iraq} our citizens and laud owners. .They, are a, body of intelligent, educated young mow, trained so habi sos induitry and economy.', , Their geniicQianly bearing and conduct' have earned the mpcct-aAd good wilLof ah, As residents ihey would, .feauily. assiuiUWa with fb'a citizens, arid become a valuable ac qnis thsa tb soclt-ly andtlio State generalTyi‘ For every one of the 127ik soldiera Induced' to rernaiu, we may safely -predict another j aowrgelic eon of : the Empire Stale td cndie idtuw La .a short time. . ..Thus the interesu. ,Os ■ New York and South Carolipa would .bar. ' come imperceptibly blended. ' S. i: ,® aE . A ®‘ Il> '®*b? THE LARGE The Courier thus remarks upon, the .<uj;, vantages which Wfil follow the division bt plantations includinglarge tracts of lapd into. I small farms: ■. * .The: oiR English system of large landed es tates with a numerous tenantry,, must .glyn wav fdT th e want of capital to sustain It on the part of the proprietor*; In the «rtd thN will bemot only a gahi, but the means of re*- guneratiou. to t»e South. i.. ; ...i Then the pouters will realize that it U, more profitable to haV-'e five hundred or on# thousand acres of land yielding ah income of or thirty per ceut., than'twenty-, five hundred or. three thousand- acres,- ttpotf which; iiepkys the same rata of taxes, yieldi ing ten to twelve per cent. ‘ Aaottoef advantage ‘is gained by'dividing these large tracts into small farms. Ahiaw oi sterliug good citizens, possessed es intel ligence aud mdustryvls secured. The coun ; try uiudiually bycouies more-thickly settled, arid towri*' fepririg clianriela ateojjeßea, new rriUmadaoullt, andtricreased* .actliLta oi travel afforded with all sectional - then low couutfy. would be aopritett, similar to that ,in th« , riolftietTi 'lffiSrWelteih States. In the' courw of a few-years-thls would entlrelydestrojrth#’ poisonous malaria hpw arfsiug Iroiu the-low lauds. This ih many portion# us tpe.West, noyv perfectly healj,uy, whiOh, ten years ago,, were periodically visited by that-grerft curse ora new cotfntiy,' tHi | *t«gu#,” proving in maity case# as- &t#i m \ Wm.yoUpw fever* ..Thute a chilLis unkuawm ssisMissr I THE CAPTURED PRIVATE 'i>APgfs A9D CORaklU POIfDEjrOB. ■' The' jsap«rs and captured »w wi#»ofe Davl’s train recent ly iu Florida,- bav«;b«ett-seut- to Wasteugioit m chajgjjoi XL, bollock. Asst. Provost ALr* shill General. These b a l'®fs bbhfrist of private dfspatche» ■ and corTeepoudenec of Gen. Beauregard; to getuer with a considerable; quantity the* : U***99s Davis. . Among oUtec ; articles are three splendid uniforms bfioug ing to General Beaureguard. One of them ■bears the card of a popular and fashiouable el-Oae-fittiHJS' friend,’ tfs follows:'• “Tolesils, Mei.coam,Tailor, 368 Kfcg street*.Charleston? §‘.,9-L IV»wc,ie.aru fc ,roa4ft to order, of the “L-mics’ Patriotic Assignation of Colum-j Tiie-tbiiowihg despatch was found anfong the, papers -,.t «a.^ . **■ S. Cy October. 13, im. > ‘ 'Son. win. P. Mil**, tuc 'imond Va : * '■‘ < ifas thl bill for the execution of abolition, prisoners alter Jau&firy next been passed. Dodtaud Englaud;*vili into action* ltis high lime, tp proclaim the biackffag after that period', Let the execution bo with the garrote. .. . ' •XSitOefl) - l G' T. Beacheoard * Tbe original of General Beauregard’s -or (for,in reiatinn to Gen. Butlers famous New Orleans Order,No. EB,was also found, He ptyjed But-e.r the Haynu and haugiuam, of the North; •" ' j The Feblino OoTtoDB ts* Cut.—Parties recenUy arrived h*re Irom.the iotariof report that a? a geueral thfog ! iha : plamers > ace.j#kr mg the oatu of alfogiance and making con-* tractsWitk- the freedmen. 3 We 'hope there may bo no mistake in the reports tbusdrbugtit in, although we'-ai-e inclined I6b^icve : ttjat some few plfo-tes* may yet be found Who have not complied with, tqe eatabiishedjor* ders in reforence to the matter of Ufoorr Nabkow Escape, or G**. B*cKtM(inr Co lombia.—Gen Sickles, who is at the present Colombia on a misfoo to the govern ment of that country, while making-his way to Bogota, oven mountain roads passable on ly to the sure-'fcoUid mule, started on the first day.upon- A . horse ftßrnished him by-a very hospitable, and: esteemed American at Honda, .but. the poofc.,ani-ual Jell. in.climbing;-up a rocky ascent made, slippery by wet clay, and down tbe mbcrnfaih they both went .backr wardk; but fortunately tor the . rider, thb steed brought up against the sides- of-» nar row ravine,, and ue escaped injury«, Nothinr would induce the horse to tiy it again, , and so tips General w-alked Oh, or rat Lei was car ried up in the arms ot the ; atri&o* Wlfie atL compunied the party. After that he rode a mule, and did jrot meet With any other mil* hap, although one of orderlies' nude* fell with him two or three ißries. .1 :b. j.y-u,...- -r r -j' ,i. . ,“H ' , —Gem Hur.butja tobe icouri'martiaiad at ,jKew .Orfoans.on serioua.charges. -1,0 y. —New ITork €ity has appropriated -fSQ 000 for .the celebmtiooof the 4tb of Julya : ; l QjXLr ifeVv st* ai jEiid j i,aiid' r^R j-la s-a'.-uJ *U't mn>’(S'tt» ShdUi ,u.ri SAVANNAH AERAIib OFFICE wo. U 1 sax “ # 5 ~ ,<i '”**