Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, June 30, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. FKIDAT, JUNE 30, 1863. FKO.H OIJB EVETO EDITION OF YESTERDAY. JUDGE T. P. RI’XDLKXT. We haVe received for publication the sub joined-testlmonifcHo the efficiency and excel lent business qualities of a good and.popular official,, which we print with much pleasure : It gives us pleasure to record the riniver «ai . sutistiMtlion which this competent officer has given to the bar, and the public, by his ftble u «ind succi ssful administration of the Complicated and tielicate dutit-sot his office. Judge Rundlet has proven hiipso.U well worthy of the position he held, under the Governmentarid the favorable expression Sis opinion which we have heard in the pub lic .tbc-roug Clares and private parlors of the city, concerning his. .performance of his. du alike flattering to his judgment and abilities. In the retirement of the. more secluded pursuit s we" wish bltn all the success which ..slK4ild 'follow hiß energeMC, and industrious habits. Citizens. Obsequies of the Late CoNßad Wei gand.— I this morning at ten o’clock the sol g’piffi.rite# for the dead were performed over th i e.hdiiy,oU Mr,Conrad Wcigaßd; late Pro prietor of the Savannah Hotel-and 4 Yolks Garten. The remains were then removed from his late the hearse awaiting its reception, when the funeral cortege moved in the following order. Ths profes sion was headed by the Savannah Orchestra and the Band of the 6th U. S. Infantry, fol lowed by the funeflffßScdft,the Germania Fire Company No 10, Foreman, Heary Blunn. Nekt dauie tfaehhearsfc contaiuhig 1 the ‘re mains of the deceased; pallbearers, Valen tine Basljii, L Salvatfaare,-John Schwartz, A. Stamm, John Harris, Philip Hermann, M. Broker, Honqrary Membera<f er mania Fire Company No. 10, German Friend ly Society and citizens. Carriages contain ing the family and rei-alives’of the deceased, followed ; after which was a line of carriages and buggies containing friends.and acquain tances, and citizens ou.horseback. The, beauiiluriMd impressive Dead>, perfofSDcd .Ijffk the SaviHtaaU ..City Orchestra and 6th U. S. Infantry Band, was composed for the occasipn jQho . Weigaud, of the Savanuah City Orchestra. The mournful cortege proceeded dbiVn Congress street to Whitaker Bfreetp through Whitaker street ...street, up Hull street to the Ogjechee. Ilpad. t hence to Laurel Grove'Cernelry, where the rcmalus of the 'ftttre interred iu the family lot A large number of epectatoini was‘fll*racted aWQflg whom an air of regret aqd sympathy wap ~uhiyers ally manifested. ai,.',. i .'»!,• ’ -*•••• * .+■. Ljne at STEAitfcHfl to-Palatka, FtoJnc*. — The pnblic wiil be gratified to learn that- an arrangement.! has bean made for two-steam ers to .ply .between thia-xlty -aod - Pafatka, Florida, ipup lffqg at Uie land ing as before the war. *' 4 • One of the beats-iethewreli -known steamer Stj Johns, wuijch has begu.refupdeled and rer fitted, aud will be ieady to take her place on the'-fifie InytilM tytfeks ' 3^' They will carry thejneUt.&f*eight&nd pas* "Wufl Hi iff 4 fr-Mf #9*v •** " 1 *'•***- *■-' I - Asb Staff.— Maj. Gen. Q A. Gillmore arrived hefre this morning;* by-.the, steamer W. W. Coit, on a brief'trait’.* * He Wa% atVompanied ijty the fpl- B. W. Thompson,; Provost- |1 ’ (Ja&fM • ;2f*J. George £. Gonr.aid,-laHpect.iT General ; Maj W*: S ; Gweral'; .'-dapL H. M. Bragg, A, D. C,; Lt.. E* A &. ; Tal cbtt| .A. D. U. !. J . 7; • 7 . ■, t Hatti is Lee.—This young time- 'connected- witii l ’ vUe Savannah Theatre, ancl now attached to" tie Davi oparttGompa&yatr titlfcfa Head, baa a Jtei# to-morrow even* iag,& a* ; .advertised. ’under our Atfrasemgnt 7'" : .\.,7; 7 -s£s-, twentieth Cpfps, Tecently mtUlnled at Washington, and refused to cross therivertoh hew catapf in* groofldttQ.lCh»i:cli ;they fcadibecn -ordered, umil-they-werapakFeffr ' After demonstrations they were finally pacified and arrange manta, were made to. them their money ,atjoncm .Some of- them bad not been paid for more titan ten months. Easjfem to write nn account saf the laying of the Attanrrtc telegraph cable,. ; , The work .will be Illustrated.,..published in London. Mr. aCiyuit W. v Field bad returned to London, .-after visiriaj* Valgntiap tp hfraage for the lqyiqg of the nhpre epetof the cable. Mr. Lufcdy is a passenger, on board the Asia, on the why-to : HeaitSs Content, N, F.. f&j&'t all ready at that point for the landing tfnhfe qabi&" "7 7;*: "■ ;;/.; :.v; " —The Emperor of Austria is taking notice of the Daute Festival, As.Padua University sjjji qhf fa which, he studied, he.Te.uads tberfe "a Dante scholarship of five hundred fiorlus value in favor of a student of philoso phy, who shall devote, two years to research es calculated to enhance the glory of the great Italian poet. .» w■* a ■■■ >• • , 6 aßrincsss Dagmar..of .Denmark has received the insignia, of tqe prder of St. Anne from the Empress of Russia, t<s which dis tdiction te Attached- a of 40,000 ru bles, Thia Prlncess was the betrothed df the lat* Czare witch. - w- -**•••* •w...u \j —The proclamation of President’Johnson rem®.vi n K tberastrictiona on- trade with the ia Uofidoa. Official HiMl m* •iiftbßii* a*** •**'‘**' ; v«- ***** The Very Latest from the North. SPECIAL DISPATCH FROM OCK OWS fOM RESPO.YDEYT, : Loss of tlie Stonmsliip Golden Tiule. ALfcONBOARDSAVEI). The Senate of Frankfort, Germa ny, on the Death ot Lincoln. AN IMPORTANT LEGAL DECISION. The Markets, Stock's, Gold, etc. etc.,- 1 -*■* etc. ‘>| By the following special despatch from our New Yor& correspondent, dated" 3 P. M., June 2ftb, we are enabled to announce the loPi of Hie California, aieamslup Golden Rule, and the stock-market, piicc of gold,' etc.i fcxr June 24th, together with other interesting news not contained in the. JT Y- papers re ceived by tbe Nevada. ui " :i; -- ■* . % . . The Steamer Golden Rale Wrecked—Ail .—e» Board fsavetl. — ; —- Quarantine, $. 1., June 24. The Steamer Golilen Rule, from Aspinwall, with Calitbrnia passengers.-was wreeked on Ronedai Reef 4al ' ** a '-" All bauds saved.. The Senate of Frankfort on the death of «*?* :JUT. Jblucoln.!. A copy has been received in this city of tbe resoluiions passed by the- Senate of the Free City of Frankfort, on hearing of the death ot Presidout-Bincoln.' It is aignbd by their Gov ernor, the Burgomaster; and expresses the ppiftitfi ffegret bjjj tlie Bqnaieiiii regard to tlie mournful occurrence as. well as their itidigna tionaKthe Avrcktd^ltedl. 0 - • - The .AiTie.rican9 iu Frankfort observed the day of-humUatioh on . Juuel Ist, byspechti services at tins - Watering place ot Hamburg: Bishop Kep, of paUfornia; presided. The fahg'r&l discourse \V»s preached in the priu ucipal church, aud the-English Chaplain participated in the services. : Baltimore .Waviuets. - BAa/riudKg, June24,lß6s. Flour dull and heavy.; sales of Western Extra at $7.75. Wheat declined" 3 a*sc. cam dull; sales of white at 83c. and yellow at 80 a 30q. Provisions -quiet. i Wtiisktfy ;dull at $2.08 a 2.09. Important Legal Decision. • BostoV; June 24. The United States, vs, the claimants for setfeitybdies'&U'Cotto'ft:' Tnis case was heard In the Uuitecl,si&tes District Court, before Judge Lerin. The cotton was picked up floating off Wil mlugtqftt -,:>!>.s the steamer \ leksburg. The United otates claimed it as a prize, and thfe.. 'Vlckkhurg r. 4 claimed it.. as, - property derelict.. At. u i-> is j> ;C - ii v■» * | The decision is now given that the prop erty is a prize te the.Uiiited- States. It has heretofore been the practice, in New York, to’tflkfaihfc 'fiutier wkfcep (fetufn ahd goods so,picked up, although the point, .has nut beeu, pieviuus to thG decision, adjudicated. ■This decision establishes, there tore, a Very valuable 1 precedent.-* 1 - ® <- •• Iu the same Court a motion was made by the United State* Attorney, for the sale ot the Georgia, the well, known Conlederate cruiser,’ find Vas resisted 'ln behalf'' of Ed ward Bates, of Liverpool, the claimant* Tne motiou was allowed by the Court, tuffi theaaie-of. the. vessel ordered, on the ground that longer delay would cause usuch a depre ciation iu the value ol the vessel as to afleet tho interests of ail the panies concerned. of,Pb|«r jua.tic#,CJuiit»—Fire Cincinnati, June 24. Chiei Justice Chase has arrived here and will probably remain Several days. The Commercial's Columbus correspou pundepi says; /riie prp.on Thursday destroy ed Charon & Son's carriage factory, and sev eral dwellings. The loss is not stated. • . i* n Five &i Louisville-« LocisvillivKy, June 24. The Agricultural Implpipeßt and Matrass Factory of Dickinson, Bennett & Co„,_ wa a destroyed by an acckleptal fire, ytwterday. Loss ij)30,000, on wnicJi there is an insuranu; of SIO,OOO. <A k F^; 1 ? Pbiladelp^iia v J; ~. Philadelphia, June 24. A fire, this morning, destroyed Henry Dis ton s Straw Factory on^Haylock and Front streets. Loss $50,000. The Flour Mill of WilmartU & Kooks, adjoining, was injured tiv tub auCfoufit of $6,0u0: , Exjilolou of a Locomotive. “ ; PniiAbkirktAi Jtfn^'24. Eugiue No. 26 of the Philadelphia and Hoad exploded,this. ..morning Otrftftj tffflttle Work'” In front ofthe 'engine house. No one was. killed. The Engater, WnS.-'Clifford, liad both lits leg3 :: brbkcn. .. .. . ... _ ( Nciv'Vdvln , ,*ll* as ilune . ' Stocks.dull£ady; j. . Gold vperied at ir4, fell to 141.8*4, and closed at 142. 4, . U. 8, Sixes, 11 §1.ilO: .. . U. 8." fitte-fvfa'uff,Coupon, Pi 3 IrS.' ** ’ U. 8. Fives, ten-forty, Coupon, 96r V . U. 8. Fives, ten-forty, Registered 96 T-2. *; , Tw.a.wi£»ptfi*. seyvn thirties second s«rh%. • 99 ! v..y* OPC yaw certificates, a Tennessee fcjixes, Tj,,.,..;, Ohio and Miss, certificates, 24. Efi#fid Mongage,-18-79, 10A- ‘ • Illinois Central Bonds, H 7. Hf apd, sk, J.bsepb“tst L. : G7 Bonds, 95. .Cleveland & Pittsburg 4th- Mortgage 74. .MU-waukie-d; st. Paul, Ist Mortgage, 72. Miph. Central eights,; new Mariposa, fist Mortgage, 40. Canton; Company, -i !• ( - Mariposa Mmiug Company, 12 3-4. Del. & Hudson Canil, 143. ;! ' F- -' Atlantic Slafl Steamship, Cppapanv, ex dl-' 9 Cafy Iriipf overaent,. 267"' - * ' Brunswick City Laud Company, 8, : Chicago, Burl. A Qpincy, ,108. " " J " New York Ceqtralfb 3-4.“ ' i Reading-R.R;$4 1-2. | , Mich!gau ; C’*ehtfal r R; R., 103 1-2. '"Michigan 80 & N. Indiana, 63 1-4 Cleveland and Pittsburg, G 7 1-2 “ - 1 ; Chicago -2. ' Chicago & N. Western pfed, 54. Chicago & Rock Island, 100. Pitts. Ft. Wayne & Chicago, 95 7-8. Chicago & Alton, 92. Cumberland Coal preferred 41, Flour.—Receipts, 18,745 bbls. State and Western, without decided change. Sales 6,200 bbls. State $5,50 a 6,25 : Ohio, SC,- 60 a 8,15 ; Western, $5,50 a 640 ; Southern quiet; sales, 400 bbls, at $7,00 a 12,00. Ca nadian quiet; sales 300 blis., at 6,05 a 8-15. ' Wheat—quiet. i Com—scare?, and la2c, better. Oats—scarce and la2c. better. * Beef—dull. Pork—iower and dull: sales 750 bbls.; Mess $24 50 ; prime slßa T 8.50. . Lard quiet; sales 200 bbls, at 15 1-2ei Whiskey—steady with buyers at $2.02, and sellers $2 03, Pklladeiphia Market. - Phu-acelhia, June? 4, 186Sk>i t lour very dull, but prices without alter ation. Wheat firm ; Sales 1,000 bushels Os Southern Red at SI.BO and red Penusyivahla at $1.75. Corn quiet; sales of Yeflow at 96 a 98c. Oats firm ; sales af 7Qc._ provi sion steady,,.. Wqiskey dull. Petroleum firmer; sales of Crude at 33- a 34c ; refined in bond at 52 a 63c., and free at 72 a .72 l-2c. K .4 >.4. ..Hi tl—- -I - - „ T|*B jCOYRTS. a PROVOST COURT—CITT Or SaVATWAH, tIECT. HANSON c. GIBSON, JUDGE, PRESIDING. *• Savannah, June 28th, 1865, la tho;;<s^s6'Of the Upij,ed Stages'val John O Dottnell and Mrs. o’D<)nnell r : held under adviaement frbm the, 27th. lust!' Ordered that John O’Donnel, the first named prisoner, be discharged-. In thecaso of Mra: O'Donnell, the second named prisoner, ordered that she be fhfed in the Sadi of fifty dollars; in default of payment of said fine, she be imprisoned for daya ; and the distillery and whiskey be confiscated for the benefit- of the U. 9. Gov ernment. i-. ~s *i a .-i > *■£ United States vs. William Fleming, Thos. 2>eason,. .Daniel- 9bea, Norris - Sullivan charged with assault and battery on Cyrus, Ccpldre^-)_.John R,.Hover, U. S. Policeman, prosecutor for U. S. Plea—guilty. guilty. Ordered, that in consequence of the prisoners’ juvenility, they be discharged from custody 'with a Severe admoriitibii. United States :vs. .Patrick . Naughton— charged with, having . a distiilery in, his. pos session for the purpose of manufacturing li quors. ’ Plea—not guilty. CasVbeitfunder advisement-untH 9 o’clock°a-. ! m.- ?9fh hißt. Proseciftof for tfie United States, oergt M. J. Milliken o 4 theaU. States! Police. • Street Commissioner .peymaa-PpthiS chifd, David Roos, Wm. P. Sweataam—vio r lation of ordera of Street Department. In the fiWt’CfiSe tfie dofaridant is "fine'd In the sum of ton dollar*.* in the second the defen dant is fined in.lfie sijtn qf.Twenty, dollars, it being his second offence ; in the third case the-deTendant ii rscased -te' -cdnseqdetibb iQf the mitigating case, but a repefition of the offence will sub- t’6 gerald InspefctOr Jd Diittrifct, Ptoii'ecutor on behalf of Street Commissioner. B Uuhed State* vs; John Marshall ‘(Cfilqrcd) charged with theft. Piea not Tenfict uot that in! 'cohsequehce of thf.iaiittre of the prosecutor to Appear .rtbe case be dismissed and the prisoner released from custody. -Counsel..for defendant F~, W» Johnson. ; Uifited States vs. Catherine. LeaSty—rCharg* public peace.' On motiofeof=toe Hon. Philip M. counsel .for.,the proseeutioi^.ac» ceded to by the counsel for the defendant; iti cousoquenpc ot having settled their difficul ty; Ordered !tbe. Case be disnij[ssied,r4 Counsel for the prosecution Eon. Philip SL Russell. Prosecutor for the United States Mrs. Alice Cass. Counsel for defendant Hon. Dbmitifck A.’D’ByThe. 1 ' " ■ '- t!: Two literaryladieawere lately witnesses in a trial. Que of them, upou hearing the usual questions asked, *‘-Wbat’'hry'our name, and bow old are you ?” turned to her com panion and sftM,- l *‘ Tdo. nbt like to tell my age,"not; thitt Objection to its being known, but Ido not want, if published In-jafi the newspaiiers-;’’ ..‘.‘..WjelU- a&U- theTwit'ty Mrs. S-, “ I will tell you how to avoid it.— You have heard the objection to aU hearaav evidence; tell them you don’t remembef whea yon wwe bom, afid aH you knOwtirit is by hearsay. The rbse Wok, and the ques tion? was not pressed*: **“• • ,‘v • jr •:> ~ n *‘ 4 4*- ; -rThe (hGt that there less than fifty tupppls tq paaaed i.feetwaen, fiokignau And Pistola will sthfice to giv* a toleraWe kiea Os the angmcejlug'difficulties eneouateved -upon the line of railway, which at.; present forms the sole mesas 1 of of course, the oJdi jppstaV. roact,)lseitiifeen7the northern and the central pmyjhoea of Italy. Some of these tunnels jire very,'- short,V It’’is true—a mere momentary plunge into the I darkness of the abyss; but ot hdrsiare of con siderable let!glh- T ajn,e. .about a. quarter the length of theiliront Ceniadtmnei. ~ & ; i B , en ~tl«Q«^U..,the Corporation bf London, ya q controversy, upon the question whether grass will grow upon sea-saud if nutriment be supplied in solution. The Corporatioh pfepqsies tq‘grow I Italian rye-grks's:off the English sands by 4m pregnatlug.tAe sand with tLOndou sewage in solution; hut Baron'Liebeg tella-the Lord Mayor that the schema is —King George of Greece and his whole court lately made a tour in *the hpribeastern part of bis kingdom The King had already visited Chalcis on' the Euripus, the capital <now called Atalunta,; Thermopylee and Lamia, and was received with a warm welcome. Jbe recent tour will include,the wiey. of.Ae Mount (Etna, tfie Small district of Doris proper, DftphT, Daufe, Charbiia, Leba dea, Thebes and Plataa.. . . —An official diplomatic correspondence' between England and America is publishedi relative' to the ‘fitt fes : and privUeges. cf Brit ish Consuls da America. * It, ends .-by Mr. Seward cheerfully. -according, to the ■ British Consuls all the privileges eDjoyed by the United Slave* Cpastfisto the British domin ions. "*77 • 7- is iiu* The Desolation of V^ginia. A correspondent of the N Y. Herald, traveling through those counties qf Tlrglnia which for four years were the theatro of military operations on a gigantic scale, .thus graphically describes what he saw -. TANARUS” , A trip on horseback through the counties! of Orange, Culpeper and Fauquier, with at distinguished ‘cavalry officer as* my cqrnpau- 1 ion, has revealed to me the fact that, al though terribly scarred and desolated by the moverueuis ot large armies -backwards. aad forwards for four of unparalleled war fare, the land 9 generally have been improv ed by speh a sqaspu.of rgst irom cultivation; and now, as the pyp, in from spur of the mountains the broad sea of grass wav ing. -rippling and undulating over -tlie fertile plains as far as sight can reach, the feeling that we are ouce-more in the land of prom ise comes back upon us, opening a wide and* well" 1 marked though somewhat "lafioribusi pathwfij r to that wealth, refinement and* wholesome -hospitality which havteverbeen* the distinguishing features tis thts beirutifttl portion of the Okl Dommion. - “ • •: icxqeptipn of one nr two here and there, thqrs is scarcely a tence. tfrorthy fr6m, : tfee Rapidjiu to Bull pun t and tilt? fiqld?, qnce the pride of the farmers’' hearts' and sffijf in by “ten fails and a fifferj” ’are now broad commons, with old lanamards obliterated,! ditches filled . up, , v aud barn3 in ruins, while the lone and blackened chimneys of the oncedmppy homestead stand like some grim old sentries on guard until tkelaßfc-“ j-d.'-a-ittjb:* ‘••.a .u--u; r'-iOVt**.* .. .... land marks of war. L . : The once majestife fdfests bf'daft, hl'ckofy, cI SW.. Ij^eoCthsQfSSge an'd Alexandria Raufoad "have disappeared, and given, plack td the rude huts- and *rabina improvised by the armies of Lee and Meade, and instead of chinquepins and chestnuts, one kicks up old- canteens, worn out,.kuai>sacks. odd shoes,, bread boxes, suggestive onrtie faitk; ’’ bay with hero und-there a atand of grape, a ten-pounder Parrott shell, and everywhere almost, >thel-hollow base “little Mmies,” whose vfhistliug toaq#>re: to,US.aIL . _ tl _, U v^!, L ,,,, ~,i w, .Vi THR PESPROTED it J ii,« The village of Raocoont'ord‘is a’ village no longer,- . Btevensburg is on the military maps. Brandy station is a bran dy smash, and, all to pieces aj, that* and all and' fe<?rossihg ‘the railroad, one s£&s nothing tvb'er'e mans agency is etpeerned bm, titter- desolation, while Providence, with' lavish hand, has’-hebiguly clothed the fields ip waving green. The. air is soft and balmy, the streaifig 'glide tfaobth ly °n, regardless and all earth and Hca*-in proclaim: more .forcibly than ewr, the hand that-made f# t^viue. ,4i‘ „ are returning !.<*> tXJjelr papje ;;bfißfiy;Jfiofaes, hStwWiKbiW. refSigiues. only! can know, and are patching up-ahy .outbuildings at hand for ,a. tempQrary reyidtmcfe,'uiulf the “gVb'af 1 Ifaiimwibm forts collected gcouud ttiem.i Tbe negroes are very quiet and very eamest'.hi tijeir deslfe to earn something iW«Dge county they can,o ,hired, lor aieiz food ond quarters; but this does notpertaiuia.Odlpep per and Fauquier, where' labor is SCSrce. apd m ; -demalld 1 R» i uearly:e'v^ry : ne^r<i—fiat(h,‘Wo» map,and child-rrJsfit home, early in the.war, with the hope..of ah impro-ved oonditiorHh the crowded streets of Atexatodfia&nll \Vasli ington. The supply, however, will bo equal, and. perhaps mute than equal, to tlie demand when the tanners thilW prepared to cultivate their lands ;Dut just now thereto'a fediog of--oppressive uiigeitaipty ;hanglhg over every man’s head, and until established, magistrates* sheriffs, surveyors, commissioners, &c., are appointed, this feel ing; wili prevail, and tefid materially to retard the development of the agricultural resources of the country,: and bt toat desito to'dd duty as good and loyal dtizt&s,- which, is-the rtdbere aud liertr-tiy- wish ot' -praerdenthtr of ttffi people of Virgldia; noW that'* the 4 ' struggle is over, and which has been decided finally against tUepi,: L Tha farmers need near ly every article necessary to a successful cul tivation of their lands, aud with but lim ited mean* -Yes rid credit, and an entirely new system of labor to con tend with, the problem cw[success seems to be one of difficult solution; but with industry, skill and integrity, the prolific soil will soon supply; their audi» .ikjjfc\fcyea*»tofae will scarcely be able to recognize this as the ciae.eis bsAtle-ground sf the, two.cebsbrated armies of the Potomac and Northern Virginia. —The Earl of Eauiskillen, grandmaster ot tfefi addi-ess imploring the members—on whose nm 4fa* j laud, even though they contravene the prin j has .teenl ! a chief characteristic—to use the “greatest : precaution during niversaries, and not to share in or connive at thq.^ i ghte?i .iaiacttpnclilie ,uii! -i-s:. *«» On the occasion of the last trip to this COUntryjOfthie.flteaumrGanabja tovvn, a young lady “of high family and great : eaptat t ea ;quay by her father’s land agent. - gUey.was eloping with a firan- named been a servant on hei*'fetiiei , ’sf‘pixipei i^*. ' Ti|u l«4y#;lfeWft samite f>aid.,;|tq be;M99re» Juna who is represented as belonging .to the. coun ity of Wafeffdftf,'' w'etit homfc qdieiiy'wim the agent, and the lOvLug'&wakr ’eame on to thjs •country;':.!!a. ~':0 A oiaariS'.Jfi ■£> -BWfriß M wlva -URichal'd Brsttmi' lildqey Bosidfi;- .retired ...leather lecturer—has lately died?- 11 After -Ids tirement he contracted parsimonious habits. ’ iFor :d#ys. though 1 possessed bf: property to the amount of 20,000 lbs., he .sustained himself upon 'a' pennyworth of porter. The property has been bequeathed tb hlyaeptibwtl - —The improvcmcnt ln the cotton trade is phown by »;o*rifce amongst a lewt ioottbai <op»’ eratives in Rochdale last month, which, was however, speedily 1 ’ ■settled ’by the masters consenting to thfr 1 demand fef the •wrirk]j#n It to believed v iq . Rochdale 7thai:’ tieic-e..';Kin phertly by a scarcityAf>Work:ipW|fleix;.;;!;o —A serious accident at the new station of the NorSh Loudon-: "RMI - now building iA:Eivt*p©o* MttetfJLbn* don. Several of" thd‘. l masSiitev:tta‘n'ialtaers fell, carrying with iheffi ;: iiiaigq.:quomSyipf brickwork. Several workmen ly injured, and-one ofthem"TlM : . The charity children of London pane kti Bt. Paul’s. Cathedral bn Jirne Ist, in aIDC «:M dustom-? tbey.wfcro 1 pfeaefavTwhy the Bishop. iwfSl rr.ri. Ros-«ll, C H Rates, m, A B Ives, 8 E Walsh, R 8 Mott W Kohn, W WoodhriJge, W Salzar, Mrs CSau- Vtrto*. MeiulwrJ (t liro, Dzyilanskisk Sngira, W U Stark 8 iarrelly, 1 D Laßoche. X Pepper, 9 H Eckmaii. A ScM* ?« her - 5“ * Cos, V R^harf Browu, AV W Llboold, Rart-H &Hi *e!l A-tftms Expre® Order, D Callahan, D H baldv.iu HU on A R itdeU, Wm Batn-rsh>-, J 0 Douuell. E R>ud. O Voloar, coj-e ft Moli na, J t-ippman, C U Gilbert, EEiidfeh,' |DSte Gemenden, Sn-wart A Cos, H AAer, 0 R CJB King, Order Bin a diamond, J conderdorf. UAS B V Einstein, J 8 Mas in, W f Matter, 8-R Tyli Dr k I> Ar. n,.ld, V Lovett, Brigham. Baldwin * Cos. 1 S MarOn .WitT-A Morgan, Un hoaheiaer. A Seiiß&M >id^er°’ T3AVANNAH HATIONAI :• -..-r-M. HOW ,-! PB SPARED F.OR- 8Q SIN S » 9 , AT Tffl —Us Ttfg' EicBANGE. and Papar-for Colfectioa received. - • ••‘U'ffv •» Biaaxm Northern <3iU« purchased. Checks o» New York funiiahcd. UV-Vu-..-1 i :i LC. KOEVELL, -. President. JACOB sPlFfi y, Cashier.- • ......“A*;*,®s.9*.* i- 44 i..,i .. L. C. NoEVKtW J .. Fkan-OH SoEHEtt, W, UOBUrt fiovrjn E*wuf. iv ; .v. a-ui iu. PENRY S. PITCH, :..; NoUry and Solicitor, Savannah, 26th June; •> ■■■■■*■■■ i 1!’ : l ' ‘ f|| 1 j • 'J- l*- ~*’ *•-' -j- TREASURY DEPARTMENT, •’ t .•£, ~i thb Ccbeehot, V is i-.... ; 10th,;lgd6, ~ WttEftEAfl, to satisfactory .evidence presented to iW}er?l«ned„ k has.heen. made to appear.that “Th* SiVATiNAH Nationax Bakk," In the aty of vanned lu.lhe Chatham, and State of Georgia, has Been ;dnlyorgatiiisd odder and aacocdlng to the re theAct.of Congress entitled "-An Act 1 ,9 P r flldde a Nations], Aorsncy, seem ed by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the cl. colattea and-sedemptioh thereof," approved Junes, 18M,' and has complied with aU the provisions of aald Act re quired to be 'complied with before commencing the busines# ! qjfßanking.imde^salfiAcjt; . . ... x Now, therefore, I, Frecman Clarke, Comptroller Os tfie do hbrebv certify that “ Tag Savannah National Rank,'' in the city of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, iaguthop ized to commence the business of "Banking under the Act aforesaid. %■ £*■.**■ •, In testimony whereof; witness my hand and aeal ot office, this lOthitt/eff ; Jilne; 13&. . i- titsv --• PHEEMAN’CLARIbe. [>*A2£64 -v/ Comptrollar of tbe Gafrtu'cjr. Ju2d Smoa , QJLASS I GLASS If ' 'Si : i i 4 4 v iA D.. s. v JSWin/s3taKu A SON, _* ■ .IWiARfitLaV . -‘i -.*44%'- ''- " (Formerly Sohank A Downtho^ >.iuib--x* tw-*. >** Importers and Dealers . !„.; * . .. COACH, B ' <; . kotube glass. . .sr.-t .«• • ... . ,-t ’’* ''-Outsit— 6 ( COLORED AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS, ,ti*>4AU v* a: i l*i -£ A i* A- '■ -■ ROUGH PLATE GLASS ‘tlJl.i-svU.'-ST'ii* 4 J.*-*--*! |i 't t! li. !• u ■ . FOR FLOORS and SK YLiOHW, FtoaUif to X-JS-inehes ufldf .ft-i.'ik' Ut -H'S:J —• s ■ • - t pulse .iii . ■ ' Chambers', street, . " NEW YQRk; • • . . 3 CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISH. X> MENT AT BEAUFORT. ■ ■ • 1 ‘ We. r «iV«ct£;e»li the attention of the pnWie to our BaJfefy & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort; at> which we: are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be for warded to us. Special attention is paid to the man ulacture of ; OrUMUentai FieCea, Fahey Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or.' estival tables. Feb. 3-ts 'MCMANCB & MUKHAY. Dt;. HKAUQ«RB »EP T OF THE SetTTßit Hiuw Heal, 8. £. ,Jone 20,18U>, J OETEiAL 03 MBS,V - “ r ' I. TbeTdlF)Wlng fiircuiar from thie War Department is pubjished tor tlfe lniorthattomo; this eommand; WAR DEPARTMENT, .laaTA Ottioe, Washington, Jane S, ISJ, ( officers of ; organizations are settled, ilbsterfug Officers should satisfy themselves that the rolls and returns, xs re (pdred hx.Armyßegnlations for their organixutlhus, have been forwarded to this office " E D. TOWNSEND, 'VAtrp t-a Wo rdtesiMdbt Adjntsht General. U. District and other tLtamaudei's are again re minded that they are required to deliver to Tieasu ry Agents all rbandoned.. or .captured Cotton in, their ! poesettninp %fte’ A'gdntsl alt needed'and : proper assistance. The Military forces will not, how..- eacer.ibecertploytKt'lh searehiag > fjf Cotton,' uoi will ithey interfere, with.'-the. transportation of it, or ahy of i“* s«aus*r4 “ 1 - : - • [ „,, j,. . , . Hp]Qf Qsosral Q- AiiGILLHOBEi • ' ,•. " "'.. V 1,:,.. 7 w.i. M.BcE«*e, "' ' V'' “ Assistant Adjutant Generate iOffioiali A R.:FuWtOiti*rt*b aiaJ4i , lafad*-A.-A- : G«tera3. Jn dbi’!T.f l 'i^ l lAijiu6k,' ' : ' L ’>;•;• ’ \ Atairrs roa jbeabl ». iiXAXV Wholesale Dsalarsin - Atigsl' Win e k IQ uo.RA; Os all Elnt&and Qujdltiea. ! K T S ' B o W:.'-'' W» , .BAibitHito aO ■ • ; ; Jiutel ,- ; j ,•— 1 fmo, , IjENNIS, PERKINS « (AT po R c- H ' A No. 65 Rsolud Bmnr ' , BIVAa .irs-3. d»i'' * 7 v ■ ■* K ; Y O R • j jaSKfßOlTiti!aiJitiV *e.-1a<; ; P o '» j X i AUCTION AND COMMISfflKflt MBRORARTA 209 Sboas Sous* Awvsia, Oa. smo •* m