Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 03, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. h'OL. 1-NO. 143. &he Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) is pchusukd uv W. MASON «fe CO.. ■ At 111 Bat Stezet, Savannah, Gaohwia. tubus: § : Per Copy Five Cents. ■ Per Year * lO °°* ahvkktising: ■H Two Dollars per Sqnarc of Ten Lines for first in tfttWtion • One Dollar ;<>r each subsequent one. Ad- HertisemeuUi innerutl in the morning, will, it desired, rt'fflppear in the evening without .*x&ra chiuge. JOB PUINTING. Bn every style, neatly and promptly done. insurance. Fthsukancbu ■ LOW BATES ON RIVER BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. —ALSO,— [JACKSONVILLE AND SAVANNAH. ‘ The undersigned are now prepared to take risks per eamor to Augusta, and Steamer or Fiat from Augusta, AT LOWER RATES THAN CAN BE Os FERED BY ANY OTHER PARTIES IN THIS PLACE. Also, by Steam and Saiiirg Vessels to and from Jacksonville. CIIAS. L. COLBY A CO., juCS-lw cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. JS YOUR LIFE INSURED? This is an important question for every man and Important also fu every wile and mother as it affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance" of New Yoik Will insure you at the usual rates in any sura from sUh> ‘slo 000. They also issue the f.vorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEiTUiiE Policies, and will after two years payment give a lull paid up Poncy lor 'J wo Tenths the whole sum, and Tureo Years 1 uree Tenths, and so on. Thus a Policy ot $lO,(Mi. Two Premiums paid upon it will oe eutuiea to a paid up Policy ot $2,0b0. and live years live-tenths for every additional year. For furluer information apply to A. >\ lEISUR, Agent, . At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., ■]u2T BJ bay st., Savauaah, Ga._ THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, OF boWTo:,. PURELY MUTUAL. This is one of the oldest and best Companies in America. , ' Policies on Lives for any amount up to SIB,OOO are taken ny them • . Tin; Pollen's of these Companies were not cancelled during the war uttui Heard it <••»—a met which anew s their dealing and ueu rmifi.ilioii to be just aim honor able i u all eases. Ytpp,y lo jurT A. W ILBLR. Ageut. JyJEVVToniC Fiitß AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY, KICVRESESTINO TilK SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY; MANII aTTA.V INSURANCE COMPANY ; rnCENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ; Averaging a £ASn CAPITAL of over FOUR MILLIONS. Risks taken on all descriptions of Property on rea sonable terms by A. A. LAN A, Agt. fag** oniec in Stoddard's Range, bay street, oppo site Hkuai.d oflice. juls. Into QOLCJIBIAN (MARINE) INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK CASH CAPITAL $3,500,000. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of siou,- 00ij in property in any find class Steamer, and from $50,000 to $75,000 on any first class sailing vessel, on the most favorable 77ew Yo:k terms. For further particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY' & CO - ' Jones Block, corner Bay and Abercorn stieets, jelS ts * Savannah, Ga. rjMtEASUiY DEPARTMENT EIGHTH SPECIAL AGENCY, \ Charleston, S C., dune Lb, aHoo. ) The undersigned, in addition to hie duties ns As sistant Special Agent of the Fifth Ageney. has been assigned to the charge of the Eighth Agency as Depu ty Supervising Special Agent. All communications relating to the business of the business of the Filth Agency should be addressed to Poit Royal, S. C., and all relating to business in the Eighth Agency should be addressed to Charleston, S. O. JOHN 11. PILSBURY, ju2B Deputy Supervising Agent. A SMITHS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers in Sheeting, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Yarns, Rope, Bagging, Mauuiactureu and Smoking Tobacco, Jbc., Ac. Particular attention given to the Purchase Sale and Shipment of CuTToN. R .ylston’s Granite Range; —Tniun Range, MACON, GA. References.— Erwin & Hardee, Claghorn & Cnn , nilignum, MivaninlU; L. G Bovvers, S. iVr- Farrar, Cos luuious; E. b. l.ongi 80., L. B Davis, Augusta; P F. Pease. V. a. Gasfcill, Atlanta. jiuo.lm fc4 r jMii£ bUofliAu i'ilA.N oCiiiP T.' * Tne paper above named i* published at Hilton nead S. C., by M. J. McKenna. It is designed by the Publisher to make an Inteiest lng and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED , OLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head ' It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary NORTHERN NiiWS, »nd carefully Selected MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS. jua-tf anb tflfftbimj. A MURDOCK, wholesale ant> retail dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Fcrnishing Goods, Ac., No. 5 Merchants’ Row, liiiton Head, S. C., w. c. RIDDELL. (jul3-tf) U. J. MURDOCK. JjMIESH ARRIVAITOF GOODS. ~ " SKEHAN * COSYNGHAM. Os 17C Broughton Street, Receive by every steamer fresh consignments of Goods fiomNew York, consisting of BOOTS and SHOES, Ladies’ BALMORALS, &c., Gentlemen’s Felt and Straw nATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES, Dublin and London PORTER, Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels; Also—A choice selection of GARDEN SEEDS, Which we offer at low prices to the Trade. JeO 'J'O THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassable'barrier to all social or commeicial intcicourse between the two great sections of our country* having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a removal of those relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that ex. tensive business connection which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great pub lic calamity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a busi ness re-union, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends —to beware of all those spurious and de : eterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the health of our citizens and preludiciul to the interest of the legitimate Importer. Many years of my past life have been expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this salutary purpose, and to place before my friends and tne public generally; at the lowest possible market price, and in such quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported arti cle. Twenty-five years’ bn-dncss transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Brit du have afforded me unsurpass ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liquersof the best and most ap proved brands in Eui ope, in addition to my own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the “Schie d im Schnapps.’ The latter, so long tested and approved by the med ical Faculties of the United States, West liuftes and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all cli mates and during all seasons, quickly excited the cn pidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article uuder the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil and expense, sur rounded all my importations with safeguards and di rections which with ordinary circumspection will In sure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. « I would, however, recommend in nil cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depot, 23 Beaver strett, New York, of that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies &c., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried for eign v> iucs, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or culling personally at the oepol, in order to' insure the lullillment us their favors from the present large and well selected assortment. UDOLPHO WOLFE, j u23lm 22 Beaver street, New Y'ork. jyjACKY, HOGG A CO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 2 Stoddard's Block, opposite Custom House, SAVANNAH, GA. Havics opened a House at the above stand, in con nection wnc our House in Philadelphia, we offer to the Trade— -250 barrels Bourbon and Rye Whiskey: Hams Ureakfusißacon ana shoulders. Bagged Beef, Laid Broom , Dashboards, Giin .-iu nogsheuds, &e. Consignments to our House in Flnlanclprlfa solici ted. MACKY, HOGG & Cos, No. 2 Stoddnru’s Block. Savannah, Ga. jn2P-lm 25 Soutn Water sued. Philadelphia, The Proprietor of the SAVA NN An CITY FLOU R MILLS, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that he has made a number of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, und is now prepared to furuisu his customeis with a fall supply vs the best GRITS AND MEAL, and everything that can be expected from a FiRST-CLASS MILLING ESTABLISHMENT, He pledges himself to always sell his Gomls and do his work 25 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He is pn pared lo grind Wheat and Corn at the customary }£ toil, and in addition will, as a Dove suited, always be prepared to furnish U s lriends wiill everything in the old style. Ills place of business is at the well-known spot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREEP. juiy-tl J^JOIRE. The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Southern insurance ami Trust Company will oe held at the office of the company, in savannah, on Wednesday, TJth July, 1 brio, lur tne purpose of elect ing Directors lor the ensuing year, and for the tran saction ol such other business as may be brought be lore tne meeting. 11. BRIGHAM, President, Per J. C. McNULTY, ju22 ts Asßi taut Secretary. SAY AN AH, GA., MONDAY, JULY 3, 1805. [From our Erira of Yesterday Morning.] PROVISIONAL GOYTi JOHNSON. Address to the People of Sat aimah THE GOVERVOU’S TIEW9 OS I'IPOttTAXT QIE9TIOSS. * Sensible iLdvice to the People. ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF A SVP PORT OF THE GOVERNMENT. &C., &C., &C. [Specially Reported for the Savannah IleralJ.] Saturday evening, in accordance with the invitation*of the City Couucil, Hon. James Johnson, of Columbus, the Provisional Gov ernor of Georgia, delivered a public address at the Theatre. The building was crowded to overflowing, nearly the whole audience being citizens, witu a sprinkling of officers and soldiers. On the platform were seated His Honor Mayor Arnold ; Aldermen Laelilison, Lipp raan, Brigham, Villalonga and Roberts; Gen erals Woodford and Fessenden; Collector Wylly Woodbridge; Mr. J. G. Mills; Rev. Mr. McCrea; Maj. W. C. Manning, Superin tendent of Schools, and others. Mayor Arnold introduced the Governor, who was received witli loud applause. After a brief and graceful introduction, the Gover nor spoke substantially as follows; I appear hereto make some remarks on our present condition, and to suggest the mode of extricating ourselves from our diffi culties. After a conflict of four years be tween the two sections, in which each dis played great courage and gallantry, we find ourselves overcome by superiority of num bers and resources. The people of the Con federate States find themselves without Gov ernors, Legislatures or Judges, deprived of civil government, yet held by the military authority of the United States not as terri tories, or as provinces, but as revolted States. Tne question which now presents itself for our consideration is, shall we continue to re main in this condition, or take steps to re turn to the Uuiou ? If we are to return, the question comes up, “What is first to be done ?” The first thing to be done*is to re turn to our allegiance, and lake an oath of amnesty of the fbnnprescribed by the Ex-ecu tive. This oath is to be taken by all, in order to entitle them to vote, and is not requit ed as an anuoyanee, or to humiliate thosejaking it, but that the goats may be separated from the sheep, Itfod that ine government may know its friends frpm its enemies. WTTen tne oath has been taken, and in return pardons have been gt anted, then those who have proved themselves to be friends of the Union can or ganize a State government, and avails them selves of all its benefits. How is this to be done ? How is the oath to be taken? What is the oath ? These are questions that may be asked. A gteat many persons have already taken the oatii of amnesty. The ruling at Washing ton is that it must betaken again, and many are making tbe inquiry why a second oath is necessary. I did not know that this ques tion was mooted till I arrived in Savannah. This evening I have had time to investi gate the subject, and I think I have as certained the real reason. The Proclama tion of Amnesty issued by President Lincoln in 1863 or 1864—the exact date is not import ant —(a voice—lt was in December 1863) operated legally upon all otiences and mis demeanors done and committed previous to that date. But tbe war continued after that time; the citizens were still in revolt against the government; their armies still re mained in the field; and those at home watt succoring them. These subsequent nfm the proclamation ol President Lincoln did not cover. These offences must still be ac counted for. Thus anew oath is required, and the citizens must take it in order to cover the whole ground, place themselves iu good standing with the Government, and obtain complete protection of property. "Now, when au individual not excepted in the proclama tion takes the amnesty oath, he at once be comes a citizen again, and acquires all the benefits of loyalty ; his property is tree from Confiscation, his person exempted from ar rest tor participation iajhe rebellion, and he c. ii go the poiis and cast his ballot. There are indeed certain exceptions, not of individuals, but of classes, to as to reach obnoxious parties. Wliat is the object of setting aside these excepted classes? Let me assure you that this discrimination is not for the purpose of inflicting penalties—it is not a measure of proscription. It is to be used simpiy as a means of separating the guilty from the innocent, for singling out the real offenders from the blameless, and reaching particular iudividuais. Those in cluded in these classes also can make special application for pardon. Now lam confident that not less than nine-tenths of those per sons included in the excepted classes will be pardoned upon making special application. Why, then, you ask was the distinction in stituted at all ? I repeat, it was not for hu miliation —it aimed only at apprehending the priocipal responsible offenders. The clemency of the government is then wide sweeping and all-embracing, and awaits yon with open arai9. Why not come for ward then and take the oath ? It is readily done, and what iollows ? I will explain. My instiuclions are to proceed at once, when a sufficient number have taken the oath, to conveue- a convention of the peo ple. I cannot do this, however, unless a respectable portion of the people come lor ward ami take the oath and qualify them selves as voters. My r request is that you' will aid me in bringing Georgia back to the Union. When the Convention meets, it will frame a Constitution ipi the State, adapted to tne new order of things, provide for the election of a Governor, of members of the Legislature, ami Judges of tne Courts, Superior and inferior. When the machinery is put iu motion the functions of iny office will have been discharged. I am ap pointed merely lo enable you to form a gov ernment. It is not my province to adminis ter justice, but simply to v convene a Con vention. Some objections are often heard amongst you against taking tbe oath. I frequent ly have heard the objection that iu this oath you must swear to support all procla mations of the President relating to slavery. The Proclamation declares the emancipation of all tne slaves in the revolted Stales—alter a certain date, unless the people return to their allegiance.. Now we must take tilings as we find them. I presume that somethiug over one hundred thousand slaves—the exact num ber is not important—have been enlisted in tbe United States Army. Others, women as well as men, have gone from their former owners and are in Ihe power ot the Uni- United States to-day. x\nd I apprehend no person of considerate judgment, entertaius the opinion fora moment that the govetn rnc-nt ever will return these people to servi tude. The Government of the United States must necessarily come iu contact with former relations between them ana their owners. A new course must be taken. What shall it be ? Are you prepared to suggest ? This is a large question lull of difficulties. A resolution adopted by a majority of hojh Houses of Congress, decluriug that sla very or involuntary servitude should not ex ist iu the United States, except for crime, and that Congress might enact laws to carry this resolution into effect, was passed as a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and now only awaits the ratification ot three-fourths of Ihe Slates by Convention or in Legislature, to become part and parcel of the Constitution. It has al ready been adopted by twenty-five States and the votes of only two more are necessary for its constitutional ratification. This question is now beiug made an issue in tne State of Kentucky; aud New Jersey, Dela ware and Virginia will no doubt accept the amendment, which will secure the necessaiv number of States. It will then make no dif ference to you or to me how Georgia shall act in tbe premises, lor without our ratifica tion it will become the tuudamenlal law of the land. Now I call your attedtion tq certain pow ers of the President and Congress. The President is authorized by the Constitution to command the military forces of the Uni tod States to suppress insurrections and to repel invasions. The writ of habeas corpus may be suspended in case of rebellion, and Congress lias power to regulate captures by sea and by land. War has existed between the United States and the South within the meaning aud purview of the Constitution ; it was a rebellion—too large for au insurrection. The President by virtue of his office as Commander-in chief of the armies, had a right to make captures —to seize horses, to take proper ty—he had aright to capture our soldiers, to make prisoners and to release them on parole or not. We could under our right as belli gerents do the same thing—it was a right of war. It follows as a legal sequence that the President hail the power to capture a negro, to hold him in custody,to detain him whether considered as property or a person. The President acquired an authority over persons and properly, by the war, J which he could ynot exercise in time of peace. It was a Intent power, a war power, aud by virtue of this power to command the armies of the United Status, he issued that proclamation as a rule of war for the purpose of suppressing the re bellion. The slaves upon the surrender of our armies, were captured, legally if not act ually—in law it makes no difference whether they were actually captured or not—and to night, by virtue of that proclamation, they stand emancipated. I state this to be my opinion as a lawyer, aud as a lawyer, I state that such will be the decision'of the Supreme Court. I could wish myself, that such, had not been the case, and that the change had not been thus violently and abruptly made. But slavery in any event is gone aud goue forever, 'and I have no teaiß to shed or lamentations to make over its departure. Wliat other objection is there? In that oath we swear to support the Constitution aud the Union. Some objec t that we cannot live in the Union again in friendship. Why not? There may he some animosity still at the North, where there are, as here, many bereaved families, and uupleasant leminis ceuces of ihe war. But must we always live as Jews and Samaritans? And shall we al low the people of the North to outstrip us in liberality? I have lately been among them, aud I have been treated always with kind ness. 1 saw no manifestation of unkind sen timents. The only adverse feeling I saw manifested was iu regard to the treatment of Federal prisoners at Andersonvilie; and man kind will join, and we wiil also, in denouncing that as the most atrocious of cruelties But no such stigma should*rest ou the South, for her peopie had nothing to do with it—they were imprisoned oq the out side and the vic tims of the barbarity on the inside. So lay aside ail animosities, and meet the North again as friends and brothers. You need allow no pride to influence against it. Cannot individuals in private-life give up opinions, when their leaders, their prominent men, those who help form and control pub lic opinion, have given up theirs? AU your leaders are willing to give up their passions aud prejudices and go back to the Union un der which we prospered, and in which we had no serious calamity until we were tempt ed to forsake it. That same government which gave us security, comfort at home, and iespect abroad, will still continue to afford us protection and prosperity. There is, then, uo real objection to going back to the Union. Why should we not ? Our young men wish to be educated. Some will take to the law, some to medicine, and some to merchandize. Why not put them in position to share the honors and advantages of the Union? By taking this course, we can open Congress to them, some of them can become Ministers, we can once more be represented amoDg the law-givers of the Na tion, and Georgia have her influence in the General Government, aud stand redeemed and regenerated. There is another important consideration. PRICE. 5 CENTS Do you want your city built up, labor em ployed. capital profitably iuvested? Then you must be advocates of the Government. Unless you are, capital, ever timid, wUi stay abroad ; you must give security by law aud beiug advocates of law. What is true •of Savannah is true of every town and city of Georgia, and of the State itself. I believe I have spoken on all the import ant points. Now, are you prepared to come forward and extricate Georgia from her diffi culties by taking the oath of amnesty and es tablishing your own government ? I have conversed with Gen. Giilmore and tbe military commander iu this city.— A Provost Judge is to be appointed iu every district to administer the oath, give a certified copy to the person taking it, and send the original to Washington.— Every opportunity is to be given. Come for ward and do it yourself and take your neigh bor by the arm and induce him to do so. Put yourself in the right position and there will be no difficulty. If Georgia is the first State to return to the Union, it wiil not only confirm her l ight to the title of the Empire State of the South, hut give her new claiitis to honor and glory. Redeem her, aud State alter State will wheel into line. Alter the waste and ravages of both armies, she w.ll “bud and blossotif ns the rose." If we cultivate further animosity wc shall become hateful to others aud ourseives, calamity alter calamity will come upou us, aud we shall live still un der military burdens. Your destiuy.K in your own hands. 1 have made these remarks with a view to induce you to renew xpur allegiance to tbe government of our country. I approach a step above—let us renew our allegiance to the King Eternal, ancl having on our bended knees coulessed that we have all sinnefi, with hearts attuned by contrition, go forth aud sing the augelic song, J,‘.Peace, peace on earth, and good will toward meal” DEATHS OF A WELL - KNOWN STAFF OFFICER. LIEUT. JLIIE9 E. SPRAGUE DKGiMED IV THE CiOSAWIIATCIIIE BITER. We are pained to learn of the death by drowning of Lieut. James E. Sprague, of the 26th U. S. C. TANARUS., for a long time ou Brig. Gen. Littlefield’s staff, A shot t time since Lieut. Sprague was re lieved from staff duty in order to return to his regiment. He reported to Col. Guernsey, at the headquarters, near Poeo*aligo, and learned that his company was on the other side of the Coosawhatchie. He started with a horse and buggy to join it, and wa9 not heard of for two days, when his body was discovered in the river. The horse and buggy were afterwards found some mile3 distant. It is supposed that Lieut. Sprague was drowDed while attempting to ford the river. His watch and money were on his person, removing all suspicion of foul play. The deceased was a young tnau much es teemed iu Savannah and elsewhere where h has been statioued. He was formerly a pri vate in a New York artillery regiment, and was promoted for meritorious conduct. He passed Casey’s Board with much credit. [from ths Charleston Courier, 29th.] A Dreadful Collision at Sea. SC2XR. WOHDER StHSTK BY TTlJti ALHAUfiSItA. Captain Smith and Two Passenger Lost Walter White, Mate, Mortally Wounded. The steamship Alhambra, Captain Benson, brought intelligence, yesterday, of a dreadful collision which occurred at sea between the steamer and the schooner Wonder, Captain Smith, from Neuvitas, Cuba, bound to New Yoik, by which the schooner was instantly sunk and three persons (the Captain and two passengers) lost. The Mate, Walter White, was rescued and taken on board tbe steamer, but was yesterday in a dying condition and it was thought could not survive many hours. STATE Me NT OF AN OFFICER. The following statement was handed us by an officer of the Alhambra: About 3.30 A. M. on the 2Gth instant, tbe steamship Alhambra, bound from New York to this port, collided with the topsail schoon er Wonder, striking her amidships on the port side, and literally cutting her in two, when she sunk instantly. The Captain and two passengers on the schooner were lost, and thq. Mate badly injured, both legs being broken in two places. Tue schooner sud denly changing her course was the cause of this fatal accident. There were uo casualties on board the Alhambra, and the vessel is al most uninjured. The following is a list of the erew aud passengers of the Wonder, for whose lives every possible exertion was made by the officers and crew of the Alhambra: Capt. J. T Smith, lost. Walter White, Mate, badly injured. • David Kenney, Supercargo, saved. Thomas Taylor, Steward, saved. Johu McLean, Seaman, saved. James Peters, Beaman, saved. John Allen, Seaman, saved. lioltert Cninau, passenger, lost. Henry Brandt, passenger, lost, , —According to a North Carolina paper, tile motto of a large number of the subdued rebels must be, “Turn up the sacred soil, poreme inhabitant, or your name wiil swell themortuaiy column.”