Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 03, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. H. \V. M.HOK & O'J., l'Bur*lK Samcki. \V. M Atton Eiilion. 'Av/.nnmi, moNoaY. JULY *. HK Observanci; of IHe Fourth In isavantiahi DLappoicuirn: in Regard to (he Fire works. The Fourth of July is to he more centrally obseived in Savannah to-morrow than before for many years, and still the prospect seems to be that, so lar as public demonstrations are concerned, the display is to be principally confined to the military. A short time since a subscription paper was circulated among the merchants and citizens of Savannah, for the of raising a land to purchase fireworks for a patriotic display on the evening of the Fourth. Almost every person called on subscribed 1 Ucrally, and one of the most substantial firms of Savannah, L. 0. Novell *fc Cos., kindly ad vanced a check for SI,OOO upon the subscrip tions, which was sent North by the next steamer after the project for the firewhrks display was devised, with instructions, how ever, to the Agent, not to attempt to till the order unless there, was a reasonable prospect t hat the an idea would reach here in season. We regret to be obliged to announce that a telegraphic despatch has been received an nouncing that it was utteily impossible to get tiie older filled in seu-ou tovnip the fire works here before the Fourth. The check is now on its way hack, and as soon as it ar rives the contributions already paid iu will he returned to subscribers. It is prolnblc that a small display of fire works will he made in some prominent Square, from the few materials procurable in the city ; mid all patriotic people will do all they can for an appropriate observance of the (hy. Flags should he displayed wherever practicable, public and private buildings de corated, and other notice taken of a day in which Georgia and every State of the Union should take pride.. The following Order from Gen. Davis pre scribes the manner of observing the clay by the military: Headquarters U. S. Forces, Savannah, Ga., July Ist, 1605. General Orders* No. 5. y 1. Tuesday, July 4th, will be observed at tliis Post as a National Holiday. There will be a Dress Parade of each of the Regiments at eight o’clock A M., at which time iu oliedience to orders from De iiartment Head Quarters, the Declaration of [ude|>endt*nce and President Lincoln’s eman cipation proclamation will be read, by an officer to be detailed by each Regimental commander. After this parade, all labor by troops will be suspended, except such as is absolutely necessaiy for the preservation oi public property, the care of the sick and the executiou of sanitary and police regula tions. 2. All the Church hells in the city will be ruug at sunrise, at noon, and at sunset. The national airs will he chimed at trree o’clock in the afternoon upon the bells of St. John’s Church By Command of lit. Brig. Gen. C. P. Davis, Jxo. Mullen, A. A. A. G. OOVMRNO R JOHXSO.VS ADUftKSS. We give to-day a more carefully prepared report of Governor Johnson’s Address at the Theatre Saturday evening, than that which appeared in our Extra yesterday. The avid ity with which the Extra Herald containing the report was purchased shows the great interest prevailing in the views therein ex pressed by the Governor. We have heard many compliments on the address from all quarters. The Governor’s arguments are generally regarded as sound, and the sug gestions as judicious. A Colored Paler. —ls the large quantity of printing paper we ordered loug since does not soon arrive, the Herald will have ap peared iu about all the colors of the rainbow —black, we believe, not being included iu the rainbow's assortment. We give anew style of color this morning, and we have a nice article of grocery brown held in reserve, for we propose to issue the Herald every morn ing and evening while stock of any reasona ble color and consistency is procurable, promising that the contents shall be just a« •itertaining as if the paper were of immacu late whiteucso We hope, however, that iu a day or two the Herald will be printed ou au excellent quality of white paper. Incendiarism —A few weeks since two at tempts were made to destroy by fire tbe three tenement two story frame building ou Taylor street west of Whitaker street. These attempts were upon the premises of Mr. Samuel Junes and those of Mr. Engel his neighbor. On yesterday morning Are was discovered in the basement of the third unoccupied tenement. The Chimes on Sr. John’s Church.— Tbe chime of bells iu the stt-eple of St. John's Church, which has been so long disused, has at length been put in good order again. This excellent work has been effected through the skillful and patient labors of Mr. M. Free berthyser, under whose touch they are to fling out their joyful peals to-morrow. The Volks Garten.— This delightful re sort which has begn dosed for a few days on account of the death of one of the proprie tors, is again re opened. A Promenade Con cert is to be given this evening by the city Orchestra. The Garden is not to be opened to the public to-morrow, the Fourth. ARRIVAL OF THE PERU. One Day loiter froni New York. By the arrival of the U. S. Transport Perit, Capt. Delaney, from F >rlrc«s M mroe, on the 28th ult., we are placed in posses-ioa of New York papers of the, a day later * Inn previous dates received. The news is im portant and highly interesting. We make copious exlfacts containing the principal matters of moment. The Perit brought four hundred released Confederate prisoners. We are indebted to Captain Delaney and Chief Steward McKee for favors. . THE COURTS. DISTRICT PROVOST COURT—LIEUT. EIIEN r ARSONS, JON., JUDGE PRESIDING. Savannah, Jnly Ist, 18G5. Robert Lacklison Adm r—vs. Ponneau. Recovery of rent, claim SSO, from June Ist lo March 81st la the above stated case it is ordered thst the defendant, Peter Bonneau and Joseph Manucy pay to the said plaintiff the sum of fifty dollars in pursuance of the judgment of the Court rendered therein. Counsel for plain tiff, Hon. Thomas M. Norwood. IL-nry F. Willink, sen., vs. Isiac Brown, (colored.} recovery of rent, claim $25, Judg ment for the plaintiff, for twenty five dollars, said amount to he paid by the defendant by the 9th day of August next, and upon fail ure to do so, that he deliver possession of the premises occupied by him to the said Henry F. Willink, sen. on the day above specifiep. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. Philip M. llussell. John A. Staley, vs. A. B. Waugh—re covery of debt as per verbal contract. It was ordered the above case be continued for three weeks to enable defendant to obtain evidence. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. T. E. Lloyd, for defendant M. Benedict, Esq. James Monahan, sen. vs. Mrs. Arueli—re covery of rent. Case amicably settled by consent of Court. Mrs. Crabtree vs. Robert (colored} —recov- ery of rent. Case dismissed for want of par ties. Couusel for plaintiff J. O. Ferrill; for defendant, F. W. Johnson. Wm. Rafferty va. Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. —damages for properly destroyed. Plaiotilf having failed to make out his case it was or dered dismissed. Henry Rotch for Margaret Brown vs. Henry Itotehf >rd—ejection from premises. Amicably settled by consent of Court. J. W. Haskins, of New York, vs. Wm. Rowe—claim for agreement for $15,000. Mo tion of M. Benedict, Esq, to change venure overruled, and ordered that defendant have thirty days to obtain evidence, and no further time will be granted. Upon the application of MeMillen C. King, executor of tue last w ill and testament of his father, Mitchell King, who is the owner of a plantation consisting of high lauds on Hutch isons’ Island in the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, containing about 1,000 ucre9, situate about five and a half miles from the city of Savannah—possession was grant ed, subject to the rights of all persons who have planted crops on the premises, and also subject to such orders as the military author ities have issued concerning the same, for the benefit of the freedmeu. From Washington, D. C.—On Saturday last the U. S. Transport Charles Thomas, Capt. Faircloth, arrived in this city with the following members of the Staff of Gen. Dwight of the 19th A. C. : Capt. J. G. Leefcr, A. A. A. G. Maj. J. B. Babcock, A. A. A. G. Capt. H. R. Sibley, C. S. Capt. G. D. Weeks A. A Q M. Capt. 11. C. luword, A Pro. Mar. Capt. A. F. Vremain, A. O. O. Capt. F. J. P. Chitt, A A. D. C. Lt. D. C. Payne, A. D. C. Lt. S. W. Phinney, A. D. C. Asst. Snrg. Jas. Sweeney, iu cbge. Hospi tal. Asst. Surg. Jno. Swcney Asst, in cbge. Hospital. Lt. J B. Vaughn, Ami). Officer. Personal. —Capt. 11. M. Bragg, A. D. C. of Gen. Gillmore's staff arrived last eveulng by the steamer W. W. Coit. Hu will return this morning. Savannah Theatre. —A bill of unusual at traction i3 offered by Mr. Sweatnam at the Theatre to-night. Brevet Brio. W. T. Bennkt. —Special Or der No. 173 from Department Headquarters assigns Brevet Brig. Gen. W. T. Benuet to the command of the Post of Charleston, ia place of Colonel (and Brevet Brig. Gen.) Wm. Gurney, whose regiment is to mu9ter out of service. The Major General commanding has ten dered ids thanks in the same Order to Brevet Brig. Gen. Gurney, for the zeal, ability and efficiency displayed by him while in com mand of the city of Charleston. Lexers Returned to this Dead Letter Office. —A large number of letters are con stantly returned to tbe Dead Letter Office because of the use of revenue iustead ot let ter stamps. The Trial of Jefferson Davis.—lt is stated that it is positively ascertained that there has been uo consultation by the execu tive branch of the government as to when, where and how Jefferson Duvi* is to be tried. —The receipts of the lair at Chicago at the end ot the second week amount to $200,000. EUROPE. OIVC DAY LATEK NEWS. ADfMUE l\ A.HEIUCIV SCCIUITIES. Napoleon Denies Sending Large Kciiifoi’ceuiciits to jlexico. &t*i Ac*) Ac. Port au Bosque, N- F , June 23,* Via Aspat Bav, C. B , June 26, 189 > The stcumship Damascus, which left Liv erpool at halt past two P. M. of Juue 15 and Londonderry on the 16ih, passed here to-day for Quebec. The political news is unimportant. The Damascus has twenty cabin aod two hundred and sixty-three steerage passen gers. Toe mail steamship China, from Boston via Halifax arrived at Queenstown on the 15th. The steamship Edanburg, from New York, arrived at Queenstown on the 13th. American Affair a. TUB ASSASSINATION OF MR. LINCOLN. The official correspondence between the Briti'h and American governments ou the assassination of Pi evident Lincoln is pub lished. Earl Russell's letters convey sincere ex pressions of regret on behalf of the Queen, Parliament and people. Acting Secretary Hunter expresses the lively feelings of satisfaction and grateful ap preciation with which the government aud people of America receive such emphatic and earnest manifestations of friendship and sym pathy from a great aud kindred naiiou. MERCY FOR THE REBELS. The London Times publishes a letter from the well known correspondent “Historicus, ’’ the burden of which is that the North has no right to treat the vanquished as anything else but meu, whom they have fairly beaten in battle. He writes strongly and urges the policy of mercy. AMERICAN SECURITIES. Sattprtliwaite's Circular of the evening of the 14th reports a fair business in American securities. The fortnightly account, now in the course of settlement, has developed a short supply of United States bonds, consequent on ship ments to New York aud the continent, caus ing an advance of one per cent, the closing quotations of five-twenties being G 8 1-4 a 68 1-2. The prospect of a stock bonus iu August, in addition to Die ordinary cash dividend, has brought in numerous buyers of Illinois Cen trals, aud an advance io 78 is established. Erics were largely sold at the beginning of the week, but have reacted to ratner over last week s quotations. Great Brlta n. In ttie House of Commons on the 14th, the bill providing for the abolltiou of tests re quired of applicants for tne degree of “M. A.,” at Oxford University, was debated and passed to second reading by two hundred and six to one hundred and ninety. This is ex pected to be the last important division of the present Parliament. The Bishop of Chester dipd on the 15th. Messrs. Levick & Cos., iron niasu-rs and merchants, of London and Monmouthshire, have suspended. Liabilities about three huu dred and fifty thousand pounds sterling. The cause was laige shipments of iron rails to America, which were chiefly paid for iu se curities not readily negotiable. France. The Moniteur of the 15th' says :—The ru mor that the government is preparing to send large reinfo.cements to Mexico is entirely iu uccuiate The military budget was under discussion in tbe Crops Legislatif. General Allard an nounced that a seuatus consultum would short ly be presented lo the Chamber, to regulate naturalization in Algeria. Preparations were makine at Toulon for the trial of anew electrical infernal machine, by w'hich it stated that iron clad vessels can be instautly destroyed. The Bourse was firm. Rentes on the 14th were 67f. 37c. Prussia. In the Prussian Upper Chamber a propo sition was carried by a large majority agamst the ministers that government should bring forward a bill providing that the members of the Diet uttering calumnies or other ac tionable expressions during the debate should liable to punishment by the general laws of the laud. Spain. Reports have been current that Saragossa, Valencia and Catalonia had been placet! in a state of 9iege, but they were denied. A royal decree orders General Prim to re turn to Madrid. Austria. The negotiations for a commercial treaty between Austria and England.had failed. India. Calcutta. June 12.—Mark°ts improving. Bombay, Juue 9.—Cotton—Tue shipments since May 24 amount to 70,000 bales. Bombay. June 13.—The stock of cotton is small, and the quality is inferior. Commercial Intelligence. LONDON MONEY MARKET. London, June IG, 1865. Consols for money 90 1-4 a 90 12, for ac count 90 l-2a90 5-8. Illiuois Central shares 81 1-2 a 82. Erie shares 51 1-2 a 52 1-2. United States five-twenties 69. The bullion in the bank of England has in creased £185,000. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, June IG, 18G5. Cotton.— The Brokers’ Circular repoits the sales of coiton for the week 105,000 bales, in cluding 25,000 to speculators aud 31,OK)'to exporters. The market has been buoyant, and prices are Id. higher for American and 1 2d. a Id. higher for other descriptions. The authorized quotations are: Fair Orleans, 19d.; middling Orleans. 18d.; fair 18 l-2d.; middling uplands. 17 3-4d. The sales to-day (Friday) are estimated at 15,000 hales, the market closing firm a» the above rates. Stock iu port estimated at 354,000 bales, of which 33,000 are American. The Manchester market had an upward tendency. Breadstuff) dull. Wheat easier. Provisions iuaetive. —A hundred and fifty thousand copies of a Frencli biography of Mr. Lincoln have been sold at Paris. COMMERCIAL AND MONETARY. Latest New York Quotations. Cotton— The market continued to rule buoyant, and nrices advanced from lc. to 2c. per lb. The sales were about 2,000 bales. We quote : Upland*. Florida. Mobile. S- 0-«fc T. Onlfnirr J) 3S *4 34 MkiJliiijr .3 43 44 44 <jmh! Atiddliag... 40 4* 43 47 Rice was dull and nominally unchanged. Provisions. —Receipts, 1,32 G bids, flour, 100 do. beet, lo packages cut meats and 25 do. lard. Tue heaviness iu the pork market, before mentioned, was intensified by the re ported failure of one or two operators, which occasioned considetabie uneasiness, follow ing so close upon the unheralded departure of a large operator for parts unknown, and prices again went down with a rush, but subsequently partially recovered. The sales were 7,000 bbis., cash and regular, at $23 25 a $23 89 for new mess, closing at $23 62 1-2; $22 75 a $23 for old. do., closing at $23 ; sl7 a 18 $lB for prime, and $lB 25 for prime nit 9«; also 2,500 bbis. new me*s for July and sellers' option, at S2B a $23 25. Beef was dull, with sales of 800 bbis. at trom sls to SIG. Beef hams were dull, with sales ot 50 bbis. at $25 a $27 50. Bacon was inactive and prices were nominally the same.. Cut meats were steady, with sales of 150 packages at lfc. a 14c. tor shoulders and 15c. a 18c. lor hams. Lard was dull and heavy with a downward tendency ; the sales were about 1,000 bbis., mainly at 15 1 4c. a 18 3-4 c., and choice kettle rendered at 19c. a 19 14c. Butter and cheese were un changed. [From the New York Herald, 27th.j The stock market was dui l , but firm, yes terday. Governments were a fraction liiguer. Gold opened at 140, and closed at 142 1-8 a 142 1-4 on the street. Tue closing price at night was 142. The markets were generally depressed yes terday, ancl prices ruled in tavor ot the buyer, though there were no marked changes to note. Foreign merclmnd se was quiet. Do mestic produce was dull aud heavy, and, as a general thing, somewhat lower. Cotton was steady. Coffee was quiet but firm. Sugar was without noteworthy change Ou 'Change flour was dull, heavy, and somewhat lower. Wheat, corn and oats were he ivy and lc. a 2c. lower. Provisions were dull, heavy and lower. Whiskey was steady. FREEDOM OF TRADE. ANOTHER PROCLUIITIO.Y M P2ESIDEJT JOiIYSOY. Reconstruction of Trade Wc it of the Mississippi. The Regular Custom* Laws to he Enforced. 4fcc. die. <fcc. Proclamation of the President of the 'United Slates of America. Whereas, it has been the desire of the gen eral government of the United States to re store unrestricted commercial intercourse be tween and in the several States as soon as the same Could be safety done in view of re sistance to the authority of the United States by combinations of armed insurgents ; aud, whereas, the desire has been shown in my proclamations ot the 29th April, 18G5, the 13;hof June, 1865, and the 23d cf June, 1865; and wher. as it now seems expeiiient and proper to remove the restrictions upon the internal, domestic and coastwise trade and commercial intercourse between and within the States and Territories west of the Mississippi river. Now, therefore, be it known that I Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby declare that all restrictions upon in ternal, domestic and coastwise intercourse and trade, and upon the purchase and re .moval of products of States and parts of States and Territories heretofore declared iD insurrection, lying west ot the Mississippi river (excepting only those relating to pro perty heretofore purchased by the agents or captured by and surrendered ‘to the forces of the United States, and to tire transportation thereto or therein on private acconut of arn>9 ammunition, all articles from which ammuni tion is made, gray nnitornisand gray cloth, J are annulled; and I do hereby direct that they be forthwith removed, aua also that tbe commerce of such States and parts of Slates shall be conducted under the supervision of the regularly appointed officers of the cus toms, who shall receive any captured or abandoned property that may be turned over to them under the law by the military or naval forces of the United States and dispose of the same in accordance with the instruc tions on the subject issued by the Secretary of the Treasury. Iu testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 24th day of June, iii the yenr of our Lord 1865, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-ninth. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: W. Hontar, Acting Secretary ot State. The President Worn Out nr Hi3 Labors. —The President had become so much ex hausted by the pressure on his time and en ergies of business and of receiving the al most innumerable delegations and visitors calling on him, that the usual reception at the Executive Mansion had, on the 2Gth, to be dispensed with. A Washington correspondent says: His illness is not of a serious nature; but if the pressure of the last few weeks is kept up it is doubtful whether he will be able to stand it. Never before has thtre been such a ru*h of applicants for interviews from aii sorts of people, on all sons of business, much of it of very trivial importance, which could be better attended to by the departments. It is the President s desire to see personally all who may desire an interview; but his friends tear that he has undertaken more labor than a person of the most robust constitution could staud. Matters of the utmost importan.e demand his constant attention, and these in cessant and innumerable calls fritter awav the time that is imperatively requisite for other and higher duties, besides wasting his strength and seriously endangering his health. ° A Dangerous Place of Residence. — A v>oy passing one morning by the cottage of Even Jenkins near Tredegar. New South Wales, thought lie observe l a movement of part of the masonry. On watching it more narrowly lie was satisfied that the frame work of the window was sinking. He ran to the door and alarmed the inmates, who were seated around the table at breaktast. They immediately ran iuto the road, and had scarcely done so when the house began to sink through the ground, and in a very short time wa9 entirely out of sight, leaving the site upon wuich it h id stood an open cuasm, filled to within some yards ot' the road witn earth and stones which had fallen in from the sides. It would 9eem that the ground ou cottage was raised stood over a disused col liery,aud the earth must have first given way at a depth of fully a hundred feet below the surface. Gen. Littlefield Named as Provisional Governor or Florid \. —The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer of Juue 20th says: Gen. Noble and Gen. M. S. Littlefield, now commanding United States troops at Hilton Head, -re b »th mentioned as probable ap poiutees tor Provisional Governor of Florida. Secession flourished so runklj’ iu that State that it is considered doubtful whether even a man of milk and water Unionism, possessing the requisite ability, can be found to fill the position. —Port liojal New South. —Passing through the streets of Detroit a few days since in compauy with a waggish, observing fellow, he offered to wager oysters that more than one-half of the grown up wo men to be met by travelling a given distance on the in' frequent'd thoroughfare in the city, would be munching gum or some other substance. We supposed tbe chap wild, and although not given to betting, at once ac cepted the wager. After traveling in the neighborhood of a mile, we were forced to own the majority largely against us, and to our chagrin were compelled to pay the oys ters. |)ot£l ||rribals. PULASaI house JULY 1. W W Stephenson, Capt 106 Capt It W Davis, 104USCT N Y Vols, E Stewart, Beaufort, J M Van Den Berph, LtentiJ P Raymond, 141 N Y V, Col 10'd N Y Vols, jTT T McDonnell. Savannah, E Van De Warker, turg’n W G Allen, S C. 162d N Y Vols, 'Pan. Dawson. Citv, .T J Buchan, capt 163d NjCaot O \V St John, 144 N Y VoV. ] YVols, John Sweeney, Ass’t Snrj W C Crooker, Ptr Resolute Dwbhc’s Dlv Hospital. Ohas C Sawyer, 30th Me, Felix Apuus, Maj lOitn h Ori ship,, Ass’t Ins D S, i H T Kunmirv. 3'ati Me, Cap’H H Sibley, General Fred Chilly, Gen Dwieht’s Dvight’"Staff. I < staff, Mrs Capt Sib.ey & Son, J L Pan I, Ila. Bo*tm. , w w King, Clinch co, Lewi* Child. Savannah, Capt A C luwood, General J S I efee, U S V, Dwight’s Staff, A C Freeman, do, James B Vaughan, C A O J B Babcock, do, Dwight's Div, JII Qnarte 1 man, Liberty c*>(C II Juniper, do, VV C .-tevens, do j.I E Hunt, do, CL Robinson, Jacksonville 1 J Clay. Brvan co, Lt I> C Payne, Dwigbt’sDiv a P Undel n 1!, Lt Col ICOth j U S Vols. SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON’HEAD,) JUNE 29. A C Keeney. New York, ICot A C Keeney, NY. W 0 Var.derbiiL do Col C H Howard, IS3CSCT Mrs At L Lasaane, Fla, I ■; Litt'efield, II H, Miss Gates. do C T Wright. U Head, Lt B F Robert--, Jackson- A Ker.ney. Fla, ville, C#l VV B Gurney, 28USCT, S L Kenny, do FU’Bovdweli, Jacksonville, S I. Bunitt do IE T Paine, do C Demin*-!, do ! hi C Drew, Boston. Mr* H Douglas, do i K L Brown, Virginia, Mif* S D ReeJ, do . 'F LBabbet, G., C 1 H Ailen 17 C'or.n Vols G A Abbott Washington, Mr* Keinim tou. Fla, A Cohen, N Y, Miss Remington, do • ,H C Pison, Ir.Tth NY V, Airs Gardner, do Dr Woishen, U S A. J B Baylor, wife & child, \VH Aiden. St Helena, New kark. F K Howard, Jacksonville Miss Taylor, uo JUNE 30. W Raymond. 13 N Y Vols II u Alinis, USA, Lt T, U S Ini. ■i) F Peta.e A wife. HH, A B Day, Jacksonville, ) J MoKiu, Cth U S Inf. Lt CVV Brown, do jdolJD Green, do Lt n a Saigeaut, Beanfort >iaj J P Rov, do VV T Benuet, U S V’, j.I B Rife, US A, C L Robrisou. Jacksonville;! j Upham. Cm U S Inf A Lambert, do Id M Bailey, •> Dr J Kasky, Savannah, IT Briton, Savannah, C O Haliett, Boston, A J Freeman, Savannah, A A Lane Savannah. 1 H S Hawkin, do Col T H Hubba a, 3d Me, O M Bennett. do W M Fleming, N ’York, jJ B Schiudel, U Slut JULY 1. C At BirdsaU, Rtr Delawareiß J Hershcv, Savannah. J £ P'-to a Dj. 1 1> D Whitlock, NY, J B West, Baltimore, IJ Tavlor, Savannah, • T L Bimm, Savannah, (Capt Lerly, Jacksonville. PORT ROYAL IIQTEL, [HILTON HEAD.] JUNE 80. F S O’Brien, Charleston, IE Bartlett A A Sure USA J > £Brltus. do J R Boruweil, do, do. M Newman, Ga, II Trace, Cnarlceton, P R Hogan, Charleston, C Knick, Edisto, J F do : W N Scott. Charleston. Surg VV H Lldndge, 35th UiDr W Johnson, Savannah. SCT, I B Sheppard. do Mrs VV H Eldridge & two! P Stewari, Beaufort children, Fla, ,A1 Foley & ladv. H Head, W J LamieuU, Charleston, G A Lame, N‘Y. WVVGastonallen.S'HilenaiP Concoran. N Y VV B Leather bee, Boston, IL) Ben. diet, do J O Boafe & wife, do |W Knight, US N, A J Drysal, Savannah, 0 B Merrill. N Y, T J Shine, Savannah, W Carleton, f’ SN, B F Coburn, Washington, j N J Frederuk. Sf.’d lowa, A Thompson Savannah, |C R Maxwell, H Head, A V Smith, Hilton Heud, i JULY 1. £ ?»w' r ? Je8 ’ St ll f ,ena ' I Col G W Baird, 32 U S CT P Phalon, do j At Perkins, do W Poilock. st’r Mayflower. I Capt Eldr.-dge, *tr Sav’h, ?- o'« n i‘ Post, Beaufort a ¥ ¥ D ,! ck ' 8t U,; W T H Seeley, do AASid ivan, do jK Barrv. US N, •CBaUer, do U B Bui H, Nashua, N H, HTgv. Charleston, jg I Frefex^ck. lowa V lapping |f imlligcncc. tout oi Savannah, july i. Arrived. U S transport Charles Thomas Faircloth. Washing ton, DC, via Alexandria; U S transport Constitution, Urcenman, Point Lookout, Md. with released prison er*. steamer Resolute, Croker, Hilton Head; scitr Trade Wind, Smith, Hilton Head. Clearer!. SteamerLonisbnrg, Dale, Hilton Head; schr Bath H B.ker, Knight, New V ork; tug C T Shepard, Bii.s, Li Head; stcuuier Smith, Augu*ijt; steamer Emilie, Bender, U Head: ship Northampton, Alos* New York. Arrived, Jnly 8. U S transport Perit Delaney, Fortress Monroe, with rel- ased prisoners; U S Ho.-pilal st - inter Co-iuopoii t«n, Crowell, Hilton Head; steamer Planter, S -mil Hilton Head; tag C T Shephard. Blis?. Hilton Head’- st-am -r Kmiile. Bender, Hdtou Head; aieumer W VV Coit, Little, H Head. Cleared Steam-r U S Grant. Briggs, H noad; schr Witch Queeu, Collins. New York, Hunter A Uammell- U S gunboat Dmeg.l. Port Koy„l; U S transport Peril, Delaney, Wilmington, N C; steamer renter. Small Beaufort. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, JILTS. A rrlved. June 20—steamer Kmgd-htr, Fortress Monroe. June 3n—^ Steamship, New Wk; *<-br Loyal Scranton, Beaufort; schr Rlua S. Porter, A Y. Cleared, Jrne 9—?chr Exchange, Philadelrh a. I June ft —;hip Northampton, Boston.