Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 04, 1865, Image 3

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fleto iX&bcrtiscnmits. •j ADAMS' EFXRESS COMPANY, i I km* dt ?’ Rre now pro; ared to rceei.e ana ship ejfiiiknd Money to Angum, Macon, Atlanta, and points # Also, to aii points North, Coobß Bat a_;d Dr.vrro>- Streets. ) E. P. TUNISON, LANTERNS WANTED jKfeperson who took some Ht HIN ES E LANTERN S / .'rMthc Theatre, on the evening oMhe Ist iSk. will return them to-day to th< Heral/ oript'of the Republican, be will confer a - t ' ur fftoa good and c ireful Tenant. he rented. with ! ;bf Furniture, t» story BRIG* dwelling, KOrt-.ted or S/tith Bi oad street, in one titm tea qi. tue CUy> unlil lst N|JemG?°r S with oi the same tor one (^^tohherpaAKaUisi^PPlyto_ R & GAMMELL. IT MULE. •» . ' r n) from Foif'dry Lot, Eastern Wharves, a me -Bi*e MARE MULE, v ' ule and Toil close cut—chafed slightly on fore An.' information or return of the saute !*®h > siiitaby rewarded by application to the sul> A. N. MILLER, iKj j Savannah I*>n Foundry. , COHEN fdi sell at luction, on Thursday, at 10 o'clock, in , __t of my Stlrc, No. Si, Bay Street, i: BALES DOMESTICS, Border ofSurvey fog account of the Underwriters dp all conpned. Terms cash-. .iyi jMfANT/D- JdLES /R DRAFT HORSES AND WAGONS IB WANTED. I ENGINEER'S OFFICE. A. 4G. R R„> * Savannah, June 29, 18C5. j Ipers/s having Mules or Draft Horses and Wagons ii aal° r hire will please call at this office. ,T. T. STONE, f Chief Engineer. 'Ofjfe in Stoddard’s Building, up-stairs, opposite the DsPffice. JuSO ts BARRELS ?I N E OLD BOURBON WHISKY, For sale at 120 CONGRESS STREET, ID-PARTNERSHIP. ?hc undersigned hay* this day formed a Copnrtner p, under the firm nine of bell & Christian, for the usactiou of a General Auction and Commission siuess. at enr old stand, on Bay street, loot of fitaker, where every exertion will be made to give 3ls faction to our friends ai.d patrons. reasonable share of patronage Is respectfully »o i?a. ' SAMUEL P, BELL, ' . HENRY It. CBRISTIAN. Savannah, Jnlyl, 1863. Jyl-iw *~* ——■——•—. ■■■ , ■. ... Well a christian- AUCTION ... Z.MD ,Q£ NEEAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street. Savannah, Ga. * | Consignments Solicited, M* Personal attention given to Forwarding of Mer ■ cmaiiclise and Cotton. Advances made on Consign ments Jo our friends in Boston, New York, and Phila delphia. It Refers to Merchants of this city and Augusta. Spicri P. Beli. Henry R. Christian. I jyl • lw Coda water! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN; Hatties not included, but to be returned when empty. 9|» account of the high price of articles necessary to IHfrrv on tho ~oda Water business, together with the JWe. it loss of Bottles, the subscriber is necessarily com* jailed to make the above change. With a decline in the price of materia!, and in the iosS of Bottles, there VBjl ue a corresponding decline in iny charges. Respectfully, JOHN RYAN, N. E. cor. Bay and W T est Broad streets, Jj M ,ivß 2 ■ Savannah, Qa. V HEADQ’RS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH,-) _ Hilton Head, 3. C., June it), 1606. f Ordess,) if*- No. 106. / fc|ln compliance with instructions received from the £?War Department, all District Commanders will cause an immediateinvestigation-to be made within their jgyinmaikls as to the expiratiop of service of all men or. detached duty, in conliuement, or otherwise separ ated from their regiments or companies. All such > men who are found entitled to discharge will be im mediately forwarded to the Provost Marshal Genera! of the iiepartruent, who will send them to the Chief Mustering Officer of their respective States for muster ing out, or to be otherwise ffisposedof as required bv orders. By Couiiuuuu of Major-General Q. A GILLMOKE. , W’. L. M. Bukoer, Assistant Adjutant General. H. F. WileTinson, Major and A. A, A. Gen ' jyf ? HiiADQ’KS IrEPT OP THE SOUTH, 1 UttXOif UsiD, C. C. t July 1, Ibiio f General Orders, 1 ’ No. 100. ; I ILThe following General Orders from the War Depart F ineut, are hereby pnolished for the information of ; this command: , WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Omur, Washington, June U, 1805. 'General,) • No. 116: / The payment of nil United States bounties to men enlisting in the military service, will cease from and alter July 1, 1805. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. ♦ WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant Gen e rat's Office, Washington, June 17,1805. General Orders,) no ne. j Enlisted men olthe Veteran Reserve Corps, Who, if they had remained in Jhe volunteer regiments from vriueh they Were transferred to the Veteran Reserves, would, under existing orders, now be entitled to mus ter out of service, v. iil be so discharged, provided that II > man shall be mastered out who desires to serve his lull term. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, ■ Assistant Adjutuut General. By Cahmand of Major General Q. A GILLMOKE. W. L. M. burger, Official: Aaa’t Adj’t Gen. ,R. F. WinziN-aoN, Major and A. A- A. Gen. j)*4 7 feroct tries. G. RUWE & CO., Conunt Si. J.xi*'; 9.ix-t asd Mo.-.cment Shears, Near the Pulaski House, WHOLESALE DEALERS! GXOCERIES. FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS, WiNES CIGARS, &c •Also Agents for two targe and excchen: Breweries, at New York, from v.-hiota we receive the best of ALES AND LAGER BIER. Also, constantly on hand the best EAST INDIA ALE.- We came down here very inexperienced in business, as conducted uuder necessary military- restrictions ; and coming nnprovided with the proper papers for onr trade, we at first "labored under many disadvan tages. But we now consider ourselves well posted, and having, by strict compliance with all military rules, been put on a good looting for disposing of our Stock, with the proper license, we propose to offer unusual inducements to the trade We shall give a superior article at a small advance on New York prices. MONEY OR GOODS ADVANCED FOB a COTTON, RICE, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. jiilT ts M SCARBROUGH * CO., GROCERY AND COMMISSION 140 Congress and 6T St. Juliann Streets, SAVA Nil AU, GEORGIA., Offer for sale, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK or GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, Consisting of TEAS and SUGARS, best brands; COFFEE; CAN DLES, SOAP, FLOUR, HAMS, BACON, (Shoulder and Clear Sides); LEAF LARD, CORN MEAL, CAN PEACHES, PIE FRUITS and PRE SERVES, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, &c., Ac., Ac., . All of which they are selling at reduced prices. Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. ,jeC lmo •J^OTICE. OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, > Acocsta, Ga., June 19, 1865. / Sealed Proposals to furnish this Post with twenty five huudred pounds of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing July lst, and ending October Ist, 1865, will be received at this office until June 10. 1865. The Beef to be furnished weekly, and of good qual ity, either dressed or on the hoof; if on the hoof, to net twenty-five hundred pounds exclusive of uecks and shanks. Persons making proposals will state the average gross weight, quality, etc., of the Beef. Proposals to be openedf in public June 30th, and subject to tne ap proval of the Commissary General. H. A. DARLING, jn2£T Uapt and Post Commissary. L. JONES, ‘ SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 2fo 1* Broadway, New York. i Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER & GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, • 84 Bay Street, Savunnab. Reference in New York— Messrs. Sdofforu, Tiumton A Cos. may2C 3mo JjRYNOLDS, PRATT A CO., (Estaiilisheu in 1770.) Manctaotubebs, LuroßTfCs and WholbaU Dsauks IN WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, COLORED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS' AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 100 and 108 Fulton St., jn22 lm NEW YORK. JP RE S H IMPORTATION . —of SEGARS AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, ' 4 3BTWRBN WHITAJIEB AND D ABN AED STREETS. JACOB LANGSDORF A CO. * Have just received from their well known House in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGARS, Consisting of all the different brands, as wsll as large stocks ot * SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE FBICES: Dealers are particularly requested to call and.exam ine the stock, • ' ju9 lm J£INSTEIN, ROSENFELD & CO., ' ' 7 BANKERS, Nq. 8 BROAD STR.EE TANARUS, New York We draw at sight, and afjjijjxty days, on London, Fauis, Fbanxfobt, and all other principal cities Os Europe, Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the Citt Banks, and will bo allowed interest on all balances over On* Thousand Dollars, at the rate of four per cent, per annum, Orders for the purchase or sale of ' various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. jeo-StawSm l C. FEATiiFik, M. D. OFFICE, NO. 13« MERCHANTS’ ROW, ’ . _ HILTON HEAD, T3. C. * 2m IHatlonerg, Sc. gTATIONERY. ~ TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS We offer rnr large and varied Stock of STATION ERV at the lowest cash prices. Our stock in the above line is the largest in the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturer' We solicit the attention of purchasers to oar goods and prices. \ SAVILLE 4 BEACH, Comer Bryan street and Market square. Timber Cutter's Back, Savannah, Ga., AND— Merchants* row, hilton head, s. c Jyi ts gOOKS and stationery. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the Old Stand of JOHN* M. COOPER * CO., Just Received the Largest and Best Selected Stocked J) SCHOOL BOOKS In the Southern States; consisting of Primers, Spellers, Headers, Geographies. Arithmetics, Grammars. Or eh, Latin, French, German and bpanish Text Books, and all oliier Books usedt in Colleges, Academies and Common Schools. < STATIONERY. Slates, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes, Blank Books, Ac. l also have on hand ty large assortment of New and popular Novels by the best authors. Dickens. Reynolds, Mrs Holmes, Mrs. Wood, Ac. I will keep constantly on hand a large stock of el egant Photographic Albums and Card Phiit .graphs, as well as a constant supply of the latest Northern Newspa pers and Periodicals,!-,. Y Daily and Weekly Nev.spojieis. Harper’s Magazine. Godey’s Lady’s Book, Atlantic Monthly. Demorest’s Fashions, 4c., Ac. Everything will be sold at the very lowest figuros, and special terms are offered on Bchocl Books to Tone fieri and others. I fan and will sell at least as cheap os any ctbor house in the South. T*RMS STRICTLY CASH Call and examine the Stock at the old stood cf Join; Ms Cooitb 4 Cos,. Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian streets, Savannali, Ga. STEPHEN FARRELLY, Bookseller and Stationer k N. B.— All orders for Miacellaneous Books, Music, or any article connected with the trade, filled at the shortest notice. The friends and patrons of the undersigned and of the firm of John M. Coopef. & Cos., are respectfully so licited to continue their patronage at the old establish ment to ID. Barbel ly. The undersigned may be found at his desk as usual, for the purpose of closing up old business affairs and rendering such assistance as he can to Mr. F. A general Wholesale business will bp established by J. M. C. * Cos., whenever practicable, upon the upper floors of the establishment. JeS Imo JOHN M. COOPER. gAVILLE & LEACH, * BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS’ ROW HILTON HEAD, S. C . , —AND— COBNES BRYAN STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, . SAVANNAH, GA. if M ili7ary clothing- ; FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 40., AT H. A. TOPHAM’S, NO. 138 CONGRESS STREET. This Store Is well stocked with a superior quality of goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap, as the Proprietor wishes to make room for anew assort ment, jyi-tf £TH JULY. FIREWORKS. 4TH JULY. Fire Crackers, Ex No. 1, Golden Dragon, Roman. Candles, Pin Wheels, Triangles, Torpedoes, Blue Lights, Bengalas, Jass Sticks. Sky Rockets, Pullen Crackers, Flower Pots, &c For sale by HILTON & RANDELL, ju2S lw iy3 Bay street, RIVER AQKICULTRAL WORKS. GRIPPING, BROTHER & CO , Pbopbietoes, 5$ abd 60 Court;,and Street. NEW YORK. Manufacturers of Plows. Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn’Mills, Cotton Gins, &c. Every implement wanted •by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds. Also, Agentjtar Bruce’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, &c. Send for circular. jn2o 3m TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The Palmetto Herald Building having been Newiy Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments or busiuess pnrposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 25, Hilton Head Fost Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 0 o’clock p. m. ju22 JOHN MoMAHON COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Strife! attention given to all Consignments. C9bner Bbouohton and Jefferson Street. JuSO lm Q S. feIJNDY, general agent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 24T F Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,) WASHINGTON, D. C. ju3o It 5500 ' roN4 OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x58 per lineal yard. For sale by jnli) Cm FOWLS <fe CO. AY, GRABS', FLOUR, WHITE PINE LUMBER, SPRUCE SHINGLES AND NAILS. Foe Sale i»y RICHARDSON* BARNARD, Bay street, opposite Marine rs’ Church, ju23-tf Savannah, Ga. J R. SOLOMONS, M. D.' ~~ T “dentist, From •ffcarleston, S. C„ offers bis servicos to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References —Dr. Jas. B Read, Dr. JUriah Harris, * Hon. Solomon Cohen, W. N. Habersham Esq,, 'nil ts A. A. Solomons * Cos., JpHONEER LINE. * FOR NEW YOR.R. The l. S. Mail Steamship ZODIAC, Bnlkley Com mander, will sail for the above port regular day, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, At o’clock. For Freight or Passage, having su perior Stateroom accommodations, apply to HUNTER i GAMMEL. « 84 Bay street Agent in New Fork—L. L. Jones Esq., Broal •v»y- t ja j^,JERCHARTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CUPPER SCHOON ERS FOR •. NEW YORK. The undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above |>o t rt, with superior accummo datfbns tta passengers and the very best ifeilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York CHARLES t. COLBY <6 CO , Jnlß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets, •piVEK STEAMER FOR SALE • An Iron SIDE- WHEEI .* HIGH PRESSURE RIVER STEAMER, Dravring 22 inches of water. Hull 155 feet long; 26 fset Beam ; 5 leet 6 inches depth of hold has two in clined Engines. 20 inches diameter of cylinder, 6 feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck is clear for freight, knd the passenger accommo dation is above She U well adapted for trad eon a Bhoal water river. Is entirely new, well and substan tially built, and wilhbe sold at a bargain Apply to PUSHY, JOZIES & CO., . Iron Steamboat Building,*WilmiU'rton.. Delaware. Jui: lm ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY, .TUNE' 20th, 1865. This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. The scenery is quitq as pleasing and inter esting, in every respect, as thfrlamous watering place of Newport, H. 1., and is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place tospend the summer months.— It has a fine’hand smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nuhant, Mass., and as fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May The House has over seventy large, alrv rooms, and verandahs op three aides of all the stories; the furni ture is entirely new, aud the tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in the Northeriynarkets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hi tel all that tho most fastidious can desire. Billiard Rooms and sea Bathing houses Will soon bo In readiness for guests. ju23 tl * THE SAXTON HOUSE. ID BEAUFORT, S. C„ Formerly the property of Di. Johnson, is for gale.— Apply to C. W. DENNIS & CO., i Noi 4 Merchants’ Row, Jn2o ts Hilton Head. S. C. jpORT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL & RUGG, Pbofbixtobs. E. 8. RIDDELL, •M. F. KCOO. ,lu3-tf • p U L A s R I H O U S E , SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS & RIDDELL, Pbofsietoes. J. O. n/UITFt.S t. 8. RIDDELL. s- J° 3 - f or ice to contractors' ENGINEER’S OFFICE. 1 Ati.a*tic and Guif HaaROAD. e Savannah, «a„ June 20, 1866. j Proposa.s will be received at this office until the oth of. July next for the reconstruction of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad; including all Bridging and Truck laying and famishing of all Material except Iron,from tbe Little Ogeechee Bridge, inclusive, to the Main Bridge of the Altamaha, including Morgan Lake Tres tle. j The work to be completed within sixty (60) days from tbe date of contract, J. T. STONE, Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard's Building, up stairs, opposite the Post Office. , Augusta papers cojly one week and send bill to’Sa vannah Republican office. ts ju2l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in- ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER OUR H OUSE, 0 IK BAY STREET, J£IRUN,_ BURKE, & BBO„ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AL£S, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corner Whitaker Street and Bay Lane, • ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. Jail * ts Bakery * confectionery establish ment AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery ;& Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Beanfort, at which we are prepared promptly to All any orders which may be for warded to os. Special attention is paid to the man ufacthre of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday ori estival tables, Feb. 3-ts McMANUS * MURRAY. must mutts. AVANNAH THEATRE 0 • SWEATNAM HAS REMOVED. W P Swtltxam Hole Lessee and Manager Pmc Miliox . a*c MAsaaEU M. FaBKERTuYSKa *, ......Mosical Director TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 4, 1865, FOURTH OF tULT. FOUBTU or JCLT. . rSUBTU OF JULY, GRAND GALA NIGHT. PE RFECT ION* OR. 7KB atalD OF aUXSTEX PATRIOTIC SONGS, NATIONAL DANCES, MUSIC. JIGS, ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS, and characteristic Farce of Massachusetts and solute Carolina fryden Milton, weatuam, Blance, Stan wood, Wallace, 1-ottle Howlaud, La Belle Louise. Cards of Admission ,75c. Orchestra Seats ; .$1 00 Colored Boxes (up-stairs; ...% 75c. Doors open at TX\ Overture begins at SJK Special Notice. —Ales, Wines. Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall, day and night jyS-l Restaurants, jkc, CLAMS: - i have the best Clams at Hilton Head, and tbe bust Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the fol lowing testimony from Mr. Beni. Honey’s adverllse ment in the Bava>*x.\k Daily Herald, ot the ket or two • “There is no man In Fort Royal that can serve up Clams in every style better than Mr. Fitsgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, in rear of the Post Office. •‘There is Wiifre the Laugh Comes In." My dear Bun we wish you a long' life and a merry one. In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as car, lx* obtained at Hiltoi* Head, or any other place in this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will-find to be correct. Do not forget our old established house, in the rear of Post Office. PETER FITZGERALD, _ juSO Proprietor. 'JMIE UNION SHADES. T. NUGENT, Jcu., PROPRIETOR, No. 66 Bull Street, Corner of Bryan street, opposite, the Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA. ALES, LAGER BEER, WINES, CIDER, SEGARS, Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURTON’S SUPERIOR AMBER PALE INDIA ALE ON DRAUGHT. )u27 lw E STILL LIVE; AT— ' * THE “OFFICE,” No. \ Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD. 8. C. BENJAMIN HONEY, Pboprjetob. Just received from the North— . BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, TURKEYS,, * CHICKENS . FISH, * GAME, TURTLE; —ALSO— Received from the Plantations every morning— CHICKENS, VEGETABLES, Ac. ICE CREAM, WITH FANCY CAKES. • The inner man must and shall be preserved. ICE WATER, FREE FOR EVERY BODY. N. B.—Why does my friend in the rear of the Post Office discontinue to say where the laugh comes in t jnnel4-tf m i.uw ■» RICHARDSON & BARNARD. COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS,’ Bay Street, Opposite Mariners' Church, • SAVANNAH, GA. Refer to Mpssts. G. M. Barnard * Cos., Messrs. Wm. B. Reynolds * Cos., Messrs. Linder * Meyer, ell of Boston. Ju2u eodtf NOTICir~ “ Martin J. Ford. Esq., has resnmed the practice of Ms profession us an Attorney at Law. He will be found at the office of Capt. J. White, City Sheriff, to. the Court House, each day. ju?K6 JMPOKTED AND DOMESTIC ' WINES AND LIQUORS, AT WSOtmiS, FOB FiMIII USE, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY * CO. may24-tf ■yittGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY " “" i GEORGE R. CRUMP * CO , 209 Broad Street, Augusta, G a. Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. Sm ju2o JTJENNIS, PERKINS *7CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 65 Broad . Street, NEW YORK. julO- lm W7*~ ’dklFflti do ' W. B. Griyitn, J. C. Mkaneb, F. P^ukt. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. l| Will give prompt attention to all consignments and make liberal advance* whendesired. Ju26-lm HEADQUARTERS POST OF SAVANNAH, 7 Savannah, Ga., Jane 29, 1865. j General Order,) * No. 2. 7 Captain. John Mullen, J2tb Connecticut Infantry is hereby announced as A A A General of the Post of Savannah. By Command of „ Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. Mclleh, Capt. and A. A. A General. ,|n34» 7 QKO. R. CRUMP & COT” “ AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Street, Adousta, Ga juZO 3m