Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 06, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HER ATT) VOL. 1-NO. 145. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING* > U PCHUBHEP BT Is. W. MAJoON 4fe CO.. At 1U Rat Street, Sa.ta.nxab. Gioksia. Time: Per Copy '• Five Cent?. Per Hundred • - .$3 w. . Per Year • ** lo adtebtisino: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar for each subsequent one Ad vertisement# inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING i In every style, neatly and promptly done; JCS= 111 Til I ».1~. >" • . ..-if •, JNSURANCEI! LOW KATES ON RIVER BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. —ALSO,— JACKSONVILLE AND SAVANNAH. The undersigned are now prepared to take risks per earner to Augusta, and Steamer or Flat from Augusta, AT LOWER RATES THAN CAN BE OFFERED BY ANY OTHER PARTIES IN THIS PLACE. ♦ Also, by Steam and Sailing Vessels to and from Jacksonville. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., ju2B-lw cor. Bay and Abercom stg. JS YOUR l;£e insured? This Is an important question for every man and important also for every wife and mother as it affects their future welfare.’ , SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. .The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance’’ of New York will iasnro you at the usual rates in any sura from SIOO SIO,OOO. They also issue the f vorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITUKE Policies, and will after two years payment give a lull f>aid up Policy for Two Tenths the whole sum, and Three Years Three Tenths, gad so on. Thus a Policy oi $lt»,Ooo. Two Premium* paid upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of si,ooo. and five years five-tenths for every additional year. For former tfifonaatror fiputy to a. Wilbur, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., ju27 . 83 Bny st., Savaunah, Ga. rrtlE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE LNSU- X RANCH COMPANY, OF BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. - This is oneof the oldest- and best Companies in Araeaca. Policies on'Lives for any amount up to $15,000 are taken by them ... . 1 Thepohci- sos these Companies were not cancelled during the war uuul neurd ir.'rt—a fact wnich shews their dealing and determination to be Just and honor* able in alt cuses. Apply to Ju2T A. WILBUR, Agent. i'ORK ' ■■ •-•...-•■‘.-an r. YUiE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY, — XErXSBSXTTSiO TWB SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY; *•. MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY; rftßNCt FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ; Averaging a CASH CAPITAL of over FOUR MILLIONS. J.isks takciaon all descriptions of Property 0 n rea aole- terarsby * A- A. LANE, Agfc ay- office in Stoddard’s Range, Bay street, oppo site office. juts i- I mo QOLUMBIAN (MARINE; INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW TORE, - CASH CAP1TAL............. .. ........... $8,800,000. The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the extent of sloo,* 00g in properly in any first class Steamer, and from $60,000 to $75.U00 on any first class sailing vessel, on , the moat favorable New York terms. ; ■ For further particnlan* apply to „ CHARLES L. COLBY & CO ( Jonee Block; corner Bay and Abercoru streets, L jel.S if Savannah, Ga. 'J'REASURY DEPARTMENT, EIGHTH SPECIAL AQEN'CY, \ ChoitefctoiyS. C., June- 20, 18$5. > , The undersigned, iu addition to his duties as As —««!ta t Specittl Agent of the-K-ifdt--Agency. - has been assigned to the charge of the Eighth Agency as Depu ty Supervising Special Agent. . All coranrauicatious relating to the business of the business of the fifth Agency should be addressed to Port Royal, S. C., and all relating to business in the Eighth Agency should be addressed to Charleston, S. C. JOHN H. PILSBURY, Ju2S ' _ Deputy Supervising Agent. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers iu Sheeting, Shirting, Osuaburgs, Yams, Rope, Bagging, Manufactured aud Smoking Tobacco, <Ssc., &c. ' Particular attention given to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of COTTON. Ralstok’s GaAstm Ranbx;—Tsuxd Ramos, MACON, GA’ Rbteetruces.—Ervrln <fc Hardee, Claghom i Cun ningham, &avaunah;-L. G Bowers, S. M. Farrar, Cos lumou3; E. B. nong-s Cos., L. B, Duvib, Augusta; P Y. Pease. V. A. Gasttiil, Atlanta. ,iu3B.lm HOSPITAL TRANSCRIPT.” The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S. C., by M. J. McKemma. It is designed by the Publisher to make on Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS. Ju3-tf |>oobs aniJ i|lo^hio. <t MURDOCK, WHOI.UXLK AND UTAH. DCAUtBS in SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY odoDS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAM; GrafTLEsrsa’s Funmuoia Goods, Ac., No 6 Merchants’ Row, ; Hilton Head, S. C., w. c. BIDDEI.L fjul3-tf] a. J. XUBDOCX. ARRIVAL OF GOODR SKEHAN A CONYNGHAM. Os 178 Broughton Strut, * Receive by every steamer fresh consignments of Goods from New York, consisting of BOOTB and SHOES, Ladies' BALMORALS. Ac., Gentlemen's Felt and Straw -HATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES, Dublin and London PORTER, Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels; Also—A choice selection of GARDEN SEEDS, Which we offer at low prices to the Trade. JeC ■■ r JX) THE CITIZENS or GEoitGIA The termination of a Bangninary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial inter coarse between the two great sections of onr country, having at length happily cleared away all obstante* to a removal of those relations which formerly bound ns together in a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that ex. tensive business connection which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great pub lic calamity to which I have adverted. It Is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a busi ness re-union, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends.—to beware of all those spurious and de'eterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Bra ndies, Holland Gin. Liquors, &c„ have been equally destructive to the health of our citizens and prejudicial to the interest of the legitimate Importer. Many vears of my past life have been expended In an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this salutary purpose, and to place before my friends and the public generally; at the lowest possible market price, and in such quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported arti cle. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded me unsurpass ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liquefs of the best and most ap proved brands In Europe, in addition to my own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the “Schie dam Schnapps.’ The latter, so long tested and approved by the med ical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all cli mates and during all seasons, quickly excited the cu pidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article under the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil and expense, sur rounded all my importations with safeguards and di rections which with ordinary circumspection will In* sure their delivery, as I reoeive them from Europe, to all my customers. • I would, however, recommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depy>t, 22 Beaver street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies, &c., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried for eign »Ines, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of tbs war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of lime, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to insure the fulfillment of their favors from the present large and well selected assortment. UDQLPHO WOLFE, ju23 lm 32 Beaver street, Nsw York. \TACKY, HOGG A 00., General commission merchants, No. 2 Stoddard’s Block, opposite Custom House, SAVANNAH. GA. Having opened a House at the above stand, In eon* nectioa won our House in Philadelphia* we offer to the Trsde— -250 barrels Bourbon and Rye "Whiskey; Hama Breakfastßacon and Shoulders. Bagged Beef, Lard Broom , Washboards, Lime in hogsheads, &c. Consignments to our House in Philadelphia solici ted. MACKT, HOGG A Cos, No. 2 Stoddard's Block, Savannah, Ga. jußo-lm 26 South Water street. Philadelphia, j^oflcE The Proprietor of the SAVANNAH MILLS, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that be has made a number of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, aud is now prepared to furnish his customers with a full supply of the best GRITS AND MEAL, and everything that ran be expected from a FIRST-CLASS MILLING ESTABLISHMENT, He pledges himself to always sell his Goods and do bis work 25 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He is prepared to grind Wheat and Com at the customary X toil, and in addition will, as above stated, always be prepared to furnish his friends with everything iu the old dtyle. His place of business is at tbe well-known spot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET ialV ts JJcmcE. >e Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Southern Insurauce and Trust Company will oe held at the office of the Company, in bavauuah, on YV ednosdiy, lUth July, 1886, lor the purpose of elect ing Direct ore for the ensuing year, and for the tran saction of such other business as may be brought be fore the meeting. * H. BRIGHAM, President, Per J.C. McNULTY, iu® jttf AssUtaut Secretary SAVANAH, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1865. FROM OUR EVENING EDITION OF YESTERDAY. —■»s«PP»q—P^—rwaw—— INDEPENDENCE DAY. Observance in Savannah and Vi cinity. MILITARY PARAJDES. TuRSf iCI VT OF THIS FX&SMSST Salutes, Bell-Ringlug and Fir* lng .of Crackers. * FicoHic Party—Excursion Down the River- Ball at the Volks Garten. Fireworks in the Evening The weather yesterday was most auspi- The sun rose in undimmed spleudor, and, with the exception of being somewhat warm, the day was fine and pleasant.— Throughout Monday night, and before day, the occasional discharge of fire-arms or fire crackers, anticipated the ddwn of Indepen dence Day, but the celebration proper was inaugurated at sunrise by the firing Os a sa lute ol artillery stationed in the Armory Square, by the ringing of the various bells of the city, and by the universal noise of private demonstrations. From that time until a late hour in the evening the celebration proceed ceeded with much vigor, every one taking part according as inclination dictated. The streets, during such hours as the heat of the sun would not render promenading uncom fortable, were thronged with crowds of pleas ure-seekers ; numerous private parties were gathered, where patriotism overflowed in many a lively toast The firemen and others paraded in procession through the streets; attracting large numbers of spectators, and the day closed with a fine display of fire works, which appropriately wohnd up one of the moat .widely observed returns of the Fourth of July ever known in the South. Military Parades. At 8 o’clock the- troops all paraded by regiments, and listened to the reading of the Declaration of Independence and the Eman cipation Proclamation, after which they had a holiday. In the afternoon the 108d U* S. C. T. had a dress parade, in which enlisted men acted as officers throughout. “ The display was very creditable. National Colors. The display of National colors was very general. At sunrise Mr. Uriah Cranston, Mr. Fred Lapham and Mr. Archibald McAl lister, members of the Georgia Union Club, hoisted the National colors on the Exchange. The colors of the Adams Express’Company, were also displayed. The foilowtn- displays of the flag were noticed: The windows; bel fry etc., of the Exchange were adorned with, minature flags by Mr. John Crawford, and Mr. William Rankin. The office of Capt. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M., in the Central Rail Road Bank Building ; was handsomely decorated, as also Were toe premises of Sir* T. Nugent, Jr;, Bull street. Lieut. Knowltou, north side of Bay street, Germania Bpe Company No 10, Washington Fire Company No. 9, and Black & Duggan, Union corner, Bay street. The colors of the Consuls accredited to the U. 8. Governffient*for Savannah, were also displayed. The Parade of the Colored Fire Com panies. At four o’clock the fire companies, manned by the colored people, formed their line on Bouth t ßroad street, the right resting on the Fireman’s Hall. They moved in the order Sven below down South Broad street to East road through East Broad to Bay, up Bay to the Exchange, where they were dismissed. We give the following as the strength Os the department; Warren Fire Company No. 1, and Hose Cart, 105 men, uniform white pants, blue shirts trimmed with red. Obert Mil lpr, first foreman. Engine manufactured by Smith, New York. Pulaski No. 2, uniform white shirts with black trimmings. Tbe engine was manned by 85 men, and the hbse carriage by 38 men, \Ym. Jordan, first foreman.’ Lewis Glenn, First Assistant, Amos Dens ler Second Assistant, Richard Waning Third Assistant, and Captain of Hose Carriage. Franklin Fire Company No. 3, 113 men; First Foreman Sylvester Procfor. Tonahoni No. 7, 80 men; First Foreman Is&bc psrksr* Wright’s Fire Engine Company No. 11,75 men, First Foreman, James Reddy, uniform, white pants, blue shirt, glared caps. Servant Mqjdr Wm. Davidson, of Pulaski Fire Company No. 2, with several of his friends, furnished the rubric on this occasion. While the companies were in line a slight difficulty occurred between white soldiers on one side, and colored soldiers and firemen on the other, but the ‘disturbance Was quelled before it reached sufficient importance to de serve elaborate mention. In th* Hospitals The day was not forgotten. An Order from Col. Clyroer, Medical Director, had directed that all work except that.which was abso lutely necessary should be dispensed with on the Fourth, and generally that the day should be observed as a holiday. Dr. J K* Bigelow, Medical Director of the Post, determined that these instructions should be carried out according to the most liberal construction. All the inmates of the various Hospital* in the-city were assembled under the Doffior’a direction in the PavUlion Hospital for the occasion. About five hun dred of the boys were thus gathered together in .the dining hall of the Pavillion. Tue hall wm appropriately and handsomely deeprated with the national emblems, and the insigni.. of the army, the badges of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Army Corps figuring con spicuously. A splendid dinner, well worthy of the occasion was laid in the hall, to which the soldiers seated themselves, and, it is needless to say, did full justice. The affair was a most successful ana delightful one, and the wounded and sick heroes who participa ted reckoned it almost good fortune to havtf been placed in such a position as to require the kind offices of their friend aud benefac tor, Dr. J. K. Bigelow, who was the recipient of hearty toasts and enthusiastic cheers. Many thanks are due to Mrs. Wioton, the Chief Matron, for her ugtiring exertions in' the preparations. The Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation were read to the patients by Dr. Bigelow. The Salutes were fired with great accuracy, under the di rection of Capt. Fisk, of Gen. Birge’s Staff. The following was the detail from the 90th New York Volunteers :—No. 1 Piece— Sergt. G. W. Lyle, Cos. B, Gunner; C. 8. Treadwell, Jameß Dunn, Edward Reily, Pat rick Donnelly, Nat. Preston, and Daniel Sullivan, of Cos. A. No. 2 Piece—Sergt. Thomas Kelly, Cos. C, Gunner ; A. H. Lord, Geo. Dean, YV. H. Rathbun, A. L. Olmstead, Cos. E ; J. S. Allen, and W- A. Chapman, Cos. D* The guns used on this occasion were brass six pounders made in the Couiederato States ; the powder, tow and friction primer wore all captured property. The guns were S laced in St. Julian Street near the Head Quarters of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Birge, and east of Johnson Square. Thirty-six guns were fired at sunrise, one hundred at meridiap, and twenty five at sun set. Oersutnia Fire Company No. 10. This organization of adopted citizens ap peared at three o’clock on parade, Henry Biunn, First Foreman, in command. The Savannah City Orchestra, Mr. Geo. Weigand Leader, assisted by the 14th New Hamp shire Regimental Brass Band, Geo. A. Day, Leader, furnished the music on the occasion. The Germania turned out fifty-six men, and proceeding from their Hall to South Broad street, with their engine and hose carriage, marched down South Broad, through East •Broad to Bay street; up Bay to West Broad, through West Broad to Broughton, and thence to their engine house, through Mont gomery street. Tne Germania on this occa sion made an exceedingly fine appearance In lfieir new uniform of red shirts and white pants. The Germania Fire Company wound up their celebration with a grand ball at the Volks Garten, which was well attended, and was a thoroughly enjoyable affair. excursion Down the River. During the afternoon Capt. 8. S. Starr, the efficient Chief Quartermaster, having busi ness at Port Pulaski, invited a small party of gentlemen to accompany him on the steamer Emilie, for a Fourth of-July excursion, and the result was one of the pleasantest parties of the season, in all respects. The band of the 12th Maine was with the expedition, and on the way down the ears of the guests were delighted with excellent music, and their eyes with the luxuriant fSliage of the trees on either side of the river, while their chegktwere fanned with cool breezes, far prererSbro to lhf%*preastve, dusty, sultry at mosphere of the town. The ' awning «rs-the Emilie just accommodated the party, shelter ing them from the sun without depriving them of the refreshing breezes. A dinner was served on the way down, and there was no stint of refreshments. In passing the guard ship and several other boats, exchanges of salutes with colors and cheers were made. Several fine vocalists were comprised in tbe party who added much to the entertainment cf the party. On ar riving at Fort Pulaski, while Capt. Starr was transacting his business, the party had an opportunity to look over that interesting work, and some were introduced to several of the distinguished State prisoners sojourn ing there. The Lrnilie started on her return at dusk, and as we came up the river we had a fine view in the distance of the fireworks being displayed iu Savannah, while on the left the lurid flames ot a burning plantation house lighted up tbe horizon, creating a sublime spectacle. On the trip up, Captain Starr was loudly called on by the company, and iu response to three hearty cheers, and complimentary remarks all around he made a speech, the best for an excursion speech we have heard for many a month. He was eloquent and racy, and got the company in tbe best of hu mor. Several other speeches were maae, interspersed with music.. Just as the boat arrived at the levee, the well-pleased party adopted a vote of thank# to Capt. Starr, and to the officers of the Emilie. . Much of tbe credit of the arrangements for making the party pleasant is due to Cos!. N. W. Day, CoL Henry Graham, 22d lowa, was also very attentive to the pomfort of the party the of 131 st New York, who was most assi duous in hia efforts to render the trip pleas ant. The Firework*. As night approached the demonstrations broke forth in rehewed brilliancy. From all quarters were to be seen private displays of fireworks; snapping lire crackers, squibs, Roman candies and rockets illuminated the streets in every direction. The chief public pyrotechnic exhibition, however, took place at the Exchange. The fireworks were dis - charged from tbe portico of the Exchange, and being in full view of Bull street, made a striking display. Several most beautiful pieces were fired, among them triangles, she wheels, and torbillions,- which, together with the beautiful Roman candles, and the splen did rockets made a moat brilliant exhibition, and reflected much credit opon the mana gers . An immense crowd of people thronged. Bull street and Bay street in the vicinity of tbe Exchange, among whom perfect order prevailed. feiMr. J. E. Hayes, of tbe Republican, used untiring diligence in making this display as creditable a substitute as possible for the fire works ordered from New York,but which did not arrive* • . - PRICE. 5 CENTS A Gratifying Fact In connection with this celebration, and an unusual circumstance, is that not a single se rious accident occurred that we are aware of and that there was not even an alarm of fire. Colored Soldier Hurt. Since writing the above we learn* th«t the Drum Major of the 33d U. S. C. T. w*a se riously injured yesterday in the disturbances previously alluded to. It is feared he will die in consequence of his hurts. THE CELEBRATION AT HILTON HEAD One of our correspondents sends us a full account of the grand celebration at Hilton Head, too lengthy lor publication this even ing. The programme was carried out very nearly as announced by the Herald. A NATIONAL debt a national bles sing. This hacknied phrase is now bandied about by the American papers as if not had not any of the flavor of originality. It is however as old as Monarchy itself. That it ever should have found favor in a Republic excites sur prise. Those who first employed the phrase did not use it in & financial but political sense— as a bond of union where the debt wm due from the government to the people among whom it was contracted, and not as a fiscal contrivance. In the latter sense it is a total perversion. It would seem to be an obvious conclusion that if the debt is duplicated the blessing must be increased two fold, and that If so augmented as that the interest should absorb tbe National iacome, the nation would be proportionally benefitted. AH this, to use a vulgar phrase, is mere bolderdath. All debt, whether individual or na tional, is injurious, aud obstructive of pro gress. Io the case of a nation it is attended by increased taxation to pay the interest Tbe comparison has been made between tbe United States and Great Britain as to the magnitude of their public debt, respectively, and its being due to their own citizens. There is here no analogy. The British debt is al most exclusively due to British subjects, It is true. A large part, however, of our war debt is due to foreigners—to Germans. The Bri tish government has no creditors abroad, or very few, to whom they are compelled to remit the interest annually, ifrhich forms a part of the revenue of foreigners. Thegov- the United States occupies the re verse position. It i& the debtor for the sums it has borrowed abroad, and is compelled to Aansfer specie or bills to meet tbe annual charge for interest, and occasionally for pay ment of principal when there is a money pressure among their foreign creditors- We agree with the upholders of this doc trine, that a National debt is a Nation bless ing, in the views with which they ac company this financial absurdity, qf tbe sfffilciency of our resources, present and prospective, to meet all our National ea gageuno«t». These engagements should give us no concern when we look to the future. Let the future answer the call* on tbe re sources of the future, if exiting resources should fail. It is no more than just that as we have been fighting the battles of posterity, that posterity should contribute its ahar* of the burden of preserving the Union. The of treating this matter of a pub lic debt unparalleled in amouut is to accept it as a political necessity—as the price of Nationality, and not seek by exageration and fallacy to delude the public. We have to foot the bill to defray tbe chargos incurred by the war, and bare our shoulders to the as best we may. We have seen quoted the celebrated pa*. sage la Macaulay’s History of England, in which he shows that with every progressive step in adaipg to the public burdens, in Eng* land, there was a still mors advanced stage tn National wealth and prosperity. The debt rapidly Augmented from the accession of William the Third Until it culminated in the reign of George the Third, at the conclusion of the American war, in the prodigious sum of between eight hundred and nine hundred millions sterling. But the way to view this social phenomenon is, that within tbat period several causes had concurred to give an er* traordiuary impulse to British improvement —the monopoly of trader-maritime ascen dancy—colonial acquisitions—-flourishing manufactures and an equally flourishing v agriculture. %* METEOROLOGICAL. [rfUTAREo rot mi aiVAKKAB aouuJ.J Range of Thermometer lor seven day* ending July 1, 1865, at Savannah, Ga.; Date. 7 A.M. IP.M. 7 P.M. 10 P.M. Av’rw. 25 79 SO 70 77 78& 76 29 82 fc» g;V 27 80 91 « 85 S4V 2* 79 »0 65 80 tiU 28 82 90 85 81 84j| 30* SI 91 83 81 Zi July 1 SO ,87 88 SI tgj( Av’rxe for Av for week. eaeknour79 88 38 81 'B3 —lt is said that, since the death of the late Czarewitch, the Princes* Dagmar has discon tinued her studies of the Greek Church, and that she will shortly be confirmed as a Pro testant. —A collection of shells, lately sold in Lon don, realized upwara of two thousand pounds. One shell, a cypraa guttata, brought forty-two pounds, and a specimen of the cypraa prm ceps was bought for forty pounds.