Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 07, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. S. W. Mason & Cos , Proprietors. Samtki. W. Mason, Editor. Savannah. Friday, july 186... fFTSi —i - For Lotai .flalier* Met Third Page. 1 THE HOLD DISCOVEHIKS. The increase of wealth and productive power in the United States within the last five years, notwithstanding the war, is one of the most remarkable of those phenomena that history records. ’ The farts are beyond controversy. The only difference of opinion that can exist relates to the cinses. But not only is this conclusion applicable to the Uni te*’ States; the samp increase of wealth and productive power is exhibited, not mere ly in new countries, like the United States, but in States whose resources have been ful ly developed. We cited recently, in evidence ot this fact, that between’ the years 1844 and 1955, the imports of Great Britain increased at the rate of 90 per cent, those of France at the rate of 9G per cent. The Euglish exports at the rate of 90 per cent., and the exports of Prance, during the some period, at the rate of 159 per cent But what is still more remarkable the exports of Austria, during the same ten years, increased at the rate of 124 per cent., the only difference between these countries and the United States being the higher rate of increase of the latter, dur ing the same decade. Several causes have been In operation for this unparalleled Increase, and we are not disposed to question the influence of railroad extension, the removal of commercial re strictions, improvements In machinery, and the application of steam to opeau and fiver navigation; but we feel satisfied that the agency of the new gold has been the most powerful of either or of all these causes com bined, and have quickened their influence. The fact the most worthy of observation is the period within which there has been this great augmentation of the foreign trade of England, France and Austria, the last of whom is the least commercial nation of .Eu rope with equal resources The period be twpen 1848 and 1853 was signalized by. the most extensive of the gold discoveries. It has been stated by us that it is not mere ly the large addition to the stock of the precious metals that is of benefit to com merce, but the stimulus they afford to trade and industry, through the increase of income by those who participate in the benefit. The miners in California and Australia, whose wages were quadrupled induced an increased demand for food, clothing and shelter. This led to the demand for those products that were necessary to supply these wants. The textile fabrics of Manchester, the cutlery of Sheffield, the shipping to transport those products were all in request, and if the prices of these commodities did not advance, the enlarged demand gave a decided stimulus to those powers of industry and invention which added to the commerce and wealth of the nations. Those countries which could furnish these commodities in greatest cheap ness and abundance would receive the largesj* share of metallic treasure. The surplus would | be exported to those couptries which were j able to turuish commercial equivalents for H If we suppose England. to be the natioiW whose productive power enabled it to furnish such articles cheaply and abundantly, she will exchange her excess of gold bullion for the raw material of her manufactures and colonial produce. In this way the additional stock oi the precious metals is distributed and diffused throughout the commercial world, either to he converted into coin or employed in the arts. England would naturally have the largest ehare, because she has the largest value of exportable products, in the form of manufactures, containing a great value in a small bulk, and because she has made the greatest progress in labor-saviDg machinery that adds so greatly to, productive power. England would have % the balance of trade with nearly the whole world in her favor, and London would become the Clearing House, where accounts were to be adjusted and balances settled, for nearly the entire commerce of the nations Such la actually the case. The greater part of the metallic treasure of California and Australia is distributed throughout the Na tions hy her agency These principles apply, however, exclu sively, to a metallic circulation, and not to paper money in any of its forms, excepting where it is the representative of coin. An inconvertible paper money must remain in the channels of circulation it may occupy. It cannot be exported, as would an excess of metallic money, and must advance prices. And here it is well to nptice a doctrine which we have seen largely discussed of late iu the papers and commercial periodicals. It has been maintained, that no influx of the precious metals and no issue of bank notes convertible into coin can raise prices Here the distinction is not observed between the effectof&n addition to the circulating me dium that is absorbed in the com : merce of a country—in other words, in the augmented number of transactions and that addition to the circulating medium that in creases morq rapidly than the commerce of such a country, or its transactions are aug mented. In the former case prices do not fluctuate—they remain stationary. The quantity of money is in equilibrium with the quantity of commodities. In the latter case the circulating medium increases more rapid ly than the number of exchanges to be made, and prices must advance to absoib the in- creased quantity of money. In case of in convertible paper money' there is no limit to this advance. And here also we would correct another er roneous doctrine, losing sight of the distic tion between a convertible and an incon vertible currency, which lias been the source ol much confusion. It is supposed that with every undue increase of money, there is a general, if not nearly simultaneous, instead of a progressive rise of prices. To rectify this misconception will require some analysis. Let us then suppose nu extra war demand for cloth and corn, for public purposes. The j first effect would be that those branches of industry employed in producing these com modities would receive an unusual stimulus. Cloth and com would advance in price Their producers receiving an increased in come, would increase their consumption of other articles, which we may suppose will become objects of theii desire Those arti cles would also advance in price until the demand extended, perhaps, to a large num ber ot commodities, but it does not necessa rily follow to all commodities from the fall in the value of money. There would be no change iu the general range of price:, for it must be borne in mind that there are j causes in constant counteraction by which such advance may be countervailed. If it is rude produce) the state of the seasons may diminish the supply and have a tendency to enhance the price, aDd while there is an oppo site tendency, from increase of raonej-, to advance the prices of those articles for which money is-exchangee!. Lot us iraagiue that cloth wlli have risen twenty per cent, from enhanced demand, but that the supply had fallen short to the same i extent from a partial glut in the market; the price of cloth would, in such case, remain stationary, these opposite influences balanc ing each other. Now let us suppose that com would also have a tendency to advance twenty per cent., but for the state of the weather, and that the surplus or excess Is double the proportion say forty per cent.—that the demand could absorb, in such case corn, notwithstanding the increase of demand, would fall twenty per cent. II we reverse this state of things, and suppose that while the demand has les sened, b«th corn and cloth have become scarce, the effect would also have been ro ver sed ; the price of both would have risen. It is not by attending to commercial cir cumstances, acting in co-operation or in counteraction with the state of the circula ting medium, that there is so much error prevalent on the subject of prices. “Mr. Tooke in his History of Prices, ’’ as we be- 1 fore remarked, to show what little real con nection there is between prices and the con dition of the currency demonstrated, that while prices had fallen in England the bank of the Bank of England had increased, and, vice versa that while prices , had risen of nearly sixty articles, me nank notes of that institution had been diminished. It was a favorite tenet of that school of Economists adorned with the names of Mon tesquieu, Hume, and Locke that the quantity ofj money has some connection with the of prices—that prices are doubled or quadrupled if money is doubled "or quadrupled A more accurate - knowl edge of the properties and functions of money has displaced that theory ; but there appears to be same approach to Its revival in the work “On the probable fall of the value of gold” by Mr. Chevalier, who sup poses it possible that gold may tall 50 per cent, with, of course, a correspondent ad vance of prices, from the great abundance of that metal. Facts have already overthrown that hypothesis,- for prices have not advanced five per cent, if they have advanced in any degree, since the California and Australia discoveries. *** Saratoga —-Effect* -of the Late Confla gration The visitor to Saratoga, this year, will find, on stepping from the cars at tne depot, his first view startling as well as saddening.— A mass of blackened and unslightly ruins covers the spot on which the gtand old pile of the world-renowned United States Hotel stood, its spacious open portal, a few feet from where the cars stop, invited the newly come to entf# through shaded and pictu resque avenues, and enter its unstinted hos pitalities This invitation, which the gen eration» have heard and heeded, is now withheld, the portal is closed, or rather the flames have made all the grounds one huge hideous gate, repelling instead ol attracting. The beautiful trees, under whose cooling shade the guests occasionally took their evening repasts, when the thermometer stood highest, stand now, scorched, peeled, withered. The flue old elms in front have guttered a similar blasting, while a second row, near the street, and composed of younger trees, seem, some of them at least, to be less hopelessly smitten. The disaster will give rude shock to many a memory. For years and years all parts of the country, to say nothing of the Old World, had their representatives congrega ted here in the midsummer time. The cosy cottages which were wont to shelter many a "misguided Southern brother’s” family, are ail in ashes, save one, which from the ex treme western corner of the old inclosure, looks out upon the scene of desolation with a wo-begone, disconsolate air, most pitiful to see. Possibly but for this disastrous burn ing, sundry of the said “misguided” had re visited this year these cosy nests, reviving memories both pensive and pleasant. There is plenty of room tor them yet. ,A cordial welcome awaits them among their tormer haums, provided they come in the loyal, fraternal spirit which all true Northern souls are anxious to encourage, and stand ready to reciprocate- Saratoga waters are good to bury prejudices in, not less than to re-awaken and strengthen old associations and lores. Let the wanderers of a few years, there fore, not hesitate to return. — Correspondent of 1 y. Y. Times. —The Honolulu papers are discussing the question whether the vernacular of these islands shall be discarded in the national schools for the English language. The offi cial journal is out In favor of the pure Eng i iish system Should the project be carried ' out, as is probable, the Hawaiian language ; will soon become extinct. ! _ _ _ ; "pCNERAL INVITATION. i T&e friends and acquaintance of Mr. and, Mrs. Ed j ward Breen, are imited to attend the funeral of their I only daughter, from their residence, corner of bouth Brood and Floyd streets, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. |leto j|bbertis*mtntß. WANTED. First-da** Board Ins private loQtly, where there are no other Boarder.-. Price no object. Address WATSON, Herald office jjl-tw | JjUAT FOE SALE. i 15K by M feet Capacity 176 bales of cotton. Now | 1 ying alongside of stea mer America Apply on board between 10 and 12 o'clock, or at | Room y!> Pulaski House Jy7 1 | JpOR AUuUSTA, The steamer AMAZON will leave for Augusta on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at four o’clock Freight or Passage engagements apply on board, at Georgia Steamboat Company's Yard, to jyT-2 DAVID R DILLON- J^OTICK Consignees per steamer Amazon are hereby notified that their goods are landed at Georgia Steamboat Company's Yard, and at their risk. Jyil DfVIDR DILLON. | T'O MECHANICS Proposals will be received, separate or together, for the railing oi the steamer SWAN, where she now lies, near Screven’s Ferry, and delivery at the what In this city. And for the rebuilding the wood work, and put ting np the engines, Particulars will be made known on application to M. A. COHEN. Agent, jyT-7 At Home Insurance Company Office. QHAMPION BRICE MACHINE The proprietors of this recent Patent for the manu facture of Brick are prepared to dispose of Machines, and rights to use the same. This Machite is simple of construction; does not readily get out of repair ; has Immense power; makes the biick square and sol id ; can be worked with a single horse, causes little aelsy lor removing stone*; will make from twenty five to thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circulars, with full particulars, forwarded ou application to BRADFORD & RE NICK, jy-lm 71 Broadway, New York. JNSU RANCH I! KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ~CE N E W » I O R K ASSETS _ NEARLY THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION bOLLARS Policies oi aii descriptions, including the favorite TEN YEAR NON - FORFEITURE POLICIES, Wiii be issued by this Company. ER4J3TUS LYMAM President, Geoc P. Sn«ffen, Secretary A WILBUR, Agent, av Home Insurance Company’s Office, jyl-law4w 89 Bay street, Savannah, Go, COMMERCIAL MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE U COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. This Core j-ftny, with over a Million Dollars as As sets, arc taking Marine Risk to and from New York ©h Steamers and Sailing Vessels at usual rates. DANIEL DRAKE SMITH. President. A. B. HOLMES, Vice President. Hsuut Kino, Secretary, •» • A, WILBUR, Agent, * At Horae Insurance Company’s Office, jy7-law4w 89 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. JpAMILY GROCERIES The undersigned has now in store, and for sale, 60,090 choice Segars, 300 boxes Family Soap, And a general assortment of Family Groceries. ' All who desire to secure bargains will do well to call early, A. LEFFLER. Northwest corner Broughton and Barnard sts. jy7 lw 1 • 'J'O "COTTON SHIPPERS. ALEXANDER HARDEE, COTTON SHIPPER,’ —era «rosi>, ON TSt CORNER OF JEFFERSON & BAT STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, RE-PACKING, SAMPLING. CLASSING, MTt , t‘ i* . SHIPPING COTTON FOR THE PUBLIC, /a tub lowest rates, FURNISHING INK, *o. jjl . , tin OOTTON BROKERAGE The undersigned offers hi* services in the purchase of Cotton and Domestics, and begs to refer to— Edward Padelford, Esq., Charles Green, Esq., Andrew Lew, Esq., SnvacnAh. f H. F, RUSSELL, jj'-ecdlt angasta. Ga. " HEADERS DEPT OF THE SOUTH, ) Hu ros Head, S. C., July 2, 1866. { Ocokil Ordif-s, i No. 107. ) . Commanders who have loat Muster-m-Rolls should make application through the Commissary of Musters by telegraph to the Adjutant General’s Office. • By Command oi „ . .. M'ljor General Q. A. UILLMORE. W. L. M. Bosnia, Ass’t Adj’t uen. Official: R. F. Wn.EtNSON, Major and A. A. A. Gen. jyj l HEADQ’RS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH,! Hilton Head, S. C.,July 3, 18Co. ./ GENERAL ORDERS,) No. 109. / I Capt. Augustus Crowell. Mister of the Steam Tran.-pori • -Cosmopolitan," is hereby dismissed the Quartermaster’s service in this Department, for fail ing to deliver promptly, on the 25th of May, 1865, de spatches sent by him from St. John's River, Florida, notifying the Quartermaster that the Steamer “Dela ware" was ashoie there and needed assistance. 11. Captain Weir of the U. S. Transport “Northern Light," for refusing to pay the Quarantine fee for en tering the port of Savannah, i* heraby fined twenty five dollars, in addititn to the said tee. and will be kept in the custody of the Provost Marshal until the fine and fee are paid. By Command of Major-General Q. A GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bobofr, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: K F. Wii ci'tsov, Major and A A. A Gen J-vT " HEADQ’RS DEP’T OF THE SOUTH, Hilton Head, 8 C, June 28, 1865 General Order, > No 104 j The following regulations concerning Military Courts are re-puhiished from the Genera! Orders of the War Department, and of this Department, with iiddit ions and modifications. All pat ts of Department Orders inconsistent herewith are revoked I. -Where a post or district command is composed of mixed troops, equivalent to a brigade, the Com manding Officer of the Department or Army will deeig nate it in orders as ‘a separate brigade,' and a copy of such order will accompany the proceedings of any General Court Martial convened by such brigade com mander. Without such authority, commanders of posts and districts having no brigade organization will not convene General Courts Martial,” (General Orders No. 251, A. G. 0., Series 1564. j 11. No one in the Department save the Command ing General, can appoint General Courts Martial or Ml'itary Commissions, except the Commander of a Di vision or a separate Brigade, and the order appoint ing the court must be dated “Headquarters Division," or “Headquarters, Separate Brigade.” as the case may be. 111. “AH communications pertaining to questions of military Justice, or the proceedings of military courts and commissions throughout the Armies of the United States, must be addressed to the Judge Advo cate General; and commanding officers are enjoined to forward promptly to the Bureau of Military Justice all proceedings of Courts Martial, Military Commis sions, and Courts of Inqutry, together with the orders promulgating decision thereon. Judge Advocates will be held responsible for the prompt execution of this paragraph, and they are required to forward to the Judge Advocate General, at the end of each month, a list of all cases trld and to be tried within t heir juris diction,” (Gen. Orders No. 270, A. G. 0., Series 1804.) IV. To carry out the foregoing paragraph, all offi cers within the Department authorized to appoint Courts Martial. Military Commissions Or Courts of In quiry, will on the 27th of each month, send to the Judge Advocate of the Department,,two reports. In the first report they will state the name and rank of all persons tried during the month Before Courts or Commissions appointed by them, with the fiature of the charges, and also whether the proceedings in each case have been (I) approved, (2) published, and (3) forwarded by them, and il not, the reason why. In the second report, they will state the names and rank of all persons against whom charges have been pre ferred, but who lemaiu untried at the date ol the re port, with the nature of the charges and also whether each case has been sent to a Court or Commission for trial, and if not. the reason why, (Circular No. 14, D. S, Series 1864.) V. “Whenever fines are imposed by sentence of General Court Martial, or Military Commission, upon officers or citizens, the Judge Advocate of the Court or Commission will nflfcc a special report of the fact to the Adjutant GendHi, giving s, copy of the sentence in the case. The officer who confirms a sentence impo sing a fine will transmit to the Adjutant General a special report ihereof, together with a cony of the or der promulgating (he proceedings," (Gen Orders No 258, Par. I. A, G. 0., Series 1304.) VI. The fines will be paid to the Chief Officer o£ the Quartermaster’s Department at the plncc where the prisoner may be, and no other person is authorised to receive them, ouo, ru.cS must uoi De applied to any purpose, but the officer receiving them will forthwith remit the amounts to the Adjutant General of the Army, at Washington, with the names of prisoners who paid them, and the number of the order promnl gattng the proceedings, (Gen. Orders No 258, Par 11, A. G. 0., Series 1864.) VII. To avoid delay arising from the absence of Brigadier General L. Tiioiras, checks forwarded, on account of flues under the above paragraph, will be made pnyable to ‘ the Adjutant General U S Army, or order,” without inserting the name. (See Circular A. G. 0., dated Nov 19,1564 j VIII. "In all cases where nnes are imposed by sen tence of General Court Martini or Military Commis sions, a provision should be added to the sentence, that the prisoner shall be confined until the fine is paid. A limit may be fixed to the period of such con finement." (Geu, Orders No. Cl, A. G. O. Par I, c. s ] IX. "In case the provision has been omitted from the sentence, that a prisoner shall be confined until the flee is paid, a special report will he made to the Adjutant Ueneral of his failure to make payment, and he will not be released without orders from the War Department, except on payment of the flue.” .Gen Orders No. til, A. G. O, Par. 11, c. a.) X. "Stoppages of pay against officers or enlisted men are not ‘fines" in the sense of this ‘Order.” (Gen Orders No. Cl, Par. 111, A. G. 0.. c. s) 1 XI. In a case requiring the confirmation of the Gen eral Commanding the Department, the officer order ing the court, oi his successor, will not merely forward the record, but will formally act upon the case, and express his approval or disapproval upon the record— Digest of opinion of Judge Advocate General, p. XII All records of Military Courts will be transmit ted to the Judge Advocate General, through these Headquarters, and in no case will be sent to Washing ton direct. ' B Xllt. When several cases are published in the same General Order, the record In each separate case will be accompanied by a copy of that order, or so much thereof as relates to the particular case: and when the court is ordered from the Headquarters of a Sep arate Brigade, each case will be accompanied bv an official copy of that Paragraph of General Orders which the Separate Brigade. XIV. Officers empowered to appoint courts are ear. neatly enjoined to bring all accused persons to a speedy trial, and to publish and execute promptly, the sentences of the courts. A delay of justice Is often as detrimental to the public service as its total denial By command of Major General Q. A GILLMORE W. L M. Boshes, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: R. F. Major and A. A. A. Gen in ■! W. B GRIFFIN A CO W B. Gbivtin, J. C. Mii.lnjer, F p luUB , AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments and make liberal advances when desired. ju2fr-im Headquarters post ok savannaha Savannah, Ga., June 29,1&06. I Gektraj. Okdeb,) No. 2. J Captain John ftfnllcn, 12th Connecticut Infantry is hereby announced as A. A. A. General of the Post of Savannah. By Command of Brevet Brig Gen DAVIS Jmo. Mcum, Capt. and A A A General. ju3o 7 Gr KO R. CRUMP A CO,, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Bboat> Si'beft, Aueom, Ga. jn2o 2m 'J'HE NEW SKIRT FOR I?CS. " BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC. ’ Don’t fall to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald eontainujg full particulars every Saturday jy6 etaw3m aslant s. 'W^ted; Six good Ship Carpenters can have immediate em ployment, at good wages, by applving to James 'millikens, jyitf Augusta, Qg. Y^a:#£d. MULES OR DRAFT HORSES AND WAGONS WANTED. ENGINEER’S OFFICE. A & Q It R.,1 Savannah, June 29, 1866. / Persons having Mules or Draft Horses and Wagct* for sale or hire will please call at this office. J. T. STONE, Chief Engineer Office in Stoddard’s Bniijiug, up-stairs, opposite the Post Office, ju3o ts MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. A choice selection oi DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, PATEr-T MEDICINES and TRUSSES JO6T LAUDED FROM KX W tOIU Apothecaries, Planters, anil traders from the tnteri or, can he supplied at the shortest notice, I can wairani eveiy article as being pure A large quantity of European LESCHES, fines, quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH WnOLF. SALE AND RETAIL AT APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Corner Bionghton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh'Garde.n Seeds W, M WALSH, _jnlC“n) Proprietor J^OTICE OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, ) Augusta, Ga„ June 19, 1865. / Sealed Proposals to furnish this Post with twenty five hundred pounds of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing July Ist, and ending October Ist, 1865, will be received at this office until urine 10. 186 E The Beef to be furnished weekly, and of good qual ity,,either dressed or on the hoof; if on the hoof, to net twentv-/,ve hundred pounds exclusive of necks and shanks lvrsons making proposals will state the average frosß weight, quality, etc., of the Bt es Proposals to e opened in public June 30th, and subject to me ap proval of the Commissary General. H. A. DARLING, ju76 Capt. and Poet Commissary. j^TTENTION! SUTLERS AND MERCHANTS The subscribers offer for sale at No 4 Merchant* Row, Hilton Head, S C.. THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, At price* which defy competition, consisting of Cakes Crackers, Butter- Cheese, Hams, Canned Frnits ana Meats, Tripoli Emery Paper, Segars, Tobacco, Ales Wines, Boots and Shoes. Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Paper Bags, W rapping Paper, Stationary in variety, Army Ranges, Yankee Notions, Hardware, Tinware, &c. These goods will be sold without regard to cost. Why 6eno your orders to New York when you can buy cheaper at home. jn-3 ts C. W. DENNIS & CO. J^OTICE UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE, r Savannah, Juiy C, 1666. j The keys of the money sales,the Scales and Weijrfct*, and other valuables are missing iron; this building Any person having knowledge of the aforesaid arti cles will please givo Information to the undersigned, Mid those having them in possession will please return them l „ , WYLLT WOODBRIDGE, If** Collector. QARHART, WHITFORD & Co7~ MANUFACTURERS aud WHOLESALE DEALERS . IE READY Made c l O'T HIN G . 381 and 333 Broadway, oor. Wosth Steel NEW YORK, I Henbt Sbater, Wm.H. W HRroan. I A. T. HA.-uU.Toif, J. ru Van Wagbnen. Office of Payan k Carhart in liquidation _Jy° 3m JPOR RENT the Furniture D a CarcfW Tcnant ’ " ili runted, with THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, On basement situated on South Broad street, in one ot the most desirable locations in the City, until Ist Novembe.r next, with the privilege ot the same lor one year lrom said Ist November. Possession given Isth of July or Ist of August I 1 or iurther particulars apply to _ If 4 3t HUNTER <Sfc GAMMEM jaoriCE. THE ADAMS’ EPXRESS COMPANY, Os this city, are now prepared to receive and ship Freight and Money to Augusta. Macon, Atlanta, and all intermediate points. Also, to ail points North. East and West. Office Corner Bat and Dratton Slßms. E. P TUNISON, JF* 1 w Agent. headquarters ITS. FORCES * General Ordem VanU “ b ' Gst -> Ju * 16 “ > No. 4. / In obedience to orders from Headquarters District ot Savannah,.2d Lieut. Hanson C. Gibson, 165th New York Vols., is hereby relieved from duty as Judge of lofFoet Provost Court of Savannah Capt. James J. Smith, 12th Conn. Infantry, ia hereby announced oh Post Provost'Judge of 9avlinnah, and will assnine his duty as such at once. By Command of' - Brevet Brig Gen. E. P. DAVIS, _ J»e Mullen, A. A. A. G. jy3 HEADQ’RS POST OF SAVANNAH^ Savannaji, Ga. , July £, IBof General Orders, i No, G. / I Hereafter any person found within the limits of this command with the uniform of U. 9 soldiers, who are not legal so.diers of the army or navy, will be im mediately arrested. 11. All officers’ servants will be provided with pro per papers, approved by Regimental- Commander/ to identify them as such, 111. Any person found guilty of purchasing U. S clothing from soldiers will he immediately arrested ■ &nd held for trial before the Provost Court The Provost Marshal and Chief of Police are trivet the execution of this order. b By command of r « , , ?vt Brig. Gen. E. T. DAVIS J no. Mcli.eb, A. A. A. G. YORK HERALD CORRebPONDEnC to The office of the New York Herald Correspondent 111 BAY STREET, i trrrrAa*. DMS3