Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 08, 1865, Image 1

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SAYANNAH- DAILY ITER ALB. OL. 1-NO. 147. ■he Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING; ib n:»L!J»HU> "BY M. W. MASON & CO.. I At 111 Bai Stkxzt, S»t**u*, Gsoaau. TtBMB: [>Ver Copy «ve Cent*. L j-Per liondred 60. K Per Year , >lO 80. Hij- »tTtß'u6lN9: Klns-o Doilare per Sqnare of Ten Lines for first in- IBtiOLt | One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad ■■tisements inserted in the morning, will, ii desired, jwpe'ir in the evening without ejctru charge. pi JOB PRINTING, la Jrery style, neatly and promptly done. INSUKKDf ♦ t. ,‘ipus is an important question for every man and ujKortant also so every wile and mother as it effects theh faiu.e welfare. .J&SEE TO rr AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. 1 J*fc“ “Knickerbocker Life Insurance” of New York «P insure vou at the usual rates in any sum from slw They also issue the f vorue TEN YEAH -FORFEITURE Po.icies, sad will after two years give a lull paid up Policy for Two T'euthsthe Kc suui, ana Three Years Three Tenths, and so Thus a Policy ot slo,bw. Two Premiums paid ®br. it will ue entitled to u paid up Puliry of SII,OOO. years live-ieulfca so-" every additional year K.- farther unormatior apply to , A, WILBUR, Agent, ' At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., Bay st., Savannah, Ga, Hi NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFT. INSU i NANCE COMPANY, OF BOSTON ■ PURELY MUTUAL Hbis is one of the oldest and best Companies in on Lives for any amount up to $15,000 are Hu t>y them. Fc-iicFs of these Companies were not cancelled the war until heard fr >m —a fact which shews and determination to be just and honor i n all cases. Apply to HiauT m A. WILBUR, Agent_ Dew YORK He AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY, * BAFI&BSKHTIHG 131 HBbUKITY INSURANCE COMPANY ; TOBINH TITAN INSURANCE COMPANY , . pHCuNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ,■ Averaging a i|o CAPITAL of over FOUR MILLIONS HBbk? taken on aii descriptions of Property on rea ■flple terms by A. A LANE, Agt. \Wa Office in Stoddard's Range. Bay street, oppo- office. 23 uj £___ lmo _____ ri OLV MBI A N SSI AEI NE; INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK hi ' ' :v. ' SA*Q UAFiTAL $f 600,000. f The undersigned are prepared to Insure under Open Policy from the above Company to the ettent of SIOO, boo *in property iu any first class Ste amer, and from $60,(900 to $70,000 on any first class sailing vessei, on the most favorable New York terms. . iWfurther particulars apply to CHARLES L. COLBY & CO .:*>!,ss Block, corner Bay and Abercoru streets. |pa f jelS ts Savannah, Ga. HSLsS ! GLASS 1 1 S» SCUANCK *’ SON, pfflH (Formerly Sciiane & Downing.; | -T* Eotablidh&t 186 », ... i# *ipor tors* and Dealer* FRENCH WINDOW * COACH, CAn, aoA * 1 PICTURE SLASS, 1 ““ fc. OWbfciuCD AND GHKAMEdTAL GLASS, *OU<»LAXE GLASS FOR FLOORS and J3K FLIGHT# 1 . _ Froifl to. 1% toches thick. vtit ■ '' ,UJ> ®* w> * 4» AND |4' CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. ' E * . * " iIL A SiliTBH. RAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. in Sheeting, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Tama, s ing, Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, tr a'dsntion given to the Purchase, Sale and a! COTTON, n'6 Gb.»j»jts Bakok—Tuibb Raw**, ' JIACON, GA ' . 1 , r • ’ * / cas.—Erwin 6 Harcice, Ciaghoin 4 Cpn hai'anniih; L. G , Bowers, S. M- 1 >.rrar, Oo S. ti. tougi Cos., L. B. Dt-vis, Augutta; ¥ V. A. Uuikill, Atlanta. HOSPITAL TRANsCIUPT. • * er above name# is published at Hilton Head 11. J. MoJCenVa. igned by the Publisher to mate an In ter as t istructive Pupcr,_r.ot only for CK AND WOUNDED cOLBZERo, LCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents dead. ontain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary HERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIS EOCS ITEMS. . *x3-tf SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1865. Ijrg fioobs mtb (flatting. JJIDDELL & MURDOCK. wholesale ed hetaiu dealebs w SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GkNTLKMEn’B FCBNiaHING GOOHB, Ac., No. 6 Merchants' Row. Hilton Head, S. C., w. 0. aiDnxLL. Mnl3-tf] h. j, mubdook. JPRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS! SKEHAN A CONYNGHAM. 0/ 178 Browihton Street, , Receive by every steamer fresh consignments of Goods . from New York, consisting of BOOTS and SHOES, Ladies' BALMORALS, Ac., Gentlemen's Pelt and Straw HATS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, WINES. Dublin and London PORTER, Golden ALE, in Cases and Barrels; Also—A choice selection of GARDEN SEED3, Which we offer at low prices to the Trade. joG 'JX) THE CITIZENS OP GEORGIA The termination of a sanguinary contest, which for the past four fears has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial intercourse between the two great sections of our country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a removal of those relations which formerly bound us together In a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that ex. tensive business connection which lor a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great pub lic calamity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a busi ness re-union, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends,—to beware of all those spurious and de'ctcrlons compounds which, under the specious ana faise titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Holland Gin, liquors, Ac., have been equally destructive to the health of our cltirens and prejudicial to the interest of the legitimate Importer. Many years of my past life have been expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this salutary purpose, and to place before my friends and the public generally; at the lowest possible market price, and in such quantities as might suit thstr convenience, a truly genuine imported arti cle. Twehty-flve years’ business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded me unsurpass ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, liquors, and Liquers of the best and most ap proved brands in Europe, in addition to my own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the “Schie dam Schnapps.’ The'latter, so long tested and approved by the med ical Faculties of ihe United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, plea'ant, aud perfectly safe beverage in all cli mates and during all seasons, quickly excited the cn pidiry of the h,,me manufacturers and venders of a spurious article under the same name. 1 trust that I have, alter much toil and expense, sur rounded all my importations with safeguards and di- with ordinary circumspection will In sure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, recommend in all cases where it Is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depot, "X Beaver street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agebts. In addition to a large stock of Wings, Brandies, &c., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried for eign wines, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I cau especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to insure the fulfillment of their favors from the present large and well eelerted assortment. q UDOLPHO WOLFE, ju23 ltn 22 Beaver street, New York. jy'ACKY, HOGG A CO . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 2 Stoddard’.' Bloch, opposite Custom House. • SAVANNAH, GA. Having opened a House at the above stand, in con nection witL our House in Philadelphia, we offer to the Trade— ■2sb barrels - Botybon and . Rye 'Whiskey. Hams Bmakfostßaodn find Sbonlaere. Bagged beef, Lard Broom . Washboard*,-“Lime In hogsheads, Ac, Couslirnments to our House in Philadelphia solici ted. • MACK.Y, HOGG & Cos, No. 2 Stoddard’s Block. Savannah, Ua. lu2o-lm 25 South Water street, Philadelphia. The Proprietor of the SAVANNAH CITY FLOUR MILLS, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that be has made a numner of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, and is now prepared to fumbib bis customers with a full supply of the best GRIT 3 AND MEAL, and that can be etrpectod from a FIRST CLASS MILLING ESTABLISHMENT, He pledges hln*seif to always sell hi? Goods and do his work 26 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He is prepared to grind Wheat and Com at the customary H toll, and in addition will, as above stated, always be prepared to furnish h<s friends with everything in the old style. His place of business is at the well-known spot at the FOOT’ OF BROUGHTON STREET. julit-tf juries. “** rr ; " The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Southern iQuarance and Trust Company will oe held at the office of the Company, in ba vannah, on Wednesday, 19th July, 1865, lor the purpose of elect ing Directors for the ensuing year, and for the tran saction of snch other business as may be brought be fore the meeting. H. BRIGHAM, President, Per J. cTSoNULTY, < jnM ts Asrtitant Secretary. srartrits. U G. RUWE A CO., Cooke; St. Julie* Strict and Monument Square Near the Pulaski Rouse, WH O L E,S ALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES. FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS, WINES CIGARS. Ac. Also Agents for two large and excellent Breweries, at New York, from which we receive the beet of ALES AND LAGER BIER. Also, constantly on hand the best EAST INDIA ALE. We came.down here very inexperienced in business, as conducted under necessary military restrictions; and coming unprovided with the proper papers for our trade, we at first labored under many diawl van tages. But we now consider ourselves well posted, and having, by strict conyriiance with ail military rules, been put on a good tooting for disposing of our Stock, with the proper license, we propose to offer unusual Inducements to the trade. We shall give a superior article at a small advance on New York prices. MONEY OR GOODS ADVANCED FOB COTTON. RICE, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. julT ts STATIONERY . TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest cash prices Onr stock in the above line is the largest in the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to out goods and prices SAVILLE & BEACH, Corner Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter's Bauk, Savannah, Ga., AND— . MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. Jyl ts J£OOKS AND STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the Old Stand of JOHN M. COOPER A CO., Just Received the Largest and Best Selected Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS In the Southern States; consisting of Primers, Spellers, Headers, Orographies, Arithmetics, Grammars, Greek, Latin, French, Geruiun and Spanish Text Books, and all other Books used in Colleges, Academies and Common Schools. ,'jl “ STATIONERY. Slates, Pens, Pencils, Ink. Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, Envelope*, Blank Books, Ac. I also haveon hand a large assortment of New and popular- Nnveif.FWpit best authors, Dickens. Mrs Holmes, MreTWixei, Ac. I will keep constaniiy on hand a large stock of el egant Photographic Albums and Card Photographs, as well as a constant supply of the latest Northern N'ewspa non- and Periodicals, N. V Daily aud Weekly Newspapers, Harper’s Magazine, Godey’s Lady's Book, Atlantic Monthly, Demoreat’s Fashions. Ac., Ac. Everything will be sold at t.he very lowest figures, and special terms are offered on School Books to Teachers and others. 1 can and will sell at least as cheap as any other house in tbe South. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Call aud examine the Stock at the old stand of John M. Cooraa A Cos.. Cor.WhiuakaraudSt. Julian streets. Savannah, Ga. STEPHEN FARRELLY, BOOIiaELLES ANI) SxATIONEE. N. B.— All orders for Miscellaneous Books, Music, or any article connected with the trade, filled at the shortest notice. The friends and patrons of the undersigned, and of the firm of John M. Coofeb <S; Cc., are respectfully so licited to continue their patronage at the old establish ment- to Mr. Faseeixy. The undersigned may be found at his desk as usual, for the purpose of closing np old business affairs and rendering such assistance as he ran to Mr. F. A general Wholesale business will be established by J. >L C. & Cos., whenever practicable, upou the upper floors of the establishment. jeS lmo BOHN M. COOPER. gAVILLE & LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. ’ MERCHANTS’ ROW HILTON HEAD, S. C. , —A,fl>— OOBKTR BBtAN STREUT AND MAJBKTT SQUAB*, SAVANNAH, GA J£EIN A COMPANY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MEET HANTS. Having leased the largo and commodious Warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Daua. A Wash borne, 114 Bay street, Savannas. Gu., we are. prepared to Store and Forward all kinds of Merchandize. Liberal ad vances will be made on COTTON Consigned to our friends in New York, or Liverpool, BngU “ d * 1 KKJN & COMPANY. Ref*bsnceß. —Messrs.-Smith A Donning, New York; C. C. A H. M. Fabor. New York ; W. A Smith, Esq., Mobile, Ala.; Cabot & Senter, St. Louis. iols Iran J B DAVIS GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. *B3 Bboad Sxnr.tT, AUGUST A , G A . Consignments solicited. Will give personal atten tion to biisiness entrusted to him. RBFEBs' TO Crane A Grayblll, Savannah. Claghom A Cunningham, Savannah. S. Palmer & Son. “ . * ' Mr. A Wilbur, Pres. Home Insurance Comply* Savannah- Mr, W. Camming, Cashier Bank Stat e of Ga. Mitchell & Smith, Macon. John B. Habersham A Cos. Macon. Wright A Alexander, Augusta. E. b. Long A Ca. c. V. WalkerO Cos.. '♦ • julC-lni J cTfeatUr m and. OFFICE, NO 19M MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. ja» S® A Pktkolecm Bubble Bcusted. —An ex tensive petrobeutn swindle has recently come to light in New York. The United Service Petroleum Company is the institution in volved, and it is charged that two of its re puted officers, A* D. Mann and Diniel Strat ton, Jr., have defrauded different persons of large amounts of money. Mr. George D. Kellogg, a victim, made a charge against these two men, and Mann was arrested and committed, but Strattou was out of the city. It appears from the affidavit of Kellogg, and other stalements that those who have cred ited *he representation made in the pros pectus ot the scheme have been swindled out of at least $60,000, against which there is nothing to show—the oil lands being of little extent and of no great value. The alleged swindlers run the machine very successfully until Kellogg having his suspicions of the affair insisted on mak ing an examination for himself, and found the scheme as hollow as it was pretentious. Similar swindling oil speculations are more than suspected to exist, to which the probe will undoubtedly be soon applied. The New York \Y qricl remarks, in speak ing of this bubble: The recen' exposure of a bogus petroleum company occurred at a good time, as there is every evidence ok a revival of the oil fever which raged so widely last winter and spring. The petroleum business is a good one, aud has been unreasonably depressed for several months back; but there is need of caution iu those who are, disposed to invest money in new enterprises. There should be no sur prtze at the recent expose; the marvel is that, with the swarm ol new companies, and the readiness with which people parted with their money, there was not more rascality developed.’ There can be no reasonable doubt that, be fore the close of the present year deposits ol petroleum will be found in hundreds .of lo calities outside of Pennsylvania. There are surface indications of oil all the way from the Hudson river to the Mississippi, and thousands of wells are being sunk in places the general public little dream of. Venango county, Pennsylvania, is still the centre of the oil region, and Pit-hole creek outrivals in attractiveness the famous Oil creek. From this time on we may expect to see the interest in oil ventures and responsible oil companies steadily increase. There will be much less excitement about it than when the fever was at its height early last spring; but it will be more legitimate, and a good deal of money will be made by those who invest wisely iu good lands. The mining for oil has come to be a regular business, and less money will bo spent, but with a better return than has been the case heretofore. A Visit to Sanson, the Executor. —‘There is no criminal under sentence' of death, on ly,” Sanson said, “as you, gentlemen, are interested in such proceedings, you shall, if you like/iiave an opportunity of seeing all the details. I will have au homme de'paille got ready, and if you do me the honor of visiting me at my domicile, whett the me roniQue kept,’ I will hat* mv assistants ready, and everything shall be’ dehe that wbuld be done at the Place <Jc Greve, so that you may have the means of seeing how ef licienfly the work is effected.” Such an in vitation was not to be rejected—to witness a bloodless execution perlormed by a distin guished functionary. ■ He desired us to accompany him tq an out house. It was a sort of stable,’ in the cen •re of which the mecanique raised its awful head ; it was painted blood red—a tall, erect frame, much narrower,much higher than that of a common gallows—a massive sloping kniie was suspended at the top, a cord hung down by the side of the frame. The assistants stood on a platform below ; just above them was a plank, with a round hole for the re ception of the head at the base of which was an opening, through which the axe was to pass in severing the head from the body. The plank moved backwards and forwards in a groove ; it was raised by an axle at the two sides perpendicularly. In an instant the sufferer was attached to it by cords; it was then thrown down fiat, and moved horizontally forward ; at the same moment tbe cord was pulled, the heavy axe fell down through the iron lraite, and a basket was seen to receive the head of the victim almost as soon as the click was heard an nouncing that the axe had been detached from the beam to which it had been fastened. Then the plank was drawn back, the head less body untied, and Sanson asked us to feel how sharp was the edge and remark how ponderous the weight of the instru ment. The edge wa3 certainly sharp as that of a razor, and the momentum was increas ed by & mass of lead attached 1 to the upper side of the decapitator. Torture or mishap seemed impossible ; and yet on one occasion, at Boulogne, through the blundering of the borreau, the axe got entangled in the rope, and did not descend with lorce enough to do the dreadful work, and the head of the poor wretch was severed by a knife borrowed for the occasion. I know a gentleman who, in those days, was under the ban of the Bourbon Government for a political offense, which might have been visited with capital punishment, and who; was consoled with the assurance that if decapitation was,to be his fate, care would be taken to secure him against any defect in the action of the da capitajing machinery.— Cornkill Magazine. Charles Dickens had a very narrow escape from death at the catstrophe on the. South eastern Railway recently. The carriage in which he was sitting toppled over the. edge of the embankment and hung there for a while, giving him an opportunity to setam bfe through the window on the platform, where be found himself without scratch or bruise, greatly to his own amazement.— When the dead bodies of the victims were laid out tor recognition, one overzealous gen tleman, knowing that Mr. DickeDS was in the train, recognized one corpse as his, which statement was at once credited. The nov elist was returning to his country, seat from a short continental trip when the accident oc curred. ’ PRICE. 5 CENTS Winter in Sr. Petersburg.— For dark ness, miher than cold, is the characteristic of the St. Petersburg winter. The tempera ture, which at Montreal or St. Paul would not be thought remarkably low, seems to be more severely felt here, owing to the al»- sence of pure daylight. Although both Lake Laduga and the Gulf of Finland are frozen, the air always retains a damp, raw, pene trating quality, and the 6now is more fre quently sticky and clammy than dry and crystalline. Few, indeed, are the days which are not eheerlesss and depressing. In De cember, when the sky is overeffst for weeks together, the sun, rising alter nine o'clock, and sliding along just above the horizon, en ables you to dispense with lamplight some where between jen aud eleven ; but by two iu the aftemoou you must call for lights again. Eveu when a clear day comes, the yellow, level sunshine is a combination of sunrise and sunset, and neither tempers the air nor mitigates the general expression of gloom, almost of despair, upon the face of Nature. The preparations for the season, of couise, have been made long before. In most houses tiie double windows are allow ed to remain through the summer, but they must be carefully examined, the layer of cotton between them, at the bottom, re plenished, a small vessel of salt added to ab sorb the moisture and preveht it from freez ing on the panes, and stripes ot paper pasted over every possible crack. The outer doors are covered with wadded lathes, overlapping the frames on all sides. The habiiatidns being thus almost hermetically sealed, they are easily warmed by the huge porcelain stoves, which retain warmth so tenaciously that one fire per day is sufficient for the most sensitive constitutions. In ‘mv own room. I found that one armful of birch wood reduced to coal, evtty alternate mor ning, created a steady temperature of sixty l'our degrees. Although the rooms are al ways spacious,and arranged in suites of from three to a dozen, according to tbe extent and spen dor of the residence, the atmospbliere soon becomes close.— Bayard Taylor. A Ridi: on an Ice Hill. —The ice hills erected in the Russian cities for purposes of amusement have often been described ; but •the sensations of an ice ride haye seldom been more vividly narrated than In these 1 words: “I engaged one of the mujiks in atten dance to pilot me on the first voyage. The man having taken bis position well forward on the little 9led, I knelt upon the near end, where there was barely space enough for my knees,- placed my hands upon his sbould ders, and awaited the result, Ho shoved the sled with his hands, very gently aud care fully, to the brink of the icy steep; then there was a moment’s adjustment, then a poise, then sinking of the heart, cessation of breath, giddy roaring and whistling of the air, and I found myself scudding along the level with the speed of an express train. I never happened to fall out of a fourth-story window, but I immediately understood the sensations of the uniertunate persons nvlio do. It was so frightful that I shuddered wben«we reached tue end of the course and the man coolly begap ascending the step* of the opposite hill, with the sled under his arm. But my companions were awaiting to .see tneupturn, so I mounted afterJpm, knelt again, mid held my breath'. Tfeis time, knowing what was coining, I Caught a glimpse of our descent, and found'that only ' tue first plunge from the blink was threat ening. The lower part of the curve, which is a parobolic line, is more gradual, and the seeming headlong fall' does not last niore than the tenth part of a. second. The sen sation, nevertheless, is very powerful, hav ing all the attraction, without the reality, of danger.— Atlantic Monthly. Young Men in Hjstort. —The opening es say in the July Atlantic is devoted to “Young Men in History,” and among those mentioned as prominent in this connection are Alcibiades, Byron, Nero, Caligula and Robespierre. The following instances are also given : ‘‘Scipio was twenty-nine when be gained the battle of Zaua; Charles the Twelfth, nineteen when he gained the battle of Navarre Conde, twenty-two when be gained the bat tle of Rocroi. At thirty-six, Scipio the younger was the conqueror of Carthage ; at thirty-six, Cortes was the conquerer of Mex ico ; at thirty, Charlemagne was master of France and Germany ; af thirty-two, Clive had established the British power in India. Hannibal, the greatest of military comman ders, was only thirty, when, at Cann®, he dealt an almost annihilating blow at the Re public of Rome ; and Napoleon was only twenty-seven, when, on the plains of Italy, he outgeneralled and defeated, one after another, the veteran marshals. of Austria.” Perfection of Post Office AarfaNOEMSirrs In Loudon.—-Bat, the Post! Every year im proves this wonderful machine. It is as nearly perfect as any human organization- Fancy a stranger seeking through Water street, New York, for a person whose address he bad not correctly, and sitting clown at 12 o’clock to drop him a line, with only the ad dress of the nearest large street and the quar ter of the city to put on the envelope, and then going up to Fiftieth street, and finding there at 4 o’clock, on bis arrival, a satisfacto ry answer! Or suppose a business gentle man living in One Hundred and Fifty-second 4 street, awaiting an Important letter, which, by some strange "error, is addressed to the Broadway Tabernacle, and yet receiving it only tour hours, instead of two, after it was written. And yet, parallel experiences to both these have occurred to me. In fact, in London, the post takes the place of innumerable foofjourneys and messengers. The division of the town into districts has aided rhe distribution of letters wonderfully. No such machinery was ever invented by any nation. It will never be possible in America until we have that long-prayed-for reform, permanency in office during good behavior. —James A. Foley, who used to be a car penter in Hartford, but a few years ago found that he had a fine voice, and has been in Eu rope cultivating it, is expected home in a mouth or two. He has made a successful operatic debat, and is put down oa the bids as “Sig. Foil.”