Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 08, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. 8. W. Mahon & Cos pROfRiPTOM. Samesi W. Mason, Editor. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1565. For Local Sailers 9e* Third Page. FLVAXCIAL PROSPECTS OP THE COUXTRY. For the past two weeks the financial pros pects of the natiou have undergone a very fa vorable change, which improvement is owing principally to the conviction now established abroad, bat which required a long time to obtain, that this nation is stronger, healthier and more prosperous than before the war, and.tbat its securities are safer investments than the paper of any other government in the world. # The demand for American bonds in Europe ba9 greatly increased of late. The New York Times says that every steamer arriving brings large orders, and in London, the five twenties have advanced to 69 8-4, which at the present premium on gold, is equal to 108- 1-3 in this market. Then we have a direct domestic cause for general prosperity, in the gradual opening of the great Southern producing country' and its markets lor the benefit of the nation. With the Southern ports closed, and de prived of cotton, rice and grain productions, so long an important element of the national commerce that their withdrawil from it/ had a crippling tendency, outside of the paralyz ing effect on the great Northern manufactur ing intere-ts, we were in the condition of a body suddenly deprived of the use of impor tant a emb'ers. Gradually, as Southern railroads are open ed, cropswill go into market to the nation's advantage instead of its detriment. North ern merchants will find again a safe and profitable trade in the whole vast South, and the Southern people, while beaefitling them selves, will aid, almost as much as those of the North, in the nation's recovery from the injuries they have inflicted in the last four years. We soon expect a revival, to nearly its old importance, of the coasting trade, and a gradual resumption, with many improve ments, oi all the former business relations be tween iforih and South, and between the United States and foreign nations. In all respects the financial prospects of the country are most flattering, and more encouraging to the Southern people than thoße of any other section, since they have long suffered unusual hardships, and are now rising to their old level of prosperity. ♦he yew provisional governor OF SOUTH CAROLINA Benjamin F. Perry, the news of whose ap pointnrent as Provisional Governor of South Carolina we arc enabled to give our readers thi9 morning, ha 9 long been among the most prominent citizens of that State. Mr. Perry was an active and influential politician, and was a member of the State Legislature for several years, representing one of the upper Districts. He was a gifted and powerful debater 1 and always entered with vigor Into the stirring- contests in the State Capitol. An influential man in society, and of eminent ability, Mr. Perry was called upon to fill many positions of distinction ; among which may be mentioned those of Dis trict Judge,Trustee of the Uriiversity of South Carolina, and Representative of Congress. Put life proudest distinction, 'doubtless, of Mr. Perry, and that which served him best was bis steadfast Unionism. As far back as the days of Tariff and Nullification excite ment*,ißenj. F Perry was distinguished for his Union proclivities and his opposition to any measures that would tend to awaken an tagonism or estrangement between the Northern and Southern sections of the coun try. It would seem his course in Congress was not less strongly marked with the true national spirit; for it will be remembered that in tbo course of the interview of the South Carolina delegation with the President, Mr. Johnson called to mind Mr. Perry, and spoke of him with warmth. The following is the newspaper report of tbo circumstance . ‘•President Johnson asked the delegates to submit whom they would prefer as "Provis ional Governor. To this they replied they had a list of five meu, viz: Aiken, McCla hany, Boyce, Col. Manning, late Governor, and B. F. Perry. All of them were spoken of as good men, but who bad been more or less involved in the Rebellion. Mr. Perry was a District Judge in the Confederacy un til it collapsed and is said to have a'iways been a good Union man and a gentleman of strict integrity. Tbe people certainly would respect him, and he could not fail to be ac ceptable. The President said he knew Benjamin Perry well, having served with him in Con gress. There was no spirit of vengeance or vindictiveness on the part of the Government, whose only desire was to restore the relations whictWbrmerly existed. He was Dot now prepared to give them an answer as to whom he should appoint; but at the Cabinet meet ing next Tuesday he would repeat tbe sub stance of this iuierview, with a hope to the restoration which the gentleman present ear ’ nestly desired.” FROM CHARLESTON, We have a cepy of the Charleston Courier of the etb, from which we take tbe follow ing items; The Focsth was celebrated in an appro priate manner, with an excursion down" the Harbor, a parade of the Home Guard, ex ercises in Zion’s church, a parade of Fire men and a fair. A Fouth-of-July Associa tion WS9 formed with Hon. A. G. Mackey as President. Ymx or Gfi». GuiatOßE,—Yesterday morn- ing we were favored with a visit from Major Gen. Gillmore, who was accompanied by Brevet Brig. Gen. 8 L.' Woodford. Brevet Brig. Gen. C, L. Kilburn. Col. C. W. Thom as, Maj. Geo. E. Gouraud, Captain Jekse Merrill, Capt. 11. M. Bragg, and Lieut. E. N. Kirk Taicott. The party left Hilton Head on tbe previous night, and on their arrival here took apartmenus at the Charleston Ho tel. A latge number of civilians, including ladies, waited upon Gen. Gillmore during the day, for the purpose of consulting him on matters relating to their personal inter ests. Toward evening a band took a posi tion on the balcony and discoursed elegant music, to the evident delight of a large crowd of citizens who assembled In the vi cinity of the hotel. At 6 P. M. Gen. Gill more and the officer? accompanying him pro ceedcd'to the rail road station and took cars for Orangeburg. The party are expected to return to Charleston to-day. Ordered North.— The Monitor Kaatskill, Capt. Barrett, ha 9 been ordered North, and will sail on Monday or Tuesday next. The Kaatskill is the only iron clad remaining in our harbor, and parties desiring to visit it are informed that they can do so between now and the day of sailing. Foreign Arrival. —The first foreigu arri val since tbe opening of the port to lorrtgn trade was the English bark Nuffield, from Bermuda, via Matamoras, with an assorted cargo. She airived here Tuesday evening. Oes Day Later from the North# W&siiingtda Sates of July 2dL SOFTH CAROLINA TO BE BE= HABILITATE, Benjamin F. Ferry Appointed Provisional Governor. THE COZZEX9 HABEAS fOBPFS CASE Important Order to Regimental Officers. VARIOUS MATTERS. The United States transport Idaho, from Point Lookout, Md., arrived yesterday even ing. We are indebted to the gentlemanly officers of the Idaho for the latest papers, containing the following highly Interesting news: The Proclamation of the President in relation to South Carolina. The proclamation of President Johnson appointing Benjamin F. Perry, Provisional Governor of South Carolina is in precisely the same terms and language as those by which civil Government and Governors have been proclaimed for this and the other re habilitated States. If is dated the thirtieth day of June, 1866. The following is the clause containing the appointment of Mr. Perry : Now, therefore, in obedienefe to the high and solemn duties.imposed upon me tne Constitution of the United States, and for the purpose of enabling the loyal people of said State to organize a State government, whereby justice may be established, do mestic tranquility insured, and loyal citizens protected in all their rights of life, lib erty, and property, I, Andrew Johuson, President of the United States, and com mander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Uuiied States, do hereby appoint Benjamin F. Perrv, of South Carolina, provisional governor of the State of South Carolina, whose duty it shall be, at the earliest practi cable period, to prescribe such rales and re gulations as may be necessary and proper lor convening a convention, composed of delegates to be chosen by that portion of the people of said State who are loyal to the United States, and no others, for the pur pose of alteriug or amending the constitu tion thereof; aud with authority to exercise, within the limits of said State * all the pow ers necessery aud proper to enable such loyal people of the State of South Carolina to res tore said State to its constitutional relations to ihe Federal government, and to present such a republican form of State government as will entitle the State to the guarantee of the United Stotes therefor, aud Its people to protection by the United States against, in vasion, insurrection, and domestic vio lence ; provided that, in any elec tion that may be hereafter held for choosing delegates to any State convention as aforesaid, no person shall be qualified as an elector, or shall be eligible a9 a member of such convention, unless he shall have previously taken and subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President's proc lamation of May 2Jth, A. D., 1865, and is a voter qualified as prescribed by the consti tution and laws of the State of South Caro oliua in force immediately before the sev enteenth (17th) day of November, A. D. 1860, the date of the so-called ordinance of “secession; and the said convention, when convened, or the legislature that may be thereafter assembled, will prescribe the qual ification of the electors, and the eligibility of persons to hold office undei the constitution and laws of the State, a power the people | of the several States composing the Federal ( Union have rightfully exercised from the origin of the Government to the present time. The Coziens. Habeas Cor pus Cass;, Philadelphia, July 1.— I The 'consideration of Cozzena habeas corpus case was resumed in the Court this morning, Provost Marshal Frink making the proper return to the writ, under direction of General Cadwallader and the Secretary of War. The argument in the case was conducted by Judge Knox, but was not concluded. The case was then postponed until next Wed nesday. Important Order to Regimental Officer*. The Secretary of War has issued a very important and salutary order, intended to prevent the carelessness and neglect of com pany and regimental officers in charge of or ganizations about to be mustered out. If the men are not promptly paid off and dis charged upon reaching the place of muster out, it will be due solely to tbe failure of such officers to make out the proper papers before leaving the field. All such officer are to be reported and properly dealt with. Virginia. Governor Pierpoint has issued an order authorizing seven counties of Virginia to hold elections, witli a view to the reorgani zation of the State, and its return to civil jurisdiction KfOlurky. Governor Bramlette is stumping Khitucky In favor of the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery, and in favor of free labor. Ex-Governor Magoffin,, has also declared himself in tavor of the amendment Personal.* General Sherman arrived at Cincinnati on Friday night, where he had a very enthus iastic reception. The President and General Grant will at tend the Gettysburg ceremonies on tffe Fourth. The Roxbury (Mass.) Common Council have appointed a committee to talk with the horse railroad men, and see if they can't atop running horse-cars on Sundays. • A Jeuel, Purifies, So2o:ioot Beautifies, Sozopont Gratifies a!! who use It. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Jp3-eodlw 1 J |l*to s&berti9emimts. pIONEEK LINE FOR NEW YORK The Steamer CHASE, Rogers, Commander, will sail on her regular day, THURSDAY, JULY 13th. For the above port! at o’clock m. For Freight or Passage apply to . Jyß HUNTER & GaMMELL. Ranted, tw-. gentlemen. In the home of a private family, In me up,, r part of the city, a well furnished sitting room anc two bedrooms, with Bath Room and uae of Kitchen. Apply to W. M., Herald office. jyß-3 NOTICE. The undersigned having resumed the practice of hia profession, may be found at his old office, next door to the Central Railroad Bank. Jyß-lw THOS. E. LLOYD. Jf'RESH LEMON SYRUP. Warranted ar.peri or to any In market For sale bv KOBf . H TATE-M. Drugglri, )?»-•* cor, Jefferson and McDonough sta. SKIRT FOR 1866 THE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE IH HOOP SKIT S. J. W. Bradley's New Paiekj Duplex Elliptic y (on Double) Spbiwo Skirt. insists of Duplex (oi two; Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braid*! tight ly and firmly together, edge to edge, mating the toughest, most flexible, Elastic and durable Spring evwused. They seldom bend or break, like the sin gle Springs, aud consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long a>Tany Single Spring Skirt tnai ever has or- can be made, The wonderful flexibility aud great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt ej tP*l®tE(l particularly In all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars. Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be lolded when m use to occupy a small place as easily aud conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic bteel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after* wurds willingly dispense with their use. For children others atiC * ladies they are superior to all .. Tb « Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread aud will wear twice as long as the yarn «*Ye ,lll g which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to pre vent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &c., which thev are constantly subject to when in use. Ail are made of the uew and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality iu every part, giving to tbe wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible aud are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY 4- CART, (late J. I. & J. O. West,) Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Mauu fteturers, 9. Chambers aud T 9 and 81 Reade streets, rork. « For Sale in all first class stores in this city, and throughout.the United States and Canadas, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West in- QIPS. for the Du P lp * Elliptic (or double) opting bkirt. jyß Stt ILEADQ’KS POST OF SAVANNAH, On dels, » Ju * 7 ' 1?C5 ’ No. 6. / -v,f Uj A erNm3a? ‘‘ nereb ? notified that on and after thu data no citizen's clothing will be sold, loaned or given away to any enlisted men of the United States Army at tbU Post All persons found violating this order will be sum marily dealt with. By command of - „ fl 7t- Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jaa Mpllct, A A A. G - HEADERS POST OF SAVANNAH, ~ Savannah, «a, July 6, 1866. GINKBAI LRDCK3,! ' No. 7, j . I . it Is ordered ihatoa and after this date, no per son be buried at this Post unless Ute Keeper of the ft certificate fr m the attending Physician, or from the Health Officer of the Post, staling the name, age and cause of death of the debased in mil. Tins order does not apply to officers had lw'v-h” • & Army. Blank forms may be had by Ihysielans on application to the Health Offi cer, aud no others can be used, Keeper* °i th, ‘ Graveyards and Cemeteries will, on the last day of each mouth, make a full report to the proper city official of all interments made daring the mouth at the grounds under their charge Thn report will be made qn the form used undm-the efty government prior to the occupation of Savannah bv the National Military Forces. lu All persons wno die and whose relations or friends are unable to give them decent burial will be buried at the expense of the Government. For all such cases application will be made to the Health Of fleer of the Post, who will make requisitions boon the t ost quartermaster lor coffius, vehicles to remove the boons, and lor necessary labor. The Post Quarter master u nereby instructed to comply with such re quests oi the Health Officer promptly and efficiently, and he 1-t authorized to employ such labor as maV be necessary to accomplish this result v * By oommand of , . Bvt. Brig. Qen. DAVIS. Jno. Mclun, A. A. A. G. j V g t iq H AY SIXTY BALES HAY. Landing riom Steamship America. For «ale by jj-6-ti BEWHHM, BALDWIN 4 CO. chants. | ■— . L=L2 1..-L1 . | JgOARD WANTED. First-class Board in a private family, where there are no other Boarder.-. Price no object. Address WATSQN, Herald office jy7-lw ANTED. Six good Ship Carpenter* enn have immediate em plotment. at good wages, bv applving to * ~ JAMES MIUJKENS, jyC-2 Augusta,'‘Ga. Yy ANTED. MULES OR DRAFT HORSES AND WAGONS WANTED. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, A. & G. U. R .\ Savannah, June 29, IS©;. ) Persons having Mules or Draft Horae* and Wagon* for sale or hire will please call at this office J. T. STONE, Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard's Building, up stairs, opposite the Post Office. ju3o ts J 7 OR AUGUSTA. Top stesmei AMAZON will leave for Augusta on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at four o’clock. For Freight or Passage engagements apply on board, at Georgia Steamboat Company's Yard, to, jyT-2 DAVID R. DILLON. rpo COTTON SHIPPERS ALEXAND&R HaRDEK, COTTON SHIPPER, —OAg sriatro, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON & BAY STB. ♦ For the purpose of WEIGHING, . REPAIRING, RE-PACKING, SAMPLING, CLASSING, AMP SHIPPING CGTToJt FOR THE PUBLIC, • 4ki xax LOW EST RA TES, FURNIfIkING INK, &c. jyZ * j Im Yy B. GRIFFIN & CO. W. B. Griffin, J. C. Millneb, F. Plumb. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments and mai e liberal advances when desired. * juf'C-lm £po r crumpaTo:; ' AUCTION AND CGMMLSSION MERCHANTS, 209 Bbcao SniFEx, Aracgii, G*.. Ju2o Ira -yiRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY. GEORGE R CRUMP & CO , 209 Broad Sub tt, XuaustA, Gi. Have on hand a large ana well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when dealred, 3m juirt JQ ENNIS, PERKINS & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No 65 Bc.oad Street,'* NEW TORE. julO 1 m JJOOMS TO ‘LET; AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments or business purposes. F° r terms apply to W. S.S.unpsou, .Jr„ Box No. 25. Ilflten Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 0 o’clock p. m. j u .>o JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC r WINES AND LIQUORS, A I WHOLESALE, FOB mini U S E.jg •AT 207 BAY STREET. " ISRAEL H SEAL? & CO. mayOA 0 (Estabushed 1770.) MAnCFACTLTiEBS, LuFORiERIj WboLEhALi Dzt LEM . n WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, OOH08ET) PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS- AND PAINTERS' MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 106 and lffl Fulton- Sx., ju22 lm NEW YORK jpAMILY GROCERIES " "" The undersigned has now in store, and for 60,0‘0 choice Segars, 300 boxes Family Soap, • And a general assortment of Family Groceries ' Ali who desire to secure bargains will do well to call early A. LEFFLER. Northwest corner Broughton and Barnard sts. Jyt lw QHAMPION BKICK MACHINE. The proprietors ot this recent Patent for the manu. facture of Brick are prepared to dispose of Machines, and rights to use the same. This Machine Is simple of construction; doe* not readily get out of repair has immense power; makes rhe brick square and sol’ id ; can be worked with a single horse. causes little delay for removing stones; will make from twentv. jjf.*® thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circular, with full particulars, forwarded on application to . 1 m BRADFORD A RENICK, " ,lm 71 Broadway, New York. to Mechanics, SRXasr in- tSSSs^SL. ISLAND. HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY. JUNE 20vn, 1865 This new note! situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilt-vn Head Island, affords u fixu ;lew of the Pkr, Bay, Ocean, and surroendieg Islands. The scenery is quite as pleasing and later eating, in everv respect, as the famous watering plaoa of Newport. R. 1., and is altogether as comfortable and healthful r* place to -pend the summer months.— It has a line hard smooth Beach, seventeen utiles long affording n more aliarming drive than the celebrated Beach ae Nahant, Mas;\, and a* fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May. The House ha- over seventy large, &ity rooms, and verandahs or three sides of ail the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables-will be furnished with the be-t that can. bo procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the I Late 1 all that tho most fastidious can desire. Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. ju£3 tt JJOTEL FOR SALE. THE SAXTON HOUSE, —AS— BE A CFO RT, S. C, formerly the prop?; ty of Dj Johnson, is for solo.-* Apply to C W DENNIS & CO., No. 4 Merchants' Row, JaS» ts Hilton Head, S, <?- pORT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL & RUGG, Pscpbietohb S. S. tQiMU, K F. BOO4L Juh-tf - • pULASKI HOUSE, savannah, ga BARTELS * RIDDELL, PaoraiSToeo. t. a MaBICLS. t, 8. KDDELL. Ju3--f _ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ui ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER OUR HOU SE, 16S BAY STREET, Ju£l ts ILIT ARY cToTbUT FURNISHING GO®DS, v HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac., AT H. A TOPHAM'S, NO. 138 CONGRESS STREET. This Store is well stocked with a superior quality of goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap, as th» P.oprietor wishes to make room for anew assort ment, jyl-tt RIVER AGKICULTKAL W'ußKo. GRIFFTNG, BROTHER i CO, PTOFaicrcae, 63 Aat> 60 CotmxiANt) SrSEET. NEW YORK. Manufacturers of Plow?, Harrows, Cultivator*, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn'Mills, Cot ton Gine, &c Every Implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds Also, Agents to* Bruce'* Concentrated Manure, Bone, tic. Send lor circular. j n "o jjj, john McMahon. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Strict attention given to ail Consignment* Cobneu BuocoirroN and Jkkfkesom Stbsxm. JOM lm S. BUNDY, * G*E NERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Stbeet, Bstwee* 13tu and Urn Stbots, (Near Pay Department,) Washington, and. e juso ’ tf * 3500 TONS OF— English kails. Os best quality, SGxM per lineal yard. For sale by - jul9 - 6m TOWLE A CO, Jy[AY, ORAIN, FLOUR, WHITE FINE LUMBER, SPRUCE SHINGLES AND NAILS. Fob Sale ut RICHARDSON & BA2NARD, lno , ““T opposite Mariners’ Chmio. • ■ SavantafciGa. J B soLomons, m. and *——^ ciSSSSfi £ •»» «• W* Rooms at Dr. Clark's office, Congress atreok Releraneea,—Dr. - I)r. Juhwjh liAiuijs, ,™ » c * ll attention of the tßfclic to *2xz\ p ro ®pti>- to mi S5&& SSudfiSu s 3«r -jassSS»' SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER«uU?t. No 17 Broadway, A'«a IVrA. Liberal advances on Shipments to oxeat. made by ■ a Consign a™ HTOTER A QAJMMFT.T. Agents Pioneer LinqSteumshtps, , t, r . „ ’ « Bay .Street Savannah. Reference in New York— MeS ma^r ir,POWS Tiuam>t ** Cos. JypnCE. UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE, \ and C othcr valuahlS Weights, iSithSe h^m^^f rtn,ll ' on t 0 the , undersigned, «w»ose having them in possession will please return lQt ~ WYLLY WOODBKIDGE. Jpi ts Collector.