Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 10, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Hefald. S. W. Mason & Cos •• Pe*whbtvm«. Samcu. W. jlisoj, Ewt<«. * tAVANNAH. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1965. ■•~r " —' J FOft LOCAL fIATIEES SE£ THIRD PAGE. CHANCE OF MIHSAY INESOLASD LOKDPALMERSTOA. That there arc elements of discord In the British Ministry would stem evident to the observer of the present position of that Ministry: Lord Palmerston has been its guiding spirit. He it is, octagenarian as he is, who by Lis Parliamentary influence, ex perience and eminent public services, Las kept the party in power of which lie is the Lead. But tor his conciliatory course and respect paid to his opinions by the members oi his own party, it would have some vmt* since dissolved, and as a consequmfc'e the Rories, under Lord Derby, would have been navigating the ship of State The retirement of Lori Palmeston may be loosed for at any moment. His increasing infirmities will render it impossible that he ■will be able to undertake public business any longer in any capacity, much less in the ca pacity of prime minister and manage* of the House of Commons. The two most influential members of the Whig party, after Lord Palmerston, are Lord John Russell and Mr. Gladstone. The de scents of the former from an ancient Whig family, his political antecedent?, his long connection with the Whig party, will give to his claim for the reception of Prime Minis- j ter due weight, but»he has a formidable com- j petitor for this # post Tn the latter, who to a j large measure of official experience -unites j l&r superior abilities. What gives to the ! claim of Lord John Russell to the Premier ship is the prestige by which his name is as sociated with Parliamentary Reform. He has had an agency at different times iu al most all the measures introduced into the House of Commons in favor of a reform in j the representation. If there is no possibility of reconciling and harmonizing the discordant elements of which we have spoken, the Tories will of course take their seats on the Treasury benches, and there are more chances of the Tories being able to compose a harmonious cabiuet than the Whigs. There are fewer subjects of diff erence betweu them than between their op ponents. There are few examples of an octo genarian continuing to discharge tiie func tions of government after reaching that al most extreme iiinit of lite. The wonder is enhanced when the duties of political admin istration devolve on the premier, in a parlia mentary body, constituted as is the British House of Commons, where all the battles of the government are to be fought, inch by inch, and where the mo3t complicated que.v In finance, taxation and reform iu the various departments of the State, are daily discussed. It is not within our recollection that an uoto genetian has ever before administered the government of Cheat Britain. We n* ay truly say that Lord Palmerson’s ministry will form an era iu British History. %* OBSERVANCE OF Il&>EPKft£>HftCE DAY AT THE NORTH. The 89th Anniversary of our*National In dependence was observed throughout the North with more eclat than auy previous Fourth. The New York Herald of the fifth has several pages devoted to elaborate re ports of celebrations in a score or more of places. , Iu New York city the military display con sisted of twenty-five regiments of infantry, cavalry and artillery, accompanied by thir teen bands, and was received with tlie great est enthusiasm along the line of march. The returned veterans had a perfect ovation, a dinner was given to. the Irish Brigade at Irving Hall, and the wounded, sick and well soldiers were entertained at the State Soldiers’ depot, the City Assembly Rooms, regimental armories and other places. The shipping iu the harbor was finely decorated, public and private buildings were huug with flags and streamers, the parks and streets were lull of fair women and brave men, and in the even ing the fireworks in the various squares and other localities closed the day in a blaze of glory. There were less casualties then usual, but eleven liavinf been reported as occurring during the day, nine of which were inflicted by pistols, most cf them 'exploding in the Lands of the victims. At Gettysburg the day was celebrated with great enthusiasm, and the corner stone of the soldiers’ monument was laid with the most Imposing ceremonies. At daylight one hun dred guns were fired by the camp on the battle-field. At ten o'clock in the morning the procession, headed by Major General J. W. Geary, moved from the main street of the town, and the cernelcry was reached at n tew minutes before eleven, where* the exer cises were opened with prayer and a dis course by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, of New York. . After the reading ofh letter from President Johnson, regretting that illness deprived him of the pleasure of being present, the cere monies attending the lnymg of the corner stone were gone through with. General Howard, the orator of the flay, delivered an eloquent oration on the sacrttiees pri vate soldier, which was followed by the poem of the occasion—“ Thoughts of the Time and Plaeo”—written and read by Col onel Charles G. Halpine. The exercises »were concluded by an address from Governor Curtin AtWcshiogton the National Colored Monu ment Association had a large and entbusias • tic meeting, the oration being delivered by William Howard Day, a black man. ,Sj>eech es were made by Hon. Henry Wilson and Governor Hahn, and the Rev. John Pierpont read a poem written for the occasion. At Albany the great feature of the day was the flag reception of the New York State volunteer regiments. Grant was present. The presentation address was ; made by Major General Butterfield, an ad- ! dress was delivered by Governor Fenton, and the Rpv E. H. Chapin was me orator of the j occasion. ' | Throughout tbo country generally, the great national holiday w as observed as a dou ble celebration—as an anniversary of the es- : tabiislunent of *>ur independence and as a day of rejoicing at the restoration of peace throughout the land. UENERAI, KKWA, • The weatlier in New York has been al- ! most as hot and oppressive as here, the ther- i tnometer ranging uearftO. Much agitation j has been excited lately in New York con- | eerning ttie extortionate prices which the , butchers have be*u demanding The solu- i firm of the question has been finally ar- . rived at through the agency of the heat, which brought doj n the prices as well as the ! quality of the meat considerably.——A te- i rifle tornado has recently visited Connecticut \ in the vicinity' of Birmingham. It was ac- ! companied with torrents of rain, unroofed ' houses, uprooted trees and played 3 undry j pranks. Col. Wm. S. King, who has been ] made Constable of Massachusetts, has j determined to appoint no one under him who ' has not been in the military service of tbo j United State? during the war A Mr. Paul, Methodist clergyman of Darien, Conn, was instantly killed wnile walking on a rail road track on the 27th uit. A good look ing lady gave birth to a tine healthy boy in ’ the cars near Boston, recently. The lady apoligized to the conductor of the train.- The law- partner of Abraham Lincoln, Hon. Win. H. Herndon, is collecting materials for a biography ol' the isle President. Numerous citi?.ens of Richmond petition the President for a reconsideration of the twen ty thousand dollar clause in the amnesty pro clamation. All paroled prisoners below the rank of Colonel have been released. Secretary Seward is again at his post —-The President’s •health is improving. Fred- j crick Seward’s condition continues to lav- | prove. The Missouri Free State Constitu- i tion was adopted by 1,862 majority ——Bi- i plomatic relations between Maximillian and j the Pope Lave been suspended.-—The New York Herald announces that it will hereafter be published every day in the year. Gen. Cox. nominated for Governor of Ohio, has been relieved from command in North Carolina —y Wilmington is very sickly Governor Letcher is said to be in a destitute condition ——-i3O bales of cotton passed I Cairo North on the 3d. Roger A. Pryor has resumed the practice of law in Peters burg. Advices from Hayti state that the rebellion is gaining strength. Wm. Orton has succeeded Judge Lewi3 as Internal Re venue Commissioner, MaJ, T. T. Eckert, Superintendent of Military Telegraphs, has entered on his duties as Asst. SeC’ry of War.— Two more railroad accidents are added to the long list of casualties to be laid at4he door of reckless railroad officials—one on the HaVlem and New Haven Railroad, by which forty or titty persous were injured, and one on the Hudson River road, by which several lives were lost.——A terrible tornado passed over Union county, Wisconsin, on Ist July, prostrating fifty dwellings and killing seventeen persons. On the 'same day a tre mendous storm visited Philadelphia, during which the steeple of the German Reformed Church was blown down, and much damage clone to other parts of the city —. —The trial of Miss Mary Harris, who killed Burroughs. 1 a treasury clerk in Washington, was to com mence on the f>th inst. The President, on account of continued indisposition, and Gen. Grant, in consequence of onerous special du . ties, were unable to attend the celebration at Gettysburg on the Fourth. I’lie Nsivg. The Fulton arrived at Hilton Head on Sa turday evening, bringing dates of the sth. There is no startling news, but we elsewhere copy articles on leading subjects, and give a condensed summary of the general news, from full tiles ot Northern papers forwarded to us on Saturday evening by our agent at liilton Head. , v \ i— * IsTEKXAI. WfcIV'EIHJB ASSESSOR FOB CHAfihKS tox.—Mr. C. J. Haskill has been ap pointed Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Second Charleston (S. C.) District. He was a resident of that city for several years be fore the war, and was driven away on ac count oi his Union sentiments. a|Gov. Pr.Hitv.—We on Saturday morning announced the appointment of Provisional Governor Perry, of South Carolina. The Northern papers speak very highly of the selection, as a fit and acceptable one. The's Passengers— The Fulton brought 333 psssengers, of whom 24b were steerage and 84 cabin, of the latter fifteen were officers. Another Brigadier General.— Brig. Gen W. H. Noble, arrived at Hilton Head by the j Fulton, on Saturday. Florida is now the only State not provided with a Governor. One will very soon be I appointed.. nUMIAL AMU CUUSEKtIAL. From our full files of "New York papers, we pre pare the following summary of Nor thern Financial and Commercial news, to the eTeniug of 3d Business was suspended on the 4th. • • . FINANCIAL Golp and Stock%. —The gold room and Stock Exchange being closed yesterday, there was no regular business done; but gold sold on thu street irom 133 to 140 5-8, the closing price being 140. Five-twenties after selling up to 105 1-4, relapsed to 104 3-4 on the receipt ot the China s news — N. Y. Herald. National Bayks. —The aggregate capital of new national banks authorized during the week ending July Ist was $30,014,210; that of those previously authorized #320,924, KOI; whole number of national banks au thorized to date, 1,378, with an aggregate capital of #340.938,811 ; amount of circular tion issued to national banks for the week, SJ, 863,100; previously issued #143, 064,87 c. Total ciiculation issued todate, #146,927,975. New York Weekly Bank Statement.— The last weekly bank statement of New York city shows an increase of $2,995,191 in loans, and $4,147,837 in net deposits. The legal tenders are increased $2,343,805, and the spocie la decreased $51,324. The ratio of coin to net liabilities is "11.03 per cent, against 8.23 per cent, last week Clearing House Statement. New York, 3d.—Exchanges, $101,273,135 74; Balances, $3,936,229 21. Exchange. —The foreign exchange market is dull, and transactions are limited. Prime iiankers’ sterling sixty-day bills are quoted 109 to 109 3-4, and francs 5.15. In railroad stocks there were no transactions. London Money Market. —Advices from London, per steamship China, to June 24th, report fiv6-twenties as selling at 70 3-4 to 71, Erie at 53, and Illinois Central at 83 1-4 to 83 84. Consols were quoted at 89 3-4 to 89 7-3. Internal Revenue Decision.— The follow ing decision has been made by Hon. E A Rollins, Deputy Commissioner Sir ; l ours of June 26, 1865, in relation to Income derived from United States securities is received. I reply, that gold received as interest of United States bonds should be re turned at its nominal value when such gold la not disposed of, but, if so dis posed of, the premium should be returned al9o. Therefore, if you still retain this (Inter est,; gold are not required to return the pre mium. New York Ctrr Banks.— The following is the statement of the weekly aveiages ot the New York city bank for three years. Pee!.- tsmting July X, ’‘Ct. July 2, ’64. July 3,’53. huanH &2Ui,f>85,421 $197,1177,002 $1141303,261 Bp?cie 22,0u0,59fe 38,313,606 Circulation ,. 4,807,106 0.020,4C0 Net. depo*... 191,656,773 1ift,772,982 168,559,895 Av exen gfa. . 78,953,886 78,806,727 63,652,166 Katio ot coin tn liabilities. .8 03 |). c. 13.46 p c. 23.27 p. c. Week ending July 5, *62. July 8. ’6l. July 7, ‘6O. Loans $148,013,718 $112,134,608 $127,244,211 Specie 31,790,519 45,030.045 22,751.094 Circulation.. 9,270,816 8,862.709 9,363,727 Wet. liepo:-'... 127,400,534 96 677,763 81,331.320 At. PK«*h’g«. 29,949,785 1,.664,446 26,642,928 Ratio ot coin to .21.24 p.c 46,89 p.c. ,25.00 p. c. Interest on Treasury Bonds. —The Trea sury Department on the Ist paid in gold the July interest on its bonds, amounting to $9,- 753,902 26. Money. —Money is very easy in the North ern markets at 4 a 5 per cent, and the supply of loanable funds is largely in excess *>f the demand. Financial Affairs in Boston.— The supply of money is constantly increasing. All the Boston banks (forty-four in number) have organized under the “national system,” which is intended to establish a uniform paper cur rency, preparatory to a future .resumption of specie payments, whenever “greenbacks” are withdrawn lrom circulation. Five per centum was the interest rate to-day for prime loans on demand; and the best mercantile paper was sold in State street at seven per cent. The stock market was more active than of late, and theie were full as many buyers as sellers of government bonds, railroad, facto ry, bank, land, and mining shares. —Evening Traveller, July l. London Stock and Money Market.—Lon don, Friday evening, June 23. Consols close at 88 7-8 a9O for money. American Stock* United States five-twenties, 72 1-2 a 73; Il linois Central Railroad, 85 a 86; Erie Rail road, c 4 a 55. The weekly return oi the bank of England shows an increase of bul lion ol ¥2500,000. COIurtiSRCI AL NEW 'YORK MARKETS Floor and Meal. —The market for west and State Flour is less Active, and prices are lower, the decline being 5 a 10c. on the low, and 10 a 15c. on the medium grades. Fami ly brands are dull and irregular; the sales are 5,600 bbls. at $5 a 5,40 for Sifperline state; $5,70 a 5,90 for Extra State ; $6 to 6,20 for Fancy State; ss,f» a 5,90 for low grades of Western Extra ; $6,30 a 6,60 for Shipping Ohio; $6,75 a 7,40 for Trade and ; family brands ; and $7, 70 a 10,60 for St. | Louis Extras. Canadian Flour is a shade i easier and dull; the supply is fair; sales of I 1 70 bbls. at $5,75 a 5,90 tor the low grades of Extra, and $6 a 7, 75 for Trade & Family Ex ! tras. Southern Flour is dull and heavy ; sales of 260 bbls. at $6,65 a 7,50 for mixed ■ to good Superfiue Country Baltimore, Ac., and $7,60 a 11,50 for Trade and Familj* | brands. Rye Flour is in fair demand and ; steady ; sales of 200 bbls. at $5 a 5,30. Corn Meal is inactive but firm. ! Grain. —The Wheat market opened firm for Spring but heavy for Winter, and closed 2 a 3c. lower on all grades, the demand ie mainly for export, the sales are 56,000 bush, at $i,25 a 1,28 for Chicago Spring : $1,26 a 1,28 torMilwaukie Club; $1,35 for Rc'd Wes tern, and $1,42 a 1,44 tor Amber do. Bar ley is dull and prices favor the buyer. Bar ley Malt is in limited supply and firm at $1,60a 1,65. Oats are firm; tbe supply of prime Western is moderate; tbe sales are 21,000 bush. Western at 73 a 75c. Rye i<? s dull and more plenty ; we quote Western at 85 a 86c. and State 95 a 96c. Corn is in less active demand, but with light arrivals prices ! arc Arm; the sales are 1 t,oou bush. Unsound 1 at 68c , and Sound Western mixed at 77c. i Cotton. —The market has been rather more I active, but at easier rates, closing at 43 a 44c fog Middlings: sales of 1,460 bales. Cofyte —’The demand for aH kinds is moderate, and we have no sales to advise. Prices are nominally unchanged.' Rice.—'The demand is very light, and we have only to note a few retail lots at 9 a 9 l-2c. for Raugoon. and 10 alO l-2c. for Carolina. The stock on hand is 6.940 bags cleaned East India, 4.861 bags and mats un eleaned do., and 1,1 r»9 tcs. Carolina, against £o,fee bags cleaned and 3,821 Wags and mats uncleaned East India same time last year. Scgars — The demand for raw has been fair, without essential change iu prices; Hales of 500 hhds. at 10 3-4 a 12 l-2c. for Cuba, 13c. for Porto Rico, and 828 boxes Havana at 12 a 12 l-2e. Refined are unchanged. Hay. — The market is dull, but prices are without change ; sale? at 90c. a $1 for ship ping, and $i a sl.lO for retail lots. Live Stock.—The receipts ot animals at the live stock markets in New Y ork for the week ending July 1, were as follows : Beef cattle 5,414 milch cows 108, veal 1,902, sheep 13, and swine 10,759. The prices of beef cattle were considerably lower, all grades selling at a decline of 2c. per lb. Prices rang ed from 9c. a 16c. per lb. for poor to prime grades. Veal calves were also lower. Cows are dull, and little was doing in them. The sheep market, owing to the reduction in prices of beeves, ruled lower. Live hogs sold about at previous quotations. Exports. —The exports exclusive of specie from New York for the week ending July 1, were valued al only $1,757,283 iu currency. Wool.—The assessors of revenue have re ported to the Department of Agriculture 1,- 704 woolen factories in operation in the Uni ted States. Os this number, which has in creased rapidly of late, only 746 have report ed the total number of pounds of wool used during the year by them, being 118,729, 600. The present crop of wool slightly * exceeds 95.000,000 pound,s thus showing conclusive ly that the demand for this product far ex ceeds the supply. CnicAoo Markets — Chicago, July 3d.— Flour dull. Wheat quiet 2 1-2 demand alto gether speculative; declined 2 1-2 a. 73c. ; sale 9 at ; sl.ol a51.03, closing at $1.02 for No. 1, and at, 87c. a 88c. for No. 2. Corn steady; sales at 53 1-2 c. a 53c. for No 1, and 51c. a 51 l-2c. tor No. 2. Oats quiet, at 43 l-4c. a 44c. Provisions dull. High wines inac tive. Freights firm; corn 7c. to Buffalo. Receipts—l,6oo bbls. flour, 53,000 busli, wfieat, i37,000 bush, com, 63,000 bush. oats. Shipments—4s,oso bbls. flour, 194.000 bush, com, 35,000 bush. oats. Cincinnati! Market—Cincinnatti, July 3. —Business dull. Whiskey, $2.03. Provis ions firm. Lard, 18 l-2e. Liverpool Cotton Market —The brokers’ circular reports: The sales of cotton for the week reach 142,000 bales, including 46,000 bales to spec ulators and 30,000 .bales to exporters. Tbe market opened excited, and an advance has taken place of 1 3 -4d. to 2d. per pound for American, and 1 l-2d to 3d. per pound for other descriptions. The sales on Friday were 15,000 bales, the market closing more quiet but firm, at unchanged quotations : Middling Orleans, 20d; Middling Uplands, 19 l-2d: Middling Texas, 19 3-4d. The stock in port amounts to 277,000 bales, in cluding 29,500 bales of American. Latest Foreign Commercial. —Liverpool, Saturday evening, June 24.—Cotton—The sales to-day foot up 15,000 bales, including 8,000 bales to speculators and exporters. The market closes firm at unehanced quotations Breadstuffs—The market is "dull. Provis ions—The market is dull. London, June 23, evening.—Consols closed a* 89 3-4 to 89 7-8 for money. American Stocks—lllinois Central R R., 83 1-4 to 83 3-4; Erie R. R., 53; U. S. five-twenties, 70 3-4 to 71. Bom bay, June 16.—Cotton advanced; Exchange, 2s; Freights unchanged. Calcutta, June 15,—The prospects of the iudigo crop are good; Exchange, 2s. Canton, May 25. Cotton goods declining; Exchange, 49. 4d. Shanghae, May 23.—Nothing doing in tea or silk. Melbourne, May 25.—The gold ship ments since the last mail reach 62,700 ounces. INVITATION. ” The friends and acquaintance of Mr John T. Villa longa, and of Dr J. It. Cheeves and Mrs. Langdon Cheves, are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral of Mr. GEORGE ALLEN WARDLAW, son of Judge Wardlaw, of Abbeville, S. C., from the residence of the former, cor. ol Bull and Taylor streets, This Dar at 4 P. M. The Only Remedy. Those who suffer from foul breath are open to tbe charge of carelessness. It is an offence that can be speedily abated, as a single bottle of the Fragrant So rooON * will unmistakably accomplish the work. No toi let tabic should be without it. It wiii preserve end keep the teeth white and the breath pure and sweet. Soid by Druggists and Perfumers. jylO-eodlw men la. /GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Georgia His torical Society wilt be held To-night, (Monday; July 10. EASTON YONGE, jjrlQ 1 Recording Secretary. J^OTICE OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, > , . _ , Ga., July 10, 1665 / Sealed Proposals to famish this Post with eight tnousaud pounds of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing Aug. Ist, and ending Nov. Ist, W rl rece * V(i d at this office until July 20. 18U5 The Beef to be furnished tri weekly, ana of good quality, dressed, excluding nocks and shanks. Persons ranking proposals will s*te the average “;t weight, quality, etc., of the Beef Proposals to be opened in public July iiflth, and subject to tne an proval of the Commissary Genersl. v . N - H - OGLESBEE, J- Vl ° Ju t Capt and Post Commissary. E W GOODS PER STEAMER AMERICA. 1( 0 pieces Light Park and Mahogany Calicos, line Black French Cloth ami Oiwsimere Fancy Cadgiuiere. Uii’d 4 K)fl and Scotch Diapers, Wnaa Duwusk, Huckaback Towels \\ hite Brllliantes und Traveling Dross Goods'' UentH Hud Boy’s New Style Sort Hat« Ladies' and Gents' L. C. Handkerchief. Jaconets, Nainsooks and Swiss Muslin/ Linen Collars and Setts, Black and fancy Fans, And a gieat variety of Small Wares, f, r Jyld ‘ 6t hi WITT 4 MORGAN. MEADQ’HS DISTRICT OF Ka VANN AH, » Sava-vxah, Ga„ July 7,1804 ) G/steal OMBtas.i So. 4s. | a, •*■*« » * « , 11. Surgnoii J. L. Soow. li3d New York Volunteers la hereby Jet ailed as H-.ilth Officer of line District, ana will at once enter upon the duties of that office He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen BIIiGE J B. Babcock Major and A. A. A O. tylO HKAIiq’RS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, i J Savannah. «a„ JulyO, 1565./gj; m. Obufe. it No. 47. f I. Lt. Col. A. Neaile, IC>th N. Y. Vols., havin? been assigned to other duties i#y Department Headquarters, is relieved from duty as Collector oi Military Taxes and Reliet Commissioner * • II ( apt J. S. Cooke, SGth Massachusetts VolOnteers is appointed Collector of Military Taxes ana Heliei Commissioner, and will ut ouee relieve Lt. Colonel A Neaiie, 136th N. Y. Vois., in the duties of that olilo • By command of Brevet Major Gen. BIBGE, j. B. Babcock Mnj. and a a A. G. iylo 7 rpu COTTON SHIPPERS. 4 a.* ■ v ALEXANDER HARDEE, COTTON SHIPPER, v —DAS OFENZI); ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON & BAY STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, * REPAIRING, RE-PACKING, SAMPLING, CLA63ING, anr> SHIPPING COTTON FOR THfe PUBLIC, at mu * LOWEST RAT ES, FURNISHING INK, Ac. Jy7 ltn TO MECHANICS. Proposals wiii be received, separate or together, for the rawing of the steamer SWA. \, where she near Screven’s Ferry, and delivery ut the whaf in this city. And for the rebuilding the wood work, and put ting np the engines. Particulars will be made known on application to M. A. COHEN, Agent. if 11 At Home Insurance Company Office. JpRESH LEMON SIRUP Warranted superior to any in market. For sale by liOBT. H. TATEM, DruggiM, jy3-3 cor, Jefferson and McDonough at*. Q S. BUNDY, GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between 13m and lira Streets. (Near Pay Department j WASHINGTON, D C QHAMPION ‘BRICK MACHINE? The proprietors of this recent Patent for the mann facture of Brick are prepared 10 dispose of Machine* and rights to nse the eume. This Machine is simple ot construction; does not readily get out oi repair has immense power; makes the buck square ana -01 id; can be worked with a single horse causes little delay for removim- stones ■ will make from twenty thirty-live thousand bricks per >dav Circulars wilh lull particulars, for warded on application to BRADFORD A RENICK, FAMILY GROCERIES, The undersigned has now in store, and for sale, 60,000 choice Segars, 300 boxes Family Soap, And a general assortment of Family Groceries, AU who desire to secure bargains will do well to Cali early. * A LEFFLER, Nortii west corner Broughton and Barnard sts Jy7 lw f J'HE NEW SKIRT FOR 13C5. “BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC.” tTei'-nr V’. r( , ud Advertisement fn the Savannah niomiiiL. n “ Ita ‘ I 3articiUar . B every Saturday r° rmng jyG JltivrSm 35 00~™ 11 ~ OF— ENGLISH RAIIg, Oi best quality, soxcS per iioaai yard- For sale by ‘ ulS Cm FOWLE & CO. J R. SOLOMONS, M. i) ~ " afissstesS 1 *■ •*» “ toa. Rooms at fir Clark’S office, Congress street References.—p r . Jas. ‘ Dl. JcHLiit jlAiiEi:i, Hod. Soi.o;jioN C6hk:«, -•»■» « KsSSffc 1 ; BmAiSS* maxima. our'Bakery att fP tio “ of tha POhllc to A * Conhicnotiery Establishment in Sam 8 Building at Beaufort, at which we a'-c warming promp L y to fii * arj y orders whicli may be for to ,«* Special attention is paid to the aiKtl?W cnul Nietos, Fancy Confectionery, Feh f?? nt Paßtl >* lor holiday or.' estiva) tables McManus * Murray. L. JONES, ~ SHIPITNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ao 17 Broadway, Sri? York, ■SfSISJT"” •« Cos A f GAJIMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamship*. p , . • k 4 Bay ritrewT'Savannan Reference In New York— Messrs. Scokkokd, Tileston & Cos may2ii „ - i>Bnr UNITED STATER CUSTOM HOUSE, » Thekev.of rho m Savannah, July C, 16(iE j and other e3 ’ wato r* lhe Scal «« a »‘d Weighty Any oerTon i ttre 'rwn this building.- clejwin Dleasp'odvo hjiowledge of the aforeeaidurti and ivin^.I 6 n, - ormntlon ,0 the undersigned, them l ' *hem m possession will please return inls ~ WYLLY WGODBKIDGE, 11 Collector.