Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 10, 1865, Image 3

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f 4L MATT ER S . The Hottest Day of tub Season.—Yes terday was Jjy all odds the hottest day of the leason. A reliable thermometer, in oue of ,he coolest rooms in the city, exhibited a tem perature of iiiuetj'-eighL degrees above in the ihade, but we saw, in other and less cool rooms, the mercury varying from iOO to 102< legrees above in the shade. In the sun. at 10 1-2 o’clock, it stood at 110 and at l 1-2 o’clock at 112. The lack of any ?reeze made the weather espcially dlsagree ible, and prevented out-door exercise. From Bt. Augustine—First Arrival cf F'acrr. —The schr. Marietta, Capt. Wm. Bahrt, having on board 5,000 oranges, the first importation of fruit Irom Florida, arrived on Saturday night The fruit trade of Flori da has always been an item in the commerce of Savannah and Charleston. The oranges brought by the Marietta are grafted truit and very delicious. The sweet orange tree can not he raised in Florida, but by grafting the sweet orange with the sour orange a fruit superior to the West India orange Ls pro duce!. The skin of the Florida orange is very thin, and lor shipping purposes is equal to the Sicillian production. Xiw Steameb for the Augusta Line.— Soim two mouths ago, the entetprif ing firm of Gifts. L. Colby & Cos., sent Capt Bardow, for twenty-five years a well known steam boat Captain here, to the North, to buy eteaners for a line between Savannah and Augusta. He has succeeded in purchasing one, admirably adapted to the purpose, the General Berry. She was bought at Norfolk, and is now on the way here. She is a stern wheeler and very light draught, drawing on ly two feet anci ten inches. She will carry £OO dales of cotton, and has excellent accom modations for passengers. She is daily ex pected. Personal —We are glad to understand that Mr. Henry N. Meyer, for a long time a faithful employee of the government, under Capt. Kelly in the Quartermaster's Depart ment, under Hon. Simeon Draper, of the Treasury Department with, Lieut. Col, Ran som, who had charge of shipping cotton and in other positions, is to be stationed here as an officer on the dock under Capt. Cook, who relieves Lieut. Col. Neafie. We have known Mr. Meyer for some months as a faithful of ficer in the discharge of all duties incumbent upon him, and as very courteous and accom modating to ail with whom he has been brought in contact. Arrival of the Steamer Helen.— This fine steamer, in charge of Capt. Bailey, re cently purchased in New York by Messrs. Kein & Cos., and intended for the freight and passenger business between Savannah and Augusta, arrived at the dock in this city on [Saturday eveniug last. The Helen draws tight 2 feet aft and 18 inches forward. Hpr engine is of iimnens* power, and for towing she is well adapted. We give the following [at s her dimensions: length, 130 feet; bteadth of beam 25 teet; depth of hold 0 feet. Revival of Trade between Savannah and Florida.— ;The steamer Sylph, Capt. French, departed yesterday for Jacksonville, Florida, as the pioneer steamer of the line to be re established between Savannah, Darien, Bruns wick, Fernandina,'Jacksonville and the St. John's liver, A fair freight was cm board and a number of passengers., ( Capt. William Nnlly, well known in the trade, is clerk and business manager of the line. Capt. Campbell is agent, and repre »ent3 the interests ot this new euterprize. On their Way Home.— The Steamer Nan asket departed yesterday for Hilton Head, vith 125 soldiers of the 13th Connecticut and Ath Maine Volunteers, on their way home o e discharged. VTheu opposite Fort Jackson it wa9 dis loverecUhat no transportation had been fur tished for the troops, and the 9teamer had to stum to the dock and laud the men. T'hi9 norniog, however, they will be furnished tvith the necessary transportation, and will ic homeward bound! * h Nearly an Accident.— Opposite the lower iiico Mills, iying submergeikin the river, are the remains ot the sunken Confederate ram. 'They are, by the tide, gradually shifting and becoming dangerous to navigation. Yester day afternoon as the steamer U. 3. Grant was .approaching the wharf, on her regular course in the channel, she ran foul of this sunken 'wreck. As the steamer is very strongly fbnilt she escaped without damage, I • Bathing at the Docks.— On .Saturday af- I ternoonlast as the steamship America* was about to leave her dock, about fifty persons ►grown men and youths, were in the river bathing. An ’ordinance of the city prohibits this. So disgraceful has become thi3 matter of bathing, no female can properly visit the docks of the city, and we hope the indecency will be immediately abated. Arrival of Released Cokildekatk Pris oners.—The- Steamer U. S. Grant, Capt. Briggs, from Hilton Head, brought to this city yesterday one hundred and twenty-five released Coniederate prisoners. These pris oners have been confined at Elmira, New Fork, which prison is now about empty. Tiie released men belong to Georgia, Flor ida and Alabama. Thanks. —Wc are again, as usual, indebted to Titos. B. MfiManus, the obliging Pufser oi the Fulton, for full files of late northern papers. Re-openiso of the Mariners' Church. Saturday evening last the Rev. J. H. EndersT Chaplain of the 153d New York Volunteers, re-opened for divine worship the Mariners' Church, on the south 9ide of Bay street, be tweeu Abercoru and Lincoln streets. Daily prayer meetings will be held from 7 to 8 o’clock, P. M., with preaching on the Safe i bath at 7 P. M. All are cordially invited to at tend the church. The Mariners' Church was erected in the year 1831, bv Mr. Josiah Pen field, a jeweller of Savannah. New Signs.— Several uew and verv hand some signs of the Savannah National Bank and the enterprising firm of S. C Norvell & Cos., have been placed on the Exchange buil ding, where the offices are They are both ornamental and useful. The firm of Novell Cos. is one of the most enterprising, public spirited, aud, consequently, successful, iu Sa vannah. The National Bank promises to be ? flourishing institution, and meets what was, for a long lime, an embarrassing need in this city. Relieved From Doty —Lieut. Col. Alfred Neafie of the 158th New York Vols., commis sioner of Trade of Savannah, has been re lieved by Capt. Cook, of the 26th Mass. Vols. Col. Neafie. in the discharge of the duties of his office, has won a boit of friends. At all times he has been obliging, and in leaving Savannah he parts with many who have a sincere esteem for him as a gentleman and an officer, and who muchregret that duty should call him away. Fkom Augusta. —I'hk Standish Aground. Movements of other Augusta Ste amers.— The steamer Augusta with mails, passengers and Express freight arrived from Augusta on yesterday. Capt, Lawler repoits the steamer Standish aground on Briggs Bar, eight miles below Augusta. Passed yesterday morning bound up, the steamer Amazon at Nigger Lake and at Old Sisters Ferry, the steamer Jeff Davis. Rain Expected.— Those who are baromet rically wise tell us that heavy rains are now underlined on the weather bills, and will po sitively make their appearance soon. We had tantalizing glimpses of showers in the distance, yesterday, but not a drop of rain as yet for our own coolness and refreshing. Volks Garten.— lt will be seen by the ad vertisement in our Amusement column that the Volks Garten re-opeu9 to-night, the mu sical department being under the direction of Prof. E. Richter, well known in this city as a musician of the highest ability and an agreeable gentleman. Assize of Bread. —For the benefit of the poor of our city, it is claimed that an assize of bread should be established here. An ordinance of the city provides for this, and it should be enforced. At the present prices of flour, it seems as if larger loaf of bread can be furnished at the existing rates. Death of a Soldier. —Yesterday uioruiDg private Fitz F. Reilly, Company B, 12th Conn. Yet. Vols., died at the Pavillion (Post) Hospital, ol’ fever. -The deceased was 3U years old, and was a native of Germany. Yesterday afternoon'his remains were inter red in Laurel Grove Cemetery. Personal.— By the Fulton, Lieut. Col. H. N. Hooper, of the 54th Mass. Regiment and Capt. E. W. James, of Gen. Gillmore’s staff arrived at Port Royal, on Bat urday. THE COl/KTS. Post Provost Cocrt—Capt. Jas. E. Smith, Judge, Presiding. Savannah, July Bth, 1865. United States vs. John-Culleu, 162nd N. Y. Vols., and Wm. Newton (colored) —charged with fighting in the streets. Plea guilty; judgement guilty. It is hereby ordered that this court having no jurisdiction in the case of a United States soldier, he is hereby turn ed over to the Post Provost Marshal for trial, with a recommendation (in consequence of being "absent without leave”) he be sent to his regiment under guard. Iu the case of Wm. Newton (colored) in consequence of the provoking circumstances attending the case, it is hereby ordered that he be discharged from custody, In the case ol United States vs. Miles Tom lin and Jordon, both (colored), charged with theft, continued from 7th inst., plea guilty, judgment guilty. D. A. O’Byrne, Esq., counsel for U. S. It is hereby ordered that m consequence of extenuating circumstances, the prisoners be discharged with a severe re primand. United States vs. Mrs. Mary Kearney, charged with keepiug a disorderly house, and selling whiskey to enlisted men ol the United States Army. Plea not guilty. Judg ment not guilty. Martin J. Ford, Esq., coun sel for defence. It is hereby ordered that in the want of evidence on behalf of the United States, the prisoner be discharged from cus tody. U. S. vs Edward- Brown, (colored), and Martha Dailey charged with stealing. Plea not guilty. Judgment, not guilty. It is hereby ordered, tbit for want of evidence on behalf of the U. S., the prisoners be dischar ged from custody. U. S. vs Fred Mandoif,,charged with beat ing his wife. Plea, not guilty. Judgment, not guilty. Martin J. Ford Esq., counsel for defence. It is hereby ordered, that the pros ecutrix failing to prosecute, the prisoners be discharged from custody with a severe repri mand. meteorolooica l. [PREPARED FOB THE SAVANNAH HERALD.J Range of Thermometer lor seven days ending July 8, 1866, at Savannah, Ga; Date 1A M. 12 M. ‘7 P.M. 10 P.M. Av’rpt*. 2 ;* 83 SI 83k 3 .» 90 as 83 84^ 4 S3 ■ 90 S6 83 S6V 6 *8 90 W S3 84* 9 -0 s(i SB i, * 81 9T 92 , 88 3 85 93 »8 S9 I pipping j|ntelligtnce.i FORT OF SAVANNAH, JULY S. Arrived. • Steamer Erailie, Burns, Hilton Head; steamer Nantae ket, fpriuger, AugiiMa, with 33 bales cotton: a-earner Helen, Keffiv, New Ycrlt; steamer Sylph, French, Hilton Head; schr Marietta,Bahrt,St Augustine, Fla." Cleared U S Mail steamship America. Olifr, by Brigham, Balt! wiu A Cos. - P«SB*ncep.s—G?u B Camming Mrs G B Cnmming, Miss Camming, Col \ B Ktwpp. Mrs Knapp, nnrse and child, O M Sorrell, Mias A K SorrelLMi« A M Sorrell. R Mclntire, Mrs Melßtire. Andrea Low. \V H Gibiiona. Mrs J L .Tout's, Mi's Pierce, 1 ;aac Cohen, Mrs I Cohen, D K Casey. E Da Golyer. Mrs .1 no Kntherford, John Mil lette, R Molina. Wm M.Tutire, Capt A A Lane. J H .le ban. Miss Richiuoud, Miss Sarah Brigham, Cora. E Schuster, J M Marvin, A X Mi Gann. J W Randall W N Sherwood, ,T Kahn. W Sharp. J P Whitman, IVm Ebbs, W U Jacks berry,. IV D Sriiiok. J r King, Capt P X Phil, pot, Jos Hirschbacli. IV P Livingston, A T Gray. T V Carpenter. Mi-s Epstein, .las King, Mrs King. Geo R Smith. W G Olivero, Mrs C.unr & chUd, T J Perkins. Miss Fanny Perkins, Mrs Pettis, M.- P.-ttis, Mr M\er A child, Mrs Towle, J Britton. Lewis Gamble, Mr Solo mons, P Ashby, A S indt, £ Cobaei ,-W M Beatty, P Ker vin, E B.vrou. Alfred Edmondsou. Exports—Per Steamship America fir New Tori; —521 bales cotton. 61 b .les domestics. Sehsts tea. 1 cas mer chandize, 1 ease hut*. 4 boxes tolsnroo, 12 empty kegs, 2i empty barrels 40 packages, 1 blue cheat, 1 box, timbales sheeting, 61 bales sundries, 4 bales wool, 1 iron safe, 2 kegs, and numerous packages. Steamer Jeff Davis, Henry, Augusta; steamer U g Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head, steamer Amazon. Dillou, Augusta: steamship Idaho, Holmes, liiltou Head. Savannah*, July 9. Arrived. Steamer Augusta. Lawler. Augusta; U S Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan, Crocker, Hilton H>s<i: steamei U S Grant, Biiggs. Hilton Head. Cleared. Steamer Xantasbet, Springer, Hilton Head; II S Hos pital steamer Crocker, Hiltou Head- steam er Sylpli, French, Jacksonville, Fla. JXiRT OF PORT ROYAL, JULY S. Arrived. U 8 steam transport Fulton, Wottcn. from X York, July S, with mails and passengers, to U SQ M. PasaKNOF-Bs- Brig Gen W H Noble, Lieut Cols H N Hooper, R Ely, O D Woodruff. Capts E W James, R S Hamilton, W A Bachman. W W Wilbank, H E Noyes, C Crissey, S M Smith, Llcuts M W Rice, C M McGen ley. C Small. J H Graves, Mr J F Noble, Rev. C J Croatian, Sisters De Salis, ‘Heleua, Francis, Agatha, Alphonsie, De OhantiaL, Stnuislaus. Charleston. S C,; Master John Montague, Mitte E Manfeen, Master Q Gillmore, Master E Gillmore, Messrs A G Brown, IV H King, P W Hopkins. H Gutchall, lady aud 2 chil dren, F Gilbert, lady and 3 children, E G Nichols, Rev Jno C Gibbs, Messrs Wm Coslette, A Blois, P R Caine, Mrs PH Caine, MrSY Lew, Mr J Adams, Judge E Frost, Messrs H W Frost, J A Yates, F IV Whaley, H A Pendleton, Geo Fairfield, C S Bailey, J Frederick, H Shaw, W P 0 Koerner, E B Middleton, Col Geo Deats Messrs H A Gartrell, F B B#ille, H E Knott, H F Friend, H C Williams, G C Richmond, F Richard, W Sprague, C West, J Mine, W McCord, M Carrou, H Brace, J Farrell, A F Malone, E Wougate, F Wou gate, lady and 2 children, Miss Farkin, Miss Wilson, Mrs James Wallace, and 249 in the steerage. PORT OF NEW YORK. Arrived. 2d—Brig H CBrooks, Miller, Charleston, 7 days, na val stores, E B Chad* A Cos. 3d—Steamer Stephen Cloud, Nickerson, Savannah, 3 days, in ballast, to N L McCready & Cos; schooner Fleetwood, Gardner, Port Royal, 6 days. 4th—Bark Heiress, Clark, Charleston, C days, with cotton, to Simeon Draper; ship Java, Daggett, Savan nah, 6 days, in ballast, to Thos Dunham. Cleared. 2d -Schr James English, Barker. Fernaudins, Fia , Pierson & Collins. 3d—Schooner Z Secor, Baker, Charleston. 'l' B Chase 4 Cos. %. XX ibals. PULASKI HOUSE, JULY 9. Jno Babcock, H Head, [Geo Dcas, X Y city, J A Guldin, US 0 Survey, Ills g K Smith. Flu, Thos Perry, U S Navy, ! Miss E Wescott, do . A H Powell, NY, IL Cohen. Augusta, H E Noyes, Capt 4 ADC, ; IIG Balkam, Lt 14 Me Vois, Y R Duiiglison, U S A, [Lt .1 B Wiswell, <1„ Wm II Newman, jLt Wjn W Gray, do F B Beville, Savannah, IR A Logan. H C Williams, IH A Gartrell, Rome, Go, F C Barrett, Fla, <U E Moulton, Capt 80rh M V PORT ROYAL HOTEL, [HILTON HEAD,] JULY 7. S Warren, U S N- |P C Stewart, Savannah, Capt A S Merrill, 102USW J P Pepper, " do Capt C P Hall, 14th N H V' C P Penidergast A lady, do Lt J SKing, do jj L Savage, Augnstu, LtCOCragin, do WSJohus, do Surg W H I Lt W Berrv, 32d U S C T J Mclntyre, Savannah, 'Lt Child, Savannah. Asst Surg Sweeuey; do ]J C Flinn, USMachineShop J G Sege, Charleston. A F Smith, Savannah, Capt J H Thibodeau, Sav'h G R Knapp, do G F Lambert, St Helena, jC B Knapp, do *' G Howe, Columbia, ;W H Miller, do Miss L Henderson, do jM Thompson, do C C Brockebust, do ( I A Lester, do I C Bersmer, Savannah, ‘ IF Cayten, . do SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD.) JULY 7. Maj E Smith, Charleston. |Capt D B Miller & wife.CS M Sears. do Lt C BHall, A A AG, Brev Brig Gen S L Wood- Lt F H Coffrin, A A R M ford, H Head, jLt F C Divinal, A D C, Col E N Hallowell, 64th Lieut. DB Barrens, Pioneer Mass Vols, Corps, Capt C E Moulten, 30th Me Surg W H Thnyer, 14 NHV Vols, C F Webotu, R Q M 14 N P R Nickerson & lady, H H Vols, Head, Capt Stillwell, U S N, Gen G P Fessenden & wife, N W Clark, Savannah, 19th AC, L C Craige, do oflanis. ■yy ANTED, By two gentlemen, in the house ot a private family, in the tipper part of the city, a wall furnished sitting room and two bedrooms, with Bath Room and use of Kitchen. Apply to W. M., Herald Office. jyß-3 JgOARD~W ANTED. First-cla=s Board in a private family, wljere there are no other Boarder*. Price no object. Address WATSON, Herald office jy'l-lw yy ANTED. MULES OR DRAFT HORSES AND WAGONS WANTED. - ENGINEER’S OFFICE, A. 4G.R R ,) Savannah, June 29, 1805. > Persons having Mules or Draft Horses and Wagons (Or sale or hire wiil please call at this office. J. T. STO'NE, Chief Engineer. Office in Stoddard's Bnilding, up-stairs, opposite the Pose Office. ju3o ts Commercial mutual jmarine insurance company, of NEW YORK. This Company, with over a Million Dollars as As sets, are taking Marine Risk to and from New York on Steamers and SallingWcsgels at usual rates. DANIEL DRAKE SMITH, President. A. B. HOLMES, Vico President. Henry K um, Secretary. % A. WILBUR, Agent, At Home Insurance Company’s Office, jy7-law4w 89 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. JJOOMS TO "LET, T* r ~ AT HILTON* nEAD, S. C. The Palmetto Herald Building having beeh Newly Fitted Up, now offers large ana airy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments or business purposes., For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr.. Box No. 25, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row snd Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to C o'clock p. m. - ju22 - piONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The Steamer CHASE, Rogers, Commander, will sail on her regular day, THURSDAY, JULY 13th, For the above port, at o’clock m. For Freight or Passage apply to JyS HUNTER & GAMMELL pOR BALTIMORE. The fine packet schooner G. \V GRICE, Lewis mas ter, will have quick despatch for the above gort. For freight apply to jyO-U BRIGHAM, BALDWIN a CO.,^ LINE SAILING VESSELS REGULAR WEEKLY I INK OF CUPPER SCHOON LHS FOR * N' E IV YORK. The undersigned int< nd'to keep up a regular week ly Hue of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dation* for passengers and the very best facilities lor delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptings and despatch. Particular attontiou given to forwarding goods from New York. * CHARLES L. COLBY & OO , jttl 8 cor. Bay and Abercoru st reets. piVEli STEAMER FOR SALE. An lion SIDE-WHEEL, HIGH PRESSURE RIVER STEAMER, Drawing 22 inches of water Hull 156 feet long; 2C feet Beam ; 6 lees C inches depth of hold; has two in clined Engines 20 inches diameter of cylinder, 6 feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck Is clear for freight, aud the passenger acrommo dation is above. She. Is well adapted for trad eon a shoal water river. 1s entirely new. well and substan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Apply to PUBKY. JONES A 00., Iron Steamlmat Building. Wilmington, Delaware. juiT 1m SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK * lB -NOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, it TO* BANKING HOUSE. IN THE EXCHANGE. Depositsrc.l Paper for Collection received. Hills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York furnished. L. C. NORVELL, * President. JACOB SPIVEY^ \ Cashier. ninscTons: L. C. Norvfi. l, I Fe.uncis Sorrku» Noble A. Hauuce, I J. W. Latuuop, Robert Erwin-. HENRY S FITCH. Notary and Soncitor. Savannah, 25th June, lSt(5. t TREASURY DEPARTMENT, / Office of Comptroller or the Currency, > Washington, June loth, 1805. ) Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to uppear that “Tuf. SaVa.nn.wi National Bank." In the City of Savannah. In the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has neeu dnly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress' entitled •• An Act to provide a Natitftial Currency, serured by a pledge of United States bonds, lA provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3,1864, and has compiled with all the -provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with Itefore commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, 1, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Savannah, m the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this loth day of June, 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE. [.Vo. 1055.] • Comptroller of the Currency. ju26 2mos * 1 •yriRGINIA TOBACCO GEORGE R CRUMP & CO, 20 9 Broad Strset, Augusta, Ga, Have on hand a large and well selected stock of ■ Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m ju2o JQENNIS, PERKINS & CO. COMMISSION MER CHAN tS , No. cs Bboas Stbcet, NEW YORK. jalO lm BURKE, <6 BRO , WHOLESALE DEALERS ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Coen ra Whiiaktii Street *jfc Bat Lent, ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED AND DELIVERED. _ if __ PRATT A CO., in 1T70.J MaNCKAOTUHEHS, I-UI'OKIEM AND WriOLES/U.l DeaLEBS ’* IK WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, * COLORED PAINTS, OII.S AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS’ AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, ' PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 106 aiul 103 Fulton St., jn22 lm NEW YORK. QOTTON BROKERAGE. The undersigned offers his services in the purchase of Cotton and Domestics, and begs to refer to— Edward Padclford, Esq., Charles Green, Esq., Andrew {.ow, Esq., Savannah. H. F, RUSSELL, yT-eodll Augusta, Oa. CAVANMAH THEATRE. o SWEATNAM HAS REMOVED. J?- v - SwratxaM Sole Lessee and Manager Mr. Puts M'lto.n Stags Manager M. Frebektuysck Musical ulrocto MONDAY EVENING, JULY 10. 1966. The Celebrated Romantic Drama of MICHAEL ERLE; Or, THE MANIAC LOVER. Philip Darvllle Geo. C. Bryden A®** Afi*e W.P. Sweatnam Melville e. W, Blance Gl i‘* flower -I*.. .J. W. Stan wood Stenhen Girard Wm. Wallace Michael Erie PhilMiiton Lame w oodward Mrs. M. E Berreli Julia Storing.... Lotty Howland Mary Woodward La Belle Louise Selections ; Orchestra ® on 6-• ••; Dotty Howland Switch Traveette La Belle Louise Essence Billy Frear Selections < .Orcheatra To conclude ulth the Roaring Afterpiece of THE MASQUERADE BALL; Or. Prrr Barn cm in Great DiGTBEBfi. Sweatnam -as Daugerf&ld Boots Card 9 of Admission T6c. Orchestra Scats $1 uo Colored Boxes (up-stains; fsc. Doors open at IX. Overture begins at 8% . Spuoial Notioe.—Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Kefreebment Saloon, adjoining the Halt, day and night. jylU-1 LECTURE. POSTPONEMENT. When the appointment was made foi Doestlcka to deliver his Lecture on Saturday Evening, July Bth, the fact had not yet been made public that this evening hud been selected for the Benefit at the Theatre of Miss Florence La Fond. Courtesy to that lady ha» In duced a postponement of DOESTICKS’ VERSIFIED ' LECTURE ON P L U C K Until SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 1865. AT THE ' - SOLDIERS’ CHAPEL, HILTON HEAD, jyio 6 GARTEN, (Congress st., bet ween Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,) REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, UT THE • SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, Prof. E. Richter, Leader, car Refreshments of the best quality and in every variety. lmo JylO QLAMS I CLAMS! 1 have the best Clams at Hilton Head, and the best Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the fol lowing testimony from Mr. BenJ. Houey’s advertise ment in the Savannah Daily Herald, of the last or two: “There is no mau in Port Royal that can serve op Clams in every Htyle better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Fugle Saloon, in rear of the Post Office. •Tuf.f.f. is Where the Laugh Comes In." , My dear lien we wish you u long Ule and a merry one. In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at lUJton Head, or any other place in this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will flud to be correct. Do not. lorgetourold established house, in the rear df Post Office. PETER FITZGERALD, JuDO Proprietor. JpR ESH IMPORTATION OF— SEGARS AND TOBACCO NO. 171 BAY STREET, lIFTWF.FN WIIIT.tKKU AND BARNARD BTBEETS. JACOB LANGSDORF A CO. Havejnst received from their well known Boose in Philadelphia, a large and well assorted stock of CIGARS, Consisting of all the different brand*, as wall aa large stocks ot SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. Os various kinds, which they offer for sale at WHOLESALE PRICES Dealers are particularly requested to call and exam ine the stock, jn9 lm JM PORTED AND DOMESTIC “ WINESAND LIQUORS, AT WHOLESALE, FOB 14*111 0 8 1,111. AT 207 BAY STREET ISRAEL R. SEALY & 00. may24-tf , The undersigned having resumed the practice of bfo profession, may be found at hi* old office next door to the Central Railroad Bank. jyS-lw • THOS. B. LLOYD yy fi. GRIFFIN & OCT W. B. Gkiffin, J. C. Millner, 7- Awa AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA Will give prompt attention to all consignments find make liberal advances when desired. Ju26-tm jTEO lt. CRUMP k CO AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Shuet, Augusta, Ga. jaw 3m • rrvi iHIPPEKS OF CoTION AND OTHER 1 SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER. BENNETT & %3WMAN. Successor* to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesey Street, x,ew Yobk. And Memphis, Tenn. Thomas, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowyiah. jyO 6m Steele”& buhbank, . it Merchants’Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchaser* to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belt*, Embroideries,Bools,Cap* Field Glasses, Gauntlets loves, Ac., Ac., Ac,