Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 15, 1865, Image 3

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L 0 € ALM A TTER 8. Thk U. S. Grant —The additional repairs on this steamer have been completed, and she will resume her trips on the Hilton Head line to-day, leaving here at 10 o’clock. Gen Bkasnon, a notice of whose arrival is given in another column, is stopping at the Pulaski House. He is accompanied by Capt. YV A. Coultee, A. A. G., the only staff of ficer with him. Killed by Lightning. —lt was a member of the 24th lowa, and not of the 48th lowa, who was killed by lightning on Thursday. His name was Moore, and he belonged to Com pany B. Soldier Shot for Insubordination. —We are informed that a colored soldier of the 103d U. S. C. TANARUS., was yesterday noon shot dead by one of his officers for insubordina tion. Personal.— The friends of Major J. B. Lockwood, Paymaster, are glad to see him back in Savannah. On reaching Hilton Head he found it necessary to delay his departure for the North for a few days. Troops To Be Paid Off.— Maj. J. W. Bal lard, and his assistant, A. W. Ballard, arrived [in this city from Hilton Head Thursday [evening last in the steamer Loyalist. Major Ballard will proceed immediately to Augusta ato pay off the 17Gth New York Volunteers, khout $50,000 will be disbursed on this oc jasion. Steamer Oak. —About one week hence this teamer will arrive from Hawkinsville, Pul ski county, Ga. The Oak has had such re tairs made on her as to suit her for a freight oat. Since the war she has been lying at law kins ville, occasionally plying between hat place and Doctortown. Capt. Marshall i in command, and Capt. Skiun«r has made 11 the necessary repairs. Arrival of the Brio Mary Cobb.— This essel which had been looked for with much nxiety by parties having goods on board, rrived yesterday afternoon from Hilton lead. The brig arrived at Hilton Head bout two weeks since, and after discharging argo at that point, proceeded to Beaufort, Kid there remained nearly' one week dis fcarging. The goods for Savannah could lot be forwarded from Hilton Head, as a ■litable vessel;could not be chartered. ■ The Exhibition of the School of the Bisters of Mercy.— St. Andrew’s Hall was ■lied to repletion yesterday afternoon by Bie friends of the School of the Sisters of Blercy. A long and excellent programme Iras performed in a manner that called forth the frequent and hearty applause of the audi ence, and held their close attention to the »nd. The exercises displayed much talent ■d application to study on the part of the ■oung ladies, and faithful and skillful instruc- Bon on the part of the teachers. Where all ■as so uniformly pleasing, it would seem in ■dious to particularize any performance.— Both scholars and instructresses are to be I jngratulated on the success of their very B ’editable exhibition. fl Arrival of the Steamer Standish. —On ■ e Ist instant this steamer, under the cow- I and of Capt. Moore, departed from Savan ■li for Augusta, at 11 o’clock A. M. She Hd quite an eventful trip. At sunset, made at Ebcnezcr, iu Effingham county, forty Bles from Savannah. At 3 o’clock ou the ■Dining of the 2d, she got under way and ■oceeded to Briar Creek; at 4 o’clock on He morning of the 3d, got under way, and at ■A. M. passed the Nantasket, bound down, Hur miles below Madison’9 Bluff; at sunset, He made fast at Hancock’s Landing; on the aßli inst., left Hancock’s Landing; at 9 A. M. He got aground thirty miles below Augusta; Hll A. M. she got off, a few minutes after Hounded again, and at noon steamer Ama- H n hauled her off; at GP. M. she got aground P Brigg’s Bar, eight miles below Augusta.— discharged cargo at this point, and lay agfound until the 10th instant, when the Athazon hauled her off. Proceeded to Blue House Bar, and there lay until the taorniug of the 12th; at an ea r ly hour got under way; 8 o’clock, a. m., grounded on Cooney Gut Bar and lay until midnight, when she got off. At 4 o’clock, a. m., the 13th, got underway; at 11.15, a. m., met the Helen one mile below the obstructions, lijjMind up; at 2,30, p. m., passed the steam- BpJeff. Davis at Hershman’s Lake; at 7.30 Bfm., anchored four miles below Poor Rob- Hj making 145 miles this day; 14th, at 4, a. H, got under way, and proceeded down the Hrer ; arrived iu Savannah at 2, p. m. The ■lowing passengers came down on the Stan- Hsh: Brevet Major General J. M. Brannon, ■ 8. A ; W. A. Coulter, Assistant Adjutant U. S. A.; Capt. H. A. Darling, ■pt. Moore reports a number of barges on Be river, laden with cotton, bound to 8a THE COURTS. istrict Provost Court —Hon. Eben Par sons Jr., Judge, Presiding. , Savannah, July 14, 1665. Henry Bacon (colored) vs. Air. J. B. How l-Recovery of debt; claim SSO. It sp ring to tbe Court that the defendant is debted to plaintiff in the sum of fifty dol- IT ‘; to which the defendant proves an offset fifteen dollars, it is ordered that judgment ■ entered up in favor of plaintiff in the sum t thirty-five dollais with costs of Court, and iat defendant pay the amount of judgment nd costs this day. Robert W. Slough vs. John Turner—Re overy ot damages for property destroyed. After an examination of evidence, the Court consented to an amicable settlement, where upon the defendant paid the sum of fifteen dollars. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. P. M. Russell. : Mary Blakeley vs. Miss Alice Hasten— Recovery of debt; claim sls 10. Judgment tor plaintiff in the sum of sls 10, with costs of suit, and ordered that the same be paid within the space of ten days. James Feelev vs. John Feeley—Recovery of vouchers lor S4O. Amicably settled by cons *nt of Court. . J Edward O’Byrne vs. Diana (colored—re covery of premises. Case dismissed. Hannah Roberts (colored) vs. Mrs David Levy. Judgment for $lO. It appearing to the Court that the defendant was prevented from appearing in Court, through sickness, and unrepresented by counsel at the time the judgment was rendered in favor of plaintiff, upon motion of George T. Turner, Esq., At torney for defendant, it is ordered that the case be re-opeupd and eutered upon the docket for anew trial. After the examina tion ot witnesses in the above case, it is order ed that the money collected by virtue of an order issued by the Court on the 13th inst, and now in the Registry of this Court, be re turned to the defeudant, and that the amount of one dollar and twenty-five cents be paid to plaintiff out of the money thu9 refunded. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH, GA., > Friday Evenlno, July 14, 1885.) Remark*. The extreme hot weather of the past week has had a visible effect on all kinds of busi ness. Heavy transactions have not been num erous, and jobbing and retailing have tem porarily fallen off somewhat. It is difficult giving accurate quotations iu any line, with out a large margin lor fluctuations. The prospects for business of all kinds are most gratifying, and the coming fall campaign promises to be a lively one. Since the re ceipt of the news from the north last Wed nesday, announcing a considerable rise in cotton a susceptible advance has taken place here, amounting to about 5 cts. per lb. iu the aggregate. Our quotations are based on the ruling prices of cotton in good condition. Many of the transactions are at lower figures, according to the state the article is in. Corn is flat, on account of an overstock. Good corn has to compete with the damaged article to a great extent, which keeps down prices. The same remarks are ap plicable, generally, in a less degree, to other grains. Sight drafts on New York, are at one per cent. Nothing is doing in time pa per or Sterling Exchange. Financial. Exchange.— During the past week a very limited business we have to report in sight bills on New York, the buying were at one per cent.; selling at par. In'time bills we have nothing to report. Sterling is dull, holders evincing no disposition for transac tions. Specie. —No change iu the market; gold we continue to quote at 30 to 35 per centum for purchase. Brokers are selling at 40 per cent premium. Silver is ten to fifteen cents below gold. Stocks and Bonds. —No transactions have been made and therefore we are without quotations. Bank Bills. —We are without additional transactions of importance to report. We renew our quotations of last week: In Centralßail Road and Banking Company of Georgia 50 cents. Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company 50 cents. Marine Bank of Savannah 40 cents. Bauk of SavaDuab 40 cents. Bank ot Middle Georgia (Macon) 40 cents; other banks varying from 10 to 20 cents. Commercial. Freights —To New York by steamer, cotton, square bales lc. per lb., round 1 l-4c. per lb.; in sailing vessels 3-4 c. per lb. Insurance. —No change in rates of last week. Marine risks 1-2 to 1 percent, by steamer; in sailing vessels l-4c. additional. Cotton Market. On Monday, and during the earlier part of the week, sales were made of small lpts a*, the quotations of the previous week. On Wednesday, after receipt of Northern and foreign news, holders asked an advance, which was conceded, since which time rates have steadily advanced. To-day the market was quiet and prices firm at the quotations given below. Stocks offering are light, and the receipts were limited. In giving the quo tations we would stale that transactions are based strictly upon the condition of the package. Should it not be in good shipping order, a per centage is taken off, which, to a great extent, interferes with accurate quota tions. We quote as follows: Ordinary ........ .22 a 25 Good Ordinary 30 a .. Low Middling 33 a 35 Middling 37 a 40 Strict Middling 40 a 42 Good Middling 43 a 44 Middling Fair 40 a .. Ska Islands.—Quite a limited business do ing, and receipts very light. Fine Sea Island 55 a 03 Common Second Class do 50 a's4 Saw Gin do 35 a 45 Saw Uin stained do 16 a 25 Roller Gin do do .20 a 27 KienerallPlarkets. Fruits.—Georgia peaches of inferior qual ity are selling at $4 per bushel. Apples $2 per bushel. Wool.—Sales of unwashed wool have been made during tbe week at 28 to 82 cents per pound. Beeswax.—Sales of a retail nature are re ported at 28 to 30 cents. Tallow.—A very limited business doing at 8 to 10 cents per pound. Butter.— Tbe stock offering is sufficient to meet present demands, which are confined to furnishing retailers with stocks. We quote Goshen at 36 to 40 cents per pound. Meats.—The stock of meats are nearly ex hausted. The transactions are strictly con fined to to the retail trade; uo lots are offer ing. Hams at retail we quote at 30 cents per pound; ribbed sides, in excellent order, 25 cents per pound. Bagging.—A fair inquiry prevails for the article. Dundee from store in small lots at 25 ceuts per yard. Bale Kofe. Kentucky in small lots is selling at 20c. per lb. ; the demand varies according to circumstances. Lumber.— The tranlions in this article the past week werlrictly confined to spruce scantling anAoards at previous quotations. Scantlinlsorted sizes $34 per M feet, boards S4O to|o per M feet; the demand was of a retJharacter. Timber. —Another 1 of timber is daily expected for export. I few days hence it is hoped that a saw mijftll be in operation on the canal, and it will fee persons who have timber cut on the Saliali river to bring it to market. Hides.— The receil are very light, and prices have slightly Ainced; we quote at 8 to 9c. for dry hide! Corn. —Our market overstocked aud it is a matter of imp Ability to make fair quotations. Theie ilnuch damaged corn offering, and while ns large quantity of stock is exposed forAe, it prevents quota tions of good merefntable com. Lard.—A fair ffind exists for leaf lard at prices rangins'ttn 18 to 20c. per lb. Cheese.—ls J lair demand, at 17 to 20c. per lb. Rice. —No sal of rough rice to report; the City Store If 2, continues sales by retail at 9c. per lb. Teas.— Are intir demand for local trade. We quote Blacit $1 to $1.50; Green $1.20 to $1.75. Salt.— Ret fffales of Liverpool salt were made at $4 per feck. Hay. —The ferket continues with more than an adeqite supply. Eastern from store is selliij $2,40 per cwt.; Northern $2.25. 1 Bran. —Froritore by retail $4 per cwt., by quantity, s|o. Oats.—RetaLg from store at $1.25 per bushel. Flour.—Th lock in market is large, and the sales made le past week were entirely of a local char ter. We quote as follows : Superfiue $9 t 10 per bbl. Extra sll per bbl. Emerald lills selected wheat, sll per bbl. Choice $ per bbl. Molasses.—lock on band ample, and de mand fair. Pto Rico per gallon 60c; Por to Rico a clea tnd better article, 65 to 70c. per gallon; G( len Syrup, 75 to $1 per gal lon. Sugars. —C itinue in a fair demand at last week’s quotat ns, viz : Dark Muscovado 14 to 15 cts. per iPorto Rico 16 cts. per lb., Clarified C, 1' 1 17 1-2 cts. per lb., B, 18 1-2 al9 cts. peri)., A, 20 a 23 ct 9. pel lb., Crushed 23 a I cts. per lb., Pulverised 23 a 24 cts. per lbJ Coffee. —Omand fair ; we quote Rio at 33 to 40 cts. rtr lb., Sat. Domingu 33 cts. per lb., Jamaica 3*. to 35 cts., Laguyra 33 to 35 cts., Java 40 t 043 cts. per lb. Malt Liquori.—Ale of all brands sls per bbl, lager beer fel6 per bbl, halt bbls SB, ale and porter by tile case 6 to $6 60. Liquors and Wines. —Rectified Western whiskey $3 per gallon, choice Bourbon $5 50 per gallon; Gibion’s XXX whiskey $5 per gallon, sherry wine 4 75 to $8 per gallon, der dozen in case 12 to sls, port wine $6 per Ssllon, per dozen in case sl4 60, claret per ozen 8 50 to sl2, Heidsick wines, pure Heidsick $42 per dozen. Soap— A fan - supply offering. We quote Colgate’s family at 14c per lb. Vulcanized Belting.— The stock of this article offering in the market is small. A few weeks |hence a large, stock direct trom the manufacturers will be received. Prices are irregular but high, on account or the scarcity of the raw material. £ inch—3 ply $2,64 per foot; 15 inch $1,94 per foot; intermediate sizes proportionate. Shoe Findings.— Shoe Thread—the market is well supplied. The demand is entirely of a retail character; at $1,50 to $2,00, accord ing to quality. Qf pegs and lasts, there is none in market. Leather. —The market is bare of all grades, and no sales have been made. PORT OP SAVANNAH, JULY 14. Arrived. Steamer Blandish. Moore, Augusta. Brig Mary Cobb, Duncan, Hilton Head, to Master. CoNsiatncEs—Per Mary Cobb.—G A Hudson; C L Gilbert; W H Stark; Hilton & Randall; W Mark barn; Hunter A Gammell; B G Tilden; H S Bogar dus, and Urder. Cleared. Steamer Emilie, Bender, Hilton Head. PULASKI HOUSE, JULY 14. F Wilson, Augusta, | J M Brannon, A A G, USV, H A Darling, do, W S Coulter, do do W L Mills, Laurens co, Gal The Proprietor of the SAVANNAH CITY FLOUR MILLS, Begs to announce to his numerous patrons that be baa made a number of improvements in the machinery at tached to his establishment, and is now prepared to furnish his customers with a full supply of the best GRITS AND MEAL, and everything that can be expected from a FIRST-CLASS MILLING ESTABLISHMENT. He pledges himself to always sell his Goods and do his work 25 PER CENT LESS for the benefit of the citizens, than many of his com petitors. He ia prepared to grind Wheat and Corn at the customary X toil, and in addition will, as above stated, always be prepared to furniah hia friends with everything in the old style. His place of business is at the well-known spot at the FOOT OF BROUGHTON STREET. jn!9-tf ~pMNSTEIN, ROSEN FELD CO., BANKERS, No. • BROAD STREET. Nsw Tore. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Feankfobt, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the Crrr Banks, and will be allowed Interest on all balances over On* Thousand Dollars, at the rate of roc* per % cent, per annum, Orders for tha purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. Jes-3taw3m gTAR LINK, FOR NEW YORK. The U, S. Mali Steamship NEVADA, Capt. Carpen ter, having new and superior accommodation!*, will leave for the above port on SATURDAY. 15th lust., at half-paat 1 o’clock, p. m. For Freight or Passage apply to BRIOHAU, BALDWIN A CO., Jyl2-4 Agents. pRKIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Amaion will receive freight for Aagnsta on SATURDAY, July 15, and leave with despatch. Jyi3 3 gTEAMER “GEN. LEE" FOR SALE, AT AUCTION. Pnrauant to Instructions of the General Command ing Department of the South, I will proceed to sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, in (rent of my office, on Bay street, TUESDAY next, 18th inst., at 12 o’clock, M., Steamer GEN. LEE. DAN’L R. KNOWLTON, Jyls I,lent. 178th N. Y. V„ and A. A. Q. M. LINE SAILING VESSELS. COTTON FOB NEW YDRK The flue Ship CARAVAN, Capt. Jas. Lawler, la now receiving Freight for New York, and will clear on THURSDAY, July 20th. Steerage Passage. sl6 Parties wishing to forward merchandise must apply soon, as a large part of her cargo ia already engaged. CHAS. L. COLBY. Jyl2 ■ Cor. Bay and Abercom sts. AND PASSAGE FOR NEW YORK. MERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. The fast sailing A1 Clipper Brig LEONARD MYERS, Capt. Wm. Smith, will commence loading for the above port on THURSDAY, July 13th, and will clear on MONDAY, 17th. Has superior accommodations for passengers. First Cabin t S3O. Steerage 16. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO., Jyll-flt Cor. Bay and Abercom sta. jy|ERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER BCHOON. ERS FOR NEW YORK. The undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., Jul3 cor. Bay and Abercom streets. STEAMER FOR SALE. An Iron SIDE-WHEEL, HIGH PRESSURE RIVER STEAMER, Drawing 22 Inches of water. Hull 155 feet long; 26 feet Beam; 6 feet 6 inches depth of hold : bas two In clined Engines. 20 inches diameter of cylinder, 6 feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck is clear for freight, and the passenger accommo dation is .above. She is well adapted for trad eon a shoal water river, is entirely new, wen <uiu antatan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Apply to PUSET, JONES A CO., Iron Steamboat Building, Wilmington, Delaware. jnlT lm 'J'O COTTON SHIPPERS. ALEXANDER HARDEE, COTTON SHIPPER, —has onitis, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON A BAY STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, REPACKING, SAMPLING, CLASSING, AND— SHIPPING COTTON FOR THE PUBLIC, AT TH* L lO W E 8 T RATES, FURNISHING INK, 80. JyT lm Q S. BUNDY, GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Stbeet, Between 13th and 14m Stexets, (Near Pay Department,! WASHINGTON, D. C. ju3o ts BURKE, A BRO^ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Cobneb Whitaheb Stbeet and Bat Lane, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. ATTENTION! SUTLERS AND MERCHANTS. The subscribers offer for sale at No. 4 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C.. THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, At prices which defy competition, consisting of Cakes, Crackers, Butter, Cheese, Hams, Canned Fruits and Meats, Tripoli Emery Paper, Segars, Tobacco, Ales, Wines, Boots and Shoes, Shirt*, Handkerchiefs, Paper Bags, Wrapping Paper, Stationary in variety, Army Ranges, Yankee Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Ac. These goods will be sold without regard to coat. Why send your orders to New York when you can buy cheaper at home. - 0 m j U 23 ts C. W. DENNIS A CO. Stmttsements. BXHIBITION~~ —OF THE PUPILS OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY, FOB TUB BENEFIT OF THE ORPHANS UNDER THEIR CHARGE. The Music will be Intbbsfebsed with Fbenoh and English Dialogufs. The Exercises will be held at St. ANDREW’S HALL aud will begin at 3 o’clock p. in., FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1865. BT Price, sl. Children, so cents lyi 4tf gAVANNAH THEATRE. SWEATNAM HAS REMOVED. W. F. Sweatnam Sole Lessee and Manager M. Fbebebtbtskb Musical Director SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 14, lMf. ASMODEUS TO-NIQHTI Olio To-Night | Songs To-Night I Dances To-Night I Ethiopian Delineations To-Night! Essences To-Night! Music To-Night t PERFECTION TO-NIGHT t La Belle Louise as Asmodeus. Lottie Howland as Kate O'Brien. Mrs. M. L. Berrell as the Queen. Geo. C. Bryden In both pieces. E. W. Blance as Sam. Phil Milton as Don Raphael. Dress Circle and Parquette $1 00 Second Tier and Balcony 75 Amphitheatre 50 Private Boxes $6, $3 and $lO 00 Box ui Colored Gallery 75 Colored Gallery 60 Doors open at 1)4. Overture begins at SJK. Sfeoial Notice.— Ales, Wines, Tobacco, 4c., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall, day and night. Jyll-1 yOLKS’ GARTEN, (Congressit, between Jefferson and Montgomery ets.Q REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, 8T THE SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, Prof. E. Richteb, Leader, FT* Refreshments of the best quality and in every variety. lmo jylO gY ISAAC D. LaROCHE. AT FBIVATE SALE, 25 bbls. extra PRIME PORK, 20 bbls. MESS BEEF, 20 boxes SOAP, 10 bbls. SYRUP, 200 sacks OATS, 100 sacks CORN, 100 bbls. WHISKEY, various brands, 80,000 SEGARS, do do 26 bbls. GIN; 20 bbls. GRIST, * 20 pbls, MEAL, * Jyl2-S J^OTICE. OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, > Savannah, Ga„ July 10, 1865. f Sealed Proposals to furnish this Post with eight thousand pounds of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing Aug. Ist, and ending Nov. Ist, 1865, will be received at this office until July 20, 1865. The Beef to be furnished tri-weekly, ana of good quality, dressed, excluding necks and shanks. Persons making propoaals will state the average net weight, quality, etc., of the Beef. Proposals to be opened in public July 20th, and subject to the ap proval of the Commissary General. • N. H. OGLEBBEE, JylO lot Capt. and Post Com granary. JJOOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 26, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o'clock p. m. ju22 J K. SOLOMONS, M. D. ‘dentist, From Charleston, S. C., offers bis services to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark's office, Congress street. References.—Dr. Jas. B. Read, Dr. Jubiah Kauris, Hon. Boi.omon Cohen, W. N. Habebsham Esq,, •ull ts A. A. Solomons 4 Cos., JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINESAND LIQUORS, AT WHOLESALE, FOB FAMILY USB, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY A CO. may24-tf ____________ B. GRIFFIN A CO. W. J. C. Millneb, F. Plumb. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments and make liberal advances when desired. Ju26-1 m amPPKRH OF OPTION AND OTHER X SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT 4 BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner 4 Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Veset Stbeet, rixw York. And Memphis, Tenn. Tbomai Finnkb* Hkmky diiqiitti D. W. Bowmiw. Jy6 6m H" SIXTY BALES HAY, Landing from Steamship America. For sal# by jyß.tf BRIGHHM, BALDWIN ft CO, s ; WHITFORD 4 CO., MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 and 333 Bboadwat. oob. Wobth Stbeet, NEW YORK. T. F. Cabhaht, I Wm H. Whittobd, I A. T. Hamilton, J B. Van Waoenbn. Office of Payan ft Carhart in liquidation. jyG 8m gaum 4 bubbaiie^^^ Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers tothe MTi.?TARY t AND f NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNIBHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries,Boota, Cap# yield Glasses, Gauntlets loves, Ac., Ac., 4c. gALT. 100 Sacks Liverpool BALT in Rore and for sals by JAa. DUiLIE! Jyl2-2w Cor. Buy »nd Whitaker sts,