Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 17, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 154. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, JULY 17, 1865. PRICE, 5 CENTS The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) IB PUHLISUKI) lix a W. MASON & CO.. At ill Bkx Stbelt, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Per Copy Five CentB. Per Hundred **[ 6U - Per Year ® lu •***• advirtibinu: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for drat in sertion ; One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements Inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. nsiurstiue. Itp jl^oobs anb ffilohjing. L. C. NORVELL 4 CO. (Cor. Bull and Bay Streets,) CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE or TUEIB IMMENSE SUMMER STOCK, [tatioiur^ $t, NEW Jyii YORK COST [ M AltlNE INSURANCE j COLUMBIAN INSURANCE COMP'Y of NEW YORK Riveb Risks on Favorable Terms. liCASn CAPITAL $3,600,000. The undersigned are ready, through their open poli cy with the aiinve. to eflect Insurance for Augusta, Slew York, uud Jacksonville, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Hdse. ou first-class Ocean Steamers $100,000 " •* Sailing Vessels I 16,000 “ •* River Steamer or Flat.... 16,000 Shippers will And it to their interest to call before Effecting Insurance elsewhere. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., jel8-tf . Ba <fc Abercoru sts.. : r% 'll ••Vi v’j f rs YOUR LIFE INSURED 7 This is an important question for every man and mportant also for every wile und mother as it affects [luir future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. I The "Knickerbocker Life Insurance" of New York till insure you at the usual rates in any sum frum $lon hiiliim. They also issue the f .vorite TEN YEAR ION-FORFEITURE Policies, and will after two years liymeul give a lull paid up i .nicy for 'Two Tenths the fhole sum, and Three Years Three Teuths, uud so Thus u Policy oi $10,0i.0. 'Two Premiums paid Ipon it will be entitled to u paid tip Policy of $3,000. ud live years live-tenths fur every additional yeur. I For lurtner information apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Co., ju27 HO Bay st„ Savannah, tia. "'HE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, OF BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. I This is one of the oldest and best Companies In America. Policies on Lives for any amount up to $16,000 are sken by them The PolicO s of these Companies were not cancelled luring the war uuul heqrd irum—a fact which shews jtheir dealing and determination to bejust uud honor able i» nil cases. Apply to ju27 A. WILBUR, Ageut. J^IDDELL & MURDOCK, . WUOI.BSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IM SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Fubnisuinu Goods, &o„ No. 6 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C., W. O. BIDPRI.L. fjul3-tf] n. J. MDBDOOK. TEW YORK jfliiE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY, • REPRESENTING THE SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY ; MANII VTTAN INSURANCE COMPANY ; | PIIlENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ; Averaging a {ASH CAPITAL of over FO UR MIL LI O N S. I Risks taken on all descriptions of Property ou rea- pliable terms by A. A. LANE, Agt. \t&~ Olhcc In Stoddard’s Range, Bay street, oppo- - Herald office. jma lmo ■ 1RLIN, BURKE, & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS LES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corker Wuitaeer Street and Bat Lane, DERS PROMPTLY PILLED AND DELIVERED. ju21 tf HEADQ’HS. POST OF SAVANNAH.) Savannah, Ga., July 12th, 16116. / real Order, \ No. 11. / 'he following General Orders, Nos. 4 nnd 16, from B sdqnartcrs Post ol'Savannah, are hereby published Wt the information and guidance of all concerned. UEADQ’RS U. S. FORCES, > , - „ Suvanuuh, Ga.; Jan. 24, 1865./ Giniral Order,) -7 No. 4. / j. All officers of the Army on duty at this Popt, I those connected with Depots excepted, and all cili- —«ns witniu tlie lines, are required to report immedi- Vly any case of contagious disease which may come > their knowledge, to Surgeon J. c. Morgan, U S fols., Health officer of the Post, nuless the same may lave been so reported before. 1 Any neglect or failure ou the part of any citlxon to omply promptly with this requirement will becunaid- ired a misdemeunor uud be sent before the Pro- lost Judge for adjudication. I II. Commanding officers of troops In quarters will le held responsible that the quarters of their troops Ire at ul! times in u thorough state of police. 1 By Command of Mr). Gen. C. GROVER, plnwAUD G. Dike, A. A. G. UEADQ'RS U. S. FORCES, ) 4 buvuuuab, Ga.. Feb. 21, 1866./ Ienerai. Order,) No. 16. / I. The occupuuts of buildings will be held respon sible for the cleanliness of the same, as well us their Ndlucs and out-houaes, and sidewalks in front of, aud klleys adjacent to them. All rubbish and garbage Much accumulates, will each day be put iu boxes iu a pouvemeut place for removal. [ II. Keepers of animals will cause the manure which pccumulules In their stables or yards where their ani- pials are kept, to be either removed outside the picket Biucb, or to be distributed upon such gardens within [he lines us are actually under cultivation, such distri bution being ut tlie consent of the cultivator. IU. The Street Commissioner will establish such Regulations with regard to tiie lemovul of uccumulu- xioua Irom tile city, us lie may see fit. He is also Ciiurged with the duty of causing frequent and cureful inspection to be made ol Uie police ol the cily, and he Mil report to the Piovost Juuge auy failure to comply "nil tlie foregoing paragraphs of this order, who will P“Kc such uctiou in the case as the circumstances re- Rune. L By Comm nd of Brevet JlaJ. Gen. C. GROVER. “WARD G. Dike, A. A. A. G. By Cuinmuuirol I ,, Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. [UOUN Mcllen, A. A. A. U. jy!2-T r JH) THE CITIZENS OF GEORGIA The termination of a sanguinary contest, which fot the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial lnteicourse between the two great sections of our country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a remoyal of those relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that ex. tensive business connection which for a quarter of a century has been unimerrupted save by the great pub lic calamity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a busi ness re-union, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends,—to beware of all those spurious und deleterious compounds which, nnder the specious aud false titles of Imported Wines, Bra ndies, Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the health of our citUens and prei udicial to the interest of the legitimate Importer. Many years of my past life have been expended In an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this salutary purpose, aud to place before my friends and the public generally; at the lowest possible market price, aud in such quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported arti cle. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded me unsurpass ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liquersof the best and most ap proved brands in Europe, in addition to my own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the "Schie dam Schnapps.' The latter, so long tested and approved by the med ical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an Invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all cli- mates and during all seasons, quickly excited the cu pidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article uuder the same name. I trust that I have, alter much toil aud expense, sur rounded all my importations with safeguards aud di rections which with ordinary circumspection will In sure their delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to ail my customers. I would, however, recommend in all cases where It is possible, that orders be seut direct to my Depot, 22 Beaver street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited ugcuts. Iu addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies, Ac., in wood, 1 have a considerable supply of old tried for eign wines, embracing vintages uf many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rave luxuries. In conclusion, I would specially call the early atten-' tiou of my Southern customers to the advautage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to insure the lulffllmentof their favors from the present largo and well selected assortment. | UDOLPHO WOLFE, ju23 lm 22 Beaver street, New York. gTATIONEHY. TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We offer onr large and varied Stook of STATION ERY at the lowest cash prices. Our stock in the above line Is tbe largest in the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. SAVILLE 4 LEACH. Corner Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter’s Bank, Savannah, tia., — AND— MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. - Jyi ti J^AVILLE A LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS' HOW HILTON HEAD, 8. C., —AND— CORNER DBYAN STREET AND MARKET BqDAUE, SAVANNAH, GA. maySO tf* gEA ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 20m, 1865. QUARLES L. COLBY A CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. JONXB BLOOK, OOBNEB DAY AND AREBOOON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. - LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Ch as. L. Colux, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. UEFERENOE8; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York. Juriva Sludc, Esq., New York. Uou. J. Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Eaq„ Boston. JelS— tf JJBYNOLDS, PKATi’ A CO., (Established in 1770.) MANorAOTtruEBs, Imfobtebs and Wholesale Dialer IN WHITE LEAD. ZINC WHITE, ' COLORED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS’ AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 106 and 108 Fulton St., Jll22 lm NEW YORK, w, B. GRIFFIN A CO. W. B. Gbiffin, J. C. Millnek, F. Plumb. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments and make liberal advances when desired.Ju20-lm r f\i SHIPPERS OF Cl)Ti ON AND OTHER A SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 ViBEY Street, York. Aud Memphis, Tenn, Thomas Fenner, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowman ■iyo• om UEADQ'RS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, T"" Savannah, Uu., July 6, 1866./ General Order,) No. 47. / I. Lt. Col. A. Neafle, 166th N. Y. Vols., having been assigned to other duties by Department Ueudquarters, Is relieved from duty as Collector of Military Taxes and Relief Commissioner. II Capt. J. S. Cooke, 2Gth Massachusetts Volunteers, is uppoiuted Collector or Military Taxes and Relief Commissioner, aud will at once relieve Lt. Colonel A. Nciiie, 160th N. Y. Vols., in the duties of that offloe. By command of Brevet Major Gen. BIRGE. J. B. Bauoock, MaJ, ana a. a. a. G. jylO 7 $ This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. The scenery is quite as pleasing aud Juter- estiug, In every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, It. 1., aud is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a flue hard smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a mure charming drive thuu tbe celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass,, and as fine sea bathing as at tbat place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all tbe storiea ; the furni ture is entirely new, aud the tables will be furnished with the best tbat can be procured here und in the Northern markets. Every effort will he made to ren der the Hotel ull that tho most fastidious can d«iire. — Billiard Rooms aud sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. Ju23 tf JJOTEL FOR SALE, THE SAXTON HOUSE, BEAUFORT, 8. C., Formerly the property of Di. Johnson, Is for tale.— Apply to C. Ju29 tf W. DENNIS * CO., •i. No. 4 Merchants'.Row, Hilton Head, 8. O. pORT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. RIDDELL A RUGQ, Proprietors. I.-S. EIDDBLL, m. F. BUiU. Ju3-tf pULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS & RIDDELL, Proprietors. J. O. BABTE1.B. ju3-if E. S. RIDDELL. K I KLIN & K1ENZLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. Ju21 jyj I L I T A R Y 165 BAY STREET, CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND 8H0ES, Ac., — AT — H, A. TOPHAM’S, NO. 188 CONGRESS STREET. This Store Is well stocked with a superior quality of goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap, as the F.oprietor wishes to make room for a new assort ment, jyl-tf ORTH RIVER AURlCCLTRAL WORKs. N l GRIFFING, BROTHER A CO., Proprietors, 68 xhd 60 Cocbti.and Street. NEW YORK. Manufacturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn'Mills, Cotton Glue, Ac. Every Implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds. Also, Agents lor Bruce’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for circular. ju20 3m JOHN MoMAHON. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Strict attention given to all Consignments. CORNER BROUGHTON AND J Err ARSON Stsrius. ju30 lm Q B. DAVIS. GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 283 Broad Strert, AUGUSTA, GA. Consignments aollcitod. Will give personal atten tion to business entrusted to him. H R F RES TO Crane A Grayblll, Savannah. Claghom A Cunningham, Savannah. S. Palmer 4 Sou, “ Mr. A. Wilbur, PreB. Home Insurance Company, Savannah. Mr, W. Cummlng, Cashier Bank State of Ga. Mitchell A Smith, Macon. John B. Habersham A Co. Macon. Wright A Alexander, Augusta. E. B. Long A Co., “ C. V. Walker O Co., Jnl6-1ra JjMlWIN A HARDEE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Robert Erwin, Cuas. 8. Harder, may31-eod2m J SHAFFER, COMMISSION DEALER In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, West Washington Market, Opposite 143 West at., Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sHl, . new York. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up lor the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. N Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Hay wood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsous. jyl2 „ eodiy QOTTON BROKERAGE. The undersigned offers his services In the purchase of Cotton and Domestics, and begs to refer to— Edward Padelford, Esq., Charles Green, Esq. Andrew Low, Esq,, Savannah. H. F. RUSSELL, y7-eodI6 Augusta, Ga. fJ>HE NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. •BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC." A wonderful invention for ladles. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fall to reud the advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing full particulars every Saturday morning.j y o itaw8m I. C. FEATHER, M. D. OFFICE, NO. IS* MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. Ju2S lyjriTOUEL & SMITHS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers in Sheeting, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Yarns, Rope, Bugging, Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, Ac., Ac. Particular attention given to the Purchase, Sale anti Shipment of COTTON. Ralston’s Gbanitr Range;—Third Range, MACON. GA. Refebenors —Erwiu A Hardee, Claghom * Cun ningtmm, Savannah; L. G Bowers, S. M. Farrar, Co lumbus; E. B. Long4 Co., L. B. Davis, Augusta; P P. Pease. V. A. Oasklll, Aflanta. Ju28.1m 3500 TONS ENGLISH RAILS Of best quHlitv, 60x68 per lineal yard, For sale by Jul9 _ 6m FOWLB A CO. fcfcrjtHE HOSPITAL TRANSCRIPT.’* The paper shove named Is published at Hilton Head S. C„ by M. J. MoKenna. It is designed by the Publisher to make an Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary NORTHERN NEWS, and curelully Selected MIS- CELLANEOUS ITEMS. Q S. BUNDY, GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between 13th and UTn.STBXETS (Near Pay Department,) WASHINGTON, D. C Ju30 tf 2ui UEADQ’RS DEPARTMENT OF THE 90UTB,) Hilton Head, S. C., July 3. 1866. / General Order,) No. 108. / Thu following Circulars from the War Department are published for the information of this command: WAR DEPARTMENT, I - Adjutant General’s Office, l Washington, May 16, 1866.) Circular. ) No. 19. / I. Under Paragraph III, General Ordera, No. 94, Miiy 16, current series, from this Office, the following State Rendezvous, to which troops mustered out will be forwarded for payment, are announced, viz: Maine—Augusta, Portland and Bangor. New Hampshire- -Concord and Manchester. Vermont—Montpelier, Brattlsboro aud Burlington. Massachusetts—Boston, (Readvlile and Ualloupe*s Island.) Rhode Island—Providence. Connecticut—Hartford and New Haven. New York—New York City, (Hart’s Island,) Alba ny, Elmira, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Suckett’s Harbor, Plattsbnrg. and Ogdsasburg. New Jersey—Trenton. Peunsylvania, Harrisburg, and Pittsburg. Delaware—Wilmington. Maryland—Baltimore and Frederick. West Virginia—Wheellug. Ohio—Cincinnati, (Camp Dennison,) Cleveland, i Cump Cleveland,) Columbus, (Camp Chase and Tod ilnrrucke.) Indiana—Indianapolis. Illinois—Springfield and Chicago, Michigan—Detroit and Jackson. Wisconsin—Madison and Milwaukee. Minnesota—Fort Snelling. Iowa—Davenport and Clinton. Kansas—Lawrence and Leavenworth, Missouri—St. Louis,. (Beuton Barracks), Kentucky—Lomisville, Lexington aud Covington. II. When tbe muster-out roll of a regiment has been completed, and it is ready to start for the State, (see Paragrhph 6, General Orders, No. 94, current se ries, Adjutart General’s Office,) the Assistant Com missary of Mustera for the Division to which it be longed will immediately report (by telegram, when practicable,) to the Paymaster General or the Army, Washington, D. C„ its numerical designation, number of commissioned officers, number of enlisted men, and renaezvous iu the State where ordered for payment and final discharge. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Ass’t Adjt. General. WAR DEPARTMENT, i Adjutant General's Office, V Wasnlngton, Junto, 1866. | Circular,) No. 23. / fcVoluuteer soldiers entitled to discharge, and wishing to enlist In the Regular Army, under the terms of Gen eral Orders, No. 99, current series, will be forthwith mustered out at their several commands, receive their discharges, and will not be sent to rendezvous nnder the provisions of General Orders No. 94, current se ries; but on enlistment in the Regular Army will re ceive final payments under the requirements of Para graph 3, General Orders No. 09, current series. Trie attention of Commanding Officers of regiments, batteries and detached commands of tbe Hegular Army is called to the immediate necessity of appointing Re cruiting Officers for their several commands, iu order to obtain the advantages of General Orders, No. 99, current series. In designating these officers, Com manding Officer* will be governed by the requirements of Paragraps 986 and 987, and 988, Revised Regula tlons for the Army, governing Regimental Recruiting Service. D TOWNSEND, Ass’t Adj't General Dy Command of Major General Q, A. GILLMORE, W. L. M. Burger, Ass’t Adj't Gen. Official: j. B. Bauoock, A. A. A. G. JyX2-7 KTFOR LATE NORTHERN NEWS SEE SECOND PAGE. [F.omotr Extra of Saturday Evmimj.'] LATER NORTHERN NEWS. New York Dates to tho 11th lust. THE GOLD UD COTTON MARKETS. Interview of tbe Florida Detention with tbe President. The Applications for Pardon, <kc. t due., Ac. By the Hilton Head boat this afternoon, we received from one of our assiduous Hilton Head correspondents, New York papers ot Jubl lllh > three days later, from which we mak* extracts. Gold, Stocks, Markets, Ac* nnvb OV iv I . ON9, T Receipts 44 bbls - heef, 10 do. P OT i k ’ ml 1 pac , ka 8<* cut meats and 02 do The pork market was decidedly firm- The demand was only fair, but undera bull ninvemem „ ul . r * ariTSSi recovered from the panic ocoa*inm.,i L„ .i J absconding of a largS operator ^ ago, and the decline in prices occasioned that event has been wholly recovered The sales to-day comprised 8,000 bbls at rf 27 26 lor new mess, ®23 75 old do., $18 75 a $10 for prime and «2() 6 /;f^ $21 for prime mess. Themarketrloli buoyant aud firm at the otside prices We “ S0 ,L 0t V ale9 of 8 - (X)0 bbls. for In to. nominalsales cnoxelTong^earw 155-8c Cut meats were steady with a J" 6 8 j .1.20, a He. for *j7 te d ™“ d tor hams, with sales of 650 packages Lard more active and firmer The sales 3,000 packages, at 10 i-2c. a 20 ]-4c wiib some sales at 20 2-3c. a 20 I-2c. Butter and sss.’SBjr* " ,u “ *2sa.jrSK4u5 quote: Th k ‘ S Were 2 > 000 ba le8. We Ordinary....“°WIe. M. O AT. Middling 49 49 «n OoodMlddllng. .69 53 #4 ?? WuisKur was In limited demand but rs rs? s“ ; iw “><>« | (From’the N. V. Henlq, nth.) There was rather more firmness In cotn- mercial circles yesterday, owing to the bd- ^Weneyofgold. There was not mJch R though domestic produce r tb ‘“§, 80ld freely at a higher range ot figures. Groceries were firm Cot- frm was firm, with an upward tendency Petroleum was very quiet. On ’Change flour was 10c. a 15c. higher. Wheat was 2c a 3c. higher, with a good demand, in nart tor export. Corn was lc. a 2c. higher. 6nta were heavy. Pork was 50c. at 75c?kigher for new mess. Lard was l-2c higher. * The stock market was firm yesterday bu af J erwarda weaker. (Govern ments were steady, as also was gold which dosed ontbe street at 140, aft® selling uj Tlie Atlantic Cable, (From the Herald, lxib.] ,1 ou f Loudon correspondents states that later and reliuble intelligence in relation to the probable time of the Groat Eastern starting to lay thor Atlantic cable fixes her airival off Valentia Bay about the 15th of July, and it is expected that she will get off if noaccident occ -« Interview of the Florida Delegation with the Proficient. mi rw. v Washington, July 10. vm!* 6 . F ? fi w^ el2 ?, ation P ald aa informal visit to the White House to-day, and cx- Pi eC ^t> t0 .. have another interview with the President on Wednesday or Thursday. Judge Marvin will then be presented and urged for Provisional Governor. T^e Trial of Jeff. Davie. It is now said that Jeff. Davis will be tried before a military commission, and not bv a civil court. J PETITIONS CNDE * THE AMNESTY IBOCLAMA 1 TION. v 80 far, only about two hundred pardons have been granted by the President under his amnesty proclamation. A large number ot cases, however, have been acted upon fa vorably by the attorney General, and await the approval ot the Secretary. THE APPLICATIONS EOR PARDON. Applications for pardon have accumulated by hundreds, and more already received than can be_ acted upon by thePresident for weeks, A classification is being made of all applicants, and such as were in the land or naval forces ol the rebel States, or were formerly mem. of Congress, will be submitted in a body. Among the recent petitioners is the rebel General Fitz Hugh Lee. Late Interior News# D “tes to tlie I3tli Instant. By the arrival of the steamer Amazon this afternoon we have Augusta files to the 13th and other interior papers. We shall publish lull extracts on Monday morning. The railroad between Chattanooga and>At- lanta has been completed, and trains can now run through to Augusta, Macon, Columbus. Montgomery, Mobile, and all points South The road is not yet in the best of older but repairs are daily made to it. ’ Gov. Johnson addressed a large meeting in Atlanta Monday night. His address was well received, and made a favorable impression on the people. * We learu from the Intelligencer that tlie Governor .eft Atlanta Tuesday morning for Macon, from whence be will proceed to Mil- ledgevllle.