Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 17, 1865, Image 2

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r- • The Savannah Daily Herald. S. W. Mahon A Co., Samuki. W. Mahon .I’ROI'HIKTOKH. Editor. SAVANNAH, MONDAY, JULY IT, Mi, FOR LOCAL MATTERS SEE THIRD PAGE. TO ADVBRTISGKN. Onr advertising patrons are reminded that adver tisements inaerted ill tlic Morning Edition of the IIkkai.h will appear in the Evening without extra charge. 1 ciTlseniunU should lie handed in aa early us possible, hut will be received aa lute ns 12 o'clock at night. We adhere to onr advertised irites except for long advertisement*, or those inserted for a long time, on which u reasonable discount will lie made. HOW TO OBTAIN Til K HERALD REG. IILARF We often have complaints from resident* of Savan nah and Hilton Head th»t they are not able always to obtain the If The demand I* Home limes *o great as to c» uaustnii Edition very soon afer its issue, ami tlmae who wi.-h ti. have the Hf.rai.d regularly, sb uld atih«erlhe for It. We have fuithfnl curiiera in Saraniinh mint Hilton Head, and through them we always serve regular untrecrlhers first. Color of the Herald.—Those who have prejudices on the subject of color are re quested to bear with us for twice again issu ing the Herald oil paper not of the custo mary hue. We hope the contents are satis factory, and that the texture of the paper is sufficiently substantial. We have received another lot of white paper from Augusta, lint it did not arrive in season for use to-day. To-morrow we shall discard yellow, brown and other irregularly colored paper, we hope, lor good. RAILROAD IMPROVEMENTS. On both the Central and Gulf Railroads the work ot reconstruction is being rapidly and vigorously pushed forward. It is prob able the improvements will be completed quite ns soon us was anticipated at the in ception of the enterprises. We have already announced the comple tion of the Western & Atlantic Railroad to Atlanta, making direct communication to Macon and Augusta from the North aud West. We find that railroad enterprises all over the South are being revived. The Macon & Brunswick railroad is now repaired from the former place to the junc tion, eight miles of Hawkinsville. A line of hacks run from the railroad to that point. The work of rebuilding the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad is progressing rap idly. Trains of curs will pass from Kings ville (its junction with the South Carolina Railroad) to Wilmington, N. C-, by August lHth, 1805. From Wilmington North there is now daily connectiou, aud trains are run on the road semi-weekly. The Cheraw and Darlington Railroad is running through from Florence to Cheraw, and tlie North-Eastern Railroad Company are now transporting pa^sengors and freight the entire length of that road—that is, from . Florence to Charleston. Tlie Greuuda Motive learns that the Mis sissippi Central road will he completed with out some unlooked, lor occurrence by or be fore tlie liret day of September next ; also that tlie Miss, and Tenn. Railroad will be completed and .trains run through by the tirst of October The two companies it un derstands will unite in rebuilding and using the bridge of the Central road across the Yalobusha. And it hopes they will unite in building one depot, at that place at once. A force is at work repairing tlie Memphis und Charleston railroad, between Corinth and Memphis, and the cars will be running to Coriuth from Memphis in a short time. There are four bridges to build between Memphis and Corinth. The track was re- laid and used by Gen. Hood last Decem ber, and is, we believe, in tolerably good order. Were we not satisfied that the Directors of the Central and Gulf Roads are doing all in their power, we should urge tlie greatest vigior on their part iu tlie completion of their roads. They have had great obstacles to overcome, but have succeeded, aud wo believe will succeed in all they have under taken. A Ililton Head correspondent inquires in regard to "Wilmington railroad connections. The answer is given above. In regard to an iuquiry about the Savannah and Charleston Road, we can only say that it is in very bad condition, and that there is little present prospect of its being rebuilt. Reduction in Freiuhts from Auousta.— We are pleased to notice a heavy reduction in freights on cotton from Augusta. The rate previously charged was ten dollars per bale. J. W. McAlpin’s flnt boat, No. 2, Capt. Davis, was freighted in Augusta at $7 50 per bale, and we learn that the Amazon, Captain David R. Dillon, received freight on eight hundred bales at five dollars. This reduction will work great benefits, aud it will be felt in commercial circles. At these reduced rates ot freight there is money in tlie business, and a further reduction can safely be made. It costs to build a tint about five hundred dol lars, and when it reaches Savannah it is sold for about one hundred dollars. Messrs. J. W. McAlpin and John McDonald are send ing clown from Augusta one flat per week We have noticed that a large number of flat boats used on the Upper Savannah river, be tween Augusta and Petersburg, have been chartered for the freighting business. They are wliat is termed in Augusta, canal boats, as they are the ouly boats which can pass through the Augusta Canal, drawing as they do but little water. A number ot these cunal tits are at our wharves, waiting to be tow- Augusta. The Change or Commandants* Retirement of Gen. Blr|[e— Assumption of Coiumunil l>y Gen. Brannon —Compo sition of Gen. Ilranunn’e Command. The following are the General Orders is sued on Saturday, on tlie occasion of the change of military commaudauts here: llEADQ'RS DISTRICT OP SAVANNAH, 1 Savannah, Ga., July IS, 186\J (iKNKRAt. ORDMlH.) N». 60. f In compliance with provisions of General Order", No. :t, f.Nitu Headquarters. Department of Georgia, dated Augusta, On., July lnth. ]S«5, 1 hereby relin quish the command of the District of Savannah to Brevet Maj. Oeu. John M. Brannon. HENRY 'V. Ill ROE, Brevet Mijor Ucn r ! . S. Vol*. IIEADQ'RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, 1st Division, Dep't of Georgia, Savannah, Ga., July 16, 1SC6, General Orders, 1 No. 1. / In compliance with General Orders, No. 3, dated 'Headquarters. D> part meut of Georgia Augusta, Us., •Inly lu, 18115, I hereby assume command of the DIs- triet of Savannah, let Division, Department ot Georgia, which District and Division will be roiistituted of the loliowiiig enumerated counties of the State, and nil United Slates troop* stationed within the bounda ries of the District aH designated In this order: H, 5. ) Burke, Twiggs, Washington, Telfair, Jollcrsou, Pulaski, Irwin, lierrit-u, Emanuel, brooks, Laurens, Bullocu, Scrlveu, Tuttnul, Bryan, Appling, Coffee, Montgomery, Pierce, Wayne, McIntosh, Clinch, Isiwoe*, Echols, C'umdeu, Glynn, Wilkinson, Effingbum, Wilcox, Thom us, Chatham, Ware, Charlton. Liberty, Capt. Will A Coulter,' Assistant Adjutnnt General, U. S. V., is hereby announced as Assistant Aitjutunt General of the "District ■>!'Savannah, 1st Division, De partment ol Georgia," to whom all reports and returns required by existing orders aud army regulations will be made. J. >1. BU.lNNAN, jylili 8. V.,C'um’dg. Crops in Mississippi.—The Clarion, pub lished at Meridian, iu its issue of the 1st, says people from all parts of the State bring gpod news of the rains of last and week tlie week before. These visitations came iu the nick of time, and their beneficial effects can be seen already in the fields and gardeu9. The neighborhoods of Monterey and Steen's creek, Rankin Co., Miss, at last accounts, however, were suffering greatly for want of rain, none having fallen iu either of these neighborhoods since the first of May. Southern Indebtedness to Northern Merchants.—The New York Times, of the Kith, says it has reason to believe the mer cantile houses of the North, to whom there is large indebtedness in the South, will treat their old customers with a liberal spirit, but claims that it would be better for all parties if tlie credit system were not now resumed. We learn from the Picuyuuo that Col. J* O. Nixon, under whose management tlie Crescent newspaper attained such promi nence and success as one of the New Orleuns journals just before the commencement of the war, is making arrangements lor the re vival of that popular journal, and expects to resume publication by the first of next Oc tober. Cohn Crops in Texas.—Dates iron# Texas of the —Bel ultimo, say that the corn crop bids fair to be unusually large in all the coun ties in tlmt Stale cast of the Trinity. Rains have been abundant, and tlie crop, though bite, is of fino color, and very promising.— West of the Trinity the couuiry is suffering much from drought* Ordeis have been issued reduciug the Mis sissippi squadron to fitteen vessels. Acting Rear Admiral 8. P. Lee will reunion iu com mand, with lieutenant commanders E. T, McCauley, J. J. Cornwall aud J. P. Foster as his three division commanders. These gunboats are left at the mouth of Red river. Judge Win. F. Nordiug, direct tax com missioner for South Carolina, reports tbat the people of Charleston, notwithstanding tlie present scarcity of money, have paid into the United States treasury over $90,000 on account of the direct taxes, tor which they were in arrears. Gth United States Regular Infantry.— Tiiis Regiment which was moved from Sa vannah a few weeks since, to Charleston, hat been transferred to Hilton Head. Among the applications for pariion is that of Archbishop Lynch, the Catholic Iii9hop of Charlestown. The petition is drawn up aud signed by Bishop Spauldiug, of Balti more, aud the bishop of Buffalo, New York Warm Weather.—They had warm weath er in Macon on the 5th, as everywhere else. We learn that the mercury rose to 88 iu the shade, aud 132 in the suu. Hilton Head Letters.—We are obliged to omit till evening two interesting letters from a Hilton Head correspondent. The Daily New Era is a new paper re cently started at Atlanta. It looks and promises well. City Printer of Augusta.—James N Ells of the Augusta Transcript has been elected City Prtuter. Personal.—Hou. Joseph E. Brown has been seriously ill at bis home iu Miliedge ville. McClellan.—Gun. George B. McClellan is still in Italy. Personal.—Gen. Wilson left Sunday af ternoon for Macon. Gen. Upton, the first U. S. officer who en tered our ciiy after the surrender is now ir Nashville commanding in that section.— Au yusta Chronicle Sentinel, 11 th. Railroad Money.—The Mississippi Cen tral Railroad Company will'not receive their own or any other railroad issues for passage or Height, on their road until uiuely days after tlie cars on said road run through.— Mississijtjjian, July ith. LATEST FROM THE NORTH. Arrival of the Arago at Hilton Head* News to 11 o’clock on the 14th. INTERESTING FltOIW EUROPE. Despatch from Onr Special Correspondent. By tlie arrival of tlie Arago at Ililton Head Saturday evening, we have northern news of the 12th, one day later than that published in our Extra of Saturday. Our attentive and reliable correspondent at New York city also forwards us a de spatch dated at 11 o’clock the forenoon ol the 12th, containing later European news and the price of gold at that hour. The papers contain no startling intelli gence, and as tlie news dealers received full flies which were on the street last evening, we did not issue an Extra, aud only give now a synopsis of the news in them. [our special dispatch.] New York City, July 12, 11 a. m., \ Via Hilton Head, per Arago. > Gold stands now at 140, a slight advance caused by the Persia’s news. The Persia has jU9t been telegraphed off Sandy Hook, with two days later news, to July it. Breadstuff’s firm but quiet. Provisions dull. Beef firm. Produce quiet but steady. London, July 1st, p, rn. Consols 90 1-8. Five-Twenties 70 1-2 a 71. Illinois Central 84. Erie Shares 62 1-2 a 63. Paris, July 1st, p. m. Paris Bourse firmer. The rents close at liGi, 70e. Ship News. Queenstown, July 2. Arrived from New York, Emile Guste- ruuude aud Soliaute at Trieste. Emile at Hart point. The political news by the Peisia is unim portant. The steamship Africa, from New York, arrived at Liverpool on the 2d inst. The final arrangements on board of the Great Eastern in connection with the Atlan tic Telegraph Cable were progressing ra pidly. Latest Commercial Intelligence Liverpool, July 1st, p. in. Cotton—Sales to-day 8,000 biles, the mar ket closing unchanged. Spicuiuiora aud ex porters took 3,(X)0 bales. (Prom the New York Herald 12th ) The difficulties between the planters and Ireedmen iu Virginia continues to give both the civil and military authorities much trouble. Muuy of the planters, it is said, are desirous of getting; rid of the negroes al together, und supplying their places with white laborers from tlie North und Europe. The committee of Richmond men who vis ited President Johnson to endeavor to in duce him toresciud the twenty thousand dol lars exception in his amnesty proclamation have returned without meeting with any success. The old Virginia State bruks are now in process of liquidation, and it is thought that holders of their notes will not realize over twenty cents on the dollar — Henry A Wise has made application to the military authorities for u restoration of his former estates neai Norfolk, with rather a poor prospect of succeediug. Some of tlie Virginians propose to again put up Wise as a candidate for Governor There is a great destitution among the inhabitants of Spott- sylvania couuty, und it bus been proposed to send agents to this city, Philauelphia aud Baltimore to solicit aid tor them. There is trouble in Tennessee regarding the State Fruuchise law, and it is beiug vio lently attacked iu public speeches by certain candidates for office. Governor Brownlow has accordingly issued a proclamation in forming the people that it is the supreme law of the Slate, denouncing its opposers as as rebels, and directing the civil authorities to arrest them, as beiug persous who are eu- deavoriug to excite sedition. Emerson Etheridge, formerly member of Congress from Tennessee, has been placed under ar rest by the military commandant at Colum bus, Kentucky, ou charge ot being one ol these deliverers of ineenuiaiy harangues in the former State. Cotton. Gold. Markets, etc. Cotton.—The market was quiet and steady until alter the government sale, when the de mand was more active aud prices advanced full lc. a 2c. a pound. The sales were 2,800 bales at our quotations, closing firm at 52c. a 63c. for middlings. The government sale of 2,000 bales went 63 l-2c. for middling; 50 l-4c. a 50 l-2c. for good ordinary; 43 l-2c for ordinary; 87 l-2c. lor low ordinary. We quote :— Upland*. Florida, llolilt. ti. O. <t T. Ordinary i>7 ns 3fl 40 Middling 61 61 (2 li Good Middling... 62 64 66 60 Cotton.—The result of the Government sale to-day was such as to cause considerable excitement in the market, aud the transac tions this afternoon have been liberal, at a decided improvement in rates; sales of 3,000 bales; we quote at 52c. though some holders are asking as high as 53c. for Middling. By duction about 2,000 bales New Orleans, Mo bile and Uplands were sold at 55 l-2c. for good Miduliug, 55 l-4c. for strict Middling ; 50 l-4c. for fair Middling, and 49c. for good Ordinary ; 400 bales Sea Island sold at 77c. for first quality ; CUc. for second quality ; for third quality, and Ole. for fourth quality. [From the New York Herald, 12th.f The stock market was weak yesterday, but closed stroug. Gold was steady, aud closed in the room at HO, and at uitrlit at 139 1-2. There was but little change in tho commer cial situation yesterdny as compared with the previous day, though there were a good ma ny enuuges in values of domestic produce. Foreign goods were generally quiet but un- cbuuged. Groceries were steady. Cotton was firm. Petroleum was heavy. On ’Change Hour was 10c. a 15c. higher. Wheat was 2c. a 10c. higher Corn was 2c higher. Oats weie dull und heavy. Pork was 50c better. Lard was firm. Whiskey was dull and heavy. There was another government sale of cot ton yesterday at* 111 Broadway, when about twenty-five hundred bales were disposed of at a slight advance over last month's popes, tbe.attendanee being large and the bidding animated. Good iniddliug Nortli Carolina and Orleuns brought from 53 l-4c to 55 l-2c per pound. The International Trade Convention. The international trade convention, com posed of representatives of the boards of trade and commercial associations ot various cities ot the Northern, Eastern and Western States and of tho British provinces, assem bled iu Detroit on tlie 11th. There were pre sent about six huudred delegates. An or ganization was effected, and other business of a preliminary character was transacted. General Hiram Walbridge, of N. Y., was selected as President, and Vice Presidents for each of the States and provinces were chosen. The convention was in session again the 12th. One ot the matters which will receive the particular attention of the mem bers is the Canadian Reciprocity treaty. Visit of President Johnson to Admiral Dahlgrcn. President Johnson, accompanied by the members of the Cabinet and oilier gentlemen of distinction, on the 11th, visited Admiral Dahlgren, on board his flagship, tlie Pawnee, lying in tlie Potomac, below Washington, and was received with all the customary of ficial honors. The Monroe Doctrine. [Washington Correspondence of the Hi-ralil.] The Monroe doctrine examinations are again absorbing a considerable share of at tention here, aud some more practicable form of action is likely to be adopted. A meeting of conference wa9 held iu this city to-day, between a few gentlemen of social and po litical influence, at which it was determined to nave Slate aud county conventions through out the country, as far a9 practicable, aud adopt resolutions favoring the immediate ex pulsion ot Maximilian from Mexico by the United States government, and thus bring an immense pressure to bear upon the adminis tration and the next Congress. Applicatlous fur Pardon. Mr. Gentry, of the Tennessee rebel Legis lature, sometimes styled the “eagle orator,” who contested the Governorship of the State with Andy Johnson in 1853, is reported in the city desiring pardon. Among other rebels of greater or lesser magnitude said to be now in Washington for the same purpose are Seuator Garland and Congressmen Royl- ston, of Arkansas; Gilmer and Bridges, of the lower bouse from North Caroliua; a Mr. Smith, not “Jumping Billy,” an ex-member of the Federul Congress and a member of the rebel Congress from the beginning of the war, and Col. Hunt, of Shelby county, Tenn., late of the rebel ordnance department. VV. T. Avery, member ol tue .Federal Con gress from the Memphis district from 1858 to 1800, obtained Ids pardon to-day. Ex-Governor Letcher was released from the Old Capitol prison last, uight by direction of President Johnson, upon the condition of going immediately to bis borne in Virgiuia, and he gave his parole to remain there sub ject to the order of the President. A large batch of names of rebel army and navy officers aud ex-member9 of Congress were prepared for Cabinet action to-day, aud tlie probabilities are that some precedent has been established for all applications of tbat class. HEADQ’RHDEP’T'OF,THE SOUTH,) • Hilton Hkad, 9. C.,July 10, 18C6. / Gznkkai. Ok tints,) No. 111. ; The following Circular. Issued from the “Bureau of Refugees, Freeonien and Abandoned Lunds," und ap- iroved by the Hull. Secretary of War, la published fur Be infoimation of this command. Its requirements will be strictly conformed to WAR DEPARTMENT, Bureau of Refugees, Preedmen and Abandoned Lands, Washington, June 12,18U5. Ciroclah, ) No. 7. / In accordance with section 2 of the Act of Congress establishing this Bureau, which provides for the ussne of provisions, clothing, aud fuel for the immediate and temporary shelter ami supply ol destitute and suffering refugees and Ireedmen, the Assistant Commissioners of this Bureau will at once make careful e timatee ot the amounts of provisions, clothing, Xc., aa may lie needed for the preseut quarter for the supply of suc h cla-s of persons aa may be within their respective de- laitments, and they will hereafter, quarterly, make ike estimates. All estimates must be approved by the Commissioner of the Bureau prior to issue. Rations, fuel, transportation, and quarters, have been heretofore furnished to teachers ol refugees and freedmen, or to other persons voluntarily laboring for the benefit of such persons, by certain commanders of departments, posts. Ac., while others have refused to furnish the snine. Therefore, in order that there may be uniformity of action and a dear understanding in this mutter, the following rules will be adopted, and will t ike effect und be in force on and alter July l, ISCi. to-wit: nations will not be gratuitously issued to teachers of refugees or Ireedmen, or to other persons vo.untiirlly laboring for the benefit of such persons, bnt such teachers us are authorised by the Assistant Commis sioners of this llureuu, while actually on duty iu their fields of labor, may purchase rations of tlie Govern ment under precisely the same rules which apply to such purchases when made by commissioned officers of tlie army. Free tiamqiortation will be granted to such teachers ou government transports and military railroads only. Public buildings, or buildings tbat may have been seized from disloyal owners, not required for military purposes, may be used for occupation ior schools,, teuchora, soluiers’ wives, and refugees. O. O HOWARD, Major General, Commissioner Bureau oI Refugees, Freedmen, 4c. Aproved: E M. STANTON, Secretary of War. By Command of Major-General Q. A. GILLMORE. W. L. M. Bimufio, Assistant Adjutant General JylT 7 DIED, On the 30th May, lSiia, at the Lincoln Hospital Washington, D. C., of wounds received at tho battle of Sailor’s Creek, PKRCIVAL ELLIOTT, of the 18th Qeorglu Battalion, aged 24 yenre. At the Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C„ on the 20th June, 18(15, from wounds received In the battle of Sailor’s Creek, April Util, 1905, Private JOSEPH N. GUERARD, Co. B, 18th Georgia Battalion ; aged 22 years Tlte Offense is Rank, We hold it inexcusable in any per ion, male or fe- mule, when they subject us to an annoyance which a very little trouble on their part would obviate. Es pecially is this the case where the uufortuuute possess or of a bad breath will persist in bntton-hoiding and intruding his views upon us, to our manifest mental and physical discomfort. If these good people would use the Sozodont it would not only reuder them ac ceptable acquaintances, but would ut once greatly lm prove their teeth and breath. Mold by Druggists und Perfumers, jyli-eodlw ‘ OST, On the 12th Instant, a Yellow and White Pointer BITCH, about a month old The finder will be suita bly rewarded by leaving her ut B. Stamm’s Barber Shop.3t jy!6 w ANTED. A pleasant. Well Furnished Room, for Blngle gentle man. Address G. A. G, Lock Box 11U P. O. jyic , 3 RANTED, A first rate PILOT for the Altamaha river. jyH-lw ERWIN A HARDEE. jyjACKY, HOGG & CO., WHOLESALE AND GENERAL MERCHANT;-). COMMISSION Havin'* removed to store formerly occupied by Stark, Alexander A Clurk. Bay street, second door west of Barnard, offer to the trade the following arti cles : 300 bbls Whiskey, 600 bbls Extra Family Flour, 30 sacks 8ult, 126 kegs Lard, 20 bbls White Beuns 76 kits Mess Shad, 20 bbls Labrador Herring, 25 tierces Canvassed Beet, 50 biids Lime, 60 bbls aud half bbls No. 1 and 2 Mackerel. Jyl4-ti J^OTICE. ' The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Southern Insurance und Trust Company will be held ut the office of the Company, in Mivutinuh, on Wednesday, liltli July, 1806, for the purpose of elect ing Directors for the ensuing year, und for the tran saction of such other business as may be brought be fore the meeting. II- BRIGHAM, President, Per J. C. MoNULTY, __ ju22 tf Assistant Secretary. N OTICE. UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE,| c to Jtbbertistmtnts. F Oil NEW YOKE. The At fast sailing Clipper Schooner FRANCISCO, W. H. Smoot, Master, Having porlimis of her cargo engaged, wtll sail about W EDNESDAY next. For Freight and passage, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN X CO. JylT |^OR NEW YORK. The Clipper Sohooner TRADE WIND, Cnpt. Smith, Wtll have despatch for the above port. For Freight, apply to HUNTER & OAMMELL, jylT-St 84 Bay street. r JMIE IRON STEAMER AMAZON AT AUCTION. BY ISAAC D . LaROCHE. TU09. J. WALSH, Acctionub* Will be sold, on FRIDAY, 21*t instant, at 12 o’clock, tn front of the Exchange, the Eight Draught IRON STEAMER AMAZON, 163 feet long, 45 feet Beam, 8 feet Hold, Double En gines, Doctor and Machinery, IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER, Having Just arrived with a large freight from Au- RUata. This Bteamer was built expressly for these waters, has u carrying capacity of 1600 lo 20U0 balus cotton: uUo capable ut towing Flats, Ac., aud presents u RARE CHANCE FOR INVESTING. Shot* now lying at the Georgia Steamboat Yard, where she can be iunpected. TERMS CASH. SALE POSITIVE. JylT 100 Sacks Liverpool SALT in store and for sale by „ „ JaS. DoYLE: jyjx-zw cor. Bay uud Whltakpi at*. Savannah, July 0, 1006. The keys of the money safes, the Seales and Weights, and other valuables lire misBing irom this building — Any person huvlng knowledge of the aforesaid arti cles will pleuse give information to the undersigned, and thoee having them in possession will please return them. , „ , WYLLY WOODBKIDGE, ‘P B - " Collector. JAMES WALLACE’S OEI.IUBATED WHISKIES, GINS, ALCOHOL, COLOGNE SPIRITS AND FLANAGAN WALLACE & CO'S. XX and XXX ALES, For Sale at N. Y. Prices, with freight added. PTi Also—A large lot of CORN, OATS and FLOUR. JAMES LEAVY, Coinmls.-iuu Merchant, No. <i Stoddard's Buildings, Opposite Herald Office. Jylt-lw QHAMPION BitlCK MACHINE. The proprietors of this recent Patent for the manu facture of Brink Hie prepared to dispose of Machines, and rights to use the same. This Machine is simple of con-truction; does not readily get out of repair; has immense power; mukes the bi lek square and sol id ; can be worked with u single horse, causes littm delay for removing stoues ; will make from twenty- fiveTo thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circulars, with full particulars, forwarded ou application to . , BRADFORD X KENiCK, Jy-lm 71 Broadway, New York. gTOVESI STOVES!1 STOVES I 1 I * Large and small, for Restaurants and Families, i, A ! , kIndB °L HOLLOW WARE and Cooking Uten sils, Planters' HOES, wholesale und retail, by JAMES O. THOMPSON X CO., Jll-lmo Beaufort, S. r. a ADEN * CNCKi.uo, Couhkb of Bay amd Barnard Struts, Have Just received a large Stock of GOODS, con sisting of— Extra Family FLOUR, 80 bales BAGGING, 730 coil* rope, And a general assortment of TEAS, GROCERIES, PfiOVlSlONS, ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SKUAHS, PICKLES, PRESERVES,! HARDWARE, LAMPS, KEROSENE OIL, CANULEb, DRY GOODS, » BOOTS aud SHOES, CAPS, Ac., Ac., Which they offer at the lowest market rates. jyis lmo Q.KO. It. CRUMP X CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 20» Buoad Strut, Augusta, Ga, Ju-0 3m