Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 17, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. MONDAY, JULY 17, 1800. u'iUi.vj 0(111 EVENING EGl'l'ION OF SATURDAY. The Mew Commandant ol the Department! Order of ften. Mtcedmnn Akhu- inliiji' Oommniicl of tlie Htalc ol' Ueoi'u’iu, HEADERS DEPARTMENT OF GEORGIA, t Auuusta, Ga., Julie Zb, 1806. f GEtOIlAI. ORDERS, | I. Hv order of the Miller General Commanding Mil- 111113- Division of t in Tennessee, I h“icby assume command ol tin* Department of Georgia, comprising I he Mini' of Gcoipla iuhI nil military forces Within tile Mum, lle.-ulqaarturs at August!. Th i in uitlily relume for .him) iinth of the varlomr c itiiiiiioii'.H in Ihi * 1 * * * Dqmrtmcni, consolidated at intor- iiiii.)|.ip) lion Iquuiluis, will lie lorwurded to these Utiuliiimi lure as eailv a» prac'tcablc. Jyis signed.) JAM Ed II. M'KKDMAN Major Gen. Vole. GKM'.H A L. MOWS. General Bunks delivered the Fourth of duly ornlion at New Orleans Ilunry Winter Davis is out strong in favor of negro suf frage and the Monroe Doctrine. Major Gen. Sheridan arrived in Galveston on the 2 2d ult. Steamers drawing 5 1-2 feet pasH through the Dutch Gap Canal on the James without difficulty Very many of the lirst ladies of Richmond are at work on Govern ment clothing. Upon the wall of a colored school in Charleston is written, • Onr only freedom is freedom to do right..’ Rear Admiral Dupont bequeathed ^ 175,000—prize money—to an Asylum for orphansot soldiers and sailors. Champ Ferguson, the gueril la, is said to have committed no less than 100 murders. Ex-Gov. Vance is to return to N. Carolina on parole Gen. Audcrson and Adm. Farragut have been holding levees in Huston.—The sentence of Charles II. Wal ters has been commuted to imprisonment for lile Gov. Fenton's health is impaired with severe labor. Bgtluu's Dutch Gap Canal.—Gen. Butler seems to have effected a good work in the interest of Richmond, in improving the nav igableness of the James River. A Richmond correspondent says : The Dulch Gap Canal, which on nccount ot prejudice against its piojector seems to have passed into oblivion, is being piaelical- Iv and suecssfully lesied by the boats of Gen. Terry and Col. Brown. The S. O. Fierce, a side-wheel steamer drawing live and a half feet and forty-three feet wide, lias made three nips up and down the river within the river within the past two weeks, using the canal without the slightest difficulty; saving in two minutes an hour, and a half nail; the river was at ith ordinary singe; a dredgipg machine in a week would make this famous cut useful to the hugest vessels ever coming up the river. iFrom I lie New York World.) IJorv the Engliali Amuse Themselves. Our English cousins are never weary of holding up their bauds in holy horror at our American recklessness ot human life. Our sieimhoat racings cm the Mississippi make the c hief burden of the lectures we receive on mis score, and we have ueilher the disposi tion nor tlie right to deny that human life is too often lightly estimated and lightly risked m America. But we do decidedly object to British ser mens on this subject. In the face of the pic ture which every "Derby Day" holds up for the cnuicmplaiiou of mankinu, such sermons from such a source arc altogether intolerable. Nowhere else in the modern world, proba bly, is there to be found such a "scattering ol death in sport ” as the road from Loudon to Epsom witnesses on that great English carnival; and to say that human lile is prop erly prized and respected by the people who annually make such un exhibition ot them selves, is a piece of hypocritical impertinence. The last "Derby Day,” famous tor the vic tory of a French noi se over liis British com petitors on their own ground, is described iu the Loudon journals as having been unusual ly quiet, and so free from excitement as to be almost "seedy." Yet in a single English pa per, which by no means proteases to give it complete list of the day's mishaps, we tiud a long chapter of latul accidents recorded. In another journal we have au account of the killing of a lady, who was hurled violent ly out of the carnage in which she was sit ting by a four-horse "drug,” driven by au of ficer of the Queen’s army. The same papers wuich recite these outrages on civilization relate the successful issue of the “French Derby," near Paris, and ate compelled to ad mit tnat, notwithstanding the immense con course of vehicles of all sorts by which the French race- was attended, no accident of any importance whatever marred the plea- suie and brilliancy of the day. All over the continent, indeed—in Germa ny, in liaiy, in Frunee—popular festivals are not only vastly mure common and vastly more animated than in England, but they l ick eiuiiely that quality ot brutality which iiisgruoos all tlie outbursts of popular spirit in Great Biituio, and compel the inquiry whether, after ail, and in spite of the refine ment and cultUation of so large a portion of bn upper and middle classes, tue institutions of England have not maintained the bulk of her people in u kind of moral barbarism. To find any just parallel to such a sketch of a quiet Derby day. as we have here taken from English papers, we certainly must go back to the feudal ages, when death was in every sport, and the story of every year vindicated Sir Waller Scott's summing up of the tour nament of Ashby: “ Thus euUed me memorable field of Ash by du la Zoucbc, one of the most gallantly contested tourneys of that age ; for although only four kuignts, including one who was smothered by the heat of Lis armor, bad died U|jun tue field, yet upwardi of thirty were desperately wounded, four or nve of whom never recovered. Several more were dis abled ior lile; nud those who escaped best carried the marks of Die conllict to the ''rave with them, lienee it is always mentioned in die old records us the ‘Gcrnle and Joyous Passage of Arms of Ashby! ’ ” (From the Ni w York World; THE CASE OF WALTEltS. His Sentence (unlimited to Imprisonment for Life—Uow lie UcceUed (he Kciit Yesterdav afternoon Sheriff Kelly received a letter from jGovcrnor Fenton commuting the sentence of Charles II. Walters, who was to be hung to-day, to imprisonment tor life. The union unate man did not seem to expect that his life would he spared, and when Mr. Sutton, the warden ni the City Prison, ap proached tiis cell, and announced the timely clemency which saved him from a disgrace ful death, he became for a few moments, ab sorbed in wonder nnd gratitude, and then Ini tend out his thanks for the efforts of his friends At four o'clock our reporter visited the prisoner, in company with air. Sutton — Having come out of his cell, and leaned lei surely against its irou door, lie spoke more freely about his crime nnd the fate he had been awarded. “ I cannot thank yon or Judge Stewnrt too much," lie said, addressing Mr. Sutton; "Imt can you tell me how I obtained such friends ?” Mr. Sutton—" By your good conduct here: by your penitence, and your determination to meet your fate like a man." “ Yes, I was ready to meet iny fate. I ex pected death. You know wlieu my mother and sisters came to see me, I told them we should meet no more on earth. But I don't know how I made such friends." Mr. Sutton—“There were many who inter ested themselves in your behalf. Onegentle- mnn from Missouri arid another from New Orleans went to the Governor to obtain mer cy for you. The Mayor of the city and the press were ready to aid you, because your conduct and case excited sympathy." “I thunk (hem nil," said Walters, fervent ly; "hut you know the reason why I was ready to meet death ?" Mr. Sutton—“ Why ?" Walters—“Because I felt I had disgraced my family." “That is a good teeling,” said a gentleman present. Mr. Sutton—“You cannot imagine the ef forts which were made to save you from death. Aj young lady was preparing logo to Albany this evening to plead fur you be fore the governor; midi must communicate the news to her, or 9he will leave on her mission." Walters—“Well, I'm to go to prison for life.” Mr Sutton—“Yes ; you will be soon sent to the siate prison. But remember that if you act there as you have done here, you will Ire treated kindly. The warden in Sing Sing will do all in his power to make your condi tion as comfortable ns the rule up there will allow, if you act like a man." Walters—"I m not myself when I give trouble anywhere. Wlieu I committed ihe crime which brought mo here I was not the Walters that you see me now.” Hero one of the officers of the prison hand ed Mr. Sutton an “extra" containing the sentence of death on the conspirators at Washington. Walters looked at ttie paper eagerly, and read the headings aloud. “Now," said Mr. Sutton, “your life has been spared. Prove yourself worthy, as you have done, of the mercy extended to you. “I will," said Walters, The prisoner then grasped the hand of the wardon with cordia 1 energy, uud returned to his cell. Having left tho man who an hour before was recorded in piospec live, a legal corpse, we cast our eyes arouud the narrow yards of the Tombs to search for the scafiold. It had been removed from the place of dearth. En tering the store-room we discovered a piece of mortuary furniture, on which the living prisoner could have read his epitaph. Rest ing on a few rough hUvks appeared a heavy pine coffin, more handsomely mounted than those in which the bodies oi murderers are generally placed. A pillow of shavings and linen had been made in it on which the head of the dead Walters was to sleep till judment. Having removed a dusty sable cloth from the lid, an oval plate was exposed to view, which contained tho epitapli of a living man : Charles II. Walters. (Cross.) Died June 23, 18(55. Aged 32 years. Rarely has a limn been nearer death. Eveu the hearse which was to carry his body to the grave in a distant cemetery, was in readiness when the respite, which preceded the com mutation ot his sentence, was received through the efforts of Judge Stewart. Interview Uetweeu Senator Simmer and tlie President. tCorrcspondence of the Cincinnati Inquirer.] A frieud at Washington assures us that a few weeks since au inteiview took place be tween President Johnson and Senator Sum ner, which was substantially as follows: “Good evening, Mr. President," said Sen ator Sumner, lost week, upon entering the President’s room iu the White House. “Good evening, Mr. Senator," replied the President. “ Please be seated for a moment until I finish a letter to au old friend.” The letter being fiuislied, the President turned to Mr. Sumner, when tlie latter said : “Mr. President, I have called upon you for the purpose of expressing to you the views of our people on the subject of recon struction." “ Well, sir," replied the President. Mr. Sumner commenced by sayiug, “Sir, your North Carolina proclamation does nut meet tlie approbation of the peopie, and they will not submit to have the great re sults of the war thus thrown awuy.” “What people are you representing, sir?" asked Mr. Johnson. “Tiiu whole Noithcrn people” 6aid Mr. Sumner. "I apprehend you will find you represent a small portion of the Northern people," re plied Mr. Johnson. “Then," said Sumner, “we must take your North Carolina proclamation as an indication of your policy, must we?" ““Yes air," replied the President. “Then, sir," said Sumner “you do not in tend to enfranchise the black man ?” “I have nothing to do with the subject; that exclusively belongs to the States. You certainly would thiuli it a usurpation on my pau if I attempted to interfere iu fixing the qualifications of elector iu Massachusetts." “But," replied Summer, “Massachusetts has always been a loyal State." “Th it may tie,’ replied the President, “but the loyal men of the South have made untold sacr,flees for their Union sentiments, while Massachusetts bus made hundreds of millions out of her loyalty ; and it would be a poor return for Southern adherence to the gov ernment if tlm hitter should, 111 violation of the Constitution, thrust upon them local laws iu op|M>siilon to their wishes." At this reply of tlie President Mr. Summer became impatient and irritable, and rejoined by saying, “I am sorry to see you evincing so little sympathy with that element that placed you ill power.” At this the color flashed to the President's face, and he added, emphatically, “You and I might as well understand each other now as any other time. You are aware, sir, I have no respect for a secessionist; I still have a greater detestation and contempt lor a fanatic.” "Good evening," said Summer, nnd left in a hull. HKAU UN «. Hoiv to Read with Profit—What to Read. (From tlie American Monthly. J Reading should be avoided when it inter feres with necessary repose, as it does when pursued at a late hour of night. It then lias a pernicious influence upon (he health first, then upon the spirits, then upon the mind itself Tlie knowledge gained in this way i s for the most part but of little value, for it is gained at the expense of mental vigor, and sometimes even ol life itself. The celebrated Wm. Pinckney, the great Maryland orator, fell a sacrifice to late reading. To rend when you ought to he in bed, especially to read wlieu in bed, is to iuflict a great evil on your self without an equivalent. It is to injure your brain, yout nervous system, your in tellect. SLKEPY ItKADLRS. A person mentally indolent may lie fond of reading. Ho may love to read in a recum bent posture uutil he falls asleep, every day or every night ot his life. It might be too much to say that his room resembles the famous cave of the God of Sleep. But lie furnishes proof in his experience, that the leaves of a hook are as sure an opiate as the leaves of the poppy, the symbol of that god. Indeed, we have known those who regularly take a book to bed with them every night, as “ a shoe-horn to pull on tlie sleep with." Indeed, we have seen a vvholo family, each with a hook iu baud, to which he seemed to be bowing in devotion, except one bright young girl, who archly sung: “Wears all noddlu', nid, ilid, noddlu.'; We are all noddlu' at onr house at home." CONVERSATION In order to profit from reading, it is ad vantageous to converse with those who have read the same books, or are interested in the same topics. Two persons of equal capacity shall read ihe same book, and yet receive from it very different impressions. By ex changing their views in tho commerce of thought, each is a gaiuer. The difficulties which one meets with are solved by the other, and tlie truths upon which they agree are more firmly fixed in ihe minds of each. By thus bringing their minds in contact with each other, in conversation upon the work, their feelings are warmed into more vigorous exercise, nnd by the collision ol their opin ions the light of truth is struck out. More over, by conversing concerning the hooks Hint you read with those that are older and have read more than yourselves, and have bail better opportunities for observation, you will be better able to form a eorroct estimate ol what you read. Their experience will help to guard you against errors and evil tendencies of tho work, or enable you to ap preciate its excellencies. A SPECIAL SYSTEM. And here I may with advantage quote the example of u distinguished scholar of our own country. 1. Before I commenced an author, I made myself thoroughly master of tlie whole scheme of his work, if tlie table ot contents enabled me to do so. 2. I then studied the author in the follow ing manner: After reading the first sentence, I meditated on it, developing the author’s thoughts as well as I was able, and reducing the whole, ns nearly as possible, to a single distinct concise expression. I then react the second sentence, and did the same. I next compared the two suuteueesMogether, medi tating on them, and gathering out of them their substance. Tuns I went through the ; oniigniph, and reflected on the whole until I hud reduced it to a single sentence, con taining its essence. I then studied the next paragraph in like.manuer; and havimr com pared the two, I gathered out of them their substance. The same plan was followed in the comparison of sections with sections, and chapters with chapters, Micks with books, until ihe author was finished. 3. A third rule was to pass nothing unex amined, nothing without reflection, whether in poutiy or fiction, history or travels, poli tics, philosophy, or religion. Nor ought f omit the three rules of Professor Whitaker, ot Cambridge, given to John Boyse, one of the eminent translators of the Bible in the time of James the First. 1. To study chiefly standing or walking. 2. Never to study at a window. 3. Not to go to bed, on any ac count with cold feet. WHAT TO READ. Are you taste ? Read the best English poets, such as Gray and Goldsmith, Pope and Thomson, Cowper and Coleridge, ocoit aud Wordsworth. p you deflcient in imagination ? Read Chidingwortb, and Lason, and Loeke. Are you deficient in judgment and good sense iu the common ulfairs of life ? Read Franklin. Are you deficient in sensibility ? Read Goethe and Maekeusie. Are you deficient in vigor of style ? Read Junius nnd Fox. Are you deficient in political knowledge MnntftonnSuii >iw> 1 • ... , Read Montesquieu, the “Federalist, ster, and Calhoun. Are you deficient in patriotism? Read Demosthenes, and tho “Lite of Washington Are you deficient in conscience ? Re sonic oi I resident Edwards's works. Are you defioiout iu piety? Read Bible. Web- ad the At a grand regatta, u tew weeks ago, at Bordeaux, a New York yacht beat all the best yachts constructed in France The above is going the rounds. The victorious yueht wus the Rachel ot and from Jersey Cay, modeled, built uud fitted out there. . 77 Tjmre are all sorts of matches, but here is the first ot ease a cobweb marriage. A11 exchange records it: "Married, John Cobb to MUs Webb.” — 1 lie following advertisement appears in a London newspaper: “ Mr. Hussey, 482 New Oxford street • In come off " bUll0US f °*' lro " Solil Hurt never \\ hieh—the buttons or the trowsers ” Tiie Yellow Fever Hospital Sine Jin New Youk Harbor.— 1 The yellow fever hospital ship which forms a part of the quarantine ur- rntigcraenU of New York, has been com pletely refitted aud was to proceed immedi ately 10 its anchorage in the lower bay. A New York paper says: The ship, formerly the Falcon steamer, now known ns the Nightingale, in honor of the distinguished Englishwoman whose services iu the cause of humanity have earned for her so extended n reputation, is now moored in the Erie basin, at South Brooklyn. Her ap pointments for hospilal service are of the most complete character; she has accommo dations for over one hundred patients, and the results of the five years’ trial of this sys tem of a floating hospital are most gratifying. The rnlio of mortality has been reduced to 22 per cent, less than one-half the average under the old system ot shore hospitals. Drs. Bell uud Wnllsir, the physicians in charge, gave a most interesting statement of their experi ence in the treatment of this most formidable disease, and siated their entire confidence in tbeir ability, under the system of treatment now employed, to prevent the spread of the disease to the harbor of New Yflrk. — A public writer thinks that much might be gained if speakers would observe the mil ler’s creed—-always shut tlie gate when the grist is out. . That is another form of the Scotchman's advice to a public speaker— “never to begin till ye hae something to say, and be sure to sit down as soon as ye hae done.” —Mr. Mason Jones, well known in this epuntry as a popular lecterer and friend of our Government, is one of the candidates for a seat in tlie British Parliament, with fuir chances of success. —‘Thomns Sinclair, n clothier in Pittsburg, charged with fraudulent returns, has been fined $3000 and costs by tlie Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Tue costs, it is stated, toot up nearly uuother $1000 LOCAL M A T T U H H. RETURN OP THE LATE SECRETARY 1 REKHOLM TO POUT PULASKI. Geo. A. Trenholm, Secretary of the Treasu ry under the late Confederate Government, was remanded to Fort Pulaski yesterday afternoon, Mr. Trenholm was permitted to visit Hilton Head for an interview with Gen. eral Gillmore, and afterwards made a trip to Charleston. He was under parole and weut without 11 guard. He was returned to Fort Pulaski yesterday under charge of Lient. \V. N. Thomas, As sistant Provost Marshal of the Port ol Hil ton Head, by the steamer Gen. Simple y, which left Hilton Head at 10 o'clock A. M., arriving at tlie Fort at about 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon. Post Provost Court—Severe Sentence of Negroes for Perjury. In the case of the Uuited States vs. Gilis- pie, Campbell, George Burke, James Jenkins and Baylor (all colored) convicted of peijury in the Post Provost Court, Savannah, Ga., July 10th, 1805, in the case of the United States vs. Mr. Henry II. Woodbridge, the Judge this morning sentenced tlie parties to pay a fine of $500 each, nnd suffer imprison ment six months. Tlie offence was swearing falsely against Mr. Henry Woodbridge. Receipts of Cotton.—Yesterday forenoon Duvin’s flat arrived from Augusta, having on board 81 bales cotton consigned to Octavus Cohen, and 30 bales domestics to Col. John L. Villalonga. Last eveniug Gen. Young's two flats urrived, having on board 145 bales cotton. The cotton is consigned to Octavus Cohen and J. J. O Fallen. Tlie receipts yes terday by the River were 220 bales cotton and 34 bales doiiiestics. A few bales were received by wagons. Change of Troops.—The 103d U. 8. C. T. have been ordered to Fort Pulaski, to garri son the Post. They will go down to-night. Major W. C. Manning, in command of the Regiment, will go down and establish the garrison, and then return and resume his po sition as Superintendent of Schools. The Chanqe of District Commandants. Gen. Brannon assumed command of the Dis trict this torenoon. We shall publish his General Order in taking command, and that of Gen. Birgo in resigning it, on Monday morning. ioicl JtrriBals. PORT ROYAL HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD] JULY 13, Q O William*, Baltimore, T Marshall, Boston, H J Nichols, do J Thoind.sou, Savannah, EII B iley, KdUto Island, II P Kugg, Savannah, II May hew, do M Walker, New York, Q W Broor do |J F Broor. do ~ ~ iDtami, j r wroer. Uo 1 vf 1? J ,Hmurn ’ H Iluad H Gh**y. Capt & A Q M, Sav. « vVio Palmer. MthNYV, G a Smith/U S K, 01. Beaufort, IE P Juilil, Uoaulort, KUWIupple, do ill Smith, ,| 0 DGreeuheld, Savannah, U Williams, do ht N Howard, COth Mo Vols, 1> L Bishop, Hilton Head, II C Dudley, New York, J T Dozell, Sutler 12thConn Battalion, L Woodman, do D Benedict, do B F McKenna, (I Heud, l> Cook, Beaufort, S Dominiont, do F W Heaton, do K F Muuu, do SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (niLTON HEAD ) JULY 13. J ‘‘ c *‘so»ville, ,W G Norwood, Savaniiuli, UWJWrtAAU, 1.11,,,Z » ti V i? Iat ' S ’T, Nu , w '“"‘Gou. |.l Cunningham, do K H Harris Rockville, |J J Siu.lduri, ,| 0 J-. 1 “JJ 1 McUu'ri', H Head, It Uniubl,-, jr, (m 0 Pilisbm j., Charleston, 1 SAvngo, do E Wultyun, UmilrMun, |J Bukwt, . d—l v..i»ui,bvuii, |y Dll'Kl'll, ( Auuteiihoicr, Savannah, |W Dunham, Florida Pour of port royal, Arrived. July 12-Schr Elk, Allen, N uw Yoik L A 3"1"imjh, C’ulv.',, Fortress Monroe. J^IC’UARDSCN A BARNARD. " COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, Day STBtsr, Oppob.t. Mak I ni £Kb ' Ci.urou, SAVANNAH. GA. eodtf rj^HE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK — IS NOW — PREPARED FOR BUSINESS. — AT TUI — BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposits and Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Citlea purchased. Checks on New York furnlihed. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. niBSOTOns : L. C. Nobvfi.i., I Francis Sorrej.i, huuLB A. Hakhkk, I J. "7. Laturop, Rorkrt Erwin. HENRY 8. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 26th June, ISOS. ENT, 1 'uaEKNOY, V b, 1005. j TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Orrioi or Comftboi.lkb ok tuk Cureknov, Washington, June llub, Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appenr that "Tub Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, Iu the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organiicil under nud uccording to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled " An Act to provide a National Currency, sucuied by a pledge of United States bunds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1S04, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby celtify that “The Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this lOlh’day of June, 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE. [.Vo. 1266.] Comptroller of the Currency, ju'iti 2mos D .RUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS, A choice selection of MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, JUST LAHIlIn FROM NEW YORK. Apothecaries, Planters, and traders from the Interi or, can he supplied at the shoi test notice, I can wurrunt every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH W1IOI. ISALI AUD RETAIL. AT APOTHECARIES' HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Freeh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSn, JulC-Hm Proprietor. J^EWIS L. JONES, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, A'o IT Broadway, New York. Liberal advance* ou Shipment* to above Consign mem, madu by HUNTER & GAMMELL, Ageuts Pioneer Line Steamships, 84 Bay Street, Savuunah. Reference in New York— Messrs. SroFFOBb, Tu.eston & Co. may.'ii 8mo D ENTAL NOTICE. 1 would inform the public that I have resumed th practice of III this city, at my old stand, corner of St. Julien and Barrmro s.rceta, (entrance Brown’s Photograph Gal lery,; where 1 am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. Jyjl-fmo W. JOHNSON, D. P. S. ■yiRGINlA TOBACCO AGENCY. GEORGE R. CRUMP & CO., 209 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Mjiuulactured uud Smutting Tobacco Sunnier* scut hv Kxnr.'as when desired. 3m .|n20 HEAL'Q'KS POST OF SAVANNAH, General Orhers,! SaV “ nnU “’ U “" Ju * U ’ 1801 No. 7. / , ltl “ orderoU ihnton ana after this date, not son be buried at Ibis Post unless tlie Keeper of 1 Gi.iveynrdor Cemetery receive a certificate fr ra attending Phydciau. or from the Health Officer of Post, stating the name, age and cause of death of deceased iu lull. This order does not apply to offle ^ thc Ul A ™y- Blank forma may hud by Fhj sic ana on application to thc Health C ocr f aud uo otiiera can be used, 'heGraveyards and Cemctcrlcaw on the last day of each mouth, make a full report the proper city official of all iutermeuts made dur the mouth at the grounds under their charge T report will be made ou the form used undtT the ( government prior to the occupation of Savannah th ?i N a 1 ii°“ U Willttt| y Porcos, in December last! ” r,: 1 ;„ A1 peret r wno . lllL ‘ a“<l whose rcluttons nr e un.ible to give them decent burial will bulled ut the expense ol the Government. For such cases implication will be mude to the Health p C !?J 1 r JBt ' who will make requisitions upon bodh* Tnd er !ilr lB n r fuI ’ cufll,l! *’ ve| nelcs to remove oodles, and lor necessary labor. Tne Post Gnnn master is hereby instructefd to <^mp!y with such ''o Ile i ultl f <jmcer promptly and efficient and he is authorised to employ such lubor us may necessary to accomulinu this rediilt. y By command of T ,, . Evt. Brig. Gen. DAVIS Jnq., A. A. A. G. jyo HEADQUARTERS POST OF SAVANNAH General Ounce.) U “" J "‘ y W ’ 1SW ' No. 10. 4 Capt. C'liurlca if. Cox, Provost Marshal PoBt c vauuuh. is hereby lelleveel from the duties of a,m tcring tlie Amuesty Oath prescribed by the Presit Proclamation ol Aluy 2o, 1800. Subject to the approval of the District Commt 1st Lieut F. li. Ceiffiu, llbth Muiuc infantry, is h un. ounced and emp were.i to administer the said and will he governed iu his duties by existing ol By C ummaud of b . . . Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. Ueuural Jyii r headquarters poai of savannah Havuuuah, Ga., July to, isi*. ’ General Orperb,) No. 0. / Hereafter all white or colored persons found Ini .n ' or idling about the *t, eets, market houME whu mG^rmneut “ Uf •“^Wy will be pie By Commaud of Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. B “ g ' Qe “j y ? 0 A T VI