Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 18, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 155. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) 18 PUBLISHED Bt s. w. MArtON & CO., At 111 Bas Street, Savannah, Globule. terms: \ „ . Five Cents. Per Hundred a,, a Per Year w ' advertising; Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for llrst in sertion • One Dollar.for each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, If desired, appear in the evenißg without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. , ue. IN SURA ACE AT LOW RATES 1 COLUMBIAN INSURANCE COMP’Y of NEW YORK River Risks cn Favorable Teems. CASH CAPITAL $3,600,000. The undersigned qre ready, through thet open poli cy with the auove, to effect Insurance for Augusta, New York, and Jacksonville, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Mdse on ®st-class Ocean Steamers SIOO,OOO « - - Sailing Vessels 16,000 „ ' »• River Steamer or F1at..... 15,000 Shippers will find it to their interest to call before effecting Insurance elsewhere. CHARLES U COLBY & CO., jelß-tf orn sts., JS LIFE INSURED t This is an important question for every man and Important also for'every wile and mother as it affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY.. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance’’ of New York wilt insure you at the usual rates in any sum from slon $lO 000. They also issue the favorite TEN YEAR NGN-FORFEITURE Policies, and Will after two years 'p;iynient give a full paid up i olicy for T'wo Tenths the whole sum, and Three Years Three Tenths, and so on. Thus a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two Premiums paid upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,000. and live years five-tenths lor every udditionul year. For further information apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., j U 2T ■ r .- 89 Bay st., Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, OF BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. This ts one of the oldest and best Companies in Policies on Lives for any amount up to $16,000 are taken by them. , „ . The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled durin' r the war until heard from—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to bejust and honor able in alt Cases. Apply to ju«l A. WILBUR, Agent. BURKE, & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALP, WINES AND LIQUORS, COBNEB WHITAKER STREET AND BaT LaNB, t ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. rpHE NEW SKIRT FOR 1805. “ BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLB’TIC.” A wonderful invention for ladies. Unquestionably “Km? foil “to read the advertisement in the Herald containing full particulars every Saturday morqing. _ " JLJTTGHEL & SMITHS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers in Sheeting, Shirting, Osnaburgs, Yarns, Rope, Bagging, Manufactured and Smoking lobucco, Ac., Ac. Particular attention given to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of COTTON. Ralston's Granite Ranoe;—Tiiibo Kansk, MACON, GA. Reveuenors —Erwin A Hardee, Claghorn & Cun niX£Ts“annah; L. G Bowers, 8. M. Farrar, Cos 3500 TONS OF— E N GLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 60x5S per llneaJ yard. For sale by «ul» Cm • FOWLS A CO. CCrjMIE HOSPITAL TRANt^PKDPT.” The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S 13., by M. J. McKenna. It is designed by the Publisher to make an Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents or Hilton Head It will contain Original LOCAL NES V'9, a summary NORTHERN NEWS, and carefully Selected MIS CBLLANEOUS ITEMS. , » 3 ts . IQ S. BUNDY, I GENERAL AGENT I\ND ATTORNEY POS CLAIMS, I Mo. 24T F Strvtt, Between 13tu and 14tu Streets. I, i (Near Pay Department, ) lI'A'WuINQTON, and. c. m jnso M ■Vrc/RTH RIVER agklcOltral WORKS. ' 1/ QRIFFING, BROTHER A CO., Paei rietobs, pV 6s AMO CO COBBTI-CNO teUC. B M E W YORK. Manufacturers of Plows, Harlows, Cultivators, Cot ■ Corn’Mills, Cotton uins, tfcc. ■ Avery implement wanted by the Planter, Also, J«er» m Field and Gurden Seeds. Also, Agents tor ■ “S'*’* Concentrated Manure, Bom Ac. ■ fur circular. ju2o 8m ani j|lot|inj. C. NORVELL k CO. (Cor. Bull and Bay Streets,) ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE * '. OF THEIR IMMENSE SUMMER STOCK, AT NEW YORK COST. Jyii 2w JJIDDELL & MURDOCK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Fcbnishino Goods, &0., No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilto* Head, S. C. t H. J. MP«i>QOK. The termination of a sanguinary contest, which foi the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial Intercourse between the two great sections of our country, having at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a removal of those relations which formerly bound us together in a fraternal union, I take the earliest opportunity afford ed me by this auspicious event, to greet my Southern friends, and to solicit from them a renewal of that ex. teusive business connection which for a quarter of a century has been uninterrupted save by the great pub lic calamity to which I have adverted. It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a busi ness re-union, I should repeat the warning so often given to my friends,—to beware of all those spurious and deleterious compounds which, nnder the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the health of our citizeus and prejudicial to the interest of the legitimate Importer. Many years of my past life have been expended in an open and candid attempt to expose these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to ac complish this salutary purpose, and to place before my frieuds and the public generally; at the lowest possible market price, and in such quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported arti cle. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the largest and most respectable exporting houses in France and Great Britain have afforded me unsurpass ed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liquersof the best and most ap proved brands in Europe, in addition to my own dis tillery in Holland for the manufacture of the “Schie dam Schnapps.’ The latter, so long tested and approved by the med ical Faculties of the United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a whole some, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all cli mates and during all seasons, quickly excited the cu pidityof the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article uuder the same name. I trust that I have, after much toil aud expense, sur rounded all my importatiorjp with safeguards and di rections which with ordinary-circumspection willtfn sure their delivery, as 1 receive them from Europe, to all my customers. I would, however, recommend in ull cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depot, 22 Beaver street, New York, or that purchases be made of my accredited agents. In addition to a large stock of Wines, Brandies, &c., in wood, I have a considerable supply of old tried for eign wines, embracing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commencement of the war, which I can especially recommend to all connoisseurs of these rare luxuries. In conclusion, 1 would specially call the early atten tion of my Southern customers to the advantage to be derived by transmitting their orders without loss of time, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to insure the fulfillment of their favors from the present large and well selected assortment. UDOLPHO WOLFE, ju‘23 lm 2tUßeuv«i street. New York. QH ARLES L. COLBY jTcoT SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAT AND ABEROORN STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colbt, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. Bin REN OE s; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J. Wiley Edmanus, Boston. % Gardner Colby, Esq.,'Boston. Jelß—tf PRATT <ft CO., (Established in 1770.) Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealer IN WHITE LEAD, ZINC WHITE, COLORED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ARTISTS’ AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Nos. 10C and 108 Fclton St., ju22 lm NEW YORK. b. grifJtn a ccf W. B. Griffin, J. C. Millneb, F. Plumb. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments and make liberal advances when desired. ju2G-lm rrv> SHIPPERS OF tiOTJON AliD OTHER 1 SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesev Street, niw York. And Memphis, Tenn. Thomas Fenner, llenbv Bennett, D. W. Bowman. jyC Cm ' HEADERS DISTRICT SAVANNAH, T~ Savannah, Ga., July C, 1806.) General Order,! No. 47. f I. Lt. Col. A. Neafle, 166th N. Y. Vols., having been assigned to other duties by Department Headquarters, is from duty as Collector of Military Taxes and Relief Commissioner. II Capt. J. S. Cooke, 2Cth Massachusetts VtAtefeers, i. al) pointed Collector of Military Taxes and Relief I'nnmnssioner, and will at onee relieve Lt. Colonel A Neatle, 156th N. Y. Vols., in the datiesot that office. By command ot Bl>;vet Major Qen bIRGK. j B. Babcock, Maj. and A. A. A. G. jylO 7 SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1865. gTATIONBRY. TO MERCHANTS AND BUTLERS. We offer oor large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lcarlbt cash prices. Out stock in the above line is the largest In the De partment, ami all oar goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers.^ We solicit the attention of purchasers to oar goods and prices. SAVILLE A LEACH. Comar Bryan street and Market square. Timber Cutter's Bank, Savannah, Ga., —AND MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. Jyl ts gAVILLE & LEACH, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. MERCHANTS’ ROW HILTON HEAD, S. C. , —AND— OOBNEB lIgVAN STREET AND MARKET sqUABE, . SAVANNAH, GA. may3o ts k . ■ , , .—k gEA ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY. JUNE ‘2oth, 1605. This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. The scenery is quite as pleasing aud inter esting, in every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. 1., and is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass., and os fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, qiry rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel ail tbattho most fastidious can desire. Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. ju23 ts JJOTEL FOR SALE, THE SAXTON HOUSE, —AT — , J BEAUFORT, 8. C., Formerly the property of Di. Johnson, is for sale.— "ipply to C. W. DENNIS 4 CO., No. 4 Merchants' Row, jn29 ts Hilton Head, 8. C. jpORT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S/. C. RIDDELL & RUGG, Pbofbietobs. E. S. EIDDELI., M. F. BUOO. ju3-tf pULASKI HOUSB^, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS & RIDDELL, Pbofbietobs. J. O. BAKTELO. I. 0. BIDDELL. lu34f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR HOUSE;, 165 B#Y STREET, ju2l « jyjXL.TARV CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 4e„ AT H , A. TOPHAM’S, NO. 188 CONGRESS STREET. This Store is well stocked with a superior quality of goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap, as the P oprietor wishes to make room for anew assort ment, T EWIS L. JONES, XJ SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No IT Broadway, New York. Liberal advances on Shipments Jo above Consign ment, made by HUNTER & GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, 84 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference In New York— Messrs, Spotfobd, Tileston & Cos. may 26 Smo RENTAL NOTICE. MM I would inform the public that I have resumed the practice of . - , >« DE NTISTRY In this city, at my °W stand, corner of St. Julien and Barnard streets, (entrance Brown’s I ■hotograph Gal lery ) where lam prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. wii-lmo W- JOHNFiON, D. D- S TTIRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY- v ” GEORGE R. CRUMP A CO,, 209 Bboad Street, luousta, Ga. Have on hand a large and well st sleeted stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when deal Ted. 3m Ju2o JOHN MoMAHON. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Strict attention given to all Consignments. OORNEB BEOCOUTON AND JeFFX SSON BTBEEBa Ju3o ltt rpHE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK —IS NOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, . AT TEE BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposits and Papsr for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York famished. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, ' Cashier. dibiotobs : L. C. Nobvell, « | Fbanois Sorrell, Noblb A. Hardee, 1 J. *Y. Lathbop, Robert Erwin. HENRY 8. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 25th June, 1866. ♦ TREASURY DEPARTMENT, J Ofpioe or of the Cureeroy, V Washington, June 10th, 1866. ) . Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear that “Tub Savannah National Bank,’’ in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been dnly organized under add according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act te provide a National Currency, secured by s pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking nnder said Act: Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that ‘‘The Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, aud State of Georgia, Is author ized to commence the business of Banking nnder the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1866. FREEMAN CLARKE. [No. 1266.] Comptroller of the Currency. ju26 2mos ** £J|RUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. A choice selection of DRUGS, * * ‘ MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, JUST LANDED fbom new york. Apothecaries, Planters, and traders from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, 1 can warrant every article as being pore. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred casee Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ’ I AT APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Corner Bronghton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, ju IC-3 m Proprietor. ! SUTLERS AND MERCHANTS. The subscribers offer fur sale at No. 4 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., THEIR ENTIRE STOCK. At prices which defy competition, consisting of Cakes, Crackers, Butter. Cheese, Hams, Canned Fruits and Mea ts, Tripoli Emery Paper, Segars, Tobacco, Ales, Wines, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Paper Bogs, Wrapping Paper, Stationary in variety, Army Range s, Yankee Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Ac. These goods will be sold without regard to cost. Why seud your orders to New York when you can bay cheaper at home. ju33 ts C. W- DENNIS A CO. JgtINSTEIN, ROSENFELD A CO., BANKERS, * No. 3 BROAD STREET. New Yobk. ♦ • We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Frankfort, and all other principal cities of Europe. * ■ Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and 0 ■ draw at their convenience, the same aa with the City Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of foub per cent, per aunum, Orders for the purchase or sale of * various Issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds it * and Gold, executed on Commission. je6-3taw3m . rpo TIMBER CUTTERS. —the undermgried— WILL PU RCHABE IN LOTS/ » As Thev Arrive, HARD PINE am> HEWN .SHIPPING TIMBER. W. A..BEARD, jyUi eodlm 164 Congress street _ J RC. FKATHER, M. Eh OFFICE, NO. 13)6 MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON, HEAD, S C. Jh*» PRICE. 5 CENTS [From the N. Y. Herald, 12th. ] Auction Sale of Government Cotton. Another government sale of cotton took place at No. 111 Broadway yesterday after noon, Iu all about twenty-five hundred bales were disposed of at auction, the prices real ized being slightly in advance of those .of last month. Below will be found a list of the lota sold and prices realized : NEW ORLEANS COTTON. 10 bales good middling 55# currency 211 do low do 63k do 213 do good ordinary 4«X do - *» 4334 do ™ <J® a W 3° ' •••33* do <jo :37»4 <io 33 do do do 37V do 60 do, rebaled mixed 41 do 42 do do 3j do 12 do pickings m’xd ”.’.'.’.’22 do mobile cotton. ' 25 bales middling . 441 60 do low middling .37>. do' l £2 I*®' *. 3do IST do good ordinary 34% d o 24 do ordinary do 116 do rebaled and mixed 31 do 46 do low middling 07% d o 60 do pickings — NORTH CAROLINA COTTON. 8T bales short middling....* 63currency 26 do low ordinary 60% do 26 do good ordinary ...48 do 34 do ordinary 433/ d o % do low ordinary# " !36% do 3T do rebaled and mixed- 43 y, do 4 bags do do 38>$ do sk/T isLand ootton. 146 bales first quality 77 go id 64 do second do "... 46 do 24 do fourth do .".".31 do 13 do first do saw giuned 62 do 16 do second do do 35 do 10 Dags samples .”!""41.* do 20 bales cotton in seed do UPLAND. 1 bale good middling 40% gold 1 do low mlddliug .38 do 4 do good ordinary 28X do 3 do ordinary 28% do 1 do rebaled 31 do 2 do pickings do 90 bags samples and low cotton .’. J 35'* do 9do do do 3014 do 18 do low ... : 153? do 11 do pickings lojtf do There was a large attendance of buyers, and bidding was spirited, considering the tendency of the atmosphere. Reminiscence of John Mltchsll the Younger. Tne London correspondent of the New York Tribune has the following in a recent letter: I was in Charleston, South Carolina, In the memorable Winter of 1860-I—Secession time—and bad considerable opportunities of observing the events and individuals of that epoch. Being, one evening, at the office of one of the principal, newspapers of the city I found there, with its editor, a beardless lad of 20, thin and slight of figure, of middle height, with round grey eyes, rather an aqui-v line nose, a decided moutb, and anything but an agreeable expression of countenance His face only lacked vigor and fellness 'o have served for an exact model for a grand inquisitor. There was a look of latent, dan gerous fanaticism in it which curiously at tracted, yet repelled you. This youth prov ed to be John Mitchel, junior, and he was worthy of his paternity. (His father by the by, was then in Paris, acting as corres pondent to the Charleston Mercury ) “Young Vitriol”—for by that designation he was privately known to myself and others— had come from Uis adopted State of Ala bama to offer his services to South Carolina and the holy cause of secession. He had a good manner and address, was a land-sur veyor by profession, and lionized it in Charleston on the strength of his name and origin. Living in the same hotel, I saw a good deal of him, The fanatical faith in Slavery and the South exhibited by this lad was something appalling; he had adopted all its extreme features—especially belief in the revival of the slave trade—with a perver sity becoming his primogeniture. His coat displayed a huge gash, recently sewn up, for which he accounted by a pleasing story df a “difficulty” with a friend to whom he had carelessly applied the epithet of “submis sionist” in an Alabama ball-room, when the gentlemau responded by a cut at his breast with a bowie knife. “On which 1 took the liberty of putting a bullet through his hat, just above the he said Michael junior, adding, naively. “He was the dear egt f r iend I had in the world.” Young Vit ways carried a revolver—Dean and xiol al patent being his “favorite” weapon. Adam’snight of my introduction to him he discoursed, of Abolitionists, and narrated how he had assisted at lynching one in Ala bama, only two weeks back, stating the time and locality. “And,” he said, “1 am not ashamed to say that I pulled at the rope. I was on the jury that tried him, and I helped to hang him. I render myself amenable to the law by the admission, tor as it was done by the Vigilance Committee, of which I am a member, it was, of course, illegal. But I am confidng it to gentlemen and men of hon or.” Acd I have no doubt that this boy— whose frail arm was hardly thicker than a rabbit’s leg, which one could have snapped bp a vigorous twist of the wrist—had pulled at the rope and assisted at the murder of apme “Yankee”—one of the many nameless assassinations occvuring in the evil days of the domination of Slavery, before the war began. Mitchell, junior, got on the stafl of Gov. Pickens subsequently, and was sent to Virginia to propogate “secesh” doctrines there and help engineer the State out of the Union, from which expedition he returned despairing of success and denouncing the Old Dominion —as was the fashion in Charleston just then. That was before Sumter. When then Rebels fired on the Star of the West, thereby committing their first act of overt hostility to the United States Goverment, his enthusiasm was prodigious. “I was all alone,” he said to me, “out on Sullivan’s Island, but if I didn't throw mv hat up and hurrah, it’s a pity 1” In July, 1864, this promising youth got killed by a cannon-ball, while in command at Fort Sumter as Capt. John Mitcheil. The Augusta Gazette is discontinued.