Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 25, 1865, Image 3

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local matters. Arrival ot the Steamship Chase. The Pioneer Line Steamship Chase, Capt. JI. L. Rodgers, from New York, on the 20th, arrived yesterday. The chase brings a large number of passengers and a full freight. We are greatly indebted to Purser Sylvester Mc- Grath, of the Chase, for full files of New York papers to the 20th. The Chase starts again on Thursday. Estill, back of the Post Office, has re ceived the latest Northern papers per steam er Chase. Call early. Mail fob thb North.— The mail for the North, per steamer Chase,closes on Thursday next, two hours the sailing-hour of the steamer. The Scbschutiox Ball at the Yolks Gartl*. —On account of the inclemency of the weather last evening, the ball'which was to have come off at the Volks Garten was postponed until Thursday evening, the 27th. The Beltos Minstrels.— 'This company of Ethiopian minstrels will make their bow to the Savannah public at Marshall Hall this evening. Great curiosity is expressed con cerning these new claimants for popular fa vor. Ag< od bill is offered. Meteorological—The raDge of the ther mometer yesterday was as follows: 7 a.m. 'B6 ; Ip.m. 94 ; 7 p*jn. 85. Towards eve ning a storm, accompanied by heaVy wind and rain, came up, followed by a cool and damp night. * The Staff of Gen. Brannan. —The Staff ‘of Brevet Maj. Geu.*Bianuan, commanding the District, is announced in an order, pub lished this morning, to be found in another column. A few important changes in the of ficers of the Post will be noted, Concert of Mb. J. H. Newman’s Class. Jir. J. H. Newman s class of eighty children are to give a concert at St. Andrew’s Hall on Thursday evening next, July 27tb. Mr. New man is well known as the teacher of music la the Public Schools, and we may be sure of an excellent entertainmeut from the class under his instruction. Two Hundklp and Firry Laborers Wan ted.—lt will be seen by an advertisement in another column, that 250 laborers are called for by the contractors at work on the Cen tral Railroad. There can but be less excuse for vagrancy and idleness among the colored men with this offer of work. THE COURTS. DISTRICT PROVOST COURT—JUDGE EBEN PAR- SONS, PRESIDING. Savannah, July 24th, 18G5. Upon the petition of John M. Guerard, Esq., Attorney lor Heuiy Stints, to occupy and control west halfiot lying and being in tile city of Savaunah at the northwest corner of State and Bull streets, and to collect rents for the same; the following endorsement was made: Permission {.ranted, provided the premises are not in possession of or re quired by the military. Permission was granted Isaac M. Marsh, Esq., to occupy and control and collect rents ou the brick tenements on 3-4 lot No. 23, Curry Town, iu the city of Savannah, Upon the application of James L. Haupt, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Jane Barnett, to occupy, control and collect rents ou Lot and improvements, lying and being at tne corner ot Congress and Drayton-sts., Reynolds Ward; and a Lot and improve ments lying and beiug on Jones street, Mon terey Ward, iu the city of Savannah, the following endorsement was entered: Per mission was granted James L Haupt, Ad ministrator, to occupy, control and collect rents ou the within described property, it ap pearing to the Court that the same is not used lor military purposes. „ - ’ • Permission was granted to James L.Haupt, to occupy, conti ol and collect rents ou the below described property, it appearing to the Court that the same was not used for military purposes. James L. Haupt as agent lor J no. L. Haupt, on Lot and im provements corner of York and Habersham streets, Columbia Ward ; also on a vacant lot lying and being in Savannah, at the cor ner of Houston and South Broad streets, f Crawford Ward; James L. Haupt, Trustee I for Mrs. F. M. Wall and children who are j the owners of a certain lot, with improve l rnents thereon at the corner of York and Stay ton streets, Anson Ward, and lot and tprovemeuts on Floyd street, Brown Ward. James L. Haupt, Trustee lor Mrs. Haupt, the widow aud cuildren of Samuel B. Haupt, deceased, who are the owners of a lot with impfbvemeuts thereon, situate, lying and being in tl o City of Savaunah, in Houston street, Green Ward. Upon the app.ication of Henry J. Thomas son, agent for Miss Mary H. Heineman, who is the heir of her brotuef, H. J. Heineman, lately deceased, to occupy control and col lect rents on lots-and improvements in va rious pans of the .City of Savannah, the following order wus entered : This petition cannot be granted until the tree, status of the owner can be ascertained. Permission wus granted to Mrs. H. M- R. Monimoiiiu to occupy and control and to obtain possession ot tue lower story of a building situate, lying and being at the cor ner of &t. j u ii a u a nd Barnard streets, con sisting of a three story brick building, the two upper stories oi wuich are occupied as public schools for the education of freedmen v aud the lower story of which is used as a barber shop and a restaurant, the proprietors ot which have taken possession thereot with-_ out her knowledge and consent. A. L. Harris vs. N. M. Sneed, judgmeht for plaintiff rendered July 22d, 1806, with costs of suit sl. Whereas, A. L. Harris re covered judgment against defendant in the sum ofelevuu hundred and forty-one dollars, interest ou'four.een hundred and litty four dollars from March Ist, 1865, with cost 6 of suit which said amount of judgment and costs is unpaid, ivwas ordered: that the de fendant, N. M tiueed, pay the above speci fied sum of money at’once, and upon failure so to do that a sufficient amount of his goods aud chat lies be seized aud Sold, after giving legal notice oi such sale through the Gazettes of the city, until the judgment and costs are liquidated. W. M. Walsh vs. O’Meara A Cos, Stat. action on account. Claito $1.034 25, costs ot suit $5. Whereas, plaintiff recovered against the defendants in the sum of $1,034 25. and $5 costs of suit, which said judgment and costs remain unpaid: Upon motion of the Hon. M. Benedict, counsel for plaintiff it was ordered, that Chas. J. White be ap pointed receiver ot the proceeds of sales of Billiard Saloon, being on the Bay near the corner of Drayton streets, aad retain them m his hands until the amount of judgment, costa and receiver’s fees are accumulated and the said receiver is further authorized to dis burse the receipts when a sufficient amount is collected to liquidate the same. - POST PROVOST COURT, CAPT.' JAMES E. SMITH, JUDGE, PRESIDING. , ’ Savannah, July 24th, 1865. J- uited States vs. Bernard Roony—charged with drunkenness, and resisting a U. S. Po liceman in the discharge of his duty, iu the city of Savannah, Ga., July 22, 1865; plea not guilty, judgment guilty. It was ordered that the prisoner be fined in the sum of $25, iu default of payment of said fine he be im prisoned in the county jail for a period of forty days. Prosecutor for the United States John R. Hover; counsel for defence Hon. P. M. Russell. United States vs. Mary Roony—charged with using insulting and abusive language to aU. S. Policeman, in the proper discharge of bis duty, at various times in the month of June and on the 22d of July, 1865, iu the city of Savannah, Ga.; plea nos guilty, judg ment guilty. It was ordered that the defend ant be fined in the sum of $25, and in default of payment of said fine she be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of fifty days. Counsel for defence Hon. P. M. Russell. United States vs. A. Jackson (colored), Geo. Andrews (colored), Wm. Johnson (col ored). and Martin Wall—charged with wear ing U. S'uniforms contrary to General Or ders No. 6, Headquarters, Post of Savannah, Ga., July sth, 1865, on the 23d and 24th July, 1865, ip the city of Savannah, Ga. It was ordered, that in consequence of the pris oner’s ignorance of the atoresaid order, and it appearing to the Court that they recently arrived in the city, they, in consequence, are hereby discharged from custody. United States vs John Humphries (colored) —charged with an attempt at burglary, on the corner ot Montgomery and Liberty streets, in the city of Savannah, Ga., on the 23d July, 1865. Plea, not guilty. It appear ing to the Court in this case that the pris oner recently arrived in the city, and having been fatigued, laid down to sleep opposite said house situated as aforesaid. It was or dered that the prisoner be sent to the con tiahand camp. COMMERCIAL. Savannah Cotton Market. Savannah, July 24, 1865. A fair inquiry prevailed to-day, with sales as follows: 2 bales Good Middlings 44 cents ; 22 bales Good Middlings 43 1-2 cents; 6 bales Good Middlings 45 cents. Many sales made and reported do not offer a, fair criterion of the market as the trans actions are made on the condition that cer tain portions of the money paid by purchaser be invested in goods which he is disposing of. The receipts received are intended for export to other markets. §otd Hrribttls. ” J ~PULASK.I HOCsic JULY 84. J Slager, Savannah ' J H Hamilton, City M B Briggn. ll'H -ad J E Cobb, Thomtuiton A M Jackson, Hamburg, SC Geo E Breck, Charleston GiO W Dewhnrst, USA Mrs Young, H Head Jno W Brumbay. Ga Chas West, do Jas T Patterson and wife, Geo G Burns, Scriven co Augusta Jus H Mims, do Mrs Brown. Augusta Chas Burnett, Lt 156 NYV E A Rohrer, do J W Alvord, WashlngtonDC W J Woods. Barnwell, S C H Waterman, Augusta Go, E N Montaider, N Orleans A Davis. do M J Gibbons, Cincinnati W Warner, Scriven county Jno Kinney and lady, Au- C L Afillikin, N York gUNta, Ga W L Stark, Macon, Ga Mrs Emory and 4 children, Sami J Day, N York Asa W Day, do Mrs Pel<>t and sou, Augusta H Wolffe, Tbomasville, Ga W M Smith, do UR Clark. Clarksville Tenn GSs Hookey, do J Floyd King, . do G o Y Barker, N York E R Robertson, N York MiS Walter and child. Miss W N I’iudy, City Jno H Byrne, Augusta' Jas Lynch, N York _ Jas Kelly, Capt 160 NYV Jno Merchant, Baltimore Henry H Lay, llochester NY *. O Murdoch, Brooklyn' V H Burns, Ogeechee, G« Jo9Downing, Newnansvillo, H Bnfiord, Sutler 100 N YV Florida J M Kinchley, Augusta S Daniels, Americu9, Ga R B Grover, Capt 30tb Me C K Daniels do Geo A .Smith, US.V F W Dauiels, do Dr Hogau, do Gpo Henry, Steamer Chase Chas Smith, do Jijgi Phillips, do SEAHSLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) JULY 23. Surg H D Uadzlnsky, lOlthiW Root, do U S C T H Van Veit, Columbia F U Goodwin, H Head |D A Johnson, MoreheadCity Maj Roy, do |G Wbittemore, Charleston D C Smith, Augusta | JULY 24. S WiMurzzry. Boston |C W Jones, Chaplain 21st A V McWilliams, Pittsburgl U-S C T D S Langdon, NY Lt J W Selvage, 34 U S C T N S Roberts, A9st Surg j PORT ROYAL HOUSE, (HILTON HEAD) JULY 23. MQ Bennett and lady, Pro-|G Hamilton, Tbomasville videnco U McDonell, St Helena Lt C H Barnes, Jackson'Capt Wairous, Savannah ville, Fla |J W Sherman and wife, P W Caay, Charleston Charleston Mrs Britton und family,jCapt Schuller and lady, Sav Charleston ] Bergt Sissen, 3d R I Art . S T Levoce, Texas J Morarty do- Henry Curtis. Charleston | ||tattottorg, |^c. jj^TATIONEBY^. TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. • 9 We offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest cash prices, Onr stock in the above line is the largest in the De partment, and all onr goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. Wc solicit the attention* of purchasers to onr goods and prices. SAVILLE & LEACH, - Corner Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter’s Bank, . Savannah, Ga., AND— MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. jyi ~Y = Tf SSOU)MONB, 5 SOU)MONB, M. D. From Charleston, S. C., offers his Rervices to the Citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office. Congress street. References.—Dr. Jab. B Read, Dr. JuaiAH Hakbib," Bon. Solomon Cohen, W. N. Habersham Esq,, iqU ts A. A. Solomon* & Cos., pipping |jntein<jenc*. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, July 24, ISOS. , A Card. ON BOARD STEAMER HELEN, I Savannah Rirn. July 23, 1800. j At a meeting Os passenger on board the steamer Helen, held this day, Jas. T. Pattewon having been requested to draft resolutions expressive of their grateful apprecia tion of the kind attention of Cspt. Jas. K. Reilly and his officers, to their convenience and comfort during the pas sage from Augusta to Savannah, reported thefollowing, which were unanimously adopted— Resolved, That Capt. James K. Reilly, Purser Peter Reilly, and the officer* and employees of the steamer Helen, are entitled to our thanks for tbeir courtesy and kind efforts to promote our safety aud comfort while on board their steamer. Resolved, That we cordially recommend the Helen to the trading public as furnishing a safe, comfortable and expeditious means of transit between Augusta and the seaport of Georgia. 11 Resolved, That the officers and owners of the Helen are entitled to the liberal support of the public for their enterprise in so promptly providing a comfortable pas senger boat, suitable tor the navigation of the river at this season, when railroad communication is temporarily interrupted, Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be handed to the Captain, and the Savannah papers be requested to publish the same. Jas T Patterson, Edw A Rohrer, E M McDonald, M J Gibbons, Christopher Gray, Robt Zacliarias, J Hampton, L Hoffman and wife, Juo Keilny, Max Kempnan, John Elkin, T H BoDhaw, K Morgan, Wm J Wood, Henry t Emery, J B Peay, Thos Hastings, C A Benjamin, L J Walker, W H Connerutt. J W Goodrich, W T Thompson, P O’Connor, L Loeser, S L Langdou, Henry Stibbs, Geo A Oates, Jos E Marshall, J M Kinchley, G a Hookey, Jno W Brumby, Wm Taylor. Arrived. Pioneer steamship Chase, Rodgers, New York; Hun. ter A Gammell Posssnosas—S J Day, W H Purdy, K B Robertson, J H Lynch, E O Murdock, Jas Birmingham. C L Williken, H H Wolft, John Merchant, H Waterman, L B Clurle, rnr Oliveria and wife, W L Stark, J Coffner, YV J Bruder, J F King, and ten in steerage Conswnsrs—Adam* Express Cos, G W Allan, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Blun A Meyer, Brady Jk Smith, A Block, Cottner A Silverhill, F Constant, O Cohen, C L Colby. Claghorn & Cunningham. J H Dumund, 11 Dittmers, S H Kcknian, W Ebos, M Ferst Si Cos, D Finnegan, C L Gilbert, Michael Gordon, S N Gragg & Cos, Jos llirsch back, Halsey. Watson k Cos, Hess & Guettmau, Hunter A Gammel, Hilton A Randel. N A Hardee. P Herman, W B Ives. E H Keilen & Cos, O T Keatgen, B Kohn, Kein A Cos, J D LuKiche, R I Larconel A Cos, H Lavln, W W Lincoln, Lovell A Lat imore, S II Lederer, A Leflier, P Lough!in, J Lama, Lillenthal A Kohn, A J Moses A Cos, W H May, J C Maker A Cos, John McMuhon, H Mein hard A Bro, A Meyer A Cos, U S Meyer, J R Norton. W D Oliveria. T Pepper, Presdee A Ors, Jno Ryan, E Rotche A Cos, Richardson A Bonaud, 0 Roger* A Cos, Dr J M Schley, W H Stark. J Schroder. W H Sherwood, A A Solomons, B Straus, F Shuster, Stuart., A Cos, B G TUden, B F Ulmer, W H Fuller A Cos, N Wolfe. W Wolfe, H B Waugh A Cos, C White, W H Walsh, Guckenheiiner A Selig Weed A Cornwell, J R Seely, BAR, J..g Engel, B F Krnstein, T W Shea, W T H Lucas, a Champion, D Oliver, Kaethck A Cos, Lillenthal, Erwin A Hardee Steamer Nantaskel, Springer, Turner’s Rocks Steamer Oneota, Norris, Hilton Head Cleared. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Darien, Ga „ Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head Steamer Fannie. Lewis, Charleston, Beaufort, and Hil ton Head; Chas H Cambridge PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrived. July 20—Schooner C A Howard, Nickerson, Elizabeth Port July 21—Schooner Martha Ann, Sargent, Georgetown J uly 2z—Sloop Fleet, Berry, Charleston: brig Imo gene, Saunders, Philadelphia <£> ruccrics. gTUART A do., = FAMILY GROCERS, DEALERS IN TEAS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corner Bull and Broughton Streets. Special attention paid to country orders from Fami lies and for the Trade. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. L. Y. Stuart. H. M. Kellooo. jyl9 ts £>IERCE SKEHAN, ** WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j)EALGR In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal dednetions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street, New York. ‘s’ UNCiCidis; " GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, N— AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, Ac., * Corner of Bay and Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, &c., and liberal cash advances made ou shipments to our New York House. Jylß A. HUDSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealeh IN GROCERIES, ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, Ac THE ’’SOJOURN.” “ A* ice Journey through Life, let u* Live bti the leap." south east Corner of EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. J 22 ln> QHAMPION BRICK MACHINE. The proprietors of this recent Patent for the manu facture of Brick are prepared to dispose of Machines, and rights to use the same. This Machine is simple of construction; does not readily get ont of yepair; has immense power; makes the brick square and sol id ; can be worked with a single horse. causes little delay for removing stones; will make from twenty five to thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circulars, with full particulars, forwarded on application to * BRADFORD £ RENICK, jy-lm Tl Broadway, New York. NOTICE. I would Inform the public that I have resumed the practice of In this city, at my old stand, corner of St Julien and Barnard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photograph Gal lery,) where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my prolession. jyll.lmo W. JOHNSON. D. D. S. — HEADQUARTERS POST OF~SAVANNAH,\ Savannah, Ga., July 21, 1865. $ General Order,) , No. 14. ) - Capt Albert Stearns, 13lht New York Infantry, is at his own request relieved from duty as Street Commis sioner of this dty. The General Commanding, In relieving Captain Stearns, feels compelled to tender his high apprecia tion of him as an officer, and his entire satisfaction of the manner in which he has conducted the duties of k'capLW. H Boynton, 30th Maine Infantry, and De puty Street Commissioner is hereby announce! as Street Commissioner of this city, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By Command of 7 Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. General, Jy» | |%tppl«o. pIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The U. S. Steamship Chase, M. L. Rogers. Comman der, will Mil for the above port on her regular day, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, at O'clock. For freight or passage having superior accommoda tion* apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, jy22 84 Bay Street. LINE SAILING VESSELS. QUICK DISPATCH FOE NEW YORK. The splendid A1 Clipper Schooner HATTIE BAKER, Capt. Bcnosse. Will clear for the above port in a few days. Has superior accommodation for First £lass Cabin Passengers. Only Room fob Four lift— Fare, S3O Asa large portion of her cargo Is already engaged Shippers will need to make early application for freight room. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY Si CO. • jy24‘ ts Cor. Buy and Abercoru sts. pOK NEW YORK. The A1 fast sailing Clipper Schooner FRANCIS HATCH, Capt. Chivkbil, Will have quick despatch for the above pori. For Freight or Passage apply to jy2o BRIGHAM, BALDWIN k 00. MERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON. ERS FOR NEW Y. O R K . The undersigned intend to keep np a regular week-, ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness aud despatch. Particular attention ,iven to forwarding goods from New York. , CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., *jylß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. IS. gEA ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN* TO THB PUBLIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 20ra, 1866. i _____ ’ This new Hotel, situated on tte moat desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. The scenery Is quite as pleasing and Inter esting, in every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. 1., and is altogether afl comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahaut, Mass., and as fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be famished with the best that can be procured hern and In the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel all tbattho most fastidious can desire.— Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. ju23 ts jpOBT ROYAL HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUGG, Proprietors. E. 8. RIDDELL, M. F. BDOO. ju3-tf £> U L A S K I H cTuIT E , SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS A RIDDELL. Proprietors. J. O. BABTF.I.B. E, s. RIDDELL. ju3-tf J^OTICE. OFFICE PROVOST JUDGE,) July 22d, 1865. f All persons having papers in my hands must call on Tuesday next, the 25th, and procure them. NoAnore public business will be by me'transacted at this office. . • EBEN PARSONS, Jb, jy24 2 Provost Jr,dge. j^OTICE. OFFICE OF STREET COMMISSIONER,) Savannah, Ga, July 21st, 1865. f The owner of the following described animal will please call at this Office, prove property and pay charges, on or before the 25th inst., or the same will be sold to defray expenses, via: One Brindlc COW, In public pound since July 15th. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. A Street Commissioner. > jy24 2 jj g: ruwe a co; Corner St. Julian Street and Monument Square, Near the Pnlaski House, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS, WINES, SEGARS, Ac. Also Agents for two targe and excellent Breweries, at New York, from which we receive the best of ALES AND LAGER BIER.’ Also, constantly on hand the best EAST INDIA ALE. We came down here very inexperienced in business, as conducted under necessary military restrictions; and coming unprovided with the proper papers for onr trade, we at first labored under many disadvan tages. Bat we now consider ourselves well posted, and having, by strict compliance with all military rules, been pat on a good footing for disposing of our Stock, with the proper license, we propose to offer unusual Inducements to the trade. We shall give a superior article at a Small advance on New York prices. « MONEY OR GOODS ADVANCED FOB COTTON, RICE, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. jyi» lw 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH R AILS. Os best quality, 60x58 per lineal yard. For sale by jul9 Gm _ • FOWLS A CO. JMPORTKD AlCf DOMESTIC ~ZZ WINES AND LIQUORS, AT WHOLESALE, FOE FAMILY USE, AT 207 BAY STREET. TkRAftL R. BEALY * CO. aajtt-tf Jtmnsemfttfs. gAVANNAH THKATnE. W. P. Sweat* am M«wg»r M. Freedkrtbyseb Musical Director TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 25, 1165. “Q. K. PHILANDER DOBSTICKS, P. (Mortimer Thomson.) Will, by special request of a number of prominent residents of the city, both Military and Civil, deliver his popular versified Lecture on “PLUCK." The said discourse having been Reconstructed, Regan ermted. Rebuilt, Recompiled and Re-written-over for the VT.h time In consonance with the Recuperated, Rehabilitated, and Disenthralled State of affaka in the State of Georgia. Dress Circle and Parquette 11 00 Second Tier and Balcony 75 Amphitheatre go Prlvate Boxea .'....56, SB. and $lO 00 Colored Gallery ie jyjARSHALL HALLi W. H- Campbell, . . . Manases. GREAT ATTRACTION 1 ♦ First appearance of the BELTON MINSTRELS. WITH FUN AND BURLESQUE, commencing TUESDAY EVENINO, JULY 26. Price of Admission, 50 cents; Reserved Seats for Ladies, 7.i cigns jy26*l yOLKS’ GARTEN, ~~ (Congress at., between Jefferson aud Montgomery sts.,) REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE . CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BY THE savannah orchestra, ProC E. RicnTER, Leader, Refreshments of me best qual.ty and In every variety. • lmo JylO 'J'HE SAVANNAH NATIONAL HANK —IS NOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, AT TOR BANKING HOUSE, IN THB EXCHANGE. Deposits aad Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York tarnished, • v I * L. C NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, CaihMa DIRECTORS; L. C. Nobvell, I Franc** Sossku, Noble A. Hardee, 1 J. *7. Latubu*, Robert Erwin. HENRY & FITCH, „ Notary and Mdcrtor. Savannah, 26 th June, 1866. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, I Office of Comptroller of tub Ccamcwn, V Washington, June 10ib, 1866. j Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to tb undersigned, It has been made to appear that “TiOi Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge ot United States bonds, and to provide for the and. eolation aud redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, L Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “.The Savannah . [ National Bank," in the City ofi Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, Is anthoi ized to oommence of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1866. FREEMAN CLARKE, C-Vo. 1255.] Comptroller of the Currency ju26 , 2mps . ■ . jyjANNING DE FOREST. BANKERS AND BROKERS. No. 19 Wall* Street, New York. DEALERS IN GOLD, SILVER, FOREIGN EX CHANGE and GOVERNMENT SECURITIBJ. Give special attention to the purchase and sale of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notfcs. Southern States Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons^ Interest allowed on deposits. 4y15-3m RUTILATED AND TORN TREASURY NOIE9 BXDtBMSD A* _ , THE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK. ’ At Tueib Value. jy2o-2w J. SPIVEY, Cashier J£IRLIN A KIENZLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAUBBT* ' Cf ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER, OUR aocss. Ids BAY STREET, Ju2l ___ ts J>OOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. ft The Palmetto Herald Building having been Newtv Fitted Up, now offers laige and airy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments or bnsiaess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. tt, Hiltcn Head Post OfHcc, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o’clock p. m. jQAILY JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNINQ AND EVENING w •MACON, GEORGIA BY 8. ROSE AND S. B. BURR, PROPRIETORS. The old Jocbnal and Messenseb. estsbllshed in , 1823, and regularly published since that time, has now the largest Daily aurt Weekly circulation in tne State of Georgia, and is a desirable Advertising medium tor Northern and other Merchants, having goods to oi*. pose of. We will advertise on as .iberal teims a» any, and parties seeding us their advertisements, with the money, will be insured entire satisfaction.— Address 8. ROSE A CO., Jyl? lw • ' llaioß, GA