Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 26, 1865, Image 3

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I, Os AL MATTERS. A Mail fob Augusta and the Istf.kior, to jro by stearqer Helen, closes this (Wednes day) evening, at 8 o’clock. Schools to Close.—A Geueral Order from }en. Davis announces the closing of the ichools of Savannah under military control, irom to-day till the first of October. Mails for the North. —The Savannah itails for the North, to go by the steamer C'uase, will close at 9 1-2 o’clock, to-morrow (Thursday) morning. Meteorological. —The weather yesterday va s fair and pleasant. The following is the yauge of. the thermometer: 7, a. m., 84; 1, j, m., 91; 7, p. m., 87. Llctl're Last Evening.— We are obliged lo defer, till another edition, a report of the address last evening, to the young men of (Georgia, by Rev. George G. Smith. O’Meara & Co.—We call attention to the advertisement, in another column, by Walter O’Meara, announcing the dissolution of the firm of O’Meara & Cos. Serenade to Gen. Brannan.— Brevet Maj. Gen. Brannan, commanding the District, was serenaded at his quarters on South Broad street last evening, by the fine band of the 30th Maine Volunteers, E. M. Gammon lead er. They played several pieces in excellent style. Personal. —Mr. Gideon jViapes, Pilot of the steamship Empire City, is in town, ac companied by master Henry Barton, a nephew of Capt. Barton, of that steamer.— JUr. Maoes has been long and favorably known as the pilot of the steamship Fulton, which the Empire City replaces. The Forest City Foundry. —These works, once extensive, and owned by Lufburrow & Timons, northeast corner of Taylor and (Habersham streets, are again in operation.— The present proprietors, Messrs. Linville & Gleason, have commenced under many diffi culties, but tbeir enterprise and their past reputation is a guarantee that the works will be successfully operated. Large Receipt of Timber. —Yesterday a raft of timber arrived from Scriven county, Georgia, via Savannah liver. This timber was cut by the enterprising firm of McLeod & Bro. It is of first quality and squared— the proper article for shipping, as regards size. The raft is consigned to Messrs. Hun ter & Gammell, and will be immediately for warded to Philadelphia. The Heaviest Receipts by Flat from Augusta.— Yesterday morning Pioneer Flat No. 3, built by McAlpin & McDonald, arrived from Augusta consigned to T. L. Henry. The cargo consists of 287 bales of Upland Cotton, 100 bales shirtings, and 125 bales yarns. Messrs. McAlpin & McDonald, by securing faithful and competent men to transport the valuable cargoes reaching our wharves from the interior, have not lost a boat up to the present time. This firm is building and sending down one flat pur week. An Accommodation to All.— Savannah, prior to its occupation by the army es Gen. Sherman, had mas local banks. Only two of these banks were open to the public in the afternoon, and their hours of business were limited. The Savannah National Bank, located in the Exchange, is open for business from nine o’clock in the moruing until sun set. Mr. Spivey, the Cashier, assisted by Mr. Wakefield, iormerly of the Timber Cut ter’s Bank, have thought it just and proper to adopt the above plan of business for the accommodation of all citizens. The Bank is now prepared to furnish all with fractional currency in small sums, and to supply Inter nal Revenue stamps of all denominations. The Retirement of Jddoe Parsons Yesterday Judge Parsons, in accordance with orders from District Headquarters, which we publish elsewhere, finally closed the. District Provost Court, over which he has presided since|Jthe arrival of the 19th Army Corps in this city. Judge Parsons has been relieved at his own request, and leaves immediately for his home in Lynn, Massa chusetts, Lieut. Parsons has been called upon to adjudicate many peculiarly complex and trying cases, for which there were no precedents by-which he could be guided.— Yet he early gained tne confidence of the people of Savannah, and has throughout commanded the respect of professional men and the authorities, while the policy of the Government has been ably and faithfully carried out. 41/ this courts. DISTRICT PROVOST COURT —JUDGE EBEN PAR SONS, PRESIDINO. Savannah, July 25th, 18G5. Upon the application of the Hon. Thomas E. Lloyd, Attorney tor Wm. H.. Gibbons to occupy, control and collect rents on the tot lowing described property, situate, lying an d being mihe county of Chatham ana totate ot Georgia, viz:—Lot and improvements No. •>, Frederick Tything, Derby Ward ; lot No. J, DerbyTything .Decker Ward; lot and improvements, Heathecoate Decker Waid: lot No 8, Franklin Ward; lot No. 9, and improvements Franklin Ward: lots and improvements Nos. H, 12 18, 20 and 22, North Oglethorpe Ward, and lots and improvements Nos. 12, 13, 14, 16 and lti, North Oglethorpe Ward, north side of Mill street-the following order was published: Permission granted to W. H. Gib bons to occupy and control; and to collect rents lor the within described property, pro vided the 6ame is not in use ot the military, be haying been pardoned by the President. Upon the application of J. R. Saussy, Esq Attorney for Edgar McDonald, to occupy and control a certain lot of land, lying and being in the county of Chatham, on Whit marsh Island, opposite Thunderbolt. The following endorsement was entered: Per mission granted, provided, the premises are not included in the lands assigned to freed men, and also subject to the right of all per sons who have planted erops. John M. Cooney vs. Walter O’Meara Order to appoint appraisers of stock in com mon and report thereon. Messrs. Zacbariah N. Winkler and Francis Dowd appraisers submitted their report, which was received and ordered to be spread upon the minutes of the Court. Win. L. Vroom vs. Thos. H. Harden—re covery of debt, claim SB7 60. Whereas, the matter in controversy was referred to arbi ters by an order of Court granted on the 6th of July, 1865. The arbiters, Messrs. Gilbert Butler and Christopher C. Casey, submitted their report, which was received and order ed to be spread upon the minutes. The application of Henry J. Thomasson, agent for Miss Mary R. Heineman to occupy and control certain property in the city of Savannah, was granted. POST PROVOST COURT, CAPT. JAMES E. SMITH, » JUDGE, PRESIDING. Savannah, July 25th, 1865. United States vs. A. Smith, charged with drunkenness in the city of Savannah, on the 24th day of July, 1865. It was ordered that the prisoner be discharged from custody. United States vs. Robert McKeon, and Ann McKeon his wife, charge Ist, with selling and furnishing liquor to J oseph Blanchard, an enlisted man of Company H, 153d New York Volunteer Infantry, on or about the 9th day of July, 1865, in the city of Savannah, Ga., contrary, to General Orders No. 41, etc.; charge 2df, Assault with intent to murder Joseph Blanchard, an enlisted man of Com pany H, 153d New York Volunteer Infantry, in the city of Savannah, Ga., on or about the 9th day or July, 1865, plea not guilty; judg ment on the first charge not guilty ; judg ment on the second charge, guilty. Wit nesses for the United Sfates, Jok. Blanchard, Asst. Surgeon Sweeney, and A. B. Bumbard. It was ordered that the prisoners be fined in the sum of two hundred dollars each, and be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of four months, and at the expiration of said term, they be detained in the said county jail until said fined together with the costs of court are paid. Counsel for the UnUed States, Hon. Philip M. Russell and Geo. T. Turner; tor defence, Hon. Walter S. Chis holm and Martin J. Ford, Esq, Street Railway in Savannah, Savannah, Ga., July 22d, 1865. Mr. Editor :—Why can’t we have a street Railway on some of our principal streets, say Whitaker, Congress, Bull, or South Broad. Persons living at the extreme ends of these streets, have a very long distance to market. Can’t some of our energetic men ake hold of this thing. lam sure it will pay so ritself in three months time. Savannah is growing very rapidly in business, and it will not be long when she will be proud of it. Let some influential man take bold of this at once. a Citizen. COMMERCIAL. Savannah Cotton Market. Savannah, July 25, 1865. The market yesterday was unsettled, and the sales made were 40 bales as follows, viz: 35 bales middlings at 43 cents, and 5 bales strict good middlings at 44 1-2 cents. From the advices received by private letters from Europe and the North, a dullness was notice able on the part of buyers. A decline in prices was looked for, which has no doubt already taken place, though not fully estab lished. PULASKI HOUSE. JULY 25, 1866. O E Smith, Augusta |G Mapes, N Y Lt Watkins, do | Frank Duvol, H Head C A Davis, Port Royal ,ff Wilson, Winnsboro R R McGregor do IA Block, New York Lt S Tap, QM, Pt Pulaski |Capt Rodgers, St Chase SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) JULY 24. A Whyte, jr, Beaufort S L I.andgen, Charleston Capt J D Tburber, 55 Capt J<i Strong, 281 V Mass Vols T (1 Hendry, Savannah A C McDonald, Beaufort Lt C 8 Doubledav, VBC * PORT ROYAL HOUSE, (HILTON HEAD) JULY 24. A Williams. Beauforfc I Lt J H Roe, 104 U 8 C T H W Wissells, jr, Ela G H Sweeny, Lt 126 USCT J H Locke, NY CD Holmes, Hilton Head J A Funk, USA J Ruse, do G Fancy, Boston J S Luny, Sav Herald J H Hamilton, S Carolina i A Wakefield, USCT, K It White. do Beaufort L C Hassell, do IA White, jr, 128 US C T Lt A A Knight, |C J Colcock, Lake City J Cowan and wife, NY J Rilleg, New York D W Harvard, Capt Capt Briggs and lady, 104 USCT Btr US Grant T H Ferrell, Capt J McSlavaer, Savannah 104USCT |F W Kingston, U SMT C B White, Capt B Gowan. Jr, Charleston 104 U S C T J Morunty, Hilton Head Lt C A Near, 104 R F Sisson, do USCT IWP Run, Savannah pipping Hluturs Aim anno—This Day. Sun Sun Moon .High Rises. Sets. Sets. Watsr. 6:9 U3 9:16 , 9:68 PORT OF SAVANNAH. TbesdaT, July 26, 1865. Arrived. British bark Nulfield. Hollis, Matamoras, Mexico, vlk Charleston, in ballast. Brigham, Baldwin & Cos. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head Pioneer flat boat No 3, Wallace, Augusta with 287 bales upland cotton, 100 bales shirting, 125 bales yarns, to T L Henry. Consignees— Hunter A Gammell, Wm Battersby, C L Colby & Cos Cleared. Schr Ocean Wave, Cook, Wilmington, N C, in ballast Emil, Koetche & Cos Steamer Nantasket, Springer, Wilmington Island steamer Oneota, Norris, Hilton Head Steamer Stan dish, Moore, Hilton Head Steamer Sylph, French, Hilton Head PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Arrived. July 22—Sloop Rebecca Hertz, Munson, Savannah July z3—Schr Anna E Glover, Dasey, New York July 24—steamship Empire City, Baston, New York Cleared. July 84-Sloop Eliza, O’Briso, Savannah.' 'JX) THE PATRONS OP THE PACIFICATOR. The Bas pension of The Pacificator, the only Cat! one Journal in the South, has been caused by circum stances arising mainly from want of means to defra the expense of publication. This announcement is made with extreme regre but relying upon the deep interest and the generot support heretofore extended both by the Clergy an Laity of the Church, as well aa upon the liberal pi tronage received from the members of other denom nations, we sincerely trust the suspension will only t of a very brief duration. In the present condition of the country, it is of pa amount importance that the Church should have i organ in the iSouth for the dissemination of Catho, Doctrines, and the defence of Catholic Teachings ar Practices. The sadden, radical and unexpected changes whL have taken place in the organisation of Southern i stitutions, political, religious and social, make b support of a Catholic Journal in this section an ’• perative duty on the part of each and every raeinb of the Cltureh. If then the Catholics of the Sonth desire the pul cation of this Journal continued let them go to wc without delay in its behalf, and so soon as a sufficii number of renewed subscriptions are received it W again be regularly issued. The past tone of The Pacificator, Religions, Po ical, and Literary, will be its best recommendatk and a guarantee of its future conduct, Mr. L. T. Blome having withdrawn from the o cem, the paper will hereafter be conducted solely i the subscriber, who earnestly appeals to the Cathoh oi the South, and to all others friendly to the cau, to sustain The P acifioator by a liberal patronage The Catholic Clergy throughout the South are i thorized to receive subscriptions. C3T Publication will be resumed as soou as the p ties whose names at e now on the books renew thr subscriptions. TERMS. Six Months 2 60 PATRICK WALSH, Editor and Proprietoi Augusta, Ga., July Ist, 1865. jy-Jj i w JR. SOLOMONS, M. D. DENTI S T Jn From Charleston, 8. C., offers his services tobe citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street References.—Dr. Jas. B Read, Dr. J or’iah Harris, Hon. Solomon Cohen, . „ W. N. Habersham Esq,, oil ts A. A. Solomons & Cos., gTOVES 1 STOVES 1 ! STOVES i! ! Large and small, for Restaurants and Families, All kinds of HOLLOW WAKE and Cooking Cen sus, Planters’ HOES, wholesale and retail, by JAMES G. THOMPSON A CO. JH-lmo Beaufort. sJI. HEADERS DISTRICT O V SAVANNA Iff ’F I Ist Division, Dep’t of Georgia, p* Savannah, Ga., July 24th, 186a General Orders, ) No. 6. ; The following Officers are hereby announced oi the Staff of the General Commanding “District of Svan ,nab," and will be obeyed and respected accordingly: Capt. Will A. Coulter, A. A. Gen., U. S. Us., Ass’t Adj’t Gen. Lieut. Col. R. P. York, 75th N. Y. Vol. Infolry, Provost Marshal. Major John Trenor, Jr., Surgeon U. S, Vola., Bur geon in Chief. Capt. Fred. J. P. Chitty, 163d N. Y. V»l. lafaitry, Act’g Ass’t Insp’r Gen. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M, U. S. VUs., Di»trlct Capt. H. R. Sibley, Q, S., U- S. Vols., Wstrict Com mis’ry Subs’ce » Capt. John Montgomery, 12th Me. VUs. Infont’y, Act’g Ordn’ce Officer. Capt. Geo. E. Moulton, 30th Me. Vol. Ijfantry, Ass't Com’y Musters. [ Ist Lieut. M. M.‘ Davidson, 176th N. T Vol, Infry, Aid de Camp. Capt. Mark Cox, 176th N. Y. Vol. lif’y; Chief of Escort. Ist Lieut. W. H. Fester, 30th Me. Vo| InPy, Am bulance Officer. By command of Brev. Maj. Gen. J.M. IkANNAN. Official: Will. A. Coulter, Ass’t Adj’tleneral. Jy‘Zs f HKADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OG£icilKE;T~ Savannah, Ga., July 24th 1866. j General .Order, 1 No. 15. / In accordance with orders from Headqarters Dis trict of Savannah, Ist Division, Departmfct of Geor gia, I hereby assume command of the sul-District of OEccehee, Headqnarters at Savannah, comprising the following namea counties: Liberty, Bryan, Chatham, Efiingliarfi, Bulloch, Tatnall, Scriven, Motgomery. Emanuel, Burke The following named officers are hereby announced on the Staff ol the sub-District commander: Capt. John Mullen, 12th Conn. Inst, A. A. A. G. Surgeon J. K. Bigelow, Bth Ind., Ghief MedicaiOfflcer. surgeon N. L. Snow, 163d N. Y., Health Offlar. Capt, Chas. H Cox, 76th N. Y., Provost Marsial. Capt. Warren H. Boynton, 30th Me., Street fomm’r. Capt. R. B Grover, 30th Me., A. A. Q M, ’ Capt. E. F. Goddard, 12th Sle., A. A. Q- M. Lieut O. T. Hall, 153d N. Y„ A. A. D. C. Lieut. J. S. Bergen, 173d N. Y„ A. A. Q. M. Lieut. J. H. Chariot, 15»lh N. Y„ A. A. Q. M. yeut. D. B. Knowlton, 175th N. Y„ A'. A. Q.M. All returns and reports required by Armj Regula tions and existing orders, will be forwarded o the A. A. A. General at these Headqnarters. EDWIN P DAVIS, Brv’t Big. Gen. Official; Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. G. I jy26 HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH,) Ist Division Dkp’t. of GeoegK, ' V Savannah, Ga., July 22, 1365 j J General Obdeb, > No. 6. f The following QuaranUne Regulations for the Port of Savannah, Ga., will be enforced after me 22d Inst. I. The Quarantine grounds will be locafld in Tybee Roads, at the “old Savannah Quarantine.* The exact place of anchorage will be designated by j white buoy and flag. IL It shall be the duty of the master and pilot of every vessel comlnginto this port from thjs date until further orders, except the pilot boats retiming from their ordinary cruising grounds, and U.Z. Naval ves sel?, to hoist a signal for a health offle#, in the fore rigging, fifteen feet from her deck, and cane to imme diately, below and opposite the guarf ship, one of which will be stationed at the Port, wihin and near the inner bar buoy, and there wait Its coming on board. This flag to be kept in the foarigging while the vessel is undergoing Quarantine. / 111. The Health officer shall visit thWessel wjthont unnecessary delay and ascertain her lanitary condi tion, and the port whence she sailed. Kncf it shall be his duty to order to the Quarantine to remain as long as he may deem prjber, fll vessels having on board cases of yellow fever, jnolcra or other infectious or contagious diseases; alsdall vessels com ing from any West India Island, or rom any port in that Dortion of the State of Flortdanot formerly in the Department of the South, wheter such vessels have clean bills of health or not. IV. No communication will be ajloted with the ves sel until she has been examined by tfc Health Offloer, and no person will be permitted to lfcve her. V. The fee of the Health Officers flr visiting, exam ining and certifying vessels arriving it this Port, shali be collected from all vessels, except those in the Gov ernment employ, or foreign war at the follow ing rates: For each vessel from a foieign port $6 50 And for all others 1 2 00 The money thus collected will be turned over to Chief Medical Officer for the useof the Hospitals in this District, VI These regulations will be Srictly enforced by the Health Ofltcer. Should theri be any deviation therefrom, or should any of the ftrdera given by the Health Officer to such vessels no be strictly carried out, they will report the fact to tfr Chief Medical offi cer for the immediate arrest and (nprisonment of the offender. By Command of Brevet Maj. <Jn. BRANNAN. Will A. Coulter, A. A. G. jy24-7 HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT <F SAVANNAH,) Ist Division, Depabtmeniof Georgia, >• Savannah, Jtly 22, 1865. ) General Obdeb, 1 1 No. 2. ) On and after tuis date all ordtrs heretofore in exis tence In this District, levying ajax upon imports, im. posing a tax for the sale of Liqmrs, and instituting the ipercent. Income tax are herely revoked. Bv Command of 7 Brevet M»j. G®. J. M. BRANNAN. Will A Coulter, Capt. 4 A. It. G. jy22 JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUOKS, A T wholesale, fo* family use, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEAL! * CO. may24-tf §yppt«o. piONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK, The U. 8, Steamship Chase, M- L. Rogers, Comman der, will sail for the above port on her regular day, THURSDAY. JULY 27tu. at 11 A. M. For freight or passage having superior accommoda tions apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, jy22 84 Bay Street. jyjERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. QUICK DISPATCH FOR NEW YORK. The splendid A1 Clipper Schooner HATTIE BAKER, Cast. Buboes*. Will clear for the above port In a few days. Has superior accommodation for First Class Csbin Passengers. Only Room for Four left—Fare, S3O. Asa large portion of her cargo is already engaged Shippers will heed to make early application for freight room Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. jy24 ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. poit NEW’ YORK. The A1 fast sailing Clipper Schooner FRANCIS HATCH, Capt. Chtvrrel, Will have quick despatch for the above pori. For Freight or Passage apply to jy2u BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. jy/pRCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS^ REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON. ERS FOR *N E W YORK, The undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight In good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., jylß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. Hotels. gEA ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, june 20™, lsee. This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. The scenery is quite os pleasing and Inter esting, in every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. 1., and is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seven) ten miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass., and as fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May. «■ The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be furnished with the best that can he procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel all that tho most fastidious can desire. Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. ju23 ts pOHT ROY aTI HOUSE, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. RIDDELL & R UQG, Proprietors. E. g. RIDDELL, ’ M. F. EUOQ. JU3-tf p U LAB. K I HO Ua" E, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS A Proprietors. t. O. BARTELS. E. g. RIDDELL. |£c. gTATIONBHY. TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We off er onr large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest cash prices. * Our Btock in the above line is the largest in the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to oar goods and prices. ♦ SAVILLE A LEACH, Corner Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter’s Bank, Savannah, Ga., —and MERCHANTS’ ROW, HILTON HEAD, S. C. jyi ts G. RUWE & CO„ Corner St. Julian Street and Monument Square, Near the Pulaski House, WHOLESALE DEALERS in GROCERIES, FINE IMPORTED LIQUORS, WINES, SEGARS, Ac, Also Agents for two large and excellent Breweries, at New York, from which we receive the beet of ALES AND LAGER BIER. Also, constantly on band the best , EAST INDIA ALE. We came down here very inexperienced In business, as conducted under necessary military restrictions; and coming unprovided with the proper papers for our trade, we at first labored under many disadvan tages. But we now consider ourselves well posted, and having, by strict compliance with all military rules, been put on a good footing for disposing of our Stock, with the proper license, we propose to offer unusual induesments to the trade. We shall give a superior article at a small advancs on New York prices. MONEY OR GOODS ADVANCED FOB COTTON, RICE, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. Jyl# lw NOTICE. I would inform the public that I have resumsd the practice of dentistry In this city, at my old stand, corner of St. Julien and Barnard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photograph Gal lery,) where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. Jyll-iao W. JQUNB9N, D. D. 9. limnsemetits. -yOLKS’ GARTEN, " (Congress st, between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,} REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BV THE SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, Prof. E. Richter, Leader, f* Refreshments of the best quality and in every variety. lmo jylo TT" (groceries. gTUAkT JTCO.T - " -■ = FAMILY GROCERS, DBA LIES LN TEAS, WINES AND LIQUORS, < Corner Bull and Broughton Streets. Special attention paid to country orders from Fami lies and for the Trade. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. L. Y. Stuart. H. M. Kelloow jyl» ts piERCE. SKEHAN; W’HOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street, New York. QTAMW A UNCKLks, GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, Ao., Corner of Bat and Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool. Hides, Ac., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to onr New York House. . jylß Q.KORGK A. HUDSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN GROCERIES, ALES, WINES, LIQUOR&SEGARS. Ao THE ‘'SOJOURN.*” “ A* tee Journey through Life, let tu Live by the way." SOUTH EAST CORNER OF EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 'J'HE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK —IS NOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, AT THE BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposits and Paper for Collection received- Bills on Northern Cities purchased. - Checks on New York /tarnished- ’ L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. DIIEOTOBI: L. C. Nohvell, I Francis Sorb ell. Noble A. Hardee, I J. *Y. Lathbop, Rouebt Erwin. HENRY S. FITCH, „ Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 25th June, 1866. f TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1 Office of Comptroller of tie CVbeknot, V Washingtun, June 10th, 1866, j Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to th undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing tbs business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, L Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1866. FREEMAN CLARKE. INo. 1265.] Comptroller of the Currency. ]u26 2mos RUTILATED AND TORN TREASURY NOTE* REDEEMED AT THE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, At Taxis Value. Jy2o-3w J. SPIVEY, Cashier. —•-- ■ r> QHAMPION BRICK MACHINE. The proprietors of this recent Patent for the manu facture of Brick are prepared to dispose of Machines, and rights to use the same. This Machine is simple of construction; does not readily get out of repair; has immense power; makes the biick square ana sol id ; can be worked with a single horee. causes little delay for removing stones; will make from tweaty five to thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circulars, with full particulars, forwarded on application to BRADFORD £ RENICK. Jy-lm 71 Broadway, New York. JQAILY JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AND EVENING IN MACON, GEORGIA BY S. ROSE AND S. B. BURR. PROPRIETORS. The old Journal and Messenger, established In 1823, and regularly published since that time, hae now the largest Dally and Weekly circulation in the State of Georgia, and is a desirable Advertising medium for Northern and other Merchants, having gootls to dis pose of. We will advertise on as liberal terms as any, and parties sending ns their advertisements, with the money. Will be insured entire satisfaction.— Address 8. ROSE A CO., jylS , lw Macon, Ga.