Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 31, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. S. W. Mason A Cos Baktkl W. Mason, Editor. SAVANNAH, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1865. FOE LOCAL HATTERS SEE THIRD PACE "-" y “ = ~ Got. PthKr was to leave New York on the 26tU f»r Charleston. Fhkedmen. —By direction of Gen. How ard we shall this evening publish an .import ant order from his Headquarters in regard to freedmen. James M Mason, of Virginia, lately Agent of thh Southern Confederacy in England, is now residing with his family at St. Cathe rines, Canada. Assistant Treascker at Charleston. —The President has appointed Benjamin E. Pressly Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Charleston, South Carolina. Richmond Municipal Election. —The Richmond municipal election ou Tuesday last resulted in the defeat of Taylor lor May or by live hundred votes. Mr. Sturdivant, a conservative, was elected. Applications for Pardon.— The New York Herald s Washington dispatch says that the applications for pardon are very numerous, and rather increasing than otherwise. The slow Less and deliberation manifested by tbe President in acting upon these petitions has doubtless operated to prevent so great a rush as would otherwise have taken place. Trial of the Andersonville Prison-kelpeb. —Pre.imiuary measures are in progress at Washington for the trial of CaptPln Werz. formeAy in charge of the Andersonville mili, tary prison. A large number of witnesses have aiready been summoned, and letters are constantly received from those who possess facts in regard to the treatment of Federal prisoners. Georgia Central Railroad. —The Wash ington correspondent of the New York Her ald says that a large number of Southern railroad Presidents are there, among them Milton Brown, the President of tbe Georgia Central road, to consult with the government and arrange the future status of their respec tive roais. Important Order in Regard to Fregd men—The Washington special of the New York Herald says the Secretary of War has ordered that to secure equal justice and the same personal liberty to the freedmen as to other citizens and inhabitants, all orders is sued by post, district or other commanders adopting any system of passes for them, or subjecting them to any restraints or punish ments not imposed on other classes, are de clared void. Neither whites nor blacks will be restrained from seeking employment else where when they cannot obtain it at a just compensation at their homes, and when not bound by voluntary agreements; nor will' they be hind* red from traveling from plac£> to plgce on proper and legitimate business. HtAVY RobBUIY OF THE GOVERNMENT.—On the 6th of June, 18G5, the loan branch of the Treasury lost one hundred bonds of one thousand dollars each. They were not sign ed n<»r sealed, but the coupons were com plete and saleable. Defectives were employ ed, and fixed upon Wallace W. Whittlesy as guilty of the theft. He had resigned as a clerk in tjie Treasury and had come to this city Here he was arrested. Ho confessed his guilt, and said that he bad hid some of the coupon»in the chandelier in his resi dence. They were found there, and he has been taken to Wa hington for examination He has squandered about eight thousand dollars of the money obtained by sales of the coupons. The bonds, he says, have been destroyed. Cass. the Ham Stonewall.— The Diario of Havana denies the report that Capt. Page, of the ram Stone wa'l, had enter ed the Mexican Imperial service, and says he has gone to England to enter the mer chant service. It is well known, however, that several of the Stonewall’s officers did go to Mexico, and others have engaged in the Spanish navy. It is reported that the blockade-runner Zephine is to engage in the slave trade. What became of the Specie of the Xew Orleans Banks?— The N. O. True Delta says it has been positively ascertained what was the fate of the specie sent away by the Hew Orleans hanks at the time the city was captured by the Union forces. Immediately upon lhe surrender of the Confederate armies, a commission was sentry the banks into the Confederacy to look after, and, if possible, to secure this money. . Telegraphic advices have been received from them which do not leave room to doubt that the money was used by the rebel authorities prior and at the time of the grand collapse. It has also been pretty clearly ascertained that largo sums of this money wore appropriated by some high Confederate dignitaries for their own per sonal benefit. There were about St, 500.000 of this specie in all, and its loss will prove a S-rious blow to the banks. Released.-— The President has in rented the release on parole, with Dermis- Georgia, or 4™*?“ * ’U p took, a prisoner ot war in the Hennrt *»ui of Maj, Gen. Hanranft. dtpart ~ W ~ A c~okiig match is arranging out West mong some young ladies, and silver medals ar« l 0 be given at prizes. r n.UNIiIL AM) lOMMERCIU. New York, July 26. Gold Is dull but strong at 143 @ 143 V The loan market Is easy at 6 r cenL Commercial japer passes more ITeely at e,q @ 7 for prime,and at ; @ 9 lor other grades. * The stock market is feverish but Irregular. Gov rnments are better, and the speculation in railroad ■hares Is confined to Erie, though several other docks participate to some extent to the upward movement of prices. By the Scotia we learn that on the 15th Instant, at .heLondon Stock Exchange,American securities were luiL Five twenties were quoted at 7134 & 72, mi aols Central at 68 >4, Erie at 54 @ 54)4. Consols closed at 90 @ 09^. Coffee. —Rio Ls only to moderate demand. The stock ls much larger, and prices are heavy. Cotton. —The market -is fairly active, but prices are without change. Sales of l.sdo bales at 47c. for middlings. . Hops—Are in moderate request, and steady at 10 'mc- for interior and common ; 35 ® 30c. for fair to choice, and 45 ® soc. for fancy lots. Molasses —Has been to a good demand and firm, sales ol too hhds Porto Rico at 80 @ sdc. and 100 hiids Cuba at 62c. Petrolecm— is dull and nominal at 31 Kc. Re ilned In bond ls lower and prices are very irregular ar,| l unsetued at 48 ® 63c. ;do free is duli at Os @ 71c. xticL—Has been in good demand and firm. Sales of 1,100 bags and obis. Rangoon at 9 ® loc. ; 850 do In bond at Jjic. gold, and lao tea Carolina at 10 @ iojfe. see flft—Grass seeds are dull and prices are nomi nal, Rough nax seed is arm and lairiv active at 2 40 '<4 2 52 bushel. scgaks. —Raw sugars are very dull, but prices are Without essential change. Sales ot M iihds. at 12 ® I2vjc. ,or Cuba, and oou boxes Havana ou private terms. Refined are dull and unchanged. [Prom the New York Herald, July 26.] * The stock market was moderately firm yesterday, wiiu an upward tendency. Governments were stronger. Gold was but firm, and closed on tne street at 143 k anufrt night at 14354. The beef market was supplied with 6,079 bullocks for the past week, but not a particle have sellers given way In prices. Indeed, all but first quality are ctliTer this week. The supply was hardiv adequate one week ago, and butchers wanted more than were offered lor sale. Hence a lively competition at Forfy fourth street on Monday foi the 3,200 on sale there. They generally brought 14c.@16c., though a few seaua wags soid at 12c.@13., while some fine selected animals brought 17c., and even 1754 c., Use average sales reaclung l&c., making a slight advance upon last week, ou account o! Improved quality. The stock was all sold long before night 01 the'second day, though traile was slow on Tuesday. Sheep sold during the w eek, and even cn Monday, at last week’s prices; but a rush of customers on Tuesday, with little stock In the market, carried good sheep to 7c. and even then butchers were quarreling to. see who suould get them. Lambs are in less de- mand, and are wortlP ss@o each, or 9c.@Uc, ft lb. Receipts 10,06*3. Live hogs arc coming In more freely, the arrivals being 16,634 for the week. They are selling well, but at lower rates, or ll>4c.(a>l2c. Cotton.—The market was quiet and pi n tes to some instances were a shade lower. The sales toclud.d 1,500 bales. We quote Upland. • Florida. Mobile. X. 0. a- T. Ordinary *...36 35 36 3: Middling 40 ,47 T 47 48 Good Mid: ling. .49 * 50' * 60 51 Bbeadstckfs.— Rc-rcipts 12.858 bbLs flour, 365 do. and 361 bagi corn meal, 28,2*/ bushels wheat, 54, 7 so do. corn, 9s,2*a do. oats ami 5,475 do ma 1L The flour market was decidedly more auive, and prices on all were 10c.@25c better, mainly on the choice brands, the sales of State and Western were 23,500 bbLs. Southern flour was firmer, with more Inquiry. The sales comprised 1,000 bbls. Canada flour was In bet ter request at an advance of 10c @ 15c. per bbL The sales included 500 bbls. Rye tlour was in faiildemand and very linn, bales 450 bbls. corn meal was scarce and Arm, but quiet. We quote ; Superfine state ami Western flour $5 75 @ 630 Extra Suite 6 60(g) 070 Choice State ; 6 75® 690 Common to medium extra Western 665 ® 700 Extra round hoop Ohio 745 ® 705 Western trade brands 770 ® 876 Common Southern 716® 826 Fancy ami extra do 8 30 ® 11 76 Common Canadian 6To ® 7 10 Good to choice and extra 770 ® 875 Rye flour (superfine) 040 ® 590 Corn meal, Jersoy 460 ® 476 Corn mean Brandywine 5 60® Corn meal, Brandywine puncheons. 26 00 ® —Tne wueat market was moderately active, and prices advanced 3c.@5 a busheL The sales embraced bu3hei3 to j*art tor shipment at f 1 noun io for amber Michigan, ji 60® l 61 for amoer Milwaukee, $1 42@1 46 for Milwaukee club, $1 60@l 75 tor ■v.nter tcu W estern, and $1 93®2 tor white Western. a«rley ;na mult were quiet aud nominal. Rye was n umitea supply aud nriner ; we quote Western at j 6 ®97C. Tne corn market was leas active, but prices were 2c.® Bc., better. Sales a5, 500 bushels at 8 8:.@85. lor unsound, and 86c.@37c. for sountl mixed Western, closing at the outside price, and $1 for Wuite \\ estern. Oats were In moderate request at an Advance of 10.®2c. Sales of tolertor quality Western were made at 61c., and choice do. at 63c. Coki'xe was mactive aud prices were a Uttle weaker under unfavorable reports from Rio. We Suote Rio Coffee, prime, 22c.; do. good, 21c.@21 <4c.; o. fair, 20c.@20.j4c., do. ordinary lsc.@l3j4c., do. .air to good cargoes, ly.,*4c.@2J’4c.; Java, mats aud o.igs, 24Kc.@2o({. ; native Ceylon coflee, 22j4c.,@ 23c.; Maracaibo coffee, 19c.@22c.; Laguayra coffee, 20c.@22c. ; St. Domingo coffee, 17j4c.@18c. The stock of all kinds couslsied or 78,632 pkgs, inciudmg Rio aud Santos coffee, 40,946 bags; java coffee, 14.550 pkgs. ; Ceylon coflee, 3,000 bags; Maracaibo coffee, 0,488 bags; Laguayra coffee, 3,615 bags; BalUa coffee, 5973; other descriptions, 4, 060 hags. PttovisioNS.—Receipts, 135 pkgs. pork, 199 do. beef aud 82 do. lark. The pork market opened dull aud lower, but closed more buoyantly. The sales toclud etro,soo bbls. at S3O @ 31 for new mess, closing tirm ly at s3l; $27 50 ® 28 for old do. ; $23 50 @ 24 tor prime, and $25 ® 25 50 for prime mess ; Also tor August, seller's option, about 1,500 bbls. tew mesa, at S3O-® 30 75. The beef market was less ac tive, but without change ; sales 900 bbls., at $8 50 ® 12 for plain mess, and $lO @l4 tor extra mess. Cut meats are In fair request, aud prices ruled firm, with sales of 500 packages at 15c. ® 17c. for shoulders, and 19>4c. ®23 lor hams. Beef hums were scarce, quiet aud uomlnal. Bacon was also quiet and nom inal. Tne lard market was taactice. But prices were somewhat higher; sales 1,400 bbls., at a 23>4c.; the outside price ft* choice kettle rendered. CUeese was quiet at 9c- @ 15 >4 for common to choice. Butter was steady at 19c. ® 27 for Ohio, aud 27c. @ 35 tor State. Hides.—The market was quiet, but very firm. Iron.—The market was quiet, but prices had an upward tendency. We quoteßetlned bars sioo & loi per ton, horse shoe $l3O, band $132 60. ovals and hah rounds $1 27 (& l 37. Freights.—The market was quiet. The engage ments were w To Liverpool, 14,0u0 bushels corn, at 4d.; 14,000 bushels wheat, 4Md., In baglj; 300 bhU. peas at is. Gunny Bags were quiet and quoted nominally 19c. @lS}£C. gunny Cloth was quiet and unchagod. Tea.—Tito market remained steady, with a moderate business doing at previous prices. TAllow—’ine market was leas active, but prices were a shade higher. The sales were 70,000 lb. at llc.@nj*c. Tobacco.—There was a good inquiry for ail sorts, but holders were asking prices above the news of purchasers, and the sales were thereby Impeded: 220 hhds. Kentucky changed .hands at from oc.(ri 24c., and 80 hhds. Virginia stems at 3Kc.@4S. $». lb. W HL3KEY.—The market was moderately active at an advance. We note sales of 200 lbs. at 2 liro>2 12. STAR LINE m NEW YORK. „ The New and Elegant first class U. 8- Mail Steamship UNI l ED STATES, Ixf ltd* 1/ 1300 tons register, Capt. Saras, will sal! positively for the above port on WEDNKSDA Y, August 2d, at 4 o’clock. p. M For Freight or Passage, having splendid accommo dailons, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., j>3l-3 • * Agents. FOREST CITY FOUNDRY. Cor. Taylor a'ftd Habersham Sts. LINVILLE&GLEASON A re prepared to dq all kinds 01 IRuN AND BRASS A CASTINGS, aud other work in their line. Orders soli lted. • jy3l-4 Muscovado Molasses. KA bbls. MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, just landm" tfv phr Schooner Vance, from Matanzas, for sale by , • E. E. HERTZ, Jy3l North cor. £»y and Whitaker streets. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining uncalled for to the Savannah Post Of fice, Jniv 30, iB6O. Persons calling for these letters will please say advertised, and come prepared with the necessary'change, and present a certificate that they have taken the oath of Allegiance, or an order from Post Headquarter. GENTLEMEN’S LIST. A Addison, Arthur Adams, Capt. George Anstto, D. J. Andrews, Capt. Isaac R. Allen, Emory Abbrick, JohnAV. Ano, Francisco Assendort, John. Archibald, Geo. Archer, John Ash, Geo. B Baahton, A. Bathesee, John Burke, Abram Bresnam, John Balm, CoL Albion Beal, Jos. A. Bus hart, A. Bruyan, Joshua A. Brun, C. A. Brantley, J. S. Bates, C. 1L . Broughton, John Brun, Cido Bradev, Jeremiah Brown, D. W. Blune,' Lenos . Brad well, Charles Bennett, L. S. Bunnett, Dalas M. Bashler, V. (2) Bacon, l). C. Brandt, Mr. Boyd, F. O. Barber, Orson Bourg, Fred. O. Burnham, N. M. Brantfleld, Gabriel Bumes, Patrick Blunt, George L. Belin, P. H. Bryan, Major Heury. Burroughs, S. D. - Buster, Henry. Beanmont, Robt. Byrd, Dr. H. L. Brantley, S. D. Bell, Henry S. Bums, S. W. 1 Bricklord, H. P. Brant, S. D. Benztman, H. Bowen, Samuel T. Butler, John Blair, James T. Bostick Jos. Bourton, T. Bath well, J. T. Bradley, Capt. W. E. Bextayt, John Bentley, Rev. Win. Barbee, John Barnett, W. Brover, John F. Boyd, W. J. Banjin, John Bourquto. B. Brayans, Samuel Beenkeen, Wm Bendy, James c Cum togs, A, D. Cooper, S Carmett, A. Crawford, J: H. Cohen, A. Coleman, Ja3. Camp, Bibbie .Carinaroll, Jno. Coleman, Chlo Congdon, J. P. Cauipfleld, Cvrus Crape, L. E. Craft, Carl T. Cobb, Wm. C’ofran, Charles N. Cercopely, Capt. Conner, Daniel O. Chalmers, Mr. Conway, Dennis Copps, Michael Colter, Edmund Cullen, Patrick Cable, Panning Cousens, P. M. Cercopely, Capt. F. J. Camel, Paul Carcutnaugh, Frank Cavanaugh, Pat. Carlton, o. E. Cohen, R. Collins, Dr. George Cohen, Susan Connell Henrv Cooley, Samuel A. Campos Geo. k. Cooney, Thos. Couscy, John Cooper, S. M. Campbell, Tunis G. Courtenay, V. D. Charlton, Jno. D. Costello, Walter Clark, Isaac Jr. Chittenden, W. Crowley, Jno. Campbell, T. G. Carter, J. Cuyler, Dr. W. H. Cullen, John H. Caskey, Wm. Craft, Jeetus Curran, Wm. Chalmers, Jas. , Cullen Thos., Clements, W. T. D Doyle, Alex Davis, J. M. Danley, Adam Drayton, J. E. Douglass, Capt. A. Davis, J. O. Doyle A. Douglass, Jno. A. Dye, F. M. Dome, Mlchas D.lyang, Chas. Dancy, Mlchas D orman, Chas. Davidson, P'rank Depp, Cyrus ' Dougherty, Peter Dowma.ll, Chas. Druyer, Patrick Dennison. A Cos., C. H. Dolges, Richard Duthlll, 1). Donovan, Timothy Devilliers, Frank Depoutaney, W. s. Dlckinan, H. PL Dixon, W. D. Duibee, Joseph Darlington, Wm H. Dwyer, Jno. Davidson, Wm. H. Davidson, J. Davis, W. E. Dogherty. J. M. Dunning, P'rancls DUggau, J. 0. E Edy, Abraham Eaton, Geo. H. (2) Edy, Beuj. Platon, Dr. PL Eggs ware, Chas. Egan, John J. Epping. Carl Elliott, Dr. Win. Egan, Daniel F Fareelly, Chas. Farrell, J. Fitzgerald, Patrick Fisher, Jeremiah Frazier, Dallas Picek. Jacob Fuller, D. B. Farrell, J. 11. Falsey, IV. D. Fitzgerald, Jno. P'enyson, E. J, F’inney, Jno. Nulion, E, ». Furgerson, Mary Ann Fulton, E. ' P’erribly, Paul Fox, Frank Fitzgerald, Philip Harragan, Francis Fripp, R. F. Furgerson, Geo. L. Ferrell Timothy P’abran, H. Flood, T. J. P'elt, H. D. Farrell, Win. P'rank, Jno. C. P'Usher, W. B. Frank, Isaac M- Furlong, Wm. P’arnum, Jno. L. * Fruen, Wm. O Galloway, A Gerkln, M. Geobell, Andrew Gay, Michael Gray, Andrew (2) Gray, M. W. Gibson, 0. P. Green, John Gore, 0. R. Graham, H (2) Guires, Cha3 W. Gatley. Patrick Goddard, Capt. E. Gray, liobt. Grainberg, F. Gerould, Samuel L. Gower, P'rancis E. Goodwin, T. A. (3) Gail, F. L. Garrett, Thos. Gifford, Frank E. Gladding, W. H. Gipson, Geo. Gurdan, Wm. Ulbeon, Lieut. H. C. Giles, W. B. Gilbert, H. L. Gibbons, W. H. Gould, John H. * Godfrey, Wm. Graft, J. R. Gray, A. T. Galloway, Jas. A. Grumes. James Gordon, Laurence H > Hodge, A M. Hlrschback, I. HoUensteiu, Adam Holst, Mr. Hennighton, B. A. Hayden, Michael Uudley, Bvron Humphries, M llu-scli, David Hackett, Maurice (2) Hiller, D. Hawkins A Cos, W Hyatt, F. F. Harris, J Hooy, Henry Hardee, R (2) Hollister, H. W. Harlstou, Robt Horton, H. P. Henderson, Thos Henry. Jno. Hanlon, Tos Howell, Jno. B. Houlihan, Thos Horiug, J Huttwate, J N Hooker, Jas H Hoxle. Lieut S Uuluagel, Joseph Halleubark, W N C Ham litou, Jno J Haywood, Mr Sickly Hardy, 4uo Hasting, \\iu Harris, J C - Hunter, Wg Howard, Jno H. flafferty, Wm Henderson, J M (2) Herin, Weber Hough, Isaac Harris, Wm Hunter, Jno W Hall, Dr B W Hamlett, Jno HUlyotL W R Hunter, J A * Howard, Cuas H tflrsch, Jno M Heurick, Jno F ' I Irving, W L J Jones, c Jones, John Jerrett, D B Jackson, Jas C (2) Johnson. David R Jesse J D Johnson, Manning Jackson, Poldo Jacobs, Dr Jackson, W B Johnson, D B K Kersey, H W Kenney, Israel M Ktregan, Bridget Kennedy, Juo Kauss, O Kirby, J Kimball, £3 Kinbark, S O Kuatgsbeigert Hezmano (ijKihg, Win H (i) _ £• . sxad^M Luce, A B Lynch, Rev jas Lopez, C P Love, Jas M (2) Lovejoy, Chas F Leod, S Legnel, Edward Longley, Jno H (2) laiuli, U A (2) Lynch, Jno Lamar, G B (3t • Larkin, Jas Lathrop, Heury Lutfborrow, M Lyon, Henry Lark, Peter R Leon, H l.eane, Tim Leriman, JnoL(2) Luke, Thos H Uvvs, Juo Little, W \Y. Lathrop, DAKS Lord, W S Lovell, Jno M B Lewis, Win Lee, Henry M Magtll, C A Moore, 8 B Morel, C T Moses, S B McDonnell, Donald Malone Levi ' Mallony, E T Murray’, R G McDonald, Edward Mooney, M D Murphey, Edward McDemott, Michael Meyer fcmicl A Myer, Michael Myrault, Francis ; Myers M McXeal.Framla McCormick, C J Myrell, F Y> (2) Milton, PhU McAleer Francis Mprtaa, Patrick Mallery, G W McOaughtan, Peter Markins, Henry McCosker,‘Patrick Mastick, Henry Meldwto. Peter W Maddem Jno Mariou, R M Mitchell, Jno M McCabe, Rich Masters, Jno C Morse, R S Milleur, Jno K Meyer, Sam McClelland J C MitcheU, Thomas Mitchell Henry Maiiony, Thos Monahan, Jno (2) Mlllett, Thos M McGlinn, Jas Meede, Thos Mct’ully, Jno - Me Raw, Thos McMahon, Jas Morehead, Eugene Morgan Jno H McMahon, W B Muller, Jno W Morehead, W S Morris, Jno Moss, W H Murch, Jno M MurrigWalter Morasev, Jap MiddflpJ Motte Maxwell, Dr J J Mitldleton, Jno N Neson, Jno J Nicola, Geo N (2) Nevitt, Jno Jr, (2) Nuns, H G Nutt, Jeremiah Nickel, Joseph Nelson, Martin O O’Sullivan, Roger O'Sullivan, Joseph # O’Conner, Pat nek Uhl Joseph O’Reillv, M (2) Osborn, H J O’Ferriil, Maj Jno (3) Oemler, Dr A O’Connell, Jno (2) P Parsons, J J Padgett, Joseph Paramore, Dr H G Pearson, J W Parson, Edwin Pranty, S Pershe, Francis Parker, Maria Pendergast, F Parker, Patrick Patten, Geo Pickett, R {2) Parry, J D (2) Phillips, S F Pierpont, James; Prior, T M Parker.yno R R Reppard, Aaron (2) Robinson, John Ross, A M Read, Dr J B (2) Russell, Christopher Rlely John Ryan, C Rash, Jas. Re Cuas, A Rockwell, M W, Wm S Roche, D Reid, M Roberts E Everett Riley, Michael Robbins, Geo Robey, Peter Rotto, p A Ramick, Robt Raehwand, Henry Rankin, W Reilly, Jno Riddle, Wm P Rowan, Jno T Robinson, W Rains. Jas R (2) Robinson, W A Riggsbie, H D S. Slomln, Albert S Strout, Jas W (2) Silva, A W Sandlford, J E Stanford, A S Sinclair, Jos Sadler, A H Smith, J D Shole, A R Shorter, Jas Susskln, Alexander Snyder, Jno Saufcher, B S Stonewall J B Ser, Brewer Stewart, Gus T Sawyer, C E Sconyers, Jas Schmidt, C W Saderspite, Jno Sebatte, Mr. Sullivan, Jas S Sullivan, Dan F Shannon, Jno (2) Sullivan, D P Sturtevant, Johnnie Sullivan, Dan M Serger, Mr Smith, Dau R Sullivan, M M Stumfels, Capt Pruel Sutton, Mrs Scheritf. Frederick Smiller, M R Skirts, G W Starks, R c Seroopely, Geo Sapoit, R W Stiles, Geo W Smith, Samuel f3f Stevens, H C Skinner, Thos J Smith, Henry M C Simons, Wm F Sims, Handy Story, Wm E Scott, H 0 Symons, Wm R Smith, Halstead Smith, waiter, W Swift, J R (2) Stewart, James Stewart, JAB Stibbs, Henry S Spratt, Jas W T Torley, A T Turner, Geo [2] Tilden, B Taylor, Richard Timmon, Benj Turner, W H Tower. Geo B M Tanner, Wm H Tidwell, O M Tavlor, W S Tealtog, Henry Totten, Wilson Tucker, Jno F Tery, Daniel Tison, Jos Ternev, John Thomas, King S V y Duion, Jno F Ulmer, MacV * V Vandoren, Edward Vanderhoff. Wm Vielstlck, Henrick Vanvorst, W D * \V Wilson, A W Williams, John Willey, Albert Walsh, John Wooteu, A M Waraock, J G M Weber, 0 W West, J B Wallschmldt, J Wilson, Jack Whittendale, c Wylli-, S C Wilcox, C P Wendelken, Martin Wright, Daniel Waldron, Mrs Waldliaver, Capt Davice Walters, Phillip [2l Walsh, Owen Wagensteer, H Williams. Emily Williams Samuel Wade, E C [3] Wight, Sheldon Withington, E O Weeks, Sam S White, Geo Webster, Theodore Weeks, Geo 8 Wilkinson, T F Wilson, Geo Woolly, M V Willit, Geo M Williams, Wm. 0 Welch, Henry Wright, W A Whitaker, Henry T Williams, W T 121 Wheaton, J F . Wills, W F Wilkey, Jas [2] WUliams, W C Walter, J B Williams, M H Weinheiner, Jacob Wolf, Wm Ws on, Jas Williams, A D A Cos Y Young, Geo Young, James Youg, W Young, Richard H Young, J B [2] Z Zhubarn, Geo T LADIES’ LIST. A Armstrong, Miss A Ashton, Mrs Oscar Adams, Sirs Charity Asendorl, Miss Hednig Ambos, Miss Lima 2 Adamscan, Charity Artsou, Mrs Martha . B Bailey, Cornelia Brisby, Louisa Bolden, Auglau Barnwell, Mauder, Bourquin, Alice . 2 Baker, Mary Brown, Ann Bell, Mary Burk, AUce 2 Blake, Mary Briou, Betsey Buckner, M C BUlieu, Colier Burns, Madailne Browu, Charlotte 2 Butler, Mattie A Bryaut, Daphney Buid, Margaret, Baley, Elizabetli A Boyd, P Bridget, Elizabeth Brown, Pheba Btagarn, E A Bartholomew, Robt H Brown, Hannah Brown, Rosey Brook, J P Bryant, Sarah A Barkley, Isabella Burke, Sarah E Ballough, Jas K Butler, Mrs B Barber, Lucy C Benedict. Mrs E W Batttece, Louisa Blair, Mrs Hugh A c Cowens, Anna Clarke, Harriet Cunningham, Anna F Clements, Mrs Crunellin, Betsey Courell, Jane Callahan, Bridget Conovoy, Lucy * Cox, MLss Connell, Kate Carlou, Isabella Clair, Kate Charletou, Eliza Carr, Maggie Cavanaugh, E M Cozier, Mis M Carrie, E E Crorseu, Marv Colton, Emma Colson, Marla Cler, Georgia Cane, Marv Chambers, Georgians Chip, Nellie Collins, Helena Crawford, Sarah 3 Caldwell, 3 E D Dell, Eva Deuc&m, Mary H Daunette, Anna LL ■ Doyle, Margaret Dowman, A W Delquis, Nam v DUlo*, Mrs A Devil las, Rost Dixon, Anna L H D, Dutty, Mrs Barnard, Dillon, Sarah A Dllsere, Celia Drvsdale, Soph a Danneufelser, Emella Daukins, Sarah Domett, Fannie A Danlell, Miss Denning, Kate Dowell, Mrs C A Desey, Lizzie E EnnLs, Annu- Eastmald, I aura Ernst, Juanuah Erulm, Mis ,tj F Folay, Mrs Bryan Firable, Mrs Juo M . H nry, Marla, Farelv, Henrietta F drclilld, Mia. M V •wralil, Mmgt FitageralU, Julia Frauds, Virginia {3J O Gately Ann . Gionovalv, Julia Goodwin Annie ueltc, Louisa Gibbons, Annie tlrcrn Maria Gordon Mias a Said, M«MS Orant, Ann <1 imt Murv Gillanl, ClirUoy Old Marv > Guyer, Coudla M George, Mary E Gibbs, Dianna Gibbon, Mrs W Gammon, Mrs D Gammon, P t Gaherty, Eliza Green, Mrs S M Gibson, Eva Grant, Mrs T Guann, Fanny * H Hayes, Anna Herneman, Mary B Harris, Annie Houston, Mary N Holister, Ann Headley, Marv Huguenin, Eliza 2 Hutson, Miss M Hays, Eliza Hanley, Margaret Herb, Eliza Hamilton, Nellie Heffeman, Ellen, Hussey, Nancy Hells, Hattie Habersham, Parry Hicks, Mrs J Y Harley, Rebecca Hunter, Lizzie S Hemstead, Rose C Hai n i*ige, Mrs M H G Hunter, Wm Hollister, Marv E 2 Hobby, Winslow Humphries. Maria Hotter, Caroline A • J Jenkins, Francis C J*ackson, Lizzie Jones, Clara Jackson, Mrs Marv Jordan, Miss D Jewett, Mary Johns, Deliah Jackson, Mollle Jackson, Mrs E Jackson, Rose ' Johnson, Hester Jackson, Mrs Peter Jenkins, Jonas Jackson, Soplna K Kennedy, Mrs A M Kehoe, Mrs J Kluge. Carolina King, Louisa Kuhlmaner. Emilie King, Phebe Kent, Henrietta Kelley, Mary Jane E • Kvier, Isabella 2 Kvn, Caroline Kavanagh, Lane L Lovett, Kate Law, Virginia Lovett, Margaret Landershine, Mrs Wflaon Lamb, Mary Lamar, Melinda M MeFerson, Anna Mrer=. Mra McCeary, Anna Mann, Maty Moore, Ann E Ma&uu, **«s Moere: Betsey Metzer, Mrs. M S McGlowe, M A Marshall, Mrs Miller, Carrie McKenna, Margt Morris, Cath O Martin, Mary McAllister, Charlotte, E McGloim Mary 2 Morehead, Catharine Mangan. Margt Mortimer Estelle Mrgill Margt Malone, Eliza Millhind, *tory McFaley, Ellen * Merell MissJasson vicWell', Francis M :Qwen, Miss PhillU Murphy, Henrietta F McDonald. Rosa Maurice, Mrs H Marlow, Mr R M Morrell, J W Mrs Mitchell, Rachael Morrison, Miss J J Malltdav, Lucie A McEllizott, Johanna Marshall, Sarah A Murphy, Isabella Maxwell, Sarah A Morel, Liza McQuaid, Miss S Miller, Lucy • Morrell, Miss M McNeil Mrs L Middleton, Loulaa McEu, Mrs M Her, Virginia Megan, Mrs Mclntosh, Susan Noble, Sarah Nevett, Hannah Xungazer, Mrs M A Nixon, Emma Newkirk, Laura Noble, Ellen o Oliver, Mrs • Owen, Belle Owens, Mrs Thos E O’Meara, Bridget O’Connor, Ellen Orrne, Mrs McAlister O’Connor, Cath P Poter, Mrs D Pacettv, Margt Paine, Mrs Edward Patterson, Sue 2 Pollard, Flora Page, Mrs S Perkins, Francis Perdee, Sarah Petty, Honora- Pelman, Saiiie Pierpont, Mrs Jas Prate, Sophia Panndy, Jane Stogy ana. Flora Pariy, Kate A 4. Quinn, Catharine 2 gulnprcg, Mis Hagar Roberts, Anna Reilly, Lizzie Rose, Amanda Roache. Marla Rebarar, Anna Richardson, Mary Rowns, Catharine Richardson, Mias M M Reberar, Ella A Riley, Nellie Roberts, Georgia Rlgden, Mrs R Reed, Henrietta Rogers, Sallie Reeley, Hannah Roberts. Mrs W Radick, Isabella RadaU, Mrs S Rose, Laura , 8 Steinberg, Mrs A B Stuart, Julia A Symons, Alice Sherbow, Mrs M A Small, Dinah Smets, Mrs P H Savage, Estelle Scriven, Silva Spaulding, Nettie Speallock, Sarah Shippey, Mrs T W Spears, Mrs Wm Sturtevant, Mrs Jno T Sweat, Rachel T Thomas, Anna Tobberd, Louisa Taylor, Affa Thomson, Mis3 S Trulip, Elizabeth Thomasson. Loul3a Taylor, Emma Thomas, Maria Taylor, Isabella Taylor, Matilda Tavlor. Maria Threadcraft, Sarah F Triay, Sarah Tison. Mrs S D V. Vernier, Betsey w. Walsh, Mrs A M Wurmigham, Jane 0 Ward, Ann wicks, Jane A West, Miss Anna Williams, Louisa ~ Wise, Rudget Willett, Laura M Wright, Eliza Walsh, Margt * Waiters, Eliza Walton, Mary Wuten, Mis G Williams, Nora Wade, Georgia W Walton, Pattey Wright, Mrs Geo K Washington, Susan M Williams, Julia Whitcome, Sis Wooding, Josehlne White, Susannah Wright, J M E Ward, Sarah Jane Whitehead, Valaria B Y. Yonge, Molli E Yokum, Mia 3. MISCELLANEOUS. Conerat, Webster & Palms. Wilder, AVheaten A Cos. King & Waring. Millen & Zeigler. Hall, Shaffer A Tupper. Prior, Scott A Cos. Findlayson A Mcßea. 2 HershdeJd A Mitchell, Muller A Michels. Levett, Lathrop A Rogers . Scrauton A Johnson. 2 Twiggs A Cos. Cooper A Gllliiend. Oliver A Douglass. » 2 Barrett, Carter A Cos. Prior A Booth. Chapman A Allen. / Housienoman, Aisborg & Cos. Go to Ives* for your Drawers. FRENCH CALF SKINS AMD , SOLE LEATHER. A LARGE SUPPLY OF FRENCH CALF SKINS and SOLE LEATHER Is now offered for sale, Becure Go, * d Bargains in I. ATIIKR, FINDINGS, Ac. D ROCHE, jy3l-l Drayton st, at. i ane GO TO IVES’ FOR Y« FyimtTl'S. NOTICE \fTt- L. W. STEVEN is my duly authorized Attor- ItL ney daring my absence from the city fy3l- HENRY hOIHSCHILD. Go to Ives’ for yonr Eli n icl Blondes. FOBNALE. 1.000 bushels OATS, LOU) do WHITE CORN, error to ot.OM OJU»iQNjrcNT. Algo—iso pounds Celebrated ZophyrPuff SMOKING TOBACCO. N. A. HAkDEIs & Cos., Jy3.-tf Bay street, 0 Stoddard’s Buildings. Go to It pa* foF your Balmoral Gaiters. THUN. W. BROOKS, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, '4'tt Dock Street, PhiludslpiiU, Pa. N. 8.-All ORDERS aent by Mail promptly at tended to. Jy3l-tt Go to Ives’ for your English Ho e. PIONEER SAW MILL.” WE moat respectfully announce to the citizens of Savannah aud others requiring LUMPER, ibut ourtoew Saw Mill at the loot oi Zubly ntreet, neai- the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, w completed. We are ’ now prepared to paw and ftu nl-h Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchase!a, auu respect ully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur. chase TIMBER as it arrives in inis market. Jy3l-tf ROSE A A KKWRTOHT. Go to Ives’ for your Driving cuovea. ,