Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 01, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 167. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING* u rcausam n- % g. W. MASON & CO„ At 1U Hat Unset, Savannas, Gbomia. tabus: Per Copy-.. Five^ n .“- Per Hundred -W »o. Per Year **** °°* AO VBBTISIMO: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first In sertion • one Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements insti led in the morning, will, 11 desired, appear in tne evening without eiira charge. JOB PKINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. ; 1M I'KAM E. "MARINE INSURANCE AT LOW KATESt COLUMBIAN INSURANCE COMP’T OF NEW YORK. Eiver Bisks on Favorable Terms. CASH CAPITAL $3,600,000. THE undersigned are ready, through their open po lity with tne aoove, to effect Insurance for Au gusta, -New iork, and Jacksonville, at the. lowest market rates. idee. on first-class Ocean Steamers SIOO,OOO “ “ “ Hailing Vessels 78,000 “ “ . River steamer or Flat 16,000 Shippers will find it to their Interest to call before effecting insurance elsewhere. CHARGES L. COLBY & CO., _ jylO-tf . IS YOUB LIFE INSURED ? THIS is an important question for every man and important also to every wile and mother, as it auecis tucir mime welfine. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance” of New York will insure yuu at the usual rates in any sura from sloo They also issue the f vonte TEN YEAR NU.v-FORFEITUitE Po.icies, and will after two years payment give a lull paid up i olicy for Two Tenths the wnole sum, and Three Y ears Three Tenths, and so on. Thus a Poucy oi SIO,OOO. Two Premiums paid upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $‘3,000. and five years five-teutUs for every additional year. Fur funner miormation apply to Aa VVILRUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., Juß7 tfc) Hay st., Savannah, Qa. INSURANCE. Knickerbocker Life Insurnuee Company —or NEW TORE. ASSETS NEARLY THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. «*• Policies of all descriptions, Including the favorite TEA TEAR .\o.\-FORFEITURE POLICIES, Will be lsened by this Company. ERAST U 8 LY'MAM, President, Q»0. P. Sjorrmt, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Agent, At Home Insurance Company’s Office, Jy7-law4w 80 Bay street, Savannah, Qa. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O F BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. THIS is one of the oldest and best Companies in America. ■** Policies on Lives for any amount up to $16,000 are taken oy them. Tne Polid-s of these Companies were not cancelled during me war uuul neat'd lr.rn—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to be just aud honor aule in ail ease*. Apply to ju*T A. WILBUR, Agent. Commercial Mutual MARLXE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. nnais Company, with over a Million Dollars as As- A sets, are taking Marine Risk to and from New York on Steamers aud mailing Vessels at usual rates. DA.vIEL JOEAKE SMITH, Preaident. A. n. noL uiuS, Vice President. Hjcxby Elmo, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Agent, At Horn* Insurance Company's Office, Jy7-law4w so Hay street, Savannan, Ga. Oo to Ives’ for your Resorte Hats. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. SAMUEL P. HAMILTON. [Bwoewor te Wilmot A tUehmaud.) SBALLB ti T WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JaWELRY, CANES, CUTLERY, Ao. Com* Worr Aires, 8?. Julian anp - OwaKEse Sts, SAVANNAH, QA. Watches aud Jewelry repaired. Chronometere rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. jy2B-tf Cheap Watches, AND GOLD PENS. WE ARE now offering our stock of Watches and Uold Pens at reduced p-ices. Watches $7, $9. sl3, $6, so, $36. sl6, S6O, and upwaids. Qoid Pen-- 3>> ' i uses from $e to $36 per dozen. tend stamp for circular. SAM’L H. BURBANK 4 CO., Box s,al)3. *O9 Broadway^JLY^ Go to Ives* for your Lublu’i Extracts. NOTICE. OFFICE RELIEF COMMISSION, Distkict or Savannah, Savannah, Ga., Juiy 37th, 1866. In obedience t instructions from the Secretary of War. received this day, no further relief to destitute People will be furnished irom this office. JoH>S. COOKE, Capt. and Relief Commissioner. Oe to Ires’ for your Sleere Buttons. to Iv«a’ tor SAVANNAH, GA„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1865. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dee. TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkis* Fenner A Bennett CO MM ISsION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vmbt Street, ~kw York. Thomas FEun^H^. e ß Y^ i^ 1 ' D.W. Bowman. iyt i 6m CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission aud Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAT AMO ABBBOOBN STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of On.. L. Com, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. references; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J, Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Kwq„ Boston. jy!B—tt Lewis la. Jones, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 17 Broadway, New York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER A GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, 84 Bay Street Savannah. Reference in New York— Messrs, Spoffobd, Tileston A Cos. % mayag A 3mo Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 9 aud 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnabmrgs agd Yarns. jylS J. SHAFFER, Commission Dealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, West Wabhinoton Market, Opposite 143 West st, bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. Ref-rs to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, aud J. H. Parsons. Jyl3 eodly L. J. Ouilmartin & Cos., GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 148 Bay Street. (Opposite tbs City Hotel,* SAVANNAH, GA, T> ARTICULAR attention given to procuring Freights, JL and filling orders for Hard Pine Timber aud Lum ber, Cottou, Wool, Hides, 4c L. J. etriLMABTIH, JOHN (TANNEST. B. W. DBUMMONV. Jyl7 lm CEO. R. CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Bboad Street, Apocbta, Ga. JulO 3m James B. Cahill, GROCER and COMMISSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA, GA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. COTToN Purchased and Shipped. Merchandise bought and sold on Commission. Will also t«ke Agencies for the sale of any Goods and Merchandize required iu the Southern market. jy22 3m SOLDEBS of merchandise WHO wish to realize immediately, will consult their interest by consigning the same to MAUDE A WRIGHT, General Commission Merchants, Augusta, Ga. Refer to—Messrs, Charles L. Colby A Cos., Messrs. . Marcy, Day & Cos., William Battersby A Cos. Jy/6-eod6 M. X, SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, WLL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For. wording all kinds of Merchandise. Produce, Ac. Office for the present at the Drug Store of J. M, Abrahams A Cos. jy2l-lm Go to Ives’ tor your Flannel Pants. C. M. LAURENT, TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKER AND GAS FITTER. Beooud Door from Houston on Bay Street. ROOFS, Gutters and Leaders repaired at the shortest notice. Gas burners re-fittea at the reduced price ei twenty-five cents per burner. jy27-lw NOTICE. Mr. Francis Dowd is uy duly authorized Agent dar ing my absence from the State. jy27 ts W. O’MEARA. Go to Ives’ for your Photograph Views in Savannah. “ 3500 TO ’' , or— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 60x58 per lineal yard. For sale by Jul9 6m FOWLS & CO. Bagging and Rope. OR biles GUNNY BAGGING. JbO 3uo colls ROPE, In store for sale by _ jy34 BKIQHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Go to Ives’ tor yonr Drawers. FRENCH CALF SKINS AMP SOXjB leather. A LARGE SUPPLY OF FRENCH CALF SKINS a*, and SOLE LEATHER Is now offered for sale. Coll early and secure Good Bargains In LuATHER, FINDINGS, Ac. D ROCHET jy3l-l Drayton st., corner Congress st. Lane. GO TO IVES’ FOR YCUR SHIRTS. NOTICE. \FR. L W. STEVEN is my duly authorized Attar lvl ney during my absence from the city. jy3l- , . HENRY KOiHSCHILP. GO lO IVES’ FOR YOUR^WHITE VEST*. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. H. A. TOPHAM, 158 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia. NO. 7 MXKGB ANTS’ BOW, KILTON HEAD. CALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to hi. superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS’ CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, . CAPS, and GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to the Stock received by every Steamer from New York. ju2l-tf Ives’ Hats and Shoes, corner Bull Street aud Bay Lane. Carhart, Whitford & Cos., Manufacturers aud Wholesale Dealers in READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 and 333 Broadway, cor. Worth Street, NEW YORK. T. F. Carhart, I Henry Shafer, Wm. H. Whitford, | A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van Waoehen. Office of Payan A Carhart in liquidation. jy6 3m Ives’ Furnishing Goods, corner of Bull Street and Bay Lane. ’ ' RIDDELL & MURDOCK, Wholesale aud Retail Dealers In SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlsmrn’b Furnish me Goods, &0., No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., W. 0. RIDDELL. fjul3-tf] H. J. MURDOCK. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. A WONDERFUL invention for ladles. Unquestion ably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald containing full particulars every Saturday morning. jy6 staw3m “STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca. CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS,* Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries,Boots, Cape Field Glasses. Ganntlets Qlovea &c.. Ac.. Ac. COTTON. - COTTON"GDSrS. THE EMERY PATENT GIN, warn* cob Compactness, Economy of Time, Space and Labor, Far Surpasses any other Gin ever before offered to the Public. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish them st regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace L. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AME -, PEABubY A CG., No. 162 Congress street, have the above Gin on exhibition. Samples can also be seen at the warehouse of * CHAS. L. COLBY A 00., jy26-tf corner Bay and Abercom streets. COTTON ‘BROKERAGE". The undersigned offers his services In the purchase of Cotton and Domestics, and begs to refer to— Edward Padelford, Esq., Charles Green, Esq., Andrew Low, Esq., Savannah. H. F. RUSSELL, Jy7-eodlS Augusta, Qa. TO COTTON SHIPPERS. Alexander Hardee, COTTON SHIPPER, IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rates, and > —■AS OPXCTX),— ON THE CORipB OF JEFFERSON A BAY STB. For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, RE-PACKING, L l SAMPLING, CLASSING, Shipping Cotton tor the Public AT THE IjOWBST hates, Furnishing Ink, &c. lYi , . ... HAY. GRAIN, Ac. hay” SIXTY BALES HAY, i-anriintr from Steamship America. For sale by jyg-tf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & COj_ Go to Ives’ for yonr Slippers. LUMBER- “PIONEER SAW MILL. TTTE most respectfhlly announce to the citizens of YY Savannah and others requiring LUMBER, that pur new Saw Mill at the foot ot Zubly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechee CanaL is completed. We are now prepared to saw and furntah Lumber In large or ■man quantities to suit purchasers, and respect ufly solicit a share of public patronage. We will alao pur. rhaae TIMBER as it arrives in this market, j,31-tf ROSE A ARKWRIGHT. Go to Ives’ for your Neck Ties. Wf! STOVES!! STOVES!!! LARGE and small, for Restaurants and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Coo King Planters' HoE.S, wholesale and retail, by wiouaw, JAMES G. THOMPSON A CO., Jll-lso > Beaufort, 8. C. > FINANCIAL. The Savannah National Bank —I» NOW PREPARED FOB BUSINESS, At THE banking house, in the exchange. Deposits and Paper for Collection received Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York furnished. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. DIBBOTOBS: L. C. Nobvkll, I Franois Sorrbll, hosue A. Harder. I J. *7. Lathrop, Robert Erwin. HENRY S. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 26th June, 1866. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 1 Offior or Comptroller or the Currrnqy, > Washington, June 10th, 1966, ) Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organised under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof;" approved June 3,1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act : Now, therefore,*!. Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "Tub Savannah National Bank,” in the City ‘of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ised to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hrfhd and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1866. FREEMAN CLARKE. [Wo. 1255.] Comptroller of the Currency. |u2C 2mos Maiming & DcForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 19 Wall Stieet. New York, Dealers lu Goldy Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities* J'MVE special attention to the purchase aud sale o t U Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bauk notea Southern states Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bond* and Coopons. Interest allowed on deposits. Jftn_ MUTILATED AND TORN TREA SURY NOTES. Redeemed At the > Savannah National Bank, AT THRIR VALUE. jy2o-2w J. SPIVEY, Cashier. Einstein, Rosenfeld & Cos. BANKERS, 'No. 8 Broad Street, / NEW YORK. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, ou Lotroox. Pams, Fbanktokt, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the Grrr Banks, and will be alio wed. interest on all balances over Qnb Thousand Douaxs, at the rate of roou per cent, per annum. Orders for tho purchase or sale of various Issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. Ivea* Hen’s Furnishing Goods are of Choice Selection. ■ DRUGS. Drags, Medicines, and Chemicals* A choice selection of DRUGb, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, JUST IAMOBP riOM NEW TOES. Apothecaries, Planters, and tradi rs from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medidnes extant on hand. One hundred oases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, WOOIMAtI iSS llTiit. ATAPOTHECABIES’ HALL, Corner Broughton sad Barnard streets. N, &—Fresh Garden Seeds. w WALBflf Julß-3m . Proprietor^ ARAL ESTATE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. *"PHE »übs«rlber offers for sale his three ripry brick A dwelling bouse, situated on M° n ‘.iTjiL one door s?uth of Cork stm t There through the house. To a person who d«lr«* sorts ffile home now is their chance. A dwelling “ and offeWd by STRAUS. PRICE. 5 CENTS —The “relic” fever has caused con -idera ble damage to portions of Ford’s theatre in Washington, where Booth killed Mr.Lincoln. That portion of the stage carpet upon whi.h Booth leaped from the President's box has been cut away for a diameter of four feet. The latest “manifestation” of the relic fever is that of a visitor who went into the saloon attached to the theatre, and a-ked the bar tender : “Have you the same bottle on hand out of which Booth drank on the night of the assassinatiog ?" “Yes, sir.” “And the same braudy 41. it ?” “Yes, sir.” Can I have a drink or the snme brandy out of the same bottle?" “Ye 9, sir." “Let’s have it.’* The victor tastes the brandy, makes s wiy face, and continues :—“And that a the same brandy that Booth drank?” “Ye9,-sir.’’— “Well I don’t wonder that he killed the President. A drink of that brandy would make a man kill his grandmother.” r —A German thus describedfian accident: “Vonce, a long vile ago, I went iutos mine abble orchard to climb a bear tree to get some peaches to make mine vrow a plum pudding mit; and ven I gets to de t«ber most branch, I vail irom the lowermost limb, mit von leg on both sides of the fence, and Mkh to stove mine outside in.” Equally lucid was Aiynheer Yan Dunk’s account of his ascent of the Alleghenies. Said he: “I vas going up der mountain mit myself, ven my foot sblipped himself on der ice, and I coomed down der mountain, on der proad of mine pack, mit mine face stickla in der mut, and dare I stbood all der times.” —On Tuesday of last week a large black bear, belonging to the Agricultural Museum of the State Normal Schools at Ypsilauti, Mich., broke loose, and in the attempt tore capture him one ot the students was attack ed and horrible mangled before assistance could reach him. The bear could easily have been killed, but it was desired to keep him as a specimen in the Zoological Depart ment of the State Museum. Ue showed great ferocity to the whole human family, and for a long time refused to go to his quar ters, but finally followed a tame “grizzly” into an icehouse. Asa precedent for the rapidity with which execuiion followed sentence, in the Conspi racy Tiiaf, the case of Bellingham, the mur derer ot Mr. Percival, is cited. He commit ted the crime late in the afternoon, Monday, May 11th, 1812. His trial was on at the Old Bailey on Friday, the 15lh ; be was at once found guilty, and was executed at 8 o'clock on the morning of Monday the 18th—a full week from the date of the fatal deed not having expired. —A friend of ours, dtoo Is a clerk In a mer cantile establishment, relates a colloquy from which a sprightly youth in the same store came out second best. A poor boy came along with bis machine, inquiring, “Any _ kuives or scissors to grind?" “Don't think we have,” replied theyouDggentleman, face tiously, “but can’t you sharpen wits ?" “Yes, if you’ve got any,” was the prompt re tort, leaving the interrogator rather at a lost to produce the article. —While some of the oil enthusiasts were prospecting in Venango county, they discov ered the foundation of a house which must have been built there some years ago by the French. Over the walls stood tbs stump of a chesnut tree, two feet in diameter. Near the bouse was a kettle cut out of a solid rock, which evidently had been used for smelting metals, either lead or silver, which is supposed to abound iu that neighborhood. —Another plesiosrurus has been discover ed in Dorsetshire, England. This fossil, though not so perfect as ihe magnificent one acquired by the British Museum last year, is yet a remarkably fine specimen, aud, being m stone, is in good preservation. Portions of the skeleton have been submitted to Prof. Owen, who has pronounced them to belong to an undescribed and unnamed species. —President Lincoln gave bis opinion of tbs •Fremont party last fal, by turning to Ist Samuel, 22:2, and reading : “And every ona that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him : and be be came a captain over them; ana there was with him about four hundred men.” In Chicago they have a kil lug machine. An enormous iron hand, with five terrible claws, books out the unsuspecting pig 9 from tbeir pens, hoists them to a gibbet near by, where they are slain without benefit of cler gy, and then plunged by the same means in to scalding water. This porcine guillotine “finishes” fifty pigs an hour. —The old story of E-au and his birthright has been repeated in Virginia. A rebel offi cer sold the original secession ora law nee of that State to Sergeant A. S. Twitchell, 7th Maine Battery, for a lunch of bread and butter. —A Presbyterian church in Edinburgh is shaped like a fan; at one end it is forty feet in width; at the other, one hundred and sixteen feet wide. The aisles radiate (mm the pulpit, which is at the narrow end, ilka the spokes of a wheel. The seats are arranged in three tiers, one tier being nine ieet above the other. —The Empress Euenie, during her short regency, in the absence of the Emperor at Algears, awarded the rank of Cbevuller of the Legion of Honor to Mile. Rosa Booheur, the admirable painter of animals ana land scapes. “X think you must allow,” said a .pom yous gentleman, “that my jests are very* fair.” “Sir, your jests are like yourself” was the quick retort, “their age makes then* respectable.” —The latest Chicago notion, according to the Tribune, is “an Anti-stink Association,” the members of which pledge themselves to combine against, prosecute and extinguish the insalubrious wretches who produce the innumerable lively stinks now prevalent in that city. —There are two hundred and eighty cot tages at Newport. Those not owned by the occupants rent for from one to five thousand dollars a year. The handsomest one is toe property of August Belmont, the banker, and cost fifty thousand dollars.