Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 01, 1865, Image 3
I. 00 A L MATTERS* '"postOffick Notick.— Malls for the Steamer Cul led state* will close to-morrow (Wednesday) after noon at 21-2 o’clock. f THK Weather Yesterdat was fine and pleasant, llie thermometer ranging as follows :7 x. m., 83; 1 T. It., 88 ; 7 r. M., £B. Ives’ Advertisements In the Hbkald are short but sweet. They are liable to be found almost every where on the paper and by them It will be seen that almost any article In the furnishing goods line, can be procured at his store on Bull street, between Bay etreat and Eav Lane, and mmy articles besides. The Newly-arrived Steamer Gen. Berry is ad vertized to leave for Augusta to-morrow morning. She draws about two and one-half feet, and we have no doubt that she will get through even at the present low state of the river. She has splendid pas senger aco cnmodations. auction Sale.— 3tr. Octavus Cohen, yesterday sold In front of his store, five hundr&and elghty flve boxes and packages of damages! wines and liquors, at prices ranging from $2 25 to sl2 per box orpacage. Mr. Cohen also sold at auctlrn ten ta’es of dun aged upland cotton at s!S2jjO, and twenty bales at $97 60 ~ The Steamer Savannah.— Th is steamer, which was plying between August i and Savannah, Is being thoroughly overhauled at Hiltou Head. The iron pilot houses and the iron armor are being taken off, and light lattice wood work substituted. The im provements making will lessen the draft of the Bteamsr. Capt. Eldridge expects to have the re pairs finished in about three weeks, and will resume the trips of ih= Savannah at that time. H- L. Emery’s Patent Cotton Gins.—At the office of Messrs. Charles L. Colby & Cos., yesterday, we noticed the Cotton Gin of H. L. Emery, patented alnce the war. U.ion examination we are convinced that it Is lust the article that is wanted here. It can be adapted to cottons, either short or long. The gin is worthy of examination. Messrs. Colby & Cos. are the general agents of the manufacturers, the Albany Agricultural Works Albany, New York. Concert by the Choir op the First African Baptist Church.— T ie choir of the above named church desiring to secure anew assortment of church music, and as the funds of the church will not per mlt an outlay of this nature, they have decided to ap peal to their frieflds and the public by giving a public entertainment. The admission fee Is to be only twenty-flve cents, and the reputation of the choir will beyonl a doubt, secure a full au dience. Mr. J&mea ,Pierpont, the organist and leader of the choir, will present several select pieces At the concert. .. .. - .. - Distressing accident—Five Colored Persons Drowned.— Two of the Bodies Found and Buried. —Saturday evening last five colored persons, male and female, were drowned while proceeding down the Savannah River to their farms on the coast. A short distance below Fig Island Light a gust of wind struck their canoe, capsized It and all of them were drowned. Ths River, where the accident occurred, is very wide and there not being assistance at hand the peo ple were all drowned. Yesterday forenoon, the bodies of a man and woman, who were;, known to have been In the canoe were, found floating la the river, and were lntered In the Cemetery for colored persons. Painful Accident.— On Friday last, while at Paris Island upon a hunting excursion, Capt Ketchum, the well-known commander of the steamer Island City, met with an exceedingly painful accident.— Previous to reaching the gunning ground, while drawing his loaded gun towards him, having taken hold of the barrel near the muzzle, the trigger caught *pon some obstruction and the gun was discharged, the ball entering his arm near the wrist and coming out at the elbow. Capt. Ketchum was Immediately taken back to his boat at Hilton Head, where much sympathy was expressed at his painful and serious accident. It Is feared that the wounded arm will have to be amputated. C%pt. Ketchum is univer sally liked, and respected for his courteousness and efficiency during the two years and a half In which he has commanded the steamer Island city, and much concern and sympathy is felt for him In his misfortune. Change of Stba meoat Masters Yt sin-day fore noon, Capt. I Henry, resigned his command as master of the Steamer Jeff. Davis, and was placed in command of the Steamer Gen. Berry. Capt. Henry la weU-huowu as a courteous and careful steamboat master, and the Gen. Berry, under his command, cannot fall to become a favorite with the travelling public. Capt Austin an old and experienced, Master of Steamers and sailing crafts will be placed in charge of the Jeff. Davis. Capt * Barden, who brought out the Gen. Berry from Baltimore, and who is one of her owners, has well fulfilled his engagements to the remaining own ers. Capt Barden examined a number of steamers before purchasing the Gen. Berry, and took the ut most pains to secure a good and substantial boat. Capt. Barden returns immediately to the North to pur chase another steamer, which will be put in the Florida trade. The Savannah Agents of ths Gen. ierry are Messrs. Chas. L. Colby and Company. Tl&e Courts. Before LT.-Cot. Robert pi York, -Provost Mar shal of District of Savannah Savannah, July 20th, 1806.—Ellen Bryan vs. w. H. Bacon. Taking forcible possession or lamia, the property of plaintiff, upon the investigation of the matter in comroversay, and the taking of Patrick Owens’ affidavit, It was ordered that two men proceed to the residence of deiendant afrest him and bring him before the court Tor trial; case continued until arrest of defendant is t tided. t Mrs. E. Goldsmith vs. Mrs. Polly Furman—Judgmen for plaintiff ror S6B 83, on Jiffy loth, 1865, In the Provost’s Court for the District of Savannah. In the above case it was ordered that Capt. Chas. H. Cox Provost Marshal, seize and sell so much of the effects of the defendant as will satisfy the claim. Thursday, July 27th, 180&. Daniel Oliver vs. David Matthews violation of agreement and relusiug to account for Agency, and claims possession of Forest City Mills—defendant in this case could not be found, and petitioner asks to be placed in possession of this property. The evid ence or J. \v. Peeple, Daniel Oliver and A. Smith having been taken and recorded, it was ordered that Plaintiff take possession of the building kuown as the “Forest City Mills," aad be allowed to retain the same until he is officially notified that the build ing has been turned over to the owners by the military authorities. Opon the application of Lsvi S. Russell Esqr., At torney for Margaret Danneieiser and children, to oc cupy mid control a certain lot of laud situate, lying ana being in tne Comity of Chatham, on Wilmington Island, tne following endorsement was made : per mission is granted providenttfe premises are not in cluded in tue lands assigned to Freedmen or Is not in use by tno Military Authorities. Katy (colored) vs. Mrs. B. Hirsh—recovery of child. It appearing that the child (colored) claimed by the groudmother, is desirous of remaining with Mrs. Birsii—that the possession of the child remain with the cleiendant, Mrs. Hirsh until further orders. Counsel lor plaintiff. Col. A. W. stone. Ellen Bryan vs. Win. U. Bacon. Taking forcible possession of lands, the property of plaintiff. The abo e case was coo- tlnued to August Ist 1886, it tea o’clock. Co-disci tot deiendant Col. A. w. Stone. A Cant. To the Ptblic.—ln yesterday’s Issue of the Satan, nae Herald appears an article entitled, •• the Geor gia central Railroad, and the Contractors,” In which some remarks are made concerning the action of parties. owning lands along the road, from whose lands the contractors have been cut ting timber for ties. As l am one of the parties evidently alluded to, I take this means to make It known that nothing is farther from my designs than to attempt to Impede in any manner or degree the rebuilding of the Central Railroad, in the completion of which my own private Interest, as well as my desire for pub lie prosperity, centres. What I did object to, however, was the unwar rantable, unjust, and peremptory manner In which a certain contractor made free with my property. Thomas Bostick. C O M M ERCIAL. Savannah Cotton Market. Savannah, July 3lst, 1865. The market was unusually quiet to-day, with no transactions except two sales of damaged cotton, noticed elsewhere. The receipts were 6C bales, viz : ol by flat from Augusta, and 15 bales by wagons. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, JULY 31. Rohrer, Augusta, |J J Reynolds, Burke co.Qa J T Patterson, do C H Townsend, H Head, J S Limey, Agt Sav Herald, I j H Miller, Fort Pulaski, Hilton Head, Jno Henderson, do a A G Whitehead, jr, Burke Japt M Murphy, Brooklyn county, Ga, | A Geitsman A wife, St Au- W U Sturges, Burke co,Ga, | gustine, Fla, Shipping Intelligence. Minature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 5 i3iMoon sets o u Sun sets 6 58|Hlgh water l so PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, July 31, 1865. Arrived. Steamer EmiUe, Bender, Hilton Head. Ldwm Screen’s Flat, from Augusta, with 51 bales cotton to Adams’ Express Company. Cleared. Schr J S Lane, Smith, Wilmington, NC, In ballast Emil Koetche & Cos. Steamer U S Grant Briggs, Hilton Head. Ives's Goods are First Quality, Fashion able and Cheap. RESTAURANTS, dec. EMANCIPATION SEEMS TO BE THE End of onr National Troubles. THE HILTON HEAD HOUSE, Cor. Johnson Square and Bryan Sts., IS NOW in good running order—a place where the weary can find rest and where the waiters have no rest BURTON’S EAST INDIA FAJLE ALE, COOU. LAGER, On' ICE. LUNCH AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M. No crippled jaws wanted in this establishment in business hours. Old acquaintances ne’er forgot S3tf~ “For particular* see small bills." BILL WILLIAMS, Jyl9-tf Proprietor Hilton Head House. CLAMS ! CLAMS ! ! I HAVE the best Clams at Hilton Head, and the besi Cooks, to proof of which statement I adduce the following testimony from air. Benj. Honey's ad vertisement in the Savannah Daily Mebald, of the last oi two: “There is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, In rear of the Post Office. ••Thtbb is Wheue the Lacoh Comes In.” My dear Ben we gush you a long life and a merry one. In addition to the above luxury, we famish as good a meal as cau be obtained at Hilton Heud, or any other place in this Department. * GIVE US A CALL, * And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will find to be correct. Do not forget oar old established house, in the rear of Post Office? PETER FITZGERALD, ju3o Proprietor. GO TO IVES’ FOR YOUR LISLE GLOVES. Champion Brick Machine. THE proprietors of this recent Patent for the manu acture of Brick are prepared to dispose of Machines and rights to use the same. This Machine is simple of con-traction; does not readily get out of repair; has immense power; makes the biick square and sol id ; can be worked with a single horse. causes littie delay for removing stones; will make from twenty five to thirty-five thousand bricks per day. Circulars, with full particulars, forwarded ou application to BRADFORD & KENICK. OP TO IVES’ FOR YOUR COLLARS. HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, fcavani#b. Ga., July 28,15U5. General Orders) No. 18. / Captain Charles H. Cox, 76th Nqw York Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Marshak Sub- District of Ogocchee, as his Regiment is now serving out of this District. Captain James E. Smith, 12th Connecticut Veteran Infantry, is hereby announced as Provost Marshal, Sub-uistrict of Ogeechee, and will be obeyed and re spected accordingly. By command of • * Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. John Mullen, A. A. A. G. Jy29-7 HE ADQ'KS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, , savannah, Ga., July 28th, IS6&, General Order,) No. IT. j All citizens la this Sub-District who are engag ed in Legal, Medical, Mercantile, or any business, who come under the provisions of the Amnesty Oath, prescribed by President Johnson's Proclamation, dated Washington, D, 0., May 29th, 1805, and have not taken said Oath, will be required to do so, or aiscontinue their business at once. To this end al) persons in business who have not taken the Amnesty Oath will report to the Provost Marshal Sub-District of Ogeechee lorthwith. Any violation of this order will be summarily dealt With. By command of T ’ BvL Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS Jno. Mullen, A. A A. G. jy2B 7 Headquarters district of savannah, » Ist Division, Detaetment or Gxgseu. > Savannah, July 29, 1866. ) Special Order, ) No. 14. f ISXTBACT.] Martin Lussine, Schooner “Mary vlul »ted Ge eral Order No. 69, Head quarters Department of the South, May 0, 1806. estab lishing quarantine regulations for the D Ist.let of Sa vannah, Ga., In allowing communication with the « ore l,^v. he L eby ? ned the “ um one Hundred Dollars, to pMd. be ktpl 1,1 conflawneßt 00111 fbe above amount. a j Corner and of Brevet Maj. Gen. J. M. BItANNAN WIU A, CovtZSR) Capt. 4 A. A. G. Jy» GROCERIES, LIQUORS, die. JUST AJUtlll ns-i i— st Schooner ‘‘Electric Spark” A Complete Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, AND— cA LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. ’Hieee goods were bought very low for cash, andean be sold AT A VERY LOW FIGURE,^ AT W. A. BEARD’S, STUART Sc CO., Family Orooers. DIALERS IX TEAS, WINES AND Corner 801 l and Brocukton Streets. Special attention paid to country orders from Fami lies and for the Trade. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. L. Y. Stuart. H. M. Kellooo. Jyi9 ts PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots end Shoes, Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE OLDER, in bottle and In wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 68 Liberty street. New York GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, Ac., Corner or Bat and Barnard Streets, ‘ SAVANNAH, GA. market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, me., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to onr New York House. jylß * Geo.'A. Hudson, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN Groceries, Ales, Wines, Segars, Liquors, &o. SOUTH EAST OOSNEB Or EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON. STREETS, savannah, Georgia. Jyl» lm GENUINE CONGRESS WATER FOR SALE AT 307 Buy Street, BETWEEN BARNARD A JEFFERSON. Jy2«6 ISRAEL R. SEALY A CO. CHEESE." TWENTY-FIVE BOXES OF CHEESE For sale by jy29-2 HUNTER A GAMMELL. KIRLIN A KIENZLE, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR HOUSE, 16b BAY STREET. Ju2l ts KIRLIN, BURKE & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WHS AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AJVD BAY LANE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED R DELIVERED. ju2l ts 111 TOBACCO AGENCY, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Bboad Stbibt, Auoubta, Ga, HATE on hand a large and well effected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when de tired. 8m Ju2o Imported and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, At Wholesale, fop Family Bee, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY A 00. may24-tf ■ FOB SALE. 1,000 bushels OATS, 11000 do WHITE CORN, cheap to close oonsmwment. Also— l6o pounds Celebrated Zephyr Puff SMOI3NG TOBACCO. N- A. HARDEE A CO., JyS. -ts Bey Street, 9 Stoddard's Bulldii igs. , Muscovado Molasses. ffA bbls. MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, Just lanaiing OU per Schooner Vance, from Matauzas, for sate by £. E. J-.ERTZ, Ivßl North cor. Bay and Whitaker atre et». _ Go to Ives’ for your Flannel Blouses. THOS. W. BROOKS I, MANUFACTURER OF furniture and general UPHOLSTERY, DocM Street, **Hli«uteipAla, Pa- N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at tended to. Jy#l-U Go to Ives' for your btQjueral Gaiters* SHIPPING. PIONEER LINE FOR \EM YORK 1 » Th* U. B Mall Steamship PERIT, Capt. , will anil for the above pop § y regular day, * Thursday, A gt t 3d, at O’clock. For Freight of Paa. having superior accommo dations, apply to BGNTER k GAMMELL, jy29 8* Bay street^ FOR NEW YORK STAB JSE LINE. SHMI-WHBKIiY. . The first dess U. S. Mail Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt Careen tee. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Share. AMERICA, Capt Curr. CONSTITUTION, - - Ofcpt. urrsman. The above ah! pa compose the Line, and will aall from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOO KIN A DICKINSON, Agents, IT Broadway, New York. THE AMERICA Will leave Savannah for New York on Saturday, sth lustaut. For Freight or Paasage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO.. Jy2B-tf Agents. STAR LINE FOR 1W YORK. Th® New and Elegant first class U.f HE s. Mall Steamship UNI l ED STA’I Eli. 1300 tuns register, Capt. Shake, wilP iSseiggrjtanisail positively for the above port onfe WEDNESDAY, August 2d, at 4 o’clock, P. M. For Freight or Passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BaLDWIN a CO„ Jy3l-3 Agents. Merchants’ Line SAILING VESSELS. Qtilolk Xlispatob. for NEW YORK. The splendid A1 Clipper Schooner HATTIE BAKEB, Capt. Burgess Will clear for the above port in a few daya. lias superior accommodatiou for Flist Class Cabin Passengers. O.ut Room for Four eret— Fare, S3O. Asa large portion of her cargo is already engaged Shippers wilt need to make early application for freight room. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. jy24 ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing Jg| V essels. Regular Weekly Lin* of CLIPPEB SCHOONERS FOB NEW YORK. THE undersigned intend to keep np a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be. tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the very best fa cilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention „iven to forwardlnggoods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., jylß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. Go «o Ives’ for your Congress Gaiters. Brooms to let, At JEZiltoxi. Bead, S. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Bnildlng haying been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or busiuess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr„ Box No. 26, Hiltcn Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner oi Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o'clock p. m. ju22 WANTED. A Furnished Room, facing south, without Board, in a private family, with bathing privilege, by two young gentlemen. Address box 610 Savannah P. O. jy29-2 Go to Ives’ tor your Oxford Ties. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JTr. SOLOMONS, IM D.j 33 ontlst, From Charleston, S. C., offers his services to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References.—Dr. Jab. B Read, Dr. Jutoah I iaksis, Hon. Solomon Cohen, W. N. Habebshah Esq., *♦oll ts A. A. Solomons A Cos,, M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. WUI give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans lor and superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, Ac. Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office. Jy2l Hn DENTAL NOTICE. I would inform the public that I have resumed the practice of Dentistry In this city, at my old stand, corner of 8k Julien and BaAard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photograph Gal lery.) where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my proiession. jyll-imo W. JOHNSON. D. D. S. I. 0. FEATHER, M. D. f Office, 18 1-2 Merchants' Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. ft 29 8m y C. S. BUNDY, Gr eneral A gent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Srexrr, Brrwra* U« ar» 14tb Ssbmßs. (Near Psy Department,) , wa*3iina:to“» 33 ■ ®* ju3o U Go to Ires* fcw year EngUsM Hose. BT. ANDREW’S HAT.T. Tuesday Evening, An g. Ist, 1866. TREMENDOUS SUCCESS or THE VIRGINIA MINSTRELS AVD Burlesque Opera Troupe! 0 * . • ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. New Bongs, Quartette, Burlesque Faroe*, Jokes, Dances, Jigs. Price of Admission.. 75 cents. Colored Gallery 60 “ CS'* Doors open at half-past 7 o’clock. Perform ance to commence at half-past 3. aul-1 D. J. A. SMITH, Agvnt. VOLKS’ G A.BT33PV, (Congress st,, between Jefferson and Montgomery su-j REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERI3 EVERY NIGHT, » BV THE Savannah Orchestra, Prof E. Ricbtrb, Leader, tar Refreshments of the treat qual ty and In every vgjriety. lm> J.vlO to Ives 9 for your fti ight iSiooining tuui To the Patrons of the PACIFICATOR. ’T'HK suspension of The Pacificator, the only Cath- JL ulic Journal iu the South, has oeen caused by cir cumstances arising mainly trom want of means to de fray the expense of publicg.ton. Tnis announcement is made with eitreme regret, but relying upon the deep interest *nd the generous support heretoioie extended both by the Clergy and Laity of the Church, as well as upon the Itbei al pa tronage received from the members of other denomi nations, we sincerely trust the suspension will only be of a very brief duration. In the present condition of the country, It Is of par amount import .nee that the Church t-hould have an orgau in the South for the dissemination of Catholic Doctrines, and the defence oi Catholic 'leaching* and Practices. The sudden, radical and unexpected changes which have taken place In the organisation oi bout barn in stitutions, political, religious and social, make the support of a Catholic Journal in this tectiou an lux perative duty on the part of each and every member Qf tb® Chureh. If then the Catholics of the South desire the publi cation of this Journal continued let them go to woifc without delay In .ta behalf, and so soon as a sufficient number oi rent wed subscriptions are received it wiA again be regularly issued. Tne past tone Os The Pacificator, Religious, Polit ical, and Literal, will be its best recommendation, and a guarantee of Its future conduct, 3ft. L T. blome having withdrawn from the con cern, the paper will hereafier be conducted eoleiy by the subscriber, who earnestly appeal* to th* Catholics of tue Mjuth, and to all otueia li iendlj ,o tue cause, to sustain The Pacificator by a liberal patronage. The catholic clergy throughout the South are au thorized to receive subscription*. EF" Publication will be resumed as soon as th* par ties whose names are cow ou the books renew their subscriptions. TERMS. One Year. $4 00 Six Months 2 60 PATRICK WALSH, . Editor and proprietor. Augusta, Ga., July Ist, 1865. Jygit lw PDOSPBOTUS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OP 10,000 COPIES, FORGRA * Turrous circulation. To be Issued on or about the Ibth of July, 1806, By J. W. BURKE A CO., - MACON, G&- This enterprise la undertaken at the suggestion °* many of the leading merchants of the couutiy, as a method or extensively advertising their business.— While we will pubisli the advertisements of all who may favor u • with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current ot tpe Markets in alt the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange. Brokerage, *c„ and Commercial News of every description that will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “MIRKOR" be exclusively fllit-d with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a itamilt. as well as a business papkb, and we intend that it ehaU visit every Uity, Town and Village in the Country. All cau perceive the advantage of adv,-rtising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, hot knowing what number of our friend. will . want their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We wul only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large block of Fancy type, Cuts and materiul for displaying them, ana lass confident of meriting the patronage «uid approval of all Business Men. A. soon as we arrive at tne amount of mailer andsise of paper required, we win make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, m the fir.t number. -Tair will be as low as Potmans, to allow Us to publish tbs p.peb- Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit oi this enterprise to tne "Uver- Using wond, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation ana sup port. Address J. W. BURKE * Cos., Macon, C*., Agent in Savannah; .... Gso. N. Nichols, Bay Street jylfrtf “The Hospital Transcript.” J The paper above named is published at Hilton Head SL C., by Al. J.*a It is designed by the Publisher to make so Interest, ing and Instructive Paper, not only for SICK AND WOUNDED OLDIERS, . hat a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to mi residents of Hilton Head _ It wili contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary NORTHERN NEWS, und cweiuiiy Selected MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS. Go to Ives’ for your Driving Gloves. NORTH RU M IGRICULTURAL WORKS. GRIFFING, BROTHER A CO, PxoniXTOSa, 68 AJ»D 60 COUBTLAHD SI-BEET. NEW Y O R ts , Msnu/acturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gins, Me Every implement wonted by tifc Planter, Alms dealers in Field and Garden Seen*. Also, Agents lor Bruce'- Concentrated Manure, Bone, Me Send for circular. Jn2o , la Oo to Ives' for yoiir Boft gats, FOREST CITY FOUNDRY, Cor. lsylor stud Haberslusxu Sts. LINVILLE&GLEASON A re prepared to do all kinds oi IRoN AND BRASS A cAb l INuS, Bud Other work -u tntur line, _ <i>iii>iifc Jy3L4 aves* BUI aeer A«<ut «f **•untuu Msius.