Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 05, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 171. The Savannah Daily Herald fMORNLNG AND EVENING} 18 PUBLISHED BY 0. W, MASON <fe CO., At 111 Bsf Street, Savannah, (Sequoia. mui: for Copy... Kve^n*s- - Year 4UO ADTIBTIBIH4: Two Dollar* per Square of Ten Lines for flrat in «prt'on • One Dollar tor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements Inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening »ithout extra charge, JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. ' MSPBAKCE. MARINE INSURANCE AT LOW RATESI COLUMBIAN INSURANCE COMP’T OF NEW YORK. River Risks on Favorable Terms. CASH CAPITAL THE undersigned are ready, through their open po licy with the above, to effect Insurance lor Au gusts, New York, and Jacksonville, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Mdse onffrst-clasa Ocean Steamers SIOO,OOO “ •• “ bailing Vessels 76,000 •• “ " River Steamer or Flat 16,000 Shippers will And it to their Interest to call before effecting insurance elsewhere. CHARLES L. COLBY A 00., Jyis-tf * ~ IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? THIS Is an important question for every man and important also To every wife and mother, as it affects their future welfare. , SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance” of New York will insure you at the usual rates in any sum from Jloo $1(1.000. They also issue the favorite TEN YEAR S O \-FOltt’KiT l) i,i£ Policies, and will after two years payment give a lull paid up i oiicy for Two Tenths the wuole sum, and Three Years Three Tenths, and so on. Thus a Policy oi SIO,OIXI, Two Premiums paid upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,u00. and five years live-Leuths for- every additional year. For further information apply to A. W ii,JBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home insurance Cos., ju27 , * so bay st., Savannah, Ga. HUE JiEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O P BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. THIS Is one of the oldest and best Companies in America. Policies on Lives for any amount up to $16,000 are taken by them. ' The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled daring the.war until beard imm—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to bejust and honor able in all cases. Apply to juiil A. WILBUR, Agent INSURANCE. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company or IST Z 2 W YOB K. ASSETS nearly three QUARTERS OP A MILLION DOLLARS. Policies of all descriptions, Including the favorite TE* YEAR YOX-FORFEITI'RE POLICIES, Will be Issued by this Company. 'ERASTUS LYMAM, President. Gso. P. Sjiffeh. Secretary. . , A. WILBUR, Agent, At Home Insurance Company's Office, jy7-law4w 80 Bay street. Savannah, (la,. Commercial Mutual MARIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. TP HIS Company, with over a Million Dollars as As- JL sots, are taking Marine Risk to and from New York on Steamers and Sailing Vessels at usual rates. DANIEL DRAKE SMITH, President. A. U. UuLmES, Vice President. Hens? Kino, Secretary. A. WILBtJR, Agent, At Home Insurance Company’s Office, JyMawtw 89 Bay street, Savannah, Ga, REAL estate. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his three story brick dwelling house, situated on Montgomery street one door south of York street. There Ts gas fixtures through the house. To a person who desires a com fortable home now is their chance. A dwelling house and store is effered by this sale. _ jy2C-2w PETER 9TRAUS, STATIONERY, Ac. ~~ * NTATIONEItY.' TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest cash prioes. Our stock in the above line ja.the largest in the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh ard direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. * BAVILLE & LEACH. Comer Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter's Bank, Savannah, Ga., AND— Merchants’ Row* Hilton Heady S. C. Jyi ITsTbundy, Qeneral Ago at AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMB, No. £47 P Stbekt, Between 13th an® lAth Streets, (Near Pay Department,! WaaiHinstoxir X3. O. juso ** CHOICE BALTIMORE SIDES, For Sale* LANDING PER BTEAMER PEBIT, FROM NEW YORK, THIS DAY. • * > I. D. LaROCHE, aoB Corner Bay and Barnard streets. SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1865. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ac. TO SHIPPERSOF COTTON A>T) OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FINHBE, BENNETT * BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. couu merchants. No. 40 Van Street, lew York. __ • „ Aad Memphis, Tens. Thomas Fxnnrb, HtmrßniMTT, D. W. Bowman Jy« 6m CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Sbippiag Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, OOXNXB BAY AND ABEROORN STBBBTS, SAVANNAH. QA. . LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, G*. timmoit; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarirs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. jylß—tt Lewis L. Jones, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, A’o IT Broadway* -Veto York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by ■ ’ ' m 1 ' HUNTER A GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships, 84 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference In New York— Messrs, Spoffoed, Tu.yston A Cos. may‘2o 3mo Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 9 and U Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Yarns. Jylß L. J. Guilmartin & Cos., GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 14® Bay Street. (Opposite the City Hotel,} SAVANNAH, G A , PARTICULAR * .tention given to procuring Freights, and filling orders for Hard Pine Timber and Lum ber, Cotton, Wool, Hides, ice. L. i. etTILMABTIM, JOHN FLANNERY. X. W. DRUMMOND. jylT lm CEO. R. CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 208 Bboad Strut, Augusta, Ga. Ju2o 3m James B. Cahill, GROCER and COMMISSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA, GA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. COTTON Purchased and Shipped. Merchandise bought and sold on Commission. Will also take Agencies for the sale of any Goods and Merchandise required in the Southern market. Jy22 3m M. J. SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, TTTTLL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For- Y ▼ warding all kinds of Merchandise. Produce, Ac. office for the present at the Drug Store of J. M. Abrahams A Cos. Jy2l-lm J. SHAFFER, Ooxnmisslon Dealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, West W asm noton Market, Opposite 143 West st„ bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenkcd to. nf Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. jyl2 eodly NEWSPAPERS. PROSFBOTUS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA- TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Jteued on or about the 16th of July, 1866, A. Bi J. W. BURKE A GO., - MACON, Goi This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion many of the leading merchants of the country, as a method of extensively advertising their business.— While we will publish the advertisements of all who may favor m with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current of the Markets In all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every description that will be of Interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a family, as wkll as a business papeb, and we intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village In the Country. All can Derceive the advantage of advertising in a paper*o/* this description. OUR TERMS Will BE LIBERAL. We are enable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our friends will wait their Business Cards, Notices, &c., brought be fore the Public through thiß medium. We will only eay to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately : staU how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, &c. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As soon as we arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the first number. They will be as low as possible, to allow us to publish the pafib. Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address J. W. BURKE A CO., Macon, Ga. Agent lu Savannah: ..... Geo. N. Nichols, Bay Street. Jylß-tf “The Hospital Transcript#” The paper above named is published at Hilton Head S. C., by M. J. MoKjkwa. It la designed by the Publisher to make an Interest ing and Instructive Paper, not only tor 1 SICK AND WOUNDED OLDIERS, but a WELCOME WEEKLY VISITOR to all residents of Hilton-Head. It will contain Original LOCAL NEWS, a summary NORTHERN NEWS, sad carefully Selected MIS CELLANEOUS ITEMS. ‘iS-ti PHY POODS AND CLOTHING. H. A. TOPHAM? ~ 158 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia. NO. 7 merchants' bow, hilton^iead. CALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to his superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CniZENS*CLOTHINO, BOOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to the Stock received by every Steamer from New York. ju2l-ti Carhart, Whitford & Cos., Mannfactnx ere and Wholesale Dealers In READY MADE CLOTHING, SSI and 333 Broadway, ook. Worth Stbrrt, NEW YORK. T. F. Carhart, I Henry Shaver, Wm. H. Whitford, | AT. Hamilton, J. B. Van Waocnen. Office of Payan A Carhart in liquidation. jys 3m RIDDELL & MURDOCK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Furnishino Goods, do., So. 8 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C„ W. C. RIDDELL. rjul3-tfj H. J. MURDOCH. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca. I~tALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur- V chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries, Boots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. THE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE IN— i HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. Bradley’s new Patent DUPLEX ELIPTIC, (or double, SPRING SKIRT. This Invention consists of Duplex (oi two} Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tight ly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or bresk, like the sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and Deautifal shape more than twice as long as any, Single Spring Skirt ever has or can be made, The wonderful flexibility and preat comfort and pleasure to any iady wearing tbe D .plex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can . be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. For children misses and young ladies they are superior to all others. ' The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to pre vent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down staire. stone steps, 4c., which they are Ci .nstamly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS’ BRADLEY 4 CARY, (late J. L A J. O. West, ) Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers, 37 Chambers and 79 and 81 Keade streets, New York. For Sale in all first class stores in tbls city, and throughout the United States and Canadas, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West In dies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. jyS Stf COTTON. COTTON GINST~~ THE EMERY PATENT GIN, WHICH FOB ,1 ~ t Compactness, Eoonomy of Time, Spaoe and Labor, Far Surpasses any otber Gin ever before offered to tbe Public. rpHE undersigned are prepared to furnish them at X regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace L. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AM Ed, PEABODY A CG., No. 16S Congress street, have the above Gin on exhibition. Samples can also be seenat tbe warehouse of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., jy2s-tf comer Bay and Abercora streets. TO COTTON SHIPPERS'. Alexander ZZardeo, COTTON SHIPPER, IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rates, and —HAS OPENED, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON A BAY STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, i repairing, REPACKING, SAMPLING, CLASSING, AND— Shipping Cotton for the Public AT THE ZiOWZWT FLATDB, Furnishing Ink, &c. JyT lm FINANCIAL. The Savannah National Bank is NOW -* PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, AT THE BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposltnand Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York furnished. L. C. N.ORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, . :i Cashier. DIBEOTOXS: L. C. Nortel l, I Fxanois Sorrell, Noble A. Hardee, I J. *7. Lathbov. Robert Erwin. HENRY S. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 26th June, 1866 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, j Office or Comptroller of the Curexnoy, V Washington, June 10th, 1865. 1 Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to tbe undersigned, it has been made to appear that “Tub Savannah National Bank,” In the City of Savannah, In the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, haa been dnly organised under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” approved June 3,1864, and haa complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, L Freeman Clarice, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Savannah National Bank,” In the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, Is author ised to commence the business of Banking under tbe Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE. [So. 1256.) Comptroller of the Currency. |u26 2mos Manning & DeForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 19 Wall Street, New York, , Dealers In Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. GIVE special attention to the purchase and sale o! Virginia, North .Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notea Southern states Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. Jyl6-8m ~ ROSENFELD & Cos., Bankers, No. 8 Broad Street, New York. u We draw at sigltt, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Frankfort, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the'same as with the City Banks, and 'will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of pour per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, executed on Commission. WANTED, SPECIE AND IINCFRBENT HONEY, THE highest price paid at comer Bay and Jefferum streets. aul-lw ALEX. HARDEE, DRUGS. . Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals# A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, LANDED FROM HEW TOE*. Apothecary, Planters, and traders from the interi or, oan be supplied at the shortest notice, I can war rant every article aa being pure. A large, quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, ■1 WHOLESALE IIP RETAIL. ATAPOTHECABIES* HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard street*. N, B.— Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, Jnl4-8m Proprietor. 3600 TONS —or ENGLISH RAILS, *Of beet quality, (ox6B per lineal yard. jul» 6a» ***" ** FOWLS *QV PRICE. 5 CENTS Extraordinary Casualties In Russia. FIRES, MURDERS, SUICIDES, DROWNISQB, AC CIDENTS AND ROBBERIES. Fires continue to prevail in various parts of Russia. The Russian correspondence of Bt. Petersburg says : “A conflagration has destroyed 108 house* in Gorodok, in the government of Wilaa. Nearly all of them belonged to Jews. Two children perished m tbe flames. Three day* after another fire broke out in the Jewish quarter at Grodno, and destroyed 82 houses. A considerable fire has also taken place (n Borisofl, in the government of Mohilew. The church, the synagogue, 296 houses and 136 shops became the prey of the flames. The government uses all Its efforts to prevent these disasters. A sura of 6,630 roubles has been granted by the Governor-General of the western provinces for the purchase of fire engines. Henceforth every district town will possess one constructed according to the French system ; a hand-pump,hatchets, lad ders, &c. It remains now for the inhabi tants to organize the service properly." As appears from last year’s returns, there occurred in European Russia (a term In which the capitals of Moscow and St. Pe tersburg, as well as the two separate de pendencies of Poland and Finland are not included; no less than 546 fires In towns, and 4,005 fires in villages within the four months lrom May to August. The damage in the towns was estimated at 3,812,607 roubles; in the villages at 9,262,216 roubles. Large as these figures are, they must be small in comparison with the damage of tbe current year. Within the same period, 200 mur ders and 542 suicides were reported to the authorities, 137 people were killed in affrrys, 408 were killed by horses or by carts, and trees falling upon them and crush ing them to death, 81 by engines aud ma chines, 421 by lightning, 107 died in conse quence of injuries received from fire or wsro suffocated by gas inhaled from stoves, 478 succumbed to delirium tremens, 4,094 wera drowned, and there were 477 cases ol acci dental death and 2,316 cases of sudden death not coming under any of the abova categories; 1,322 human corpses were found iu tbe fields and public thoroughfare*, of which 144 bore tbe marks of a violent death. In strange contrast to these terrible figures, no more than 131 robberies are re corded. The Cholera the Work of a Dishonest Contractor.— Government contractors in the United States have a great deal to answer for here and hereafter, for their dishonesties; but they are innocents bv the side ot the contractors of Egypt. They are there ac cused not only of cheating the Government, but of introducing the cholera again. It hap pened in this wise: The Sultan Abdul Med jid had founded an endowment of 4,000 pias tres to be spent annually for the Interment of the remains and oflal of the sacrificed beast* during the religious festivals. The 40,000 piastres have been duly paid to tbo contrac tors for this business, who quietly pocketed the money, and left the putrid mass of flesh to engender disease and carry death and de struction over the world. A Severe Case of Love-Sickness.— The son of a well-known federal official In New York, became so frantic on Monday last, la consequence of being discarded by tbe lady to whom be was paying attentions, that he swallowed a large dose of laudanum for tbe purpose of committing suicide. His mother was soon after informed of the ra9h act, and sent for the family physician, who, by the forcible application of antidotes saved the young mau’s life. The only recognition the physician received for his services was a tor rent of foul invectives, the would-be suicide declaring no man has a right to prevent him taking Ins own lifo when the lady whom he 1 wed called him a goose. Roebuck's Enmity. —Roebuck, in his ad dress to the people of Sheffield, says: Recollect that the United States of Amer ica extends over a territory so large and so beautifully fertile, that by and by, when it is filled, as it will be filled, with the great Anglo-Saxon race, that people—mark words, our children may learn to believe them—that people will govern the world.— My feeling was, and is, that they have mani fested so arregant a disposition, they bare Insulted England whenever she could be in sulted, that I said, “ I will, as for as lam concerned, aid and assist in breaking up that {>owerful Union in communities that will be ess powerful and better behaved.” The State House.— We learn that noth ing has been done toward repairing the State House at Milledgeville. It is, however, the design of Gov. Johnson to thoroughly repair and refurnish it before the meeting of the convention in October. To do this it Will be necessary to procure glass, locks and almost a complete outfit of chairs and otber furniture from the North. The building ia its present condition is perfectly untenable, but the members of the convention will find their bodily comfort and convenience pro vied for on reaching the capital.— Macon Tekgragh. The Cable Excitement in Newfootland. Recent advices from Heart’s Content, New foundland, state that considerable excite ment prevails in that region iu reference to the Great Eastern and the cable. Everything in the shape of a bouse has been hired or bespoken months ago ; and these being in adequate to the demand, it is contemplated t© pitch whole camps of tents. The .first important surgical operation with “laughing gas” as an an«stbetlc agent, wa3 performed on Saturday last in New York The operation was the removal of a cancer with one entire breast, from a lady who was in delicate health. The time occupied by the operation was sixteen minutes, and forty gallons of gas were used. It is not improbable that this is the inauguration of the substitution of nitrous oxide gas for chloroform in surgical practice. The young man who received the first prize for commencement-day oratory at Ro chester University, was, nine years ago, a canal driver, parentless, unable to read, ig* norant even of the time of his birth.