Newspaper Page Text
local matters,
"abb ival OP TBS STEAMSHIP t’HASS.—The Pioneer
Jjce steamship Chase, Capt. M. L. Rogers, arrived
evening at this port. We are Uidebte<l to Parser
Sylvester McGrath, for fall flies of late papers.
THS Post Baeebv —At all tnilltarjr posts of the C -
S Army, among the Hist Institutions established,
Where practicable, is a Bakery to supply soft bread for
ihe troops Instead of “hard tack.” The large and
extensive Borchert Bakery, north-west corner of
Bryan and Jefferson streets, was secured after the
capture of Savannah. Mr. Thomas J. McOrackin
rras placed in charge as Superintendent, and Mr.
pelt; Krass, Foreman, with nine citizen baiters,
three detailed men, and seven negro laborers.—
la the month of June nine hundred barrels of floor
were baked into bread, and during the month of
joiv considerably more. The Issue during these
noutbs has been from five to fourteen thousand
loaves dally. At the present time, by the recent re
moval of troopa, many of the employes of the Post
Bakery have had a few hours absence horn heated
ovens and stifling atmosphere. 4. permanent redac
tion of the force is being made.
Ware.— A few weeks since, Mrs. H. M. Montmollln
was robbed of a large amount of silver ware. The
robbery was committed by negroes. Mrs. Montmollln
made kqow n her loss to the U. S. Police. Sergt. M. J.
JiUUkln U. S. Police, of the 12th Marne volunteers,
with the assistance of special detectives, recovered
at three different places the property stolen., The
searcli extended from fifteen miles above Savannah
toMltchelfllie, near Hilton Head, InS. Carolina. A few
spoens, forks, and one silver ladle, remain to be re
covered. It Is well that Sergt. MilUkin and his asso
ciates werfe so prompt and vigilant in this matter, as
a few hours delay at MitchelvUle would have resulted
in a failure to secure this valuable property. The se
quel proved that when Cody and Butler touch the
strings, thieves will hear the sound. One of the ne
groes who participated In the robbery, by the name
of Jim, was arrested and committed by Capt. James
E. smith, provost Marshal Sub-Dlsjrict of the Ogce
chee. •
Herald Stationery Store and Newspaper
By the advertisement In another column, it will be
seutr that Mr. J. H. Estill has opened a Stationery
Store and Newspaper Depot at the Herald counting
room, where he will keep a general assortment or
Stationery, Merchants’ Commercial Blanks, Books'*
Ac., together with the latest newspapers and period
teals. This establishment being located on the bay,
aud being constantly supplied with every article used
in the counting room, will be a great convenience to
out merchants.
We are Indebted to Mr. EstlU for copies of Northern
newspapers, periodicals and pictorial papers received
last evenlug by the steamship Chase.
Savannah, Ang. 7th, lSoo.
Application was made by Levi S. Russell, Esq., At
torney for Marmnduke Brown, tb occupy aud control
a certain lot of land containing four hundred acres,
situate on the South-west end of Skrtlaway Island,
In Chatham county. Permission is granted to Mar
iuaduke Brown to occupy a certain portion of said
lot of land which Is" now unoccupied—that the por
tion of said land occupied by freedmen be delivered
to him alter the crop is harvested, and that a reason
able time thereafter be allowed the occupants to re
move therefrom, provided It Is not In use, or needed,
by the military authorities of the United States.
Mrs. Mary O'Connor vs. Mr. Austin—action to recov
er the premises situate on the corner of Broughton
and Drayton sts., subveuted without authority by de
fendant, contrary to agreement. It appearing, from
the evidence adduced in the above case, that Mr. Mal
iett and Mr. occupy tke premises in question,
without author ty In m the proprietor, but are willing
to remove in a reasonable time. It was ordered that
they vacate the premises occupied by them, by the
tjrst day of September, 1885, and that all other per
sons residing In the building be ordered to vacate
within the same time; provided Mr.' Austin does not
show cause to this Court why he should not be per
muted to hold over.
Savannah, Aug. TANARUS, 1885.
C. S. vsqHenry Bannister—using abusive language
on or about the 4th day of August - , 1385,1n tlie clty|ol
Savannah. Plea guilty. It was ordered that the de
fendaut pay a fine of Hlteon dollars and costs or be
confined in the Comity jail one month.
C S vs. Zaclr Edwards—stealing a horse from the U.
5. Corral, at the Isle of Hope, Chatham County.
qu or about the sth day of August, 1865. It was
ordered that the defendant be confined In the
lail of Chatham County for the 9pace of six months.
C. 9. vs. Rose (colored). Larceny of peaches from
the market on or about the 6th day of August 1885.
Plea guilty. It was ordered that the prisoner be con
fined In the County jail one mouth aud then be for
warded to the contraband camp.
6. 9. vs. Benjamin Franklin—lnsulting ladles on
the streets, on or about the 7th day of August 1885,
at Savannah, It was ordered that the prisoner be
confined In the country Jail one month.
Mlnatnre Almanac—This Day.
Sun rises 6 181 Moon sets 7 48
sun set* o 511 High water 8 lo
Monday, August 7,1865.
Pioneer Steamship Chase, Rogers, New York—to
Hunter & Gammell.
Consignees—Adams Express Company, Bell A
Christian, J) B Brown, M Bevtagh, A L Bradley, T
Bateson, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, C L Colby A Cos, O
Cohen, Crane A GravbUl. J L Dunning, J H Demund,
Dewitt a Morgan, 6 H Eckmau, Erwin A Hardee, A
Frederick, 9 N Gragg. M Ferst A Cos, M Gordon, Hun
ter A Uammell, Hess A Guttman, 0 M Hillsban, Hil
ton A Randell, N A Hardee A Cos, Kotcheke, J Lama,
> M Lederer, Lovell A Lattlntore, M D McArtlny M 9
Meyer, J C Maker. J McMahon, Melnhard A Bro, Maj
Porter, T Philpot, l’resdee A Orff, J Ryan, C I) Rogers,
Rue, Whttnev A Cos, P Skehan, Capt A L Spencer, T
JJ Shea, \V il stark, J R Sealey, T M Turner, W H
Puller * Cos, B 0 TUden, J Vilialonga, Schuester A
Hunzleus, J G Watts, \V M Walsh, R B Waugh. B
Strauss, L Stern, Halsey, Watson A Cos, L A MeU, J N
Muller, G T Nichols, SfFarrelly, BA Wise, G Harty,
G W Alien, A H Childs, McCoontbs, J Schroeder, TI)
AT, Sell'er, T Cook, Williams, E H Kerburt A Cos,
McDongherty, aud order.
Passengers— P H Peters, Mr Wright, wife, child
and servant, WM'Wadley, W Clones, .las Gardner,
J G Watts, Mr Hess, T Schailer, M Gordon, Mrs Her
rlett, C Beckman, W D Savla9, W Kelly, Mrs McKenna,
Mr McDermott, J Bryan.
Brig Geo Amos, Stinson, N York—Oaden A Unckles.
Bohr Pilots Bride, Blatchford, Hilton Head.
Schr Wynoua, Fall, Baltimore, with coal to Marry,
Day A Cos.
Steamer Ernfile, Bender, Hilton Head.
Aug »—schr John F Williams, Lyman, New York.
Hotel Arrivals.
G H Asledge, N Y [ J Morris. Georgia
H A Tophaui, do ! MaJ Manning, Ft Pulaski
H C Cady, do leapt H L Stone, do
Oapt Wldtebead, fit Var IV M Wadley, Georgia
H Bentley, Purser, do :P L Schiller, New York
* M Booth, do C Beekman,
a X* Head Geo Beuson, Providence
? iW L Willlngton, do
J H Burrell, do Uohn Bailee,
Jamea Oardner, Augusta | fcl F Martin, St Verona
PClose, do W Graham
D T Castleberry, do w “staffer
WO Jones, do OKUtou ’
D HDenning, do |g BaUey
Capt RC6d, 21USCT Lt 8 W n no 0 )
w c Handl£ Fioridr w e H Head
J L Savage, Jacksonville j m Hoir v d ,°
H H Harper, AbbevUle J s iSht'
M Q Zeigtw, do Lt HancS^ST 1 . 11 *
P A McMlcbael, Orungebg Col Koryu*
W T Stockton, Quincy F A Laklu ’ Sava “ nutl
3 B McLean, Jacksonville Capt Keycer S?
T B Kershaw, late Lt Shunt, ’
MaJ Gen CS A D H Rice, Lemon ind
C W Simontou, S C Mrs BourdUi and ciiUd
J Hugbey, Beaufort New York
J Tucker. Hilton Head Col W W Murple, Jack’lle
A Lenford, do A C Small. Station Creek
J Butler, do J Fuliton, do
W H SUerwood, Sav J Pearson, • do
—Advices from the Red River of the North
distinctly reiterate the former charge, that
British traders in British settlements openly
supply hostile bands of Indians with arms
and ammunition to prey on our frontiers.
Da a M o ur a er .
Nature, so far as in her lies,
Imitates God, and turns her face
' TO every land beneath the skies,
Counts nothing that she meets with base,
But lives aud Rives in every place ;
Fills out the homely quick -set screens
And makes the purple lilac ripe • ’
Steps from her airy hill, amrgreis
The sw amp, where hums the dropping snipe
With moss and braided marish pipe ■
hi. ,
And on thy heart a finger lays,
Saying, -beat quicker, for the time
Is pleasant, and the woods and ways
Are pleasant, and tfie beech and Ume
Pat forth and feel a gladder clime,’'
And murmurs of a deeper voice
Going ber.tre to some far shrine
Teach the sick heart the stronger choice.
TUI all thy life one way Incline
With one wide wfii that closes thine.
And when the zoning eve has died
Where yon dark valleys wind forionr,
Come Hope and Memory, spouse and bride,
From out the borders of the morn,
With that fair child betwixt them born.
And when no mortal motion jars
The blackness round the tombing sod.
Through siieuc« and the trembllug stars
Comes Faith Horn tracts no feet have trod,
And virtue, Uke a household god.
Promising empire ; such as those
That once at dead or night did greet
Troy's wandering prince, so that lie rose
Wltb sacrifice, wbUe all the fleet
Had rest by stony hUls of Crete.
Letter from General Sherman to General
The Richmond Republic contains the fol
lowing letter, never before published:
Hxadq’rs, Military Division or thel
Mississippi, in the Field, -
Raleigh, N. C., April 27, 1865. )
Gen. Johnston, Commanding Confederate Armies,
4'C., tirtensborough ;
Qenebal : I herewith enclose yon copies
ot my Field Orders, No. 65, which give Gen.
Schofield full and ample powers to carry in
to effect our convention, and I hope, at your
persoual interview with Gen Schofield, you
satisfied your mind-of his ability aud kind
disposition toward the inhabitants of North
In addition to the points made at our in
terview of yesterday, I have instructed Gen.
Schofield—to facilitate, what you and I and
all good men desire, the return to their homes
of the officers and men composing the army
—to lef you have of his stores ten days’ ra
tions for 25,000 men. We have abundance
of provisions at Morcbead City, and if you
seud trains here they may go down with our
trains aud return to Greenshorough with the
rations specified. Col. Wright did intend to
send his construction train up to-day, but
did not get up his carpenters in time.
The train, with square timber and carpen
ters, will go up in the morning, and I think
by the morning of the 29th your trains could
ruo down on the road and lull in with ours
of the 30th. I can hardly estimate how
many animals, fit for farm purposes, will be
“loaned” to the farmers, but enough, I hope,
to insure a crop.
I can hardly commit myself as to how far
commerce will be free, hut I think the cotton
still in the country, aud the crude turpeu
tine, will make money w ith which to pro
cure supples. Gen. Schofield, in a few days,
will io arrange all such matters.
I wish you would send the inclosed parcel
for Gen. Wilson, as it contains the Orders 65
and 66, and instructions to release all the
prisoners. on the conditions of our conven
tion. _
Now that the war is oyer, I am as willing
to risk my person and reputation, as hereto
fore, to heal the wounds made by the past
war, and I think my feeling is shared by the
whole army. I also think a simi\pr feeling
actuates the mass of your army; but there
are some unthinking young men who have
no use of experience, that, unless controlled,
may embroil their neighbors. If vA) are or
dered to deal with them it must he with se
verity ; hut I hope they will be managed by
the people of the South,
I am, with respect,
Your obedient servant,
William T. Sherman.
Official: Kilmocii Falconer, A. A. G.
Cattle Plague in the Mississippi Bottom.
Great Destruction of Animals—the
Black Gnat the Forerunner of the Pesti
lence.—The Memphis Bulletin of the 22th
has the following:
We learn from a gentleman who has just
returned from Phillips and Crittenden coun
ties, Arkansas, that the planters in the Mis
sissippi bottoms, have been, and are still,
suffering severe loss by the death of their
horses, mules, cattle and hogs, by a singular
disease, which is carrying them off iu great
numbers. *
In the early part of the Summer an in
credible number of black gnats made their
appearance in the bottoms, and attacked not
only cattle and horses, but also birds, wild
tuikevs, deer, and other game, with such
ferocity as to' kill, in a short time, quite a
number of them.
After the disappearance of the gnats, a
disease broke out among the cattle, horses
and hogs, and has been raging for some time,
and is still prevailing, though the indications
now are that the epidemic—for such it ap
pears to he—is abating. This disease re
sembles very closely erysipelas, the attacked
swelling up, sometimes, under the|breast, at
other times on the sijje, but more frequently
under the throat, and dying generally in
from twenty-four to forty eight hours after
being attacked. Our informant conversed
with several intelligent planters who have
been great sufferers by this sirange disease,
among them a physician emiuent in his pro
fession, and all of them concurred in the
opinion that it was closely allied to erysipelas,
and also that the visitation of the gnats iu
the early part of the Summer had some in
fluence in producing the disease.
It is thought that the great amount of poi
son which was necessarily absorbed into the
system by the bite of the gnat—which is a
most poisonous insect—is developing itself in
the disease which is now ravaging the whole
animal race in that region. Some cases,
when taken in time, are cured by precisely
the same treatment practised in cases of ery
sipelas, painting with anodyne the affected
parts having a fine effect.
The loss ot stock, especially of hogs, has
been very great. One planter in Walnut
Bend has lost over two hundred hogs and
seven horses and mules, beside oxen and
milk cows. Another, living a shot t distance
above the one named, has lost thirteen mules
and horses, and hogs and- cattle in propor
tion. This is only two of many similar in
stances of losses sustained.
On Saturday morning it was reported that
two men, who had been treating their cMtle
for the prevailing disease, had been similarly
attacked, their throats swelling up in an
alarming manner.
Singular Suicide— A Woman Hanos Her
self Through Fear of a Lawsuit. — A wo
man named Regina Strack, aged forty years,
residing with her husband, a returned soldier
of the lOGth Regiment, O. V. I, at No. 551
Vine Btreet, was discovered yesterday sus
pended from a bedpost by a bedcord, quite
stiff and dead. A suit had recently been in
stituted against her befbre some up-town
magistrate, upon a charge of using insulting
language, ana about an hour before the trial
should have been held, she made the assur
ance of a “nolle /irotequi," doubly sure through
the means of suicide. Coroner Carey held
an inquest upon the body, which developed
•oefaas we have related, and resulted iu a
verdict in accordance with them.— Cincinnati
NT ~p il u?.if. mo R ene Willis, eldest daughter of
„• ” UIw > Esq-, editor of the Home Jour
on Wednesday, ntldlewild.
to Dr. Wm. Eddy, of New Bedford. Quite a
select party was present. The happy couple
took their departure in the evening for their
bridal tour.; «
Dreadful Svens In an In*ane Hospital.
The Northampton, Mass., Gazette of the
25th, says:
“A fearful tragedy occurred at this hospital
last Friday. About 10 o'clock the night pre
vious, an Irishman, large, stout, and desper
ately crazy, crawled through the ventilator
in his room in one of the rear two-sioiy
buildings, aud reached the roof, where he
established himself, and hade defiance to all
the world. He was soon discovered, and
every effort that the ingenuity of the super
intendent and his associates couid invent,
was made to induce him to come down, but
without availr A hole was cut in the roof,
bat with pieces of slate which he tore txoin
the coot, the madman beat hack ail who at
tempted to approach him. The roof is quite
steep, but the crazy man would run all over
it, along the eaves, without fear and perfect
impunity. No sane person could possibly
accomplish what he did. He declared that
he would never come down alive, and would
kill any one who should come upon the roof.
It was, therefore, an impossibility to get him
saftly, and it would be certain death for any
one to go upon the roof and grapple with
him. He was perfect “master of the situa
tion.” A watch was kept upon him during
the night and next forenoon.
It was thought that Father Sullivan, the
Catholic priest. who had previously visited
him and seemed to have considerable influ
ence over him, might induce him to come
down, and he was sent for at Holyoke, but
being sick he could not attend, and sent one
of his assistants, but before he arrived the
madman, at about 11 o’clock, was seized with
a fit, to which he was subject, while silting
beside a chimney, and curling up rolled offi
striking on the solid hardpau below, break
ing one arm and injuring himself internally;
so that he lived only about an hour. In his
disabled condition even, he fought desper
ately, and it was with difficulty that he was
secured. The ventilator through which lie
escaped is oval shaped, about 8 by 12 inches,
and extended from near the top of the wall
horizontally about 10 inches aud then up to
the roof. This hole he enlarged by knock
ing out the brick. He entered the ventila
tor by turning his bed up against the wall.
A Spanish Ball Fight -
The following description of a ball fight is
communicated by Mr. T. Sopwith. M. A. F.
R. S., to the Hex Lam (Eng.) Courant. The
writer says :
Before taking my seat I walked rouud to
see the stables, and there saw the men who
were to perform, as also their horses. Judge
of my astonishment on seeing a small chapel
lighted up with candles, where the whole of 1
the men are confessed before they begin
their perilous avocation, and where, in the
event of their being mortally wounded in
the course of the combat, the sacrement of
extreme unction is administered. There was
no laughing nor joking, either among the
performers, or looke£on; the former had
quite the air of men who knew the risk
they were about to run. The arena is
about lOu paces iu diameter, aud surrounded
by a double harrier.
After a flourish of trumpets the arena was
cleared of spectators, several soldiers on
horseback assisted to expediate their depar
ture. A procession then entered, consisting
of two masters of the ceremonies, five picadors
on horseback, fourteefi banderilleros, inclu
ding those matadors, all dressed in red or
blue silk, richly embroidered with gold, sil
ver, or black silk, aud two teams of mules,
three in each, with nine or ten assistants, to
diaw dead carcasses from the ring.
The whole procession crossed the arena
and advanced to the front of the Royal box,
which on this occasion was empty, but from
an adjoining box a hunch of keys was thrown
t > liberate the bulls from their dungeons.
Ths procession retired with the keys, and
none hut the banderilleros remained. A door
in the barrier was then thrown open and No.
1 hull trotted into the ring. He stopped
when he had gone about twenty paces, and
gazed right and left in evident bewilderment.
Then, seeing the banderilleros, lie quickly
trotted alter them. They evaded him, and
eugaged his attention by waving flying cloaks
of different bright colors about his head.
The bull soon stopped aud stood steadily
looking at the banderilleros, who advanced
close to him aud cleverly evaded the several
charges made by the auimal. The latter
was very undecided, and seemed afraid of
his opponents. •»
The spectators now began to express disapproval
of ins cowardice, and there was a general hissing
when the bull, on being boldly confronted bv Cucha
rcs, turned away. The trumpets now sounded as
the signal for another act of the performance to com
mence. Darts were given to the baudertileros, who
stuck them into the shoulders of the bull; they were
stuck iu, not thrown. The art of so doing requires a
very active movement, Wlllsti, by Its dexterity Is
graceful. It is done when the bull is charging, aud
the darts—about thirty Inches long—are thrust in two
at a time. Tills must be done deliberately, and the
place of Insertion is a fleshy part of the fore shoulders'
No wound during the whole of the performance is
Inflicted in any other part than the shoulders.
The bull being a coward, the spectators called
fuego, and the darts instead of being plain, were
provided with squibs and crackers, which ignited as
they entered the flesh, and were seen blazing about
the bewildered and now Infuriated animal. Six
darts ware tbrust iu, and although the wretch
ed animal was wild with pain and rage, he was not
thought sufficiently brave. A nourish of trumpets
announced the last act. the picadors not having been
put in requisition ai all.
Cuehares, llie priucipal performer, now appeared
upon the scene with a red cloth and a long, thin
sword. The hull was completely frightened at him,
and it was only alter being followed for some time
that he showed any disposition to turn upon and at
tack his persecutor. Cuehares allowed him to charge
two or three times, just srepplug a foot or two aside,
and then, gaging steadily ai him, plunged his sword
nearly to the hilt m the shoulders of the bull, which
immediately fell on his knees, and received a Huai
wound with a poniard.
A second bull now galloped into the ring agd at
once IM.-gan to chase the banderllletos, who ran be
fore him wit* great coolness, and at tithes waved
their long mautles about his horns. As the bull rau
faster than the men, the latter must either turn aside
or try to baffle him with their bright red mantles, and
this they generally succeeded In doing. This re
quires verv gloat adroltuess, as well as activity anti
presence of mind, tor if the madtle was not properly
thrown, the performer would probably step upon lt
and be thrown, at the risk of certain death. Picadors
were now introduced, and the bull iu pursuing the
banderllleros suddenly caught sight of a horse close
to him : he seemed thunderstruck, pawed the ground,
lowered his head, and rushed upou the horse.
The picador thrust at him with his lance, but the
bull broke right through this defence, and, with a
tremendous gore, killed the horse. He then rushed
at auother horse, was twice repulsed by the lance,
but succeeded a third time and unhorsed a picador.
A third horse suffered a similar fate, and m» rider
received a heavy fall, which disabled Ulm for the rest
of the day—lndeed, the only chance for his life was
lu the immediate rescue by the bauderilleros. This
bull was very clumsily treated by the second mata
dor, who f»Ued no less than #v* times in the attempt
to lufflet a death blow, and for which he was hissed
bv the people.
The third bull made what was called the “ best ”
light of the day. During his career he charged three
horses in the middle of the arena, one after the
other, lifting them completely off the ground. The
picador was thrown front one of them six paces for
ward and lay extended on the ground. The bull was
going up to him, mad with rage, when Cuehares
actually seized him by the horus, and thus saved the
life of the fallen man. T his act of daring was greet
ed with tremendous applause. I tnay say the merit
of a bull Is judged by the HuanUU uMionado (con
noisseur) by the number of times he enters to the
lancing charges of the picador, without turning back
or appearing to hreak the prick of the lance.
if ahull does not enter at all, the people have a
tight to demand funjo, as was the case the first bull
this dav, and the President In such a case gives con
sent for darts to be used with crackers on them.
Os the remaining three bulls the same recital might
be made. The banderllleros, who began with cau
tion and with the air of men who knew what they
were combatting with, grew bolder and bolder, and
lt would he useless to describe the several varieties
Os skill and courage they displayed.
Experiment on Rats.— An amusing experi
ment on rats was perpetrated in one of our
large mercantile houses on Sycamore street
yesterday. Two of those animals had been
trapped, and it was decided to tty the effects
of whisky upon them. “Forty drops” were
administered to each of them by force, and
the result awaited. They were placed in a
wide, deep box, into which some trash and
gravel had been thrown. A saucer of whis
ky was also placed therein. For a while all
was silent, each rat having seated himself in
a corner, where he remained as morose as a
rat could be. By and by, however, the li
quor began to work. The rats began to smile
and play with their tails; then to jump up
and squeak; then to fall down and -roll
over. Finally one of them found the saucer,
and with the peculiar curiosity attaching to
the race, dipped his nose into it. He
drank and the noise of bis drinking bronght
his companion to his side. They drank as
though they were ■ really fond of the stuff,
and, it is estimated, took more than twice
“forty drops.” And now they got glorious.
They kissed each other—an act two rats
were never guilty of befere. They wrestled
and kicked up shines generally. They re
visited the saucer and got mad over it,' and
a rough and tumble fight ensued, which last
ed until both were exhausted. They then
remained for a while, with a paw to his nose,
grinning at the other. Finally both fell
asleep, and while gloriously unconscious, a
terrier was dropped beside them aud the
curtain fell.— Petersburg Index.
A Sketch of (ortina.kthe Mexican Outlaw
—His Infamous Life and Character, Ac.
(From the Matamoras Ranchero July 7th.)
.This notorious character was born in the
town ot Gamargo, ot highly respectable pa
rents. The name is an honorable one, and
but for the startling aud almost appalling ex
ception under consideration would stand be
fore the country without material stain. His
is an equal mixture of the Spanish with the
native blood of the country; than which no
man can boast of more noble and honorable
extraction. During that period when the
character of the man is foiming for good,
bad, or indifferent, Cheno Cortina (as he was
familiary called by Lis vaquero surroundings)
was a captive among me savages in the
northern mountain fastness of Mexi
co. From boyhood to manhood he was
with these savages, a participant in their
hellish schemes .of plunder, robbery, and
murder, drinking in draft after dratl of inter
nal poison vitiating his appetite for the enjoy
ment, in after years, of hecatomb. Here is
to be found the true cause of his unnatural
thirst for blood. Here he deriyed his ideas
of proprietary rights. Here were sown the
seeds which ripened into fruit more latal
than the fabled npas.
After six or eight years of captivity, he
found his way to this border, and measura
bly returued to civilization. He was vari
ously and questionably employed during the
war between the United States and Mexico
but always in a sub capacity. In fact, he
was no more known than any other vaquero
He was subsequently employed by various
slock drivers from the Nueces, and it is said
herded horses very well. As to whether or
not he actually engaged in stealing caballados
and secreting them in the various cbapparuls
along the Rio Grande, the courts never de
termined ; _ and not being able this day to
read or write, he has made none of those
damning records by which most viilany is
detected. Passing over the first worthless
thirty years of his life, we find him emerging
from his horse-herding vocation into the
more genial pursuits of the desperado. In
this jaudable pursuit he was seconded by a
floating scum of outlawed cut-throats from
all quarters of the continent. For his crimes
he was inditced by the court at Brownsville
which indictments stand unrequited at the
present day. Among the grand jurors who
returned a true hill against the then lawless
Cheno Cortina, we recognize some of the
first men of this commercial emporium. We
again repeat, that indictment stauds unrequi
ted by the federal couitg, because, forsooth
the outlaw could never be brought to trial.
Those jurors are among the steadfast sup
porters of federal authorities through pros
perity and peril. They are here to reiterate
the truth ot our statement in this connection.
In the spring and summer of 185!), when
the people ot Brownsville had been left on
a forlorn border, by the federal authorities,
to shirk for themselves, and worn down aud
decimated by a two years scourge of yellow
fever, Juan Cortina began to make himself
both fejt and feared. To let the public know
his true character, he rode into Brownsville
and without provocation shot the city mar
shal down whilst in the discharge of his
duties, aud then fled. Various reports float
ed on the ever sensitive atmosphere of
Brownsville, of organizations of thieves and
robbers, but they would die away or give
place to a variation of the same thiug. But
no notice was taken of the thrice-told tale
until the bandili in force made their appear
ance, which was on the 28th of September
1859. 1 ’
On the morning of that day, just before
daylight, Cortina at the head of from sixty
to oue hundred and twenty men, stormed
the town and killed six of its citizens. Six
teen o. the best citizens of BrowDsvilie were
on the list for the grand hecatomb, and the
city was lo have been sacked and burned to
the ground. But two or three of the sixteen
marked victims were murdered aud
the city was not burned. The only
reason why it was not done was the
appeals made by influential citizens (some
of them relaltircs of Cortina,) residing in
this city and and who had large interests at
stake in saving Browusvillo from the flames.
In dogged silence and with vengeance in his
soul, Cortina withdrew his outlaws from
the city.
Instantly the citizens organized
and commenced the work of de
fence. Fortunate that they did so, for
almost immediately Cortina and his outlaws
invested the city and held it in a state of
seige for months. Almost every night from
this time until the month ol December the
city was fired into by this banditti.
AH the highways were guarded by Cortina
and his freebooters, and the number of inof
fensive men who surrendered their lives to
this devil has never been known Almost
16 very man caught out was put to death. By
day and by night the people of Brownsville
were unaer arms, hourly expecting to lay
down their lives to this band of border rob
bers. Resolutely they held the place until
succored from abroad.
At length Heintzelman and Ford got a suf
ficient force together to act on the offensive.
Cortina moved np the river, burning the
ranchos and laying waste the country as he
went. The whole Lower Rio Grande Valley,
by Cortina, was reduced to a barren waste.
Heintzelman & Ford, and, if we recollect cor
rectly, Stoneman, succeeded in bringing the
banditti to bay, attacked and dispersed them.
Following this, no spot of ground from La
redo down was free from the ravages of this
infamous border gang. No man’s life was
sate outside of Brownsville, no boat could
ascend the river with any certainty of ever
returning. Nearly all the stock on the east
bank of the Rio Grande was stolen by the
robber gang and driven into Mexico. In
this state the Lower Rio Grande border con
tinued until a respectable United States force
was stationed along the river, when Cortina
made a virtue of necessity and Joined the
Liberals under Juare*. But he could not
stand the service. Discipline, honorable
warfare, or ordinary restraint from robbery
and plunder did not suit him, so back he
came to the border. Since then, as before,
blood and perfidy have marked his course.
He has been Liberal, Imperialist, and nei
ther ; trqe to no allegiance, and false to eva
ry pledge.
During the distracted state of affairs in
this place, years ago, he engaged
in a plot to depose the liberal governor of
Tamaulipas; so soon as which was accom
plished, he took the governor of his own
creation (Coboa) out and shot him. The
deposed governor returned with force and
compelled Cortina 'to surrender the city;
which was done on an agreement that Cor
tina should retain his command, and with
his force go to the defense of Victoria against
the imperialists. The arms, force and mu
nitions falling into his Bands, instead of be
ing used as stipulated, were turned by Cor
tina against the governor; as a consequence,
the latter and his party had to flee for pro
tection to the federal lines*
During lila temporary reign as self-constituted gov
ernor of Tamaulipas, Cortina was bolstered up by
men who had pride for their state and country.—
Through a constant pressure of public influence, Cor
tina, for a time, was kept within bounds. With the
exception of forced loans, summary punishments,
tortures by the rack, his reign was tolerable. But
Cortina could not continue faithful to anything; and
no lmtuenco coulGlong restrain his debased passions
and thirst for blood and plunder-
Id September last he commenced a war on Texas,
wlthout-provocatlon or warning. With this whole
fores he attempted a crossing of the Rio Grande,
with a view of surprising and capturing Brownsville,
and nothing but the defection of a material portion
of the invading force sared-that place from pillage,
If not a worse fate. The main features of that Infa
mous and savage plot, however, was the robbing of
Matamoras. Having secured gt- outlet through
Brownsville and Brazos Santiago, all the cotton and
valuables of the heroic city were to have been gob
bled up and run through that channel; leaving a
pillaged city and a beggard people as the fruits of
Imperial victory. Falling in this plot or plunder and
wholesale robbery, he falls back, and suddenly be
comes the best imperialist of them ail. True to his
former self, his attachment to the imperial cause was
of short duration. But lu tut ht jlecylved nu one,
The eye of Geu. Mejia was never off him. To hla at
teutpted deception he added the crime of perfidy.
Following this, Coitina fell Lack upon hi* old pursuit
of stealing, robbing, plundering, and killing, hmeo
then, the seene* of ’59 lia\e been re-enacted.
To what party does Juan !fepoiuuceuo Cortina be
long f The only answer ro bo given is, that he ia an
independent outlaw. He acts with no party, but 13
sca 1 r hWayinaU ° n pftofcipiea, and on a large
Where is Cortina to-day f The oni^answer we are
prepared to give h*. that he i» iu Brow nsville, Texas,
a Lmted Srates military poet, commanded by Mujui-
General Smith ! Cortina and his confreres are i ol>-
bing and pillaging, but acting in concert with no
* )arl Z* Fverything, from a steamboat to a cambric
needle, no matter to whom Ixdonging, ia lit food for
the gourmand maw of the infamous bandit ta now* in
fest iug this border.
By w hom cun Cortina be countenanced f In an
swer, we can only say mat no civilized people can
tolerate so loui a blot. We do not mean Cornua the.
Liberal, nor Cortina the Imperialist, nor Cortina the
ciuzeu of the United States; but Juan Nepoiiiuceua
cortma, the bandit and outlaw, in the name of civ
ilization, in the name of humanity, in the name of
mercy, in behalf of his slaughtered victims, we enter
our solemn protest against Coitina being recognized
as other than what lie is—the most thoroughly reck
less, callous and Infamous outlaw with which this
country was ever infested.
Present ami Future.
It is'not strange that foreigners should
look with so much doubt on our ability to
stand the shock of the most violent civil
war ever knowtf. Indeed, the course of a
large part of the EnglTsh press has been based
on tins beliel—that the war would leave such
a complete [state ot demoralization at the
North and South as to amount to a defeat,
and leave to. the Government a barren con
quest. And there was, it must he confessed
great cause for alarm, not yet wholly passed
by. The future, at times, has looked very
hiack, and there are dark clouds still iu
the sky. The individual good sense of each
American citizen has averted some evils - and
the elasticity of our national character’ has
risen as quickly ns it had been depressed
We accommodate ourselves rapidly to the
changed position. Indeed to look around us
at the present time—with the exception of
an occasional returning regiment passing
through our streets—who would, unless told,
ever dream that we had so lately been
through such a mighty struggle ? The re
cruiting shanties that sprang up among us
with the mushroom growth of a night, have
vanished as quickly; and fountains and lit
tle children play on the very spot where, hut
a moment siuce, the deserter clanked bis
chains, or thq sentry paced to and fro on his
weary beat. The press, ihat hut lately was
filled with letteis from the battle field now
records the deeds of the pen and the plow*
Vast armies, whose numbers a short half
year since were as legion, have quickly and
quietly melted away. The wild flowers of
the torest, that but yesterday bent before the
rude tread of armed men, have already aris
en, clothed with fresh beauty; aud the forgo
having ceased to turn out dans for Mars’
hastens to engage in the more agreeable ser
vice Os Flora.—-V. Y. Jour, of Com
The French journals are discussing the
subject ot*a revival of trade with the United
btates, and the Journal des Debats, iu a long
article sets forth the great advantages which
It ranee is expected to derive frouf the ces
sation of hostilities in this country It says
the only persona in Ffauce likely to suffer
from the return oF peace are thuse merchants
who supplied the Confederates with powder
arms and privateers.
—Chang ? U S’ tke Siamese twins, now
old North Carolina farmers, are soon going
North to exhibit in public. Tuey are said to
be strong Union men.
lav Division, Dipaumunt or Geokoia, ’ V
Savannah, July 2D, 1863. )
Speoui, Order, 1
No. 14. f '
I. Capt. John Martin Lnssinc, Schooner “Mary
Agnes,” having violated Geueral Order No 59. Head
quarters Department of the South, May 6, iBCS, estab
lishing quarantine regulations for the Dlat.ict of Sa
vannah, Ga., in allowing communication with the
shore, is hereby fined the sum ot One Hundred Doilies.
U paid* u confinement until the above amount
By Command of
w , „ Br ? vet Ma j. Gon J- M. BRANNAN.
Will A. Coitltes, Capt. & A. A. O i v ;i
Ist Division, Drp’t. of Georgia, V
Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1883. I
General Orders, I
No. 9. / *
, The following ClicHlar from Headquarters Depart
ment of Georgia, is published for the information of
all concerned, and will be carried into execution at
once :
Augusta, Ga., July 31.1515. f
CiacoLAu, »
No. 1. j
In order to afford ample opportunity to the people
of Georgia to trike the oath o: allegiance prescribed iu
tho President’s Amnesty Proclamation of May 29,
1865, it Is ordered, first. District Commanders will at
once select, for the purpose of administering the Oath
ot Allegiance, one Assistant Provu9t Marshal for every
four counties In his district, reporting the names of
such officers so selected to this office: these officers
will, however, proceed at once to administer the Oath
of Allegiance.
Second, District Commanders will designate the
four counties assigned to each District Provost Mar
shal. aud the same will be numbered as a Subdivision
of the District.
Third, The Assistant Provost Marshal so designated
will visit the county seat of each county iu his subdi
vision as often as practicable, and remain in each
county seat three or four days; at such visit he first
causing public notice to be given of the time, in the
newspapers of-the district or otherwise. All possible
desputch must be used by the Assistant Provost Mar
shal to complete administering the oath to citizens
consistent with their duties aud the public interest.
Fourth, For information on the subject of theAutiee of
Assistant Provost Marshals in administering tne oath,
form of report to this office, Ac., attention is called
Circular A Headquartrs Military Division of the Ten
nessee, June 25,1885. .
By command of
Major Genera! STEEDMAN.
(Signedj C. H. GROSVENOK,
Brevet Brig. Gen. and Provost Marahut Gen.
By command of
Brevet Maj. Gen. J. M. BRAN'NAN,
Wila A. Coiltkb, A. A. G. auz-T
Savannah, Ga., July 28, isiM.
Gcnkbal Ounces)
No. 18. /
CaDtain Charles H. Cox, 75th New York Infantry
18 hdteby relieved from duty as Provost Marshal. Suo-
District of Ogcochee, as his Regiment Is now service
out of this District. 6
Captain James E. Smith, 12th Connecticut Veteran
lufantry, is hereby announced as Provost Marshal
Sab-District of Ogecchee, and will lie obeyed and re
spected accordingly.
By command of
Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS.
John Mu.i im, A. A. A. G. jy2S-7
tavuunnh, Wa., July 28lh, 1805,
Genzral Onto*,)
No. 17. (
All citizens in this Snb-District who are engag
ed in Legal. Medical, Mercantile, or auv
business, who come under the provisions of the
Amnesty Oath, prescribed by President Johnson’s
Proclamation, dated Washington, D, c.. May -'stth
IS«S, and have not taken said Oath, will be required
to do so, or discontinue their business at once
To tills end all persons iu business who have not
taken the Amnesty Oath will report to the Provost
Marshal Snb-District ofOgeechee lorthwith
Any violation of this order will be summarily dealt
By command of
T - ’ . . Brt. Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS
JnO. MfTLLKN, A. A. A. (J. jj..; o 7
Savannah. Ga., August 0, 15C5. f
Oinzeal Oxuim.)
No. 19. f
All Apothecaries and Druggists in the city are strictly
prohibited from selling any poisonous drugs, such as
Opium or its preparations. Strychniue, Corrosive Subll
mate, Ac., w.thout the presci iptioi: of a Physician of
character and standing In the profession, ora Medical
Officer of the United States, which prescription must
be kept on file by the Druggist for inspection.
All snipectcd or acknowledged cases of Small Pox
Varioloid, Yellow Fever, Measles, or Typhus Fever,
must be promptly reported to the Health Officer, cor
ner Broughton and Bull streets, bv the Physician at
tending, or by any person cognizant of existence of
such diseases.
, By Command of Brevet. Brig. Gch. DAVIS
Jno. Mullen. A. A. A. G. aa j
Savannah, Ua., August 5, 1805. ./
Cisco, a a.)
No. 14. /
To insure a more thorough Inspection of the Sanl
tarVcondltion of this city, it wlfTbe divided into six
Kj Wards, End each ward will be provided with one Oi
Inspector. 1
It shall be the duty of each Inspector to examine
their respective Wards, and report Bally to the Health
Officer any violation of the Sanitary Laws of this city
heretofore published, which violation will be punished
exceed" 1 Fifty DoU *™’ “ and »°
SKaa. a. o.*"*** Geo '
- BY -
In Barrels, Half Barrels and
25 pound Sacks.
A Large Lot of New Potatoes
and Fresh Eggs.
au3-8 Corner Bull and Broughton streets.
at— ’
Schooner “Electric Spark”
A Complete Assortment of
These goods were bought veiy.low for cash, andean
be sold
vf* 4 VERY LO W FIO VR G ,)j|
\ W. A. BEARD'S,
jy29-lw p 154 Congress street.
Fivmily O-raoera.
• - %
Corner Bell and Bbocohton Streets.
Special attention paid to country orders from Fami
lies and for the Trade.
■Goods delivered to all part* of the city free of
L. Y. Stcart. H. M. Kellooo.
jyl9 t s
Wholesale and Retail Dealer
In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothinc.
Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars.
Also, Skehan's Celebrated
in bottle and in wood.,
London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng
lish Ales, Ac.
Liberal deductions made to the trade.
and 02 Liberty street. New York.
and— f
Corner or Bay and Barnard Streets,
Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides,
&c„ and liberal cosh advauces made on shipments to
our New York House. Jyis
. Geo. A. Hudson,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer
Groceries, Ales, Wines, Segatfs,
Liquors, &c.
Jy)!) «► ]m
Wlxoleaale fuad Retell
dealers in
' ts
Jyai u
George A. Grump & Cos.,
SO9 Bboad Strut, Aoocsta, Ga,
SMSwaar'*"* *
Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m Ju2o
Imported and Domestic
At Wholesale, for Family Use,
may24-tf IHHAEt B A CO.
Tobacco! Tobacco!
.Not over one cask each for heads of families. Apply
at the Exchange, from 10 a. m. to 12 m vv *
ail 7 it Chairman Rice Committee.
3600” TONS
Os best quality, 60x*8 per lineal yard.
For sale by
l nT * «*“ FOWLS at OO
FOR. sale.
. 1,000 bushels OATS.
1,000 do WHITE CORN,
TOBAC& OPOUDda C6le W. Z Z h «| M C^ Q
jySl-tf Bay street, 9 Stoddard’s Buildings.
For Sale,
an * Corner Bey and Barnard street* #,
(Congress st., between MferaaaadS Montgomery
Wft TB*
Savannah Orchestra,
Prof. E. Richter, Leader,
nv-Reheshmsutsof the best quality and iu every
y I mo jylO
VVaiited to Kent 7
A DWELLING HOUSE, of from eight to ten Room*?,
in a good neighborhood n Ruoma *
Po9scßsir>n wanted between the present time anri th*
first of October. Apply to STUART ACO*
* nl Comer Bull qjid Broughton’»ts.
T N ‘“!T iciDi, y, of Whitaker, St. Julien, or Congress
Fifty TONS of R&ga &nd Waste Pnnnr Tha
ltt k Af’.rme‘’ H,dCB
- •
$1,200 Wanted,
FlcnU^,^ nrityWUlbe Klye “
Apply at once to A. B. C„ Herald office. a tt 4-2
THE Comer Store at the foot of Drayton street
W ell calculated for a Ship Chandlery. Apply to
an3 ~ 3 No. to Bay street. H
H°*tree?2 ' ° rn<r of N * w Hoa<tou and Drayton
Also, a kitchen and two Rooms. Apply to
, Over Express Office.
Moms to let 7
At Hilton XZoad, 0. 0.,
csTSa f T * lmetto Herald Building having been Newly
J/P’ now offers large and airy rooms, snita*
hie for Sleeping Apartments or business purposes.
,„f’ or terms apply to \V. 3. Sampson, Jr., Box No. *5,
UilUm Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of
Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock
to 8 o'clock p. m. jn22
.-fi-Crr-4 „ The New and Elegant first class
Steamship CONSTITUTION. Captain
-C lvilcjfefi/ GXCMAN. will positively sail WEDNBB
- iBtaBSJm DAY next, at —o'clock.
For Freight or Passage, having splendid accommo
dations, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN* CO.,
ffTßri* TheU ' S- MaU Steamship CHASE,
t&Mw l C,pt ' Hoo *“ - Trill “il tor the above
on her regular d»y,
Thursday, August 10th, at —O’clock.
For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo
dations, apply to
an s 8-t Bay street.
Atlantic Coast Mailßtcam|
ship Company.
For New York.
.» THE First Class Steamship VARU
aktea KA. will positively sail on THUBS
hay, totu inst.
For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom
modations, apply*to
The first class U. S. MaU Steamships
NEVADA, .... Capt. CrspiKTZi.
UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Sh*s*.
AMERICA, .- - - - - Capt, Curr.
CONSTITUTION, - - . Capt. Guzman.
Tho above ships compose the Line, and wiU sail
from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and
Savannah, Ga.
17 Broadway, New York.
Will leave Savannah for New York on
Saturday, 12th Instant.
For Freight or Passage apply to
Iy2B-tf Agents.
Regular Meekly Line of
tween Savannah and the above port, with superior
accommodations for passengers and the verv best fa.
duties for delivering freight in goodoiderlatlowratS.
with promptness and despatch. Particular attention
jiven to forwarding goods from New York.
oor. Buy and Abercom streets.
109 Broughton Street,
A large and elegant Stock of
China, Queensware, Class, Ac.,
Just received ftom the manufacturers, and for sale at
From all parts of the Country are invited to examine
Which Includes packages contaiuing complete assort
ments, put up expressly for
Assorted Crates of WHITE GRANITE WARE,
Goods re-packed to suit purchasers.
anl-lm E. D. SMYTH.
Has just made a successful trip from Augusta.
au4-tf ’ N. A. HARDEE* CO.
Store for Sale,
CITY! Apply at this office. -Ahß|
WHO wish to realize
their interest by consigning »
maude jv jrmm-
General CommiMMßßiß * L:: -A
Refer to—Messrs. Charles Ler'y JSaee, Ssvaz- JR
M-iity, Day & Cos , William ” jd Fffcree conajgrw