Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 08, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. TUESDAY, AUGUST 8,18 CA I'RO.V OI R EVEKIIKC tIHTIOX OF YESTERDAY. . New Ohleans Px.-kKS.-We are indebted to Mr. Buckley, of Adams Express, for late New Orleans j>af>er?. Health or Pkesidest Johxson. —A Wash ington despatch of the 2d inst. says: The President is reported no better to-day. He has been confined to his room all day, and has denied himself to ail visitors. PaoMOTtos <>i»-Gkn-. IIowah!).— Brigadier General O. O. Howard, late Major General in the volunter forces, has been brevetted Ma jor General in the regular army,to date from the 60th of March, for gallant and meritori ous services. From the Southwest. New Orleans, Aug. 1, 186,>. The steamer -Lillie, with seven hundred bales of cotton, was burned on the liver. No lives were lost. , . . , The steamer Joseph Pierce exploded her boiler twenty miles below Vicksburg. She subsequently caught fire and burned to the water’s edge. Six persons were killed and twenty-eight wounded. The scalding steam passed through every part of the boat, 'the air was filled witli flying timbers. The steamer Dove was hoarded by rob bers on the Yazoo river, Sunday afternoon, who took twenty thousand dollars and other valuables, and opened on indiscriminate lire on the passengers, wounding the male and one passeuger. Tne passengers were strip ped of their valuab es. Cotton, sugar and molasses at New Ur leaus are unchanged. EX* REBEL SECRETARY J. P. BE.VJUHY U lit VAAA, Bis Extraordinary Adventures and Won derful Esrape. Advices from Havaua of the 29th ult., re ceived at New Yoik, announce the arrival there of Air. J. P. Benjamin, late Secretary of State of the Rebel government. The correspondent of the New York World fur nishes the following extraordinary narrative of his perilous adventures aud safe arrival among his Cuban friends : Early in May he separated from the Presi dent—" Davis—near Washington, Georgia, for the purpose of making his way to Nassau and Havaua from some point on the Florida coast. He was to attend to some public business at these portß, and then to rejoin the President in the tranS-Mississippi via Matamoras and Texas. He traveled directly South, through Georgia and Florida, oil horseback, disguised as a farmer iu search of lands on which to settle, and passed through the country without exciting suspicion or at tracting attention, until he reached the lower side of the Peninsula of Florida. He was informed that no boats were to bo found ou the Eastern coast, aud went thence to the Gulf shore, where after a - month’s delay he succeeded in getting a ship’s yawl boat and two men who were willing to risk their lives upon the sea in it. The open boat was about fifteeu feet iu length, in which they coasted the peninsula until they reached one of the keys of the Florida reefs, where tliey succeeded in procuring a boat, somewhat larger, but stili- an open boat, jn which they put to hea to cross the Gulf stream, and torluuately 1 reached the Btmines upou the Banks, alter a passage of sixty hours. Ou Monday, the 10th of July, alter an unsuccessful attempt to reach Nassau, iu which he was baffled by head winds aud heavy weather, he put back' to the Bimines. On the loth be took passage from the Bimines lor Nassau iu a small Bloup of nine tons burthen, loaded with sponges, (which the greatest); and on Friday, the 14th, this sloop foundered when thirty miles distant from the nearest land. The vessel went down so rapidly that he, with the colored men who formed the crew, had barely time to jump intp a skill' iu tow of the sloop before she sunk. Iu this boat, xwltli a light mast, sails, aud compass, and their only provisions a pot of boiled rice, which the negroes had cooked for their breakfast; in this leaky and overloaded ‘boat, and having but one oar, they made for land, and, as the weather was calm • and a vessel in sight, by dint of energetic sculling, tliev reached the light-house vessel at 5 p. m., and were cor dially received by Oapt, Stewart, on board the Georgina, her Britannic Majesty’s light house yacht, aud were warmly aud most cordially entertained. This vessel Was on an official tour of light-house inspection upon the Banks, and at the request of Air. Benjamin returned him once more to the Bimines. - There Air. Beujamiu chartered another vessel (sloop) ou the 25th of July, and arrived at "Nassau Friday, the 21st. On Saturday the 22d, he sailed on board the good schooner Britannia, and arrived at Havana on the 25th, safe and souud. His whole trip has occupied the best part of three months, out of which thirty days have been passed at sea in miserable open boats; at least, twenty-two days iu the small est crafts that float. His health has not suf fered, nor has lie been indisposed for an hour during all the hard ship aud exposure which he has undergone. The Hon. Mr. Dawes, from the Pittsfield District, Mass., ou the 4th ult., defended Pres ident Johnson's Southern reconstruction pol icy, and showed that it was the policy ol' Mr. Lincoln, as indicated at a Cabinet meeting on the day of his death. He was in favor of giving the policy a fair test before making war upon it. EXTRACT FROM MR. DAWES’ BVEECH. The interest which Ims gathered around all that was said and done by the great mar tyr in his last few days ou earth, has dis closed that the day preceding his death was spent in one of the most earnest, and, at the same time, harmonious Cabinet meetings of his administration, considering tn c method to be pursued in the restoration oi civil government in the rebel States. It is now no breach of confidence to say that one of the most earnest in this work of the mem- bers of his Cabiuct, has since spoken of that Cabinet meeting as the most hopeful he ever attended. 'Satn he: “I left it happier than at any moment of my life since I entered the public service. Clouds that had hung about our pathway began to vanish, aud obstacles that had hitherto seemed insu "mountable to pass away." There was absolute unanimity in that last Cabinet council. Aud the result was a plan for the restoration of civil gov ernment in Virginia-and North Carolina then agreed upon and reduced to writing. That plan, just as then adopted, may be found in the subsequent proclamations ot President Johnson, in regard to civil govern ments in these States, and applied substan tially to other States. Officers Dismissed from the Service.— The following officers of the Twenty-first •New Yurk cavulry have been dismissed from Service for allowing, men of their command to break open aud rob siores while passing ov«r the Baltimoae and Ohio Railroad : Cap tain P. L. Hogeboom, First Lieutenants LChaa. Cramer, E. A. Kirker and James Mc- Htartnick ; Second Lieutenants W. L. Messer, Hkd-1 McWhorten. twins, who onje years ago women' and .‘- Ilied in Hk Hi! bar lie-' lost tin ir 111,, line! M E X 1 C 0. A People s Convention Mooted in Mexico to Decide Between the Empire nnd the Republic. OCCIPATIOY OF MOYTEREY BY THE FRENCH. Seizure of an American Vessel by the flex lean Government on Suspicion of Smuggling. WHOLESALE ASSASSINATION AT SEA. The lilnok l’latr Raised In Mexico. Fight Wear Matamoras. F.y tlio arrival of the steamship Eagle, Cant. Lawrence, at New York on Wednes day trout Havana on the 2!>tli ult., the Her ald is in receipt of highly interesting news from Havana and Mexico, which wo give below. THE HAVANA CRESS DESPATCH. Havana, July 29, 18(15. By the arrival of the Barcelona, from Vera Cruz, we art* placed in possession of some interesting news lrom Mexico. The Idea Liberal, of Puebla, calls for a convocation of the whole people to decide either lor the empire or the republic, nnd thinks that by this means all risk of war with the United States will be evaded. Monterey was occupied on the 22d of June by French troops under Jeanningros. The commander lias issued orders to the ellect that all arms in possession of citizens should be delivered up None should lie al lowed to carry arms without special license. At hfltoo all shops should be closed, and no one should attack a French soldier under pain of death, and for a crime of this kind the city should also be mulcted. Fifteen refugee rebel families from Texas had arrived at Monterey. The constitutional Governor of Lower California, who was supposed to favor the empire, had resolved to* retire so San Fran cisco, leaving the government in charge of Don Antonio Pedriu. A Franco-Alexican expedition was prepar ing to go thither aud look after the state of atfairs there. Letters from Tepic say that the Mayo and Yaqui Indians had rebelled agaiust the Jua rist Governor of Sonora,/ Pesquiera. Military oparatious against the rebels in Sonora and Sinaloa were to be commenced directly after the rainy season ceased. Thp Mexican government at Sisal, on the Oth of July, seized the American schooner William Crawiord, owned iu Brooklyn, New York, on suspicion of smuggling. Her mas ter, Stevens, and all the crew, were taken, save one. This one managed to get away, aud arrived here in the British schooner Florida. The others were taken to Merida and confined there. The Whole cargo, valued at $40,000, was discharged; but ail tlmt could be found agaiust the vessel was a few pounds of powder. A horrible crime had been committed in the Gulf, on board the ship Uaydee, bound to LaPaz, with several families from Mazat lan as passengers. A French sailor named .Magtie, with a Greek aud an Italian, .made an attack upon the passengers and assassina ted in cold blood eighteen persons, among them Sen r Chao, a Spanish gentleman, and six members ot his family. Eighteen young diiklreu of both sexes ail fell victims to the knives of the monsters. At the latest dates they had nj? yet been apprehended. . The Rio Gruude. Matamoras, Mexico. July 18, 1865. Under recent orders from General Mejia, commanding the imperial forces iu Matumo ras, all persons wishing to cross the nvr to Brownsville are required to obtain a pass from the prefect of the city. These passes are given upou application to all unsuspect ed parties. These orders are supposed to be based upo* the well understood tact that Cortina’s men have been in the habit of cross ing the river some miles above, moving down to Brownsville, and then re-crossing to Matamoras, where the families of many of them reside. As by this means the liberals were enabled to keep up a constant cotnmu uicatioq with their friends iu this city, and were consequently well informed of the con ditional' alLtirs here, this pass system lias •been adopted as a precautionary measuie. Numbers of Cortina’s men may be seen at any time riding through Brownsville, their desig nating mark being a white baud around their wide biimmed sombreros. Although if is well understood that in the contest going on in Mexico the liberal pany has our entire yet the intercourse between the imperial aud federal authorities has been and is of the most courteous char acter. General Mejia has on several occa sions, through the commanding General, in vited all officers of the United States Army to visit the city at will, and assured them re spectful aud courteous treatment; to winch our officers have responded in a similar spirit. The Mexican steamboat recently captured by Cortiua ou her way up the river, as men tioned in my last despatch, was soon after released and proceeded ou her voyage. The black mg has been practically raised by the contending parties in Mexico. An officer of Mejia's, recently captured by Cor tina, was upon the instant taken out and shot. It is estimated that withiu the past two months us many as one hundred liberals has been shot in the laguna outside Mata moßis. Telegraphic communication is about to be established between Guanajuato and Mata morns. If the Imperial authorities are enabled to preserve the wires from destruction by the liberals and guerilla bands quick communi cation between distant portions of the coun try will be established. At present, owing to the unsettled condition ot the country, weeks oficu intervene in the transmission of of news from the capital to the frontier. The train which stalled out from Matamo ras and was attacked by Cortina, as mention ed in my despatch of the 16th, reached a point twelve mists from the city, when the attack commenced. Up to the present the train has been unable to proceed, and a brisk fight has been goiug on during the whole of to-day. The sound of artillery has been heard here at intervals since morning. A number of the wagons have been captured land burned. Cortiua is reported wounded, hut it i s not generally credited. A gentleman just in from the interior in mrms me that in the more thickly settled POUiou of the Slate matters are last settling uovvn to their ordinary condition. The stages a|e running between the various towns aud cities ami business is rapidly reviving. lhe planters iu those portions of the State 2, Jo agriculture had, prior to the sur i Mvlr ' ic Rbel uuiies t planted very ex ii,. n, „- °, COUon utul 'Aker products, aud “? u * ual “mount of rain during the sea of ala ci op, which can rn l!imr 1< ljy ,llu UUstU kd condition of the laboring population. Many ol toe planters, unable to control I heir emancipated slaves, have driveu them on tueir plan tat ion 8 aud depend tor their la bor upou the negroes so extensively brought into the State from Louisiana aud the other Southern States, to whom they pay monthly wages.. The poor lreedmen thus driven away start for the nearest military (>ost, where such as the government require are given employment and the others are compelled to return and obtain work aud subsislauce lor themselves. Such steps arc being taken as indicate the intention ot the federal government to main tain a permanent occupaucy of this frontier. In addition to the projected railroad from Bra zosfo Brownsville,one hundred carpenters and one tbo'isand laborers have been sent down to the former place fqr the purpose of build iug a wharf—a much needed improvement there. News of the opening of the port# by the President’s proclamation first reached Brovuisville through the Herald of the 24th ult. In accordance therewith. Acting Col lector Gamble immediately announced the port opened, and goods were put through the Custom Jiouse yesterday lor the first time. From Havana. Havana, July 29, 1865. Judah P. Berijatniu, I:.te Seci'itmy of State of the Southern Confederacy, arrived in this city ou the 25lii from Nassau. A mythical story is told of his escaping from Florida, being picked up by a Bt dish schooner, wreck ed ou one of tlie Bahama islands, and finally' finding a refuge in N i-sau, which place lie s.ion left iu the lhiti li schooner Britannia. The truth is he g..t out of Dixie somehow, and airived here from Nassau in tbc aforesaid senoouer. The Barcelona arrived yesterday from Vera Cruz anti Sisal. Among her passengers to this city were Gen- iluby Smiili, ex-GoVer nor Thomas Reynolds and Captain A. F. T. Beauregard, who was secretary to Dr. Gwiu. Toe Bioucw ali is I emg prepared tor delive ry to the United Slat, . authorities. At the Ta ou inculic we as promised a new dramatic piece next Week, cut tiled ‘‘The War of the Noith ; or, the Fall of Rich mond.” The health of Havana is pretty good. Weather warm and dry r . Enlistment is tub Army—ln formation received at the l’lovo.d Marshal General’s Bateau repiescUl.s llr; enUitmciits lor the regular army as pmgres-ing slowly, aud that desertion.' arc exceeding ihe enlist ments. The cause of this is supposed to lie because tiie volunteers, who enlisted for three years ami afterwards le-enlisted as veterans, received huge Bounties and were discharged on tiie closing , f the war, while those who enlisted in the regular service for three,years arc compelled to serve out the tbc iuii term of ,h dr enlistment. The receipts at the Interna! Revenue Bureau, iu Wnshi ngfon ou Wednesday last amounted to $1,076,000. Ta O O A. JO M A T T K It IS, ARRIVAL atApoßi-Ta.—Messrs. Charles 1.. Colby B Cos., Agents of the .Steamer General Berry, receiv ed a telegram this morning announcing the arrival of the above named steamer at Augusta on Saturday morning last. From Sew York.— The steamship Yarnna arrived at tilts port from Sew York, with a good freight nnd a number of passengers. The Varuna is consigned to John K. Wilder. Thanks.—We are indebted to Mr. Patrick Donaiiy, So. 105 Greenwich street, Sen York, a passenger on tire Vatina, tor late Sew York p for which tie has our thanks. % Specie.—By the arrival of the steamship Varuna, the Savannah Katiouai Bank received live thousand dollars in gold. —— — i'.'-v '*• .-=**•- h'.mj rort or SAVANNAH. Arrived. '■’•Monday, Aug. 7, isos. Steamship Vurun.i, Whitehurst master, from Ncv. York, August 3. Freight ami passeiigua to John R Wilt lor. Co.^HJXkES—Savannah National Hank, Cram* ,V' Gray bill J a Wait'*, j.-iori * ii.mui.i, Li v.iii A liualoe, Mrs K l'it/gciakl, W ii butt a, <« 11 Aclilodge, F II Moses, V 1L O>good. it Jlabersuam A to ,s, John Lama, O Cohen, Liiyham, ibu-lwniUo, J Mover, Soduiurn E.vpre.vs> Company, j a Wilder,- t SQuai ter.n 1 ter. I’ASSENUjiuS —O II Aslcdgo,' LB. Swain, PJ Riley, ho I v kr». i i children. 1’ Geie. it ATophau and reivant, James Keielutui, J U Johnson, W 11 Wntbergor, J M C u.iH-i, Mr Cady, Otto Uaso, J Munis, w Nuison turn ud*, 1; l> Campbell, F Donnelly. Deck—A M.-Dow ell COiOlMl. V A X. XJ A II X. E Timber & Turpentine Lands FOR SALE. 20,000 Acres in Pierce ami Ware Cork* lies, Georgia. rjnilE subscriber cilery for gale acies of Unpc- JL rior Timber uiul Turpentine l.unds lying iu Fierce nnd Ware counties, in this Stale. These lands weiv selected with a *q eehu view to the timber and turpentine bu iuets, and to a Company contempla ting the prosecution e*f that buc-iins>oa a large scale, off r the groniett poM-ibie advantages, a- the lands lie In sv body, on the tine of the Albany ard Gulf Kail road, amt imur the juiieiion tint i’oad with the lines of Kuilroad lead.hg 1101 U Brunswick to Albany. Tiu y arc alto waicted by the Saiiha and Allupaha livers, navagnble streams lor lulling to Brunswick and Darien Ga. The limb rit he .v.v, anti of ibcflist class of li nber. the tvees yield 11" tur|>enline in tl»ccutest abutidHiice. while tne land is ol *;ood Quality for 1 arming, i;ood crops of Com, CJot t.ili, SllfeMl’. gtC., «&(*. Tijo 1 also well adapted t« * ih •mi ing r.f sheep. 'J i»e water is good, i.iiu the iiiHghtu.i-liooU one of the moss heaiiiiy sections o the state, biing tree from fcveis und the ordinary d.sense, of tiie low Southern coun try. Persons t > purchase, are refened for • fur ther pattieulafs to Messrs. Erwin & Hardee, Savan nah, or to the snUaeiilK-r, at Blackshe:tr, Fierce coun ty. Georg iu. au4-tf £. C. WADE. White Sulphur Springs, FLORIDA . A Popular and Healthful Resort. r IMIE fubscriberi* prepared to accommodate B urd- X era at the tiliwv .• u tilled Seringa, >-itutiied w'lhin twelve mile* of Lake City and *• veil miles from Wel huru Station, on the Jacksonville and Tallahassee lU'.lroad. Stages connect regularly with the trains to couvoy pa sengers to the Springs. The Sulphur springs are noted for the bountiful sup ply of water uud for i.j medicinal virtues, in my case* of long standing disease having been affected by their Use. Term? adapted to tail the times. aus-dl «’&2*wi!w \V. A. TURNER. IVTOTJCC2S - tirm of O’Mt.Al: \ a; t'O. having been dissolv ed t>y a decree of the First lYuvost v CUM -i Savau imh, all persons having claims again-1 said Arm will present them forthwith to the undesigned, j.v-’D-lf W UWiEAKA. NOTICE. MR. L. W. STEVEN 1? my duly authorized Attor ney dining n.y absence from the dtv R3i- ' ilh.Mii hUtiIACHILD. COPAUTXERSUiF NOTICE, TllE 1 have formed a Partnership for tile purpose ol lai ryinp on a GEN Eli AL AUCTION auu COMMISSIOS BtalNKhS iu the Cliy of savan nah, under the Arm name of Hell, Wyily * Christian ’1 lie formerly extc ided to Bell 4 Chilstlan and G. W. Wyily, u lespeufully solicited for the new firm. SAMUEL P. BELL, UEOIiUE W. WYLLY. an3 10 HENRY R. CHRISTIAN. NOTICE. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE,) Savannah, Ua., August Ist, 1865. f Sealed proposals to furnish this post with six thou sand of Fresh Beef per week, for three months, commencing September Ist, and ending December Ist, lsiJo, will be received at thia Office iiutil Tuesday, Au gust 15th, 1805, at 12 o’clocx nooiw when they will be opened iu public. The Beet to be furnished on days to l>e designated* by the Colnadssary, and to be of good and marketable quality—dressed in equal proportion of fore and hind quarters, excluding necks, shank? and kidney tallow. Persons submitting proposals will state the average furnteli t’ <luullly » <&c., of the Beef they propose to Proposals will be subject to the approval of the Com missary General of Subsistence. hunky r. sibley, • >nl-tls Capt. and 8. U. Yols. notice. OFFICE RFLIEF COMMISSION, District of Savanmaq, * Savannah, Oa., July 27th, 1805. In obedience t > instructions from the Secretary of W ar, received this day, no further relief to destitute people will be furnished from this office. -of*# „ JOHff S. COOKE, jy27-tf Capt. and Relief Commissioner, SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. GROCERIES, &c. MPcwt and; Cos., Wholesale Dealer in Winer, Li • Qt'Oiu»» Segabs, Pasty Unoorsm Cmwtt, Ac. ' li«» Uougre'S street. AP. Mhm, WaoueaE and Retail Dcalkb in • OKOCEKIES, FRLTT &c. Cor. Whitaker ani Congrers st. Lane Congdon A Symon«, wholesale and retail grocers. # Corner Congress and St. Juhau sts . Old Stand of W. R Symons. Hilton A RaixtrU, WII iLRSAT.E HROfXRS, li»3 Bay STEritT, are constantly ?>«r steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in ibid city. Ip P. Di yo, Dealer m Oiioic/ Paint.T GBO Euii#, li* Wines, Liquors, &c. 13 j Broughton street. Robert Rnlfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. CONFECTI ySER Y Jill. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—Wuoi.ns vLF. am» Retail. MANri’viO’ITRFB OF SIRFP; CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS. I K* Broughton street, two doors from B uu&rd. M Fitzgerald, • Wholes vLK ANDIUCTML DI ALER IN C IDERS, LEMON. STRAWBERRY am* R VSPBERRY sYRUI'S, CANDIES, do., Ac , IF* In any quantities, to suit Pin chasers. WiIITAKKR STttKiT. OHY~GOODS. r r:i«>iua . Pepper, Wuolfrale ani* R. tail Dealer JL I> STiiLK AMD F.YNGY I>KY CoODU >tl UUpffCe* netted Lute irices. ONE PRICE ONLY. ’ ltd Congress street. P reader ok Gi ft'. DRY GOODS—Wholesale ani* Rctaxl. ill uud 113 Congress at. Jobu Met oitiigity, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, £O. loo Broughton street. Samuel HI. Lcdercr, Jobber and Retailer of Famot and Stai*i.k Dry Goods Boots and Snotca, Clwhiao, Hats, Ac. 140 Congress street. DRUGGISTS. New Drug House, Corner Congress nnd Barnard sts. JACOB LIPPMAN, late Kino & Waking. Thomas 91. Turner, DRUGGIST, Southwea cor Burnard and Broughton «ts A A. Salomons xV Cos., • WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL DRUGGISTS. SJT Orders executed accurately and with despatch. PHOTOGRAPHS JT. Reading & Cos., • PnOTi HiR aPHERS, Cor Wh-t tk 1 nnd St Julian sts. rlrowu’i FlioiograjiU Gallery, ) CaKl>B Dli V.Ulfr: AND 1 'II* (TOUR yins, > ttrtxet Square. GAS FHTING, to. niumhlug and l».u Fitting, 1 By JOHN 11 GUI LEN, Broughton sr.,4nn; d-»or \V f e t «»f Barnard. \\ T H. Wllllnms, Gas Fitteu and Plcmhi’.r, »» • nnd Dealer In Tim Ware, llous : Founuoing Gh)ons, Ac. 14fi Broughton street. llfeed «& Cornwell, v » Wholesale Dealt r$ iu Tlardwap." and Tin Ware No. 15U and 101 Bawghtmi street. 1 7 Cranston, iJ « PLUMBER AND QAS FITTER, ‘•>l B yau s»t, next 10 cor. Whitaker. BILLIARDS, &c, /YTooie ok Cos., yj BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. <Sko. HrAUghtiHi st.. Billiard Saloiui. By WALT Eli O’MEARA. ALE*, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Ofllco. Union Shades, TEaKN<*F. Nuoknt, Proprietor. ALES, WINES LIQUORS. .'ROARS, «vc. d6 Bull st., opposite Pulaski House. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by A. Stamm. Whob'satr (hid A ',‘C.u!. Nolle but CHOK E WINES and LIQUORS served Free Lunch. :_ni? * SEGARS, TOBACCO, &c. 19 K.olb. 1 • SEGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES Ac. Barnard sfeet one door South of the Market. C\ P. Lopez, SEUAi.B Touao’o. Snuff, Pipfs. '• F, v no* Aim Lira, Station ly, «tc. v or. Bali aHft-Broughton sts. 17> Cpndant, Imvoht*i;oi D • i. utio and Havana 1 • Sru VI'S. MKFlmcilAl'M PiPi.S &O. AleO, WlNßti, CH.oir.iU.Ni.ii tti.dt ther Liqii »re». Bull street. 4»p|K)site the Post Office. COMMISSION MERCHANTS MA. Cohen, * FOltU AIILING andCOMMISS-N MERCHANT, Oliice ilomc Ins. Cos, 89 Bayst. Bell, XVyllj- & Chriitiau, AUCTION. GEN ICItAI, COMMISSION AND FOItWARDING MURCIIANTS. Bay street, Savannah, Ga. AM. Scarbrough & Cos., Grooiry and Com • mission MhKCU'Nis. 14) Congress and 57 &t. Julian sts llignest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advance? ou Cotton, Ac. Id COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. "boots and shoes. _ Amis Peabody, Jobber? in Men*?. Women’s, and children’s Calf, Serge and Kid B JO I Sand .'HOES, of all kinds and qualities. 152 Congress st., 4th door North of the Market Ci co. T. Nichols, T RETAIL BuoT AND SHOE STORE. lie Broughton st., 2d door Horn Bull. WATCHES, JEW ELKY, &c. IT> I>. Jordan, Dealer in Watches and Jewei.kv, -T • Sh.veb and PlaTeD Ware Fancy Goons. Ac. Wdtcues and Jewelry Kept!red. 12V Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. WINES, LIQUORS, <fcc. J L. unite, lmpoiter and Wholesale Dealer in Sfan • u.'.T Sagaus FuencU Bwaniufh. Win*#, WuianaY and other Liquors. Touacoo of all kinds. l‘Jl liay street, Savannah, Ga. HAIR DRESSING, &cT House Harber Shop, icor Bull and X Bryan fcts.j Shuviug, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Whisker* Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fancy Ai tides for sale. FURNITURE. _ Dentil* Fulv. y, FUKNITURIC WAREHOUSE. Ncrv Work Maps 10 ftn •Mi. Kepainng. Beil iii.nging. Ac., ui short notice. I‘JB Broughton si. CHINA WARE. &e. E». Smyth, QUEENSWAHK, GLASS AND . ( HINA, at Wholesale and Reiail. too Broughton street, id door from cor. of Bull. SCRIVENERY. ~~ John J. PurtllD, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court J will attend to all Writhies and Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon of Terence Nugent, Jr„ opposite Pulsskl House. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER aud ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ac. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets. ARCHITECTURE, &c. Tames C. lllance, Master'Carpcnter, Architect vJ and Draughtsman, will attend to all calls on bus inesg in the above branches. Bar* Office No. 124 Bay street, next to Stoddard’s Range. auß * PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. \farktug Ink, UasuraoTCKKD and for sale by IVI *. DAVID A. GALLOWAY, 3s’ Drayton street Geo. N. Nirhols, BOOH AND JOB PRINTER, Bay «t„ between Abercorn and Drayton. EJ. Parse, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER, • BINDER. JOB PRINTER, Ac. No. 6 Whitaker street. u W. Rason & Cos., c. H*R.<LD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. A No. IU Ray «rwt. B PR IN Tl t/q V NO. 11l BAT STBKF.T, • SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. TT r E RESPECTFULLY call the attention ’ ' of the public to the facihUe. which we have for doing all kinds of or Pkintino NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN TIIE WORLD For doln- » variety of work and doing it all well. We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS. Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS. From the best Northern foundries, to which we are CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. We are prepared to execute order* for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS. CIRCULARS. BILLS OF FARE. VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, TICKETS, BUSINESS CARDS, LETTER HEADS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS. PASSES, LABELS. CONSTITUTIONS, BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS, BALLADS LEGAL BLANKS CALENDARS Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We have a FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS roa PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, und are below the ncreased rates which rule in other lines of business. S. W. MASON & CO„ lit Bay street. Savannah. Genu is. INSURANCE. MARINE INSURANCE AT LOW RAT ESI COLUMBIAN INSURANCE COMFY OF NEW YORK. River Risks ou Favorable Terms. CASH CAPITAL..... $3,500,000. cpUE undersigned are reudy, through their open po- A licy will* tiie above, to ellect lnsuruiice lor Au gusta, JSew York, aud Jacksonville, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Mdse, oiiflrat-class Ocean Steamers SIOO,OOO •• “ *■ Sailing Veasels 75,000 “ *• 44 River steamer or Flat 15,u00 Sttipi cre will find it to their interest to call.before effecting insurance elsewhere. CHAKLJUS L. COLBY & CO., jyts-tf IS YOUR LIFE INSURED f THIS is an important question lor every man and important also so every who and mother,, aa it uUectH Uleir future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance” of New Yoik will insure you ut the u»ual rates in any Bum lrom $ too SIO,OOO. They ulso isane the favorite TEN YEAR Nuj\-FORFEITURE Po.ideß, and will after twoyeans payment give a full pnid up I'olicy lor Two Tenths'llie whole Bum, anil Th*ee Years Three Tenths, aud so on. Thus.a Policy ot SIO, OOO. Two Freunuins paid up«iA it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,u00. and five years five-tenths for every additional year. For lurtner information apply to A. vv ILBUR, Ageut, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., ju‘27 »y Buy st., Suvatiuali, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O XT* HOST O NT PURELY MUTUiVL. ’ puis is ouv of the oldest aud beat Companies in X America. • Policies ou Lives for any amount up to $16,000 arc taken by them. The Polica-s of these Companies were not cancelled during the war uuul ueard ir..a»—a fact winch shewn then- healing aud determination to be just aud honor able i u ult cuse,. Apply to juJI A. WILBUR, Agent. INSUUANCE. Knickerbocker Life lnstirouce Company OF— 3NT 13 W VO ZAIi:. ASSETS NEARLY THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. Policies of all descriptions, including the favorite TEN VEAtt AON-FOKFEITIRE POLICIES, Will be issued by this Company. ERASTUS LYMAM, President, Geo. P. Sa.FruN, Secretaiy. A. WILBUR, Agent, At Home Insurance Company’s OlUce, jyMawSw Sa Bay street Savunuah, tin. Commercial Mutual MAftIKE LWiIE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. r f3HlSCom|i3uy, with over a Million Dollars as As- X sets, are Ukmg Murine Risk Cos and from New i urk on Steamers aud Sailing Vessels at usual rates. DAINIEL DltAikE SMITH, President. A. U. HuL.uES, \4 b President. Hkxiiv Kino, Secretary. A. VULBUU, Agent, At Home Insurauee Company's Ollice, JyT-lawlw 8a Hay street, Savannah, Ga. HEAL ESTATE. / HOUSE AND LOT FOIL SALE. THE subscriber offers for sule his three story brick dwelling house, situated on Montgomery struct one door south of York street. There is gis liiLuies through the hoase. To a persou who desires a com fortable home uuw is their chunce. A dwelling house and store is onered by this sale. _ )y‘2o-2w PETER STRAUS. STATION EHY, «kr. KTATTON K K V. TO MLIUHAMS AND SUTLERS. We offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest caab prices. Our stock iu the above Hue Is the largest In the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh aid direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. SAVILLE A LEACH, Corner Bryan street and Market square. Timber Cutter's Bank, Jtavannah, da., AMD Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. €. Jyi ts THOS. W. ÜBOOK S , MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, DM Dock Street, Phllasdeljahla, Pa. N. B —All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly,) In tended to. jySl-tf I. C. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. Jn» 2m Refrigerators, Assorted. HOBBY HORSES. JUST RECEIVED BY STUART A CO., •a#-# Corner 801 l and Broughton «t». OPF-ICIAL—DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, ( | Ist Division, Department of Geoboia, > Savannah, July 29, SpKf’iAi. Orukr, l No. 14. f tZSTBAOr ] I. Capt. John Mai tin i.test in e. Schooner “Mary Agnes,” having violated Geuervl Grier No. r.'i, Heud unarterti lh.;>ai iment of the South, May G, ISG&, e.-!:ii>- liehing qurirnfitiue rogubitions for the Diat.ictoi Sa vannuli, Ga., iff allowing communication with the ►h«>re, G hereby fined the sum of One Hundred Dollm a. lie will be kept in confinement until the above amount is paid. By Command of Brevet Maj. Gen J: M. BkANNAN. Will A. Coulter, Capt A A. A. G. jy3l HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, j Ist DiviaioM, Dti '-r. of Gbokbu, v Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 18Ga. ) General ua » No. 9. ( The following Circular from Headquarters Depttit m in oi Cieoigia, Is* published for the information of all concerned, und will be carried into execution at once : IIEADQ’RS DEPARMENT OF GEORGIA, i Augudta, Go., July 31, IS A. j CIFOLLAR, ♦ NO. 1. j lnordeno afford ample opportmißy to Uie people ofGe»>igiato take the oath ot allegiance prescribed m tho President’s Amnesty Piocla.nation of May A), lf>6s, it is ordered, District Comniumlers will at once select, for the purpose of admiiffst* ring the Oath of Allegiance, one Assiatant Provost Marehul for every four com nties in his district, reporting the named of such officers so selected to this office; these officers will, however, proceed at once to ffdntinister ni« Oath of Allegiance. second. District. Commanders will designate the four counties assigned to each District Provost Mar shal, and the same will be numbered as fi Subdivision of the I'ibtiict. Third, The Assistant Provost Marshal so designated will visit the county seat of each comity iu his sub ti visiou iuj oitcii as practicable, and remain in each county tluee or four days; at such visit he* first causing public notice to be given of Lhe time, in the newspapers ol the district or otherwise. All possible 1 despatcu must be used by the Assistant Provost Mar shal to com pi. te administering the oath to citixcos consistent with their duties and the public interest. Fourth. For information on the eanject oi the duties of Assistant Provost Marshulu in admunstei ing the oalh, form of repoi tto this office, & c., attention is called Circular 5, Hcadquartrs Military Division of the Ten nessee, June ib, i.Sfif*. By Command of Major General ST&JtDMAN. (Sfjned) O. H. GRt>SVKNOR. Brevet Brig. Gen. and Provost Alaisual Gen. By command ot A Brevet M iJlGen. J. M. BRANNAN, Will A. Coultiu A. A. G. au*dJ OFPKIAL-WB-DIST. OF OGEEIIIEE. HEADQ’RS bUB-DISTRIoT OF »>GKECHEE, Savannah. Ga., July 2d, lSt». GenRRiL Ori*lrß> No. 18. / Captain Charles H. Cox, 75th New York Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Marshal, Sun- District of Ogci chee, as his Regiment is now serving out of this District. Captain James E. Smith, 12th Connecticut Veteran Infantry, is hereby announced as Provost Marshal, Sub-District of Ogeechee, and w ifi be obeyed and re spected accordingly. By command of - * Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. Joun, A. A. A. G. jJ’idi-T H EADQ’KS SUB DISTRIC T OF ODKECTIK ‘l, savannah, Ga., July 2Sth, ib<ss, General Oki>er,\ No. 17. ( Al; citizers in this Sob-District who arc engag ed in Legal, Medical, Mercantile, or any business, who conic under the provisions of the Amnesty Oath, prescribed by President Johnson's Proclamation, dated Washington, D, C., May -Uih, ISOS. and have not taken said Outh, will be required to do eo. or discontinue their business at once. To this end all persons in business who have not taken the Amnesty oath will report to the Provost Marshal Sub-District oi Ogeochee forthwith. Any violation of this older Will be summarily dealt with. By command of Bvt. Brig Gen. E. P. DAVIS Jno. Mullen, A. A A. G. jy2J> 7 HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECIIEE,* Swann ah, G»., August (», i960. / General No. 13. f Ail A p< thecntics and Druggists in the city arc strictly prohibiten from selling any poisonous drugs, such as Opium or its preparations. Strychnine, Subli maL’i Ac, without the presc<ipt!ou of a Pbys'cian.of character and stumiiug m the jirofcasiou, or u Medical Officer *»f the Uu'-lcd states, w r hich prescription mint be kept on file by the Druggist for inspection. Al; suspected or acknowledged cases of Small Pox, Varioloid, Y ellow Fever, Measles, or Typhus Fever, must he promptly reported to the Health Officer, cor ner aud Bull streets, by the Physician at tending, or by any person cognizant of existence of such diseases. By Command of Brevet. Brig. Gen. DAVI*. Jno. Mullen A. A. A. G. ati7 HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECIIEE,! Savannah, Ga., August 5, 1865. ) Circular,) No. 14. f To in litre a more thorough Inspection of the Sani tary condition of thh city, it will be divided into six (Oj Wards, and each ward will be provided with one (j; Inspector. It shall be the duty of each Inspector to examine tli ir respective Wards, and report daily to the Health Officcr any violation of tbc Sanitary Laws of this city hereto lore published, which violation will be punished by a iiue-of not loss than Five 'ssj Dollars, and not to exceed Fifty ($. r >o) Dollars. By Command of Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. Mui.i.en, A A. A. G. au7 OFFICIAL—BUREAU OF PREEDUK X . WAR DEPARTMENT, . ) Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A band’nd Lauds, [ WAbUiNuxoN. July 12, 1565, ) Circular, > x No. 11. f Instructions to Assistant Commissioner* aqd other q Officers. Ench Assistant Commissioner will be careful, in the estitblbhinent of ?üb-<listrlct9, to have the office of hi# aguot at some point easy of access for the people of tnc # He will have at lenst one agent, either a citizen, military oflicer, or enlisted man, in each sub-district. This agent innst be thoroughly instructed in his du ties. lie will be furnished with the proper blank? for contracts, and wffi iustirute methods adequate to meet the wants ol' his distiict iu accordance with the rules of this Bureau No fixed rates of wages will be pre scribed for a district* hut in order to regulate fair wages liigivm individtiHl cases, the agent should have in mind minimum rates for his own guidance By care ful inquiry as to the hire of an able-bodied man when the pay went to the master, he will have un approxi mate test of the value of lubor. He must *jf course consider the entire change of circumstances, and be sure that the laborer has due protection against avarice aud extortion. Wage? had better be secured by alien on the crops or land. Employers are de.-ired to enter into written agreements with employees, setting forth stated wages, or securing an interest iu the land or crop, or both. All such agreements will be approved by the nearest agent, and a duplicate filed in his office. Iu case there should be no agent within reach, the nearest postmaster will forward the duplicate of coil tracts direct to the Assistant for the State. Attention is specially called to section 4 of the law establishing the Bureau, with regaid to setting apart hind to “every male citizen, whether refugee or freed raan,” Ac., and lhe same arrangement i? recommend ed when it can be effected, between private parties. Already many farmers L*uve rented lands to frecduien and refugees This course is a recognition of the gen eral principal in the law. In order to cniorce the fulfillment of contracts on both contracting parties, the Commissioner of the Bu reau lays down no general rule—the Assistant Com jnisdoner must use the privileges and authority he. already has. Provost courts, military coni missions, local court*, when the lreedmen uud refugees have equul rit hts with other people, are open to hi? use. In the great majority oi ease? his own arbitrament or that of hi? agent or the settlement by referees, wil be sufficient. No Assistant Commissioner or agent i® authorized to tolerate compulsory unpaid laoor, except for the legal punishment of crime, buffering niqy result t*» some extent but suffering is pre!erred to .-lavery, and is to some degree the necersui y omtequt nee of events. In ull actions the officer should never fei .tct that no substitute for*’ slavery, like apprenticeship without >ptop< r con-ent, Oa peonage, (i. e. either hulking the people by debt, or confining them, without com out, to the land b> any system. j will be tolerated. The Assistant Commissioner will designate one or more of his agents to act as the general superinten dent of schools foue for each Staiej for refugees and lreedmen. This officer will work as much as possible to conjunction with State officers who may have school miatti rs in charge. If a general system can be adopt ed for a State, it is well; but If not,' lie will at least take cognizanee of all that is being done to eduuute refugee* and Trecdmen, secure proper jftotcCtiofc to schools and teachers, promote method and efficiency, correspond with the benevolent agencies which arc supplying his field, and aid the Assistant Commission er iu making his required reports. Surgeon C. W. Horner, Chief Medical Officer of the Bureau, will have the general supervision of medical matters’connected with refugees and freedmen. The Assistant Commissioners will instruct their medical officers, as they have instructed other officers, to make the medieal department self-supporting as far os possible. AJI public addresses of a character calculated to create discontent are reprehensible ; but the Assistant Commissioner aud his agent? must explain, by con stant recapitulation, the principle?, laws, and regula tions of this Bureau, to all parties concerned. It is recommended to the Assistant Commissioners to draw up iu writiug a careiul summary to be publicly and privately read by ageuts throughout their respective districts. O. O. noWARD, NOTICE. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, Suu District of Ookechwl „„„ ~ Savannah, Ga., July si, ist», THE citiaeni of Savatmab are hereby requested to report at this office all able-bodied persons, citb. r white or colored, who are found loitering about the Streets. Market Houses, Whirfes, or other places within the limits of thia Command, without visible means of support, in order that they may be prompt ly arrested and put upon Government or other work. r CHARLES H. COX, Capt. and Provost Marshal, Jy?B-tf „Bub District of Ogeeohee. OFFICIAL—MIL. DIV. OF TENNESSEE. HEADQ’RS MIL DIvToFTHB TENNESSEE, Office Pbovo6t Marwial General. Nashville, Tenn., Jane 2fi, l'jt*s - : , To secure uniformity throughout the Militarv Div s. ion of the Tennessee, iu adnnui«tering the Amn&uv oaUi prescribed by the Pre-idenuin his Proclaniatu.. o£ S a y?th.lßos, audtopresem the re cor, la of sn f -h oaths, the Major General Commanding direct-* th-ir such oaths l>e subscribed m triplicate ; two nnmbMr. on sffietd or rolls, one. of which is to be filed at be nartmeat Headquarters, ana one to be forwarded m Die Department of SState at Wadhingtcn, and oik con vement copy to be given the party the lilaukc for the purpose wilirbe furnished each De partment from this 4>ffice. The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to sndi I>ersous as are exci-pted lrom Lhe benefit* of the pr Ji dent’s Proclamation, except for the purpose of bling them to apply to the President ior special r Jr" don, audiu but one copy of the oaih will ba subscribed, whiefi copy will, by the officer administer mg the oath, he attached to, aud form a part of the applicant’s petition for pardon. in all special appffcati ns for pardon, the ajmUomt mujt state dearly und fully. uu<U*i h- w uiajiy niid wifich of the exceptions named in the President’s Proclamation bis case comes; he must also stale whether the Govern* meat lu»s taken pueai-soiou of any part of his propci tv % also who her ai»y proceedings are pending .against ban in any oi tho United States Courts tbr treas.-u, or for con si wj Hgainst the Government of the United Sihtfcs* and the facts s-tated in ROeh .ipplicaiion must bo sworn to befor«‘ they will be forwarded.' The pet.tiou will then be lo«wanl >d by tlie officer a - tin* oath to 111 Depaitineut Comm u, „ wi. ; , will, fofore foCTMBHn: H„. ,« tfi» at Wellington, reher tiie yciuion m tile Ooveituroi iue StatoimuiuU l.ia Doi-anmtut'fa, to en»Ua liim t., i U . vestigutt* the merits ol the cav, and to lecorana;;! to th.* lYesaduLt such action to him sucius just audVro per. 4 Fuel. Department Command i will designate sultaMa officers u> be eonveu mil v located for .iduimL’tpfJn «■ t'te Amnesty Oath, and such ofiicerk will be govi-rued by ttn»u-instruction*. J The name :ui«l rank of soeli officers with a staUnu-ut of the punts where stationed, will l>o reputed to th 3 office. B> Command of Mbj. Gen. ’i u. jl.kfl, J. G PVhIvUbRST, Brvt. Bri". Gen. and Pro. Mari Gen. Mil. Div. of tho Tenno.'See. Ortio al: Will A. Coultms, A. A. G. / j.V-7 71 UDVi’Ai RAKTSi, t Vv . OAK LODGE, THUNDERBOLT. - . WILLIAM T. DANIRLB respectfully informs his t.tends aud the citizens of Savannah that he has taken this old and Favorite Hummer Retreat, where he is pro’ aicd to accommodate Boarders raid t" furnish PICNICS and I'ARTIES. There is an ex cellent BATH HOUSE upon the premises. Boats uiul FiUiiii" Tackle Always on Hand. »n- ts i: 31 ,V IV <J I P A T I O SEEMS TO BK TUP. EuJ of our National Troubles. THE HILTON fIEAD HOUSE, Cor. Joimsou Square aud Bryan Sts., IS NOW in good running order—a jdace where the weary can find rest, aud where the waiters no rest. UIBTtiIPS EAST INDIA PALE ALE, COOL LAGER, ON ICE. LUNCH AT 11 O’CLOCK A, M. No crippled jaws*wanted in this establishment in business In Hirer Old acquaintances ne’er forget. id£T “For particulars see Htmtil bills." BILL WILLIAMS JylO-tf l*roprictor Hilton Head ITcnise. CL,Aa>IS : CLAMS ! ! IIIAVE tlic bcsc<Jlams at. Ililton Head, aud the beat (’Ot)ks. iu proof ot which statement I adduce the following testimony from . r. Benj. Honey’s ad- Vcrtisemcnt iu the Savannas Daily llkrai.i*, of the last of two: ‘There is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams in every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the J’agle Srtioon, in rear oi tho Post office. •Turn- is Wuerk the Laugh Comks In.” My dear Ben we wish you a long life aud a merry one. In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal us can be obtained ar Hilton Head, or &i<y other place in this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will find to be correct. • Do not forget our old established house, in the rear ofPtfet Office. PETER FITZGERALD, ju3o Proprietor. PROFESS IOIVALCARdV. JL R. SO LOM ON S, M. D jO ontist, lrom Charleston, S. C., oilors his serviees to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, street. References.—Dr. Jas. B Read, Dr. Juuuu Uakris, lion. Solomon CtiUKN, W. N. llakrrsh.vm E?q„ iyll ts A. A. SoiA>MONB & Cos., M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, fnmit-hing Plans lor end {superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, A’c. jy2l Dp BEKTAL NOTICE. I would inform the public that I have resumed the practice of XJontistry In this city, at my old stauif, corner of St. Julien nnd Barnard streets, (eutruuce .Brown’s Photograph Gal lery,) where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. jyll-lmo W. JOHNSON. D. D. S. Isl To Timber Cutters, tiie ENmnsioNEf WILL PURCHASE IN LOTS, As They Arrive, Hard Pine Timber, AN I * Hewn Shipping Timber. W. A. BEARD, ■jyls codim 134 Congress street. PIONEER SAW MILL. tins most respectfully announce to the citizens of VV Savannah uud other? requiting LUMBER, that our new Saw Mill at the toot ol Zubly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechce Canal, is completed. We arc now prepared to saw and fnrni.-h Lumber in large or small quantities to suit pureliaseis, and respectnn'y solicit n share of public patronage. Wo will also pur chase TIMBER as it arrives in this market. iy3l-tf ROSE & ARKWRIGHT.^ WATCHES, JEWELRY, die. _ SAMUEL P 7 lUMILim (Successor to Wil mot & Richmond.l n;:ATTR in WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JI.WELRT. CANES, CUTLEKT, . Ac. Cohneb Wmxansn, St. Juu.« id Conq EIM Sts, 8A V A N‘N An , GA. Watcbc* and Jewelry repaired. Chronometer, rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. jy2B-tf Bagging and Rope. *jr bale* GUNNY BAGGING'. dLO 300 coll* KOP& hi store for sale by jy*4 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN # W •