Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 14, 1865, Image 3
LOCAL MATTERS, % THE SHOWERS. ’ Copious Raima, Heavy Thunder and Vivid Lightning. bn Saturday and yesterday Savannah was visited with a series of showers, which cooled the air and moistened the earth. The tail of rain was bounteous, and at times the streets were running like rivers, so copiously did the water descend. The llrst shower of Saturday came very suddenly,and many people, riding or walking, were caught in a deluge of rain, which drenched them to the skin. Yesterday a lowry fore noon betokened showers so that those of the after noon were less unexpected. There were several instances of the lightening striking, and some novel treaks or the fluid, but uo fatal accidents. Near the camp of the 28th Massachusetts a green tree waa struck, and splintered somewhat< bnt not killed. Shortly after a dry tree at the head of Company E’s street was struck and shivered to pieces, the frag ments being scattered all through the camp. Capt. S. Bonney, commanding the company, was sitting In his tent, near the foot of the tree, when the fluid entered It, melted a hole throngh his saber-scabbard, burned bis foot badly, and scorched the paper in a cartridge box without Igniting the powder. The Cap tain’s black boy, Reuben, was just leaving the .tent w|en the tree was struck, and the shock knocked him down. His consternation can be imagined Capt. Keyser, of Company C, had his arm tempor arily paralylzed by the shock, and several others felt It severely- The ground was also struck at a short distance from the camp. The spire of 9t. John's Episcopal Church on the west side of Madison Square, was struck and sus tained slight injuries. This is the second time that this edifice has been injured this summer from lightning; the first shock knocked out several panes of stained glass in the belfry. Tucker’s Range, south-west comer of Charlton and Whitaker streets, had a window considerably damaged; none of the Inmates sustained injury. A cow, the property of a Mrs. Johnson, was struck aud instantly killed. The same bolt knocked down and stunned a horse standing near by, and shatter ed considerably the vehicle to which he was attach ed. Glancing off it partially demolished two or three chimneys in the vicinity. of stained glass in the belfry. Tucker’s Range, south-west comer of Charlton and Whitaker streets, had a window considerably damaged; none of the Inmates sustained injury. A cow, the property of a Mrs. Johnson, was struck aud instantly killed. The same bolt knocked down and stunned a horse standing near by, and shatter ed considerably the vehicle to which he was attach ed. Glancing off it partially demolished two or three chimneys in the vicinity. Unsuccessful Attempt to Rob tbe Corner Stone of St. Patrick’s Church* On Saturday night last an unsuccessful attempt was made on a large sqale to rob tbe comer stone of Bt. Patrick’s Churcb, corner of West Broad and Lib erty streets, by digging a hole some six feet deep with a view to undermining it. The corner stone is comprised of a portion of the main door sill on Liber ty street. The sill is about 7J* feet in length, 4 feet wide and about 6 Inches thick, lu this slab are laid the valuable documents relating to the erec tion of the Church. If plunder was the object, of the rogues, they would have been disappointed had they succeeded In finding the spot they were in search of, for only a few coins, not over five dollars in value,, was deposited there. The comer stone was laid on the 17th day of March, 1863, and bears the follow ing inscription : “This building was converted into a Church by a Solemn Benediction, March 17th, 1863. » “Mammon® Ereptum, Doe Dlcatum, Sub Invocatlone, Santl Pat rid." Departure of the 12th Connecticut Vete ran Volunteers. This well disciplined battalllon were mustered out on Saturday, and departed yesterday qji the steamer Col le, for New York, en route for Connecticut,where they will receive their final papers. The battalllon numbered 360 men, rank and file, and were under the command of Capt. Strong. The following Is the present list of officers : Lieut. Col.—George N. Lewis. Major—Sidney E Clark. Surgeon—Janies R Cnmmlng. Assistant Surgeon—Jalrus F Lines. Quartermaster— Henry Tuttle. Captains—Jame3 D. Roche, Hlrnm F. Chappell, James E. Smith, Francis Smith, John Brennan, John Mullen. First Lieutenants—Henry Gibbons, Geo. W. Phelps, Charles W. Coe, Augustus Gray, Wm. H. Root. Second Lieutenants—Edwin G. Sawn, Charles N. Lane, Stephen Shipman, Christopher Gase, Charles Kelley. • .... ,_T.. . The Connecticut was mustered In onthe2oth of November, 1861. They were in the New Orleans expedition—the first regiment to march Into that city—and in the Red River expedition. They after wards went Into the Shenandoah Valley, under Sher idan, and participated In the battles of Cedsf Creek, Fisher’s Hill and Winchester. They went to Harrisonburg with Sheridan,then re turned to the Valley, then were ordered to the vi cinity of Washington, and soon after to Savannah. The regiment re-enllsted for three years when they had served about two and a half years, and were then consolidated into six companies. They were much esteemed here for good beha vior and all soldierly qualities, and their absence will be regretted by many. They have been In the brigade of Brig. Gen. Da vis, commanding this Sub-Dtstrlct, since January last, and were In tbe same Division a long time pre vious. The General expressed great regret at parting with them. The General was also much beloved and respected by them: The Guide left here at half past twelve o’clock, the baud furnishing fine music as she slowly left the dock. . ForDoctobtown, via Darien.—By au advertise ment In another column, it will-be seen that the steamer, Wm. G. Gibbons, Capt. Pbllpot, will leave this city on Tuesday morning next, for Doctortown. The Gibbons is a light draft-steamer, well adapted to The inland and river navigation, and is under the management of a skillful and experienced officer, In whom the most Implicit confidence may be placed. The enterprise of opening the route between this city and the present Altamaha terminus of the Sa vannah and Golf Railroad, thus putting us again In connection with South-western Georgia and Florida Is highly commendable, and deserves as It will do doubt receive, the thanks and liberal support of the business and traveling public. We wish Capt. Phll pot and his associates abundant success. arrival of Railway Iron, etc. for the Georgia Cextral Railroad.—The schr. Wm. B. Mann. Capt. Weaver, consigned to the enterprising honse of Ciias. L. Colby A £o., arrived at this port yesterday, having on' board as a portion of cargo 1,4i0 bars rail road iron, of the T pattern, weighing 250 tons, 281 bundles railroad chairs, and 250 kegs railroad spikes. The above portion of the cargo is consigned to the Georgia Central Railroad. . Octbaoe.—On Thursday evening last, while Mr. Patrick Bums was proceeding up Mill street, to his residence, he was accosted by several rowdies, who knocked him down and beat him In a severe man ner, the injuries received obliging him to keep his bed since that time. Mrs. Bums hearing the cries other husband, came to his relief, and was also severely beaten. Ice.—Mes3r3. Haywood, Gage & Cos., who were compelled by uncontrollable circumstances, to sus pend their business tor a brief time, Lave now re ceived a fresh supply, and assure the public in a card. In another column, that there need be no far ther apprehensions of a failure to fill all orders. They have several ice houses, and every facility for doing a large business. The house is an old and popular one, having been established in 1850, and having a large run of long-time custom in Savannah. For Nassau, New Providence.— Prior to the re bellion considerable trade in fruits, salt, green turtle, etc., was carried oh between the Bahama Islands and the various ports of the United States. The first shipment, since the re-opening of the Port of Savan nah to Nassau, was by the sclir Agnes, Capt. Lupine, cleared on Saturday by that enterprising merchant, Mr. Isaac D Laßoche. The cargo consisted of 39,000 feet of sawed lumber, and 20,000 cypress shingles. For New York.— Saturday noon the steamship Zodiac, Capt. Bulkley, of the Pioneer Line of steam ships, Hunter A Gammell Agents, sailed for New York. Also at the same hour, 12 M., the Star Line steamship Nevada, Capt. Carpenter, sailed for the same destination having been cleared by Messrs. Brigham Baldwin A Cos. The steamers were Hilly laden and their passenger list quite large. New adjutant General of the Sub-District.— Capt. John Mullen, the efficient Adjutant General on Gen. Davis’ Staff, having been mustered out of the ser vice with his regiment, has been succeeded by Lieut. W. H. Folk, of the 173 New Y'ork Volunteers. Visit of Gen. Brannan to Fort Pulaski.—Mr].- Gen. Brat mu yesterday, paid an official visit to Fort puiasgi; accompanied by a portion of his stair. THE COURTS. district frovost court—before liect. col. robt. T. YORX, DISTRICT FBOVOST MARSHAL. Savannah, Aug. 12, 1865. The United States, M. Mayer, prosecutor, vs. Al bert King (colored). The prisoner was arraigned for burglary, committed on Tuesday night, August 4th, 1885, lu entering the store of Mr. Mayer, Congress street, and stealing goods. In the above case it wfts ordered that the defendant be confined in Chatham county jail for the space of six months, and there after be dlscarged. Miss Ann M. Ptuder vs. Martin Wall—Recovery of premises. It appearing from the affidavit of peti tioner that a legal notice has been served upou the defendant to vacate the premises, which he has railed to comply with, It Is now ordered that Martin WaUgive quiet and peaceable possession of Lot No. 32 Washington Ward, in the city of Savannah, with house and improvements thereon, to Miss Ann M. Hnder, on or before the 31st day of August, 1865 or be forcibly ejected rat the expiration of that time and that defendant pay the costs of suit Thomas Dunn vs. Daniel Rogeis-CulawfuUy, and contrary to orders, retaining possession of premises at the corner of \\ est Broad and Harris streets. It appearing from the records the above case that an order for defendant to vacate the premises occupied by him, granted by Judge Parsons, was served upon him at about the same time that the property was returned by order of Court to Its rightful owner, It Is now ordered that the case be dismissed upon de rendant paying the rent due to the 24th Jnly, to Capt. S. 8. Starr, A. Q. M., together with two dollars, costs of suit. CurrEß Vessel fob New Yore—We call atten tion to the advertisement by Messrs. Cbas. L. Colby * Cos., of the Baltimore sailing clipper Wenonah for New York. She has room for some light freight and superior passenger accommodations. »r Arrival of a Mow Steamer for a Line Com. maplcatlng with Southwestern Georgia. The magnificent light draugt side-wheel steamer Wm. Q. Gibbons, intended to communicate with Southwestern Georgia by connecting with the Albany and Gulf Railroad trains at Doctortown, arrived at Savannah Friday morning at 8 o’clock, having made the ruif from Wilmington, Delaware, where she was built, in tour days. Her dimensions scriptiou are as follows : Length, 156 feet; breadth of beam, 26 reet; kneed throughout with iron ; sides and bottom of 6-16 Inch Iron ; lower deck clear tore and aft tor freight; she wlllTtarry about 1000 bales of cotton, and has accommodations tor one hundred passengers; two Inclined high-pressure engines; cylinders 20 Inches in diameter; stroke of piston 6 feet. The Wm. Q. Gibbons was turned out by the cele brated builders, Messrs. Pursey, Jones 4 Cos., of Wil mington, Del., and- this alone Is a sufficient guaran tee of her ability to meet the high expectations of her friends here. All of her officers are well and favor ably known by this business community, viz : Thos. N. Pbllpot, Captain; Wm, B. Fan, Cleric; George A. Nicoll, Mate ; John L. Roumtllat, late Agent Charles ton and Savannah Railroad, Agent on wharf; Erwin 4 Hardee, owners and Agents. Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, the agents, deserve the thanks of our entire community for conceiving and carrying out this, to ms, very important enterprise. Long may tbe Wm. G. Gib!ions float. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 13. ’ Jno T Stark, Virginia Lt Cbas S TUliughast, Ft Jas A Guay, Baltimore Pulaski Alonzo C Cole, do Jas 8 Bolce, MD, USA Miss Emma Cushing, Bal- Ft Pulaski timore. ChasT Burke, steamship Mrs Margaret Boyle, Bal- United States timore Isaac Crowell, steamship J S Sanderson, Florida United States T M Brevard, do J Rowland, steamship U Jos W Bumby, Georgia * States Tillman Ingrune, Florida A B Moore. Alabama Jacob Scherp, City J p Setter, Davlsboro lewis Cook, Valdosta A Riddle, do H M Davenport, Sav’h N D Batts, do J Stockton, Jacksonville W N Harris, do C J Levy, New York W N Peterson, steamship Lt Juo Henderson, Port United States „ Pulaski Capt M Murphy, Brooklyn Capt O O Uailett, Fort Q H Daniel, Augusta Pulaski a N Jenkins, do Lt M H Kolor, Ft Pulaski N J Bernard do Lt G W TuthUl. do J Williams, City' Thos Harley, Hilton Head G H ljlacktoot, City Amos Woodruff, N York l SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 11. AND AUG. 12. C fit Gage, Q M Dept, Miss L Tobsrlian, Savan’ll Hilton Head Lt D Toberhan, do F L Osborn, New York Lt 0 W Handy do Lt 0 B Chamberlin, Beaus MaJ G W Rogers, do E G Francis, Augusta W H WlUlams, do W Branch, Richmond Capt J.S Clark, Beaufort J G Clark, U S Vols H G Nenls, Pay USA Capt J F McGuire, 163 Mrs W T Bennett, Char N Y V, Savannah W R Marlin, do H S Hawkins, USA p Cody, Savannah PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 11. AND AUG. 12. J C Dennis, Augusta Lt J Sipple, 128 U S C T M H Dunlap, Hilton Head Capt G B Beal, 21U SC T L C Rice, do Lt Schiller and lady, Sav E J Levy, Beaufort • o A Wright, Brooklyn G H Adams, do J Whitney, do 5 E Howard, do M Ennis, J G Foster, do j McLeaon, brig Ida G W Quirnby, do A A Babcock, P O Dept 8 H Smljh, Georgia Capt J O Terry, Beaufort C A Smith, do . I,t J Sipple, do J S Boyce, Ft Pulaski A Panmgton, ’ do J C Chance, do Lt G W Qulmby, do H B Moore, Beaufort D Robertson, do J McHashan, Thomasvllle W A Norris, Capt S C Kcanny, Washington str Oneora G Fanner, charleston J L Whitaker, Hurg H H Gove, do 26 U S C T C F Smith, do p Donlery, str Lewlsburg Mrs E Bell, do W R Flaglur, Beaufort J Brock, Florida F D Curry and ladv, Sav Capt C H Cox, Savannah BenJ Lake, Cliarieston Miss M Allen, do c Feay, do J Butler, do M H Dunlap, do P Cody, do J Prince, do Mrs L M Gray and J J McDonnell, N Bruns’k child, Charleston S A Whitehouse, T B Sprague, do U S N, Bay Point Sure Dalrymple, US V JR Hlnmau, USN, do L J Leavy, New York Dr Marshall, USN Bobt Grant, do J Coleman. do Shipping Intelligence, Hlaaturs Almanac— I This Day. Sun rises 6 211 Moon sets n 21 Sun sets 6 4e|Hlgh watpr ev.l9 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Saturday, Aug. 12, iB6O. C S Mail Steamship United States, Share, N York, with passengers and merchandize to Brigham, Bald win A Cos. Consignees— Ames A Peabody, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Blun A Meyer, G H Briggs, W Battersby & Cos, C L Colby A Cos, Crane A Graybill, Claghorn A Cun ningham, S Caldwell, Mrs Daryea, E P Devo, J H De pish, B F Einstein, SHE, Erwin A Hardee, W U Fuller, 1 Fernandez, M Ferst A Cos, CL Gilbert, L J GUmartln, W C Green, G Gemenden, G Ii in a diaomnd A Cos, Guckenhclmer A Seltg, J Gilliland A Cos, H Hayne, C Horrigan, G A Hudson, Hess A Guttman, Halsey, Watson A Cos, N A Hardee A Cos, Erwin A Hardee, Jln a diamond, Kein A Cos, R J Larcombe, W W Lincoln, S W Lederer, M Lowenthal A Cos, J Llpman, T Lyon, J Leavv, LilUentlial A Kohn, Lovell A Lattlmore, J Lama, J H Muller, J Massart, H Mein hard A Bros, J C Maker A Cos, M D Meyer, J McMahon, J McMann, P Norton, M Newmark, Pin a diamond, H Rotbchlld, J Ryan, R T B, M Hisslnskl, F Rosenband, J Rosenband, A A Solomons A Cos, L W Sterns, Sa vannah Gas Conipauv, S In a diamond B, J R Sealey A Cos, J Spivey, A M Scarbrough, It II Tatem, Weed A Cornwell, M H Williams, M Lest A Cos. Passengers. —Capt TLyon, Capt A Everson, ASM IC, Mrs M J Riley and infant, L Deitrich and wire, J P Sanderson, T W Brevard, T Ingraham, RMickler, S Mlckler, Capt A A Cole, G Cook, W Schmidt, Geo Rappold, J McMahon, J Skelian, Dr F Y Clark, L B Davis, H Leopold, Col Sharpe, J H Brundv, H M Da venport, Col B B Carling, G M Lewis, J A Gray, and 20 in steerage. Schr Wm B Maim, Weaver, New York ; 24 days— to Chas L Colby A Oh. Reports off Hatteras thirty sal’ of vessels, the majority bound South. C jnsionees— Georgia Central R B, Chas L Colby A Cos, Isaac D Laßoche, N Lyon. Imports—l4lo liars railroad iron. 290 tons, 23M bales gunny cloth, 21 bales rope, 3 bbls mackerel, 19 half bbls do, 17 quarter do, 290 kegs railroad splkoa 281 bundles railroad chairs, s cases boots, 129 bales hay. Steamer U 9 Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Goodrich’s flat, Georgia, from Augusta, with 308 bales Upland cptton. Cleared. Schr Mary Agnes, Lusolne, Nassau, New Providence —I D Laßoche. Exports.—39,ooo feet sawed lumber, 20,000 cypress shingles. HBADQ’BS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHRE, > Savannah, Ga„ August 0,1806. / Genual Oedee, 1 No. 19. f All Apothecaries and Druggists in the city are strictly prohibited from selling any poisonous drugs, such aa Opium drttprepamtions. Strychnine, Corrosive Snbli-i mate, He., without the prescription of a Physician or character and standing In the profession, or a Medical Officer of the United states, which prescription mast be kept on file by the Druggist for Inspection. All suspected or. acknowledged cases of Small Pox, Varioloid, Yellow Fever, Measles, or Typhus Fever, most be promptly reported to the Health Officer, cor ner Broaghton and 801 l streets, bv the Physician at tending, or by any person cognizant of existence Os such diseases. By Command of Brevet, Brig. Gen. DAVTS. Jno, Mullen, A, A. A G. asT SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRUGGISTS. » WM. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, , «u!4 Southeast cor. Barnard and Broughton sts. New Drug House, Corner Congress and Barnard sts. • JACOB LIPPMAN, late Kino A Waring. 1 nphomas M. Turner, A DRUGGIST, South wop* cor, Barnard and Broughton sts. A A. Solomons As Cos., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. C7* Orders executed accurately and with despatch. &lULIA.RDS, &c. O’Toole & Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. Ac. Broughton at., third door from Ball. Billiard Saloon. By WALTER O’MEARA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Teeknoz Nugent, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, Ac. 65 Bull st,, opposite PalasldHouse. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by A Stamm. Wholesale and Retail. None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. WINES, LIQUORS, &c. He. Rowe At Cos., • WHOLESALE DZALEBS IN LIQUORS. ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor, St. Julian street and Johnson gqnare. Israel R. Seuly At Cos., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF CHARLES FARRE CHAMPAGNES, lu the State of Georgia. 207 Bay st., between Barnard and Jefferson, au 9 Savannah, Ga. Israel R. Sealy At Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay at., between Barnard and Jefferson JLaraa, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Si-an • i3ii Segars, French Brandies. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. 191 Bay street. Savannah. Qa. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker A Cos., WnSVifflAtK and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac., Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at Vnprece dented Low Prices. ONE PRICE ONLY. Presdec At Orff, DRY GOODS— Wholesale and Retail. 11l and 113 Congress st. John McConaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ao. ICO Broughton street. Samuel M. Ledcrcr, Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothinu, Hats, Ac. 14t( Congress street. GROCERIES, &c. SN. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheep. Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oats, Corn, Cow P. as, Finders, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions nnd Cabbages. au9 MPersf dt Cos., w i nlesnle Denier in Wines, Li • qroRS, Seoaks, Fam.i Groceries, Candies, Ac. IM, Congress street. AF. Mira, Wholesale amp Retail Dealer in • GROCERIES, FRUITS, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Congress Bt. Lane Congdon A Sy mons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian ats., Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton Si Kandell, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bay Strret, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete .assortment of GROCERIES ill this city. EP. Deyo, Dealer in Choice. Family Groceries, • Wines, Liquotis, Ac. ■ 133 Broughton street. obert Balforc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. .-- confectionery r JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WhoIesaIe and Retail, manufacturer of SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY OP ALL KINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. Mqpzgcrald, • WHOI.KHALK AND RETAIJ, DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMONv STR A WBE RRY and RASPBERRY SYKUPSTCANDIES, 4c„ SST la any quantities, to suit Purchasers. WHITAKER STREET. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Reading & Cos., • PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian st». Brown’s Photograph Gallery, Cards De Visitk and Photographs, » Market Square. GAS riTTIKO~&tb T)luuiblng and Gas Fitting, JT By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton st., one door We,t of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gas Fitter and Peumrkb, . and Dealer lu Tin Ware, Horse Furnmuing Goods, Ac. 146 Broughton street. Weed A Cornwell,, Wholesale Dealers In Hardware and Tin Wabe, No. 159 and 161 Broughton street. TT Cranston, 1 U . PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st., next to cor, Whitaker. SEGARS, ~ TOBACCO <fcc, FKolb. ' • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Lopez, Segabs, Tobacco, Snuff, Fifes, * Fancy Articles, Stationery, Ac. Cor. Bnll and Broughton st*. F Constant, Importer of Domestic and Havana • Seuabs, Meerschaum Pirns, Ao. Also, Wines, Cuampaunes and other Liquors. Ball street, opposite the Post Office. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MA. Cohen, • FORWARDING and COMMISS’N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos., 89 Bay st. Bell, WyUy Ac Christian, AUCTION, GEN ERAL .COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. . Bay street. Savannah, Ga. AM, Scarbrough Si Cos., Grocery and Com • SIIBSION Mebohinis, 140 Congress and 07 St. Julian sts. Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, Ac. Ijfrwin & Hardee, U COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Qg. BOOTS AND SSOEB. Arnes & Peabody, Jobbers in Men's, Women's, and Children’s Calf Serge and Kid BOOTS and SHOES, of.ail kinds and qualities. 152 Congpiess sWlth door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nichols, ■ i RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Hu Broughton st., 2d door from Bull. CHLNAWAKE* &c. TZV D. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND -CA CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. SCRIVENERY. John J. Fartille, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court j will attend to all Writings and Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon of Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. SODA WATER. John Rynta, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, OORDXALS, SYRUPS, *O. Tor. Bay end West Broad streets. ARCHITECTURE, &c. ~ James C. Bln nee. Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will attend to all calls on bus iness in the above branches, liar- Office No 124 Bay street, next to Stoddard’s Range. aa g PRINTINOrSTATiONERY7&ir Saville & Leach, • BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor, Bryan afreet and Market Square. lYfarkittg Ink, MANcFAOTntiD and for sale bv ill DAVID A-GALLOWAY, ’ , t . 38 Drayton,Areat. ifleo. N. Nichole, ' O BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay at., between Abercom and Drayton. E. J -B P ISI?E e k L J™N A »c OTAmOin^ No. 6 Whitaker street, C VV. Mason & Cos., L?. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. NO, 111 Bay street. DIRECTORY -- CONTINUED. PROFESSIONAL. Dr. N. M. Sneed, DENTIST. SccoEbson to Dr. E. Parsons, York street, near Court House, Savannah, Ga. aulO WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. FD. Jordan, Dealer in Witches and Jewelbe, s Silver and Plated Ware. Fancy Goods, Ac. S3T Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. HAIR DRESSING, &c. Pulaski Honse Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and Bryan sts.) Sharing, Hair Cutting, Shampooing. Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fancy Ai tides for sale. FURNITURE Dennis Falvey, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. Nr.w Work-Made to Order Repairing, 801 l Hanging. Ac., at short notice. , 138 Broughton st. WANTED. Wanted. TWO or three first class boarders by a private faml . ly, living in a good neighborhood and ceutral.— Address, for one week, ‘ Sherman,” Herald office. augß-lw Wanted. A NICELY furnished room, without board, where the people are not too inquisitive. Address, “Grimes,* 1 Herald office. angß-lw WANTED IMMEHATELY, FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Ws«te Paper. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Also, Cot ton Pickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grcfee, Metals, Bottles, Ac., at the . FOREST CITY MILLS, au4-tf Savannah. the r Underwriters’ Agency Os New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, * ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in QOLD w CURRFNCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ARE ISSUED BY THIS ASSOCIATION. i. T. THOMAS A CO., aull-eodlm 111 Bay strreet. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO WHOLESALE GROCERS, LIQUOR DEALERS, DRUGGISTS and SOAP MANUFACTURERS. ESSENTIAL OILS for producing and improv ing Brandy, Iturti, Wines and Whiskies.— Arc and body preparation for neutralizing and giving age and body to all new Liquors Coloring for Brandy, Wines and Whiskies. Extracts and Oils of Cognac, White Sugar Syrup, all of the best quality constantly on hand. Extracts for Holland and London Gin. Persian Insect Powder. Fly Paper, Loadstone, Flu orspar, Fluoric Acid, Pyrotechnic Materials, Oxlds Manganese, 81-Snlphite Lime, Strontla and Barytes, China Clay, Solnble Glass in liquid and jelly from Sil icate of Soda, in dry crystal! for adding to soap with out deterioration nnd for fire proofing CXJTTON BALES All orders addressed to me will have prompt atten tion, and toll directions given. JOSEPH W. FEUCHTWANGER. anil No. 65 Cedar New York. JOHN S. SAMMIS & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. X AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. ANO. 8. BAJUMIB. BD. 0. SAMMIS. CHAU. L, MATHER aull ts Notice. ffIHE undersigned have associated with them Mr. A John tK. Johnson, under the flrgt of Crane, John son and Graybill, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission, Shipping and Forwarding busi ness, to date from the Ist Inst. aull-O CRANE A GRAYBILL. .For Sale, 100 Barrels Fresh Flour. Per schooner Henry Castoff, landing at Anderson’s Wharf, by j anil KEIN A CO. FOR SALE, ONE six Mule Team Wagon and Harness, eora plete. Apply at JOHN DALY’S, corner West Broad and Indian streets. aul 1 2 VEGETABLES At Low Prices, JUST ARRIVED, by the steanier Chase, a Large Assorted Stock of Vegetables, Con sisting of— POTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGES, BEETS, and TURNIPS, AND A— £ Fine Lot of Northern Apples. AH of which will be sold immediately at low prices, in lots to suit E. P. DEVO. 133 Broaghton street, Jesse's Old fit..nd. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. an 9 \ lw AUCTION S^LE. \\J ILL be sold at Public Auction, In accordance vv with orders from the General (AmmandW District of savannah, by Bell, Wylly & Christian. Auctioneers, ON WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 0 A. M. TWO PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEW INSTRUMENTS AND APPURTENANCES, ' The property of SAM. A. COOLEY, to satisfy Judg ment against said Cooley, In favor of E. H. Clapp, the First Provost Court, District of Savannah, June 7tb, 1869. The rale will be held at 1 BECKETT'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, North aide of Broughton, between Barnardiand Whtt ker streets. aulO ’ 2 FOR SALE, A. FJ3NTB PXjAT, ■ CAPACITY, 400 BAXES. Has Just made a successful trip from Augusta. N, A. HARDEE *OO. lItJrXAXiD STATIONERY STORE, —ANI> Newspaper Depot. The undersigned has re-opened the above Store, where will be found an assortment of Cap, Letter and Note PAPER, OF* ALL, QUALITIES. Dray Books, Memorandum Books, BTT.TiH XjADIKTGI, COMMERCIAL BLANKS, AND ENVELOPES. CARMINE AND BLACK INKS, in stands and bottles ; PENS, PENHOLDERS, PENCILS, INK STANDS, OFFICE MUCILAGE, KNIVES, &c. By the next steamer he will receive Northern Dailies and Weeklies and will hereafter keep a complete assortment of the Latest Papers and Periodicals apgs J. H. ESTILL. “unoiiPso wears as Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of his own importations, in bond nnd duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, Ac., of any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Ilennesy, Pinet Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter.and eighth casks: aUo Otard and Ronyer, Laferrelere and Fils Brandy, In cases of one dozen each. “Grtu.” 4 Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam In pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, In bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. “Whiskey and Ram.’’ Scotch nnd Irish Whiskey, in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Bonrlion Whiskey In barrels and eases of one dozen each. . hum. “ Jamaica " and Croix Rum" in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Madeira, Sherry’ and Port Wines. More than twenty different grades, in halves, quar ters and eighth casks, also in cases of one dozen each. “Hock, Champagne, Moselle and Claret « Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mnmm In Cologne, proprietor of Joannlsbnrg estate; J. H.D. Becker A Fila; Esche nancer, Benecke A Cos., Bordeaux- Barton 4 Gueslln. Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Ger many and France. Oils, Cordials, Sardines, Bitters, Mitstabd, Olives, \ Brandy, Preserves, Ao. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable dealers,should be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser tor sale is pare and genuine. Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices ob toined, by addressing the above. augS-3m Amerie’n Telegraph Co.,South Under control and supervision of IT. S. .Military Telegraph. HEADQ'RS DEP’T OF GEORGIA, ) Office Provost Marshal General./ By Telegraph from Augusts^ fYRDKRS, dated August 3, 1866, to Telegraph Oper- VJ ators and ex-Agents: Postmasters, Forwarding Merchants, Common Car riers and Rallrood Agents, are notified that they will not forward or deliver messages, wares and mcrchan dize or mail matter to any person whomsoever within the Department of Georgia, who has not taken the Oath prescribed in the President’s Proclamation of Amnesty, of May 18C5. Any violation of this or der will be punished by a forfeiture of all right to transact business within this Department, by the of fending party, and by flue or imprisonment. By command ol Maj, Gen. STEEDaMAN. O. GROSVGNOIL Bvt. Brig. Gen. a °gS and Provost Marshal General. HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, Ist Division, Det’t or Gxoroia, Offici or Pbovost Maesal, Savannah, Ga., August 10th, 1866. The following is published for the Information of all concerned: fBYTZLIGRAPH FROM AUOCSTA, DATED ACODST 10, ISCS.J To Lieut. Col. R. P. York: « Your despatch received. My order of August 3d ap plies to women and children as well as men. and the y must take the oath before theprlrilege can be granted O H. GROSVENOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. and P. M. G., Department of Oeorgla. By order of Brev. Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. ROBT. P. YORK, aull-7 Lieut. Col. and Provost Marshal. NEW GOODS. ICASE MERRIMACK CALICOES 1 case Sprague's Calicoes Colored Mourning Delaines 4*4 Bleached Long Cloths 6-4,10-4 and 1% Sheetings Ladies' Sun Umbrellas Ladies’ and Gents’ linen Cambric Hankercbicll Irish Linens and Hack Towels GeDts’ and Youth's Soft Hats Magic Ruffling, Ac., Ac. Just received by an 9-6 DeWITT A MORGAN. A HARE OXZAKTOE FOR INVESTMENT. WILL be sold at Public Auction, in the city of Savannah, on tbe sth day of September next, without reserve: The mill site,with Sawmill thereunto belonging, sit uated in the county of Chatham, State of Georgia, about nine miles liom the city of Savannah on the Ogeechec Canal, together with all the machines, fix tures, buildings, outhouses, stables, Ac., Ac. The site of the mill contains nine acres of land with very caDaduus back water. The Ogeechee canal be ing in tne course of reconstruction will be finished In a short time, when lumber can be rafted to and from points on the A. A G. R. R. and the city of Savannah, and will thus afford better facilities for rafting than any other mill in the State of Georgia, For farther particulars apply to M. J. SOLOMONS*! augß-td QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton Street, SZOOHD 9001 FROM OORNZB BULL ITIIII. A large and elegant Stock of China, Queensware, Glass, he., Just received from the manufacturers, and for sale at LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. JOBBERS AND DEALERS From all parts of the Country are invited to examine my •' WHOLESALE STOCK, Which includes packages containing complete assort ments, pat np expressly for COUNTRY TRADE. Assorted Crates of WHITE GRANITE WARE, “ “ COMMON WARE, “ “ WHITE GRANITE and COMMON W ARE. Goods re-packed to salt purchasers. anl-lm E. D. SMYTH. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned hare formed a Partnership for tire purpose of carrying on a GENERAL AUCTION and COMMISSION BUSINESS In the City of Savan nah, under the firm name of Bell, Wylly A Christian The liberal patronage formerly extended to Bell A Christian and G. W. Wylly, Is respectfully solicited for the new firm. SAMUEL P. BELL, GEORGE W. WYLLY. M3lO HENRI R, CHRISTIAN. PItfANCIAL The Saraaaah National Bank IS NOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, AT THE BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposits and Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York famished. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. directors : L. C. Ncrvell, | • Francis Sorrell, NonLE A. Hardee, I J. W. Latubof, Robert Erwin. HENRY S. FITCH, r o-.u . Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 2oth Jane, 1865. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ) Office of Comptroller of the Cdreenoy, > Washington, June 10th, 1865. j Whebeas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The Savannah Natyonal Bank,” in «he City of Savannah, In the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been dnly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide tor the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June S, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be compiled with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act; Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Savannau National Bane,’’ In the City of Savannah, In the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ized to commence the business of Banking nnder the Act aforesaid. w1 r t ? eas ™y hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 18C5. rv io« , „ FREEMAN CLARKE. )ti26 66 J 2mos of the Currency. <?UOTATIOWS For Southern Bank /Votes. BANKING HOUSE •—OF MANNING & DE FOREST, 19 WAIL STREET, NEW YORK. VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley ** Commerce, Fredericksburg 20 “ Charleston, Charleston 20 “ the Commonwealth 15 “ Howardsvllle 1 “ Old Dominion 30 “ Rockbridge m “ Rockingham on “ Scottsvllle on “ the Valley Z “ Virginia '3O “ Winchester go Central Bank of Virginia 20 Corporation of Alexandria Danville Bank, Danville 20 Exchange Bank or Va., Norfolk 20 Farmers' Bank of Fincastle .20 “ “ Richmond 20 Merchants’Bank, Lynchburg on Monticello Bank i 5 Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville. 70 Southwestern Bank, Wythesviile 1 ’2O Traders’ Bank, Richmond . .20 NORTH CAROLINA, Bank of Cape Fear... 30 “ Charlotte 2“ “ Clarendon..., 35 “ Commeice " “ Fayetteville 25 “ Lexington 2 0 " North Carolina ' " '33 “ Wadesborough 25 “ Washington on “ Wilmington « “ Yancevllle ' 25 Commercial Bank, Wilmington 26 Farmere’ Bank of North Carolina... 25 Merchants’Bonk, Newbem a SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cantden “ Charleston “ Chester “ Geoigetown 15 “ Hamburg .'.."is “ Newbury m “ South Carolina.., ..”15 “ State of South Carolina ’ 'l7 Commercial Bank. Columbia 14 Exchange “ “ Farmers’ and Exchange 12 Merchants’, Cheraw 10 People’s Bank * 30 Planters' •’ Planters' and Mechanics' Bank to South W. R. R ofi State Bank ', 0 Union Bank 45 GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 12 Bank of Augusta “ Athens ' '2O " Columbus ";i2 • Commerce !l2 “ Fulton •. .' . ’."'ls “ EmplreState !.!.!l2 “ Middle Georgia 50 “ Savannah Bank of State of Georgia ’25 Central Railroad Banking Company 65 City Bank of Angus&7. .. .20 Farmers’and Mechanics 12 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company 15 Marine Bank 43 Mechanics’ Bank j 0 Merchants’ “ _ Merchants and Planters'Bank i 12 Planters'Bank Timber Cutters’ Bank 'ls Union “ 72 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile '. “ Montgomery 05 “ Selma 25 Commercial Bank | .25 Central 14 0* Eaetem Bank ' 30 Northern “ Southern “ TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga 75 “ Memphis is .“ Middle Tenneseee 50 “ Tennessee 20 “ West Tennessee 73 City Bank of Nashville a Commercial Bank Merchants' “ _ Ococe “ 25 Planters’ “ jo Southern “ 20 Shelbyrilte “ 20 Traders' “ 26 Union “ LOUISIANA. Bank of America 98 “ Louisiana.. “ New Orleans f,o Canal Bank 98 Citizens’ Bank 90 Crescent City : 60 Louisiana Stste Bank 50 Mechanics' and Traders’ Bank » 90 Merchants' “ 50 Southern “ 90 Union ♦< 60 New Orleans City Scrip 90 STATE BONOS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds.and Coupons 57 to 60 N. Carollns “ “ 75 S Carolina “ “ Georgia ’’ “ 75 to 82 Tennessee “ “ 72 Memphis City “ “ ~...72 Augusts, (la. “ “ 65. Savannah 65 City of Memphis Coupons 75 Memphis and Charleston Railroad Coupons 55 The above Bonds are bought with Coupons lncladed from July, 1891. % These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. The Notes must be of the Issue before the war, and not torn. We pay the above rates in United States Legal Ten der Notes, or In Gold Coin at market rates, If desired by parties. Packages of notes can be sent by Express wlu Instructions. Bemittances made promptly. «u 4 Sa'im BOARD, ROOMS, Ac. ROOMS TO LETT A t ZZiltoxi Bead, 18. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 26, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to 6 H, ' ju22 AMUSEMENTS. VOLKS’ OAHTEN, (Congress st, between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.J REGULAR • SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NKJHTX by tub Savannah Orchestra, Prof E. Richter, Leader, va^v Refreai “ nente of the , bert “and In every vartety. i mo jyjo SHIPPING. Atlantic Coast Mail Steam, ship Company. For New York. i The Fifet Class Steamship ARIAD- K!? tl , Tely on ™URS DAY, the 17th Inst, at 10 o'clock, at For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to aa4 JOHN R. WILDER. FOR NEW YORK STAR LINE. SEMI-WBBSIsV. The first class U. S. Mat! Steamships. umraD3TATE« " * Capt ' CABPEKTi “- CONSTITUTION, . . . Capt. Gm^ The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN* CO, Ansta, annah. Ga. . WAEEMAN, GOOKIN 4 mcL..,oON, Agents, IT Broadway, New York. the” NEVADA Will leave Savannah for New York on Saturday, 18th Instant. For Freight or Passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. jy2B-tf Agents. 31 Irß{ H A XTS’ LINL Sailing Jg|| V essels. Regular Weekly Line or CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be- T* 1 thoaboye Port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the very beet fa. cilitles for delivering freight In good order, at low rate*, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York CHARLES L. CiLBY A CO., JY*B cor. Bay sr.u Abercorn streets. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK, The First Class Fast Sailing Baltimore Clipper WENONAH, Capt. Warner, have Immediate despatch for the above port. Has room for some light freight on deck. Soperior accommodation* for passengers* First Cabin S3O Apply early to C. L. COLBY & CO.. an 9 Corngr Bay and Abercorn street*. Cotton and other Freight FOR NEW YORK. Merchants Line Sailing Vessels THE fast wiling Clipper Bchooner OVOCA, Captain Robt. H. Mitchell, will commence loading for the abore port on Thursday, the 10th, and wUldear oa Saturday, the 12th inst. Has superior accommoda tions for a few passengers in the First Cabin, Fare S3O, Apply to CHAS. L. CO BY 6 CO., angd-tf cor. Bay and Abercom street*. FOR NEW YORK. k-FTn. Brig GEORGE AMOS, SteDson, master. now discharging at Anderson's wharf, foot fJcW of Barnard street, will be ready to receive freight on Wednesday, August 9tb, and wiß have dispatch. For freight or passage apply to GADEN A UNCKLES, Agents, augß-tf cor. Bay and Barnard sta. FOR LIVERPOOL. K-TTN THE British Bark NUTFIELD, Hollis. Master, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch foe -in .rwTßthe above port. For balance of freight apply to au9 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO, For Augusta, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. O’NEIL’S FLATS Nos. 1 and 2 will leave for tha above port ou WEDNESDAY, the 16th Inst— Insurance guaranteed at the lowest rates. Only a limited quantity freight taken. Way freight payable by shippers. Apply to CRANE. JOHNSON & GRAYBILL, auX2-3 Bay street, fob sat e, RECEIVED PER STEAMER CHASE, 200 tits (new 1865), No. I Family Mackerel. aqg-ff N, A, HARDEE & CO. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. au!2 : tf Cellar to Let. TO .LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. an!2-tf White Sulphur Springs, FLORIDA. A Popular and Healthful Resort. THE subscriber is prepared to accommodate Board* era at the abore named Springs, situated within twelve miles of Lake City and seven miles from Wel bnm Station, on tne Jacksonville and Tallahassee Railroad. -Stages connect regularly with the trains to convey passengers to the Springs. The Sulphur Springs are noted for the botmtilU sun ply of water and for its medicinal virtues, many cases of long standing disease having been affected by their Terms adapted to suit the times. ans-dlw&2aw3w W. A. TURNER. I- c. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 181-2 Merchants' Row, . HILTON HEAD , S. C. 2m ink; OK GROSS INK, in stands, at $8 50 per gross. IS “HL dozen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sal. by t SAVILLE A LEACH. anl2 ts cor, Bryan street and Market square,