Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 15, 1865, Image 3
I OCIL MATTERS. To Ml* of Goods TO AforsTA.—See Hewn. Erwin A Hardee's advertisement, in another column Oglethorpe Fibe Cokpakv, No. I.—The attention ( ,£ the original and newly chartered members is call ej to tlie advertisement ol a meeting of the Company to be held at the Court House this evening, at half past sis o'clock. Fboji New York.— The fine screw steamship Ariadne (’apt. Crarey, arrived at this port yesterday. We are indebted to Capt. Cravey and Purser Wil liams for Sew York dates to the loth Inst. The fol lowing Is the marine report: On Sunday last, between Cape Romaln and Cape Fear, passed the steamships Zodiac and Nevada, hence for New York. The Zodiac was ahead. Pie-Stc AND CHOWDEB PARTY AT THE ISI.E OF Charles E. Flanders, whose attractive summer resort at the Isle of Hope Is ao popular, an nounces to-day a plc-nlc and chowder party, for to dies and gentlemen, at hto place, to occur to-morrow. Any one who has been entertained by Mr. Flanders knows his good qualities as a host, and will be glad to participate In an occasion of this kind. The tick ets are for sale at Stuart A Co.’s, the Hilton Head Hoosc. Mollno’s Cigar store, and the Savannah Her ald Store. The Old Cemetery.—Yesterday afternoon one of our reporters noticed a lady, accompanied by a ser vant, endeavoring to enter the cemetery, to clear off the spot where the dust of loved ones reposed. The gates on South Broad and Abereom streets being nailed up, the tody could not enter the grounds.— Would It not be well for our City Council to have the gate on South Broad 3treet repaired and put in proper order, so that all who desire to visit the cem etery may l?e enabled to do sot The key to the gate might be kept In the neighborhood, to be obtained on application to the Clerk of Council. There Is, we learn, a desire on the part of many who visit the city to examine the old vaults, tombs, etc., in this city of the dead. Geoeoia Medical Society.—Recently the (Jeorgla Medical Society passed the following preamble and resolutions. Asa matter of Importance, wc give them publicity: Whereas, The Georgia Medical Society, being the oldest chartered Medical Society in the State of Geor gia, and the only Medical Society In this part of the State, has always been appealed to by the members of the profession for the regulation of Its Ethics ; and whereas, for the good of the community, as well as the members of tUc medical piofesslon, It Is desirable that the high position which has always been claimed for It as an association of scientific, well educated and well bred gentlemen, should be fully main tained. Hesoh-ed, That an invitation be extended to all the members of the medical profession of Savannah, whose character and attainments entitle them to he recognized by the most respectable part of the pro fession, to unite themselves with the Society, engag ing to conform to all the rules and regulations of the Georgia Medical Society. THE COURTS. DISTRICT PROVOST COURT—BEFORE LIEUT. COL. ROBT. P. YORE, DISTRICT PROVOST MARSHAL. Savannah, Aug. 14, 1865. Patrick Whelan vs. Richard J. Courtenay—Action to recover money advanced by plalntur for the pur chase of groceries, to be brought from Hilton Head. In the above case it was -ordered that this case bo dismissed, and plaintiff pay cost of suit. Counsel for defendant, Thomas M. Norwood, Esq. Motel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 14. L D Roundtree, Valdosta,-8 Simmons. Baltimore Georgia is H Cony, Sag Harbor Mi's M Hatch A 3children,!Capt s L Denuette A tody, Twiggs Cos., Geo. | Sir Sampson Wm H Rice, St- Louis. Mo.iCapt J A Nickerson, Sclir I Bt'olg, C E Howard J W Mason. Savannah leapt Geo B Creary, S S Wm J Lawton, So Ca j Ariadne I \V Lawton, Jefferson, Ga IE Williams, do I Clinat, J F Kiug do (V L Peimimen, St. Helena] U P King do (Y It Hoyt, charleston B A Wlilpple, Wilkinson EMorony, do I Cos Ga L> BStruuet, S S Contlnen- James It Culrnne, V S vols tal ]a G W Ranklfi, New York F A Miltett, HUton Head M Koseiueld, Thomasvllle, vv L R Rains, Augusta, Ga; Geo PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 13. Dr W H Daley, USA HU-iT Noman N Y City ton head EC Fox, Asst Surg 21 V G W Allen, USN | SC i u Gilbert, Hilton Head 1 SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 13. Capt J H Russell, Jack-IOoIBW Thompson, 32 U sonvile. I SOT W O'Monk, Beaufort, S CIN S Roberts, Asst ifurg 31 L N Saunders, H Head j US C T Capt T D Hodges 85 USCI > I Kelly, H Head 1J It Gilmore. {Shippings lutelligrence, Miuature Almanac—Tills Day. Sun rises 6 22'Moon sets 012 Sun sets 6 «|Htgli water 2 28 FORT PULASKI, GA., Aug. 13, 1865. Cast Hiram Briocs, com’g steamer U. S. Grant. It affords us unfeigned pleasure to offer tiffs testi monial of the kindness and courtesy extended to us. In our many trips on hoard the steamers under your command from time to time, we hope that the future will always find us so excellently bestowed on "boat or ship" a3 you have us, and that you will always, meet friends who will ever remember you as kindly as Vour3, truly, James S. Boice, Assistant Surgeon. Charles 0. Hallett, Captain Wm. H. Cronk, Jr, R. Q. M John Henderson, Ist Ueutenant. A. Marosheit, Lt. and F. M. Georoe w. Tuthall, 2d Lieut. Chas. S. Yiiunohast, Ist Lieut. w. a kalor. PORT OF SAVANNAH. - * Arrived. Saturday, Aug. 12, 1865. Steamship Ariadne, Crarey, New York, to John R. Wilder. Passengers—Chas. Doss, F. Bolg, Joh. F. Coe, W. n Rice, M L Pcnulmen, B Leary, P F Dennis. Consignees—Geo. TjNlchol*?, H Memliard, A bro, Chas. Doss, E E Banem, W H Grady, John Lama, John Mahon, Lnchtnas, Horne A Caldwell. John Stnrk. Occonncll Mills, Barry A Batts, Ell Mu -tine. Brady, Smith A Cos, lln a diamond, R Haverstraw, Jolm Stark, Horne A Caldwell, T Pease, J Femandey, double triangle, J C Schreiner, T Bateson, L. 41, Gardner, J Roseuband, D M R, M G Dobbins, M first A Cos, c In a diamond, J A Lendrick, M S Mayer, 1) Selr. B SStraup, M A Cohen, G A 0 In a square, G. F A Lefller, H A M, and various others. Steamer Sampson, Denette, Hilton Head. ' Young’s flat, from Augusta, with 260 bales Lpiaud cotton. , Cleared. „ „ . Schr Henry Castoff, Albro, Wilmington, N C, by Emil Koethcke ACa . . . __ Steamer General Berry, Henry, Augusta, by Chas Steamer C St Helena, Cereopley, Beaufort, with 290 contrabands. Brig E B Cook, Speed, New York, bv Blxley A Cos. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Cleared. Aug. 12— Schooner Aron, Baker, New York. Aug. 12—Schr Jcwrlre Morton, Glover, Jackson viiip Ang. 12—8chr Anna Glener, Dasov, Fcrnandlna. The Kentucky Colored Troops—Sta tistics Concerning Them. Louisville, Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1865.—Gen. Brisbin, in bis official report of ibe organization of col ored troops, states that Kentucky has fur nished 28,818 black men to the array. The 107tb. 108tb, 109tb, 114, 115th, lf6th. 117tb, 118th, 119th 122d, 123d. 124th and 125th regiments of colored infantry are all from Kentucky. They have been retained in the service, and the first eight ordered to Texas. The 4th, Bth, 12th ancl 13th regiments of colored artillery (heavy,) and the oth and 6th regiments of cavalry are from Kentucky, and expect the Bth artillery are now on duty In this State. Gen. Brisbin says that 24,000 women and children have been freed, under the act of March 3. 1865, granting freedom to the wives and children of the colored soldiers. The whole number of persons made free In Kentucky through the instrumentality of the army is 100,864. Returning soldiers are going West over the Pennsylvania Railroad at the rate ot two or three hundred a month, to take up land* In the West under the Homestead Law. —There was a large fire in Galveston on the 2d Inst, kindled by incendiaries, the purpose evidently being to destroy the en tire town. The prize money from about 500 naval captures is announced for distribution at the Fourth Auditor’s Bureau. Cmtm «r the fieM Harket slave the 8«i. peaslea es Specie Payne at*. The following table shows the rise and fall of gold from the suspension of specie pay ments in January, 1862, to the Ist inst. It will be interesting to many of our readers, and valuable for reference: _ . 1862. 1863. 16«4 Dtte. Lnw'st. Higb'at.Low*. High's! Low'atHigh't January,... Par 105 134 ion 151 \ February. .102 ln4 I*3 n-> 13; iju, Apth 191 162 146 159 106 IST “*y JO? HU 143 153 lfis 190 Joly 109 120 123 145 222 290 August .112 110 122 129 231 262 September .110 124 127 143 185 ins October. ....122 137 140 156 189 229 November.,l29 133 143 154 209 260 December...l36 134 147 152 211 244 1865. IB6r> * Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. January .234’, 190?, May. .145 128 G February.2l6;i 196 1 4 June. 147« 135 k March.... 201 y t 147*J July. .147 138 s., April 160 144 President Johnson’s Policy.—We have received the following important intelligence from a private friend who has access to the best means of information relative to the in tendons of the United States government with regard to Mexican matters. President Johnson has resolved : 1. To sustain by force of arms, and with all the resources ot the Union, the Canning-Monroe doctrine in its integrity. 2. To protest formally against the armed intervention of Europeun Powers (France, Austria and Belgium) in the civil war which now desolates the republic of Mexico. A general convention of the States of the American Union will be • beta at an early date, in view of calling on the Executive to effect the expulsion of Maximilan and bis foreign mercenaries from the sister republic of Mexieo. The Washington government has not originated this movement, which is truly a popular and spontaneous one. It express es the feeling of both North and South. The resolutions of the convention will enable President Johnson to carry out bis policy, and will of a surety free -the republic of Mexico from the presence of the degenerate Hapsburg who now plays the ignoble part of satrap to Loui6 Napoleon.— London Aduertiser, July 25. Manufacture of India Rubber.—The cen sus lor 1860, exhibit the total manufacture ot India rubber goods in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachu setts, Rhode Island and Connecticut to be as follows: Annual value of product, $5,642,700; an nual cost ot labor, $794,570; number of male hands employed, 1,795; number es female hands employed, 973; cost of raw material, $3,056,3G0; capital invested, $35,354,000; number of establishments, 27. In addition, two establishments, "SIOO,OOO capital; cost of raw material, $C9,000; male hands employed, 34; cost of labor, $21,600; annual value ol' product, $125,750, from the manufacture ot gutia-percha goods in the State of New York. Internal Revenue Decisions.—The Com missioner of Internal Revenue to-day made the following decisions : Bonds given in action of replevin and in actions commenced by Capias are held lo Ije bonds required in legal proceedings and are therefore exempt from Stamp duty. Ordinary dredging for the _ purpose of keeping water channels in navigable condi tion is considered rather as a work of repair than a labor of construction, find therefore contracts for cash labor do not render the contractor liable to license. A deed executed prior to Sept. 1, 1862. if. it was delivered before that date, requires no stamp, and may be admitted to record. But if delivered since that date it cannot be legally recorded unless stamped. Manufactures in Tennessee.—One of the largest and finest rolling mills in the United States is already in operation in Chattanoga, Tenn., which is turning out the best quality of railroad iron of the T pattern. A blast furnace is in contemplation, and a copper rolling mill of $1,000,000 capital is soon to be put up in the neighborhood. A large blast furnace will be commenced in the fall on the Tennessee river above Chattanooga. Several coal oil companies are only waiting for ma chinery to commence operations in different localities around that place. The oil coal mines are being" reworked and new ones opened. From Peru and Chili.—The revolution in Peru against the government of President Pezet still prevails. Nothing decisive in the matter of a military character had occurred since the date of our previous advices ; but affairs are represented as lavorable for an early triumph ot thp revolutionists. The government troops were being concentrated near Lima, and it was thought that a deci sive battle would soon be fought in the vi cinity of that city. In the republic of Chili the subject of granting freedom of worship for all denominations was being agitated.— Though strongly opposed by the priesthood and their party,- it has maDy earnest friends In Congress and among the people, and the newspapers are almost unanimous in its fa vor. —A. Y. Htrald. Meeting of Colored Men at Nashville. Nashville, August 7, 1865.—At the conven tion ot colored people of Tennessee, held for this State, to-day, Mr. Kelson Walker was elected chairman. He stated the objects of the meeting to be to petition the Legislature, and sending a delegation to Washington, ..tin, the privilege of elective franchise, and to lay their grievances before the people of the State. . Several speeches were made in furtherance Os the object of the meeting. A Committee on Resolutions will be ap pointed to-morrow. Tne St. Louis grain elevator will soon be completed and in operation. This building is 260 feet long, 85 wide, 128 high on the land side and 172 on the river, and contalus 103 bins, with a capacity of 1,200,000 bushels It is expected that 100,000 bushels of grain per day can be handled easily. In addition to the ordinary use of t an elevator arrange ments are in progress by which 10,000 bushels oflgrain can be daily sacked for re slilpment or other purposes. The Raleigh Progress states that Governor Holden has appointed the usual number of Superior Court Judges and Solicitors for the State. It is not expected at present that these Judges will hold the regular Fall Terra of the Superior Courts. The object seems to be to hold courts for the trial of criminal causes only, and for tills purpose a term of the courts will be ordered in every county where it may be required. Texas papers report the robbers infest ing Texas as having everything their own way. Several persons in Hays county were hanged till nearly dead, in order to extort money from them. Between San Antonia and Austin the stage* and wagons were re guiarly robbed. Ettrick's cotton factory at Petersburg, Va„ was destroyed by fire last Thursday. Loss, S2OO 000, which is insured for $50,000. Three hundred hands are thrown out of employ ment by the fire. A letter irom Paris received in Washing ton says that great hope prevails among the French officials that there will be an Ameri can recognition of Maximilian at no distant day. The Fenian Sisterhood loom up as an important organization. Kincora is the name of their lodge, and Sister O’Shay di rects the circle. —John Bell, who is now in Nashville, is said to have failed greatly in health during the last four years. His teatures show the ravages of time, and care and trouble. —Col. J. M. Sanderson has received a let ter from the Secretary of the Prince of Wales, congratulating him on the action of Secretary Stanton. Special Notice. TH E undersigned having been appoint'd Agent ol the Sonthem Mutual Insurance Company, Athens, Georgia, to now ready to resnme the budneea of said Company. Can be'fonnd at N. A. Hardee A Qo.'s Office. Bay street. auli » JOHN N. LEWIS. Oglethorpe Fire Compaay, No. 1. A Meeting of this Company will be held at the Court House on TCKSDAY EVENING, 15th inst., at half past 6 o’clock. Ail honorary members and old members are respect fully invited to attend, as business of importance will be transacted. By order PHILIP M. RUSSELL, President. Attest: C. L. LotusE, Acting Secretary. au!4-2 A CARD. Savannah. Ang. 14, 1865. We regret that, from circumstances over which we had no control, we were compelled to close our busi ness lor the past two days. Our House was estafc lished in 1850, and we never before failed to meet all demands the year round. We are now receiving a fresh supply, aud can with safety assure our friends aud the public that our ar rangements are complete, and that in future there need be no apprehension of a failure to fill all orders OCR HOUSES Ou Market Square, on corner of Bull and Abereom sts, aud on South Broad street, are now open for the sale of ICE, and we respectfully ask a renewal of those favors heretofore so liberally bestowed. an'l-S HAYWOOD, GAGE & CO. BATCHELOR'S hath DYE I The Original and Best in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye- Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The‘genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. auH-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. White Sulphur Springs, FLORIDA.. A Popular and Healthful Resorts THE subscriber is prepared to accommodate Board ers at the above named Springs, situated wUhin twelve miles of Lake City and seven miles from Wei burn Station, on the Jacksonville and Tallahassee Railroad. Stages connect regularly with the trains to convey passengers to the Springs. The Sulphur Springs are noted for the bountiful sup ply of water and for its medicinal virtues, many case t of long standing disease having been affected by their use. Terms adapted to suit the times. aul-dl w&2awaw w. A. TURNER. I. C. FEATHER, M. D.” Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. ju® 2m House Wanted, VI r ITH seven or eight good Rooms, within one t r fourth mile of the corner of Bay and Drayton streets, if possible; furnished or unfurnished ; lease not required before the first of November, but will be taken immediately if necessary to secure It. Apply at the SAVANN AU HERALD OFFICE. ts au!4 WHISKEY AND TOD Il l'll AT AUCTION. THERE will be a Saie at Auction of 11 barrel. WHISKEY and 13 cast, TOBACCO, at the Warehouse of the Depot Commissary of Subsist ence, IIILTON HEAD, S. U., on Monday, Areg. Ql, ’63. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M. U3F- Terms Cash, in Government Funds. C. S. LAftfGDON, aul4-6 Captain and C. S.Woluuteers. V AI.UABLE Timber & Turpentine Lands FOR SALE. O— —— 20,000 Acres lu Pierce aud Ware Coun ties, Georgia. o THE subscriber offers for sale 20,000 acres of Supe rior Timber and Turpentine Lands lying in Pierce and Ware counties, lu this state. These lands were selected with a special view to the timber and turpentine business, and to a Company contempla ting the prosecution of that business on a large scale, offer the greatest possible advantages, as the lands lie in a body, on the line of the Albany and Gulf Rail road, and near the junction of that Road with the lines of Railroad leading from Brunswick to Albany. They are also watered by the Satilla and Allapaha rivers, navagable streams for rafting to Brunswick , and Darien, Ga. The timber to heavy, and of the first class of ranging timber, the trees yielding tnrpentine In the greatest abundance, while tile land is of good quality for farming, yielding good crops of Cora, Cot ton, Sugar, ftc., ftc. The range is very fine for stock, the country being also well adapted to the rai-ing of Sheep. The water is good, and the neighborhood one of the most healthy sections of the State, being free from fevers and the ordinary diseases of the low Southern coun try. Persons desiring to purchase, are referred for for ther particulars to Messrs. Erwin ft Hardee, Savan nah, or to the subscriber, at Blacksheor, Pierce coun ty, Georgia au4-tf E. C. WADE. Notice. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, Sub-District of Ogeiviiek, Savannah, Qa.. August 11,1865, The people of Savannah are hereby notified that an office will be opened at the U. S. Custom House on and after the 12th day of August, ISCS, where Lieut. W. S. Norton, 153d N. Y. V., Assistant Provost Mar shal, will be on duty for the purpose of administering to ladies the Amnesty Oath as prescribed by President Johnson’s Proclamation of May 29th, 18C5. SAM’L COWDRY, Capt and Provost Marshal, aul2-7 Sub DistrUt of Ogecchee. GUNNY CLOTH FOB HALE H Y ani4-4 Octavus Cohen. PnOSPECTtTS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Issued on or about the 15<A of July, 18C5, Bv J. W. BURKE ft CO., MACON, OA This enterprise Is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the country, ns a method of extensively advertising their business.— While we will publish the advertise meats of all who may favor u< with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current ot the Markets In all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Jtc., aud Commercial News of every description that will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “Ml BR'JR ” be exclusively filled with advertisements; bat the paper will De sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, ftc. It will be a family, as wzi.l. as a ursi.Nzss i*apfr, and we intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. Wc are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of oar friend, will want their Business Cards, Notices, ftc., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send yoor Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, ftc. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As soon os we arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rates f t advertising, in the first number. Tuzt will bx as low as rosaisLZ, to allow us TO publish thr PAPER. Deeming U superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tizing world, we leave the aubject with It, feeling as sured lt wlllreaeet Its cordial co-operation and sup port. ■ Address J. W. BURKE 4 CO., Macon, Ga. Agent in Savannah: . ■ Geo. N. Niobols, Bay Street. jylS-tf SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRUQQIBTB. W M. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRIGGLST, aa!4 Sonrhtast cor. Barnard and Broughton sis. New Drug House, Corner Congress and Barnard sts. JACOB LIPPMAN. late Kino & Wtaisu. Ttoomu* M. Turner, DRUGGIST. Southwestern-. Barnard and Broughton sts. A A. Solomons At Cos., . WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGISTS. tF~ Orders executed accnrately and with despatch. BILLIARDS, &c. O’Toole A Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS. WINES. Ac. ‘ Broughtoust.. third door from Bull Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O'MEARA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, ftc. Bay street, over Express Office. Untou Shades, Nouxnt, Proprietor. ALES, WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS, 4c. 65 Bull st„ opposite Pulaski House. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Ofllce,) by A. Stamm, Wholesale and Retail None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. WINES, LIQUORS, Ac, HG. Rawe & Cos., • WHOLF.SALZ PFAI.KR- IX LIQUORS. AI.ES AND LAGER BEER, Cor, St. Julian street .and Johnson square Israel R. Sealy Ac Cos., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF CHARLES FARRE CHAMPAGNES, , In the State of Georgia. 207 Bay st., between ltarzard and Jefferson, an 9 Savannah, Ga. laracl-R, Scaly & Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. ad 9 207 Bay st., betwe- n Barnard and Jefferson J Lunin, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Spak • Lin Seoars, Fuenoh Brandies. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. DRY GOODS. ~ John C. Maker 6k Cos., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, Ac. Cor, Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale ajidßetail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at l7)ipfeee tleiUed Low Prices. ONE PRICK ONLY. Presdee 6k Orff. DRY GOODS-Wtini.Eß and Hit a 11.. John McConnghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. Samuel M. Lederer, Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goons. Boots and Suoks, Clothing, Hats, Ac. 146 Congress street. - GROCERIES, &c, SS. MHler, 1r,7 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap. Flonr, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons, Hay, Outs, Corn, Cow P as, Pioders, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. . Bui) \f Ferst 6k Cos.. *\) o.csale Dealer in Wines, Li gross, Seoars, Fam Candies, Ac. AP. .Mirii, Wholesale and Retail Deal lit in • GROCERIES, FRUITS, Ac. Cor, Whitaker and Congress st. Lane Coneilon 6k Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Comer Whitaker and St. Julian sts., Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton & Randell, WHOLESALE GROCERS; 193 Bat Street, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in this city. E® 3 * Oi yo, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, • - Wines, Liqcons, Ac. Robert Balfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez • CONFECTIONER—WhoIesaIe and Retail. makekaothrer op STUUP3, CORDIALS AND FINK CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY SYRUPS, CANDIES, Ao., Ao , isr- In any quantities, to suil Purchasers. WHITAKER STREET. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Reading & Cos., • photographers, Cor, Whitaker and St. Julian sts. Otown's Photograph Gallery, AJ Cards De Vibit* and Photocriphb, __,___ M—^^^lurketSquare. GAS FITTING, &c. "plumbing and Gas Fitting, ~ A By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton s;., one door Wert of Barnard. WH. \% illiam*. Gas Fitter and Plumiirr, • and Dealer in Tin Ware. House Furmsuino goods, Ac. 145 Broughton street Weed dk Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers In Hardware and Tin Ware. - No. 159 and 161 Broughton street. TT Crauston, u • plumber and gas fitter, 91 Bryan st„ next io cor. Whitaker. SUGARS, TOBACCO, &c. FKoIb. • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, ftc. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. £eoakb, Tobacco, Snuff, Pipe**, - • Fancy Abticlks, JStationeby, Ac. and Broughton sts. IP Constant, luiobtkr of Domestic and Havana • Seoars, Meerschaum Pipe*, <fcc. Aluo, Winca Champagnes and other Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Post Office. COMMISSION MERCHAKm MA. Cohen • FORWARDING and COMMLSS’N MERCHANT, Office Home ins. Cos., 89 Bay st. Bell) Wyllj & Christian, AUCTION, GEN ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah, Ga. ANI. Scarbrough & Cos., OeToceky and Com • mission Merchants, 140 Congress and 67 fct. Juuan 8t«. Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances ou Cotton, Ac. Erwin A. Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ames 6k Peabotly, Jobbers in Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s Calf. Serge aud Kid BOOTS and SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. 152 Congresß st., 4tn door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nlcliola, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. llu Broughton st.. 2d door irom Bull. CHINA WARE, Ac. 1.5 D. Smyth, QUEKNSWARE, GLASS AND -J. CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. IflS Bronghton street, 2d door from ( or. of Bull. SCHIVENEBY. John J. Purtille, Gate Recorder of the Second Provost Court; will attend to all Writings and Business entrusted to hto care, at Saloon of Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, *o. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets. ARCHITECTURE, &c. ~ James C. Blance, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will attend to all calls on bus iness lu the above branches. HT Office No. 124 Bay aireet, next to Stoddard’s Range. auß Ac. ~ Savilie ft Leach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan sfreet and Market Square. _ Vs arlrlng I nit, M.vßcrAcrcsZD and foraale by ivl DAVID H. GALLO WAV, Geo. V. Nichols, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. sbetween5 between Abercorn and Drayton. e. j: B^Vo T » A^ H rftc OTAT,oN^ No. 6 Whitaker street, u W. Mason ftc Cos., c. herald job printing office. No. 11l Bay streot. DIRECTORY CONTINUED. PROFESSIONAL. " Dr. X. Ms Knrrd, DENTIST. SrcrrHHOß to Dr. E. Pamow, York street near Court House, Savannah- Qa. aulO J] WATCHES, JEWELRY, A.. ijt U. Jordan, Dealer in Wat, res and Jewelry, s Silver and Plated Wake Fancy Goods, 4c. tP- Watohea and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. "fit -- ...II HAIR DRESSING, &c. Pulaski House Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and Bryan sts.y Shaving, flair Catting. Shampooing. Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soapa. Cologne. Neck Ties and other Fancy Articles for sale. FURNITURE. Dcnuts Falvev, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. N*\v Work Manr to Order. Repairing. Bell Hanging, Ac., at short notice. 138 Broughton st. WANTED. Wanted. TWO or three first class boarder* by a private fami ly, living in a good neighborhood and central.— Address, for one week, * Sherman,” Herald office. augS-lw Wanted. A NICELY furnished room, without board, where the people are not too inquisitive. Address, “iinmes, 11 Herald office. ang-S-lw WANTED niniTELY. FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Also, Cot ton Pickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grease, Metals, Bottles, Jtc., at the FOREST CITY MILLS, an4-tf Savannah. THE Underwriters’ Agency Os New York, CASH ASSETS, . Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire 8c Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY. » Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ARI iSSVID .Y THU ASSOCIATION. J. T. THOMAS * CO., aull-eoJlm 111 Bay Btrreet. VEGETABLES At Low Prices. JUST ARRIVED, by the steamer Chase, a Large Assorted Stock of Vegetables, con sisting of—- POTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGES, BEETB, and TURNIPS, AND A— Flue Lot of Northern Apples. All of which will be sold immediately at low prices, in lots to suit pnrchascis. E. P. DEl’fi. 133 Broughton street, Jesse's Old Stand. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. _sn9 lw AUCTION SALE. TX7ILL be sold at Pottle Auction, ir. accordance ff with orders from the General Commanding District ofhavannah, by Bell, WyJly & Christum. Auctioneers, ON WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, AT O A. M. TITO PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEW INSTRUMENTS AND APPURTENANCES, The property of SAM. A. COOLEY, to satisfy judg ment against said Cooley, lu favor of E. U. Clapp, the First Provost Conrt, District of Savannah, Jaue Jth, 1805. The - J ale will be held at BECKETT’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, North aide of Bronghton, between Barnard and Wbit ker streets aulO 2 EXCHANGE WANTED. WANTED, FIRST CLASS EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. By THOMAS PEPPER, aul2 3 115 Congress street. Iron, Iron, Iron. TX/" ANTED Immediately, Fifty Tons of wrought and it Cast Scrap Iron and Metals. The highest ca»b prices paid. Manufacturers supplied. OLIVER ft CO., aul2 Forest City Mills, Savannah. DON’T TRADE FOR THAT DUE BILL, ALL persons are hereby notified not to trade for a Due Bill given by me to K. G. Wilson and paya ble to hto order for two hundred and forty dollars and twenty cents, as said Due BUI has been paid by me long since. The dne bill to dated February 19th, 18.59, aut2-3 WM. SWOLL. GUERARD & FERRILL" THE undersigned having entered into Copartnership as Factor*, Brokers and Commission Merchants, will sell aud parchaae on Conimiwion Coiton, Timber, Prodnre and Merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited. EDGAR L. GUERARD. BENJAMIN B. FEURILL Rcttri™cf9.— Robt. Habersham & Sons, Geo. W. Anderson, Anthony Porter, Hunter A Qammell, Jno. L. Viilnlonga. ts auli STATIONERY. k)i iA REAMS Superfine Commercial Note Paper, P/i pounds to the ream, at the very low price of IK-' 50 per ream. Also, a large variety of other Papers, Envelope*, Pens, Ink, Pencils, ftc. For sale by SAVILLE ft LEACH, anl2 cor. Bryar. street aud Market Square. And Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. NEW GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, a large and beautifol assortment of FANCY GOODS, selected expressly for tbl* market. Call »nd see them. C. M. HILLSMAN, anlJ’-C ' Cor. Bull and Bronghton sts. HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OQEECHEE,) SAVAJiNsn, Ga., August 13, 1865. ) GinotAL Obdxs.l No. 91. I Capt Jno. Mallen, 12th Conn. Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as A. A. A. General, Sub-District of Ogeechee, as his Regiment to to be mastered cat of the service. Ist Lieut. W. H. Folk, Adjutant U3d N. Y. Infantry, to hereby announced as A. A. A. G. of the Sub-District of the Ogeechee. He will be obeyed and respected ac cordingly. EDWIN P. DAVIS, auH 7 Brevet Brig. Gen. Cemd’g, FINANCIAL. The Savannah National Bank —TS NOW PREPARED for business, at mz BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposits and Paper for Collection received Bills on Northern Cities purchased, Checks on New York famished. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, I Cashier. niißOTom* : L. C. Noevzll, I Francis Sorrell, Noblz a. Hardee. I J. *7. Latusof, Rorrst Erwin. HENRY 8. FITCH, Notary and ttollcitor. Savannah. 2ith June, 1865 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 1 Ornot of Comptroller or the Corzinot, J- Washington, Jnne 10th, 1866. ) Wnicßßaa, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. It has been made to appear that “Ta* Savannah National Bans," In the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has oeen dnly organized nnder and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thoreof," approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act r Now, therefore, L Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "Tn Savannah National Bank,” In the city of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, to author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office. tblalOth day or June. 1866. , FREEMAN CLARKE. .„ Comptroller of the Currency 1u26 2mos QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE OF— MANNING & DE FOREST, 1» WALL STREET, NEW YORK. VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley * AT 7o “ Commerce, Frederickabnrg 2u ‘ Charleston, Charleston 20 the Commonwealth. . ” Howardsville “ Old Dominion •' Phiiii.pi “ Rockbridge .'"*n “ Rockingham ' 5, “ Seottsvllle ""on *• the Valley * “ Virginia XX “ Winchester ax Central Bank of Virginia So Corporation of Alexandria fn Danville Bank, Danville o)j Exchange Bank of Va„ Norfolk.. ’ on Fanners’ Bank of Fincastle XX „ ” “ Richmond m Merchants'Bank, Lyndhbnrg... SX Monticello Bank * ?!: Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville to Southwestern Bank, Wythesville on Traders'Bank, Richmond S5 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear „ •• Charlotte “ Clarendon ;* “ Comracice 7“ r - Fayetteville }/( “ Lexington. S *• North Carolina ,X Wadesborough “ Wilmington..' “ YtmccvUle * X? Commercial Bank, Wilmington 9- Farmers’ Bank of North Carolina or. Merchants’ Bank, Newbern . SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden , 0 •• Charleston ,5 “ Chester “ Ueoigetown ,S :: S a T nrg * “ Newbury r..- ” South Carolina .......... Jr “ State of South Carolina. ‘ Commercial Bank. Columbia. .. ii Exchange *• .. V Farmers'and Exchange ... . ' Jx Merchants', Cheraw People’s Bank Planters’ Planters’ and Mechanics' Bank'. ii South W. It. R ‘ State Bark Union Bank ' qjj GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 12 Bank of Augusta it " Athens ii ” Columbus 7X ‘ Commerce if, “ Fulton If “ Empire State }x “ Middle Georgia “ Savannah 5, Bank of Slate of Georgia .1“ Central Railroad Banking Comoanv c- City Bankof Augusta 3 .J Farmer*’ and Mechanics " (X Mari *** and Banking Company 15 Mechanics’ Bank !!!” Merchants’ “ Merchants and Planters’ Bank. 10 Planters’Bank :7 Timber Cutters’ Bank f ? Union •• ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile C(i “ Montgomery “ Selma Commercial Bank X: Central •• Eastemßank XX Northern “ Southein «■ i‘.7!''.i.'.' 05 TEffiffi ESSKK. Bank of Chattanooga ,0 “ Memphis Jo “ Middle lennewee 6 n “ Tennessee on “ West Tennessee ,u City Bank of Nashville ' 3? Commercial Bank '"!>X Merchants' “ _ Ococe “ ...; ’. Planters’ « 50 Southern “ Shelbyville •• <, u Traders' “ Xs Union “ LOUISIANA. / Bonk of America 95 “ laiuisiana New Orleans 50 Canal Bank Citizens' Bank 92 Crescent City . 60 Louisiana State Bank . .50 Mechanics' and Traders' Bank . . .’ 90 Merchants’ •* ‘., 'jn Southern “ Union i* 50 New Orleans City Scrip ' _ 99 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds and Con pons 67 to 60 N Carolina ** - ...... 7a S Carolina “ •• ..... Z Memphis City “ •• ... 70 Augusta, Ua. “ « cs Savannah '""."as City of Memphis Coupons 75 Memphis and Charleston Railroad Coupons '. 55 frmn July ,V f3«l >lia * bon£ht 7(1111 Coupons Included These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied ou for any length of time. The Notes mast be of the Issue before the war, and not torn. We pay the above rates in United States Legal Ten der Notes, or in Gold Coin at market rates. If desired by parties. Packages of notes can be sent by Express wlttUnstructlons. Remittances made promptly. “a* SaJm BOARD, ROOMS, fttc. ROOMS TO LET, A.t Hilton. Head, S. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or basinets purposes. For terms apply to W. 8. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 25, Hilton Head Post Office, or on th* premises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock w 6 o’clock p. m. Jtffi* I Am-SEMRNTN. VOXiKB’ GAR Tung, (Congress»L, between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,3 REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERT NIGHT. BV THU Savannah Orchestra, Prof. B. Richter, Leader, v«rf£„ ReffC " hm * n, ' l<)f the beet quality and to every Tarlet i lmo anlo _ _____ SHIPPING. itlaixtie Coast Mall Wtearn ship Compauj, For New York, DAY, the 17th Inst, .Tlo o™» t For Freight or Passage, having very superior accorn moa&tions, apply to >n4 JOHN R. WILDER, PIONEER LIKE FOR HI YORK The tr ' s - Mail Steamship PERIT, E. A. Dzlanoy, will sail for the above port on her regular day, Thursday, Aug. 17th, at - O’clock. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dationa, apply to BUNTKR A QAMMELL, au!4 4 qa b. _. Bay street. POENEWTOEK STAR LIRE. SEMI-WEEKIiY The first class U. S. Mail Steamships NEVADA. . • . . . rim , _ UNITED STATES. . . . V AMERICA, . . . Uapt. Sharl. CONSTITUTION, . ' , pt ' Ct,rr ’ - - Capt. Grkman. The shove ships compose the -Line, and wiU sail L°“rda7 YOrk '* nilSavaunall every Wednesday and BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agents, • - WAKEMAN, GOOKIN A DICKtNSOM.Cento. — IT Broadway. New York. MERCHANTS’ LINE Bailing itilfe Vessel*. Regular Weekly Lime of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned intend to keep np a regular week ly line of first class Sailing iween Savannah and the above port, with suDerinr aceommodafion ß for passengers and the very best fa dhues for delivering freight in good orderlatTowmtS, with Promptings nn( j j, Partlcnlar attention Ziven to forwarding goods from New York ™ i ,o CHARLES L. COLBY & CO., cor. Bay and Abereom streets. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing jgg V essels FOR NEW YORK, The Flrtt Class Fast Sailing Baltimore Clipper WENONAH, Capt. Warner, Will have immediate despatch for the above port. Has room for some light freight on deck. Superior accommodations for passengers. First Canm S3O Apply early to C. L. COLBY k CO., Sll ~ Corner Bay and Abereom streets Cotton and other Freight FOR NEW YORK. Merchants Line Sailing Vessels T H Robf H l Mi?,h l lte, Bchooner OVOCA, Captain a *?“■ “-Mitchell, will commence loading for the t°h« re?h ra f* T ; til S 10th ’ and wm batnrday, the 12th Inst. Has superior accommoda fcW. In the First Cabin. Fare *3O. Apply to CHAS. L. CO BY A CO, FOR NEW YORK. rJTD-. GEORGE AMOS. Stenson, master, now discharging at Anderson's wharf foot of Barnard street, wUI be ready to receive freight on Wednesday, August 9th, and will have dispatch. For freight or passage apply to GADEN ft UNCKLEs: AgenU, augS-tf cor. Bay and Barnard sts. FOR LIVERPOOL.”™ THE British Bark NUTFIELD, Hollis. t —(JV Maater i having the greater poruon of her cargo engaged, will have qnick despatch for the above port. For balance of freight apply to 6»9 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. FOR PHILADELPHIA. TIHE Al .q Schooner, PILOT’S BRIDE, now loading for the above port, wants Deck Freight to com plete her cargo. Apply to L. J. GUILMABTIN A- CO., Agts., aiiU-2 No. 148 Bay st. FOR DOCTOR TOWN, VIA DARIEN. THE New and Light Draught Iron Steamer WM G. GIBBONS. Capt Philpot, will leave Dillon's Wharf, as above, on TUESDAY MORNING, 15th Inst at 9 o’clock Freight will be received np to 8 o’clock on the morn ing ol departure. Freight payable on the wharf. Liability of the boat to cease when the frei 1 landed. ~. „ ERWIN ft HARDEE, auH 2 Agents. For Augusta, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. O’NEIL’S FLATS Nos. 1 and 2 will leave for the above port ou WEDNESDAY, the 16th inst.— Insurance guaranteed at the lowest rates. Only a 'lmited quantity freight taken. Way freight payable by shippers. Apply to CRANE, JOHNSON ft QRAYBILL, Bay street. POR SAXjE. RECEIVED PER STEAMER CHASE, . 200 kits (new 1865), No. 1 Family Mackerel. an9-tf N. A. HARDEE 4 CO. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICS. au!2-tf __________ Cellar to Let. TO LET. A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE, Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. au!2-tf For Sale, r 100 Barrels Fresh Flour. Per schooner Henry Castoff, landing at Anderson* Wharf, by aoll KHN ft CO.