Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 15, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1565. FROJI Oi l* ETENDW EDITION OF YESTERDAY. Later from the North. ARRIVAL OF THE ARIADNE. >ctt York Dates to the Even ing of the lOth, Bv the arrival of the steamship Anai'ne from New York this noon, we have New York news to the evening of the 10th. We are indebted to the Purser far promptly for warding our despatches and furnishing us fall files of papers of the latest date. Assessor for this Internal Rev enue District, APPOINTMENT OF COL. CHARLES H. HOPKINS. Colonel Charles H. Hopkins, of Pierce county, has been appointed Assessor of the Ist Internal Revenue District of the State ot Georgia, which includes Chatham and iwen ty-eight other counties. An important an nouncement Yrom him appears elsewhere. * ' LETTER FROM NEW YORK. [Special correspondence of the Savannah Herald.] New York, Aug. 10, p. m. Item To-day 13 at a discount. Nothing stirring of mo ment—in fact, with the thermometer at 89, uobodv cares about stirring round much.— Even our Wall street Mammon-worshippers keep pretty cool, under the circumstances. Some Activity was noticed near the Produce Exchange this noon, owing to an advance in flour of 15 a 35 cents per barrel, but it closed heavy, ow ing perhaps to the “high price of oats’.” which seems to regulate the price of every thing uow-a-days, from the services an ob stretician to the required number of spou dulics for a glass of sloppy lager. Gold has tumbled a little to-day, and at 3 o’clock is quoted at U 2 7-8, having opened at 143 1-2. Alleged Heavy Defalcatlou. Ntw York, Aug. 10, 2:30 P. >L This morning - - ut half-past two o’clock, officer McCarty. the Twenty-ninth Pru r:l.~ ILnry B Jenkins, Pay ing Teller of the Phcenix Bank, No. 45'Wall street, on the complaint of John Parker, Esq., Cashier of the same bank. In a preliminary affidavit,made before Jus tice Led with, Mr. Parker charges that, at various times, the accused has taken the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or thereabouts, from the Bank, and converted the same to his own use without the knowledge or con sent of his employer^. It is understood that the alleged defaulter confesses to taking a large sum of money from the Bank, but the exactr amount he did not state. The facts of the case, more in detail, will be speedily developed before the magistrate. In the meantime Mr. Jenkins Is detained for examination. From tile River Platte. 9ATTLG BETWKLK THE BRAZILIAN AND FARA aUATAN FLEETS*—A OARBI3QN PUT TO DEATH. • New Youk, August 10. By the arrival at this port to-day of the steamship Saladln, from Rio Janeiro, we have news Irom the River Platte toJuuo 29, w hich gives au account of a severe naval engage ment between tbe Brazilian fleet and eight Paraguayan steamers and eight floating bat teries. The greatest bravery was displayed on both sides, aud the slaughter I earful. The victory is claimed by the Brazilians. The engagement took place June 11, at Riachuelo, a little below Corrientes, on the River Parana. At San Borgia, on the river L T ruguay, the Paraguayans had carried the town, and, It is said, put the entire Brazilian garrison to death. Pnrdou of Hon. HerseUel V. Johuion. The appeal to the President by the widow oi the late Stephen A. Douglas, lor the par don of Mr. Johnson, who was on the ticket of her husband, as a candidate for the Vice- Presidency, proved irresistible. A complete amnesty was made out, and he is now reliev ed from the pains and penalties of treason. New York Market. New Yoke, Aug. to—2 P. M. Flock, 4c.—The flour market opened excited, and 15c. a 25c. better. The sales are 17,000 bbls. at $6 a 6 26 for Superfine State ; $6 60 a 6 70 for Extra State ; $6 75 a if so for choice do. ; $6 a 6 30 for Superfine Western ; $6 65 a 7 for common to medium Extra Western ; $7 a 8 2o for common to good shipping brands Extnt Round Uoop Ohio, and $8 20 a 9 75 for nude brands, the market closing with less excitement, aud scarcely so firm. Included in the sales are l,ouo tibia. Extra State for all this month at $6 60. Southern Flour is firmer. Sale 9 600 Mils, at $7 90 aJJ 25 for Common, and $9 30 a 12 50 for F&ucy ami Canadian Flour is 15c. a 25c. better. Sales 400 hbls.- at $6 70 a 6 90 for commou, and it a 9 25 for good to choice Extra. * Rye Flour Is quiet. Com Meal la firm. . Grain.—The Wheat market opened evened and Sc A 50. higher, w ith the demand chlefiy s „“uhrtive hales 96,000 bushels at iisuansi for Volin" w-aokee Club ; $1 85 a $1 95 for winter lieu' uv<, ern; $2 for Amber Michigan; tor Amber Kentucky, and $2 10 for White Western; tnciud ue bushels No. 1 Mllwaukie, io arrive at -L Bye la in fair demand, with sales ot aow imaLi. ■VA i.uforn at Oft.-* u ‘ ucl - Barley and Barley Malt are doll aud nominal. The Corn market is 2c. better, aud decidedly mote active. Sales 140,000 bushels at sac. tor unsound 1 SSXC. a Wide, for sound Muted Western, and on- „ 1 lor High Mixed, nearly Yellow, me - a i CiS 1 were largely to speculators. Oats are 2c. a no. better, with sales at boo. a 66c for Western, closing at 65c., aud «.'c. for State. GorrqM.—The market Is heavy and prices are to. lower. Sales I.TUO bales at Me. a 46c. for middling Rice— ls dull. Con'EE—ls dull, and prices are nominally un changed. Scuak—The mark ::s without decided change.— Sales since our las >3 hlids. at 12 Me. alh.lic.for t libs Muscovado, -a 12i,c. a 13Me. tor Porto lllco. 'br sc v • ’lit afljit reported on prlvatoterms. jubiussEU—lb steady, with a bettor demand, aud sales since our last twu hints. at 61c. a 65c. for Porto Hico, and Barbadoes on private terms. Bora—.ire firm. Sales 2txi bales ut 10c. a 45c. for common to prime. Eoos— Are quiet at 24c. for fresh State and Wes tern. (jib—Linseed is dull and drooping at sllO a»1 21. Tea—ls quiet. Sales WO half chests Cieens ou private terms. Hay—ls dull and drooping, at cos. aSI for new and old Shipping, aud Too. a il 10 fur new and old retail lota. gPnoYisiot s.—The Pork market Is much lower and quite heavy under efforts to realize on the part of speculative holders. Sales 9,3u0 bbis. at .sl2 12<i a $35 73 lor New Mesa, closing at $33 12,‘j regular ; S2B 75 a *29 for 1863-4 da; $33 75 a .$34 for Prime, and $26 75 a $26 for Prune Mess. Also, 5,500 mils. Sew Mess, August and September dellvarv, sellers’ and buyers’ option, at S3O 50 a $33 25. The Beef market is In demand. Soles 500 bbia. at is 50 a sl2 50 for Plain Mess, aud <lO a sl4 5o for Extra Mess. Beef llams are inactive. Cut Meats are In more demand. Sales 650 pkgs. at 16c. a 17c. for Shoulders, and l»xc. a 2354 C. for Hama. Ihe Lard market U more active, salea 2.cv9 bbto. at W<c. a g3,^c. Butter tt m :mi demand and tor Ohio, and 2So. a S&J. tor State. Cheese i» quiet at fc-. a UKff Asm: s—Are dull at ;se. a 7.V®. tor Pota. and 7\c. a 75£c. lor Pearls. WiiiaxEY—la dull at $2 18 ottered and $2 19 aaked tor Western. So transaction* reported. Tallow—ls more active ; tales or 13d,00u Hw. at U&e. a Isc. ; 140,0u0 lbs. Orease at 12\c. a 16c., and :i7.u00 lbs. Stearllne, part ut 23c. Petroleum— Ls quiet at 3tqc. a 33c. for Crude, and :,2 SC- a 55c. for Kcilned in bond. Freiuhts.— To Liverpool, 100 hhds. Tobacco on private terms ; and per steamer, 450 bales Cotton, at Hd., and 1,000 boxes Cheese at 40*. To Loudon. 150 !i uU. Tobacco ou private terms ; and to Glasgow, per steamer, 50 lihds Tallow at ads., and 200 toils. Flow at 2s. Receipts or Proocce bv all Routes.—Flow, 11,316 bids.; Whiskey, iso do.: Com Heal. 613d0.: Wlieat, 21,437 bushels : Com, 09,761 do.: Oats, 11.943 do.: Ashes, 226 tibia.; Pork, 1,513 bids.; Lard 33d0.; OU Cake, 540 sacks. Fearful Record of Crime. BORBIBLE CRIME—A MAS SLATS BIS FATHER A>p MOTUfcU THE PARKACIDE AURI.STtP. [From the cmclnuatl Commercial.] Darytown, a small village nine miles from Hamilton, Butler county, was the scene of a terrible affray on Friday last, ilf which a voung man named Sylvester Irwin killed Ids father, John Irwiu, aud his stepmother, Jam: Irwin. A statement of the affair is as fol lows; At dinner-lime the lather, mother and son were seated at the table, discussing at length family affairs, when the conversation became fearfully exciting, and harsh aud violent lan guage was indulged in. Finally the mother, Mrs’ Irwiu, rose from her seat, and with the carving kuife iu her right hand, rushed to wards her son, who, rising from his chair, fell back from the table, and drawing a re volver, warned her not to make another step toward him, else he would shoot her. At this juncture tire futhet, enraged and excited, rose aud took the part of his wile, aud seiz ing a hatchet, rushed toward the young mna,wbo Immediately fired at his father, and tlieu turning toward the mother, also shot her, both parents falling lifeless at liis feet. The young man, Irwiu, who is unmarried and aged about 30 years, then informed the neighbors what he had done, and hunting up the constable of Darytown, gave himself up for trial, declaring tnat he committed the deed in self-defence. The prisoner was then brought to Hamilton and lodged in the coun ty jail. The occurrence has caused consid erable excitement in Darytown. Another account is that Sylvester relum ed to the house from plowing, when some girls, from au upper-story wiudow of his lather's house, spit down upon him. Tiffs act of indignity excited the ire of Syl vester, aud he demanded of his father, at the barn, whether or not he countenanced> such actiou. Hurd words followed, when the step-mother, Jaue Irwin, ran out of her house down to the barn with a caning kniie and rushed toward Sylvester, who drew a pistol. The father, John Irwiu, seized a hatchet and stepped in between his wile and son, evidently to protect both, be ing proverbial for his peaceable disposition The sou then fired at the father, the bail en tering the forehead, aud causing instant death. He theu fired at Mrs. Irwin, the ball entering the right breast. Sylvester then noticing that his last shot had not perform ed its mission of iustant death, seized a knife aud cut her throat from car to ear, aud with a club beat her head. She only lived 20 minutes. Sylvester then fled, aud was ar rested In Hamilton, as already stated. His trial has been set down for Tuesday morn ing, the Btb, at 9 o’clock. The Coroner ot Butler County wns engaged Saturday even ing lu hokliug an inquest upon the dead bodies of Mr. aud Mrs. Irwiu. HORRID AFFAIR. From the St. Louis Republican, 3*l. Early ou Thursday morning last the towu of Chester, Illinois, was thrown into a state ot great excitement by thq intelligence of the,murder of Mrs. Elizabeth Darwin, a re spectable widow lady, residing three or four miles below that place. The murder was committed between 10 and 11 o’clock Wed nesday night, her throat being cut trout ear to ear. l'ne spectacle presented on eutering the house is represented as being too revolting for description. Tne body of the murdered woman lay ou the floor near the bed, from which she had beeu drugged by the murderer, aud which was dreuched, with bumau gore, her throat baviDg been cut In two places, severing iu oue instance the carotid artery. A severe gash had also been Inflicted iu tue forehead. The evidence elicited before the Jury of in quest by the testimony of Aiuauda and Clin ton, tbeduugbier aud sou of the uufortuuate lady—the former aged about 12 years, the latter some years younger —together with that of Mrs. Louisa Darwin, her daughter in law, is conclusive, aud fastens the guilt of tliis horrible crime upon oue Gabriel J. Forsee, who had formerly been employed on the farm, and who had but receutly been re leased from the State Penitentiary, whither he had been sentenced for larceny. It ap pears that he first entered the kltcheu ad joining the house, thence through a window looking Irom the room occupied by Sirs. Darwin ana her two children Into the kitch en, by which means he reached her bed. The first intimation the children had of his presence was occasioned by the screaming of their mother,Which roused them from their slumbers, and upon looking iu the directiou wheuce the screams proceeded, Amanda discovered a man moving backwurd and pulling her mother out of the bed, after which he endeavored to conceal himself behiud the bed The noise made by the frightened children caused a fear to come upon the murderer lest the neighbors' attention might be attracted toward the house, and flourish ing a large, bloody kuife, of the bowie pat tern, he threatened to kill them too if they did not keep quiet. Iu the meuu time, Amanda succeeded in striking a light just as the villain was on the eve of departing aud recognized him as Gabriel J. Forsee. Pur suit was given early on Thursday morning. Many citizens voluntarily teudered their services,-and after a search of about twenty hours the murderer was captured some twen ty miles from this city. OCTRAOE3 BT CAS,VI. BOATMEN. iUeorgetowu Cor. Washington Star ] The boatman of the fleet of coal boats just arriving over the Chesapeake and Ohio Ca nal, have been behaving outrageously on the line ot the cunal, from Georgetown to Har per's Ferry. A gentleman lrom the vicinity oi Harper’s Ferry says they have not let! an ear of corn in his field. Another states that a colored woman was ravished on one ol tile boats. They quarrelled among them selves, and after passing the locks Ihe men ol one boat would throw rocks behind the lock gate, to delay the boat that followed. The remonstrances of Superintendent Bates iuduced one of the boatman to try to whip him into silence, but the Superlnteudent gave the boatman an awful thrashing. They sev eral times threatened to whip Mr. Hoskins. | Harbor Master at this terminus, but have not Jet tried it, and it will be wise for them not to try it. At the lock near the Broad Kun culvert a boatman named Nall shot another burned James H. Gibbs, fortunately Inflicting oaiy a flvsh wound in his breast aud (mother Ho much druukenuess among f, m , tlueu on ths towpath has uever be fore been witnessed. bbutai. violence. [I otu the New Haven Register] The name of the mau who was knocked down and stripped of his clothing about 11 a wmmvG T r, e9day ?/«“■ Wf * L SoSSUJ a worthy German. He was carried into the open ground on the “circus lot” In an insen sible Slate, and left entirely naked. The city is lull of roughs," and it is hardly safe for persons to be outlate in the evening, espe cially temales. 6 FIENDISH OCTRAQE AT fiLKVy ftyp We learn from the Cleveland Plaiudealer of a most revolting outrage committed ou the person ot a beautiiul young German widow at that city on Thursday lost. The young woman resides in Painesville, Ohio, and had been to Columbus on business connected with her husband’s affairs, who had been a soldier aud killed iu battle. On arriving at Cleveland, where she was a stranger, and as certaining she could not pursue her Journey borne until night, she applied to a hackman to be conveyed to * hotel up town. The backmau, after speaking to some friends neat by. hade her follow him to his carriage. The unsuspecting woman followed and was conducted under the piers at the depot. A terrible suspicion here possessed her and she attempted to return, when she was seized by the ruffian that ha-1 brought her thither and the three “friends” tie had been seen to speak with. Her head aud face were covered with a coit, her mouth stopped with a hundker ehict, and the brutal purpose of the assaU auts successively accomplished. When site recovered consciousness, late iu the evening, the vil'nins had fled, and she was barely able to crawl to the open air, where the attention of some officers was arrested by her moans, aud who carried her into tbe depot. She was placed ou board the 9 o'clock train that evening and taken to her home in Paines ville. Tbe fiends have not yet been arrested, but the police are on their track. LOCAL MATTERS. Death of Cat.-. Robert Grant.—We learn of tbe sodden death, by appolexy, at hti father's residence, on South Broad street, opposite the Old Cemetery, <.f Cupt H'*iiert Grant, it uppears that he retired to his room tost evening lu apparently very good health. Ills mother found him dead In hlsticl this morning. Capt. Oram sniibied law with Harrow A Lovell, and was admitted to the bar iu Chatham Superior Court, about one year Irefore the war. He was a Clerk some years since l*i the Georgia State Senate, and a cor respondent of Savannah newspapers. As an officer In the Confederate, service he was on the stair of Gen. Hugh W. Mercer, In the r apacity of Inspector General, and also on the stair of Brig. Oen. Smith, of Mercer’s Brigade. Capt. Grant was born lu Sa vannah, and aged about 30 years. TO THE TAX PAYERS, Ist INTERNAL REVENUE DISTRICT. Savannah, Georoia, August 12, ts6s. The Ist Internal Revenue District of the State of Gcoigia consists or the Counties of Appling, Ber rien, Brooks, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Ctiarlton, Chatham, Cliuch, Coffee, Colquitt, Echols, Frttng hain, Emanuel, Glynn, Irwiu, Johnson, Laurens, Liberty, Lowndes, Mclntosh, Montgomery, Fierce, Tatnull, Telfair, Thomas, Ware, Wayne, and Wilcox. There will he no assessment on Incomes up to sis hundred dollars, which will be a great relief to per sons lu o.oderate circumstances, and the law Is uni form all over the United States. My otllee until fur ther notice,wiiljie at Hlaekshear, No. k, s. A 0. K. R. Persons having business with me, will send their letters to the care of Military Head Quarters at that place, or call on me personally when t will take pleasure lu exhibiting iny Instructions uml the tax 1 iw to them. c. H. Hopkins, Assessor Ist District. TABLE BOARDERS WANTED *3 Hoarders. Gentlemen wishing for the above, will please Apply at the corner of St. Julian aud Lincoln street*, drat doo ou CtLsftel How. 0 nul4. xvo TICS. The Bishops of the Methodist Church will meet Tor consultation at Columbus, Georgia, August 16th. The several Annual Conferences will meet at the regular times nnd places tbLs faU aud winter; and will elect' Delegates lo the General Conference, to meet the Ist day of April; the place to be announced at an early day. This disastrous war, through whloh.we have pass ed, has greatly disorganized us In our operations ; but now Unit peace Is restored, tbe church will t-c --organlzc amt enter earnestly on her appropriate work of spreading Scriptural h.diner- through these hinds. James o. Andrew. Sumincrfleid, July 21,1565. NEW GOODS. 1 CASE MERRIMACK CALICOKS 1 1 cose Sprague’* Culicoea Colored Mourning Delaines 4- Blenched Loug Cloth* 5- 10-4 and \V k Shot tings Ladle*’ Sun Umbrella* Ladles’ aud Gen s’ Llueu Cambric Hankercbicfc Irish Linen* and iiuck Towels Ueuts’ aud Youth’s Soft Huts Magic Ruffling, &c., Ac. Just received by au9-6 DsWITT & MORGAN. iL CHCANOB FOR INVESTMENT. WILL be sold at Public Auction, In the city of Savannah, ou the sth day of September uest, without reserve: The mill site with Sawmill thereunto belonging, sit uated In the county of Chatham, Mate of Georgia, übout nine miles fioiu the city of Savannah on the UgeeChee Canal, together with nil the machines, fix tures, building*, outhouses, stables, &c., Ac. The site of the mill contain* nine acre*of laud with very capacious back water. The- Ogeechee canal bi iug in the course of recun.-tract inti will be finished in a short time, wbeu lumber «au be r.ktcd to und from points on the A. O it. K. and the city of Savunuah, and will ;hii* afford better laeiiitie* for ratting thau any other mill in the Mate of Georgia. For further particulars apply to M. J. SOLOMONS^ augStd INK. - OK GRCS9 INK, in stands, at 60 per gross. 15 dozcu Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by b.IVILLE & LEACH. ••ni* t p cor. Bryn «treet and Market square. ulil’T US' UKUHULV, ) Oitlee Provo-1 Marshal General.] ORDERS, dated August 3, 1665, to Telegraph Oper ators and ex-Agents: Fostinastera. Forwarding Merchants, Common Car riers and Railroad Agents. are Üblilled that tuejr will not forward or deliver messages, ware* aud merchan dize or maU matter to auy person whomsoever within the Department of Georgia, who has not taken the Uath proscribed Iu the President's Proclamation of Atnuesty, of May 29, 1665. Any violation of this or der will be puulshed by a forfeiture of all right to transact business within tills Department, by tbe of fending party, anil by floe or Imprisonment. By command of M.iJ Oen. STKEDMAN. O. UUuSVBNOK Bit Brig. Gcfi. angs and Provost Marshal General. HEADQ'RS DISTRICT OP SAVANNAH, Ist' till tBION, llEl-'r ov Gcoboia, Oi rich, op PooVost Macs it. Pavanuah. Git, August loth, 1665. The following Is published for the information of all concerned i lut Tkleobacii ruoa ACiirsrA, i>atu> acsest I>, 1603.] To Lieut. Col. H. P. Yoifci Your despatch received. My order of August 3d up plies to wotueu aud chiUrcu us well us ureu and they must take the oath belore the privileges can be granted C 11. UKUSVKNOK. Brevet Brig. Gen. and P. M. G., Department of Georgia. By order of Brev. Mai. Gen. .1. M. BRANNAN. ROBT. P. YORK. aull-7 Lieut. Col. and Provost Marshal. OPPRIAL—sI U-UIST. OF UUEKCHEE, HEADERS hCB-DISTRICT OF UGEECUEE,I Savannah, Ga., August 5,1665. J CtgctrtAß,\ No. 14. f To insure a mure thorough Inspection of the Sam tary Condition of this city, it will lie divided into six (6J wards, uud each .raid will be provided with one 1 1J inspector. it shall be the duty of each Inspector to examine their respective Wards, and report dally to tile Health Chliter auy violation of the Sanitary Laws of this city heretofore published, which violation will be punished by a fine or not less than Five t$S; Dollars, and not to exceed Fifty ($Mq Dollars. By Command of Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. UtLUs, A. A. A. G. au7 HEADQ'RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Ga., July 28, 1865. Genee.ce Oeuebs) No. 18. / Captain Charles H. Cox, 75tb New York Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Marshal. Sub- D.strict of Ogeechee, as his Regiment is now serving oat of this District. Captain James E. Smith, 12th Connecticut Veteran Infantry, is hereby announced as Provost Marshal, Sub-District of Ogeechee, add will be obeyed and n> spected accordingly. By command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. Joux Mceeex, A. A. A. G. Jy39-7 HEADQ'RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE,] „ Savannam, Ga., August 6,1865. f Genesae O mint l No. 19. f AB Apothecaries and Drnggista in the city are stttctly prohibiten from selling auy iioisonous drags, such as opium or Its prepsrationfc Strychnine, Corrosive Sablt mate, 4c_, without the prescription of a Physician of character and sundlug In the profession, or a Medical tracer of the United states, which prescription mast be kept on file by the Druggist for Inspection. or aotnowledgvd cases of Email Pox, m D .t h1,«5“, w Eever, **«*»ka> or Typhus Fever, p S m P‘ly reported to the Health Officer, cor aud ® nU streets, by the Physician at- “ T 00 8 B ** aB * «* existeuoe of a. o ßwrt - Brlf Church Directory. ICOnplled tzprmaLj/vr the Saemnnah Dally Herald. 1 catholic uurneuw. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist—northeast comer of Perry and Drayton street*. —Maw 0 1-2 a. m., 8 1-2 a. in. High Mas* lu 1-2 il m. Vespers 4 p. in. Sunday School 21-2 p. m.; Station* o*. the Cross: concluding with the Benediction of the Most pleased Sacrament. Friday eveuiug. 7 o’clock. Clergy— Right Rev. Au gnttue Verot/D. D., Bishop of Savannah: J. F. O’Neil, Sr., Vicar General; Rev. Peter Dolan, Rev. Uenry P. Clavreul. „ St. Patrick’s Church -southeast corner of We*t Brood and Liberty streets.—Rev. Charles i'rendcrgast. Rev Herur Whelan,—Mass 8 1-2 A. m , High Mass at 101-2 a m. fegtlba ant eriscoraL cncsciits. Christ Church—east side of Johnson Square, corner Bull and Congnes* streets—Rev. Charles Coley, As sistant Rector. Serv.ce ht 10 a. in.; Evening Prayer, 5 1-2 p. m.. Sunday NffiooU p. m. St. John‘s Church—west bide of Madison Square, comer Bull und Charltou streets—Rev. C. r • Mcltae, Rector. Bervic. at 10 1-2 a. m., 4 p. m ; Sunday School 9 a. m; Wm. S. Bogart, Superintendent. Prayers Wednesdays and Friday*. 5 p m. feSTuooiST oavneati. Trinity Church—west aide St. Jame* Square, corner Barnard and York streets— Kev. A. M. Winn, Pastor. Service lo> 4 a. n». andßp. in., Sunday: Prayer meet ing, Tuesday Afternoon.atji p. m. Sunday School, -nt 5 p. m. Sunday Afteruoon, Mr. c. 1». Rogers, sup’t. IXTUK&A* CiICL’CUES. Savannah Lutheran Church—East side of Wright Square, corner Bud and State streets— Rev. D. >!. Giibeit Pastor, Services at lo 1-2 a. in.; :y. m. San day School 9 a. m.; JohuT. Thomas, Superintendent. Service Thursday* 3 1-2 p. m. PBCSHYTULIAN CUCF.CiiES Independent Presbyterian Church—Southwest cor ner Bull and South Broad streets —Rev. I. S. K. Axson. Pastor, services 10 1-2 a. m., 5 p.m. Sunday Scb.iol •j a. m ; Johu W. Auderaon, Superintendent. Seivice Thursday afternoon. baptist causeuc*. Savannah Baptist Church—West side of Chippewa Square, corner Bull and Hull streets—Rev. Sylvauua Laiulrum, Piisor, Service 10 1-2 a. m and sp. iu. Sunday .'jehool 4 1-2 u. m.; George W. Davis, Super intendent. Service Thursdays at sp. in. UEBUBW’ CONOBXOATIONB. Mickva Israel—Northeast c ruer of Whitaker and Liberty streets—Rev. A. Epstein, Kcuder. Service Friday, 3 o’clock p. m ; Satuiday, U 1-2 o’clock a. ui. Bnai Berith Jacob—Armory II til baildiug, West side Wright Square, corner Bull and State streets— Services Friday, 5 o’clock p. m.; Saturday, 9 o’clock a. m. COLO2KD OUUCUES. First African Baptist side Franklin Square, corner .Montgomery aud Bryan streets—Rev. V\ m. L'amplrell, Pastor. Service 10 1-v am, 3 1-2 and 7p. in. Suuday School 2p. m.; James Sima, Super intendent: Charles L: Dc La.Motta, Church Scrvloe Thursdays, 7p. m,; prayer*, Mondays, 7 p. in. Second African Baptist Church—West side Green Square, corner State aud Houston streets—Rev. Johu Cox, Pastor. Service lo 1-2 a. in., 3 1-2 and 7p. m. Suuday School 2 1-2 p in.: Herman Eves, Superin tendent; Vi ni. Gorgan, Assistant. Prayers Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p. in. Third African Baptist Church—Bryun, near Fahm street— Rev. K. Houston, Pastor. Service 10 a. iu , 3 and 7p. in. Prayers Mondays and Thursdays, 7p. m. Fourth African Bayti-t Church—Liberty, near Mont gomery streets—Kew Isaac brown. Pastor; Rev. llcury l’.iylor. Assistant Pastor. Service 10 1-2 a. ml, 312 aud 7 p. m. l*rayers Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p. DL St. Steuben's Episcopal Church—West Hide Calhoun Square— Kev. James Purser, Lay Reader. Service lo a. m., 7 p. m. rniun MetbodUt street, near Fshm street, North Central Railroad Depot—Rev. William Bc-ntloy, Pastor. Service 10 a. ra., 3 1-,*: and 7p. in. Sunday School 12 1-2 p. m.; Henry Bates, Superin tendent. CHURCHFS CLOSED. German Lutheran Church—Corner Draj-ton and Gordon streets. Wesler Chapel—Northeast corner of Lincoln and South Broad streets. Peiifleld’a Mariners’ Church—Bay street, Sooth aide, between A her corn and Lincoln streets. First Presbyterian Church—East side of Monterey Square, corner Bull und Taylor street*. MASONIC. Solomon’s Lotos, No. 1, meets first Thursday in each month. R. T. Turner, W. M.; John Nicholson, S. W.; Johu Foley, F. W.; J. Uoibrofsk fistili, S. D.; H. L. Schreluer, J. D.; James M. Jones, Secretary; Jiimci LuchiLson, Jr , Treasurer Zkiu.uuAULF Loi uk. No. 15, meets second iu each month. Wm. Greene, W r AL; David Thomp son, S W.; Thomas Ballautiuo. J. W.; M. Reich, S. D.; Stein, J. D.; John Housto ’, Secretary; Alfred Haywood, Treasurer. Clinton Lol>gf, No. 54, meets first and third Mon days in each month. S. E. Byck. W. M.: John Buther iord, S. W.; Wm. Gibbons, J. W.; P. Heilzieuu, S. D.; M. DuvUDon, Treusurer. Amcie-t Lampmauk Loim»e, No. 23 —No regular meetings during the summer months. Kdwarxl C. Hough, W. M-; Win. F Holland, S. W.; J. U. Do mund, J. W.; C, L. Huckett. S. D.; , J. D. Ge eoia Cuvptmi, No. 3.—Closed for tbe summer. R. T. Turner, H. P.; Win. Greene, 1C; W. F. Holland, S; David 11. Galloway. M. C.; J. Holbrook E«*till P.' S. John Foley, Al. 3d V.; M. Reich. M 2d V.; H. L. fcchreiuer, Al. ltt V r .; ihomas Ballaiitlne, C. H. Ueouoia Council, No. I.—Closed uutd winter. ODD FELLOWS. OoLETHoiU’p Lt*i»ur, No, 1 meets every Tuesday eve ning. ul their h*il, Bay street, over Nichoi’s Printing Office. Kobt, 11. Fotm tu, N. G.; Charles F, Preston, V. G.; Chutles Gro**, Secretory; W, J. Clemeuce, 'l*reasur»T. . % Live Oak Loimif, No. 3, meets every Friday evening at thu southwest corner of Bull aid Broughlou streets, 4th story. Jtobt. M. Barttn ifne**, N. O.; Johu Hous ton, V. U . David 11. G tlloway, Secretary; David Thumpsou* Tr*.h*u»er. Lm-ov No. 0, meet* every Monday eve ning. southwest corner of Bull uml Uroiifehtou streets, 4th story. Henry J. Quuiitock, N. G.; John Neil, V. G.; C. C. Millar, Secretary, C. P. Landershine, Trea surer. Magnolia Encampment, No.’l, meets 2d and 4th \Wdue*duy in each mouth in DcKalb Lodge Room.— Daviu Dailey, C. P.; KobU Groves, 11. P.; J. Hoi brook Estill, S. W.; Chas. Grooves, Secretary ; James L. Uaupt, Treasurer. Sea Island Hotel. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20th, 1865. THIS new Ilott'l, situated on the most desirable spot ou the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, af fords a flue view ot the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and sur rounding ls'auds. The sevnery is quite as pleasing aud intei eating, iu every respect, as the famous wu taring place of Newport, R. L, and is altogether as healthful a place to spend the summer mouths. It has a flue hard .muoiq beach, seventeen milts lung, atlbriiiug a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass., and os fine sea bathing as at tbat place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and veranJabs on three sides of all the stoi ies; the furni• ture is entirely uew, and the tables will he furnished with the best that can be procured here and In the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel all that the mo.t fastidious van desire. Hilliard Rooms and Oea Bat hi ug houses will soon lie lu leadiness lor guests. Ju23 ts Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, 8 C. RIDDELL & RUO O , Pbotb ietobs . B. 0. BIDDKLL. hi. F. RUOO. Pulaski House, SAVAN NA H , GA. W. D. WILTBERGER £ CO., Pbopbictobb. W. U. W4LTBJI&OKB. j. U. JiABTKLS. JnS-tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. bamuel p. hamiltonl (SucvcMor to Wiiiuot 4k RicMraond.) UEAEES IN WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, CANES, CUTLERY, *«. Comma Wuitaeeb, Sr. Jeeian and Cnnoeess Sts , SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometer, rated by transit. c R «h nnid for old Gold and Silver. jy2B-tf MTU HllEll IGKIdLTIKAL WORK*. GRIPPING, BROTHER A CO., PBOrtunroßa, *8 A»D 60 COCOTLAND STREET NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Flows, Harrows, Cultivators. Cot ton Sweep*, Corn Mills, Cotton Glni Ac Every implement wanted by the Planter, aw. dealer* in Field and Gardes Seeds Also, Agents for Brace’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac Send for circular. ]u2o Sa ! OROCERIRi, uqt'tm *4. STUART Ac CO., S’ o m ily Or rooor ■. HUUIU IK TIAB, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corn eh Bull and Baocouton Stuetr 8p«cl»l RtteDtion paid to conntry ord<>r* from Fami ne. und Cor tbu Trade. Goods delivered to all part, of the city tree ot charge. L. Y. Stuart. H. M. Kmllooo. lyi» » PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale aud Retail Dealer Is Fine Grocrries, Boots Rnd Shoos, Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. I Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CBAUFAGNE CIBEH, I in bottle and in wood. i London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. and Ci Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE axi> COMS'ci MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS Ac., CoßNsa of Bat axd Baokasd Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ac., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to oar New York House. Jyls Geo. A. Hudson, Wholesale and Retail Dealer l5 Groceries, Ales, Wines, Segars, Liquors, &c. 60CTH CAST CORNER OF EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, savannah, Georgia. ]yl» lm KIRLIN & KIENZLE, Wholosalo anri riotnil DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. O IJ K H O U M E, 103 BAY ITOEET. Rati ts 3500 TONS~ OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best qaalitv, 60x59 per linoal yard. For sale by FOWLE A CO. JaJ.9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 4LES, WIVES Al LIQUORS, CORNER AYHITAKRR STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. ts Imported, and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, At YVtaolcaalc, for Faulty Use, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL R. SEALY A CO. may2-t-tf F O R N ALE. 1,000 bnrbela OATS, 1,000 do WHITE CORN, emur TOCtoae consiosMeNT. Also-Jsopound> (Jelebrated Zephyr Puff SMOKING TOBACCO. N. A. IIAKDEE A CO., Jy3l-tf Bay street, 9 Stoddard's Bntldinga. INSURANCE. MARINE INSURANCE AT LOW* RATES! COLIUBIAN INSURANCE COMFY OF NEW YORK. River Risks on Favorable Terms. CASH CAPITAL ..$3,500,000. THE undersigned are ready, through their open po licy with the above, to effect Insurance for Au guata. New York, anil Jacksonville, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Mdse, ou first-claas Ocean Steamers SIOO,OOO “ “ *’ Sailing Vessels 75,000 “ “ “ River Steamer ar Flat 15,000 Shippers will find it to their intereet to call before effecting Insurance elsewhere. CHARLES L. COLBY * CO., JylS-tf 5 YOUR LIFE INSURED ? 'T'BIS is an important question for every man and A important also for every wife and mother, as It affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. Tbe "Knickerbocker Life Insurance" of New York will Insure you at tbe usual rates in any sum from sloo SIO,OOO. They also Issue the f.vonte TEN YEAR NUN-FORFEITLi(K Policies, and will after two years payment give a frill paid up Policy for Two Tenths the whole sum, aud Three Years Three Tenths, and so on. Thus a Policy ut slo,ouo. Two Premiums paid upon it will be entitled to u paid up Policy of $2,000. and five years five-teuths for every additional year. For further information apply to A. WILBUR Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O I> S O S T O ST . PURELY MUTUAL. This is one of the oldest and best Companies in America. Policies ou Lives for any amount up to SIB,OOO arc taken by them. The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled during tbe war uuiii heard ir.i-u—a fact which shews their dealing aud determination to be Just and honor able in all esses. Apply lo ... i'FJI * A. WILBUR Ageut, QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 UrougbtuAA Street, second nooa nos boants sett stbeit. A large and elegant Stock of Chios, Queens ware, Class, Ac., Just received from tbe manufacturers, and for sale at LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. JOBBERS AND DEALERS From all porta of the Country are invited to examine my WHOLESALE STOCK, Which Include* packages containing complete assort incuts, put up expressly for > COUNTRY T RA DF,. Assorted Crate* of WHITE GRANITE WARE, “ •• COMMON WAKE. «• •• WHITE GRANITE amd COMMON WARE. Good* re-pocked to suit purchasers. aul-lra R D. SMYTH. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a Partnership for the purpose o? carrying on a GENERAL AUCTION and OOMJtUjSIOX BUSINEUS In the City of Savan nah, under the firm name of Bell, Wyliy * Chrietton Tbe liberal patronage formerly extended to B»U * Christian amdu wTwylly, Is respectfally solicited for the new Arm, , SAMUEL F. BELL GEORGE W WYLLY. m 2 TO HENRY R CHRISTIAN. OAK LODGE; THUNDERBOLT. WILLIAM T. DANIELS reap«tfally informs bis friends and the citlscus oi Savannah that he has taken this old and Favorite Summer Retreat, where he la prepared to accommodate Boarders and to furnish PIC-NICS and I’AKTIES. There ts an ex cellent BATH HOUSE upon the premises. Boats and Fishing Tackle Always on Hand. an 2 ts EMANCIPATION SEEMS TO BE THE End of our National Troubles. THE HILTON HEAD HOUSE, Cor. Johnson Square and Bryan Sts., IS NOW in good running order—a place where the weary can find rest, and where the waiters have no rest. BURTON’S EAST INDLA PALE ALE, COOL LASER, ON ICE. LUNCH AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M. No crippled jdws wanted in this establishment in business hours, J; n: Old acquaintances ne'er forget. For particulars see small bills." BILL WILLIAMS, au!9-tf Proprietor Hilton Head House. CLAMM! CLAMS ! ! XHAVE tbe best Clams at Hilton Head, and the best Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the following testimony from Mr. Benj. Honey's ad vertisement in the Savaknau Daily Hebams of the last oi two: "There is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams lu every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, In rear of the Post Office. "Tumi: is Wsm tue Lauou Codes In." My dear Ben we wish you a long life and a merry one. In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at Hilton Head, or any other place in this Department, GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will find to be correct. Do not forget our old established house, in the rear of Post Office. PETER FITZGERALD, joSo Proprietor. LUMBER* To Timber Cutters, TiIS UNnKBSiONED WILL PURCHASE IN LOTS, As They Arrive, Hal'd Pine Timber, AND Hewn Shipping Timber. W. A. BEARD, Jyls eodlm 154 Congress street. FOWLE & CO., NO. 70 BROADWAY', NEW YORK. {Formerly of Alexandria, Va,) IMPORTERS OF RAILROAD IRON, AND DEALERS IN RAILROAD SECURITIES AND RAILROAD SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Are prepared to contract for the delivery of Rails either f. o. b. in Wales or ex-ship at any derlred Port. JuUl _ _ lm PIONEER SAW MILL. V\TE most respectfully announce to the citizens of * f Savannah and others requiring LUMISKR, that our new Saw Mill at the loot of Zubly street, near the Savannah aud Ugeechce Canal, j* completed. We arc now prepared to few and fnrni>h Lumber lu large or small quantities to suit purchaaeia, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur chase TIMBER as it arrives In this market. Jy3l-tf ROSE & ARKWRIGHT. STATIONERY STORE, —lNl> Newspaper Depot. o The undersigned has re-opened the above Store, where will be fonnd an assortment of Cap, Letter and Note PAPEE, OF ALL QUALITIES. Dray Books, Memorandum Books, BIIjZjS LijADINCT, COMMERCIAL BLANKS, AND ENVELOPES. CARMINE AND BLACK INKS, in stands and bottles ; PENS, PENHOLDERS, PENCILS, INK STANDS, OFFICE MUCILAGE, KNIVES, Ac. By the next steamer he will receive Northern Dailies and Weeklies and will hereafter keep a complete assortment of the Latest Papers an<l Periodicals Mg* J. H. estill. Mil Mill'll agency; George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Broad Stiiii, Augusta, Ga, HAVE on band a large and well selected stock oi Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m Ju2o NOTICE. THE firm of O’MEAnA & CO. having been dissolv ed by a decree of the First Provost court of Savan nah, oil parsons having claims against said firm will present them forthwith to the undersigned, JySS-tf W. O’MEARA. U. S. Court of Claims. HAVING been a clerk and * commissioner to take depositions in thle court for six yea-s, I am pre pared to write PETITIONS and arrange the PAPERS In coses to go before that tribunal for private property seized by the United States military authorities. I have inude arrangements in Washington to have oil coses promptly attended to which may be entrusted to me. E. M. uARNETT. Richmond. Va. • Office on Thirteenth street, near Cary, up stairs Refers to—Duncan A Johnston, Savannah; Major A. Porter. augS-Iw HEADQ'RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, savannah, Ga., August 9, 1865, Gxxxoal Order,] No. 20. ) Hereafter and until furthers, all Commissioned OL fleers of the United States Army visiting this city will he required to Register their names at these Head quarters, stating authority and length of absence. By command of Byt. Brig. Gen. £. P. DAVIS J?»o. Mr**.**, A. A, A. G. aaiO OFFICIAE-PIBTHHT OF OA VANN Alt HKALKJI AKTKIiS DnSTO’XT r OF HA7AN\ hrr Division, DwAorrar of (.zrisiT * * ' Savannah, July 29, lota,. ' f SrrelAL o*l, EB, ) No. 1A f . _ laXTOAOt.I I. capt. John Martin LuaMne, Schooner Agnes," navlng violated General Order No , , quartern Dcpamnent of the South. Mav e no-t' He:ul itablne quarantine regulatloiia for Ure vannA, Go., to aliowtog co/mnuS^ttoS rbore, is hereby fined the sum of One HuniinonY 1 , U paid. toft lU «» By Command of Will A. Caultk*. ® Sa NNAN.- UKADQCaRTEIW. DISTRICT OF lot Oiviaion, Db-t or 1 Gencsal ” AU * U * Ust ’ l 8« ’ I No. 9. f The following Circular from Heedaoarten, r, ment of Georgia, is pnbiiahed for the’lSto^.? epi “ u aU concerned; and wfii be earrted *nuf n 01 once ; , c *ecutiuii at HEADQ'RS DRPARMENT OF GEORGIA i CaouLAX, ( ADe ° 3W - G * ’ Jnl y S1 ' ««. No. 1. f oto SS thu President's Amnesty 1566. it is ordered, first, Dtetrin Comm.nderH w once select, for tbe purpose of ad/uiuist rin - tbe , ! Sf of Allegiance, oue Assistant Provost Marsh;] f„ r „V J h four eoanUes in his dUtrlct, teporting th e B am«7. such officers so selected to thia offief. th “% 0{ of Alleyn": PrOC " d ° ECe 10 '“ster theusth Second. District Commanders will designate th„ four counties assigned to each District S iw shsl, and the same wiU be earn lieu ej as as„iJo„., of the List. let. w “* bubdivlsion Third, The Assistant Provost Marshal ao de,i— will visit the county seat of each county to wTSSdL vision as often as practicable, and remain to e«% county seat three or four days; at such visit *« causing public notice to be given or the t Lm Vi'if! acu -papers of the district or otherwise. All £1- Sf deapatcu must be used by the Assistant ProvSti il sbai to complete administering the oath to consistent with their duties and the public inters* Fourth For information on tbe subject tff the duSSi'nf Assistant Provost Marshals in administering the form of report to this office, Ac , attention iT Circular 5, Headquartrs Milllary DivUion of therS! nessee, June 25, ldU5. m “hi leu- Dy couuauud of «p*.„ ’S&ggsp*- . „ Brevet M/j. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN Will A. Coultxb, A. A. G. , a ““' OFFICIAL—.SUIiKAU OF FREEDbIg^ war bepartmknt llnrcan of Refugees, Freedmen and Abund'nd land. Cisoulas,! Ju.yI2.tSB, ’J No. It. f Instructions to Assistant Commissioners and other Officers. , UMT Each A-sistant Commissioner will be caretol in establishment of sob-districts, to have the office of ho the sultdiatrici P 0 *“ y °* iCCCSS fortbe lie will have at least one agent, either a either, mi itary officer or enlisted man, iu each sulwto S This agent must be tboroughly Inatrncted tahf. * ties. He will be furnished uith the proper VJLt contracts, aud will institute methods adequate to the wants of his dist.ict to accortUace with th" n « of this Bureau No fixed rates of wrgeu will scribed lor a district, but in onler to regulate fair mgiv.n individual cases, the agent sh«Sldhav2*ta mind minimum rates for bis own guidance Br rare tol Inquiry as to the hire of au alilS-bodieffman 4et the pay went to the master, he will have an nnororl mate test of the value of labor. He mist ofS consider the entire change.of circumstances, and be sure that the laborer has due protection against avarfea and extortion. Wages had better be secured by S on tbe crops or land. Employers are de.Lred to ciS into written agreements with employees, setting S .taied wages, or securing Hn interest In the land or crop, or bolh. All such agreements will be approved by the nearest agent, and a duplicate filed to htToffl “ lu case there should be no agent within reach, tin nearest postmaster will forward the duplicate of cm. tracts direct to the Aasisiant Cominiasioiier for ths Attention is spe-lally called to section 4 cf the iuw establishing the Bureau, with regai and to setting apart land to "every male citizen, whether refugee or freed mau ' * c ; ttud ’{> e Bam e arrangement Is recommend ed when It can be eflected, between private purUes Already many farmers have rented lauds to freecitnen audrefugees This course is a recognition of the gen eral principal in tbe law. “ * e “ in order to enforce the fulfillment of contracts on both contracting parUcs, the Commissioner of the Bu reau lays down no general rale-the .Assistant Com mlaslouer HHut use the privileges and authority he allftidy has. Provost courts*, military couimis.-icDij, local courtis when the freedmen aud refugees hare equal rh hts with other people, are open 10 his use in the great majority 01 ca-ee bis own arbitrament, or that of bis agent, or the settlement by referees, wii be sufficient. No Aselstnnt Commiasloner. or agent, is authorised to tolerate compulsory unpaid labor, except lor the legal punishment of crime. Suffering may result to some extent, but (offering is preferred to slavery, and Is to some degree the nece--sa. y conseqnt uce of events. In all actions the officer should never forget that no substitute for slavery, like apprenticeship wlthont proper rem-ent, o.- peonage, (i. e., either holding the people by debt, or confining them, without cou*eut. to the land by nny system.; will be tolerated. Tiie Assistant Commissioner will designate one or more of his agents to act as the genoral BuperiDteii dent ol schools Cone for each Statejlor reiugeeaaud lrecdmen. This officer will yvork as mnch as posslbk in coi\junction w ith Mate officers who may have rchool matters In charge. It a general system can be adopt eu for a btute, it is well; but if npt, he will at least take cognizance of a)l that is being done to educate refugees und freedmen, secure proper protection tc schools and teacher*, promote method and efficiency correspond with the benevolent 'agencies which urt supplying his field, and aid the Assistant CommlbsloG er in making report*. Surgeon C. \V. Horner, chief Medical Officer of the Bureau, will have the general supervision of medica. matters connected with refugees ana freedmen. The Assistant Commissioners will instruct their medical officer*, a* they have instructed other officers, to make the medical department sclf-sunportiiiE oa far as possible. Ail public uddresses of a character calculated to create discontent are reprehensible ; out theAwietaat Commiasioner and his agent* must explain, by con stant recapitnlatifcn, the principle.-, law«, and r’rgU/ 9 - tions of this Bureau, to a 1 parties concerned. 'lt ia recommended to the Assistant Commissioner* todra* up la writing a carelul summary to be publicly and privately rend by agents throughout theu- reeiactlfO districts. „ O O. HOWARD, uul-7t Major Gsnerui, Commissioner OFFICIAL-MIL. DIV. OP TENNESSEE - r-wr-n- r-^r HEADQ’RS MIL DIV. OF THK TENNESSEE, Office Pboyout Marshal General, Nashville, Teen., Juue 25,1%5 Bifiruiab: To secure uniformity throughout the Military Divis ion of the Tennessee, in admlnieteric" the Amnesty uath prescribed by the President in ilia Proclamation of May 9th. 1865, and to preserve the* records of mdi oaths, the Major General Commanding directs that such oaths be aubecribed in triplicate; two number! on sheets or rolls, one of which Is to be filed at De partment Headquarters, and one to be forwarded to the Department of State at Washington, and one cot* veniont copy to be given the party subscribing t&« oath. for tbe purpose will be furnished each De partment from this office. The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to stffl persons as are excepted from the benefits of the dent's Proclamation, p.xccnf. / for the numose ot ea** for tbe purpose will be famished each De partmeut from this office. . The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to bv& persons as are excepted from the benefits of the P dent’s Proclamation, except ‘ for the purpose oi ena bling them to apply to the President for speflfal par don, and In such cases but one copy of the oa»h will be I subscribed, which copy will, by the officer administer ing the oath, be attached to, and form o part of, tM applicant’s petition for pardon. , In all special applications fur pardon, tbe appbeam must state clearly uud fully, uuder how many and wlijcfi of the exceptions mimed iu tin; President’s proclmuatloo bis ease comes; he must also state whether the Govern m«nt has taken possession of any part of his property, also whs her any proceedings are pending agolnet lum la any of the United States Courts lor treason, or for coo* spfracy aguiust the Government of the United and the facts stated in such application must be sworu k before they will be forwarded. ' The petitiou will then be forwarded by tbe officer w ministering tbe oath to the Department Comiuande; who will, before forwarding the mane to tbo Departing j ut Washington, refer the petition to the Governor of u* 1 Statu in which his Department i>, to enable him to it * Tcstigate the merits of the case, and to recommend t | the President such action as to him seems Just aud pT y f*stach Department Commander will designate suitaWj j officers to l»e conveniently located for administering ty Amnesty Oath, and such officers will be governed > these instructions. The name and rank of such officers, with a of the points where stationed, will be rSported to tfl« office. By Command of Mas. Gen. Thomas, | J. G. PAUKHUBST, I Brrt. Brig. Gen. and Pro. Mar, Gen. Mil. Div. of is* J Tennessee. Offic ai: Wat A. Coulter, A. A. G. Jy27 7t NOMCE. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, \ Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1665. > Sealed proposals to famish this post with sis Ijff sand pounds of Fresh Beef per week, for three roouu commencing September Ist, and ending December• 1366, will be received at this Office tmtil Tuesdiy.r- . gust 16th, 1865, at 18 o'clock noon, when they ° l^eßee/> vo oe furnished on days to be by the Commissary, and to be of good and market. . quality—dressed In equal proportion of fore and w 1 quarters, excluding neck*, ebauks and kidtiey tm'o Persons submitting proposals will state the avert? net weight, quality, Ac-, °f fo® propose fU ROw»aU will be subject to tbe approval of the Com mlssury General of R aul-tIC Copt, and 0.1 U. Voi»- CIDER BRAND Y> snnfr GALLONS, from one to five years old.- ,UUU Samples of each sent by Express, with list of prices. Also, u> cases of one ana two dosen each. H. S. CONNOVER Distiller. . aulO-lm Freefrold, N. *•