Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 16, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH BAIL! JUMP VOL. 1-NO. 180. she Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} is pcnuenEU BV ti , xv. MASON «Sfc CO., Ara iur Steeft, Savannah, Geobsia. teem.: „ _ Five Cents. per Copy -- • *3 bo ft r^Hundred...**"'"•". sio 00. ADVEBTI6I NO: «r -n rw,liars prr Square of Ten Lines for first in “. One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vmrirt- inserted In the morning, will, if desired, ear in the evening without extra charge. j()II PHINTING, r every style, neatly and promptly done. Mexican Affairs in Cali fornia. Tin- New Mexican Loan. The San Francisco correspondent of the New York Herald, undef date of Ctk July, says: The agent of the liberal Juarez govern ment in Mexico, in the Pacific States (Gen. Gasper Sanchez Ochoa,) aided by the Mexi can Consul, Senor Don Jose A. Godoy, is nus hi D g on the new Mexican ten per cent can with commendable energy, and spite ot all the obstacles in his way is meeting with considerable success. The bonds, which ihe secured by pledge of half the receipts ot are customs for the States of Sonora. Sinaloa, Colima. Ac., the sales of the public lands and the rents of the mines, are now being delivered to the subscribers at fifty cents unmi the dollar. About *IOO,OOO have been delivered up to this date, and as soon as the smaller denominations, say silty, and one hundred dollars each, are ready lor issue a much larger amount will be taken. In spite ot all the mismanagement of Gen. Ochoa's predecessor, Gen. Vega, and the difficulties n e has to contend with, so strong is the feel ing here in tavor of the liberals that a con siderable sum is likely to be obtained by the sale of these bonds. One gentleman, repre senting a large baukiug house, ottered to take *''oo,ooo at forty cents in gold, which was declined, as the rate which had been fixed was fifty cents; considerably more was realized, in fact, by our own govern ment for its securities during a considerable period of the war. Such tacts speak volumes lor the confidence felt by' the people of the Pacific States in the ultimate triumph of republicanism in Mexico, and their sympa thies with the literals in their unequal con test with the invaders. MAXIMILIAN’S CONSUL. The Imperial (Maximilian's) consul is not recognized by anybody in office or otherwise, and his position' may well be called a sine cure. ' ARMS PURCHASED BY GEN. VEOA. The large assortment ot arms purchased by Gen Vega, in this city, last year and seized by our Provost Marshal at Half Moon Bay, still gives trouble to our government. They liavt* been released from the United States Arsenal at Benicia, whither they were seut for security by our military authorities, and permission given lor their shipment to Mexi co- but after being brought here last week tor shipment, they were oriiwed back-to Benicia to be delivered up to the Sheriff of Solano county, who has an attachment for them is sued at the instance of parties who hold Vega’s acceptances for some thousands ot dollars given in part payment for the pur-v chase money. Vega is still here endeavoring to raise money enough to release the arms, of which there are about thirty thousand stands, mostly of fair quality, and get them shipped into Mexico. When this is accom plished, if ever, he will return to Mexico, as lie lias been removed by Juarez ana super seded by General-Ochoa, who holds the po sition of commander of the liberal forces in the Western Slates of Mexico, and is really a brave, energetic and efficient officer. The following is tile latest reliable : MEXICAN NEWS. , The Mexican Consul, Sir Godoy, received to-day a decree issued at Chihuahua by the President of the Republic, on the 11th ot May last, declaring null aud void the decree of the 2Gth of February, and the regulations of the 9tli of March, issued by the usurper Maximilian, in relation to the revision ot the operations of seculaiization and redemption ot uatiouul property,on the grounds that the latter has no legitimate authority. The decree of the President alluded to is accompanied by a circular from the Secietary of the Treasury, Sr. Yglerias, wherein is ex pounded the foundation of said decree. There was, at this date, no rumor ot any French invasion of the Slate of Chihuahua. The republican government was taking every available means of defense. News of the capture of Richmond and the surrender of the rebel armies had been re ceived with intense satisfaction by the liberal government and celebrated with great en thusiasm. . , In the State of Michoacan there is only a small French force, which will probably abandon the whole State soon, as it is nearly all occupied by different liberal forces. THE SALVADOR FIRATES CONVICTED. The military commission called by McDowell to try the rebel pirates who at tempted to seize the steamship Salvador, in the bay ot Panama, made short work of it, and their finding meets the enthusiastic ap proval of the whole people of San Francis co. Bulled Alive. A Coal Mine Flooded, and Four Men Im prisoned in an Excavation—Battle with Ruts— A Faithful I>"9 the Means of Saviny Life The Rescue, <5 c. [From tlie Mahoning (Ohio) Register. ] Durine the severe rain storm of Friday night, the 21st instant, the stream of water that runs by the entrance of the Mahoning Coal Mine, in Hubbard township, over flowed its banks and poured a deluge down one of the slopes by which the mine is entered Four men were at woik mthe mine at tlie time, John Turriff, J hos; Bowen, Jacob Miller and Thomas Miller. The s ope where the water entered is the lowest place in the mine, so when they were apprised ot dancer the avenue of escape was cut oil. It was near midnight when the state of affairs was discovered on the surface, lhe alarm was given; the flow of water into the mine waß slopped, and the pumps were got to work. It was found that an immense volume of w ater had already poured down the slope, but from the fact that two of the men were known to be in the highest part of the mine, it was hoped they were still alive. On Saturday the work wag begun of drilling a hole through the'vock, a distance of fifty-six feet, to the place where Turrill and Bowen were supposed TO be. Great crowds of anx ious people congregated from the neighbor ing country. On Sunday noon the shaft reached the interior ot the mine, but there were no signs of the men until Mouday when a Viice called up the shaft, “Who's there?" It was found thatTurnll and Bowen were alive, hut knew nothing of their two comrades. Conversation could be casilv ried on with them, and pieces ot food and small bottles of brandy were lowered through the narrow apperture. They stated that as as they saw the flood coming in they endeavored to join their' companions, but were unable to do so, the water coming UP to their necks in that fmrt of the mine. They Lard distinctly the sound of drilling on {Saturday, and mined through a column to reach the place where the drill came through. Such quantities of water came through the drill-hole that they corked it up, feaiiug that it would drown them, but on Monday the flow ot water ceasing, they made thein aelves known. A gentleman who left the mine on Tues day evening informs us that the water was lowering rapidly, and it was expected that an entrance could be effected by Wednesday. There was no sews of the two. missing miners. The drill-hole struck on Tuesday to reach them struck a pillar, and was there fore of no use. [From the Mahoning Courier, Aug. 2.] On Wednesday' evening last, about half past four o'clock, the water being ‘deemed sufficiently low in the mine, it was entered by several miners who made their way, through water almost up to their necks, to the room where the two men, Turrill and Bowen were, at the drill-hole. They were then conducted to the mouth of the pit and one of them was strong enough to walk out alone. Attention was then turned to the brothers Miller, and several attempts were made to reach them, but without success. It was the prevaliug opinion that they were dead, and this led some that had been work ing faithfully to give up hopes of their re covery’ alive, and consequently, efforts in be half of the unfortunate men began to abate. However, about 11 o'clock an engine with several cars arrived from Youngstown, and a couple of railroad men, Mr. James Murray, foreman of the railroad yard and the conductor of the Hubbard Branch Railroad, Mr. H. Burnet, resolved on find ing them, dead or alive. In company with a lad as guide, who, when the flood came info the mire, was driving a mule team, cut the traces, and escaped with them, they entered and were soon making their way, neck-deep in water, dragging a small boat, made for the purpose, alter them. Their progress was slow, but in time they reached a very nar row place through which they must pass. The two men found they could not carry, alone, fire unfortunate Millers through this place without assistance. Returning to the surface, they received reinforcements, but on reaching the same place it looked so dismal all but two backed out, Again more men were called to their assistance, this time with better success. Ropes had been provided, aud one man taking one end of *it look the lead, the others following at the distance of two or three yards, in single file. In this wgy they reached the room in which the men were supposed to be, and were rejoiced to hear the barking of a dog that was known to be with them. The men were found alive in a sitting posture, the water up to their waists, almost completely benumbed, and scarcely’ able to speak, Afraid too suddenly to expose them to the fresh air, they were placed in the boat, taken to a higher room, wrapped in blankets, and retained there about an hour, when they were brought out, after being in that terrible room for five days and six nights. It was now daybreak, nearly four o'clock, aud the men being cared for, the excited company left for home. How the men kept themselves alive was learned as soon as they sufficiently recovered to speak. It appears that the men who were first released got through their work and started to come out, but. surprised to soon find themselves in water,"continued, suspect ing something went wrong; they waded till they could see the water almost touch the roof, and here they turned to go back. Tt|e room where the Millers were -working was low, the water rushing in compelled them to retreat; but before so doing, they made an effort to escape. At this time the four men were approaching at right angles, could hear each other wading in the water and inter changed a few words. Finding all retreat cut off each party retired higher up, each supposing the others were dead. The Mill ers went to the room where they were found; the water rising even there within about three inches of the ronf, compelling them to throw’ their heads back to keep their faces out of *ater. Their position will be under stood when we state that the ceiling was but four aud a half feet from the floor. Both tnefi slept alternately, and waked the other by vigorous shaking, until the water fell suf ficiently to allow them to sit dow’n. The men are now last recovering, and some of them are able by this time to resume their business. [From the Cleveland Leader, July 29.] If seems that after Turrill and Bowen wfie rescued on Wednesday night, a boat was rowed into the mine in search of the two Millers. They were both insensible from hunger and cold, and were lying in an excavation above the reach of the water. They would not have been discovered in the dense darkness had it not been for a faithful dog who kept watch over them, and who, we are informed, seized hold of the coat of one of the men in the boat, thus drawing his attention to his master. This dog had also saved Vie lives of his charge by keeping off a horde of rats which had been driven by the rising water to that part of the mine, and which, being ravenous with hunger, would have devoured the trfro menois they lay in sensible, had it not been for the faithful care of tlitir guardian. _ A Murderous Kx-Skcriff a lid Furlj- Kill Three Men—A Hand of Oullans—A Negro Iliot* % [Special Dispatch to the Republican.] Caiiio, Augusta, 1806. Mr. Aldridge, formerly Sheriff of Mc- Nairy County, Tennessee, with a gang of fifteen men, went out in search of amr n against whom they had some grudge. They found him near Medon, and shot arid killed him. The party then rode their horses over linn, mangling his body with the horses feet. Tlie party then went in the direction ot Purdy, and, meeting two old men, one of them sixty and the other seventj T ANARUS, against whom they'had a grudge, shot and killed them. Such occuirencies are frequent in this region. A hand of about thirty men rendezvous in .McNairy county, and make frequent raids into Madison and Hardeman counties. They infest the entire country between the Mobile and Ohio and Mississippi Central Railroads. A body of cavalry have been sent after the scoundrels. An extensive riot of negroes, who defied and threatened to shoot the police, occurred at a late hour last night, in this city. A company of returning veterans volunteered, and twenty of the ringleaders were arrested and placed in jail. Our negro population are becoming intolerably insolent, frequently knocking down and abusing white men alone. They are rapidly bringing 1 rouble on them selves, and unless they change their course they will be driven from town or killed. A stalwart young Irishman, in a nude state, a few days since mado his entree into the society of some young ladies, who were seated iu the parlor of a New York mer chant’s residence at Ravenwood, L. I-, caus ing the utmost consternation by iris abrupt appearance under the Ho retused to depart until he had been furnished with clothing, which the ladies, to rid them selves of the presence of the daring ruffian, supplied him from the wardrobe of the mer chant. It seems that this unwelcome visitor had escaped from Blackwell’s Island by swimming; • —Monkeys are rising in the world. A late letter from Paris informs tis that one of the equipages at the last March races attracted universal attention, from the fact that on the box next to the coachman sat an ourang ou tang dressed in groom’s livery, his top boots ams white leather irreproachable in art, and fitting to perfection. Every time the car riage stopped the ourang outang jumped off the box and stood at the carriage door. For a long time the Duke de Morney had a mon key who attended at table with perfect de cojrum and the most imperturable gravity. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Hi, 1865. A BABEL OF ISMS. The Lunatics of Gotham in Council Orthodoxy vs. Spiritualism. Debate in M.*»ti*oj>olitan iiuii. Hale anti Female Champions Pro and Con. TKICKEKY OF SPIRIT! ALIS.II EXPOSED. [From the New Yolk Daily News.) The city of Neiv Y'ork is a curious com pound. Not only are there to be found in it able champions of every Christian belief, orthodox, heterodpx, and every other dox, but every ism that has yet made its appear ance or gained" adherents, has its disciples in Gotham—from those who conscientiously believe that they can gain immortality by eating Graham bread, to the latest form of isms, which holds that no man shoifid have opinions on religious matteis at all. But the most compounded affair that exists in the metropolis is the debate which takes place every Sunday at Metropolitan Hall, Sixth avenue, near Eighth street, where Spiritualists, orthodox and atheists, meet on a common platform, and discuss matters of a politico-religious nature. Asa matter of course, in such a motley crowd, where long hair, maiden ladies, Byron collars and lean lankiness predominate, the inevitable negro is bound to have a share (and a very large share at that); so on yesterday week “ negro suffrage” was the topic of an exciting dis cussion, and is to be continued on Wednes day evening next. Ot the debaters who take part in these proceedings each one en tertains his own peculiar ideas, which vary, to a greater or less extent, from the ideas of all the otheis, so that, at times, matters get most beautifully mixed, much to the amuse ment of that portion of the audience who are present merely to enjoy the sport. The debate yesterday was on the question whether spiritualism w T as a true doctrine, or whether it was merely a mental hallucina tion. The chair was taken at three o'clock by Col. R. D. Goodwin, who stated that the time lor opening the discussion had arrived. The question under consideration had, he said, been debated for over a month. The attendants were divided in opinion, on the ground, probably, that “ A man convinced against tils w ill Is ot the same opinion still." The principle on whirl* this discussion was conducted was that there should he perfect freedom in the expression of opinion, provided personalities were avoided. He then intro duced, as the first speaker, Professor Malli son, who would take ground in opposition to spiritualism—time limited to halt an hour. now PROF. MATTISON CAUOHT TIIE SPIRITS. The Professor said he had had experience in spiritualism,- and believed it to be a sbam ; be would, however, state only what he had seen. He had on divers occasions caught these pretended spirits himself. They proved to be wires, springs, cords, etc., so manipu lated as to deceive the unwary. Let some me dium come forth and call up the spirits, and give him (the speaker) a fair chance to investi gate the tnanil'estasicus, and he would find the spirit and show up the trick, whether the manifestations were of the writing, rapping or tipping order, he cared not. You can’t, continued he, make something out ot nothing, that’s evident : now when a spirit would come forward and take a bodily form, assume a palpable shape, then he would be lieve in the theory, and not till then. He believed that these manifestations were nothing but tricks, aud he had often proved them so. He had hoard a piano played pretendedly by spirits ; but be subseauejitly fonnd out that it was a trick ; the medium had a confederate who manipulated wires extending from the keys of the instrument down into a lower room, l'he Professor said that when the Tabernacle in Troy was purchased by Jerry Hicks (this was the spiritual meeting room in that city,) Mr Hicks took him to the building, which was being torn down, and showed him the wires and other paraphernalia, by means of which the manifestations were made. Senator Howard, ot Michigan, was here about five years ago, and was invited to a spiritual circle, where a pretended manifestation was made him from his deceased sister. An obituary of the lady had been published, and the medium had been previously “posted” therefrom, but she made a great mistake in one respect. Miss Howard was, at the time of her death, Mrs. Mary P. Cutler, yet the medium kept speaking of her as Miss How ard. This was at a circle in Bond street. The speaker once attended a circle where the medium pretended to give him a revela tion from his deceased wife, hut could an swer no questions concerning her that her confederate had not learned a few days be fore in personal conversation with him. Once he found a spiritualistic boot, the heel of which contained hidden apparatus for producing “raps.” This, with many other like apparatuses which he had discovered, he loaned to a man who professed a great desire to “show up” the spiritualistic delu sion ; but the rascal no sooner got posses sion of them than he started out West as a lecturer on spiritualism, and made money by it. One time he determined to find out how a table was being tipped ; he made a grab at the wire by which the tipping was pro duced, but the confederate drew it away too sudden!)’, and his (the speaker’s) hand was badly cut in consequence. The Professor closed by insisting that all the pretended manifestations were tricks, and he would prove them so, whenever an opportunity was offered him. He produced three or four articles of wire and wood that he had “captured” while manifestations were being made, and explained the mode in which they were operated. DR LEWIS GETS A MANIFESTATION. A Dr. Lewis (Spiritualist) from Bergen, N. Jersey, now took the platlonn. He appeared to be very anxious to demolish the Professor's argument, and in order to do it he related soinc incidents which, in common parlance, are “wonderful if true.” Once he was at a circle where one hundred and fifty spirits were present. Among them were George Washington and Geueral Andrew Jackson. When the manifestations had proceeded for a short time, he got a communication from “Old Hickory” requesting him to whistle “Yankee Doodle.” The Doctor was’nt much of a whistler, hut as the old hero was deter mined to be obeyed when in the flesh, he thought it best to try, and accordingly be puckered up aud gave the spirit the best music he was capable of. The table then began to move, keeping time to his whistle, until finally it rgared up and rested one leg in a manuer equal to anything ever done by a circus postu rer,the medium holding it in this position some time merely by resting the tip of her finger upon it. His own heavy dining table (and that he knew was an honest one) had often tipped and rapped out questions when a young girl, a visitor ftt his house, was acting as a medium. Last winter he received through this young medium and the table a communication. “Did Ellen leave a message for me ?” He asked the spirit to identify it self and it proved to be an old lady, Mrs. Hinchman, who, Alien enveloped in mortal flesh was a strong disbeliever. “Ellen’ was the servant girl in the bouse where Mrs. H. died, and she (Mrs. H.) had told her to call on the speaker's family and “give her love to all.” He didn't understand it at first, but Ellen’s subsequent arrival made all clear.— Afterwards he held a conversation with the spirit of old Mrs. Hinchman. Among the questions he put was “Where are you now ?" She informed him that in consequence of her disbelief while in the flesh she had to keep ou learning in the spirit world, aud had not as vet progressed to the higher planes, but as near as'she could guess she was domiciled right over Bergen ! She also informed him that she could no*’ travel without expense, an idea with which she seemed highly de lighted, for, said Dr. Lewis, she was u very stingy woman when on earth. The argu ments of Prof. Mattison he did not think worttiy of notice. AN INFIDEL GIVES 111S VIEWS. Mr. Clark then took the stand. He was not a believer in Christianity, he said, but he was an opponent of spiritualism. He did not see why there should be auy discussion between Christians and Spiritualists at all. If he could bring himself to believe Chris tianity, he could easily believe in spiritual communication. But jie never could put faith in it, for the reason that he was not convinced of the existence of any spiritual essence apart from physical being. The speaker then went into an elaborate argu ment to prove the non-existence of a soul, combatting the doctrine received among Christians; and held to the belief that death was not the separation of two distinct beings, spiritual and physical, hut the disorganiza tion of matter merely. DR. ROBINSON FEB CONTRA. Dr. Robinson said he merely wished to destroy the atheistic poison the gentleman had disseminated, or to send out an antidote with it. He spoke for fifteen minutes in favor of the Christian teaching; and said that although he did not firmly believe all that was claimed for spiritualism, he would rather take it as a whole than plunge himself into the dark sea of infidelity in which the last speaker fouud himself. THE “IRISH APPRENTICE” ON ORTHODOXY. Mr. Lambert, familiarly known* as the “Irish Apprentice,” spoke in favor of Ortho doxy. lie had seen aud sounded the cheats of spiritualism. Some years ago he favored that doctrine, but after hearing the lectures of the Rev. Prof. Mattison of this city in op position to it, h%had changed his opinion.— lfe had asked the best test medium iu the city, Mrs. French, now present, to tell him the name of his deceased mother, and she re fused, because she could not do otherwise without exposing the sham. When she could do that lie would believe. Mrs. E. T. French, rising : Mr. Chairman, I never saw that young man before. Mr. Lambert: I asked you, madam, three years ago in the Bowery. He went on to denounce spiritualism as a delusion. A gentleman had said that the spirits of General Washington aud General Jackson were present at his circle. God of our lathers and mothers! w’ere they not in terested in something better than whistling Yankee Doodle ? Dr. Lewis : They used to like it. Mr. Lambert —So Ido like it; but I don’t think much of it comes from New Jersey. Mr. Lambert then went on to say that spirit ualism might have proved itself true during the late war; it might have prevented the second crucifixion (referring to President Lincoln s assassination) and saved the nation from the effects of rebellion if it had com munication with the spirits. He concluded by challenging any one to meet him in public and discuss the respective merits of Chris tianity and spiritualism. MRS. FRENCH ATTACKS THE REV. PROFESSOR MATTISON. Mrs. E. T. French then took the stand. She had not intended to say anything, and would not now take the platform only her name had been mentioned. She then vigor ously attacked the Rev. Professor Mattisou’s book entitled “Spiritualism Unveiled.” It was filled, slie said, with obscenity and lies. It that book she had been called a prostitute from girlhood; but she had Ynade the Rev. Prolessor, who was a hypocritical Christian, take that back. She brought letters from the Mayors ot Harrisbuig and Alleghany City, Penn., and from Bishop Simpson of the pro lessor’s own church, who had known tier from youth, giving the lie to the Professor’s assertions. When she met him, she, in com pany with her husband, fastened the lie upon him, and this Rev. Professor was glad to escape from her, making his exit through a window. Subsequently she received a letter from him offeriug to omit the objectionable passages in a subsequent edition of his work. She had her documents and her witnesses now, and could show them if called upon. She closed by speaking in a feeling manner of the delight experienced by all true believ ers in spiritualism. A SCENE. Several others took part in the discussion among whom was an elderly Scotchman, who, without taking either side of the ques tion, insisted on reading long quotations from the Bible. The audience demurred— there was nothing pertinent to the question. Several gentlemen rose and insisted that the reader should leave the stand. The Chairman : He has only six minutes more ; let hint go on. The old gentleman continued reading un til the chairman rapped “lime,” when being cut short in a passage from Job he descen ded from the stand, while the deep voice of a sailor-looking man in the auciience'Sang out, “Now, go and sin no more,” which cre ated uproarious laughter. FINALE. A woman who would not give her name, sayiug she was a stranger, then enjoined on the audience the necessity of going back into myriads of ages past and “learning the alphabet of God, ’ and becoming acquainted with His “programme,” shortly after wliich the audience retired. “U DOKPHO WO£FE,” 2*4 Jleavfr Street, Sew York. Offers far sale»of his own importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines Liquors, «sec., of any other house in this country, comprising iu part of Otard, Heiinesy, Piuet Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies m half, quarter.and eighth casks: also Otard and Rouyer, Laferrelere and Fils Brandy, in cases of one dozen each. “Gin.” Udolpho Wolfe’* Schiedam iu pipes. Schiedam Ammutic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. “Whiiliey and Ram.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhda and case* of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey in barrels and cases of one dozen each. RUM. “Jamaica" and “St. Croix. Hum" in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Madeira, Port Wines, More than twenty different grades, in halves, quar ters and eighth casks, also in cases of one dozen each. “liock. Champagne, Moselle and Claret Wines.*’ From Peter Arnold Mtunm in Cologne, proprietor of Joannisburg estate; J. H. D. Becker & Fils; Eschc nancer, Bcnccke A Cos., Bordeaux- Barton A Questin. Bordeaux, and from ether well known homes in Ger many and France. Oita, Cordials, shines, Bittiu, Mcstabd, Olitis, BranDV, PrESKBYBI, &V. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable dealers,should be snSclent guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser- for sale is pure aud genuine. Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices ob tolned. by addressing the above. augSJm DRY (MODS AMD CLOTHING. H. A. TOPHAM, 13N iougrr#* Street, Savauuuh, Georgia. NO, » MERCHANTS’ BOW, HILTON HEAD. CALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail par- - chaser* to his superior Stock of jMUJTTARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS’ CLOTHING, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, _ _ _ CARS, and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to the Stock receive*! by every Steamer from New York. ju2l-tt Carhart, Whitford & Cos., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in READY MADE CLOTHINC, 331 and 833 Broadway, oou. Worth Street, NEW YORK. ' ■ Cariiabt, j Henry Shapes, V\ m. U. Wuitkobd, I A. T. Hamilton, J- B. Van Wagenen. Office of Payan & Carhart in liquidation. jy° 3m NEWGOODS 1 CASE MERRIMACK CALICOKS 1 1 case Sprague’s Calicoes Colored Mourning Delaines 4-4 Bleached Loug Cloths 6-4,16-4 and 13* Sheetings Ladies’ Sun Umbrellas Ladies’ And Gents' Linen Cambric Hankerchiefo Irish Linens and Huck Towels Gents’ and Youth’s Soft Hats Magic Ruffling, &c., &c. Just received by aitf-6 V DsWITT & MORGAN. RIDDELL & MURDOCK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ’SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GKNTI.EMBn'B FcRNISUINO GOODS, &o„ No. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C., W. O. BIUDELL. rjuin-tf] n. J. MITBDOOK. STEELE & BURBANK; 11 Merehauts Row, Hilton Head, hu. Ca. (TALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur- J chaser* to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AMD FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries, Boots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac , Ac., Ac. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. A WONDERFUL invention for ladies. Unquestion ably superior to all othem. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald containing lull particulars every Saturday morning. jy6 6taw3m PROFESSIONAL CARDS. M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans lor and Superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, 4c. Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office. .1)21 ]ra DENTISTRY. DR. F. Y. CLARKE, Dentist, would inform his friends and the public tnat he has returned to the city and resumed the practice of his profession. rvoTicii THE undersigned have resumed the practice of Law at their former Office, over the Merchants' and Planters' Bank, on Bryan street. LAW A LOYRLL. August 14th, 1805. C auls I. C. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. . ju2S 2m CTS. BUNDY, G- on o r al iV. gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between 13tu and 14tu Streets, (Near Fay Department, j Washington, U. O. ju3o ts LUMBER- To Timber Cutters, the undersigned WILL PURCHASE IN LOTS, As Tiiey Arrive, Hurd Pine Timber, AND Hewn Shipping Timber. W. A. BEARD, Jyls eodlm 164 Congress street. FOWLE & CO., NO. 70 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. fFormerly of Alexandria, Va,j IMPORTERS OF RAILROAD IRON, DEALERS IN RAILROAD SECURITIES ANI) RAILROAD SUPPLIES OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Arc prepared to contract for the delivery of Rails either f. o. b. iu Wales or ex-ship at any desired Port. jul 9 PIONEER SAW MILL. IITE most respectfully announce to the citizens of Tv Savannah and others requiring LUMBER, that our new Saw Mill at the loot of Zubly street, near the Savannah ami Ogeerhee Canal, is completed. We are now prepared to saw and furnish Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respectiully solicit u share of public patronage. We will also pur chase TIMBKR as it arrives in this market. jy3l-tf ROSE & ARKWRIGHT. DRUGS. Drugs, Medicines, aud Chemicals. A choice selection ot DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, 1 LANDED FROM NEW YOBK., Planters, and tradi rs from the interi or, ouu be supplied ut the shortest notice, I cau warrant every article as lieiug pure. A large quantity of European LKKCHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on band. Une hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1T 1 r 0 T 1 E( 1 t I E S’ HILL, Comer Brongbton and Barnard streets. N, B.— Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, Jul6-3^^^^^^^Proprletor. THOM. W BROOKH MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 994 Dock Street, Philadelphia. Pa, N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at tended to. jysi-tt FINANCIAL.. The Savannah National Bank —IS NOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, AT TUX , BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposit* and Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York famished. L. C. NORVELL, . President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. niaxoTOßS : L. C. Nozvell, " I Fbancis Sobkxll, Noble A. Uakite. I J. "V. Lathbop, Robebt Ebwin. HENRY S. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 2«th June, 1306. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, l Ornot of Conptbollxb of toe Cubeb.nov, > Washington, June loth, 1805. ) Wuibias. By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that '* The Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, seenred by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” approved June S, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “Ths Savannau National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal ot office, this 10th day of June, 1865 r ,. „ FREEMAN CLARKE. lu2ti 2mos Comptroller of the Currency. QD OTATZONTS For Southern Bank Notes. banking house OP MANNING & DE FOREST, 10 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley BAT J9 “ Commerce, Fredericksburg'”'’' 'on Charleston, Charleston on the Commonwealth. . Ti “ Howardsvillc If. “ Philippi “ Rockbridge “ Rockingham “ Scottsvtlle g 9 “ the Valley *9 “ Virginia f® “ Winchester Central Bank of Virginia Corporation of Alexandria. .. . .9 Danville Bank, Danville *9 Exchange Bank of Va„ Norfolk r,,. Farmers’ Bank of Fincastle “ “ Richmond on Merchants’ Bank, Lynchburg. on Monticello Bank f” Northwestern Bank at JeffersonvlVle Tn Southwestern Bank, Wvtheavllle A” Traders' Bank, Richmond . . .. .. . H® NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear “ Charlotte “ Clarendon “ Commeicc “ Fuyetteville V’ “ Lexington go " North Carolina ,9 “ Wadesborongh 99 “ Yaueevifle . — Z~ Commercial Bank, Wilmington 5? Farmers’ Bank ot North Carolina. t Merchants' Bank, New beru ”) V SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden . “ Charleston J 9 “ Chester ! i? “ Newbury }“ “ South Carolina „ “ *!*®teof South Carolina"'."” J? Commercial Bank. Columbia if Exchange •» » •• Farmers'and Exchange .. Merchants', Cheraw J* People's Bank ?- Planters' ** Planters' and Mechanics’ Bank i? State Bank Union Bank ] [ [ * bJSK? ’“““K Company 12 “ . Athene Ji “ Columbus •' f! “ Fnlton r* “ Empire State }S “ Middle Georgia “ Savannah “9 Bank of State of Georgia V. £ Central Railroad Banking Company « City Bank of Augusta.. V y S. Farmers'and Mechanics (9 Georgia Railroad aud Banking Company is Marine Bunk F * “ Mechanics’ Bank Merchants' “ Iu Merchant! end Planters’ Bank. ■’ ~, Planters’Bank J* Timber Cutters’ Bank union ’• ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile “ Selma X Commercial Bank S? Central “ Eastern Bank L, Northern “ S’ Southern “ TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga . “ Memphis !!..!’*" 18 “ Middle Tennessee 60 “ Tennessee (’’’ go “ West Tennessee .. ." iu City Bank of Nashville ... 35 Commercial 8ank...... * ...20 Merchants’ “ !!.*.!.!*.*.*.']!* Ococe “ 26 Planters’ “ Southern “ ShelbyviUe “ Traders’ “ 25 umon “ LOUISIANA. Bank of America 05 “ Louisiana ... “ New Orleans Canal Bank .....' SS Citizens’ Bank m Crescent City ’ ” Louisiana State Bank no Mechanics’ and Traders’ Bank iin Merchants’ ’• ™ Southern •• £1 union •• New Orleans City Scrip ’ 9O STATE BONOS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds and Coupons 67 to Cos N. Carolina “ •• j, 8 Carolina “ •• _ Georgia “ * .'75 to 82 Tennessee “ “ 70 Memphis City “ *■ ..72 Augusta, ua. “ “ cc Savannah..,.. es City of Memphis Coupons 75 Memphis and Charleston Railroad Coupons 66 The above Bonds or* bought with Coupons incladed from July, 1861. These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannct be relied on for any length of time. The Notes must be of the issue before the war, and not tom. W* pay the above rates in United States Legal Ten der Notes, or in Gold Coin st market rates, if desired by parties. Package* of note* can be sent by Express with instructions. Remittances made promptly, an* Baton PRICE. 5 CENTS 4* financial. EINSTEIN, ROSENFELD & Cos., Bankers, No. 8 Broad Street, New York. We draw at sigjrt, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Frankfort, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same is with the City Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the of four per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, Cold, executed on Commission. Manning! & He Forest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Xo. 19 Wail Street, New York, Dealers in Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. GIVE special attention to the purchase and sale of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes. Southern States Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bond* #ud Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. jyls-3m EXCHANGE WITH. WANTED, FIRST CLASS EXCHANGE ON NEW Y T ORK. By THOMAS PEPPER, anl2-3 116 Congress street. DON’T TRAOE FOR THAT DUE BILL. ALL persons are hereby notified not to trade for a Due Bill given by me to E. G. Wilson and paya ble to his order for two hundred and forty dollars snd twenty cents, as said Due Bill has been paid by me long since. Ihe due bill is dated February 19th, 1869, 81112-3 WM. BWOLL. INSURANCE. THE . Underwriters’ Agency Os New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CUF RENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE are issvxd ar tbii asiociation. J. T. THOMAS * CO., aull-eodlm 111 Bay atrreet. IS YOUR LIFE ENSURED? THIS is an Important quesUon for every man and Important also for every wife and mother, as It aflects theii; future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The "Knickerbocker Life Insurance’' of New York will insure you at the usual rates in aDy sum from SIOO SIO,OOO. They also is ß ue the favorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITURE Policies, and will after two years payment give a fall paid up Policy for Two Tenths the whole sum, and Three Years Three Tenths, and so ou. Thus a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two Premiums paid upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,000. aud five years five-tenths for every additional year. For further information apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., Jn2T 89 Bay st„ Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O P BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. TIIIS is one of the oldest and beet Companies in America. Policies on Lives for any amount up to $15,000 ara* taken by them. The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled during the war nntil heard from—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to bejust and honor able in all cases. Apply to __Ju27 A. WILBUR, Agent. COTTON, AC. COTTON GINS. THE EMERY PATENT GIN. WHICH FOB Compactness, Economy of Time, Space and Labor, Par Surpasses sfny other Gin ever before offered to the Public. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish them at regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace l. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AMEB, PEABODY A CG„ No. IS2 Congress street, have the above Gin on exhibition, Samples can also be seen at the warehouse of C’HAS. 1., COLBY & CO., Jy26-tl corner Bay and Abercom streets. Bagging, Rope, Twine, 1 bale Dundee BAGGING, 26 bales Gnnny do 60 coils Richardson's Hemp ROPE, 250 lbs. Bagging TWINE, In store and for sale by L. J. GUILMARTIN A- CO., aulo-3 No. 148 Bay street. GUNNY CLOTH Mtm FOK|SALE aul H 1 Octavus Cohen. TO COTTON SHIPPERS. Alexander Hardee, COTTON SHIPPER, IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rates, and —has opinio, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON * BAY STS. For the purpose of | WEIGHING, REPAIRING, REPACKING, SAMPLING, CLASSING, AND— Stripping Cotton for the Public AX THY Xjowust ha jßiw, Furnishing Ink, &c. aul m