Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 16, 1865, Image 3

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local matters, »*,us.JL J. octuum* Ago.jiavejmt received a of goods much needed In tills market. Sec a.lvtiy«a» ient - in: tvv Stock of goods for Salk.—The attention of li ill want Os Groceries, etc.. Is directed to the ad v.-in-cnieul of Messrs, t’lias. L Colby & Cos., Hay .ticct. corner of Ahercom street. \mvsi• ok Tins Stkamship l’KKlT.'—This steamer, of tile Pioneer Ulie. Capt. Delanoy, arrived at this , ~.,|. iday from Sett York. We are indebted to I'otsi r Ilaskell and Steward McKee for favors. mtkbhiu Havana Chiars and Tobacco.—We In attention to the advertisement of Mr. It. Molina, iaatioiher column. Mr. M. has just returaed from Havana, where he personally selected the large stock f superior Cigars, iznifand Smoking Tobacco which ', oitoits to the public at wholesale and retail. A Her • orieiical test we do not hesitate to recommend bis ' i ■•ars and tobacco to the lovers of the weed as being 01 very superior quality. Connoisseurs and dealers ! ill do well to give him a call at His old stand, cor rof Bull and Congress street, where they will also fmd a well selected stock of articles in his line. Tier Pic-Nic at Isi.k ok Hone To-day.— An oppor muitv is afforded to-day for pleasant recreation and mrovment by the pic-nic and chowder party given I,V Jlr dallies K. Flanders, at his plac i at Isle of Hope. Those who wish to enjoy a pleasant exenr jljn a iHiuiitiful least of good tilings, and get a sniff ot iltc fresh sea breeze, so grateful ami invigorating ,i mis sultry weather, should not fail to embrace the opportunity. Mr. Flanders is determined that his ,'iesis shall enjoy themselves, and whatever he un dertakes in tlutl line lie is vory certain to accom plish- _______ TIIK COURTS. .™,.. r PKOVOST COIRT—BZFORK LIEUT. COL. KOBT. p r. YOKE, DISTKICT I’HOVOW MARSHAL. SAVANNAH, Aug. 15, 1885. Paul F. Beardsley vs. Julius Purges, X. X. Hardee v the above case, N. A. Hardee & Cos., having been ordered to retain In their possession flats Nos. 1 and if, of Dispatch Line, from Augusta, as well as%!l freights, subject to the order of the Provost Marshal; and the salil X. A. Hardee A- Cos. having inaiie their answer to said order, in which It appears that they accepted a bill for $1,2U0, upon the faith of the consignment of said boats, flats and freights, which bill is not paid: It was ordered tlmt said X. \ Hardee retain a sufficient amount ol said freights to pay said bill. And it was further ordered, that the charges and expenses of the said X. A. Hanlee A 10. as contained in their return, tic allowed to them, except the item of attorney’s fees. And it was also order*!, lliat the plaintiff pay all the costs of suit. Counsel fur plaintiff, Col. A. W. Stone; Hon. Walter. S. Chisholm for garnishee. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Tuesday Evesinu, Aug. 15, Mbs. The Dry Goods trade continues without change and presents no new features. Provisions, Onions, Potatoes and Cabbages con tinue selling at ruinous priees. There is much im provement, though, in the rates for Cabbages. Since our last issue, the Upland Cotton market has sustained a flirt her decline of Ito 2 cents. All stocks of good Cotton for sale on the merchants’ floors were withdrawn on Saturday and yesterday. Sea Islands are dull, and we have not heard of any material transaction that would give a basis for quotations. Bacon continues very scarce and none offering at wholesale. The transactions are confined exclusively to the retail trade. Finnnclal. Exchanue.—There continues a limited business In all descriptions of paper. We offer the following as a ftm statement, prepared fpr the Herald : llatik Notes for Selling Kir Aonpe.—Foreign Ex change, nothing doing; checks on New York, 1 per cent ; checks on Philadelphia, l per cent; checks on Baltimore. 1 per cent ; checks on Boston, 1 per cent. Bunk Notes for Purchasing Exchange, —Foreign Exchange, nothing doing ; checks on New Yolk, »i"ht, 'a to per cent; chocks on Xe w York,3o days, 1 per cent and Interest; checks on X. Y ork, 80 days, 1 per cent and interest; checks on Philadelphia* 6o days, l percent and interest; checks on Baltimore, 60 days. 1 per c«ut and interest; checks on Boston, 60 days, 1 per cent and interest: SrEt’iß—'There Is hardly a noticeable change in the demand or sale of gold ami silver. Gold is selling at 40 to 40'j ¥ cent, premium, and buying at 44,‘ 2 to 4ft. SilveV, buying rate, 35; sellhig at 40 per cent.'pre mium. FRKiuirrs—A good boatable river and large re ceipts of cotton has caused considerable activity. Freights to New York by sail vessels have declined. Wc give tlic following as fair quotations: To Augus ta, measurement goods, $1 per foot; by weight, #t per etvt. Cotton to New York (compressed,) by sicamer, ’ 4 cent per lb; by sail vessel. cent per it,; uncompressed, by sail vessel, % rent per lb. To Florida, goods by weight, $1.50 per cwt.; measure ment, 30 cents per foot. Liberal deductions for large shipments to Florida will be made. Insurance. —Avery fair business is doing In nil descriptions of insurance. The rates charged by steames from Augusta on cotton and domestics are from iff to 2 per cent; bv flat boats 3 per cent; up river risks by steamer l per cent. Stocks and Bonds.—A very limited business do in'! iu all descriptions of stocks. They are not quot able.* • Usuuurknt Money.—There is a fair business in bank bills without change iu quotations. We con tinue die quotations of last week : Bank State of Georgia. 20c. Marine bank of Savannah aOc. Planters’ Bank of Savannah 15c. Banket Savannah 30c. Central Bailroad A Banking Company of Ga.,...50c. Cotton Blurl/et. Since our last report a further decline of 1 to 2 cts. V lt> has occurred, showing, a continued decline in the market. The lower grades brought to market are iu very bad order—the cotton stained and wet, and the llagging iu shreds. The following antin' quotations: ;.qsf Report. Present Report Ordinary, • 281330 c 2Sfu <soc Middlings, 34&>37e 34©360 Good Middlings, 10(c 41c 3S@4oc Bur ipts. KKCEtVEI) SINCE 12TU INST. Upland cotton Sea Islands ~ Domostics 200 TOT*k RECEIPTS SINCE AUGUST IST. Upland Cotton I W® l Sea islands..- so Domestics vl ~‘ Export*. FROM AUGUST IST TO AUGUST 9TU. Upland Cotton • • • Sea Islands *2 Domestics ***2 ExI'OKTS FROM lgnl INST. Upland Cotton i 124S Sea islands • • lo Domestics 23s TOTAL. EXPORTS FROM AUGUST IST TO AUGUST 15TI1. Upland Cotton. *. 418,1 Sea Islands...'. *••• **2 Domestics.. ••• BUO General Market*. Butter.—A very ample supply of Goshen Butter, superior for table use, is offering from store. It is selling at 40 cents r* lh by the package-; an inferior article can lie purchased at 38 cents j* lb, suitable for cooking purposes. Ciieesk. —There is quite an aliundaiit supply of ex cellent. Goslieu Cheese offering; the selling rate is 18 cents t* lb by the box from store. Gaisins. —The stock offering Is very small. From Store by the box we quote at $5 to $«. 'Lemons. —There is if fair supply of Sicily Lemons offering from store. We quote *l2 to 12 30.— From store there is u supply offering Which is equal to the demand. We quote tp i„, x sl2 to 12 50. . Sugars.— The stock, offering of all descriptions of Sugars is ample. We quote Brown at 15 to it cents lit ; Ilellned at 21 h,; Coffee Sugars 20 cents, a considerable Jsale of Brown Sugar was made from tstore at 14 cents p lb. Wines anp Liquors.— 'There is u limited business doing hi liquors of all kinds. From store, we quote as follows : Wallace's Imperial Nectar, 43 00 t> gal j«; Columbian Gin, *3 30 ; Old Kentucky Whiskey, S3; Genuine Old Kentucky Whiskey, sl4 t» case ; Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey, $2 To per gallon ; Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey, $3; Fuller's Old Hje Whiskey, 44 30 to #3; Old Santa Cruz Whiskey, warranted genuine, $s to *10; P. 11. Goddard s Bran dy, sls y gallon; SelgueUe, lie ; UtwU, Dupuy A O»,tU(O|U» Coffee.—Tlw stuck us Coffee offering is limited, that is, merchantable good qualities. We quote at. Domingo at Me. V lb.; Hlo, 32c.feD4c.; Java, 3!xl(® 42c. ¥ lb. limes.—Plus article we quote at rates ranging from 8 to 9 eta. Leather.—For flue Hemlock Tainted the rate con tinues unchanged, viz : 40c. ¥ lb. Cotton *nd Wool Cards.—Our market is now amply supplied with these articles. From store Cot ton Cards are netting ai am ¥ dozen : Woo! Cards ft ¥ dozen. Turnips.—Northern Turnips are plentiful, selling from store in lots at $3 and retail «4 ¥ hhL Peas.—A fair demand continues for Georgia Cow Peas at $250 ¥ tmshel. Lumber and are in fair demand. From mill Yellow Pine Lumber and Scantling is selling at $45 ¥ M feet. A large lot of White Hue Hoards and Scantllag have changed hands since out last report upon the basis of quotations. While Pine Hoards, rough, we quote at $35 to 45 ¥ SI feet, according to the size of the lots ; Dressed White Pine Boards we quote at sfsvr-.M, js .Mfeet. Cedar Shingles are in fair demand at $8 ¥ M. Nails.—A large and well selected stock of Boonton Nalls are offering iu llie market. Sales are rejiorted of assorted sizes at prices ranging from $8 to $6 25. Crackers.—The market is well supplied with all descriptions of crackers. We quote Butter Crackers at 13c. ¥ ff', l>y wholesale ; Oyster Crackers, 15 to 15.',c. ¥ lb. Tlie stock offering is ample. Onions.—Offering stock more than ample. Great sacrifices have been made by overstocking the mar ket. The mallei orNgavel of the auctioneer lias at public outcry knocked off several large lots at very jow rates; We quote at #3 50 to $4. C.vHßAois.—’The old story of an overstocked mar ket is applicable to this Vegetable. They have been selliug at various priced to-day. Good lots will bring sl2 to sls ¥ hundred. Fi-our.—Our market is well supplied with all grades of Flour. The demand conthmes for city bade; few orders for shipment. Grades for general family use, J:i ¥ hbi; Family, first quality, $lO to $lO 50 ¥ bill.—From store, Adamantine are selliug at 28 to 2Sc. ¥ lb by the box. Soaks—The stock of all descriptions offering is quite large. For the lower grades of Soap the rates are 10 to 12J4 cents. Colgate’s Family, 13 to 14c. ¥ lb by the box. lUv—No change ; stock ample ; a sale from the wharf was reported at $1.25 ¥ ewt.; from store, by retail, $1.50. • Hope—The market is well supplied with Kentucky Rope, which sells at 18c. ¥ lb. Baowsg—Sales of Gnntiv Bagging are reported at 28c. ¥• lb. Starch—The present offering stock is ample: Com mon brands are selling at 12c. ¥ lb. Kingston's best, 12‘ a o.; Dmycu’s, lie. ¥ lb. i Corn—The offering stock continnes ample. From store the sales continue light, at $1,25 to $2.30. It will take several weeks to reduce the stock in this city, the market being overstocked. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 15. W L Walthot r, ICapt E A Delanoy, steam- Fred Chilly, ! ship Perit, C 11 Creirx, j Haskell, steamship Perit, John W Pollock, Lt and A’J 0 Chance, Fort Pulaski, A A G, Ilep’t of S C, W J Lawton, S (’, .1 F Bvtlicwood, 10 O Dow, 21st U S C TANARUS, T W Si,,,kins, IT R Riddel', IT a, HJ Marsbm, Boston, I Dan He Xoyells, Brooklyn Jacob Weak, X Y, < Danl Van Chip, HE Allen, USX, Brook- B Dreux, lyn, X Y, J Dreux, .lessee Mevlle, H Head, Milford lingers, X Jersey, Wm Harrison A servant, .1 Williams, do Charleston, J C Willingham, Albany, Wm (’ McKenna, II Head,* Gu, Capt G W Goslin, J Dab Rice, G 11 R, F*A Van Bennett, • It Lawton, Albany, Ga, A Bt'ustls, IG X Sanders. SKA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) AUG. li.r. Lt J H Sweritager, 26tU UlCapt Horne, Str Coinit, s C TANARUS, ICapt S Cowdrey, U b A, S Shuouds, Baltimore, jOapt E A Pinions, 153d X W U I'rescut, S<» 1 Y Vols, \V Hammond, Ga, i J L Stevens, Manches- Capt oti Dyer, 2ii USC TANARUS, ter, X 11, Lt A Gardner, do 1) Bobiuson, Beaufort, Capt A C McDonnell, do |w Starr, jr, steamer Eta- Col WII Gueruey, do pire City, L C Chapin, Surg U S Vols, ..I II Sears, Ed'r New South Hilton Ih'ad, A Linford, Hilton Head. Lt J Reed, .‘nth US C T-, | .PORT ROYAL HOUSE (IHLTOX HEAD) AUG. 14. Wll Green, Charleston, 11, Waters, G X Little A lady, • O W Lenuorn, L 0 Styles, Mrs Uper, Savannah, If G Wilder, Mass j w llizitou, Vols, Mrs Boyle, J F Lines, Ass't Surg 12th Mr Couslin A lady. Conn Vols, W Williams A lady, 28th l" T B Sprague, Charleston, 8 C TANARUS, M Emery, do L D Hountree, Ga, y'apt G England, 28 USCT, Lt I) Gardiner. 28 C S C T Capt W Bobbins, do J W Stockton, * Lt J Sipple, 128tli U Sl’T, D 11 Kubluson, Beaufort, Beaufort, G Hcrrigton, X Y, L llall, I Kurlv, II Head, G Quliiiby, VV Bey'ee, Charleston, 1) Robinson, j Lt E L Miller, 28th USCT, Mllintliie Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 5 23.M00n sets f 0.1 Sun sets.j 6 431 High water 3 31 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Tuesday, Aug. 1'5,1885. Arrived. Pioneer Line Steamship Perit, Delanoy, Xew York, tp Hunter A OatnmcU. Passengers.—J Dreux, It Dreux, J Week. Robert Brown, Anthony ltusli, Wm Van Clcef, Edw Letcher, Mrs C Henderson. CoNsiUNKEs.—Adams' Express Cos, W A Beard, 3 P Bridges, H Balfour, Martin Beytagh, A I. Bradley, M V Cohen, M Duggan. John IH-ppish. Erwin A Hardee, Haul Finnegan, Gaden A Uuc'kies, John Gillilapd A Cos, C L Gilbert, limiter A GanuueU, Hilton A Kamk-11, Itolit Habersham A Sons, I)r .1 K Powell, Ives A Cos, August Kohler. Emil Koetehke A Cos, M J Lippman, c w A W it Y Long, Lovell A Lattimore, M l.avin, M II McCarthy, John McMahon, 8 W Afcrem A Cos, Tims Mallov, M S Mever, T Nugent, Jr, G W Porter, WH Stark, Pie-rcg Skehaii.VNtuart A Cos, J It Scaly A Cos, I! G Tilden, Dr IV M Walsh, Weed A Cornwell, N Wolf, FiZacharias. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Tug Starlight, Wilson, Tybee Hoads, Cleared. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Philpot, Doctor Town, by Erwin A Hardee. Tug C T Shepherd, Bliss, Tybee Hoads. Steamer Sampson, llemiette, Hilton Head. Steamer Augusta, Lawler, Augusta. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrived. Aug. 14—Seltr Emma Baeofi, Case, Portland. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICTA)F SAVANNAH, Ist Division Dki-artmem ok Ukokoia, Savannah, flla,. August 15,1805. General Orders, ) No. 15. / All Commissioned Officers and enlisted men belong ing to thu 75th New York Vols., Seth Maine Vols. and goth Mass. Vols., on detached service and absent from their commands, will lie relieved at once and ordered Cojoia their reiqicctivc regiments lor master out. By command of Bvt Major Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. Will. A. Cooltkb, A. A. G. auglo-2 THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading; Journal or the South, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of 11% Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern , " States. The Proprietor* of the New Orleans Daily ash Wkhki.v Timkh, onenuraged by the liberal support "iven to tjH'ir journal, ample arrangements lor its improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily, st<* per antimn; half yearly, ss; Quarterly, $4. the weekly times Is devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gulf States; contains a carefully prepared compendium of the news of eacli week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all parts of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, ii resume ol the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per aunnm. TO OTaUBS. The Weekly wljl be furnished as follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $ n r,o | o copies $26 00 * ’ 14 181 | T •• .20 00 4 IS OO i 8 “ 33 00 3 ,■■■ ** *0 (a “ ............. 37 00 in copies.,.;.... $40, An extra copy will be given to any one getting an a Club of Ten. Terms iuvariably in advance. Address WM. IL C. KING A CO., SU.U-U Times, No. jo camp m OFFH'IAI— IIISTIIDT OF SAVANNAH. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF BAVANNAH.) Ist Divissox, Dkimbtukst or Georola, l Savannah, July!!', 18(3. ) Spbciai. Order, I No. lC f jIYTRACT.] I. Capt. John Martin Lusdne. • Schooner “Man Agnes," having violated (sere, ~! Order No. ftp. Head. quarters Department of Ihe Son tip M yy 8, 1885. ,-tali lobiti" quarantine regulations for the District of Sa vanuah. Ga., in allowing communication with Ahe shore, is hercliy tilled the sum of one Hundred Dollars, lie will bo kept hi confinement until the above amount Is paid. By Command of Brevet Maj. Gen. J. M. BIIAXNAN. Wat A. Coulter. Capt. & A. A.«. jysl HEADQUARTERS, DLSTKIC’T OF SAVANNAH, / Ist DlVISI((N, Dkh’t. of Gkoroia, >. Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1565. j (tF.NFRAT. OriiKlW.) No. i». / The following Circular from Headqnartere Depait mem of Georgia, is published for the mfoimatinu of ail concerned, and will i»e carried into cxceutioirat once: HEAOyJtS DEI’AKMENT OF GEORGIA,! Augusta, Ga., July 31,1865. / Circular, I No. 1. ) Inorderto afford ample opportunity to the people of Georgia to take tile oath ol allegiance preserilred in the President’s Amnesty Proclamation of May 2!l, 1805, it is ordered, first, District dommunder* will at once select, for the purpose of administering the Oath o! Allegiance, one Assistant Provost .Marshal for every four counties in his district, reporting the names of such officers so selected to this office r these officers owever, proceed at once to administer the Oath of Allpgiance. Second, District Commanders will designate the four counties assigned to each District Provost Mar shal, and the same will lie numbered as a Subdivision ol the District. Third, The Assistant Provost Marshal so designated will visit the county seat of each county iu his subdi vision as oiten as practicable, and remain in each county seat three or four days; at such visit he first causing public notice to be given of the time, in the newspapers of the districtor otherwise. All possible despatch must be used by the Assistant Provost Mar shal to complete administering the oath to citizens consistent with their duties and the public interest. Fourth. For intbrm'atkin on the subject of the duties of Assistant Provost Marshals lu administering the oath, form or report to this office, &r„ attention is called Ciicular 5, Headqnartrs' Military Division ol the Ten nessee, June 25,1805. Tiy command of Major General BTEKDMAN. (S)gnedj C. 11. GROSVENOK, Brevet Brig. Gen. and Provost Marshal Gen. • By command of Brevet Mij. Gen. J. M. BKANNAN, Will A. Coulter, A. A. G. • au2-7 HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Ist Division, Dkk't or Georgia, Oi rioß ok Provost Marsal, Savannah, Ga., August 10th, 1805. The following is published for the information of all concerned: fIIYTM.EORAITI FROM ABOUSTA, DATED AUGUST 10, 1885.] To Lieut. Col. R. P. 'York: Your despatch received. My order of August 3d ap plies to women and children as well as men, und they must take the oatli before the privileges can be granted C. If. GROSVENOK, Brevet Brig. Gen. and P. M. G., „ Department of Georgia. By order of Tlrev. Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAX. _ ROBT. P. YORK, oull-( Lieut. Col, ami l'rovost Marshal. UEADtj’RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, 7~ Ist Division. Department of Georgia, - Savannah, Ga,, Aug. 14, 1505.) General Orders.) No. 13. f All Commissioned Officers and enlisted men belong ing to the 14th Maiuc, Sth ludiaua umLlsth Indiana Voluuteers, now on detached service within this Dis trict, will join their commands at once for muster o#t. By Command of Brevet Major General J. M. BRANNON. Will A. Coulter, A. A. Gen. auls-2 OFFICIAL—BI'KE.U' OF FHKEDMEV. WAR DEPARTMENT, ) Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Alwnd’nd Lands,! Wasuinuton. July 12, 1885, 1 Circular, V « No. 11. f Instructions to Assistant Omnmtssioners and other Officers. Each Assistant Commissioner will be careful, in the establishment of sub-districts, to have the office of his agent at some point easy of access for the people of the sub-district He will have at least one agent, either a citizen, military officer, or enlisted man, in each sub-district This agent must be thoroughly instructed in his du ties. lie will be furnished with tile, proper blanks for contracts, and will institute methods adequate to meet tlie wilnta of his district in accordance with the rules of this Bureau. No fixed rates of wages will be pre scribed for a district, lmt in order to regulate fair wages in given individual cases, ihe agent should have in mind minimum rates for his own guidance By care ful inquiry as to tlie hire ol an able-bodied man when the pay went to the master, he will have an approxi mate test of the value of labor. He must of course consider the entire change of circumstances, and be sure that the laborer has due protection against avarice and extortion. Wages had belter be secured by alien on the crops or land. Employers are desired to enter into written agreements with employees, setting* lorth stated wages, or securing an interest in the land or crop, or both. All such agreements will be approved by tlie nearest agent, and a duplicate filed in his office, lu case there should be no agent within reach, the nearest postmaster will forward the duplicate of con tracts direct to the Assistant Commissioner for the State. Attention is specially called to section 4 of the law establishing th«* bureau, with refill and to Betting apart land to “every male citizen, whether refugee or freed man,” Ac., and the same arrangement is recommend ed when it cum Ihj effected, between private parties. Already many farmers have rented lands to freedmen and refugees This course is a recognition of the gen eral principal in the law. In order to enforce the fulfillment of contracts on both contracting parties, t he Commissioner of the Bu reati lays down no general rule—the Assistant Com missioner must use the privileges and authority he already has. Provost courts, military com missions, local courts, when the freedmen and <*ffngee« have equal rights With other people, are open to his use; In tlie great majority ot eases his own arbitrament, or that of his agent, or the settlement by referees, wil be sufficient. No Assistant Commissioner, or agent, is authorized to tolerate compulsory unpaid labor, except for the legal punishment of crime. Suffering may result to some extent, but suffering is preferred to slavery, and is to some degree the necessary consequence of events. In all actions the officer should never forget that no substitute for slavery, like apprenticeship without proper consent, or peonage, fi. e., either holding the peonle by debt, or conllning them, without consent, to the land by any system,) will be tolerated. _ The Assistant Commissioner will designate one or more ot his agents to act as the general superinten-. dent of schools (one lor each State) for refugees and freedmen. This officer will work as much as possible in conjunction with State officers who may have school matters in charge. If a general system can be adopt ed for a State, it is well; but if not, he will at least take cognizance of all that is being done to educate refugees and freedmen, secure proper protection to schools and teachers, promote rtiuthod and efficiency, eorresixmd with the benevolent agencies which are supplying his held, and aid the Assistant Commission er in making his required reports. Surgeon C. W. Iloruur, Chief Medical Officer of the Gureati, will have the general supervision of medical matters connected with refugees and treedmeu. The Assistant Commissioners will instruct their medical officers, as they have instructed other officers to make the medical department self-supporting as ml* as possible. All public addresses of a character calculated to craate discontent are reprehensible ; but the Assistant Commissioner and his agents must explain, by con stant recapitulation, the principles, laws and regula tions of this Bureau, to all parties concerned. It is recommended to the Assistant Commissioners to draw up in writing a careful summary to be publicly and privately mid by agents throughout their respective districts. O. O. HOWARD, nnl-7t Major General, Commissioner. OFFICIAL*—MiI*. TENNESSEK HEADERS MIL. DIV. OF Til S TENNESSEE, Office Pkovost Marshal (Jkkkeai,. Nashville) Tenu., June 25, 1 t»: Bircflau : To secure uniformity throughout the Military Divis ion of the Tennessee, in administering the Amnestf Oath prescribed by the President in In's Proclamation of May I‘th. ISO:*, and to preserve the records of such oaths the Major General Commanding directs that such oaths be subscribed in triplicate; two numbers on sheets or rolls, one of which is to be filed at IX*- partment Headquarters, and one to be forwarder to the Department of State at and one con venient copy to be given the party subscribing the oath. Blanks for the purpose will be furnished each De partment from tins office. The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to such j>erson* as are excepted from the benefits of the Presi dent’? Proclamation; except fur the purpose ot ena bling them to apply to the President lor special par don, and in such cose* but one copy of the oath wifi Ik* subscribed, which copy will, by theoflicer administer ing the oath, be attached to, and form a part of, the applicant’s jietitioti for pardon. Iu all special applications for pardon, the applicant mu*t state clearly aud fully, under how many and which of the exceptions named iu the President s Proclamation his case comes; he must also state whether the Govern ment has taken possession of any pprt oi hia yrv»|M rty, also wlie her any proceedings are pending against him In any of the I’pited States Courts for treason, of for con •ijiiiAcy against the Government of tlie United States, and tlie tacts statist iu such application must be sworn to before they w ill be forwarded. Thfrpetition will then be forwarded by the officer nd ininiMering tlie-oath to the Department Commander, who will,-before forwarding the same to the Department at Washington, refer the petition to the Governor of the State iu which his Detriment is, to enable him to in vestigate the merits of the case, and to recommend to the president such action tin to him seems just and pro per. f *• . Jiaeh Department CoTTtmander will designate suitable officers to be conveniently located for administering the Amnesty Oath, and such officers will be governed by these instructions. The name and rank of snch officers, with a stab ment of the (totals where stationed, will bo reported to this office. By Command of Afaj. Gen. Thom a* , J. (1. P\KKIII HbT, Brvt. Brig. Gen. and Pro. Mar. Gen. Mil. Dir, of the Tennessee. Official; WiU A. <Mma, A. A, Gy II . ' HAVAISNAU BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRUOQIfittS: WM. Walili, . WHOLESALE ANI> RETAIL DKKiOIST, mil 1 Soiulu o*r. Itamard and Broughton mh. • —— New Drug 21ou*«‘, Corner t oiigres* and Barnard Bta. JACOB LII’IWIAN. l.itc Kim. A: WabiS< r piiomu« 31. Turner, JL dkhkjikt, Sotithwe* cur. Barnard and Broughton eta. A A. Solomon* «V Cos., • WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL I>I!t*OGIBTS. l'.?~ Order* executed weciirat- and with dct»patch. _ liILU.MipS, (fee. O'Toole 4 Co.^ BILLIARDS, LIOUORS. WINRS, Ae. Billiard Saloon. By WALTER O’MEARA. WINES, LUirORS, Ac. Bay atreet, over Expreaa Office. Union Tfrknck Ncoent, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGAKS. a c . CTi Bull Bt., oppoaitr* Pulaski Honae, St. ('Vinrle* Saloon, fin rear of Post Office,) by A. Stamm. Wlto/catfc <tu<l Jfctiiil. None but CHOICE WINKS and LIQUORS served. Fi*ee Lunch. >m T ES, LIQUORS, &o, HO. Kim. & Cos., * - WHOLESALE DEAI.KEH IN LIQUORS, ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor, St. Julian street and Johnson square. Islltcl It. Sen iy & Cos,, SOLE AGENTS AMI IMKOHTKILS OF CHARLES PARKE CHAMPAGNES, In the State of Georgia. 207 Bay St., b tWi-vn lianatril and Jeff erson, anft Savannah, Ga, Israel It. Sealy A Cos., .WMGI.Jy.ALS: DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGAItS. . unn 207 Bay st„ between liacnaid and Jcffereoii J Lunin, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Svan . tsb Segars. Fkenou Brandies., Whisriy and other Liquors. Ton voeo of all kinds. l'-'i Bay stn'it, Savannah. Ga, imv GOODS. Jolm C. Miikn- iv. Cos., ani» Retaii. vw D /;V- kb ,n DKY tiOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, IKIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker eta. Tltomas Pepper, Wii«.i.ks vu: and Retail Dkai.kk in Stapi.k and Fancy Dky Goodh. at UDpreir ifented Lott J'rUvx. ONE PRICE ONLY. - 115 Congress street. Presdee <Si OrflT. DRY GOODS—Wiiolksale and Rktail. Jolin Mrfouaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. l«ki Broiiirhton street. Samuel 31. Lcderer, Jobber and Retailer of Eancy and St vclk Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,* Clothing, Hats, Ac. 146 Congress street. GROCERIES, Ac. SS. 3liller, 15T street, has for sale, . cheap. Flour, Sugar, Syrup. Lemons, Hay, Corn, Cow Pras, Pinders, Potatoes, Turnips,‘Oidous and Cabbages. au j» MFerst A Cos.. v\ Lo.esale Dealer in Li • Qi’ORH, Segars F>f 4JYGro<;kbieß, Candies, &c. !*< •» Congress street. AF. Mira, Widh.esm.k and Retail Dealer in • GROCERIES. FRUITS, Ac. Cor. Whi taker and Congress at. Lane Congrifin tSi Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and .St. Julian sts., Old Stand of W. It. Symons. Hilton «fe Randell, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bay Stbcct, aro constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in this city. IT* P. l>eyo, Dealer iv Ciioiok Family Groceuikh, -J* Wines, Liquors, Ac. Robert Kalfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 161 Broughton street. CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER— Wholesale and Retail. MAXITAOTTBER OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS ANI) FINE CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. YT Fitzgerald, . JJ. WHOLKSAI.K AND RKTAIU DUAUKK IN CIDERS, LE.MOX, STRAWBERRY am. RASPBERRY - SYRUPS, CANDIES, Ac., <So., In any quantities, to «uil Purchasers, a* WHITAKER STREET. PHOTOG RAPHS. JT. Reading A Cos., • PIiOTOGH a PQERS, * . Cor. Whitaker and Bt. Julian stn. Brown’s Photograph Gallery, Cards Dk Visite and Piiotoouvpiih, Market Square. GAS FITTING, <fec. F limbing and Gas Fitting, ‘ By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton at., one door West of Barnard. WM* Williams, Gab Fitter and Piatmulb, • and Dealer in Tin W auk, Hon**: FrßMhiu.No Goods, &e. 145 Broughton Btreet. Weed A Coniwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware aud Tin Ware. No. 15b and 101 Broughton street. TT Cranston, Uo PLI'MBEIC AND GAS FITTER, *jl Bryan et., next to eor. Whitaker. SEGAKS, TOBACCO, Kolb. ■ • bEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. C'l P. Lppez, Skoahb, Toiiaoco, Sm’kk, Piteb, Fancy, Stationery, *Ve. Cor. Bull aud Jiroughton sts. Ip Constant, Imfoktkk of Domkhtuj and Havana • Sf.oars, Mkkbhouai m Pll'KS, Also, WINEB, Chaaivaoneb aud other Liquors. , Bull street, opposite the Post Office. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. N. A. llardee A, Cos., COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS EBTAItLIhHfcD |N lSdti. Office No. y Stoddard’s Row, uulG Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, BKUEER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants’ and Plauteiß’ Bunk. Building. an lb A. Cohen, iw. EGRtV ARLI.N(4andCOMMISS’X MERCHANT, Office Home lub. Cos., Mi Bay Bt. Bell, Wylly Christian, AUCTION, GEN EBAI* COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT’S. Bay street, Savannah, Ga. AM. iV C 9., Uk<x--:bv and Com • m ism on Mut’iiiMs, 140 Congießß and 57 cl. •J quail ats. Highest market pi ires paid for Cotton, Wool, Bee-swax, etc. Liberal Ailtalla-aon Cotton- Ac. L'rwiu tffc Hardi^ J ld COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Btreet, Savannah, Go. ■atgeefe ■■ ■■■■—■■■ tr-"- a LOOTS and shoes. Ami* Pi-nbmly, Jobber, iu Meals VVollieli'4, anil Chililiea'a L a serge anil Kill BClOub aim ciiUEM, of all kind* and quaiiue*. 152 Congress hi., 4tn door North of the Market. Cl co. T. Nichols, J RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. 1W Brouylllou st„ 2d floor iroiu Hall. SODA WATER. John Kj » ii. Dottier of SODA WATER, ROUTER and ALE, COKDI.-Yl.s, SYHITS, Ae. Cor. Day and West Broad streets. _ ARCHITECTURE, &c. Jume« C. 111a nee, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will attend to all calls on bus mess in the mlxjvc branches. iif~ Office No. I*2l Bay street, next to Stoddard’s Range. au* PRINTING, STATIONERY, &<. Cavilic A Leach, iS BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryau afreet aud Market Square. Marking Ink, il\Nt sAi,n?BEn ami fornaie by DAVID U. (iAIJJJ" AY. 35 Drayton street. . Ci co. N. IDrhol., ‘ T BOOK AND JOB I'UINTER, Bay st.. between Abcrcom and Drayton. IA J. Purse, LITIIOORAI’HEB, STATIONER Jli. BINBER JOB BKINTER «e. No. n Whitaker street. SVV. AXasoii dk Cos., « tUUUUJ JOB nUNJINO OFFICE. No. »U Bay ekeet, • DIRECTORY -■ CONTINUED. PROFESSIONAL _ _ Dr. 3i. 31. Sueed, DENTIST. SrccEssOß to Da. E. Pabhoke, \ork street, near Court House,, Ga. an 10 WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. tj) D. .lordan, Dealer ill W \T<HL* ami JcwuLtY, . SU.VU anil Pi.atvi, War* Fancy Uikiw, Ac. 7 tr~ Watchc* and Jewelry Repaired. l’j' Congre«e st„ opposite the Pulaski Himse. IIAIR DRESSING, &c. L>ala>«kl Ilou e Barber Shop, fcor. Bull and .Bryan Shaving, Hair Cutting. Shampooing. Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soups. Cologne, Neck Tied and ot her Fancy Ai tides for sale. TynniM Fal^y, FTRNITI RE WAREIIOI’SK. X-*- Xzw Work Maim: to Gudko. Repairing, Bell Hangiug, Ac., »l short notice. 13S Broughton st. CHINA WARE, &c. Ed. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AXD . CHINA, at Wholesale ami Retail. Riff Broughton street, 2d door from cor, of Bull. SCKIVENERY. John .1. Pnrtille, (late Recorder of the Seeond l’rovost Court j will attend to all Writings and Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon or T'erence Nugeut, Jr„ opposite PulaSki House. WANTED. House Wanted, W IT . H 5 .? v,,n ., 0r ‘‘ i « ht K’>o(l Rooms, within one ' ' fourth mile of the comer of Bay and Drayton streets, if possible; furnished or unfurnishqd ; liaise not required liefore the first of November, but will be taken Immediately if necessary to seenre it Auulv the SAVANN ill HERALD OFFICE. if Tata TABLE BOARDERS WANTED SUPERIOR ihducementa are offered for a few Table Boarders. Gentlemen wishing for the above, will please apply at the corner of St. Julian and Lincoln streets, first door on Cassel Row. 8 a ul4 Wanted. fltWO or three first class hoarders hv a private fami -L ly, living in a good neighborhood and ceutral.— Address, for one week, ‘ Sherman," Herald office. * augs-lw Wantedh A NICELY furnished room, without board, where the people tire not too inquisitive. Addren*, '’Grimes,” Herald office. 'aiigH-iw iVMMJ IHiliiiliir ELI, FIFTY TONS of ILigs and Wnste P.aper. q’he CASH PKICKS PAID. Also, Cot ton Pickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grease, Metals, Bottles,*&c., at the FOREST CITY MILLB, ah4-tf Savannah. WANTED. A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN, who has lost her infant lately, would like a situation as Wet Nurse, and is willing to travel with a family. Gao give reference. Address "W," Herald Office, an 16-2 TO RENT. Offices to Let. TWO KOOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul‘2-tf , ROOMS TO LET, At IXiltoii Hoad, S. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large ami airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or business ptirjioses. For terms imply to W. S. S.unpson, Jr.. Box No. 2ft, nilten Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to 0 o'clock p. m. ju22 AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE, \\TII-I- l>e sold at Public Auction, in accordance TT with orders from the General Commanding District of Savannah, by Belt, Wylly A rhristiiin. Auctioneers, ON 4VKIJXESDAY, AUG. IG, AT l* A. M. TWO PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEW INSTRUMENTS » AND APPURTENANCES, The property of SAM. A. COOLEY, to satisfy jndg meut againet unid Cooley, in favor of E. 11. Clapp, the First Provost Court, District of Savannah, June 7th, I*os. The vale will be held at BECRETT’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, North side of Broughton, between Barnard and Whit ker streets auld ' 2 CLOSINC OUT SALE. Messrs. Kein & Comp’ny OPPOSITE THE POfeT OFFICE. Will offer at Auction on THURSDAY, August 17th, at l 10 o’clock, through BELL, WYLLY «fc CHRISTIAN, Their entire Stock, to close consignment, consisting iu part of 100 bbls. FI.OUR. 125 boxcKCLAiOST, 100 cases COHDIALS, assorted, 50 sack?* COFFEE, • 5 quarter cjinks old WINES, 55 bids. WHISKEY, With a general .stock of GRgCBKIES, well worth the attention of the Trade. auls WHISKEY AM TOIMCCO ’ AT AUCTION. THERE will Ixi a Sale at Auction of H barrel* WHISKEY and ii taw. TOBACCO, at th« Warehouwi of thu Depot Commissary of SulMist ence, HILTON HEAD, S. C., on Monday, A U S- SIX, ’Ol3. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. 2Sr~ Terms Casip in Government Fund*. C. S. LANGDON, aul4-fl Captain and C. S. Volunteers. NOTICE. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, 1 Savannah, Ga., August Ist, lsd.">. / Sealed proposaia to furnish this poet with six thou sand pound* of Push lteef per week, for three months, commencing September Ist, and endina Decemla-r Ist, 18*5, will bo received at thi# Office until TMesAy, Au gust 13th, 1S(», at 12 o’cioCa noon, when they will be opened in public. The Beet to be furnished on days to be designated by the Commissary, and lo be of good and marketable quality—dressed in equal pio|sjriion of fore and hind quarters, excluding necks, slmuks and kidney tallow. Persons proposals will state the average net weight, quality, Sic., or the Beef they propose to furnish. ..... . Proposal* will be suhiect to the approval or the Com missary General Os Subsi-tence HENRY R. SIBLEY-, $01415 Cnpt. and C. A L. Vol*. CID E R BRANDY. 5 /Wl/Y GALLONS, from one to five yeai* old.-. ,Uuu Samples of each sent by Express, with list of price*. Also, in case* of one and two dozen each. B, 8» CONNQYER, Distiller, tttio-lm rreehoMkN.^ AMCIMBaW. VOLKS’ OAHTEHV, (Oolqjrees »l, between Jefferson and Montgomery sta, j REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGnT, BV THK Savannah Orchestra, < Prof. E. Rkutkb, Lender, tw- Ketivsbiocnta of the nest qual ty .nil in every variety. lino auld PI C • N I C AND CHOWDER PARTY AT TUX Xsjlo of Hope. ‘ Ms. CHAS. E. FLANDERS respectfully informs his friends and the citizens of Savannah that he will give a nc-NIC AND CHOWDER PARTY’ at his place, on WEDNESDAY, the lfltll Inst. A BAND OF MUSIC will bo in attendance. SW Ticketa to be had at Messrs Stuart A Co.’s Store, Masonic Hall; at the Hilton Head Honse, at Moliua's Segar Store, and at the Savannah Herald Sta tionery Store. 2 anlft COPARTNERSHIPS. Notice. rpilE undersigned have associated with them Mr. * John It. Johnson, under the firm ofCrane, John son and (I ray bilk for the purpose of transacting a General Commission, Sh ipplug and Forwarding busi ness, to date from tlie Ist Inst. aoll-0 CRANE St, GRAYMLL. Notice. r l lease of the PULASKI HOUSE to Bartels A A liiddell, having been cancelled by order of the military authorities, and the Pulaski House property haviii" bee n, by the same authority, turned over to W' H 'ydtbcreer, the owner thereof the Arm of BAR TELS A RIDDELL late proprietors of the Pulaski House, Is dissolved from this date. All persons hav ing claims against the linn of Barrels & Riddell will please present the same for settlement to „ JOHN O. BARTELS. Savannah, August 12th, 1885. miiv-fl Notice. THE business of the PULASKI HOUSE will be con tinued and managed by the undersigned, under the firm and name of W. H. WILT MERGER A, CO. W. 11 WILTtIKKGIiIL „ J. O. BARTELS. Savannah, August 12th, 1885. anl2-G GUERARD & FERRILL, THE nndersigned having entered into Copartnership as Factors, Brokers and Commission Merchants, will sell mid purchase on Commission Cotton, Timber, Produce ami Merchandise. Orders ami consign mefita solicited. EDGAR L. GUERARD, BENJAMIN B. FERRILL. Rzffhkni iw.— Itobt. Habersham St Sons, Geo. W. Anderson, Anthony Porter, Hunter A Gammell, Jno. L. Villalonga. 8 aul2 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a Partnership for the purpose of carrying on a GENERAL AUCTION and COMMISSION BUSINESS in the City of Suvnn uali, under the Arm name of Bell, Wylly A Christian The lilieral patronage formerly extended to Bell A Christian anil G. W. Wylly, is respectfully solicited for the new firm. SAMUEL P. BELL GEORGE W. WYLLY. auJ W H EN ltY H. CH RI3TI AN.- HERALD . JOB PRINTING OEFICE, No, ill Hay Hlrcct, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. We respeidfnily call the attenthm of the public to the facilities which we have for doiuj* all kinds of JOB PRINTING. We have THE BEST PRESSES For doing all kinds of work, aud we keep them in good repair. a’YVe employ only FIRST CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND" TRIED ABILITY’. We have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to which we are constanrly making additions. YVe are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS. CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, . WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, TICKETS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS. * CHECKS, PASSES, LABELS, CONSTITUTIONS, BY-LAWS, * BALLADS. PAMPHLETS, CALENDARS, ' LEGAL BLANKS,* SHIPPING BLANKS, Or any other kind of PRINTING—in aky btylh. Wc have a Fine Assortment of Inks FOB PRINTI NiCrilN COLORB. ORDERS m RAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OTJH. PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and arc below the increased rates which rale in other lines of business. S. W. MASON & CO., HI Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. Iron, Iron, Iron. WANTED immediately, Filtv Tons of wrought and Cast Scrap 1 1 on and Metals. The highest cosh prices paid. Manufacturers sue plied. OLIVER A CO., MIA Forest CK| tO* fenaubi ________ SHIPPING. STAB LIKE, FOR NEW YORK. . the new and elegant first clam 'Vrdfr S- Mail Bteamahi ? UNITED %-Yiiifrri r i i’TATES, Capt. Sazac, will positlve - -Lirii- • ly sail for the above port on YVedueaduy, Aug. lGth, at 4 o’clock p.m. d.Uor f "a S ppVur“” Se ’ h4TinE *' >lendid accommo anlft BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., Agent*. AtlanticCuust Mail^team* xliijj Comjinny. For New York. —m Ai ’ the ITUI UMt ” at 4 o’dock, p. For Freighter Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to anls JOHN R. WILDER. PIONEER LINE FORNEfIORK ' >r * le S ’ Steamship PERIT, C * pt ’ K ' A - Dsnzsov, will sail fo r the - J above port on her regular day, Thursday, Aug. I7th, at 4 O’cftek. Foq Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to BUNTER 4 GAMMELL, FOB NEW TOEfi STAB MU, USE. EIVT I»WEBK T.-y ' The flwt u. S. Mail Steamships NEVADA ~ ‘ UNITED STATES, . . capt. Cawenteb, AMERICA, - . ' ™ pt SuAB *- CONSTITUnON, . . V Cur *- Gskkman. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail ever I Wednesday and BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO, Agents, WAKEMAN, GOOKIN 4 MERCHANTS’ LINE Vessels. Regular Weekly Line of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW- YORK. HTHE nndersigned intend to keep up a regular week -fi- ly line of first class Sailing Vessel* tween Savannah ana the areommodafions for paasengers a fid theven Kl ,r cl Ities for delivering freight in goodorder;atLwm, f !' with promptness and despatch. Particular givon to forwarding goods from New York attenUlm (via CHARLES L COLBY A CO., cor - Bay and Abercom streets. MERCHANTS’ LINE ' Sailing' Vessels FOR, NEW’ YORK, The First Class Fast Sailing Baltimore Clipper WENONAH, Capt. Warner, Will have immediate despatch for the above port. Has room for some light freight On deck. Superior accommodations for passengers. First Camn . , , Apply early to , C. L COLBY 4 CO., a °’ > , Corner Bay and Abercorn streets. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels For JACKSONVILLE, Fla. THE Ai Schooner W. B. MANN. Capt. Groan* B WrzvrK, now discharging, will bh ready to re roive cargo in a few days for the above port at For freight or passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., nli tr Cor - B»y and Abercorn sts. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels. T H F.™ e CHp lo’\ Bark 5- B WALKER, Capt. L. B. . Latham, will b 6 ready to receive cartro fr»r Vow dispatch tl>e lost., and wiipljave quick Has accommodation for a few first-class passenger* Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ,V oof * aulil . Cor. Bay and Abercorn ets. Cotton stud otlsci* Froigfht • FOR NEW YORK. Merchants Line Sailing Vessels THE fast ’ailing Clinper .SclKxmer OVOCA, Captain H- Mitchell, will commence loading for the l h „ U^ aV ,’ th , e , cIU on Saturday, tin inst. Has superior accommoda tions Tor a lew passengers in the First Cabin. Fare S3O. Apply to CHAS. L COLBY * CO., angS-ti cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. FOR NEW YORK. g -Fvx. Brig Ti KOIiCK AMOS, Stenson, master JLni.' now discharging at Anderson’s wharf, foot -JGeKf of Barnard street, will be ready to receive **—’■’ freight an Wednesday, August Sth. and wfll h ive dispatch. For freight or plissagS apply to GADEN* L.NCKLiir Agents, augs-tf cor. Bay and Barnard sts. FOR LIVERPOOL 7 g.-FTS „ TltE Britiah Bark NUTFIKLB, Holm* ’ h,Tl i« the greater porUowJ f h£ For balance or freight apply to _ au9 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * 00. FOR PHILADELPHIA. T n £r\V^bX C o r rf^ plete her cargo ueck freight to com- For Augusta, The Side-Wheel Steamer “ Melon, ” Capt. Riloy, (CARRYING THE U. 8. Will leave Stoddard's Wharf on FRIDAY, AUGUST 18th, AT 7 A. M. For Freight or Passage apply to the office or- KEIN & go., anLs-2 UI Bay street, opposite the Herald office. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA * AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will he received at our Warehouse, on Diliou's Wharf, at any time dti. ring the week. ERWIN A HARDEE auls law FOB SAL£ , A PINE FLAT, CAPACITY, 400 BAXES. Has just made a successful trip from Atl"osta, aa4-tf N. A. Py.Rtigß’ t, tv, NEW GOODS. (J 1 of FANCY <KX market. Call and fee thq» **ptes*ly for this atili ft ex. C* M. HJLfJSMAN, Qur. Hull and Oreo&tUoA