Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 17, 1865, Image 1
THE SAVANNAH ' DULY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 181. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENINGj ia pi-bushxd *v XV. MASON & CO.. M ill Hay Struct, Savannah, Geocoia. * tkbub: Five Cents. per Copy.*** $3 GO. Per Hundred *lO 00, Per Year auvkbtibi no: _ n A »i uM r»pr San are of Ten Lines for first in- Two each subsequent one. Ad inserted in the morning, will, if desired, U , ar?n the evening without extra charge. '‘ .TO IS PRINTING, j u cyery style, neatly and promptly done. A Terrible Disaster on Lake Duron* Collision Between the Meteor and Pewabic. from Seventy to One Hundred Lives Lost. XiTIES OF THE LOST PASSENGERS. Detroit, Aug. 11.-The propellers Me teor and Pewabic collided on Wednesday night, in Thunder Bay, Lake Huron. . The Pewabic was sunk in three minutes after the collision. , From seventy-five to one hundred lives " TU(!°boats were running at full speed, and struck with such terrible force as to crush in the entire bow of the Pewabic. At the time the accident occurred it was scarcely and rk and the boats saw each other six limes •imul When approaching, they exchanged signals, and the Pewabic bore oil to pass, but the Meteor, from, some unexplained reason, turped in the same direction and struqk the Pewabic. . . .. The following are the names of the pas sengers known to be lost: Miss i . Ilorner, Ilouo-hton; Miss Frank Rider, Houghtou; MissTvler, Tiffin, Ohio; Caroline M.Wright, Detroit ; Mrs. Wn). Wells, Ann Harbor; wife and four children of Edw. Levan, Ca li tda East; wife, son and daughter of Henry I etched Lake Superior; xiewis James, Rock ville; Miss Hauna Kelly, Illinois ; William Oitcll Cleveland ; Miss Julia Ramsey, Tiffin, Ohio •’ Mrs. Hall and two children, Copper H-rbor- A. O. Neal. Cleveland; Thomas Blackwell, Ontonagon; John Tracy, Cleve -1 Names! of the crew that were lost: As sistant engineer, R. G. Jackson and wile, Detroit; first cook, Samuel Bomles, Detroit; oreaser H. Choler, Cleveland; deck hand Junes Riley, Cleveland; chambermaid, Mag gie, Cleveland ; third porter, watchman and 1 Dh-nmiV, Aug. 11.—No further particulars have been received from the scene of the late catastrophe on Lake Huron. Capt. McKay, of the steamer Pewabic, has gone with a small steamer to cruise in the neighbhorbood of Hie place where the ill-fated Pewabic sunk. It is also proposed to send a diver to 1 AhVbe'books and papers of the steamer were lost, and it is therefore impossible to give complete lists of the passengers who were on board. The list already telegraphed comprises those saved. Phe Pewabic was built last year, and was valued at one hun dred thousand dollar* upon which there was an insurance of sixty thousand dollars. THE conspirators. tfudd, Spangler, o’Laiigliliu, and Arnold oh their Way to the Tortugas. INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. [Correspondence of the Washington Chronicle.] In the course of ft pleasant conversation with Captain George W, Dutton, company C. loth regiment Veteran Reserve corps, who has just returned from the Dry Tortugas, we iiave obtained some interesting facts relative to the conspirators and their trip to the rock bound fortress which is to be (ior three of them) their last earthly home. Captain Dutton, with a surgeant, three corporals, and twenty-six men, reported at the Washington Arsenal on the morning ot buuday, July 16, and, taking charge of the prisoners, placed them on board the steamer State of Maine, bound for Fortress Monroe, which point they reached at 4 P. M. on the 17th. They were then transferred to the Florida, Captain Budd, all on board, with the exception ot General Dodd, being entire ly ignorant of the vessel’s destination. ' At dark on the 19th the Florida reached Port Royal, S. C., where she discharged a cargo ol cordage, &c., and coaled. On the " 1 st she sailed for the Dry Tortugas, reaching that barren and inhospitable spot on the 24th, just one week after her departure from For tress Monroe. During the voyage all the prisoners were more or less atiiicted with sea-sickness, and at one time half of the guards were unlit ior duty. Dr. Mudd aud Arnold were particu larly wretched. Sprangler, although quite sick, was given to practical joking. Finding that while sick lie could get from the Surgeon, Dr. Por ter, a modicum of French brandy, he con cluded to take sick at various odd times, al ways with pains for which nni galhet s/nritus is supposed to be a sovereign cure; but his trick was discovered and he was, much to his chagrin, obliged to quail Jamaica Ginger in place of the more palatable beverage lie was generally quite talkative, and ex pressed himself as being satisliecl with the action of the military Commission, but con tiaued to assert his innocence ot participa tion in the crime of assassination. In a opn versation with Captain Dutton, lie remarked that he knew nothing of Booth’s designs, and t mt even after the murder, while Booth was p issiug througli the theatre, he was unaware oi the foul deed which had been committed, “flie (act is, Captain,” said he, “Booth was a privileged character at Ford s. He had the ran of the house at all times, day and night; hid access to the dressing rooms, and ire q iently came to the rehearsals unannounced, and always by the rear entrance, lie was a great favorite, and spent money fretfly.—- Whenever he came with his horse he always tll H e d tor me to groom the animal, and I have many a time blacked his boots and done other menial work for him. I did not close the door behind Booth. It was a spring door which you can see when you get back to Washington, and closed of itself unless vou held it open. There was nothing unusual iu my holding Booth’s horse on the night of the murder, for I had done it twenty times before. 1 didn't see how the Commission ■wbicli tried me could have decided otlier •wise in my case, considering the evidence ; butjl am not guilty of having anything to do with the crime.” Spangler was very lively during the voyage and several times ran up the ladder from the hold three steps at a time, heavily ironed as he was. He was quite jubilant over the idea that he would not be a prisoner Jor hie. “I ll come out all right-six years is not such a long time after all,” said he, }ou need not felicitate yourself on having a short time to stay, SpaMgler,” said Dr. Mudd. I don't know where they are taking us, but it it is to the Dry Tortugas, there is no more chance lor you than for me. None ol us wiil live more than two years.” Vp toUfiatime not a word bad been drop- ped in reference to the ultimate destination of the conspirators, but they had occupied themselves in discussing the probabilities of a residence at Albany, a trip to some port? on the Gulf, or a sudden death by drowning. O Laughlin was very reticent, rarely enter ing into conversation even with his fellow prisouers. Mudd carried with him a printed copy of the evidence adduced during his trial,and took great pleasure in picking it pieces. He is described, by our informant, as a man ot good education, considerable sbrewduess, and strong rebel proclivities. lie wa3 never off his guard, always pondered a question well before returning an answer, and in variably spoke of Mrs. Sueratt as having been unjustly executed. It will be remem bered that on his trial, Mudd denied all knowledge of Booth previous to the visit of the lame assassin to the Doctor's house, but to Capt. Dutton he confessed that he was ac quainted with Booth for some time before the murder. Iu regard to that deplorable ciimc lie asserted that he did not know of it until after Booth’s departure. .Mudd was very gloomy during the vpyage, and fears were entertained hv the guard that he contemplated suicide. lie was accord ingly closely watched, very much to his in dignation. "Why do you keep me so closely guard ed?” said he to the officer iu charge of him. said Capt. D., “I am afraid I may lose you.” “ How lose me? There is surely no chance for me to escape here,, and you do not sus pect that I would kill myself?” “That is just what I tear; and until I get my receipt for your body from the com mandant of the post to which you are as signed, I deem it my duty to have your every step strictly watched.” “ Well, Captain, you heed have no fear on my account. I would put an end to my miserable existence, but for the thought of eternity. lam afraid to die, although - 1 can bear this terrible life, which is so much worse than death.” When off the coast of Florida, the wea ther being warm, the prisoners were allowed to sleep on deck', and during the day their lions were removed. They were very grate ful for this unmerited kindness, and showed their appreciation by giving as little trouble as possible to those who baa charge of them. When the steamer came in sight of the Dry Tortugas on the 24th, and it wa3 made known to the criminals that this treeless, lifeless place was to be their prison, ibeir emotion could not be checked. The}’ cried like children, Mudd and Arnold, in particu lar, eviucing the most poignant grief. The former paced the deck, wringing iiis hands, and exclaiming, time and again, “There is no hope for me.” Arnold bewailed his fate in piteous tones. He said, “I wish this were Albany, or any other place where my mother and sisters could sometimes see me, I might bear my imprisonment. But here I shall have no one to live for.” Mudd declared, when his paroxysm of grief had subsided, that he should lose no opportunity to effect his es cape. When asked where hq would go if he succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the gar rison, he exclaimed, “Home! Government would not touch me there. It could not hunt me down in the midst of my wife and children.” Shortly after the landing of the steamer, Col. Hamilton, 110th New York volunteers, commanding the- post, proposed to assign Dr. Mudd to duty as hospital steward, and Arnold as clerk, and provide the others with employment to which they were best adapt ed. Ou the following day the Florida left for Key West to coal, Spangler sending to Mr. Ford, by Captain Dutton a message to the effect that he (Spangler) was innocent. A Modern Jack Sheppard. Extraordinary Adventures of a French Contact by Sea and. I.and—Truth Stranger than Fic tion. [From the Farts Moulteur, June 21.] Cartouche and Mandrill would be only pig mies compared with the young man whose adventures wc are about, to relate, if justice bad not come to interrupt aud cut short the high celebrity he was preparing for himself. He is at present only twenty-four years of age, and already his exploits are well worthy of his most celebrated predecessors on the road of crime. Fernet is his real name, and Bostard his feigned name, and jhe one under which lie lias just been condemned by the tribunal at Lille to six months’ imprisonment for vagrancy. Tins individual was born in Paris. At the early age pf fourteen he com mitted a murder; at eighteen he was con demned to live years' imprisonment for an extensive robbery at Bar-le-Duc; and he had only been eight flays in captivity in that town when he escaped, go was, however, re captured and condemned over again. But scarcely had he been incarcerated when he agnin contrived to escape After having had five different escapes from the prisons of Fiance, lie was condemned to twenty years' penal servitude at Cayenne,in the commence ment of the year 1804. Last year five con victs escaped from Cayenne, and Pernet was the chief of the band. lie took also the command Os the small skiff to which they confided their fortunes. They had scarcely put to sea, when the military post on guard of the prison perceived them, and fired upon them several limes, but none of the balls took effect, and Pernet and his companions were enabled to get out to sea, where tpey remained for fourteen days and as many nigte. having no other provisions than a nioMel of bread and the salt water of the ocean. They landed on an island belonging to the English. The inhabitants, believing them to have been shipwrecked, lavished the great est kindness upon them; nipi; indued, it was high time, for' all five were in such a slate of prostration tliatlhey were obliged to be re moved from the skiff like so much baggage. They remained for some months otf this isl and s but soon became tired of their monoto nous life, aiid Fernet, with his companions, set out for Spain, where they committed a most extensive robbery both of money and dry goods Having been tracked by the po lice, they fled to Corsica, where they passed themselves off as big merchants, having im portant houses in Spain. They were beauti fully dressed, thanks to the clothes they had stolen in Spain, and their pockets well filled with money, for somo time at least, sq that it was pretty easy for them to procure friends. They lived a jolly life for a time, but were soon out of resources. Pernet did not mind trifles of that kind, so he at first told all liis friends and acquaintances that ho had lost his portfolio, which contained lOG.poOf. .Ip potes, and several other niost valuable arti cles. He then published by the criers of Ajacio his loss, offering l(),000f. reward to whoever would bring back the portfolio, which it is needless to say was never found. The stratagem succeeded admirably. All the friends, touched with the misfortune of the two supposed Spaniards, put their purses at their disposal, which kiu4 privilege vyas not abused by the gentlemen for fear pf exciting suspicion. Soon, however, they tyere ac cused of the robbery of some plate ip the ho tel iu which they were stopping, and having been allowed at liberty while awaiting the skedaddie 0 * they 10011 fi care to Pernet and one of his friends then went to It?}?. where he passed liinMelfas an engineer of the Governmect, delegated for the carry ing on of railway tracks, and ills companion was his secretary. The mayors received them with respect; hospitably entertained them, and frequently advanced them money. This scheme having been discovered, the en gineer and his secretary cqutrived, aa usual. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1865. to escape detection at the hands of the au thorities, and in the month of March last Pernot was to be fonnd in London. The cli mate of Great Britain probably not agreeiug with him, he embarked for France, and ar rived at Boulogne on the 15th. He was with out resource, and in travelling by the coach from Boulogne to Calais, he made the ac quaintance of a charitable person of the for mer town, to whom he related, not his ad ventures, hut the disagreeable position in which lie was placed iu consequence of the loss of his papers. This person took him under his patronage, and even procured em ployment for him at Boulogne; but Pernet did not long remain there, and on the 20th of June lie presented himself at the police office of Lille, asking fur a ticket for his lodging, being utterly destitute. At first the police had some suspicions as to the identity of this individual, although his certificate" was in perfect order under the name of Bostard. They commenced by locking him up, and alter wards he-was placed in the bauds of the public prosecutor, and at the bar of the court of justice he waited until his condemnation, before,declaring his real name. Pernet is now about to suffer his punishment, at the expiration of which lie will be again sent to Cayenne, for the purpose of finishing his term of penal servitude. It is probable that this time his escape will he more difficult. Phenix Bank Robbery. Complicated and Thrilling Chap ter of Crime. Embezzlement, Blaeli - Mailing, “ Pretty Waiter Girls,” Self murder. Suicide in the Station House.. A TV’lsonev Kills Himself with a Pcn-Kiiile, Amount of Embezzlement, $318,000., The Phenix Bank defalcation, says the World of Saturday, was further developed yesterday in the most astounding and shock ing features of crime. Embezzlement, black-mailing, conjugal in fidelity, prostitution, suicide—nearly all the horrors in the catalogue of crime—seem to have followed thick and fast upon each other to complete the fearful and tragic drama. Even yet there is much of mystery con nected with the whole affair. The case stands partially out at present in panoramic horror, with still more astounding develop ments appearing every hour. There is a fearful sameness in nearly all exhibitions of embezzlement, and especially of bank defalcations. A confidential clerk abstracts his employer's money for specula tion. He loses; becomes bolder and repeats his theft; keeps a mistress who caresses him until she gains his confidence, and then blackmails him; through fear of exposure, and to satisfy her demands he steals again, and again, until the discovery of the first link in his chain of crime reveals the whole, and iu the grasp of justice, aghast and ter rified, the guilty wretch confesses all, and fearing his fellow-men more than the mys tery of death, completes the terrible round of wickedness by suicide. The histories of nearly all great embezzlements from banks or employers show' that these features ap pear iu nearly every individual case, and in the present they appear in horrid distinct ness. THE ARRESTS. Thus far four al-rests have been made: First, of Henry li. Jenkins, second teller of the Pluenix National Bank, acting as paying teller during the first teller’s temporary ab sence from the city. He was arrested, as related in the W orld of yesterday, on Wednesday. Second, John H. Earle, formerly a book keeper in the Phoenix Hank, and late a clerk in the office of Martin, Smith & Cos., in Broad street. It appears that Earle shared in the money obtained by Jenkins's embezzle ments. Third, Genevieve Lyons, alias Vieve Brow er, alias Brown, formerly a- “pretty waiter girl" in a concert saloon, hut lively the mis tress of Jenkius. It appears she also shared in the moiiey Jenkius obtained fraudulently, and also blackmailed him repeatedly ou dis covering his stealing from the bank. Fourth, Charles Brower, alias Brown, alias “Sam Davis.” It is alleged that he was a Joyer of the girl Genevieve, and that he also blackmailed Jenkins, iuformed of his defal cations by her. These are all the arrests that the police have as yet reported. It is rumored, how pyer, that other parties are still at large, for whom diligent search is making, aud they may be arrested to-day, or the police may already have some of them iu custody, though desiring not iy disclose the fact at present, in hopes oF still further develop ing what seemed at first one of the most complicated mysteries of crime that ever was woven by “the thread ot circumstan ces.” A SEICIDE TF.PTKItDAV —CONJECTURES. Earle committed suicide in the station house yesterday morning. What part of the evidence may have been hidden by his death is a rpatter ot somewhat interesting conjec ture ; perhaps spare of the earlier features of the embezzlement, but none, it is believed, in regal’d to the essential fact of its occur rence. Whether he was the originator of the whole affair and used Jenkins as the “cats’-paw” in the beginning, or whether he learned of Jenkins knavery only after it was accomplished, is not now a mhtter of cer tainty.' \ AMOUNT OF THE EMIIEZALEMKNT. At first it was supposed that the amount of the defalcation was about $250,000. The clerks remained at the bank urjtil a late hour Thursday night examining the accounts, and continued the labor yesterday. It is now believed that the total amount is $518,000. It is also stated that the bank has a surplus fund of $270,000, besides the earnings of the past six months, which, apart from the July dividends, are considerable. lion. John Mc- Keon, who represents the bank as counsel, stated that its operations will not be inter fered with by the defalcation. • THE ARREST OF JENKINS. Officer McCarty proceeded to the residence of Jenkins, at No. 10 Union place, at IQ o'clock on Thursday morning, for the pur- Cpse of arresting his man. lie was received y Mrs. Jenkins in a very courteous manner, notwithstanding the unseasonableness of the hour for making a call, but the lady denied having any knowledge ot the whereabouts of her husband. The officer then started on ft tour of inspection, but just as he began his search, Jenkins suddenly made his appear ance, and was immediately arrested. Mr. Parks, one of the offices of Hie bank, who accompanied officer McCarty, confronted Jenkins and charged him with having rob bed the bank. The cornered man at once realized the position iu whip!} bis guilf had placed him, and unhesitatingly acknowledg ed the crime. Mr. P. asked him to state the 1 amount of money he had taken, but this Jenkins declined to do, tearing, as he said, that it might hurt the feelings of the officers of the bank. The request was a number of limes repeated, but the defaulter was' inex orable, and said that he would wait and see how things went on before he should say much about the matter. - [ He was but little surprised at his arrest, and'acted with perfect coolness, treating the officer in the most aflfce manner, and con senting to accompany him to the station house without making any ado about the mutter. , Before leaving the bouse the officer search ed every room, bureau, trunk and drawer, but discovered little bearing on the case.— Jenkins said that ail papers relative to the defalcation were locked up in his private drawer at the hank, and further said that they would give the bank offices all the in formation about the matter that they might desire. Subsequently Jenkins became more com municative, aud expressed a desire to aid the officers all in bis power in makiug up the case. He talked as if he was merely a wit ness rather than the principal in the matter. He soon developed the fact that there was a woman in the case, and said that her name was Vieve Lyons,alias Brower, alias Brown. This woman was formerly a “pretty waiter girl” in Madame Bell’s concert saloon, at which place Jenkins farmed her acquain tance. It would appear from his statement that he formed a very close inti macy with her, inasmuch as he con fessed that she had obtained between $7,000 and SB,OOO trom him in sums ranging from SIOO to SI,OOO. He said that he final ly made up his mind to avoid her, but that she “dogged” him and was assisted in the operation by her man Brower, who also was she recipient of SB,OOO or $9,000, which he deposited to his account in the Greenwich Bank. * Jenkin's family consists of a wife and three children, to whom, it is said, he was very warmly attached; but for some time past he has been in the habit of spending his evenings away from home. Madame Bell's saloon appears to have been his prin cipal resort, until determined to “shake” the woman who had received from him a good lump of the pile which ho had stolen from the hank. ARREST OP EAHLK. Among the papers found during the arrest of Jenkins were some implicutiug one James 11. Farle as a receiver of part of the stolen money. Earle was formerly employed in the bank, but at the time of his arrest was a clerk in a business office in Broad street. He was connected with some of the most respectable families in Newark and Orange, New Jersey. The officers proceeded to the office where he was employed, aud calling the man aside asked him what he had done with the money. He at once-owned tip to having received SIOO,OOO, which, together with $45,000 ot his patrimony, he had lo6t in stock gamb ling, Taken to the bank, he volunteered there the same story, and was then taken to the Twenty-nipth precinct station-house for safe keeping. Here he was searched, and, as usual in the routine of police business, sent below in charge of the door-man. His watch and pocket-book were delivered to the sergeant in charge, but no weapon was found upon him. t SCICXOK OP EARLE. This, then, brings the story down to the time when the four parties were all in ous tody. Earle was in bis cell, and nothing was heard from during the night. He was seen alive at 4 a.m., hut at 8 a. m., when the prisoners were ordered up, Earle failed to respond. The doorman shook him once or twice, but still he did not move, The door man them discovered a pool of blood, and, ou close examination, found the prisoner was dead, having killed himself with a pen-knife, which, it is supposed, he had secreted in his mouth while the officers were searching him. An examination of the wound showed that Earle had first cut a hole near the jugular vein, and, pushing the knife in, worked round and round till he made a hole in his neck about the size of a quarter of a dollar. Earle was about 5 feet 5 inches high, ot dark complexiou, with a large, flowiaaf’beard. He was attired with much care. He had lost the upper part of the left forefinger. When found by Doorman Gillespie he Jaid with his head on the rug, in the midst of a pool of blood, the knife beside him, and a copy of Thursday’s paper near by. He had tried to sever the jugular first, but tailing to do so at once, he eut through the Adam’s apple, severed his windpipe and thus put an end to his existence. —A Rolling Mill is to be erected near Sunbury, Pa., which is to be 220 feet by ISO, aud to cqst about $200,000.' The leading fentlemen connected with the affair are lessrs. Cake, Mattison, Baler and Green. OFFICIAL—SUB-DIST. OF OGEECHEe! HEADQ’RS SPBJHSTBtCT QF OGEECHEE, Savannah, On., Aqgust IS, lsds. General Orders) No. 28,' J Hereafter no Carts, Wagons, or conveyances of any kind will be allowed to assemble iu the vicinity of the Public Market except during Market’hours, No goods of any kind will be exposed for sale in the vicinity of the Public Market except during Mar ket hours. All persons found violating this order will be sum marily dealt with. The Provost Marshal is charged with the execution of this order. By command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. JW». 11. Folk, A. A. A. G. augtO HEADERS SUW-Dt.sTltlCT OF OGEECHKrT Savannah, Ga., August 3,1865. f Circular,) '. No. 14. f To insure a more thorough Inspection of the Saul , tary condition of this city, it wijl hp divided into six Oi) Wards, and each s ard will be provided with one (1 > Inspector. It shall be the duty of each Inspector to examine their respective Wards, and report daily to the Health Officer any violation ol the Sanitary Laws of this city heretofore published which violation will lie punished by a flue of not less than Five ($5) Dollars, and not to exceed Fifty (SSO) Dollars. By Command of Brevet Brig. Gun. DAVIS. J»o. Mullen, (V. A (J ku7 HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE,I Savannah. Ga„ August 6,1805. J General Order, ) No. 111.. f All Apothecaries and DrqggisU iu Brevity are strictly prohibited lion» spiling any poisonous drqgs, spell as flphllQ or itsprenariihiflis. Strychnine', Corrosive Sublb mate, Ac., without the prescription of a Physician of character and standing m the profession, or a Medical Officer of the United Stales, which prescription must be kept on tile by tile Druggist for inspection. ■ All su-peeled or acknowledged cases of Small Pox, Varioloid, Yellow Fever, Measles, or Typhus Fever, must be promptly reported to the Health. Officer, cor ner Broughton aud Bull streets, by the Physician at tending, or J>y any person cognizant of existence of such diseases. By Command of Brevet. Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. G. aui UEADQ'RS SUBDISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, " Savannah, Ga., August u, fStii, Oenekal Order,) No. 20. J Hereafter and until iurtuers, all Commissioned Of ficers of the United States Army visiting this city will lie required to Register their names at these Head quarters, stating authority and length of absence. By command of Bvt Brjg. Gen. E. P. DAVIS Jno. Mullen, A. A A. G. aulO HKAIXi’ItS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, I Savannah, Ga., August 18,15C5. J General Orpek.) No. 217 ' | Capt. Jno. Mqllcn, 12th Conn. Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as A. A. A. General, Sub-District of Ogeechce, as his Regiment Is to be mastered out us the service. . Ist Blent. W. a. Folk, Adjutant 178(1 N. V. Infantry, is hereby announced »s A. A- A- G- of the Bnb.Di«triet of the Ogeechce. He will Be obeyed and respected ac cordingly. EDWIN P. DAVIS, aui 4 7 Brevet Brig. Gen. Corod’g, '7~HBADQ'RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, I Savannah, Ga., Aug. 14, 1865. / A General Order, 1 No. 22. / Surgeon J. K. Bigelow, Bth Indiana lufiintry, ip here by relieved from duty as Chief Mqdlcal Officer, Sub- District of Ogeechce, end will report to Commanding Officer of hie Regiment for duty. ■ Surgeon N. A. Baldwin, 17Jd N. Y. Vole., is hereby announced ai Chief Medical Officer of the Sub-District of the Ugcechec, By Command of * Brevet Brig. General B. P. DAVIS. Wm H. Folx, A. A. A. G. I «<Ui miY GOODS VSD ('(OTIUN'O. H. A. TOPHAM, 13* Cniigrrs* Street, Savannah, Georgia. NO. * MKRCIIAHTH' ROW, HILTON HEAD. C A ALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail pnr- J chaser* to hi* superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS- CLOTHING, hoots, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, and „ GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, For sale at the Lowest Market price. Addition* to the Stock received by every Steamer from New York. Ju2l-tt Carhart, Whitford & Cos., Manufacturer* anil Wholesale Dealer* in READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 and 333 Bkoaowav. oor. Worth Stbkkt, NEW YORK. TANARUS; F. Caruart, I Henry Shaves, Wn. H. Whittord, | A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van Waornen. Office of Fayau t Carliart in liquidation. jy« 3m NEW GOODST ICABE MERRIMACK CALICOES 1 case Sprague’s Calicoes Colored Mourning Delaines 4-4 Bleached Long Cloths S»L 10-4 ami 1 % Shuttings Ladies' Sun Umbrellas LadiesWaudGents' Linen Cambric Uankerchiefo Irish Linens and Huck Towels Gents’ and Yonth’s Soft Hats Magic Ruffling, ,&c., &c. Just received by au»-« DuWITT & MORGAN. RIDDELL & MURDOCK, Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in SUTLERS* AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooi»b, Ao„ No. S Merchant**' Row, Hilton Head, S. C., W. O. RIDDELL. rjulß-tfj 11. 3. MURDOCK. STEELE & BURBANK, " 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, 80, C'a. CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers ti> their superior stock of NILITARY AND NAVAL. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries, Boots, Cape Field Glasses, Uauutlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. A WONDERFUL invention for ladies. Unquestion ably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald containing full particulars every Saturday morning. jy« otawSm PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER . AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans for and Superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, Ac. Ofl(ce, Sorrel’s building, next to Gas Office. jy2l lm dentistry] DR. F. Y. CLARKE, Dk.ntist, would inform his lriends and the public tout he has returned to the city and resumed the practice of bis profession. anV. tt_ NOTICE. THE undersigned have resumed the practice of Law at their former Office, over the Merchants' and Planters’ Bank, on Bryan street. LAW A LOVELL. August Hth, iso:,. ti aulJ I. C. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, inr/roN head, s. c. ju29 ' 2m C. S. BUNDY, €3r o n o r a 1 A gent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 24T F Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, * (Near Pay Department^ Wasliiugton, X). C. juSU ts - LI.IIBER- To Timber Cutters, •" —THE rNDEBSIONED WILL PURCHASE IN LOTS, As Thxy Ahrive, Hard Pine Timber, AND Hewn Shipping Timber. Jylo eodlm p t Congress afreet. FOWLE & CO., NO. 70 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (Formerly of Alexandria, Va ,) IMPORTERS UF RAILROAD IRON, ANl> DEALERS IN RAILROAD SECURITIES AND RAILROAD SUPPLIES OF EVERY D BPS CRipTIOX. Are prepared to contract for the delivery of Rails either f. o. b. in Wales or ex-ship at any desired Bprt. jiil'J , lm PIONEER SAW M1L,1,. WE most respectfully announce to the citizens of Sayanuan aud others requiring LUMBER, that our new Saw Mill at the loot of Zubly street, near the Savannah aud Ogeechce Canal, is completed. We are now prepared to saw aud furnish Lumber ill large or small 1 quantities to suit purchasers, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur clmseJTMHEß as it arrives in tliis market. Jyjl-tf ROSE & ARKWRIGHT. _ DRUGS, j>r«g«} Medicines, and Chemicals. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDIUM BS. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINBS and TRUSSES, LANDED FROM NEW *ORK. Apothecaries, Planters, and tradi rs from the interi or, oan lie supplied at the shortest notice, I caii warrant every article as being pare. A large quantity of European LKKCIIES, finest AlHhe Patent Medicines extant on hand. Olio hundred cases Jacobs’ dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL HE SOLD LOW FO CASH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ATAFOTUKCABIKS’ MALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, Ini 6 -lip Proprietor^ THOS. W. BROOMS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 224 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa, N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Man promptly st. tended W. jyu-tt The Savannah National Bank —is saw PREPARED FOR BUBINBBB, XT Til* BANKING HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANGE. Deposit* and Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York furnished. L. C. NORVBLL, - President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. Dinorwa : L. C. Noavr.Li. | Fit.nob Sobbkll, Nouns A. H .moric, I J. *7. Lathbop, Rouzbt Ebwi.n. nENRY 8. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 26th Jane, IR<». ■ TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ) OrriOß OP CoMPTKOI.T.KR or THK Ct'RKKNCT, Washington, Jnne loth, ISG6. | Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “Tub Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Suvaunah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by*a pledge of United Statos bonds, and to provide for the circnlation and redemption thereof,” approved June 3, 1804, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re. quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, L Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “ Tub Savannah National Bank," in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author- ■ ized to commence the business of Banklqg under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 18«6 rv .... , FREEMAN CLARKE. iu*» 1 2 Comptroller of the Currency. QTT OTATIONO For Southern Bunk Note*. BANKING HOUSE OF— MANNING & DE FOREST, WALL STREET, NEW YORK, vuouu. Bank of Berkeley BAT ij: ”, Commerce, -Fredcrieksbuife! go “ Charleston, Charleston...... “ the Commonwealth 7? “ Howardsville JS “ Pbmppi.. ;; f* “ Rockbridge if. “ Rockingham.,.. •* Soott*villa. nr “ Virginia.. " Winchester '""S Central Bunk of Virginia jjl Corporation of Alexandria ' ‘ ~. Danville Bank, Danville Exchange Bank of Vn„ Norfolk. Si, Farmers’ Bank of Fincostle Jr „ “ „ “ Richmond i*. Merchants'Bank, Lynchburg... . <„ Monticello Rank .. * , f? Northwestern Bank sßeffersoimlie if Southwestern Bank, Wythesvlile If Traders* Bank, Hiri.Timnd:. .... NORTH CAROL, IK A . Bank of Cape Fear ’ „„ “ Charlotte *} “ Clarendon ’.... J? “ Commerce r? “ Fayetteville Jf “ Lexington “ North Carolina r” “ Wndesborough “f “ Washington ’ “ Wilmington “ Yancevillo; J? Commercial Bank, Wilmington Farmers’ Bank of Nurtli Curollna.'.' ” ] Merchants' Bank, Ncwberu ' SOUTH CAROLINA Bank of Camden “ Char1e5t0n....,,.,, *9 “ Chester.,,,,, “ Gpoiuefown ...’.V }“ , “ Hamburg J® “ Newbury fj* “ South Carolina -.-is South Carolina 7? Commercial Bank. Columbia i * Exchange *• ti -14 Farmers’ and Exchange ••••••••.. Merchants’, Cheraw People’s Bank Planters' “ Planters' and Mechanic« v iiank. ’ South W . R. R 10 State Bunk Union Bank «BOBBLA . Augusta Insurance aud Banking Company io “ Athens Jj* “ Columbus f; * Commuroe }J “ Fulton I* “ EmpireState “ Middle Georgia " “ Savannah ?? Bank bf State or Georgia 3® Central Itallroad Banking Company!! “ " of City Bank of Augusta 3 J® Farmers'and Mechanics f” Georgia Railroad and Banking Comlmuy'.!! Mechanics’ Bank, Merchants' •' 10 Merchant* and Planters’ Bank..' ” r~ Planters’Rank - *4 Timber Cutters* Bank .... Jf Union , >i , , ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile .. Commercial Bank 7? Central “ Eastern Bonk .7? Northern “..... ’7 Southern “ ss TKNN ESSEK, Hank of Chattanooga “ Memphis ..." ’”',u “ Middle Tennessee “ Tennessee.., “ West Tennessee ‘"'j« City Bank of Nashville. »• Commercial Bank Merehants' “ Ocoee •* o. Planters' “ r> 2 Shelby ville .7! Traders’ “ , 77 Union “ ."..'.'so LOUISUUA. Bonk of America, a. “ Lmdstana .V .77 Canal Bank Citizens’ Bank. ,77 Crescent City T 7 Uutialaua State Bank -7, Mechanics’ and Traders’ Bank IJ Merchants’ “ 77 Southern « Union <> ' ”‘'7o New Orleans City Scrip " “ f” STATE BONOS AND COUPONS. Vkgdagondsasd Coupons tt to •) 8 Carolina »> •* SSL, 7' MBS'; 7 d’-wF-nf City of Memphis Coupons 7.\ ” 'yj Memphis and Charleston Railroad Coupons, 45 The above Bonds are bought wUh Coupons included from July, is*l. These Guuuflnne are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied 5u for any length of time. The Notes must be of the issue before the war, and sot tors. We pay the sbove ratea in United States Legal Ten der Notes, or ill Gold Coin ot market rates, ifdesired I PRICE, 5 CENTS MSASCIAL. EINSTEIN, ROSENFELD & Cos., BAtfKEkS, No. 8 Broad Street, Niw York. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Frankfort, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current account!, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate of four per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, executed on Commission. Manning 1 & DeForest, BANKEBS AND BBOKEBS. Wo. 19 Wall Street, New York, Dealers in Geld, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. G IV ®. special attention to the purehaae and sate ol Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Qcor gm Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Buuk notes, Southern State* Bonds mid Coupons, Railroad Bond* and Coupons. JF Interest allowed on deposits. jyls-8m EXCHANGE WANTED. - WANTED, FIRST CLASS EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK. B y THOMAS PEPPER, “"Oj' ns Congress street. DON’T TRADE FORTHAT DUE BILL. A LI ;, pc ™?,'!l? re fcereby notified not to trade for s Due Bill given by me to.KG. Wilson and paya rne to hts order for two hundred and forty dollars and twenty cents, as said Due Bill has been paid by me long wince. The due bill is dated February 19th, 1859, onl-'-S W3L SWOLL. inhuramcSsT INSURANCE. Authorized Capital-$10,400,000. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO. are prepared to tike Marine Risks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks in this city in the following named first class New York Companies AT THE LOWEST RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY $5,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY 5,000,000 COMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMP-Y.. 200,000 STAN DARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y.. 200,000 Office in Jones’ Block, cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. Branch Office, corner Drayton and Bryan streets, aulti ts THE Underwriters’ Agency Os New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ARK ISSUED BV THIS ASSOCIATION. J. T. THOMAS A CO., anU-codlm 111 Bay strreet. IS YOlJlt LIFE INSUKED ? THIS is an important question for every man and important also for every wife and mother, as tt affects their future welfare. Abe TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance*’ of New York will inuureyou at the usual rates in any sum from jfcloo SIO,OOO. They also issue the favorite TJSN YEAR NON -FORFKITUKE Policies, and wiffafter two yews payment give a full paid up Policy for Two Tenths the whole sum. aud Three Years Three Teuths, aud so on. TTm. a Policy of slo,non. Two Premiums pa“ upon ft will be entitled to a paid op Policy of *20)00 und live years live-tenths for every additional vmlr For further information apply to y At the office of the Home ItumrancoCO., -I u “ ; 8U Bay sto Ga. THE -NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INNUBANUE UOMPAM " ° F boston. PURELY MUTUAL. T U America DCOf *“* ° ldee ‘ “and best Couqpaniee in tato, i | i ,y B thc,m Vea ‘' oransr smfmnt t>P $15,000 are M^StSffiS! 1 det .^rto UUß to be ’i“ ,t * ud konor - |u:n I, Hay and Cow Peas. 24 bales best Northern HAY, _ _ 25 sacks COW PKAS, In store nnd fur sale by aul4 3 L ’ J ’ QUILM.’.RTjjt A COj( NOTicir OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE.) Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1805. f Sealed proposals to famish this post with six thou, sand pounds of Fresh Beef perweok, for three mouths, commencing September Ist, and ending Deccffiberlst, 180.', will be received at this Office until Tuesday, Au gust 14th, 1805, at 12 o'clock noon, when they wilt be opened in public. The Beef to De furnished on days to be designated by the Commissar)’, and to be of good and marketame quality—dressed iu equal proportion of fore and hind quarters, excluding necks, shanks and kidney tallow Persons submitting proposals will state the averaeei net weight, quality, <Sc., of the Beef they proposeto furnish. Proposals will be subject to the approval of the Cm mlssary General of Subsistence. HENRY R. SIBLEY, aul-tlo Capt. und C. 8. U. Voffi. CID E R BRAN dVT 5,000 l^rSTwfc of prices. Also, meases of one »*d*wado!£n mfo*