Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
BY S. W. MASON &. CO ._
M*sOX. “‘‘ or -
W. T. THOMPSON, ******** MSUMf,
"savannah, Thursday. ArorsTn^j^s^
Onr advertising patron* are reminded that adver
tisements inserted in the Morning Edition of the
pwill appear in the Evening without extra
charco. Advert iaemtnU ahonld be handed in as early
as possible, but will be received as late as 12 o'Ciook
at sight- We adhere to oar advertised rates exi^pt
for long advertisements, or those inserted for * lon£
time On whit* a reasonable dlsconnt vdfl bemad*. -
We often have complaints from resident* of Savan
nah and 111*011 nead thst theyftre not able always to
obtain the Proa.-... The demand is sometime- so
great as to exhaust an Edition very soon after its issue,
and those who wish to have the Herald regularly,
should subscribe for it. We have faithful carriers in
Savannah and at Hilton Head, and through them we
always serve regular subscribers first.
We arc now publishing a colnmnand more of brief
business announcements, carefully classified, under
the general head of •■Savannah Business Directory.
It includes some forty leading business men and
firms of Savannah. We propose to retain tlibasa
regular feature of the Hrkauj. The expense of in
sertiug cards iu this department ol the paper Is very
small, and we believe the advertisers will reefete
more titan a proportionate benefit. Fart os w.shtng
to have their cards uicluded in ibis I '.rectory, cut do
no by sending them to our counting room, orlianU
mg them to Mr. M. J. Divine, who is authorised to
revive them. Prepayment wilt be invariably res
-6ION 0F out. Etenjx« Edition.— Owing to an
accident to our machinery, by which our
power press has been temporarily disabled,
tve are under the necessity of suspending the
publication of our evening edition for a few
days, until the damage can be repaired. In
the mean time the morning Herald will be
furnished to subscribers lo the evening paper.
We take great pleasure in acknowledging
our obligations to our obliging cotenipornries
of the Republican fair •tho use of their press,
without which we could not have been eca
bled to complete our morning edition yester
day,|nor to issue again until the necessary re
pairs of our press are completed.
The great financial feature of our times is
fibe System of popular loans. The scheme
owes its extension, if not its inception, to the
present Emperor of the French. With the
view oT drawing from their private hoards
the sums required to defray the expenses of
the Crimean war, he offered extraordinary
inducements to parties to make investments
in the French funds, ne raised large
amounts by appeals to avarice, and to the
gambling propensities of the French people.
The Bourse became a scene of daily excite
ment—a theatre lor gambling operations in
The two modes by which he his
object were a high rate of interest, and mak
ing the stocks accessible to parties with lim
ited means, by putting their subscription
price so low as to make their purchase easy.
The French who were, before this stimulus
was presented to their desire for gain, a
hoarding people, readily fell into this adroit
scheme for rendering the small sums scatter
ed throughout the empire and contained in
numberless privato hoards, available for the
public service. If this had been all, the
scheme would, perhaps, have merited com
mendation, as making government loans the
index lo public opinion; but there was con
nected with it a series of lottery drawings,
which were an evident provocative to that
gambling spirit to which human nature is so
prone, that it requires repression rattier than
encouragement. A fatal stab was given to
public morality.
England, which has raised sucli large sums
by public loan, has never resorted to any but
legitimate methods in raising tnyiey. A
higher than the usual rate of interest is the
only inducement offered to capitalists by that
government, if we except those forms of an
nuity that promise a perpetual income to
those who for this advantage are disposed to
part with their money. The baits held out
to attract the holder of small sums arc not
in fact required in England. The sums waul
ed are raised without difficulty. The system
of public loans is part and parcol of the gen
eral financial system of that country. The
jarge capitalists, the Barings, Rothschilds.
&c., are the takers of the loans, and sell
them to other parlies, whp dispose of them
in such amounts as meet the wants of the
general public. The number of small hold
ers of the British public debt far exceed those
who remain possessors of large sums.
The United States, in their recent loans,
have adopted two of the features by which
the French scheme is characterized. Tiny
have offered high rates of interest, and have
made their loans acceptable to parties with
limited means, but they have avoided the
vice of the French system, i. e., connecting
with their loans the principles of gambling
adventure, In a series of lotteries. They hare
adopted the best portion of that system pf
popular loans which attracts large numbers
to the support oi government.
Tub Roll of IToxor.— The War Depart
ment has just published a pamphlet entitled
the “801 l of Honor," giving the names of
soldiers who died in defense of the American
Union, and who were interred in the Nation
al Cemetery in the District of Coluuibia.fnim
August 3d, 1«B, to June 30th, 1805. The
entire number is 20,727, of which 15,000
were whites, Including nearly 7,200 natives
of America; 213 from England; 000 from
Ireland; 530 from Germany, and 107 from
Canada. About thirty other nationalities, in
small proportions, are represented. The un
known whites are 0,000. and the unknown
blacks, or contrabands, 5,720. The ceme
teries are kept in g'ood order, and the names
ot the deceased, as far as known, are in
scribed on the head-boards of the graves.
Trre Rebec Cotton is England.—lt is
said says a Washington despatch that the
Government docs not assent to the doctrine
of the Vice Chancellor of England, as pro
nounced in the case of the United States
against Prioleau. The United States are not
likely to concede very soon that the Rebels
are now or ever were a dt facto Government,
nor very likely ever, to consent to derive ti
tle to their own property through that im
aginary concern, and being a foreign State,
dealing with other Slates according to the
customary methods, they are not especially
likely to submit without process of attach
ment to decrees which may 'be registered
against'them by a court Os chancery sitting
in Westminster UaU,
It is a singular fact that, notwithstanding
the immensity oi the i»rcaent monetary cir
culation of this country, which' far exceeds
that necessary to meet the requirements of
trade in times not affectedßy the consequen
ces ol war, occasional expansions and con
tractions of the currency are experienced.
We see the statement in a Northern paper
‘"one of those periods which have occa
sionally come over the markets during the
last four years, of a growing scarcity and in
crease in the value of both paper money and
of gold, prevails at the present time.”
Tlie trade of the Southern cities, though
comparatively limited during the few months
that have elapsed since the cessation of hos
! tilities, has been affected iu like manner, as
we have been informed by intelligent trades
men ot our city. These occasional irregular
ities of the financial system are only tempo
! rarv.
j The currency and business of the county
Ij g necessarily in an unsettled and feverish
condition, and it is most probable that it may
j continue so for some time. Great questions
of political economyTiave been presented to
the country by the changed condition of at
! fairs consequent upon the war, which can
only be settled alter oareful investigation and
the working of practical experiments which
will require time for their consummation. —
What llie future policy of the government
will be in regard to the currency is not
known. Congress will doubtless take the
subject into consideration when it convenes.
The power oi contracting and expanding the
currency at will, as exercised in the Treasury
Department, defeats, of course, all calcula
tions in reference tlieicto, unless a knowledge
of the movements of the government is
taken in as tho most “important clement of
It is said that there are some indications
that the government expenses have been al
ready so reduced that the currency is likely
to be gradually contracted, unless the au
thorities should otherwise decide, from mo
tives of pecuniary and political expediency,
which are at present unknown in financial
and commercial circles.
All calculations in regard to business ex
tending into the future, can only be safely
based on a knowledge of the operations con
templated by the general government. It
has been announced that there had been dis
banded since April last 782,042 soldiers, and
that 100,000 more would be disbanded in a
short time. This large reduction of the
army, though it involves large present pay
ments, mu9t have greatly reduced the annual
expenditures of the government and give
them in a short time complete and undivided
control of the currency.
The Atlantia Cahlfi. ®
The most sanguine begin to despair of the
success of the Atlantic Cable. The British
gunboat Spbynx arrived at Heart's Content
on the 6th, having left the Great Eastern and
the cable licet in latitude 53.42, longitude
20.02, on the 27th ult., since which time the
Great Eastern has not been seen. The Clara
Clarita, which left Port-nu-Basque on the
10th, has also arrived at North Sydney, and
reports that no tidings of the Great Eastern
had reached that point up to that time. It
is sain that Eugineer Everett, whose experi
ence in laying the first Atlantic Cable entitles
his opinion to great respect, believes the lay
ing of the second cable is now a failure,
though Mr. Mackey, the telegraphic super
intendent at Cape Race, hopeful.
A special dispatch to thp New York Herald,
dated Heart’s Content, 9th, says; “There
are no signs of the big ship yet, and the
cable people are beginning to give up all
hope of her arrival. There were thousands
of visitors here last week, but they are now
going home disappointed.”
Tub Guerilla Mosby. —A Washington
despatch says that J. S. Mosby, who was ar
rested on Wednesday night in Alexandria,
left on Thursday evening for his home in
Warrcnton, Ya., there to remain until the
iurtlier ordcis of tho War Department. An
other despatch says Colonel Mosby attracted
a crowd wherever he .made iris appearance,
and liis presence oe.casioned much indigna
tion among the soldiers on duty iu Alexandria,
lie came down from Warrcnton to be admit
ted as a member of tbe bar, but Gem. Wells
arrested him on tlie charge of having broken
his parole. The Colonel briefly but respect
fully controverted the point, aud the General
telegraphed to tlie Secretary of War for in
structions. f
Gov. Holden lias issued a proclamation or
dering an election for the members of a
State Convention to be held on Thursday,
Sept. 21. The •convention is to meet in
Raleigh on Monday, Oct. 2. The Inspec
tors of tlie Election are to be selected from
Justices of the Peace already appointed.
The amnesty proclamation of President John
sou is to be particularly observod, and the
Inspectors are to be very careful fn admin
istering the oath to all who offer to vote, if
they have not already done so. The same
number of delegates are to be chosen as
there arc members of the House of Com
Stormy Cabinet Session.— A Washington
dispatch of the 11th inst. says: A long Cabi
net session was held to-day, and report says
a rather stormy one. The President's recon
struction policy is understood to have been
discussed in all its length and breadth, and
his determination to adhere to it and to carry
it out regardless of opposition or conse
, quences, emphatically announced.
Health of New Yobk A New York des
patch of the 1 Ith inst. says—Cholera morbus
is prevailing in. the city to an unusual extent,
even for this season of the year, and the
Health Inspector's mortality report for the
week will probably show a large increase of
deaths front that disease, for the propagation
of which the prevailing •‘atmospheric con
ditions,” the doctors say, are peculiarly fa
Forged Letters.— A Washington despatch
says the series of lettors published through
out the country, purporting to come from
Miss Clara Barton, the philadthropist, at An
dereonville, turns out to have been forged
here. These Jeltars detailed fresh horrors of
the Andersonville prison.
New York Gold and Con on Market,—
1 rom a private despatch received in this city,
dated New York, August 14th, 1805, we learn
that Gold, oil that date, was quoted from 142
to 142 1-2, Cotton 43.
United States Marshal for 'Georgia.—
H m. G. Dickson, of this city, has been
E. S, Marshal for Georgia,
Desperate Naval Engagement Be
tween the Brazilians and
Fearful Slaughter and Defeat of
Hie Paraguayans.
By the arrival at Nqyv York on Friday of
the steamship Sal adit), from Rio Janeiro, we
have news from the River Plate to June 36,
which gives an account of a severe naval en
gagement between the Brazilian fleet and
eight Paraguayan steamers and light floating
batteries. The Journal de Recife, of July
13, gives the following account of this battle:
The engagement took place on June 11, on
the River Parana, near Kiacbuclo, which is
about half a fegna below Corrientes, the cap
ital of the Argentine Province of the sama
The Paraguayan fleet consisted of eight
steamers and six floating batteries, carryiug
forty-seven guns, while the Brazilian squad
ron consisted of nine steamers, with sixty
two guns. The names of the Paraguayan
steamers were Tarquary, the Admiral s ship;
the Paraguay, the Marquez de Olinda, the
Ygury, tde Salto, (which, some time ago,
was taken from the Argentines,) the Ipora,
the Jtjuby, and the screw steamer Ihera.
The Brazilian fleet consist*! of the Amazo
zonas, eight guns; Jehitinhouha, 8 guns;
Belmonte, 8 guns; Araguary, seven guns;
Ignatemy, seven guns; Pamahyba, eight
guns; Beberibe, seven guns; Ypirangi, six
guns; Mearim, seven guns.
At 8 o'clock a. m. the Paiaguayan vessels
were seen to descend the river, and at about
3 they were witliiu reach ot their enemy, and
at once opened a furious tire. The Brazilian
account, Uto only' one whicli has reached us,
admits that the Paraguayans fought with the
utmost bravery, and the result was for some
time doubtful, until the Brazilian steamer
Amazonas, being converted into a mm, made
terrible havoc uinong the enemy’s fleet, sink
ing three steamers, the Paraguay, Salto and
Jcjubj’, and one floating bdttery, and com
pelling one steamer and five batteries to sur
render. The remaining four steamers, which
were likewise considerably damaged, then
The battle lasted until 4 o'clock p. m. The
Paraguayans, who supported the fire of their
fleet by a land battery of thirty guns, arc
reported to have lost fifteen hundred men of
their squadron, and five huudred of the land
battery. The Brazilians estimate their loss
at about three hundred killed, wounded and
Nothing could exceed the ferocious valor
of the Paraguayans. They all seemed de
termined to conquer or to die. Among the
wounded prisoners who fell into the hands of
the Brazilians was Ruble, the commander of
the Salto, one of the sunk steamers, and a
brother of the commanding general of the
Paraguayan army in Corrientes. His wounds
were tenderly dressed by the commander-in
chief of the Brazilian fioet, Barrosa, but Roble
with his teeth tore off the bandages from his
wounds, preferring death to captivity. Most
of the commanders of the Paraguayan ves
sels are among the dead. The whole artil
lery, ammunition, banners, and an immense
war material, fell into the hands of the vic
The Brazilians had to abandon the Jequi
tinhouha and the Belmonte was likewise dis
abled. Tlie Amazonas, Parnabyba and sev
eral other vessels were badly damaged.
The Brazilians flatted themselves with the
hope that tne loss of the Paraguayans is ir
reparable, as it is supposed tlmt, besides the
four steamers which escaped, they have only
one more steamer and two floating batteries
at Assumption. The Brazilian fleet, on the
other hand, was at once to be reinforced by
four steamers and two gun-boats.
Preparations for Preventing the Spread
of Contagion. —The Secretary of State has
transmitted to Simeon Draper, Esq., Collec
tor of the port ot New York, letters fiom.
the lion. Alexander W. Thayer, United
States Consul at Trieste, and the Hon. I. W.
Betir, United States Consul at Messina, ac
companying a circular relative to the pre
cautions which have been taken to prevent
the cholera from extending its ravages over
entire Europe. These documents have been
placed in tlie hands of Collector Draper that
the statements relative to tlie epidemic there
in contained, and the means of prevention
enumerated might be taken into considera
tion. It is probable that the quarantine
laws already regulating tlie sanitary affairs
in the various ports of tlie United States will
be enforced with redoubled stringency.
A despatch says that owing to the im
mense crowd at tlie President's House, on
Saturday last, the -floors wore opened to all,
the President holding a general levee. Hon.
E. H. Eastman, a lawyer of Nashville, has
been invited by the President to become his
confidential Secretary, in order to facilitate
the disposition of a good; deal of business
brought before him. •
An additional number .of Southern Post
Offices have just been opened.
Ford's Theatre is now being metamor
phosed, the interior work having been taken
out, and an iron floor is about being laid, in
order to render the building fire-proof as far
as possible. The Government teams are
employed jn taking the refuss material, and
in a short time everything will be in readi
ness for occupancy by the new Bureau of
Rebel Arch ires.
The Secretary of the Navy lias directed
that masters and ensigns of the regular navy,
and midshipmen serviua on board any naval
steamer, will hereafter be taught thoroughly
his duty of steam engineering.
From the 3d to the Bth of August, fifty
six regiments, batteries and companies were
blustered out ot the Unitod States service, by
order of the Secretary of War.
A Curious Advertisement.— The follow
ing advertisement appears in the New York
Herald: .
A.— Confidential.— The services of an
experienced Detective can he had, in divorce
and all other cases, by addressing Post office,
box (i, 785.
What a calling! ‘-Mine Gotexclaimed
the Dutchman, when be saw the monkey,
“vat vill the Frenchman make next ?”
The Siamese Twins.—A Fortress Monroe
etter of the 4th says:
Chang and Eug, the celebrated twins,
came down on the City Point from Hicb
mond, *n txmte for the Northern cities for ex
hibition. It is five years since they were
North. During the war they have remained
at tlieu home, Mount Airy, Suriey county,
N. C. Like most of Southern residents dur
ing the war, they have suffered loss of prop
erty from the depredations af soldiers and
Southern conscription, and have entered on
their present tour to recuperate their shatter
ed tortunes. They are now in their fifty
fifth year, and in good health, Increasing
age has told on them somewhat, making
more gray their hair, and adding to the
wrinkles on their faces. From a conversa
tion with them I leant that each has nine
children, one six sons and three daughters,
and the other six daughters and three sous.
All the children ate perfectly formed. Eacli
contributed a son Jo the rebel army; one of
thorn was wounded and the other taken pri
soner. Both say they loved the old Stays
and Stripes ; but when their State seceded
they considered it their duly to go with it.
They left to-night on the ,Jas. T. Brady, Capt.
I-midis, of the new Baltimore and Richmond
In the steamship Bellona, (apt. Dixon,
Just arrived at this port, were two steerage
passengers, concerning whom a thrilling in
cident is related. Franz Meyer, aged 23, and
his wife, Anna, aged 19, from Canton 80-
leure, Switzerland, were passengers in the
ill-fated ship William Nelson, recently de
stroyed by tiro at sea. In the contusion in
cident to the efforts to save life, the husband
and wife were separated. The husband was
picked up by one of the ship's boats, which
was soon fallen in with by the brig Mercury.
Tlie w ife, young and </<(-•*-«/*, was not dis
couraged at the uncertainty of her husband's
fate, but prepared for her own safety. Self
preservation could not suppress her womanly
instincts so far as to ignore tlie feeble cries of
Help from an infant only 14 days old, left to
perish by its distracted parents, but regard
less of her o#n state, she plunged, with her
self-imposed charge, into the sea. For two
whole days did this brave young girl support
berself and the infant ofl tlie remnant of a
ship's spar, without food or water, sustaining
the infant's life by the moisture from her
own lips!
Late on the second day the same vessel in
which her husband was saved, having ceas
ed cruising, without hope of rescuing more
lite, fell in with this heroine, and saved her
and her little charge. Eventually tlie family
were landed at Havre, The Prus
sian Consul at that port look the charge of
the infant, and its parents were supposed to
have been lost with the wreck.
Many ladies of Havre interested them
selves to enable this brave young creature,
with her husband, again to venture to cross
the Atlantic in search of a Western home.—
Destitute ot everything necessary as an out
fit, having lost all, the kindness of the ladles
at Havre was doubtless most acceptable, and
on the Bcliona, although poverty was appa
rent, a cleanliness in the family was quite
This heroine of real life, during her recent
voyage in the Bellona, guve birth to a child.
She is an object of interest to the benevolent
ladies of New York, and is worthy to receive
at their hands that aid, for the promptness
of which they have a world-wide reputation.
Dr. Blewitt, the Surgeon of the Bellona,
has kindly offered to give authentic informa
tion regarding this woman, as he possesses
documents establishing the truth of the facts
How a Rebel Preacher was Received
in Chicago.— A dispatch from Chicago to the
Cincinnati Gazette of the 17th, says:
Rev. John W. Pratt, Professor in the Uni
versity of Alabama, at Tuscaloosa, preached
in the Central Presbyterian Church last even
ing. In introducing him, Rev. Mr. Brown,
pastor of the church, rose and said: “Rev.
John W. I’ratt, Professor iu the University of
Alabama* at Tuscaloosa, will preach to you
this evening. Professor Pratt was an old and
intimate friend of mine in years goue by. He
was a secessionist, but an honest one on
principle. Professor Pratt preaches this even
ing at my special request. He consented re
luctantly, learing you would not be willing to
hear him, but 1 told him that as the rebellion
was over, and they had submitted to the au
thority of the Government, and as he was
now from heart a loyal Union man, there
was not a man or woman of any congrega
tion but would welcome him, aud gladly
bear him preach. If I am correct in this
judgment, will you please assent to it by
arising to your feet.”
Instantly the congregation rose to their
feet, and it was easy to see by the light in
the eyes of the men and women'that the wel
come was from the heart. The Professor
saw and felt it. Ilis sermon was one of great
ability and beauty ot diction, aud was deliv
ered with earnest eloquence. In his sermon
he said: “I was honest. I thought we were
right, and put my all, of money, pow er and
influence, into the Confederacy. But the
Confederacy is gone ; the theory of secession
is exploded; slavery is dead, and I am con
tent. God saw we needed punishment and
disciplined and punished us. I think we
shall now be a better, happier, and more
progressive people than heretofore.”
International Courtesies.— A black man
who was liberated in Kentucky some five
years ago, and who went to Africa as a
prencher aud missionary,, recently arrived in
Washington on private business, and brought
a message of* respect to the President from
the King of IJassas, accompanied by a re
quest that the former should send him a rain
coat, moaning one made of India rubber.
The garment has been purchased, anil will
be forwarded to his African Majesty iu due
A. Seward.— The professional
duties of Clarence A. Seward requiring his
personal attention, he has relinquished his
position as Assistant Secretary of State, aud
has returned to New York.
Financial ami Commercial.
New York Money Market,
August li, 6 p. nt.
The money market is easy at 7 per cent, for call
loans. Forefelt Exchange is firm anil inure arrive at
108;V(<; loti, gold, for first class trills. American Gold-
Is excited ami lower, opening at UP- and closing sit
141’a. Government stocks are firm. Stocks are low
er. Canton ha* declined ’ 4 ; New York Central ?, ;
Illinois Central ri ; Reading „ ; Mich iganNoiit net'll
'*■ i Cleveland and Toledo 1 ; and Erie anti Hudson
Paper cent.
Nfw York Markets.
. August il 6 p. Jr.
Ashes are dull.
Cotton.—The market is a shade lower. Hales 1800
bales ut 440. for Middling.
Flour, Ac.—The Flour market is dull and lOOvISe.
lower on common grades, while good brands are in
uiodei-ate request, without decided change in price.
Hales 10,500 bids, pt So oofeti 15 fur superfine Htate :
:c(n u 55 for extra State : $6 non t! 65 for choice
do.; f5 9ug>6 15 for superfine Western; SBSS@B 90
for common to medium extra Western ; .*7 95(«.s so
fur common to good shipping brands extra round
hoop Ohio, and $8 3*®9 65 for trade brands, the mar
ket closing heart for common and firm for good
grades, lneludedln the sales are 2000 bids, choice
extra State, for the last half of September, at *7.
Southern Floor is dolt. Sales of 400 bbis. at $7 85
ml* 15 for common, and $9 20(o 12 50 for fanev and
extra. Canadian flour is dull, and 106. 15 c. lower on
common grades. Sales :mo tibia, at $6 60(a6 so for
common, and $6 90fhi9 25 for good to choice extra.—
Rye flour is quiet. Sales 100 bbis. at $5 50. Corn
Meal la quiet.
Whiskey,—The market is a shade firmer. Sales of
300 bills. Western at $2 10.
Grain.—The Wheat market is dull and 2n3c. lower
on spring, while winter Is scarce and held quite
firmly. Sales of 68,000 bushels at $ 1.43a 1.45 for Mil
w aukie Club : Y1.46a1.48 for choice amber Mihvnu
kie, $1.45 for Chicago Spring, and *2. 02,', for new
winter red State. Kyc is dull and drooping. Bar
lev and Barley Malt are dull and nominal. The Corn
market opened dull, but closed a shade firmer.—
Sales are 73,000 bush, at snanoc. for unsound noqa
91c. for sound mixed Western, and 92e. for high
mixed nearly yellow. Oafs are quite firm at 65a
aj’ .e. for Western.
Bice—ls dull.
Coffee—ls dull.
Sugar.— I The market is dull, with sales of 50 lihds.
Cuba Muscovado at 12', e.
Molasses—ls dull.
Wool—ls dull. .
Provisions.—The Pork market opened lieavv and
lower, lint closed more firmly. Sales of 8850 bills, at
$01.57*.,a:i2,50 for new Mess,'closing* at $12.25, cash,
$28.75a29 for ’63-4 do.: $24 for prime, and $2'.a25.25
for prune Mess. Also 3250 litiis. new Mess for Au
gust amt Scpiember, sellar's option, at #88.50a32.
rile Ik-ei market Is Steady. Sales 900 bbis. at $8.50
a 12.50 for plain Mess, and for extra Mess.
I!e e' Hams arc quiet, cut Meats are in fair de
mand. Sales4-it)pkgs. at isr/< 17c. for Shoulders ami
19S(«i23>.e. bn- Hams. Bacon ipolull. TheLanl mar
ket is less active, but firm.. Salosi:joo bids at jyi .i„
Butter is less active at im.t ise. for’ohlo, and
Savannah, fix, August 16, 1805.
Gekskai. Oriikks,!
No. 24. / /.
Capt. Clark H. Remick. 103 U. S. C. TANARUS., Is hereby
announced as Acting Assistant Inspector General of
Sub-District of Ogeeclice.
He will be obeyed »nd respected accordingly.
By command of
Bvt Brig, (leu, E. P. DAVIS.
Wjl H. Four, A. A. A. G. aul7
U. S. Court of Claims.
HAVING been a cldrk and a commissioner to take
depositions in this court for six yca-s, I am pre
pared to write PETITIONS and arrange the PAPERS
in cases to go before that tribunal for private property
seined by the Luffed milifary authorities. I
have made arrangements in Washington to have all
eases promptly attended so which mav be entrusted to
me. K. M. UARNfcTT, Richmond, Va.
Office on Thirteenth street, near Cary, up stairs
Refers to—Duncan A Johueluu, Savannah : Major
A. Porter, augWw
ME. j. H. NEWMAN will give the fin-t to
his Cla?B for Ladies and Gentlemen to-night
frhnredav;, at o*clock, at the M. E. Church Lecture
Room. Uw chm for young ladies will commence on
Friday afternoon, at 5 o’clcx k at the Lecture Hoorn
adlT 1
THE new and elegant Hret claas
Lilcdt, will positively Bail for
- the •lbove port on
satnrdu)-, Aug. IStfc, at 3 oVlovk p. m.
For freight or passage,* having splendid accommo
datiora, apply BALDWIN & CO.,
aul7 Stoddard’s Building, opposite Post Office.
$5 Reward
WILL be paid for a piece of a CYLINDER HEAD,
lost on last Saturday between our Store and
Rose’s Foundry, if delivered to-day.
Horses Mules & Wagons
THOS. J. WALSH. Auctioneer.
Will be sold on SATURDAY, l»th,in front of Store,
No. 160 Bay street, nt 10 o’clock,
:: Horses
4 Mules, in good condition -
1 Bnggy, with P6lc and Double Harness, complete
4 Horse Wagon Harness, complete.
The above can be treated for at Private Sale. In
quire at Counting Room. an!7-3
At Private Sale,
Several Desirable Dwellings pleasantly situated.—
Stores. Wharves, and other property, lying adjacent
to the city. Parties desiring to mafce an investment
will do well to call and examine before purchaeiug
elsewhere. aul7-4
For Sale,
A FARM on Vernon Shell Road, 6}£ miles from
, the city, containing 207 acres, suitable for mar
ket gardens or for culture of cotton and part iu rice;
70 to so acres cleared, balance has valuable wood.—
The place has been healthy and has excellent facili
ties iqg raising stock and poultry. Buildings were de
stroyed iu the war. Title warranted. Terms cash, or
securities at market value. See Plat at my office, on
Bryan street.
For Sale,
The Most Elligible Building Lots
in the City.
THE undersigned offers for sale seven (7) Building
Lots, fronting on the Park. Bounded a* follows :
North by Huntingdon street
Enst by Whitaker street and Forsyth Place.
South by Hall Street.
West by Barnard street.
Lots known iu the plan of the city as Nos. J, 2,3, 4.
S, 6 and 7, Forsyth Piace and Ward.
aul7-l\v Bay street.
Millstones, Burrstones and
Bolting Cloths.
PROPRIETORS of the largest and most celebrated
Quarries of Fiance. No. 21 PEARL STREET,
near the Produce Exchange, NEW YORK.
In the expectation of a large trade with the South,
ROGER FILS A CO. have just received, and will con.
tinue to receive, heavy shipment* of drat class Blocks,
Panels, and Millstones, particularly suitable for the
Southern Market
They have also a good assortment of Hand Mills of
various makers, and Bolting Clothe of the best quali
ties, at the lowest rates. auli-2
Christian Index.
BY the first of October, or as soon as the mails are
re-established, I will renew tfie publication of
tht “CHRISTIAN INDEX” and of the “CHILD’S IN
DEX” I have been publishing.
Price of “Index,” per annum.*. 7. 53 00
Price of “Child’s Index,” 50
fA deduction made for Clubs )
Money may be remitted at once, as my determination
is positive. My desire is to secure a large subscrip
tion list with which to begin, and I issue this Pros
pectus, that subscribers may have time to forward
their remittances.
It is my intention to issue first class paper*, and no
pains of expense will be spired to secure that end.—
The best writers and corresmsndepts will be secured,
and the highest religions and literary talent vflM lie
given to the p ipers. The Child’s Paper will be pro
fusely lllustiated and will, in every sens®, be made to
contorm to Its new title,
Money may be sent by Express or otherwise—if by
Express, at my risk, if the Express receipt is sent me,
on the resumption of mai facilities.
My connection with the firm of *T. W Burke & Cos. it
dissolved, but I will establish an office in Macon, Ga.,
where communications may be addressed.
Bacon, Bacon,
HAMS AND SHOULDERS, landing from Steamer
America. For pale in lots to suit purchasers.
Office Provost Marshai. General,
Nashville, Term., June 25, 1865:
Bluer lar : •
To secure uniformity throughout the Military Divis
ion of the Tennessee, in administering the Amnesty
Oath pre»cril)Cfl by the President in his Proclamation
of May 9th, 19tf5, and t«; preserve the records of such
oaths, the Miyor (Jeneral Commanding directs that
such oaths be snlnscribed in triplicate; two numbers
on sheets or rolls, one of which is to be tiled at De
partment Headquarters, and one to be forwarded to
the Department of State at Washington, and one con
venient copy to be given the party subscribing the
Blanks for the purpose will be furnished each De
partment from this oltice.
The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to such
person- as are excepted from the benefits of the Presi
dent’s Proclamation, except for the purpose of ena
bling them to apply to the President tor special par
don, and in such cases but one copy of the oath will be
subscribed, which copy will, by thcollicer administer
ing the oath, be attached to, and form a pa«t of, the
applicant’s petition for pardon.
in all *peci;il applications for pardon, the applicant
must state clearly and fully, under how many aud which
of tlio exceptions named in the President’s Proclamation
his case comes; he must also state whether the Govern
ment lias taken posseasiou of any part of hia property,
also who her any proceedings are pending against him In
any of the United States Courts for treason, or for con
spiracy against the Government of the United States,
and the facts (stated in such application must be sworn to
before fla y will la* forwarded.
Tie* petition will be forwarded by the officer ad
mluistvring the oath to the Department Commander,
who will, before forwarding the same to the Department
at Washington, refer the petition to the Governor of the
State in which his Depaxtuiont is, to enable him to in
vestigate the merits of the case, and to recommend to
♦he President such actiou as to him seems just and pro
Each Department Commander will designate suitable
officers to be conveniently located tor administering the
Amnesty Oath, aud such officers will be governed" by
these instructions.
The name and rank of such officers, with a statement
of the points where stationed, will bo reported to this
office. By Command of •
Maj. Gen. Thomas,
Brvt. Brig. Gen. aqd Pro. Mar. Gen. Ifil. Diy, of tljo
Official; Witt A- CbUlWi A. A, O. v
Every Morning and Evening
Live Daily Newspaper !
Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy a8
being of as great importance as enterprise
4 in procuring information. The
Uecald Staff embraces a
Including several writers long and popularly known
as connected with the Soothers Press,
It also has
Hpeeial Correspondents at All
Prominent Points,
Who are instructed to spare no expense in procuring,
authenticating and forwarding all
Mail, Express, and Telegraphic
Facilities I
So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the
earliest possible moment Especial
attention is pnid to the
Shipping 1 Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, aud
the Court Record.
As out of its provinoc at present, the Hebaxd strives
to be a-»
Thoroughly Loyal Journal,
And to support the tree interests of the rc-nnited na
tion. It will be constantly the effort of the
publisher* to render their paper
And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they
deserve, and without which its opinions
could have but little weight.
Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous
Rcadina Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter
ary, Scientiflic and Commercial sub
jects, so that in all respects it
is a desirable journal
for the
Exiwrienml Mail ami Delivery Clerks
Are employed, and either Edition of the Hrrai.ii will
be delivered promptly in Savannah, or for
warded to any part of the world,
on the following
ONE YEAR 10 00
Are issued whenever intelligence is received of suffi
cient importance to warrant it.
Two Dollars per square, (occupying a space of ten
lines nonpareil} for the first insertion, per
BqnarO for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS
llebahu is
Having a large circulation in the city, aud throughout
the State, In Florida, Soath Carolina, the
South "Atlantic Squadron and
the North, circulating
more or less
Subscriptions or Advertisements may be gent by
mail or express to *
S. W. MASON & CO.,
No.iUßa» Struct, Savannah, S*.
Social Notice.
THE undcfiß.-ned having been appointed Agent of
the Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Athens
Georgia, is now ready to resume the of i
Company. u
Can be found at N. A Hardee 4 Co.'s Office h
street. ' ’ ay
#m2 2 JOHN N. LEWIS.
SiVANHAU, Aug. 14, ISGo.
Wc regret that, from circumstances over which w „
had no control, we were compelled to close our busi
ness for the past two days. Onr House was estab
lished in 1850, and we never before failed to meet all
demands the year round.
We are now receiving a fresh supply, and can with
safety assure our friends and the public thatour ar
rangements are complete, and that in fnlMe there
need he no apprehension of a failure to fill orders
On Market Square, on corner oTßull and Aljcrcorn at*
and on Sonth Broad street, are now open for the sale of
ICE, and we respectfully ask a renewal of those favors
heretofore so liberally bestowed.
The Original and Best in the World! The only true
and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and lusts,,,
taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or
natural Brown, wirhont injuring the hair or skin
Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug
gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor
Also, ~'
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair.
Tlie Bishops of tlie Methodist Church will meet for
consultation at Columbus, Georgia, August xetli. n, O
several .Annual Conferences will meet at the regular
times and places this fell aud winter will elect I
Delegates lo the General Conference, to meet tlie Ist
day of April; the place to be announced at an earlv
day. ■ 3
This disastrous war, through which we have pass,
ed, has greatly disorganized us in our operations •
hut now tlmt peace Is restored, the Church w(il
organize aud enter earnestly on Iter appropriate
work of spreading Scriptural holiness through these
lamK James o. Andrew.
Siininiertleld, July '2l, 1865,
„ _ _ , Augusta, Ga., August Sth, Isis.
General Obukk, 1 i
No. 7. ■ /
I. Tito following General Order from the War De. I
partmeut is published for the Information of tit is com
maud: 1
Aimutant General's Okkiok
AVashingtou, D, C., July sth, IS6J.
General Ocukrs, V
No. 122. / e
I. With the exceptions hereinafter enumerated, tbe
following is ordered:
1. All Commisst-jned Officers of Volunteers for both
white and colored regiments, or independent compa
nies, now absent on detaclied service from their com
mands, aud not on duty within their proper Armies or
Departments, will proceed, forthwith, to join their re
spective regiments aud companies.
2. Hereafter no Commissioned Regimental Officer
of Volunteers will be placed on duty, or transferred
thereon, out of tlie Army or Department in which his
regiment may be serving.
The exceptions authorized under the foregoin" are
as follows: °
1. Officers on duty mustering out aud discbar«im'
the Volunteer forces. b
2, Aides-de-Camps to General Officers on duty com
manding troops.
3. Officers Oil Court Martial, or Military Commiu
aious, aud those on duty in tlie Bureau ot HetWes,
Freedtnen and Abandoned Lands, under direct oriles
from the War Department, Adjutant General’s Office.
11. All enlisted men absent on detached service
from their regiments or companies and outside tbe ar
mies or departments in which the same mav be serv
ing, will at once be sent to join their respective com
mands unless they are absent therefrom by orders
from Headquarters from a Military Division or wtue
rior authority.
111. Commanding Generals of Departments and Ar
raies are charged with the prompt execution of this
order and upon its provisions being fully complied
with, will report the fact to thu Adjutant General of
the army.
IV No Commissioned Officer or enlisted man ah
sent in violation of this order, will be paid outside
of the army or Department in which his regiment or
company may be serving.
By command of the secretary of War
'Signed} E. D. TOWNSEND,
Assistant Adjutant General.
11. Iu addition to the requirements of General Or
Her Nfo. War Department, C. S., it is ordered
That all Commissioned Officers and enlisted men of
tins command now absent from their respective reci
ments, companies, or detachments, ou •.etacliwi ser
vice and not on duty within their proper disffict-e he
at once relieved from such duty and ordered to ioin
their proper commands, unless acting under orders
from these Headquarters or superior authority
Commanding officers will report by telegraph wbcu
this order is fully complied with. 1 u
By command of
Major Gen. STEKDMAN.
(Signed} s. B. HOE, A. A. G.
Will, A. Coulter, A. A. G. auglfl
Office Provost Marshal General./
( ARDKRS, dated August 3,15«5, to Telegraph Otter-
V/ atore and ex-Agents i K 1
Postmasters, Forwarding Merchants, Common Car
/ters aud Railroad Agents, are notified that tneywlll
not forward or deliver messages, wares and merchan.
dize pr mail matter to any person whomsoever within
the Department of Georgia, who has not taken the
Oath prescribed in the President’s Proclamation of
Amnesty, of .May 2!i,l s«o. Any violation of this o«
der will be punished by a forfeiture of all ri-ht fe
transact business within this Department, by the of
lending party, and by fine or imprigomnent
By command of Maj, Gen. STEKDMAN *
O. GKOSVKNOR, Bvt. Brig. Gen.
and Provost Marsha] General.
Savannah, Ga.. August 11,1865*
The people of Savannah are hereby notified that an
office will be opened at the U. S. Custom House on
after the 12th day of August, 1805, where Lieut.
k * |k* i.? r , t 0 *' s * Y. V., Assistant Provost Mar
.shal, will be on dnty for the purpose of administering
to Indies the Amnesty Oath as prescribed by President
Johnson's Proclamation of May 2!>th, 1805.
(Signed; SAM’L CO WDRY,
Capt ana Provost Marshal,
anl2«7 Bnb District of Ogeechec.
White Sulphur Springs,
A Popular aqd Healthful Resort.
THE subscriber is prepared to accommodate Board
ers at the above named Springs, situated within
twelve milos of Luke City and seven miles from Wel
buni Station, on the Jacksonville and Tallahassee
Railroad. Stages connect regularly with the trains to
convey passengers to the Springs.
The Sulphur Springs are noted for the bountiful sup
ply or water and Tor Us medicinal virtues, many case)
of long standing disease having been affected by their
Terms adapted to suit the times.
aus-dlw&2aw3w W. A. TURNER.
The Leading Journal of the South,
Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus
sion of State and National Topics—The Wel
fare of the Planting luterest—Tho
. Progress of Southern Commerce,
aud-the Regeneration of
Prosperity in the
The Proprietors of the Nnw Oai.ttAvs Daily anji
Wekki.y limks, encouraged by the liberal support
given to their Jonruul, have made ample arrangements
lor its improvement, with a view to making it, in every
respect, a “
Terms of the Daily, sl6 per annum; half yearlr, $8;
Quarterly, $4.
Is devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import
ance to the interests of the Gulf States; contains a
carelully prepared-compendmra of the news of each
week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous
matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all
parts of the couutry aud abroad, letters from the peo
ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc.
Terms of the Weekly, $5 per auuuin.
The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent
to one address:
2 copies 9 50 j A copies #25 CO
3 14 00 I 7 “ 29 to
4 “ 18 00 18 >• 83 c«
5 “ 22 50 I 9 “ • 37 00
10 c0pje5.,...... .S4O.
An extra cop, will bo givcu to any one getting np a
Club tis Ten. *
Term* iuvariably In advance.
Address WM. 11. 0. KING & CO.,
auU-U ftoprietoM 0. Times, No. <0 Umji it.