Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1-NO. m.
The Savannah Daily Herald
Bay Stkkct. Savannah. Geoboia.
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„ liable Adventures of on Outcast.
®l”heu-Hrr Fortune and her Slisfor-
[From the Chicago Times, Aug. 7.J
Many years ago a young German couple
embarked from their native shores, to try
their fortunes in the new world. An emi
<rrant s hip landed them in due time in New
Y„ r k Their destination was the West, and
thev came to Chicago, where they deter
mined to settle,and hoped to be able to earna
livelihood, laying something aside for
the future. They both applied themselves
diiieently, and, by dint of hard and drugging
ioil & and the strictest economy, they man
ured to lay up yearly a small amount, so
that in time they had together saved enough
to make them comparatively independent,
'li e years succeeded one another, and in the
course of time, thr«e children, two boys and
•i airk were given them to gladden their
hearts and lighten their labors.
When the girl, the youngest child, was a
veur old iffc father sickened and died,leaving
; w idow and children enougli to enable
them to live in oase and comfort. Time
jvissed on and the babe grew up, a beauti
u, intelligent girl. The eldest son had just
readied man’s estate, and had gone forth to
« iiu Ills livelihood, when a second time the
dread messenger crossed the threshold, and
the mother, whose lender care and good
counsel had been lavished upon her chil
dren was taken from them, and the two
youngest, not able as yet to tread life's stony
road unaided, were left without the aid ot
j ier advice and admonitions. The dying
mother committed the two little ones to the
care of a man whom she had considered a
,r o od friend to her, as their guardian, with a
Solemn injunction, which he promised to
obey that he would care for th#u, and
bring them up. Hardly had the grave clos
ed over the mother's form, before the poor
orphans were made to feel what sort of a
protector had been chosen for them. The
little children, who, while their mother
had lived, had never known a cross word or
•; blow, were now daily and hourly made to
leel the cruelty of the man .who had promis
ed to care for them and raro them in kind
ness. The boy was early sent off to earn
his living as an apprentice to a tobacconist,
while the girl was not only obliged to per
form the most menial drudgery, but even
subjected to abuse aud punishment. At
length the fiendish cruelty of the man Took
designing form. He thought of the prop
city inherited by the children, and, longing
to grasp it as his own, drove the girl, his
wu rd lrom his door into the street, not car
whither she went or what became ol
h ' r . provided she did not return to claim
the property which was her own.
The little outcast, thus turned upon the
world, sought the advice of a lady who had
known her parents in former years, and who
obtained for her a position m a family as
child’s attendant. The child, unaccustomed
to duties of thisjcharacter, proved but a poor
assistant, and she was obliged to seek place
after place. Thus matters went on, the
voting girl serving many mistresses in what
ever capacity she could make hersell useful,
herself -neglected, often scolded, and rarely
hearing a kind word addressed to her. bo
the young orphan grew up, until a short
time ago, and now in her fifteenth year, she
was abiuptiy discharged from the situation
sue was holding, and turned upon the street.
Her worldly effects were few, and, gathering
them hastily together into a bundle she
Lmu ut forth- Disconsolate, sorrowing, almost
I crazed by*tho thought that she had no place
a. which she could go, no kind trionds on
V. horn -sue could lean for support or protec
lion, the outcast wandered about the city,
hardly kuowmg or caring whither she went.
! Ttie appearauce of a young girl on the
streets ol this great city, with wan, pinched
features, aud garments of course, homely
texture, is not such an unusual sight as to
attract the attention of any humanely-dis
posed passer-by, where all is bustle and con
fusion. Night Closed over the unfortunate,
who, weary and hungry, sat down on the
sidewalk on Jackson street, where the
thought of her uiter loneliness and destitu
tion caused the tears to course freely down
her cheeks. It was fast growing dark, when
Ia couple ol gaily-dressed young lellows hap-
I [iciied along, and, attracted by the sobs ol
I tlic idrl, questioned her as to the cause gt
I her grief. They urged her to go with them,
| where, they said, she could be made eom-
I iortable for the night. ,Tlie unsuspecting
girl, not thinking anything wrong, was about
to comply, when a lady who was passiug,
and .heard the proposition which the men
hud made, stopped, and informed the girl oi
her danger, at the same time ottering her
protection until a home could be provided.
The girl followed the lady home, aud there,
for the first time surrounded by those who
would sympathize with her, aud who would
nut visit her with abuse, she unfolded the
eventful tale of her short fife. Her kind
hearted protector, convinced of the truth ot
her narrative, from the girl’s' artless and
straightforward manner, placed the matter
in the hands of the managers ot the Young
iff n's Christian Association, ot this city, by
whom it was carefully-investigated, and the
acts of the girl’s statement substantiated.
ii was learned that the girl, whose name
s Curutlia Miltonberger,is, conjointly with tier
mother,the owner ot two houses in this city,
vhich together realize a sum yearly amply
■utficicnt for the support of both brother and
■islet, besides which they are entitled to
■bout (MM), which was willed to them by
■heir mother. Her guardian lives on Michi
|in avenue, aud is in circumstances which
Should have placed him far above any action
Bo law aml base as to defraud the poor or
ihan of her pittance. He has been surnmon
(l to accoufft for the disposition made by
fun of the property of these children. Meau
(hile the girl is in good bands. She is at
irtseul remaining with a kind lady in. the
osi division, who has offered her a place
bill herself until a comfortable home shall
uve been provided for. The girl is at liberty
u choose a guardiapjfor herself, and one more
tistbrcd to those" comforts which have so
ug been denied her, it is hoped that her
fe will happy,
Sad AcciiUut »t Baltimore.
[From the Baltimore American, August 11.1
On Wednesday night, about half-past eight
clock, a batteuu containing six persons,
n ee men and three women, was run Into, as
leced by the steam tug George J. Loane,
, t ae harbor, oft' the old shipyard of Messrs,
bralmms, or Jenkins’ wharf, near the west
id of Thames street, and all the occupants
•owned. The men In the batteau were row?
t about the harbor for pleasure- The cries
= the drowning persons attracted the atten
mof Mr. David L. Wheedon and others,
ho exerted themselves in an effort to rescue
cm but finding it ineffectual, set about to
over the bodies. They succeeded in the
urse of three hours in recovering the ho
ts of three rtf the one named Sum
Todd, an inmate of the bouse of Catherine
White, on Eastern avenue, near Caroline, and
another named Michael McQraw, formerly a
runner for John Anderson, of the Hibernia
House, on Thames street, near Bond. Tiie
body of the female was taken to her former
home, aud those of McGraw and the other,
who was not recognized, were removed bv
Sergeants Crawford and Hand to the Eastern
polige station. Coroner Sparklin being no
tified, summoned a jury of iuquest, before
whom the testimony of several witnesses was
On the conclusion of the testimony the jury
consulted, and soon agreed upon a verdict
that the cause of death was by being accident
ally run over by the tug Geo. J. Loane from
carelessness on the part of those in the small
boat. During the morning another was re
covered. It was tiiat of a female named Ju
lia German, who lived on lkthel street, near
Lancaster. Her friends took charge of it
for interment. It was ascertained last night
that the unknown man who had been interr
ed in the morning was Michael M. Fay, liv
uig iu South Baltimore. It is stated that he
left a family. The bodies of the other two
have not yet been recovered.
Rice—lts- Froapert« Rmf Culture.
[From tlic Charleston Courier.j
Rice has heretofore been one of our prin
cipal products. The swamp lands, not sub
ject to salt or freshets, were admirably suited
for its cultivation to great perfection. This
crop furnished a large source of revenue and
wealth. Accidentally inti oduced in the year
IG9H, it was first tried as an experiment, and
this proving successful, it finally became one
of our chief exports. It appears that a small
vessel on her way troiu the Island of Mada
gascar to Great Britain, touched about that
period off this harbor. Thomas Smith, who
was the Landgrave of the Colony, paying a
visit to the brigantine, was presented with a
bag of seed rice, which be was informed had
been grown with great success in the East,
iuul was much used as an article of food.
The Western part of the city was then
marshy, and traversed by creeks. It was
there that a small patch was planted, aud
from this beginning it became more and more
cultivated, it was scarcely inferior to
cotton in extent and value. Landgrave Smith
left numerous descendants, and in reference
to this, Dr. David Ramsay in his history of
the State, quaintly remarks that “ there is an
evident fitness that the founder of so numer
ous a progeny should be the introducer of
rice, which of ail known grains is best cal
culated for the support of an extensive popu
We insert below the views of the North
Carolina Advertiser, as to the prospects of its
future culture. Oue thing is evident, the
lands at the South must be made to yield
their fruits. The proprietors canuot afford
to allow them to be idle or go to waste, aud
if one kind of labor will not consent to or
ganized aud effective toil, another must be
obtained. The following are the remarks of
our cotemporary:
As we to-day offer a valuable rice planta
tion on the Cape Fear for sale, and hope to
have others to offer iu future, a few observa
tions on the subject of rice and its culture
may not be amiss.
Those who have not had their attention es
pecially called to the matter will be surprised
by tlic statement, that, take the world over,
rice is the most important article of food
used by the human family. It is certainly
ot more ifciiversal use than any other; for
the tables of the commercial statistician in
form us that it is the chief food of at least
one-third of our race: As much cannot be
said of Either wheat, Indian corn, or the po
tato. The millions of China, India, aud oth
er parts of Central and Southern Asia, may
almost be said to subsist upon rice ; and in
the stately residences of tu.e rich, and the
cottages of the poor, in Europe and America,
and in the huts of the savage of Africa, it
ranks with wtieat and ludian corn.
Rice is uot a native of America, but was
introduced intp Virginia about the middle,
and into South Carolina near the end, of the
17th century ; and yet there is this remark
able about the plant, tiiat it grows to greater
perfection, if not more luxuriantly, in this
country than iu Asia or Africa, which con
tend for the honor of having given it to the
world. At the great industrial exhibition iu
Kondou, a few years ago, among the hun
dreds of varieties exhibited, the Carolina
rice received a prize, the grain being pro
nounced “magnificent in size, color aud
clearness.” It is produced to some extent in
nearly all the Southern States of the Union,
but to most advantage, as respects quality'
and quantity, iu the Cape Fear region of this
State, Carolina and in Georgia.—
South (Nn-ollna stands pre-eminent as the
rice-growing State, three-fourths of all the
.rice raised iu the United States being the
product of’ htir soil; but we much doubt
whether any pait of that State is better
suited to its culture than those counties of
our State that lie on the lower waters of the
Cape Fear. In fact, in soil, facilities for ir
rigation and other important respects, this
portion of North! Carolina is very similar to
the rice-growing districts of South Carolina.
Low, swampy lauds which lie so conven
iently to tlte rivers and cjpeks that skirt
them, that they can he kept under water for
a considerable portion of the year, can alone
be properly said to be adapted 10 dte culture
of ricp, for though there is a species that
grows like wheat iu tlte uplands of this and
other Southern States, it hardly yields a
fourth of what is produced upon lantl capa
ble of irrigation.
The yield per acre ou good rice land varies
from twenty-five to fifty bushels, and under
the most fay oi able circumstances it lias reach
ed its high .as ninety bushels. bushel of
cleaned rice' contains from forty-five to forty
eight pounds, and the price per pound betore
the war was generally about ff 1-2 cents. It
will, therefore, appear, upon calculation, that
a good rice farm Will pay its owner from 0
to .fi7s per acre, annually. There are tew cot
ton and tobacco planters -that can say more
for theii’ iafids.
We hardly thiufc it qopessary to say tfiat
we canuot subscribe to the dogma of some,
thftt rice can he cultivated sncceastuliy only by
slave labor. Tho Anglo-Saxon ageuts of tlte
Fast India Company have lived and grown
rich amid the jungles of the (Janges and In
dus, and surely we can rind no raofc un
healthy section of country in this land of
ours, upou which nature has so lavished her
favors. The freed negro, too, will for some
years linger near the home of his childhood
and youth, though that childhood and youth
were passed in slavery, and necessity will
drive him to work, aud lie will find labor in
the rice fields more remunerative than aim’
other of which bo is capable, lfice will corf
tinuc to be grown, and grown profitably to
Us cultivator, as long as so many of our race
demand it for their subsistence.
The Tennessee Election. —Nash ville,
Aug. ll.—'The Press and '{lines of this mor
ning publish the following :
’The representatives elect in the respec
tive district are as follows : N. G. Taylor,
Upper East Tennessee, almost certainty;
-Knoxville Distiict, Horace Maynard ; Asa
Faulkner over Stokes in the Chattanooga
District; Nashville. \y. B. Campbell;
Clarksville, j). R. Thomas; \y est Tenucs
seee, Col Hawkins over Etherage. Faulk
ner, ivao, wo fear, is elected over Stokes,
will vote with Goveroy Campbell and Mr.
1 liomas, if they get a chance to vote at all.
Maynard and flawkins can be depended
on as supporters ot a liberal national policy,
and we hope also Taylor. Dr. Lelt
wich is also reported to be a good Union
ra&u. The cluiuccs ot the tul mission ot our
delegates are not yery ffatttering.
The Uuiou isatys Colonel Hawkins is un
doubtedly elected. His majority, as far as
heard txom, is 1,719.
Different Doits of People Hint Viiiit Dnra
(Correspondence Boston Post.)
Husband bunting is sometimes supposed
to be the object of every matron who comes
here accompanied by marriageable daughters.
For tlic in<wt part this is hut a vulgar sus
picion, originating in the vulgar minds ot
gossips who are themselves capable of what
ever social indecency they suspect in others.
Indeed, it is the husband hunter, whether
for herseli or her protege, who is commouly
the first to insinuate that Madam Blank lias
matrimonial designs upon the opulent bache
lor to whom she passed the cream pitcher at
breakfast. Doubtless there are managing
mammas who visit Saratoga for other pur
poses than merely to drink congress watt r
at the fountain, and exhibit themselves and
their elegant turn-outs iu [be customary
drive that leads to Ihe lake and au appetite
for fried potatoes iu the ouly hotel where
they know how to cook them.' It is not dif
ficult to distinguish people of this class when
one has seen them here for seveial conse
cutive seasons.
“For Liverpool aud a market,” are the
words you kuow, in the ship’s manifest when
the master intends to'keep sailing about from
port to port until lie finds a buyer for bis
valuable cargo. ‘For Saratoga and a uiarket,
is the destination of many a mercenary
mother from New York, or Baltimore, or
Boston, who with her precious freight ol
maiden charms, makes her first landing here,
only to find, after a week’s observation, that
it may be worth her while to touch at.lhe
White Mountains, whence she goes, perhaps,
to get a wet blanket tor her hopes at New
port, and at length chill her aspirations in
the spray of Niagara.
“I know one woman” said my friend Nick,
an liabitue of Saratoga, who will never be
so absurd as to look to the future for his
fortieth birthday—“l know au old lady who
lias cruised about in this way lor the last
dozen years. Wine, you know, improves
with voyaging ; but it is uot so with women
as a general tuiug, and the result is that her
three daughters— mn/ines virghutlissimue—
there they come at this momeiit—have been
a good deal damaged, as you sue, (for they
were rather pretty once) by the wind and
weather encountered in all these weary years
of navigation toward the haven of matri
mony which how seems farther off than
ever. "
I hardly know whether it is more amusing
or melancholy to look at the belles of six or
seven years ago, who come back every sea
son, partly, I suppose, by lorce of habit, and •
partly trow sympathy with the scenes of
ioriner triumphs—only (o find that new
beauties are dancing with old beaux, who
now scarcely recognize in the sharp features
.and withered forms, or in the triple chins and
expanded waists, the dainty damsels whose
lithe figures and chariniug tow-wires were the
envy of their own sex aud the admiration of
the other. Alas! some of them have been
spoiled by wedlock, aud some for the lack of
it.. Others by fiina'ions more numerous than
discreet have sullied their good names, and
are less respected than they guess, either by 1
their owu or the more indulgent sex. This
is not always quite just, hut'it is inevitable.
Sometimes, however, suspicion was better
warranted than the unscrupulous critic
knew ; and while the scandal-mongers meant
only injury they w T ere unwittingly telling the
truth. Their presence here—l mean the de
cayed belles with decayed reputations—very
forcibly reminds one of certain court ladies
with similar antecedents, ot whom the great
English satirist says:
From room to room the ghosts of beauty glide,
Ami haunt the plates where their honor died.”
There is still another class who visit Sara
toga with strategetieal purposes, who might
fie designated as wife-hunters, ouly that the
woman is a matter of quite secondary inter
est. It is not Cailebs in search of a wife, but
Cielebs in qqest of a fortune—larger or less;
the possible wile being regarded merely as a
mortgage upon the estate. These fellows,
alw'ays independent and often clever, some
times impose -upon weak mammas aud even
susceptible maidens. Doubtless, pleasant
acquaintanceships are otten made between
worthy people at the fashionable summer
resorts, which, after the probation of a
subsequent intimacy, result in marriages
as felicitous as imy iu the world. But I
think it way be set down as a rule, with
no important exceptions, that no sensi
ble man, who deserves to have a good wife,,
ever seeks her iu a bail room or in the salons
ol a popular watering place.
Iu the career of mere adventurers of both
sexes there is now aud then an instance of
poetical justice fully equal to the example
which one so much admires iu the inventions
of the bards and dramatists. We had a case
of this sort at Saratoga two’ seasons ago.
Suppressing the real qames, now, happily
for the parties, to be (blind only iu the news
papers of the time, it is sufficient to relate
that Mr. Impecunious Brown and Miss Im
pecunia Jones fell mutually in love at re
markable short notice— that is, each became
suddenly enamored of the other’s putative
pecuniary attractions. Both being, for ob
vious reasons, in a burry quite too bewilder
ing to permit ,a nice examination of title
deeds, they found themselves married and
half through their wedding tour before they
discovered that they had beeu mutually im
posed upon. The general verdict of “Served
’em right” was a poor consolation to the un
happy parties whose DfUtuai recriminations
were as diverting to' their neighbors as tlic
alliance was distressing to themselves.
There are a good many fashionable turn
outs to be seen at ibe lashionable hour for
driving—any time after dinner—but the most
remarkable affair is a low-set wagon, with a
willow frame very gqily upholstered, drawn
by two splendid horSes, which are driven by
a lady. Au original, or rather aboriginal,
feature of'the the presence
in the footman's chair of a small savage—“a
pretty liuie lnuiau ’—(like ihe one belonging
to John Grown in tiie ballad) —borrowed for
the season lrom a neighboring encampment.
A letter from Syria to the Christian Intel
ligencer, dated July Bth, speaks of the
cholera iu Alexandria as coufmed priucipal
ly to the pauper classes as follows :
Iu that city of three huudred thousand in
habitants, about l\yo huudred die daily qf
this disease—principally among the poor
wretches who so largely stock that city, and
who hare no choice of nomo or food, but at
best are just able to support life, and find a
cellar or bole iu which to live and sleep.—
These, too, are compelled to drink the water
of the Kile uufiltured, and which, owing to
the extreme, unusual lowness of the river nas
been Very muddy aqd wretched of late,
enough to breed sickuess from its miasma,
even was there no nebossity to diink It iu its
filthy state. The disease first showed itselt in
the region of Mecca, where it raged with
awful violence, and the pilgrims who return
ed alive from thence to Alexandria, were at
OUce tfdmilied to the city against the protests
ot all the foreign consuls, but, tbe Govern
ment replied, “The holy pilgrims should
never be quarantined,’' and "the result is
Egypt is fjilfed with the plague.
Army I{ation.— Tfie Commissary
General of Subsistence has issued an order di
recting otliceisoltbe Subsistence Department
to issue molasses in lieu of sugar to troops,
when desired by them, and to others draw
ing rations, when economy Enquires it.
Until further orders, two gallons of molasses
will bo issued as equal in money value to
fifteen pounds of sugar, and in that propor
tion for less quantities^
—A mirth of solid petroleum has been dis
covered in Western Virginia. The vein
varies iu depth from fifty inches to two hun
dred and fifty feet. A ton of the ore yields
about 170 gatioas ot pure oil.
T!i<‘ Peaceful TrmlratcicK of Despotism.
[From llie Louisville Journal.)
Ever and anon we arc regaled with the de
lightful assurances of ( the peaceful nature
and happy tendencies ot the one-man
The advocates of the divine right of the
regal few to rule wrongly have boasted long
and loud of the efficacy of their system as a
great pacificator. The people so fortunate
and blessed as to live under that kind of
government are sure to have law aud order,
we are tohl t if nothing else. Despotism,
whatever other defects and vices may belong
to iu secures its subjects, we are informed,
against tumults aud popular commotions.
And this has been drilled into us so long and
oracularly by the lords of the intellect across
the water, to whom wc have been in the
habit of deferring, that we have almost
taken it for granted, have almost yielded our
assent to it. Republicanism confere many
beuefits and has many virtues, wo have been
iu thciiabit of saying to ourselves, but for
law and order, tor stability and peace, des
potism, at least monarchy, must take the
palm. Aud yet a greater fallacy never
entered the brain of any r autocrat. The
history ot regalism is a record of perpetual
revolutions, desperate, bloody, brutalizing.
Tlic tbrone’has been established upon human
skulls, and the first thought of him that has
set upon it has ever been of conspiracies,
popular uprisings, discontent, the mutterings
ot war and revolution. When have the
kingly governments of Europe, those law
aud-ordcr concerns, been at peace for a
score of years at a time 't If the divine
gentleman lias not been engaged in fighting
his own subjects lor the continued and peace
ful possession of bis velvet chair and rich
living, he has usually been “pitching into”
his royal brother for some fanciful or real
When our late troubles began, the legiti
mists chuckled with delight, and exclaimed,
with an air of profound self satistaction and
oracular wisdom, “Ah! did not we tell you
so ? See how this boasted model republic is
bursting up! Nothing like our divine system
lor order.” Why, you sapient noodles, when
has your system in auy country existed
through the best part of a century without
civil convulsions, not to speak of foreign
wars ? When has any regal government ex
isted without a ripple upon its surface as
long as our government did without oue up to
I860? Because we have bad a civil war of
four years in the eighty-nine years of our
political existence, Despotism puts on airs
■ and plumes itself upon its superiority to re
publicanism to maintain order and keep the
peace. That is cool. The history of the
best, most stable, and Miliglttencd of -all re
gal governments—we mean, of course, Great
ilritaine-ie, up to the revolution, 1688, little
more than successive accounts of ttie con
stant and bloody struggles of contending as
pirants to power. The experience of hun
dreds of years, with the regal system, was
uot able to protect die country from internal
convulsions. How, indeed, could it when, as
frequently happened, the recipient of power
through the principle of descent or inheri
tance might be a monster of iniquity or au
incurably stupid blockhead, and when there
was no way to get rid ot him except through
revqhition ? With us, if the worst man in
the ebuntry obtains power, his career is ne
cessarily short. In lour years he goes out of
olttcc by virtue of the regular operations of
governmental machinery with no more vio
lence or noise than is made by the dropping
•‘The ballot that domes still
As snow-hates fall upon the sod,
And executes a freeman’s will
• As lightnings do tile voice of God.”
If we get a remarkably wise and good man
for President, we can keep him in office
through the process of re-election as long as
we please—though the custom has beeu trow
the example of Washington never to re-elect
but oucc. If we get a bail mau, we have an
easy and natural way of ridding ourselves of
him, and while he is in office even he is so
hedged round by constitutional chocks and
safeguards that lie cannot, inordinary times,
do much harm if he is disjiosed to. In the
nature of the case, therefore, how much
superior our system is over the regal system,
how absurd is the idea of some wellr'incan
ing men even in (his country that because
our form of government jha9 uot been able
absolutely to secure us against domestic com
motions, it is u failure, and that, therefore,
we may be compelled, after all, to fail back
upou the old order of brute force, und the
diviue right of kings, as though that were
any better or as good. With the exception
of England—aud tiiat country can hardly be
called an exception—war has beeu the rule
aud peace tlje exeption wilh the loyal gov
ernments of Europe from the days ot L’aisar’s
conquest of Gaul to the present, hour. Fire
and the sword, tfie* tramp of armies, pesti
lence and plunder have desolated anddeci
mated the continent from century to cen
tury, and all the while this boasted prin
ciple of legitimacy, ot pe’ace and order
has been in vigorous aud ceaseless opera
tion; at least the exceptions haye beeu so
few' aud uniniportaut as to be unworthy ot
notice in the long catalogue of events. And
the principle does’nl scum to improve any
with the lapse oi time. France has had in
ternal peace only about a dozen years, while
iter foreigu wars have scarcely ever ceased
lor a moment. How much longer she will
be able to keen peace at borne remains to bti
seen. Not u great while perhaps, if Louis
Napoleon should happen to die from natural
causes or should be assassinated, there might
be sights iu France from which civilization
would, turn away aud hide her lace. And
even without either of these events, when
the tkwi-wowl' women of Paris are in the as
cendant, it is about time for another revolu
tion—about time, as some writer remarks,
“ for France to be ashamed.”
Republican gpverqqiuu* W uot perfect con
fosaediy because nothing human or that ex
ists through human agency is; but despotism
or its atly, constitutional monarchy, ought,
surely, in comparison, and ia view of the
truth of history, to haqg its polluted, gory,
and .disgusting head fpr shame. When it
secures tranquillity and order for uuy con
siderable length of time othepwjse thau qy
creating it solffude and caijjug (hat peace, it
will be (ime enough’ for its advocates to
preach to n’s about Its peculiar virtues, or to
descant upou the imperfections of our
Emigration to thk We5t.—6,1*65.75 acres
were last month taken up for actual settle
ment under ihj) Homestead Law,, at Saint
Peter’s, Minnesota. Ju the same mouth at
that office cash sales were made of Winne
bago laiids amounting to $7, JH, besides sales
to the amount of .■s!,()■to.2s of other lands
made at. the same office.
Match Against Time on Fy*ii(OnCui iue.—
A match against tirqe tor S3(X) came off on
Friday morning on the Fashion Course.
Young Morgan,' of Weatbury, Long Island,
of one thousand three hundred pounds
weight, being matched to trot one mile iu
*SO, carrying wagon and driver—three
huudred pounds. The mile was made in
—A slave ship manned wholly by Arabs
and having on board 289 negroes, was
captured last May near Zanzibar, on the cast
coast of Africa, by the British war steamer
Wasp. Three of the Arabs weie killed in
the fight which took place while tbe Wasp
lost one killed and oleveu wounded. 8
In Bedford, 0,., on Tuesday, Dr. J. W.
Hughes shot and killed a woman named
Fanny Parsons, whom he had persuaded to"
marry him becase she refused to live with
him when she found he had another wife
living. When arrested he declared that
be w« glad tint lie bed killed the woman, j
PRY conns and clothing.
138 CongrcM* Street, Savannah, Georgia.
CALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur
chasers to hi* superior Stock of
CAPS, and
For Pale at the Lowest Market price.
Additions to the Stock received by every Steamer
from New York. JaM-tt
Carhart, Wliitford & ۩.,
Manufacturer* anil Wholesale Dealer* in
331 and 333 Broadway, ook. Worth Street.
T. F. Carhart, | llknky Shafkb,
Wm. U. WiHTFORn, I A. T. Hamilton,
J. B, Van Waoenkn.
Office of Payaii Sc Carhart in liquidation.
jyC 3m
1 1 case Sprague’s Calicoes
Colored Mourning Delaines
4-4 Bleached Long Cloths
5-4,10-4 and Suettings
* Ladies' Sun Umbrellas
Ladies' aud Gents’ Linen Cambric Hankerchiefs
Irish Linens and Huck Towels
Gents’ and Youth’s Soft Hats
Magic Ruffling, &c., <fcc.
Just received by
Wholesale amt Hit ail Dealers In
Gkntlrmen'b Furnishing Goods, &0.,
No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C.,
W. O. RIDDELL. fjnl3-tfl H. J. MURDOCK.
11 Merchant* Row, Hilton Head, So. fa.
CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur
chaser* to their superior stock of
Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, arid Plated
Ware,Bworda, Sashes, Belts. KmbroiUoriee,Boots,Caua
Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac.
AWONDEIIFUL invention for ladies. Unquestion
ably superior to all others.
Don't fail to read the advertisement iu the .Savannah
Herald containing toll particulars every Saturday
morning. jytl itaw3m
Agent for Uie Sale of Lauds. Will give strict atten
tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans lor aud Superin
tending buildings, ail kinds Machinery, Ac.
Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office.
Jjrt lm
DU F. Y. CLAKK.K, DaaTiar, would inform his.
Iriende und the public Inal h . has returned to the
cuy and resumed the practice of his profession.
auto «
THE undersigned have resumed the practice of Law
at their lornier office, over the Merchants' and
Planters' bank, on Bryan street. '
August 14 th, 1805. ti auto
Office, 18 1-2 Hlerohants’ Bow,
ju29 2m
<3r on o r a 1 A. gout
No. 24T F Htbert, Betwken 13m and 14tu SliiKtiTS,
(Near Pay Department,)
Wasliingtoii, 33 . o.
just* tt
To Timber Cutters,
As Tuby Akbivb,
Hard Pine Timber,
Hewn Shipping Timber.
jylo eodlm 164 Congress street.
fowle & qa,
(Formerly of Alexandria, Va,)
Are prepared to contract JUi the delivery of Rails
cither £ o. b. in W ales or ex-ship at any desired Port.
julO . ' lm
WK most respectfully announce to the citizens of
Savannah and others requiring LtTMBRft, that
our new Ba\v Mill at the loot ot Zubly street, near the
baviinnah and OgccchOe Canal in completed. Y\'e 4re
now prepared to saw aud furnish Lumber ip lar-'e or
small quantities to suit und respect ally
solicit a share of public patronage. Vye will pur
chase TlAfltivii as It arrives in this mar Hot.
,iy3ytr & aukwrigiit.
Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals.
. A choice selection of
Apotbecar.ei, Floater*, and tradi re from the Interi
or, umi lie supplied at the shortest notice,
1 can warrant ever, article ire l>efnj» pure.
A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest
All the Patont Medicine* extant on hand.
One hundred cu*e* Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial.
Comer Broughton and Barnard streets.
N> B.—Fresh Garden Seed*. „ WALSH,
jnlii-Sm Proprietor.
SS4 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
OHBBIW sent by Mail aU
The Savannah National Bank
—is now
Deposits and Paper for Collection received.
BUI* on Northern Cities purchased.
Checks on New York famished.
President. *
L. G Nobtell, I Fbamcis Sorbiu l,
Nob as A. H asi>ki, I J. *V. Latubop, i
-- Kbwim.
Notary and Solicitor.
Savannah, 26th June, IS6S.
Omoß or CourTaoi.r-au or tuk Ccrsknot, V
Washington, June 10th, 1806. I
Wubbbas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the
undersigned, It has been made to appear that “Tub
Satannau National Bank,” in the City of Savannah,
in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, baa
been duly organised under and according to the re
quirements of the Act of Congress entitled ” An Act
to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of
United State* honffs, and to provide for the circulation
and redemption thereof," approved Jnne 3, 1864, and
has complied with all the provisions of said Act re
quired to be complied with before commencing the
business of Banking under said Act:
Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of
the Currency, do hereby certify that “Tn* Savannah
National JUnk,” In the City of Savannah, in the
County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, ia author
ised to commence the business of Banking under the
Act aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of
office, this loth day or Jnne, ISGS.
1 , '.l**®--I „ Comptroller of the Currency.
iu2« 2mos
For Southern Bunk Note*.
banking house
j— or
Bank of Berkeley s., BAT Tn
- Commerce. Frederlikaburg! I,
“ Charleston, Charleston.....,
the Commonwealth...... if
‘ Howardsvljla
“ Old llltuinion £
“ the Valley •••-•
“ Virginia
“ Winchester
Central Bank ot Virginia . if
Corporation of Alexandria ’.
Danville Bank, Danville .< - V Jr
Exchange BankofVa., Norfolk.'.”’.'
Farmers' Bank of Ffucastle
„ “ . _ “ Richmond in
Merchants'Bank, Lynchburg
Monticello Bank “ 'J®
Northwestern Bant at Jeffsrsonvllto”''T
Southwestern Bank, Wythesville* i!
Traders’ Bank. Hukmouff ! *.7.’.’.’.’ “’;;;;;;;;“
Bank of Cape Fear. - '
" Charlotte
“ Clarendon ■
“ Committee ,
“ Fayettevi He „ 15
“ Lexington.
" North Carolina.
“ Wadeaborough
" Washington 26
*' Wilmington.. /•■ ■2o
“ Vmiccvllle,!V
Commercial Bank, Wilmington”
Farmer*' Hank of North Carolina
Merchants' Bank, Newbcru
Bank of Camden
'• Clmrlemon .
“ Chester ' • .16
“ Georgetown...." .to
“ Hamburg......".'.'”'
“ Newbury...
“ South Carolina, , ”",".'.’
v.'.v.v.*.;:::;;':; :!!
Farmer*' and Exchange
Merchants’, Cfieraw. .12
People's Bank.
Planters' •>
ttw *"*• • '• v '■ •"
State Bank
Union Bank ’; * * *]’*.* 1«
o boro IA .
Bank of Company.... „
“ Athens ....<.14
“ Columbus
‘ Commerce
“ Fulton j'IV
“ Empire State .”””
“ Middle Georgia J*
“ Savannah so
Bank of State of Georola .
central Kailtoad Barrituy Com,am- &
Citvßarifc W Augusta.. ... “•'«
Farmers' and Mechanic* • w..... SO
SSMET! :i»
Mechanics’ 8ank..*.... * 16
Merchants' ", . •••■•**
Merchant* uid Planters’ Bank 77
Planter* 1 Brink
Timber Cutters' Bank.... ’ i ,14
Union “ .to
Upnkof M0bi1e....,
“ Montgomery ■'
“ Bel*mi.
Commercial Bank...
Central « ......”7. £
Krrstornßank £
Northern **
Southern “
Bank bf Chattanooga *
“ Memphia, I’ j*
“ Middle Tennessee ...........
“ Tennessee, 55
“ West Tennessee..
City Bank of Nashville * I?
Commerciul Bank , ‘ S
Merchants’ “ * _
Ococe «
Planters’ ••
Bout hern “
ShelbyviUe' “ 5!!
Uuiou “
Bank of America
Lonlsiana ??
Canal Bank *®
Citiaens’ Bank
Crescent City J*
Louistana State Bank
Mechanics’ and Traders’ Bank. V ‘ [2*
Merchants’ >.
Southern •» »0
Union m ho
New Orleans City Scrip
vi T | 1 i . BOSDB As © «#OFO»I.
N%52* to 60
S Carolina “ >•
%S2L, « :
MempbisCity “ ••
Augusta, Ua. “ <• ~ J,
Savannah a*
Coupons.’.’"" ”ss |
fr^J*wT4j >ndß “* bonsh, WiU * Con b on »melsded
b“ d
must be oft He Issue before the war, and
"Wepa> the above rate. In United States Legal Ten
der Notes, or lu Gold Coin at market rates, if desired
_ fwischl. --
& Cos.,
No. 8 Broad^treet,
New You*.
Wc draw fit sight, and at jflcty days,
on London, Paris, pßAVv?orr, and alf
other principal ciS!ics of Europe.
Parties opening current accounts, may
deposit and draw at their convenience,
the same as with the City Banks, srnj
will be allowed interest on all balances
over One Thousand Dollars, at the rare
of four pgr cent, per annum. Ofdeft
for the purchase or sale of various issues
of Government and other Stocks, Ponds,
and Gold, executed on ConimtNsinn.
Manning & DeFortst,
No. It* Wall Street, New York,
Doalera in
Goldy Silver, Foreign Exchange
and Government Securities.
GIVE special attention to the purchase and sale of
Virginia, North Carolina, South- Carolina, Geor
gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank
notes. Southern States Bonds and Coupons, Railroad
Bonds and Coupons,
Interest allowed on deposits. jyli-3m
fiy thomas pepper,
“ nl2 - 3 116 Congress street.
ALL person* are hereby notified not to trade for a
Ditt- Bill given by me to E. G. Wilson and paya
ble to hia order lor two hundred and forty dollar* and
twenty cent*, a* *aid Due Bill has been paid by mo
long *ince. The due bill is dated February loth, ISitk
anH-3 WM. SWOLL.
Authorized Capital-$10,400,‘h00.
CHARLES L. COLBY A CO. arc prepared to take
Murine Kisk* to any domeutic or foreign port,
and Fire Risk* m this ety in the following named
first class New York Companies
COMPANY ....’ 1 .$6,000,000
ANCE COMPANY 5,000,000
Office In Jones' Block, cor. Bay and Abercorn sts.
Branch Office, corner Drayton and Bryan streets.
auto ts
Underwriters’ Agency
Os New York,
Three Million Dollars,
Fire & Marine Insurance
Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY.
Negotiable and Bankable
J. T. THOMAS a> CO.,
anll-eodlm lit Bay strroet
THIS is an Important question v.-., ma „
important also for every wife and mother, as it
affects their future welfare.
The “Knickerbocker Use Idsnrance” of New York
will inmireyoo at the usual rates in any sum from *too
iffitMMtti. They also issue the favorite TEN Year
NON-FOItFUrrUKK Policies, and will alter two yemrS
payment give a full paid np Policy for Two Tenths the
whole sum, aud Three Years Three Tenths, aial <a
on. Thu* a Policy of $l«,ooo. Two PremtomTpald
upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of *2 ooo*
and five years five-tenths for every additional veajr
For further iuformatioß apply to 1
A. WILBUR, Agent
At the office Os the Home Insurance (jo .
l n ' jT Bt> Bay st,. Savannah, Ga.
° F Boston.
of , oldest ftnd 1)881 Companies in
taken hitherto™ *“ an> ttmoUnt up to '* l6 ' ouo m
■ TJ* Policies of these Companies wore not cancelled
$525* u, 5 Wttr u j*fh heard l'r.rm—a tact which shews
iffie re 1 * U s K^l d ' lct * rni ! m t tiou bejust and houor
at)ie in an case*. Apply to
—J2*L—— A. WILBUR, Agent
•Hay and Cow Peas.
24 bales beet Northern HAY,
2ft sacks CONN' PEAS,
In store and f«r sale by •
anl . o kl' GUILaURTIN & (X).,
aM * * No. 148 Bay street.
Savannah, Ua., August Ist, ISW. /
Sealed furnish this post with eix thon
-B&na pounds of Fresh Beef per week, Jer three uoutlu.
commencing September Ist, and ending December let,
ls«s, will be received at this Office nntu Tuesday, An- 1
gust lath, 18S8, at 12 o’cloca noon, when they will In#
opened in public.
The Heel to ne furnished on days to be
by the Commissary, and to be of good and marketable*
quality—dressed in equal proportion of fore and hind
quarters, excluding necks, shanks and kidney taliow
Persons submitting proposals will state the averaira
net weight, quality, Sc., of the Beef they proposeto
Proposals will be subject to the approval of the Com
missary General of Subafatcm*.
aol-tIS Capt. and C. 8. u. Tol*.
C IDE R BrTa~ND~y7
000 OAUASNB, hom on* to five yoara old.—
Samples of each sent by Express, with li
of prices. Also, m cases of one and two\toJS„.