Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 22, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON &c 6. SAMVEL* W. MASOS Editor- W. T. THOMPSON, Associate Editor. SAVANNAH. Tl* By DAY, AVGUST 22, 1365. FOR LOCAL SUITERS SEE TBIRD FACE. TO advertisers. Or-.r advertising patron.! are reminded that adver tisements inserted in the Morning Edition of the Hebami trill appear in the Evening without extra charge. Advertisements should be handed in as early ns possible, but will be received as late »s 12 o'clock at night. We adhere to oar advertised rates except for long advertisements, or those inserted for a long time, on which a reasonable discount will be made. MOW TO OBTAIN THE HERAI.D REG VLAHLY. \Ve often have complaints from residents of Savan nah and Hilton Head that they are not able always to obtain the Fzkai.d. The demand is sometimes so great as to exhaust an Edition very soon after its Issue, and those who wish to have the Heevi ii regularly, should subscribe for it. We have faithful carriers In Savannah and at Hilton Head, and through them we always serve regular subscribers first. BVSINKSS DIRECTORY OP SAVANNAH. We are now publishing a column and more of brief business announcements, carefully classified, under the general bead of ''Savannah Business Directory.' it Includes some forty leading business men and firms of Savannah. We propose to retain this as a regular feature of the Herald. The expense of in serting cards in this department of the paper is very small, and we believe the advertisers will receiv e more than a proportionate benefit. Parties wishing to have their cards included in tills Directory, can do no by sending them to our counting room, or hand ing them to Mr. M. J. Divine, who is authorised to receive them. Prepayment will be invariably re quired. r—■?. 1 'at 1 —j” 1 " i 1 [From the Savannah Republican of Yesterday.] To the Public. The editor of »be Savannah Herald,having seen fit to reward the proprietor of this pa per for extending the use of the Republican press to print the small edition of their neutral paper while the : r press was being repaired, by publishing a false and malicious article in a letter to the N. Y. Herald,ws have refused to strike off another issue of a paper con ducted by one who has publicly exhibited his magnanimity towards us. Wc regret that a regard for our self respect should com pel us to retaliate upon the author of this personal assault, but inasmuch as this paper and its editor have been publicly character ized by titles of a very uncomplimentary nature, we reluctantly decline to have any thing more to do with our Heraldic and dig nified cotemporary. As the editor of this paper is gravely charged in the above card with publishing “a false axi. malicious article” in his letter to the New York Herald, and with having committed a ‘‘personal assault” on the editor of the Savannah Republican, which, in the opinion of that gentleman, not only justified but “compelled” the measure of ‘Retaliation,” which in “regard forjiis self respect’’ he has seen fit to adopt, we deem it clue to the editor of the Herald, now absent from the city, that the public should be in -ibrmed of the facts in the case, in order that they may judge to what extent the allega tion! of the editor of the Republican are justifiable. With this view we give below the letter to the New York Herald, alluded to: | From tlie New York HeraM of July 13.) Savannah, August 5, 1 BGo. A RENCONTRE AT THE PULASKI HOUSE. On Friday afternoon last au affair took place at the Pulaski House, which was of itself of little consequence, but which, through the indiscreet conduct of certain parties, has been brought iuto undue promi nence. Two returned rebel officer*, one of whom was the brother ot Mrs. Jeff. Davis, while somewhat intoxicated had a personal difficulty with a Union officer. Accounts differ as to the progress and issue of the fight, but agree in ascribing its origin to the abusive language made use of by Howell, Jeff. Davis’ brother-in-law, while drunk.— The affair was ended by the interference of the guard and-tlie imposition of a fine by the authorities. Here the disgraceful affair might well have been suffered to drop from public attention, but the Republican seized upon it as an occasion for one of those dia tnbesftrgainst the people in general for which that paper has become notorious. * The thing was introduced the next morning, with the following array of head lines at the top of the editorial column: “/{ebels Publicly Insulting United States officers, aud what came of It—One Yankee Whips Four of the Boasting Chivalry—A Relative of Jeff- Davis Bleeds Profusely, '‘A full column of closely printed matter followed, of which the subjoined extract is a sample;—'The gentle reproof was not, we are sorry to-say, received in the right spirit, but resented as’ an invasion of the rights of free speech, and an unwarrantable usurpation of those rights guaranteed to every American citizen, '“among which are file, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” To interfere with a crowd of men who were enjoying happi ness by denouncing the Union was more •than Mrs. Jeff. Davis' brother could stand, and he forthwith prepared to de rnandh is rights, t-i et armis." The honor of dealing the first blow at the Union officer, we believe, was conceded to Mr. Howell, Jeff'. Davis' brother-in-law, but in less time than we can write it the over and above sensitive mudsill had floored his rebel antagonist in spite of the united efforts of three of his con freres to reinforce the fallen rebel. Blows were falling fast and quite indiscriminately from the excited little “Yankee,” who ap peared to be nothing more than a large bunch of unstrung nerves, vibrating at every point with lightning velocity. With bruised head and eyes all sore, and nasal organs full «t gore, the rebel lay upon the floor, gazing out the open door, as though he lain some air would take to ease his sore and aching pate before retiring from the field which Yankee valor made him yield. The blood oozed out of his open jaw, as he muttered “ one Yan kee whipped four,” and straightway went to the druggist's store for Mrs. W inslow s Sooth ing Syrup, or something else, to make him chirup (cheery); but, sad to state, he got In stead a dose of lock-up, for men in blue came in by two, and e6cort gave to him who dew in passion at the red, white and blue and down the street tha prisoners went, la menting at their malcontent, which them unto a guardhouse sent. Before concluding this mournlul tale poor 1 of old Robinson Crusoe, oh! how could he go and do so," we should state that Short No. 2 of the Jeff Davis party, after beholding how well (Howell) the •■Yan kee” had periormed the task assigned him, stepped up to criticise the manner in which it Was done, which resulted in his receiving a (gashing) gushing reply upon the left cheek. The ghastly wound will gape long enough, we trust, to teach rebels that not even four stalwart, men can offer offence to the government without getting properly punished. ”| it is needless to say that every Union offi cer and every Northern man who saw this undignified and uncalled for article of the Republican’s was vexed and disgusted ; and a feeling of satisfaction was universally ex pressed when it became known in the course ot the day that General Brannan, command ing the district, had summarily reprimanded the editor of the Republican for bis past con duct in dealing with similar matters, and sharply cautioned him as to his future course. . femperance Convention at Sarato ov? 9 resolutions against tha Use li« j 1 , 11 ” 8 wines in the communion aer Pte’oi iuSwTw* 1 lte maoufftctu «“ d Tkt < losing or the Uh. The announcetaeut a few day* sioce that the Seven Thirty Loan had been closed by the receipt of subscriptions, though an event of the first importance, seems to attract but little attention. A fact like this is striking enough to de serve more than a passing notice, even if the public debt grows rapidly and the public ex penses diminish at a very slow pace. No facts could possibly more impress the powers of Europe than this,that so many loans have been taken so rapidly, and that the number of small contributions to and holders of gov ernment bonds is very great. This is a sub ject apart from the management ot the loans, the expenditures of government or any thing else; and proves the exiraordinaiy confi dence of the people of all classes, not less by eminent bankers than humble citizens, in the faith and credit of the United States. It now well becomes the Government to uphold its credit by at once preparing t'uo igb a sinking fund or some other mean,,to reduce the indebtedueES of the Nation, and though this may not be done at once, there is a way j of securing still greater confidence, not by telling us that “a national debt is a national hlessiug,” but by pointing out a plan for gradual and certain relief from this enormous burden. It is stated that government bonds are now in increased demand in Europe, and this demand will continue if all goes well at home, and if any honest and earnest dispo sition is shown'to reduce the public debt. It is for the President and .cabinet to say, by their skillful management of public affairs, whether, as the bonds of the Government fall due, there may not bye-and-bye be a great national saving in the rates of interest from seven thirty and six pet cent, to five. Another encouraging feature in the finan cial history of the present period is the ex pressed determination of the Secretary of the Treasury uot to increase the expansion of tlie currency by the issue of more Treasury notes; nor will he appeal to the Banks for addition al loans, but will rely upon the current rev enue and other strictly governmental re sources to supply the means that may be re quired to meet the demands upon the Treas ury between this and the meeting of Con gress, in December next. Should the Secre tary adhere to this determination a decided improvement in the appreciation of the re lative value of our circulating medium may be looked for with confidence, and the no less important result obtained of checking, to some extent, at least, the villainous specula tions of capitalists and traders in tlie leading articles of food, who attempt to shift the odi um of such haltless conduct lVom themselves to the existing fluctuations in the market value of “greenbacks.” The disposition of capital'ts to speculate in breadstuff's is one of the alarming evils of the times, as was illustrated in the Northern markets a short time since by the article of flour having been put up one dollar per barrel in a few days. The speculation was starteifon a falsehood as to the state of the crops. There was just a speck of truth in a whole horizon of untruth,but the damage was done, owing to the popular credulity in believing whatever is asserted by telegraph, written in letters or printed in the public journals. If the Government and people intend to put down such shameful trifling with the public interests, much would be accomplish ed for the cause of humanity. The Cotton Question in Exoland. —The London Times’ correspondent says that the cotton question is far from settled yet, ahd the great doubt as to the American produc tion hinders all calculation. Before the war England paid *38,000,000 a year for cotton, of which 24,000,000 went to the United Slates. Now, for a half supply, she pays nearly double that amount—say *60,000,000. Chiuo, Japau, India, from which so much was expected, are practical failures. The best they can do is to supply limited quanti ties of an inferior article at double the price. Egypt does a little better, but not enough. If labor can be re-organized in the South so as to produce cotton in former quantities and at former prices. America may again have the monopoly and supply the world. Macon Daily Gazette. —We have receiv ed the first number of anew paper with the above title, published in Macon by an asso ciation of printers, recently thrown out of employment by the discontinuance of the Herald, and the suppression of the Journu’ & Messenger by the military authorities, under the firm noma nf W I The Gazette is a handsomely printed sheet, is ably edited, and begins with a liberal ad vertising patronage. We wish its projectors success. Virginia on the Franco- Mexican Question.— A widespread and gen erally accepted rumor prevails in Richmond that an order has reached that city from Washington forbidding the selling of any more government property, and it is said and believed that a war with France relative to the expulsion of Maximilian from Mexico and involving other European Powers is im minent. These rumors have found their way throughout the Stale, and great excite ment everywhere prevails upon the subject of a foreign war. Suit against the United States—Ten Millions of Dollaks Involved.— Ex-Judge Allen has commenced a suit in behalf of the leading brokers and bankers of Wall street and vicinity, to restrain Assessor Gilbert from levying, and Sheridan Shook from col lecting certain taxes. The Internal Revenue authorities claim to levy a tax on all sales made by brokers on afieir own account, tbe same as for stocks, etc, and on commission The brokers, through their counsel, have given notice of their intention to apply for an injunction to Judge Nelson, to prevent the collection of the tax. They claim, un der the decision of Judge Nelson in fa vor of their position. Mr. Samuel G. Courtney, Assistant District Attorney, intends to cou test the application, on the ground that the decision of Judge Nelson having been ap pealed from, the taxes must be paid till that derision 19 sustained, and also that the eouit ab e powers of the Court could not be in voked in a case of this kind. The argument will take place some time during the latter part of this month. • arsenal in Richmond contain ing fiftefcu thousand shot and shell, together with a great quantity of cartridges and am munition for small arms, took fire and ex ploded on Tuesday afternoon. One soldier was killed and a negro severely wounded. The loss is between sixty and one hundred thousand dollars. A quartermaster's clerk, named Edward Russell was also arrested at Cincinnati cn the 13th, charged with absconding with twenty thousand dollars in government funds. Mr. Russell was in company with a woman, and bad in his possession eight thou sand dollars in cash, besides diamonds and a watch. PR EVIDENT JOHNSON A NII Ilia CAR* ISTBT. Inf. OuvU to bt TWed by Jury. Washington, August IS, 1865. THE PKESIDEXT’s I'OI.ICT ANI> HIS CABINET. Publications have recently been made of reports, speculations and inferences about ditfer.-nces of opinion between the President ami his Cubinet with regard to the policy proper io tie pursued in restoring tlie South ern States to their former relations to the Unioq, and particularly involving the ques tion of negro suffrage in the work of re-es tablishing the civil government, the military measures to secure which have already been taken through the agency of the Provisional Governors. The proceedings are strictly private, ufid it is not known that any of the members ure in the habit of improperly re vealing them. Therefore, the publications professing to give reports of what takes place in the Cabinet council, are, to say the least, unreliable. But it may be said with confidence, as an answer to many of the speculations, that there is not now, nor is it believed that there will be, any substantial or material difference Itel ween the President and his Cabinet with regard to the restoration of the Southern States. One of tlie reasons for this assertion is the fact that all the proclamations appoint ing tin Provisional Governors are preeisely in the same words, founded oa.lheTen ioi see arrangement, and maturely considered by the President and ap proved by the Cabinet, showing a carefully considered plan, the amnesty proclamation being in aceoidauce with that document.— Tile President, it is known from the repre sentations ot his intimate friends, is deter mined to pursue substantially the recon s:ruction programme thus laid down, having reasonable evidence from the South that it will Le successful. Many of tlie accounts from thiit section are exaggerated, and mis represent the true nud favorable condition of public opinion: THE TRIAL OF JEFF. DAVIS. As the result of carcfiil inquiry it is believ ed that there is au unwillingness on the part of a portion of the Cabiuet to have Jefferson Davis tried for treason, while there is reason for asserting that the President is persistent in having him brought before a civil tribun al. Ciiief Justice Chase is expected to arrive here in the course of a few days for consul tation with the President as to the time, the manner and the place which shall be desig nated. The ablest counsel in the United States are also being consulted upon the subject. There is a fixed determination on the part of the Executive that there shall lio an immediate and fair trial by a jury of the country tor high treason. It may, in addi tion to this, lie confidently asserted that the President has determined, as soon as prac ticable. to withdraw the orders suspending the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus and to dispense with military courts. Mrs Davis—An Interesting Incident.— A clerical friend of ours, in passing through one of our streets a few days since, to perform a ministerial duty—attending to the sick and wounded in the Hospitals—a duty which he has long and cheerfully performed—encount ered a stranger, who accosted him thus: “My friend eaa you tell me if Mrs. Jeff. Davis is in tLe city 1 of Augustu?" “No, sir,” replied our friend, in his usual kiud and pleasant manner; ’« she is not.” • “Well, sir,” replied the straDger, “you may he surprised at my asking such a ques tion ; and more particularly so when I inform you that I am a discharged United States soldier. But, (and here he evinced great feeling j sir, that lady lias performed acts of kindness to me which 1 can never forget.— When serving in the Valley of Virginia, battling tor the Union, I received a severe and dangerous wound. At the same time I was takcu a prisoner, and conveyed to Rich mond, where I received such kindness and attention from Mrs. Davis that I can never forget her ; and now, that I am discharged from the Army, ami at work in this city, and understanding that that lady was here, I wished to call upon her, renew my expres sions of gratitude to her, and offer to share with her, should she unfortunately need it, the last cent I have in the World!” Our clerical friend passed on to his allotted work, deeply moved by- the humble but elo quent tribute to the good lady whose charity knewjjio such cruel word as ‘“toe.” Oh, may we uot hope that such a Charity will inflame the hearts of all our people ? That mercy may come to temper justice, and bid our young Nation to rejoice once more iu unity and prosperity ! for, as the great Bard truly and beautifully expresses it .- - The quality of Mercy Is not strain’d ; Ii Urojipeth as the gentle rain from .Heaven Upon the place beneath ; It Is twice blessed : If Idesseth him that gives and lUni that takes ; 'TI9 mightiest in the mightiest ; It becomes The throned Monarch better than his crowu ; His sceptre shares the rare nj temporal power,, the attribute to awe and majesty, W hereto doth set the lear and dread of kings ; Bat .Mercy is above this sceptred away ; It is an attribute to God Himsoir; Augusta Constitutionalist. The New York papers are filled with further details of the late fradulent financial operations in that city, but give no new tacts of interest. The Herald of Thursday says: “The financial excitement continues. It is no longer confined to Wall street, but is spreading through the couutry. The neigh boring cities have taught the contagion, and the pleasure seekers at the watering places aic iua.a c , r - —t. men lUftrcßlS It is now stated that from three to five mil lion dollars are involved in the Ketckum frauds. The whereabouts of young Ketchum is unknown, but it is supposed he has fied from the city. Mumford, the gold operator, has been arrested and committed for trial in default of thirty thousand bail. His arrest caused quite a sensation on the street. Jeremiah Townsend, assistant cashier of the Townsend Savings Bank, in New Haveu, Connecticut, who, it is alleged, absconded with about one hundred thousand- dollars be longing to that institution, in May last, and was recently arrested in Liverpool, England, by two American detectives, is on board tiie steamship EtDa, now overdue at New York, whence he will be taken to New Haven for trial. Nearly all the stolen money has been recoveied. A Matamoras paper revives the story that ex-Seaator Gwin is at the head of tbe imper ial government of the Mexican State of So nora, at nu annual salary of sixty thousand dollars, but without any ducal or other noble title. The Cuoleua in Sfain.— Latest advices from Europe state that thirty cases of cholera were reported at Valentia, Spain. Cholera > had already appeared in camp at Gibraltar. New Your Insurance Dividends. —Tbe Lorillard Fire insurance Company, oi New Y r ork, has declared a semi-annual cash divi dend of five per cent, also a scrip dividend of thirty per cent, interest on outstanding scrip. Tills company has increased its capi tal from $500,000 to $1,000,000, and Its pre sent assets amount to $1,812,000. The Security Insuiance Company, of this city, has declared the following dividends.;— A cash dividend of seven per cent, on parti cipation premiums, deliverable October I, and an interest dividend of six per cent, on outstanding scrip, payable October 1 ; all free of tax. The E xin, the Moniteur of jewelers, states that a piece of silver plate, remarkable for its wormai k-Uip and great antiquity,has been discovered by some masons employed In tak ing down an old bouse at Toulon supposed to have been built by tbe Homans. This mas sive silver article, representing an ewer for holdingwater, is ornamented with a figure of the Holy Ghost, with extended wmga, and is supposed to have belonged to the early Christians. fISHi i Daybreak Cpon tlie lulls ! slowly, behind tlie h.Mhigi.i mark an.l trail Os 11, lone storm, light brighten*. cure aiul I "tie. Ami the horizon mis. Not ! .earing swift release,— Xol with quick reel of triumph, hut with trea I August and solemn, following her 'lead, Cometh, at last, our Peace. Over thick graves grown preen. Over pale iames that gravele,* he arid bleach. Over torn human hearts her path Uuth reach. And lleaveuis dear pity lean. O angel sweet and grand ' n lute-footed, from beside the throne of Oo;t, Thon utoveM. with the palm and olive-rod. Atm day bespreads '.lie lanu- Hi.s day wc waited for! With faces to me East, wc praosl ami fought : And a faint music of the dawning caught, All through the sounds oi war. Our souls are sllll with praise ! It la the dawning—mere Is work to do : n lieu we hare borne tlie long hour's burden through. Then we will pirans raise. God give us. with the time. His strength for His large purpose to the word ! To bear before Him, la ns iace unfurled. His gonfalon subitme: Ay, tve erre strong! Both sides Tne misty river stren-h Ills army's wilts- : Heavenward, with glorious w heel, one liauk lie dings, And ono front still alddes ! Strongest where most bereft ! His great ones He doth ull the more command : For where lie hath prepared it, they shall stand On the Right Baud and Lett! [A tlantic for August. Opinion of the Attorney General la Rela tion to the Trial before a Military Com mission. Wasuinoton, August 10, 1865. The .Attorney General in response to an inquiry of President Johnson whether the persons charged wilh the offence of having assassinated the late President should be tried before a military iribuoal or a civil court, gave a written opinion sustaining the former mode of trio). This opinion lias been printed. It maintains that a military tribu nal exists under aud according to the Con stitution in time ot war, that tlie iaw of na tions constitutes a part of the law of the land ; aud that the laws oi' war constitute the greater part of the law ot nations. The laws of war authorize human life to be taken without legal process, or that legal process, contem plated by those provisions in the Constitution that are relied upon to show that military judicial tribunals arc unconstitutional. The law of nations, which is the result of the ex perience and wisdom of ages, has decided that banditti, &c., are offenders against the law of natious and of war, and as such amenable to the military. Our con- stitution has made those laws a part of the law of the land. Obedience to tlie constitu tion and law, then, requires that the military should do their whole duly. They must not only meet aud fight the enemies of the coun try in open battle, but they must kill or take the secret enemies of the country, and try, and execute them according to the law . The civil tribunals of the country cannot right fully interfere with the military in the per formance of their high, arduous and perilous, but lawful duties. The attorney general characterizes Booth and his associates as secret, active public enemies ; and he con cludes with the opinion that “the persons who are charged wilh the assassination'of the President committed the deed as public enemies, as I believe they did ; and whether they did or not is a question to be decided by the tribunal before which they are tried.— They uot only can but ought to be tried be fore a military tribunal If the persons charged have offended against the laws of war, it would be palpably wrong for the military to hand them over to the civil courts, as it would be wrong in a civil court to con vict a man of murder who had in time of war killed another in battle." New York Custom House.—The Hod. Preston King on Wednesday last executed his bonds as Collector of the port of New York in the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. His bondsmen are Messrs. Andrew Carrigan and R M. Blatchford, who justify in two hundred thousand dollars each. The bonds were executed before Judge Betts, bis Honor subsequently administering tjje oath of office to the new iqguiqbent, who Will en ter upon the duties of his office on tire Ist September next. Moses F. Odell Ims been appointed Naval Officer of this port, relieving Mr. Dennison. The Trial of Wiiu — l The trial of Capt. Wirz was to have commenced in Wu-hington on Wednesday last, but was further post poned until Thursday. Several government witnesses were in attendance. The accused has for counsel Judge Hughes, General J, W. Denver and Messrs. Peck aud Bchade. The prisoner is a Swiss by birth. When the United States forces captured New Orleans he deserted his plantation and negroes in Louisiana, and, with his wife aud three chil dren, went to Vicksburg. In 1868 the rebel government sent bim to Europe a3 a military commissioner. He remained there eight months, when, returning to Richmond by running tlie Wilmington blockade, he was appointed an assistant adjutaut general, with Luifiufot* tfie Andersonvilie prison. Fearful Railroad Disaster.— The Hou satonie River Railroad, in Connecticut, was the scene of a dreadful disaster, on Tuesday last. A passenger train, by becoming dis abled, was delayed, and was run Into with fearful violence by anew locomotive out on a trial trip, which demolished several of the passenge cars, dashiog entirely through the hindtost one, and, on reaching the second one, efploded. killing ten persons and mangling am scalding about seventeen others, several of whom have since died. The Atlantic .'able —The New York Herald, of Wedwday last, says—Additional discouraging newiin reference to the Atlan tic telegraph calehas reached us. The schooner First Fnt, which arrived at Harbor Grace, Newfoumand, on Monday of this week, communitted with the steamship Great Eastern an her consort, the Terrible, on the 6th Inst, he cable parted on the 2d inst, at a point abit six hundred miles from the Newfoundlaqconst, and a beacon buoy had been anehorl where it was last seen. Up to the 6th Inint the telegraphic fleet was still in the yinity, with hopes of being able to recover tfccable, renew the connec tion and continutie work of laying; but it does not appear It full confidence of suc cess was en tertaij. Policeman Thfes Walker, of tbe Twen-. ty-ninth preeinc New York, was shot through the beadiout two o’clock on Tues day morning, street, near Seventh avenue, one of a party of young men whom he ft another officer were en deavoring to tatato custody for attempted violation of the pon of a woman, and died from the effects the wound about four hours after. A mounted John Ward, who, it Is supposed, fi the fatal shot, and sev eral of his comuons were arrested and committed. __ Gen. BeacrbOl —The Louisville Jour nal, of the 9th ill says; Gen. Beauregard takes bis deportnn a few days for Europe. It is said he inteioffering his military ser vice to Louis Njpeon. The Federal gov ernment permthm to go, subject to the pledge of neveftting against the United States. Readooartsas DFt or Georgia, ) j Office of lhe Prov. Mar. General, - Augusta, Ga„ Aug tl, 1865 ) Provost Marshal General's) Order No. 2. j In the matter of charges and specifications against Thomas 8. Metcalf and Leopald Colin, for attempting to bribe an officer of the United States Army, to-wit: Brevet Brigadier General C. H. Grosvenor, Provost Marshal General, by offering him two hun dred thousand dollars to decide a certain question as to the title of a lot of eotton in iheir tavor, and said Leopold Cohn having j made the following endorsement on the copy of the charges and specifications, to-wit: “Augusta, Ga., Aug. 10, 1865. I admit the truth cf the charges and speci fications contained herein, in every particu lar. and appeal to Major General Steadman for clemency in my tiehaif. [Signed,] L. Cohn.” And said Metcalf having disclaimed in writing ail intention to offer any bribe iu connection with said Colin, and having made full and complete apology lor bis improper conduct, aud said Cohn and Metcalf having appealed for the clemency of the Major Gen. commanding, aud it appearing that the in tegrity of the officers of the United States hag been fully vindicated, and believing that the interests of the service and the public will be subserved by exteuding the clemency prayed for by the guilty parties, it is or dered, L That the charges aud specifications now pending in said action bo withdrawn, and the said Cohn and Metcalf be released from arrest and custody. II- That said Leopald Cohn shall leave the Department of Georgia within twenty four hours, to wit: on or before twelve o'clock, m., of the 12th day of August, 1865, and take up his residence at a point not near er Augusta than Chaiieston, S. C., and not to return during the military occupancy of Georgia, under penalty of arrest and punish ment for disobedience of orders. ' HI. That the money deposited by said Metcalf and Cohn, the property of said Met calf with said Brevet Brigadier General Grosvenor, in part payment of said offer of two hundred thousand dollars, to wit: the sum of eleven thousand dollars, be disburs ed on the order of the Major General com manding, for the relief of the poor of Au gusta. IV. Lieutenant Colonel Benedict, 18th O. V. 1., commanding Post ot Augusta, is charged with the execution of this order. Major General STEEDMAN. C. H. Grosvenor : Brv't Brig. Gen. and Pro Mar. Gen. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. New York Hour) Market. Wednesday, Evening, Aug. 16,1565. The street iS not quite as much excited to-day hut every one Is busy looking after his own ait'alrs, and trying to put them, into good shape, In ease there should be a liiiauchil storm. We do uot look for a gale yet, and It is likely we shall have a number of such flurries as these ere the burrleanv comes, tiefore which shoddy fortunes are to totter into ruin. Money is in good supply, and with the most un doubted securities call loans are readily obtained at . per cent. Business paper of the very best class Is in moderate request at ; per cent., anil other well known signatures are passed at 10 a 12 per cent per annum discount. Gold opened at 142, sold down to 141 V, ailvaneed to 142 q, and is selling as we write at I*2. low goiV 8 * U f * ir and sells at s 's a be- There is very little doing In Foreign Exchange.— Leading bankers ask losq for 60 days' sterling. Yhe stock market was dull anil quotations were lower at the opening on the street. At the board on the first call there was a disposition manifested to realize, aud there was a general decline In prices.— The market was weak throughout, but towards the c ose was rather more steady, ami rallied consider auiy lu tiie afternoon. Governments were a little off from yesterday’s rates and iu moderate request. Now York Market. Wednesday Evening, Aug. la. Bhelustcefs.—The market lor State and Western Flour opened 6 cents higher, closing Inactively. The salos arc 8,500 hbs, at i« a $6 30 for superfine State ; $0 65 a *6 .5 for common extra State ; So 80 a *0 90 for choice do ; sii 05 a $6 30 for superfine Michigan Indiana Ohio, lowa, ic„ and s<i T 5 a $7 15 ror extra do.. Including shipping brand* of round hoop Ohio |lo* S 20 a * s aml tra!te brands of do. at $8 50 a We quote: ExtraStatc ..... .. go !&<*»*► :::::: lto iSsS Rxtra Geneweo fcxtra St. Loultf ~..!.’!’!!!!! Southern Flour Is steadily held. The sales In clude 450 Uhls, at $3 a $9 25 lor superfine Baltimore, and $9 no a sl2 oo for extra do. Canadian Flock has advanced 5 cents, with sales ol 300 bids, at $6 T 5 a $0 95 for common, and $7 a $9 80 for the range of extra brands. FTNERAL INVITATION. The friends and acquaintance of Mrs. TH OS. PEN DEROAST, and Mrs. Singleton and finally, are re speetfnlly invited to attend the funeral of the former, from her late residence, corner of Jones snd West Broad streets, at 4 o'clock This Afternoon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS] -^ Offices to [Rent. ONE Single and two Doable Offices in the second story, conveniently located on Bay street. Suita ble for Merchants and Lawyers, or for batcheiora* apart meats. Apply to ang?2 ts HENBY BRYAN. FREE 10NCH AT THE “MAGNOLIA,” SOUTHEAST CORNER BAY LANE AND DBA Y TON STREET, daily at ii o’clock a.m. ftUg-22 EDWARD V. LEGRIEL T CO7, Commission Merchants, BROKbrs, andinsurance agents, Macon, Georgia, ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ICWARn O. 1..1511XL, 1 oto. o rasi-iiAM. / »ug22 lm Mules & Wagons iron sale. Nine mules, Two four-horse Wagon and Harness. Apply at SUg*2-3 A, H. SADLER’S Znbly street. SADDLERY, WM. H. MAY, Stenos the Golden Raddle, CORKER BRYII AIR WHITAKER STS. DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS And All kinds of SADDLERY WARE, RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, ANA Stretched Leather Belting. > ALBO, A complete assortment of‘WILLOW WARE, sack as MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS,CHAIRS large and small; with or without Rockers DRUMS, DOLLS, MARBLES, CARRIAGES, Ac., Ac, togeth er with a fall and complete selection «f every article kaown in thla line of business. Thankful tor past hrors, the advertiser weald r*. qwctfally solicit a contlnaance of the isms. ts THU * SAVANNAH * DAILY HERALD 18 PI'BLISHED Every Morning and Evening [ SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT % Wo. 11l BAT STRBE'f, BT S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PUBLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Dully Newspaper ! Which shill also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as beiug of as great importance as enterprise in procuring information. The Herald Staff embraces a LABOE CORPS OF EDITORS AMD REPORTERS, Including several writers long and popularly known as connected with the Southern Press, It also has Npetda 1 Correspondents lit A.ll Prominent Points:, Who are instructed to spare no expense In procuring, authenticating' and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. V IT HAS THE BE9T Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities'! So that all News of Importance w ill be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL UEPAHTMENTH, AND TO Shipping- Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITIC?**, A§ out of Us pftvince at present, the strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true interests of the re-nnited na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vitsl questions with the dignity they deserve, aud without which lie opinions could have but little weight. TIIE ENLAftIiEMEEVT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, SdenlilUc aud Commercial sub jects, so that In all respecta It Is a desirable journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. A reliable carriers A NX* Experienced Mail and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Hcrai.d will be delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following T K I{ M 8 ; SINGLE COPY . . . g,, ONE WEEK 30c ONE MONTH * j w ONE YEAH 10 00 PER HUNDRED 8 n EXTRAS Are Issued whenever Intelligence is received ot anffl cient importance to warrant It. ADVERTISING TERMS : Two Dollars per square, (occnpying a space of ten lines nonpareil] for the first Insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, nr those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Hiuin Is UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM I Having a large circulation tlfthe city, and thronghont the State, In Florida, South Carolina, the Soath Atlantic Squadron and the North, circulating more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisements may be eent by mall or express to ' s. W. MASON & CO., PUBLISHERS, No, 111 Bay Street, (Savannah, Ga- SPtriu. NOTICES * THBAStIRY DEPARTMENT, , Eioun M-reiii. Aoenct, ( Charleston, 8. (?., August lu, ISGS. ) Whereas, I have been specially adviced by the Hon orable Secretary of the Treasury and authorised to collect and forward to New' York all property helot,-, lng to the so-called Confederate Government, I here t)F enjoin all persons having knowledge of such pro perty to communicate the same to me or to the neai est authorized Treasury Agent, that measures may f* taken to secure it for the National Treasury All private property will be scrupulously respected, hnt sil persons claiming property last in the custody of the Conlederatc Government must prefer their claim.! to the lawfully constituted tribunal-the Court of Chums .t Washington -such property Ting Armi “ ° f rrdted [ . r -‘ U «« warned against conceal teg Confederate Stores, Clothing, and especially Co t ton and other products collectea as tythes or tax l n kind, or goods, wares or merchandise of whateverJe scriptlon seized by and last In the '■"‘givi]- ... JOHN H. . Deputy .Supervising Special AgSm BATCHEIiOR’S HAIE llVn ,and 'the Original and Best in the World and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless. RelUb'Ph 'twZtu ” immediately « splenTTßlS natural Brown, without injuring the hair or Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Utuu The ~ » •*>«». William A br ß «S; REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLErRS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair - aul4 CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Yoax. NOTICE. ~ The Bishops of the Methodist Church will mem r consultation at Columbus, Georgia, Aug J “re iZ several Annual Conferences whl meet at tiie re Z times and places this fall and winter • and Delegates to the General Conference ZZorT'Z day* April;,,* phtceto be announced at an e,£ This disastrous war.-through which we have nass ed, has greatly disorganized us re our oZZZZ' but now that pea. e is restored, the ChunTwm organize ana enter earnestly on her rimrnn u-otk of spreading scriptural hoiiue*. thiougS offiual—ukpr. op georcm, HKADQ'RS DEPIRIM Em' Gsnibal Obdzb, » A “ euMa ' Ua " Aagwi Sin, No. 7. / I. The following General Order from the w.-r. partmen, l. p„ bll . nedfor the reformation o* WAR DEPARTMENT. D T “ Wd TaNT liINKRA.L'O OfflOE Gxxebii aah,l, ” tou ' D ' t -’-' J“'r No. 122. / foUowiuglaorclereu t * naherelna «« turners,ed. the Departments, will proceed, lortu,vuh P rn nhf, r^ n “ :,,0r ppecltve regiments.nd compames tOJO ' U lhelr re ' ofVcniinteenMvdi b^pjwetTon^duty^™ 0 trail or - wSffia? ss foifowsT 110 ”* a ° tUor, " d nnder foregoing are the Vomnteer'forcea mußt ® r * n H out and digging 2, Aidea-dc-Campg to General Offirem nn mnudiuK ircyip#. sincere on duty corn* a. uiucera on Court Martial or n lng, will ai once 0c aeut io join iiihip nimnlh (her are xhcmur f®Bpeciive Com ra,sr r^,r,,m • Biles a^r^^,?n en reTX o mp e^“ order and upon its provisions oein.f™!', 1011 01 al3 thi army- ‘“ Ct 10 ,i ‘” W sent In violrefon or'tnGore®™^” 1 ’ “ aU Z of the army or Department 111 which hi, P ? ld 1 ° lUß ide company may be serving Cl * hls or By command of the .ecretarv of War 'Signed; K. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. d e“Nof2A Wu a r‘ o D^!2e a ,rec eU 3 “ °,“ That all Commissioned Oihcere and ’enlisred this command now absent irom their iv T , ° f meuts, companies, or dotaenmeuts, na aS /! 6 ' vice aud uot on duty wilbm tdeir at once relieved from auen duty and muered m imn their proper commands arrimV „,5L 10 •’ om frem these Headquarters Commanding o Hirers will reuorr h, r!,i f , this order is mily complied with 0 Meet* ph when * By command of Major Gen. STEEDMAN. Offldlif J Aft HOE, A. A. G. __ W ' U :- A - I'OCLTEB, A. A. G auclo rietTZ'nuUroedA'ireDlaZre notified’ re° mmon Cu not forward or “»* trrey wlll djze or mail matter to any neitcm m * nd mtrcl>*fl the Department of hu ZTf r .” Ub ! D oath prescribed in the Tt.-m ‘“ken the Amnesty, of May 29, 1005 Anv vi„iaii r o °‘ der will be punished ov nmrf L ?, atlon , ‘“‘a or transact business within tuis De™rtme.o f n^ ilt 10 fending party, and by flue or imprisonment * * By coiaiaunu ol Msj. Qen . sTEEDMan! ' “nd Frowst Mmsha!^”^ Notice. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, Sua-DisTKicT or Ooszcuik, The oeoDle nr TRnn * h ' Ua " August 11,180 C. office wdni ? f . S : anuatl are hereby notified real an and afte^Zs'T 1 Ut f ! he D. fi. custom W S. Norton t fahH J v )f^usast ’ 18(5 where Lieut. «hal will bo on ri?,? d r'- v -> Assistant Provost Mrn fo ladies the A^, and y for ,hc Repose of administering u *3 l *» Pu«cribcd by President eunnson s Proclamation of May 29th, 1866. (Signed; SAM’L COWDRY, ■ , <?»pt and Provost Marshal, _ * »nb District of Ogeechce. White Sulphur Springs, .FLORIDA. A Popular aud Healthful Resorts T’HE subscriber Is prepared to accommodate Board . er » at the above named Springs, situated within of Lal f e 0, 5 X aud seven miles from Wei burn Station, on the Jacksonville und Tallahassee Railroad. Stages connect regularly with the trains to convey passengers to the Springs. The Sulphur Springs are noted for the bountiful sup ply of water and for lid medtclual virtues, many case, oflong Standing disease having been affected % “t,r Terms adapted to suit the times ans-dl ,vet»awßw ’ W. A. TURNER. THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the South, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News-The Discus sion <>f State and National Topics—The W>l fare ot tne Planting interest— The Progress of Southern Commerce, * and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern Staten. The Proprietors of the Niw Omtna Dir,, Wuzlt Tinea, encouraged by the llbLid given to their Journal, have wane amoleaJSli, suppo r t WUh * View 10 “*k* g™“‘ta“«ry FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Term, of haft yearly. *-«. THE WEEKLY TIMES jj^aaggi&gaßffiggct; nitre,nV^’ stc5 tc ’ correspoodouce from all port, of the country and abroad, letters from tbe Deo ple, a lesame oi the New Orleans market, etc., etc?** 0 Termi of the Weekly, $6 per annum. TO OI.T7SS. The Weekly will be furnished a* follows, when sent to one addreffi: S copies ...» 910 1 1 copies $24 w 3•• is 00 4 “ .■ S*«o 8 y gs 60 10 copies.. S4O. As extra copy will be given to any one getting no a Club of Ten. • r Terms Invariably In advance. Address WM. H. 0. KING A CO., anl4-tf Proprietor* N- O, Times, No, Tp Camp at,