Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 22, 1865, Image 3

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L 0 CAL M iTTERS. Drpartnrrof Mtimthl|xand Strainer*. FOR SEW TORE. Steamship Chase. Thursday, at o'clock. Steamship Constitution, Wednesday 9 l i o’clock. A. M. - for acorsTA. Steamer Amazon. Satarday-afternoon, zoih Inst. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. remember the Lunch at the Magnolia this morning. Payment of Troops.—A fetv days since Maj. Wm. M- Fleming, Paymaster, of the U. S. Army, returned to this city, accompanied hy his Clerk, Mr. Prank F„ Myers. Major Fleming, during his absence from the city paid od the following troops : 12th Maine at Thomasville, Ga. Bth Indiana at Haw klnsvllle. Ga. 18th Conn, at Augusta, Ga. _4th lowa Cavalry at Atlanta, Ga. Khe amount disbursed was large .and Us tree cir- Boii in tiie dlObrent portions o! the State where are located wlii have a good effect dp |Mc people ill appreciating the currency of the HHd States. of Steamships from Nett York.—Yes terday morning, at an eaily hour, the Pioneer Line steamship Chase, from New York, arrived at the dock in this city, consigned to Messrs. Hunter A Gammeil, A few minutes after the arrival of the Chase, the steamship Vartuta, Capt. Whitehurst, ar rived at her dock, consigned to Mr. John R. Wilder. We are indebted to Purser Sylvester McGrath, of the Cha a e, and Purser Henry Bentley, of the Varuna, for late papers. Robbebries.’—The house of Mr. John Daniels, Jones street, was entered by one or more burglars during the night of the 19th instant, who succeeded in removing sc veral articles of value. • The dwelling house of Mr. John R. Johnson, on Jones street was also robbed during the same even ing, the burglars effecting an entrance to one of the basement rooms, by cutting through the bars of the Iron door. About two hundred dollars worth of provisions and other articles were stolen. Dapabtcre of SERu’r John R. Hover.—This effi cient special policeman, of the United States army, Company H, 18th Indiana regiment, leaves Savan nah tills morning to rejoin his regiment and be mus tered out of service. Sergeant Hover, in his capa city of police officer, has been a terror to evil-doers. We understand that he Intends to return to Savan nah in the course of six weeks or two months, and that he will make the “ Forest City” his future home. Sergeant Hover is by trade a machinist. arrest of-Theive?.—A few days since we noticed that a citizen had been robbed of a gold watch and chain, while bathing in tlte Savannah and Ogecliee Canal. Sergeant John R. Hover of the U. S. Special Police, having been informed of tbe robbery and furnished with a descrlptlonof the thieves, arrested on Tuesday, two lads In the streets near the Savan nah and Ogeohee Canal. Upon being compared in jail and subjected to a rigid examination, the boys acknowledged the theft. Sergeant Hover was success ful yesterday In having restored to him the watch and chain. The two thelves, Prank Campbell and Wm»«ite, were yesterifey arraigned before capt. Cowdrey, who after a thorough Investigation of the case, ordered that they be confined in tbe county jail six months, each. The gentleman robbed was Mr. Lewis Katon, who is employed by Messrs. Hess A Gutman, merchants of this city. The offender, Wm. Hlne, is none other than Wm Timmons, a son of Mrs. Timmerman, a well known Farm street character, who is serving her six months in the County jail for selling liquor to sol dier?, and using abusive language to the U. 3. Police. Her oidest son, Thos, Timmons, is also serving out two years for larceny. Ail the above parties were arrested and brought to Justice bySergt. Johnß. Hover. Opening of the Magnolia-—This new refreshment Saloon, south-east comer of. Drayton street and Bay Lane, in rear of Adams' Express Office, was opened to the public oij Saturday evening, in a style highly creditable to the \lberaUty of its proprietors and gratifying to their numerous guests. Early In the evening a brimming bowl of most exblleratlng punch —the punch not unlike the famed beverage of the Chatham Artillery, and the bowl large enough to have accommodated the three wise men of Gotham, of whose sea voyage Mother Goose, or some other equally veritable author gives us a brief account— was placed upon the counter flanked with choice liquors and wines, and with a heavy reserve of sparkling Fagie Champagne, while upon the tables were spread a sumptuous lunch. The direct attack was sustained by the punch bowl, which, as often as its contents were exhausted was promptly replenished. After several as saults ami reinforcements, the punch finally gave way and the lighter armament was brought into action, qnd an animated skirmish kept up for some time, during which the juice of the grape flowed freely. It being an engagement in which there was no charge, the attacking party comprising veteran tederals and Confederates, shoulder to shoulder, came freely to the onset; but the Magnolhf forces nobly held their ground, and though we saw none reeling from the encounter, we believe all retired in good sprits, and perfectly satisfied that they had met foemen worthy of their steel. The vi ands, liquors, nines and cigars were of the first quality and bountifully supplied, giving the most sat lsfactory and convincing evidence to ail present that the proprietors know how to keep, if not a hotel, at least a popular Refreshment Saloon. Excursion to Fort Pulaski—Rktobn of Engine So. 8 to the Municipal Authorities—Toe Dis tinoue op Savannah on the Drag Ropes.—a few weeka prior to the actual siege of Fort Pulaski, below the city of Shvannah, the Are Engine No. 8, of the Savannah Fire Company, was taken to Fort Pulaski to extinguish any Ore that might occur during its siege by the U. S. forces. The machine was a first class Hunneman & Co.’s, Boston, make. When the Fort fell the apparatus fell into the hands of the U. S. Government. It being the property of the city, application whs made for Its restoration. The appli es aon having been granted, on yesterday a select party of citizens with. His Honor Richard D. Arnold Mayor, proceeded to Fort Pulaski to bring the En gine to the city. The gentlemen who want down on the Excursion Vi th» Steamer Cauoolcus, were well pleased with taeir trip. They had the pleasure of seeing the pris oners in the Fort, as also on their return of hauling to a place of security the restored "machine.” The party were handsonely entertained onboard the Steamer Canontcus, and were k.ndly received and courteously entertaiied at Fort Pulaski. The follow -1 ng card has been furnished us for publication : Steamer Canonicus, i August 21st, 1865. / / At a meeting of thi citizens and firemen of Savan nah, who were authsrized by the Commandant of the post of Savannai, Brigadier Gen. Davis, to pro caed to Fort Pulasfl and remove the Fire Engine, No. I, Hon R. D Arnold, Mayor of the city, was called to the chair pnd Aldcrmarf Robert Larhllaoii and Ex-Mayor Hon E. C. Anderson were appointed Vice-Presidents, Geirge A. Mercer, Secretary. The following coutilttee was appointed to draw up eultable resolutous: Hon. R. D. Arnold, Chair man ; Vice Presldnts Roliert Lachllson and Hon E. 0. Anderson, Ho& Philip M. Russell and A. Mercer, Esq . • The commutes replied the following: Resolved, Ist, -Hjit our thanks are due and hereby tendered to Brig.tGen. Davis, Commanding the P jst of Savannah, fir affording us trnaportatlan to Fort Fulaskt for thi purpose of removing g, Engine No. 8, belonging to he City of Savannah, to the cltv. Resolved, 2nd, Tilt our thanks are due and hereby tendered to Major lanntng, Commaudant of Fort Pulaski, and his offers for the kindness and courtesv extended to us durliiour visit. courtesy Resolved, 3rd, Ttotjur thanks are due and are hereby underedto qpt. A.R. ketchum, a. and o Staff of Gen. Saxton, ad to Capt. Hilton and the other officers of the learner Canonicus, for tlieir kindness In affording J the opportunity ol rotumini to Savannah by detafng the steamer Canonicus the regular boat havlt passed up to the city. ’ Resolved, 4th, That nr kind acknowledgments are due to 0. C. Casey, Aferman and Chief Fireman or Savannah and his tirClier Firemen of the Savannah FffeCompanr, for tbir liberal hospitality to the in vited guests of the qiasiou. Resolved 6th. The cy papers be requested to pub ' Heh these proceeding. R. D. ARNOLD, Chairman. GEOMERCr^RtVj^^^ — Miss EmmJ Richards, reading tempo rarily in Readiri, Penn., a daughter of John Richards, of Bijlsboro’, while in company with some of hi friends, on last Thureday evening, ate fcffitcen plates of ice cream, Complained of feeling unwell on Friday merniDg, and did In tbe afternoon. THF COURTS. CAW. COWDREY’S COURT. Savannah, Aug. hist, 1 y». Mrs. T. Neve vs. Sarah Powers—U was ordered that defendant pay the amount of $s for one month's rent, within one week, or be confined in the county jail nntil said rent is paid. ElUa Webster (colored.) vs. Bunkum Peter Osborn (colored.)—Attempt at Rape. It was ordered that the defendant be confined in jail. Sentence withheld. U. S. vs. S. W. Silversmith—Charge Ist, concealing and storing hides, Charge 2nd, violating sanitary orders. It was ordered that defendant pay a hue of fifty dollars. Fine paid. Lewis Katon vs. Frank Campbell, and Wm Hite.— Theft of a watch. The prisoners having been ar raigned plead guilty. It was ordered that Frank Campbell and \\ illiam Hite be confined in the county jail six months each. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 21, IS6S. G 8 Hooker A servt, Au- Capt S Whitehurst, Sir gusta Varuna. G R U ump Augusta Jas L McLeilan do * T J l ,° waril ’ *°rk J W Mariner, do « , and" J P Saunders, do Mrs U Higgins Sc child Henrv Bentley, do Mrs Bryant - Fred Booth, do John Fox f A Covley do Henry A Clarke . Wm T Lawso» A gem, M Cornmgham Burke Cos Ga J S Lawson A lady, Burke R H W Scaies do „ Geo H Henry, Str Chase Mrs J P Green, do James Phillips, do J JOreskam, do Dr A Mathis,"sanderavtile, John W Gibbons A lady, Ga HUton Head H M Ervin, do Capt M L Rogers, Steam- O R Ingraham, Str Helen er Chase Getty Capt W"Roatii do Hon C M Benedict, Rio de Lt AY H Keller, Janerlo C G Neldllnger, Washing- Rev John N Kelu, St Do ton Cos mingo. PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 20. M C Noyes, n Head J M Kelso, J B Bacon, Charleston Capt S Sotm, 29CSCT OF. Lambert, St Helena Capt E WPetttl do J H Gould, Savannah Mrs Rodgers, New York CB O’Leary do Mrs Barton, Mrs Gamey, do . J B Norris, New H. J Middleton, Georgia J F Hugne9, New York M Danpelt, Ist V ft C SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) Aug. 20, H E Lord, Capt 4CS V J W Johnson, Baltimore Charleston Md. B B Eggleston, Ohio Maj E Smith, 58 N Y Vols R B Hanley and Sister, C Modules, 32 US C T D esto “ „ - , 1 R Humi'm, VS N, Bay P M Whitman, Beaufort Point. L A Saunders, H Head R B Stanley, Charleston Shipping 1 Intelligence! Mlnature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 5 27iMoon sets.., J 16 Sun set* 6 371 High water 8 14 FORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Monday, Ang. 21,1866. Pioneer Steamship Cha-e, Rogers, New York—to Hunter A Cammeil. Consignees—Adams Express Company, Ames A Peabody, M Berytagh, Brigham A Cos., Blun A Meyer, O F Bouve A Cos, R T Burch, TBatesou, A L Brad’lev, C L Colby 4 Cos, Henry Christian. H Dettmers, Duii can * Johnson, Erwin A Hardee, B F Ernestine, Ga den A Unckles, C L Gilbert, J Gilliland A Cos, N A Hardee A Cos, Hilton A Randell. Hess A Gutman, G A Hudson, Hunter A Gammeil, A B Ives. G Roctheke A Cos, E Itoctheke A Cos, Halsey, Watson A Cos, 1 If La- Roche, W WLlnooln, J Ltppman, Lovell A Lattimore, A Lefiler, B J Larcomb, A C Lomeltn, J Lama, h M Lederer, (order) H Melnhard A Bro, M McDermott, l Meyer, T Maloy G T Nichols, Order, W Parker A Cos, F J Bucket Robinson a Van Doneu, W H Stark, A A Solomons, Stuart A Cos, W II Sherwood, B G Tlldeu, W H H Turner, J L Vllialonga, W M Walsh, C White, Weed A Cornwell, P Walters. Passengers.—G C Hooker, W S Williamson, EB King, John Fox, John H Smith. Mr Henry, Mr New kirk, E J Huai, C W Thompson, W M Josephs, G R Crump, John H Laugham, Sarah Robins and child, Mrs Higgins and child, John McNamara, J C Potter, B A Harlngtou, A B Whealer, Mr Vervellen. The Steamer Varuna, Capt. Whitehurst, from New York, to Jno. R. Milder. Passengers—M Kerapner,.? Reinhart A 4 children, M B Gary, C C Ellis, Dan’l Cook, MichaM Rhoy Edward J Kelly, lady and son, E. Zacherias, Mrs J Reinhart? J 0 A Gary, K T Hazzard, Michael Cunning-hum, II M Clark. Consignees—9 L Colby A Cos., W W Lincoln, J Vil lulouga, W Woodbrldge, C L Gilbert, E Zarharias, J Reinhart, U S U M, P Donnelly, Wilkinson A Fargo, M S Myer, J A Brumer, S W Mason, J R Wilder, Ber man A Kuhet, Brady, Smith A Cos., Alexander Paul, J C Schrlener A sou, S W Wright, H Manhart A Bro, J G Watts, J D Laßoach, J G Meliotes, W H Stalk A Cos.. Sephen Farclly, B P Elnstlen, F Champion, R J Larcount. K Platshek, A A Solomon?. OctavusCohen. Hunter A Gammeil. Steamer Rfsolute, cannon. Augusta. Steamer St Helena, Cercoplev, Beaufort. Steamer U S Gram, Briggs, Hilton Head. Steamer Canonlcus, Tilton, Fort Pulaski. Cleared. Steamer' Emille, Bender, HUton Head. Steamer Canonlcus, Tilton, Fort Pulaski. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrived. Aug- is—Steamer Eliza Hancock, Short, N Y. gg| Aug. 18—Cosmopolitan, Crooker, N. Y. New Publication*. Christian's Mistake. By the author of “John Halifax, Gentleman.” New York: Harper to Brothers. Foedbal American Monthly. A Magazine of Literature, Art, Science, Politics. The first of these works, tor which we are ndebted to Mr. J. 11. Estill, is a very pleas ng domestic romance by a popular author. The second is a first class monthly with an attractive table of contents, the contribu tors being among our ablest American au thors. 0 Tbe Election in Kentucky—Military In terference at the Polls—Despatch from Bor. Branilette. Telegraphic Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 7. The most flagrant attempts were made here this morning to carry the election by aid of the military power. A list of proscribed persons had been made out by some self constituted Committee of Public Safety, and was placed in tbe hands of a military officer. Every one whose name appeared in it was arrested, if he appeared near the polls. There was no appeal from the list, and a willing ness to take tbe test oath of Guv. Bramlette did not save the proscribed. Private malice, in many cases, was the only instigator of the proscription. Tims’ toltowing telegraphic correspondence between the sheriff of this county aDd GoV. Bramlette shows the situation: Lbxinoton, Aug 7, 1865. To Gov. T. E. Bramlette, Frankfort, Ky. : A military force occupies both voting places In this city, and have arrested three men, one for voting, and two for being in tbe Court House, intending to vote. Thereupon the officers of the election in one precinct declined to go on with the election under military dictation. The sherifi at one pre cinct was arrested and taken to headquarters while in the discharge of his duties. The citizens stand ia front of the polls, and indi cate to the soldiers those who arc not enti tled to vote, and all such so pointed out are not allowed to .present themselves to the judges. What shall I do? [Signed,] W. W. Dodder, Sheriff Fayette County. Fkankfokt, Aug. 7, 1865. To W. W. Douden : The officers of elections should be entirely free from any military dictation or menace. The military has no right to interfere unless When called upon to support the authority and decision of the officers of election. Any attempt to control the action of the officers of election, by the military, is in violation of law and punishable by the laws of the State and by the act of Congress. With the ar rest of individuals, neither .the officers of election nor myself have an jibing to do. What the .Constitution and laws of Ken tucky lay down as the rule for elections is the only rule to be observed. If prevented from observing these rules, I would not pro ceed with the election. It should be free, and according to law, or not be at all. [Signed] T. E. Bramlette, Governor of Kentucky. The indiscreet zeal of the amendment party r a ® Alienated many of its best friends and inflicted a Waterloo defeat upon the cause of ireedom in Kentucky, from which no speedy f^ > rit7. ln . aybcc *P ected - The Cousena- Stive ticket lias carried everything in this re on, notwithstanding tbe polls in some of eir strongest precincts were closed because the Judges refused to qualify under .military dictation; Shankly will beat Fry by at least S,OOO majority. The Conservatives will have a large majority In the next Legislature. " piAYANNAII BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. James La-a \y. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for Jame* Wallace** Celebrated Whiskies, tiina, Alcohol, Cologne Spirit*, and New England Rum. No. GStod dardv Building, Bay street. Savannah. au!9 N. A. Hardee dL Cos., COMMISSION A FOR WARDING MERCHANTS Established in 1836. Office No. 9 Stoddard’s Row, suit* Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT Bfyanrtreet, next to Merchant*’ and Planters* Bank. Building. aulo MX. Cohen, • FORW ARLING anoCOMMISS’N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos., 89 Bay at. Bell, Wylly A C hristinn, AUCTION. GEN ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay atreer. Savannah, Ga. AM. Scarbrough A Cos., Groceey and Com • mission Mib« jixniw, 140 Congress and 07 St. Julian gts Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc, Liberal Adrar.ecs on Cotton. Ac. a Hardee, U COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah, Ga. ITTm. H. Staik. Wholesale Grocer and Com ▼ r mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coln and Buy street. ang22 WINES, LIQUORS, ~&c. HO. Ruwe & Cos., • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. St. Julian street .and Johnson square. Israel R. Sealy A Cos., SOUS AIiKXTS AND liIFORTERS Or Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, In the Statu of (Jk-oigLt. 207 Lay at., between Lai Raid and Jefietson, »n9 Savannah. Ga, • Israel R. Sealy A Cos., WHOLESALE PEALKRS IN IMPORTED WINES, i ORDIALS, HRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay at., Ixtwetn Barnard and Jefferson J La in a, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Span • isu Seoabs, Fbenoii Brandies. Wines, W&ibkkt and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. 191 Bay street, Savannah. Ga. ' DRY GOODS. John C. Maker A Cos., Wholesale and Kktail Dealer in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac , &c. __ _ Cor. Congri g* and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at Vnprece dented Lotc Ibices. ONE PRICE ONLY. 115 Congress street. Presdee A Orff. DRY GOODS—Wholesale ani> Retail. John McConachy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. Samuel M. Lederer, Jobber and Retailer of Fancy asd Staple Dry G<»odß, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, .kc. 140 Congress street. GROCERIES, &c, S. N. Gragg 8k Cos., 102 Bryan street, Deal ers in Fine GROCERIES and PROVISIONS— Agents for Allen’s WAIIOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer in WINES and LIQCOKB. an!9 SS. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap. Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oats, Corn, Cow P as, Finders, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. * au9 MFerst & Cos.. \\ I o.esale Dealer in Wises, Li • quoits, Seoaes, lat < vGaooxr.iia, Candies, Ac. te . Congress street^ AF. Mint, Wuoi.esile and Retaii, Dealer in * GROCERIES, FI(nT6, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane Cougiiou Ik Symons, ; Wholesale and retail grocers. Corner Whitaker and St. Julian sts.j Old Stand of \V. R. Symons. Hilton & Randell, WHOLESALE OROCERS, 193 Bay Steset, are constantly receiving par steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES hi this city. EP. Deyo, Dealei: in Choice Family Groceries, • Wines, liQlons, Ac. 133 Broughton street. Robert Balforo, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 161 Broughton street ~ lIRUGGISTs! ~ WM., . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, null Sourheast cor. Barnard und Broughton sts. New Drug House, Corner Congress and Barnard sts. JACOB LIPPADAN, late Kino A Waring. TUomus M. Turner, « DRUGGIST, Sonthwes 1 car. Barnard and Broughton sts. A A. Solomon? 8k Cos., - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. tw Orders executed accurately and with despatch. BILLIARDS, &c The “hive On k,” corner of Drayton street and Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES, ALES and SEGAIIB at Retail. Dunn A McMahon, Proprietors. an 19 O’Toole ok Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. Ac. Broughton st.. third door from Bali. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O'MEARA ALE?, WINKS, LIQUORS, &<:. Buy street, over Express Office. ITnion Shades, Terence Nuuent, Proprietor. J ALES, WINKS, LIQUORS, sEGARS, Ac. 65 Bull at., opposite Plilaeki House. St. Charles Saloon, fin rear of Post Office,! by A. Stamm. I rTiotenale and Retail. None hut CHOICE WINKS and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. CONFECTIONERY. ~ JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WhoIesaIe and Retail. MANUI'ACTrKEB OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY OF ALL HINDS. 140 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND aFTAIT. DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY syrups, candies, ate., /to., gy In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. SI WHITAKER STREET. GAS FITTING, &c. Ihlumbiug und C»as Fitting, i By JOHN ii. CULLEN, Broughton st., one door We .t of Barnard. \\T 11. Williams, Uab Fitter aud Pi.csu.eb, •TV • aud Dealer ia Tin Ware, lives* Fcrnisuino Good*, 4c. 145 Broughton gireet. Weed ft Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tim Wabe. No. 15U and 161 Broughton street. TT Cranston, U A PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. til Bryan st.’, next to cor. Whitaker. SIXIARS, TOBACCO. &q F _ Kolb. . * . SEGAR9, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Lopez, Sbqabb, Tobacco, Smurf, Pipfs, a Fanov Articles, stationery, ac. Cor. Bull uud Broughton sts. Constant, Importer of Domestic amii Havana • Skoals Mekusoualm Bifer, Ac Also, Whies, Champagnes and other Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Rost Office. CHINA WARE, &c. ED. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND a CHINA, at Whvluaaleuna Retail. lOSt Brough tun street, 2d door from cor, of Ball SODA WATER. John Kyan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER und ALB, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, Ac. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets. - 1..' ■■ -gfr"j .1 ■ ■ Jhiy»9»g=L-=L AR6 HITECTU RE,_&c. Jumt- v. Blame, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will attend to ail calls on bus iness in the above branches, S3f Office No. 124 fifty street, next to Stoddard's Range. aub PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. Saville & Loach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Uryan afreet aud Market Square. Xtorkinz Ink, Mancpactured and for sale by iVJL DAVID U. GALLOWAY, Geo. 11. Nichols. BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay at., between Aborcom and Drayton jr. Parse, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER, BINDEK JOB PRINTER, 4c. _ No. 6 Whitaker street, SW. Mason *Sfc Cos., _• HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE No, 111 Ray street. DIRECTORY -- CONTINUED. ' CLOTHING, H. A. Topb.iu, lis Congress street Sevan u*h, and 7 Merchants' Row, Port Royal, 8. O , Dealer In Fine Ready Made Clothing, Gents' Furnish ing Goods, Hat* and Capa, Ac. auil PROFESSIONAL. Dr. V M. Suee<l, DENTIST. Scooessob to Dr. E. Parsons, York street, near Court House, Savannah, Ga aulo WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. FD. Jordan, Dealer in WATcuia and Jewelry, • Sii.vek and Plated Ware Fancy Goom, Ac. Or Watches auJ-.lewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. HAIR DRESSING, &e. Oulaski House Barber Shop, icor. Bull and ■A Bryan sts.j Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soups, Cologne, Neck Tie# aud other Fancy Ajtides for sale. FURNITURE Deiiuta Falvey, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. New Wohk Made to Order. Repairing, Bell Hanging, Ac., at short notice. 13S Broughton at. BOOTH AND SHOES. Ames Cfc Peaboily, Joblfers In Men’s, Women’s. and Children s Calf Serge and Kid BOOTS and SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. 152 Congress st., 4th door North of the Market. Geo, T. Nichols, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. tlO Broughton st., 2d door from Bull. SCRIVENERY. Jobu J. Purtllle, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court) will attend to all Writings and business entrusted to his care, at Saloon of Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Heading & Cos., • PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cor. Whitaker and St'. Julian ate. Wilson's Photographic Gallery, Soctu-east corXer Broughton and Wnnutt Sts. ALL KINDS OF PICTURES KNOWN TO THE ART _aufß_ Exeoiitd in the Very Bkbt Manner PAINTS, OIL 9, &c! John Oliver, Honse and Sign Painter. Dealer in Paints, Oils. Glass, Ac. No. 11 Whitaker atreet. aug22 Thomas \V. Shea, * HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER: Dealer in Paint?, Oils, Ac. St. Julian .treat, old stand of Jno. G. Falligant. aul9 ORPHANS’ Fa 7 R~. THERE will be a Fair given for the benefit of two Orphans, on Wednesday evening, August 23d. at the southeast corner of Barnard and Liberty streets. The Fau- will open at 5 o'clock iu the afternoon.— Amongst tbe articles for Raffle will be a handsome Odd iellowte Regalia. aug2l WANTED. __ Wanted, BT a good tenant, a Dwelling House. Also, a Store. Address Tenant, Herald office. anl9-S TABLE BOARDERS WANTED qU'PERIOK ihducements are offered for a few Table 0 Boarders. Gentlemen wishing for (he above, will please apply at tbe corner of St. Juliau and Lincoln streets, first door on Casaei Row. C aul4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIFTEEN CARPENTERS, to whAm steady em ployment will be given. Apply to J.»mdß C\ Blance, 124 Bav street, or on board steamer Amazon, at foot of East street. &U2l-2 WM|L IMDIATELI,, FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Ateo, Cot ton Pickings, Wool Hides, Tallow, Grease,, Bottles, Ac., at the FOREST CITY MILLS, au4-tt , Savannah. TO RENT. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the * HERALD OFFICE. Jiul2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET. A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. anl2-tf ROOMS TO LET, At XXiltoxx Ilonci, 8. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartment* or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 25, Hilton Head Post Office, or ott the premises, corner 6f Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to 6 o’clock p. m ju22 AUCTIONS. BY ISAAC D. LnROCHE, SOUTH-EAST CORNER BAY AND BARNARD STS. At Private Sale, Several Desirable Dwellings pleasantly situated.— Stores. Wharves, and other property, lying adjacent to the city. Parties desiring to make an Investment wiU do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere- aul7-4 COTTON, tC. COTTON GINS. • THE EMERY PATENT GIN, WHIOB FOB Compactness, Economy of Time, Space and Labor, Far Surpasses any other Oin ever before offered to the Pnbllc. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish them at regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace L. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AME?, PEABODY & OG., No. 162 Congress street, have the above GHn on exhibition. Samples can al9o be seen at the warehouse of CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., au2s-tf - corner Bay and Abercorn streets. TO COT TO NS HI PPE RS. Alexander Hardeo, COTTON SHIPPER, IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rates, and . T _ * —bas opened, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON 4 BAY STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, REPACKING, SAMPLING. s CLASSING, AH®— Shipping ( otlon for the Public AT THE XiOWZIST RATES, Furnishing Ink. &c. ■ au7 in BUTTER, BUTTER. CHOICE TABLE BUTTER, at SB cents per pound 1 Cooking Butter, at 30 cents per ponnd. A large lot just received by steamer, und for sale by E. EHRLICH, *► Whitaker street. A liberal discount made to the Trade. -aulii-lw BACON, BACON. FIVE CASES ol Extra Quality Clear Sides, •'Pug man 6 Green’s" New York dty cured. For sale by F. fi. HERTZ, Northeast cower of Bay and Whitaker street* aul9 ' 9 AMUSEMENTS. voiiKS’ g-ahtebt, (Congress st,, between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,) REGULAR SUMMER SEASON PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BV TOC Savannah Orchestra, Prof. K. Richter, Leader, *A r “ Refreshments of the best quality and in every variety, Imo aulO DRV GOODS AND CLOTHING^ H. A. TOPHAM, 7 133 CongifiM Street, Savannah, Georgia. NO. 7 MFKCHANTS' ROW, HILTON MEAD. CALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to hin superior Stock of MILITARY. NAVAL and CITIZENS’ CLOTHING, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, aud w GENTS* FURNISfIINO GOODS, For sale at the Lowest Market price Additions to the Stock received by every Steamer from New York. ju2l-tt Carhart, Wliitford & Cos., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 and 333 Buoadway. cou. Worth Street, NEW YOR K. «r F 'if A w ABT ' I u *- s *v Sarriß, WM. H. Wuitvord, | A. T. Hxmiltom, _ J. B. Van W aokncn. Office of Payan A Carhart in liquidation. JyO 3m RIDDELL & MURDOCK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gxntlemxn's FumNisaiNO Goods, to., Ho. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C„ W. O. BIDUXI.L. (Jul3-tf) «. 1. MUBOOOM. STEELE &DIRDANJK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca. CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their snpetlor stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries, Boots, Caps Field Glasses, Gauntlets Glovoa, Ac.. Ac,7*c THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. AW ONDERFCL Invention for ladies. Unquestion ably superior to all others. Don't fail to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing nill particulars every Saturday mo rain?. JyC 6taw3m NEW GOODS. PER STEAMER AMERICA. Fancy and black cassimeres One case Fancy and Black Calicos Brown Canton Flannels Colored Belt Ribbons 100 dozLodles’ White Cotton Hose, good quality Huck Towels aud Damask Table Linen One case yard wide English Prints, Ac. For sale by Dr WITT A MORGAN.B COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered into Copart nership to carry on Stevadorage, Drayage, Stor age and Commission bnsiness, under the name of H J. Dickerson A Cos. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Low A Cos. H. J. DICKERSON. T. A. GOODWIN. _ „ . N. B. BROWN. Ga., August 21,1SCT>. au2l-lm Proposals for Wood. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, District us Savannah, Savannah, Ga. CK AI.ED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the Ist day of September, 1866 next, at 12 o’clock m , for the delivery of 25» cords dry, merchant able Oak and 280 cords merchantable Pine Wood, to be delivered on the Government Wharf in Savannah, Ga., or at such place as may be hereafter designated by proper'aothority. at such times and In such quan tities us may be hereafter directed bythe undersigned, said wood to be subject lo inspection by an officer of the Quartei master’s Department authorised to inspect r>he same. Payment wiil he made for not less than to cord sand in snch ftmdsas may be furnished the Qnartermaster. Proposals to he endorsed—" Proposal? for Wood " SIDNEY S. STARR, an-'l-U Chief Quai leimastei District of Savannah. THE ~~ Christian Index. BY' the flint of October, or as soon as the malls are re-established, I will renew the publication of the “CHRISTIAN INDEX” and of the ‘•CHILD’S IN DEX" I have been publishing. Price of “Index, "per annum $3 00 Price of “Child’s Index," 50 (A deduction made for Clnbs j Money may be remitted at once, as my determination la positive. My desire I? to secure a large subscrip tion list with which to begin, and I Issue this Pros pectus, that subscribers may have time to forward their remittances. - It is my Intention to issue first class papers, and no pains or expense will he spired to secure that end.— The best writers and correspondents will be secured, and the highest religious aud literary talent will be given to the papers. The Child’s Paper will be pro fusely illust mted and will, In every sense, be made to conform to its new title, THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. Money may be sent by Express or otherwise—ls by Express, at my risk, if the Express receipt la sent me, on the resumption of mall faculties. My connection with the firm of J. W Burke & Cos. is dissolved, but I will establish an office in Macon, Ga., where communications may be addressed. UUI6-2W SAMUEL BOYKIN. Bacon, Bacon, HAMS AND SHOULDERS, landing from Steamer America. For sale lu lots to salt purchasers. anlT-0 BELL WYLLYJA CHRISTIAN. PIONEER SAW MILL. WE mosbrespectfolly announce to the citizens ol Savannah and others requiring LUMBER that our npw Saw Mill at the foot of Zubly street, near the Savaunah and-Ogeechee Canal, is completed. We are now prepared to saw and furnish Lumber in large or Bmall quantities to suit purchasers, and respectiully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur chase TIMBER as It arrives lu tula market. JySl-tf ROSE A ARKWRIGHT. CIDER BRANDY. SG/IA GALLONS, from one to five years old.— ,UUV Samples of each sent by Express, with list of price*. Also, in cases of one and two doaen each. HS. CONNOVE Distiller, anlfi-1 m__ reehoid, N. J. FOWLE & CO., NO. 10 BRQADWAY, NEW YORK. (Formerly of Alexandria, V*,) IMPORTERS OF RAILROAD IRON, AMD DEALERS IN RAILROAD SECURITIES AND RAILROAD SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Are prepared to contwict for the delivery of Rail either f. o. b. In Woles or ex*ehip at any desired Fort Jul9 lm Iron, Iron, Iron. WANTED Immediately, Fifty Ton* of wrought and Cast Scrap Don and Metals. The highest ca»h prices paid. Manufacturers supplied. OLIVER 4 CO, auV? Forest City Mills, S.vannah. INK. ot GRCS3INK, in stand* at 4S CO per gross. 16 ZQ dozen Arnold’s Wilting Fluid, pints, at 47 per dozen. For sale by SAVILLE 4 LEACH. au!2 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square, NOTICE. THE firm of O'MEARA 4 CO. having been dissolv ed by a decree of the First Provost Court of Savan nah. all persons having claims against said firm wUI present them forthwith to the undersigned, jy26-tf. W O’MEARA. U. S. Court of Claims. HAVING been a clerk and a commissioner to take depositions In this court for stx years,-1 am pre pared to write PETITIONS and arrange the PAPERS In cases to go before tfiat tribuna for private property seized by tire United States military authorities. I, have made arrangements In Washington to have all cases promptly ''T******™^^™* Office on Thirteenth street, near Cary, up stairs Refers to—Duncan 4 Jotmkon, Savannah; Major A. Porter. - angS lw SHIPPING. NILE OF [. N. FENNELS. WILL BE SOLD AT BAT POINT, PORT ROTAL, & Jkot Public Auction, —on Saturday, Sept. 2 , at/10 ami. The following named U. 8, Vessels, viz.: Steamers CHATHAM and O. M. A.TITT, side wheel, light draught, well adaptpl fir shallow rivers Schooners MAIL and SWIFT. Baric VALPARAISO. Sloop PERCY DRAYTON. Hull of Ferry Boat ELLEN, and three Newport Sail Boata. TF.RMS—Cash in Government funds; one-sixth of the purchase money on the day of male; and the re mainder in six days. The vessels to be removed im mediately after the full payment is made. Tags will be st Hilton Heed, at 9 o'clock a. m., of Sept. 2d, to transport to Bay Point persons who wis* to purchase these vessels. aul9-3 PIONEEB LINE FOR NEW YORK, Th ® U- 8. Mail Steamship CHASE, M. L. Roon«, will sail for the above port on her regular day, Tlturwla}’, Assg. Mth, at 10 O’clock. For Freight or Passage, haring superior accommo dations, apply to BUNTEH A GAMMKLL, au2l 4 84 Bay street. STAB LINE, FOR NEW YORK. ~» THE new and elegant tint clam , Yij'U.S.M.dl Steamship CONSTITUTION, Capt. Green man, will positively sail for above port on Wednesday, Aug. 23d, at 91-S o’clock a. n. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., an2l Stoddard's Building, opposite Post Office. Atlautic Coast Mall Stea m whip Company. • FOR NEW YORK, t Tib First Class Steamship VERU NA. will positively sail onTHURS- DAY, the 24tli Inst,pit o’clock, p. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to aul9 JOHN R. WILDER. POE NEW YORK STAR LINE. SBJMI-WEHKXiY. The first class U. 8. Msll Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt. Cabtsmteb. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Suam. AMERICA, - Capt Ci.ift CONSTITUTION, . - . Capt OmauAN. The above ships compose tbe Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agents, Savannah. Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN A DICBTNBON, Agents, 17 Broadway, New York. THE Nevada Will leave Savannah for New York o« Saturday, 'tilth Instant. For Freight or Passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO., 1y284f _ Agents. MERITIAXIS' LINE Sailing Vessels. Regular Weekly Line of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. CT’HE undersigned Intend to keep np a regular week. A ly line of first class Sailing V&metaplrtm be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the verv best fa duties for delivering freight In good orderpatTow rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York CHARLES L COLBY * 00., anlß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels For JACKSONVILLE, Fla. THE A1 Schooner W. B. MANN, Capt. C-roues B. Waxen, now discharging, will be ready to re reive cargo In a lew d.ys To r fee above port at sow For freight or passage apply to .mo CHiB L °°LBY 4 CO., *° l9 if Cor. Bay and Abercorn Bts. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels. fIIHE fine Clipper Bark a B. WALKER, Capt. L. B. \4,rlr ™ T s&rnlv r f2&. to receive cargo°or New dispatch FWDAY ' th * 18th lna * • an d will have quick Baa accommodation for a few first-class passengers APP*, 10 ~ CHAS. L. CULBY P ACO? * Bli> ff Oor. Bay and Abercorn its. freightTMTMMJ RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt R. Joane Ow. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Bowaso Hili.zb. Haring a commodious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf, we are prepared to receive freights, above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each steamer. ERWIN 4 HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. amß lm Agent on Wharf. FOR AUGUSTA, TO LEAVE ON SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20tu, The Steamer AMAZON, Capt Richard Johnson, will leave Dillon's Wharf, on Saturday evening, 26th Freight received at Warehouse every day ERWIN 4 HARDEE JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, « u2 * Agent on Wharf. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, A BE notified that Goods will be received at onr XV Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf, at any time du ring the week. • ERWIN 4 HARDEE. auU lrao For Freight or Charter. r PHE fine Schooner GEO. .HENRY, SO tona, A. B. X Curtis, Master. „ Prefers chartering by the month to trade down the ! ooaat or to tbe West Indies. * will carry 860 barrels, or 115 tons dead weight. For farther particulars inquire of c7u COLBY 4 00.. I anglb-tf Comer Bay and Aberwro sts. J For Philadelphia. THE Packet SchcoMr E. D. FINNEY, Oapt. Heathers, will meet with despatch for the above port. For freight aoply to - *613 3 fIt'N'TER A OAMMELL. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND gui.f r. r for thomasville: TMUt Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, A Capt Pbtlpot, will leave Dillon's Wharf on Tuesday morning, 22d inst., at 9 o'clock, and will ply reguteriv between Savannah and Doctortown. iu connection with tbe Road, leaving as follows; SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. Freight receipted for through to any point ou Rail road between Doctortown and Thomasvihe Freights payable here. ERWIN A HARDEE. , JOHN i, ROUMILLAT, aug2t-lm Agent on Wharf. RAILROADS. Atlantic & Gulfr lroad > **~ l ** i - - I, n Mlf r OTIcE Is hereby Riven that an arrangement has Av been entered Into between Mesere. Erwin t Hardee. Agentajor the STEAMER WM. C. GIBBONS and this Company, by which Passengers aud Freight will bo transported to and from Thomaavtlle and Ha Vannah and all Intermediate points. Goods will be received at any time daring the week at the Hteamer'a Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf. WILLIAM DUNCAN, Acting President Albany & Gulf Railroad. GASPER J. FULTON, augl'l-ltn Superintendent. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No, 111 Bay Htreet, SAVANNAH, . GEORGIA. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of JOB PRINTING. We have THE BEST PRESSES For doing all kinds of work, and we keep them in good repair. We employ only FIRST GLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY, We have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to whith we are const anrly making additions. * We are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, TICKETS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS, PASSES, * LABELS, CONSTITUTIONS^ BY-LAWS, BALLADS, PAMPHLETS, CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANKS, SHIPPING BLANKS, Or any other kind of PRINTING—in aki mu. We have a Fine Assortment of Inks —•— roa PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY BAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and csrefhl attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and togivw complete Mtlsffectlon to onr customer^. OUR PHIOBS Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the Increased rates which rule In other lines of bntlnraa S. W. MASON & CO., 11l Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia. RROBREOmSa OF THE Mercantile Mirror TUITOUB CIRCULATION* To be Issued on or about the 16th of July, 1866, Br J. W. BURKE 4 CO., - MACON, GA 18 UDd " uken •* Uw suggestion of of the country, as a method of extensively advertising their bnainem.— While we wiUpnblish the advertisements of all who may favor oa with their patronage, the paper will also Co ? t ?ft^ ic g' o,l,oll °f tbc Markets In all the prlncl pal CitleA Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Ac!, and sraof ev«y dmtriptlo. that wUi be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “MIRROR " be excluaively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence. Select Reading Matter, 4c. It will be a rAaiLv, as wh-l xa x ntrauose rAria, and we intend that It shall \-islt every City, Town and Village in the Conntry. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a ik l * description. OCR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of onr friend* will waat tiretr Business Cards, Notices, 4c., brought ba fare tbe Public through this medium. Wc will only say to all, send 'your Advertisements to us Immedi ately ; state how much .-pace you wiah them to occu py, directions, 4c. Wo have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As eoon as we arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, we will make lm estimate, and publish the rates for advertising. In the first number. They will bz as low as possibla to allow us TO publish the riFEx. Deeming It superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with It, feeling as sured It will meet Its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address J. W. BURKE A CO , Macon, Ga. Agent In Savannah: Pro. N. Nicaoi s. Bay Street .fylfr-tf Millstones, finrrstones anil Bolting Cloths. ROGER FILS & CO., ESTABLISHED-IN 1802. PROPRIETORS of the lareert and most celebrated Jl Quarries of France. No. 21 PEARL STREET, near the Produce Exchange, NEW YORK. In the expectation of a large trade with the South, ! ROGER FI1& 400 have just received, and will con. I tlnne to receive, heavy shipments of first class Blocks, | Panels, and Millstones, particularly suitable for the Southern Market They have also a good assortment of Hand uni, of various makers, and Bolting Cloth* of the beat quail, ties, at the lowest rate*. autT-J /