Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 30, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. WEDNEVDAY, AlOl*T 30, 1865 lnd<r the Thoiu. t>> JOHN MAY. Sweet wms the breath of the hawthorn bush That olew in the briery lane. And tender the vesper song the thrueh Poured forth in low retrain: .And tenderl;- smiled the carving lips That never shall emile again The breath of the hawthorn’s snowv bloom Fell faint on the happy air. And the gay wild bird sang on tin heard In the h’jph of love's low* prefer ; Andtheaun went down, but the twiligt' fiurh Lovingly tinge red there. Again 1 atand by the blooming tboitv And muse of the wasted years And 1 aigh lor Ute day so far away, And its tender hopes ind fears-* And 1 mourn that the world ban me back ,r lth a hesrt too hard fox tears. Lave ui a iios|iital *She stepped with O what stately gracs, And O how wonrierfnily fair With morning sunlight in her face And midnight In her hair' l «carce knew, when that face had flows Wuether it was or only seemed— whether I saw what I had known Or aomethlng I bad dreamed And down the dreary ward by night Our blesainge ioiiowed her alar, like undulations of the light That tracks a fleeting star With footsteps soft as falling snows. And lighter than tne Summer air, The passed the shadowy shade* of those who died in her sweet care O fate: sbonld I uDto ray own Yet fold the lace tha» on me beamed. Ah! ehait 1 And what I have known. Or have I only dreamed t The Prince Imperial of France. llecently, the youthfnl Prince, only child find heir of Napoleon the Third and En geuie. became ill. To the surprise of those who are not fully aware of the precarious tenure of the Napoleonic party in France, great uneasiness was evinced by its members, until the life of the Prince was pronounced out of danger. He was attacked by typhoid lever, and as the malignant disease progres sed, the pulse of the nation, the Paris Bourse, rose or fell. The bulletins issued from the Tuilleries, by the physicians of His little Highness, had immediate effect upon stocks. As the fever was reduced, the quotations went up, but to decline when it was announced that the child was worse. When at last the entire recovery of the Prince was made known through the official and semi-official organs of the Empire, France breathed more lreely—stocks rose, and the Emperor went shooting, the latter fact being commented upon as an evidence that the Prince was indeed quite well. Those who have never witnessed the ceremonious attendance upon the Prince Imperial’s every day existence, who have not seen him In his drives, surrounded by an armed escort, with a Grand Equyer riding at the portel of the carriage, who have not witnessed the Prince accompanying his Imperial sire at reviews or great ceremonies gravely removing his little cocked hat as the shouts “Vive le Prince Imperial” rose from the masses who love childen and take pleasure in greeting this pretty one; those who have not seen him, I repeat, under all these imposing circum stances, will find it difficult to understand the vast importance attached to his lile—will not readily appreciate the great alarm when it seemed menaced. fßut those familiar with the position of Napoleon 111. readily comprehend bis alarm and that of hi® adherents, when the life of their only hope foi the future was endangered. The people of France have learned by sad experience the evil results of revolutions, and they will now so readily turn to this ex pedient for a change of government. They have benefited to a great extent by the rule of Lonis Napoleoil; and though a formidable party opposes him—the bourgeosie—the mid dle classes, who liKe quiet and steady govern ment, will lie averse to any sudden revolu tion, and will support, or, at any rale, will not resist the Emperor in his efforts to estab lish his dynasty. They will not act against him while he carries out his plans for the ac complishment of that purpose. To state the matter clearly, they desire no more changes of government, and see in the little Prince a successor to Napoleon, who shall, in due time, quietly assume- the position he is so ostensibly being well fitted for They look upon the’present Emperor as a tutor, a pre ceptor in the art of governing for this promis ing boy, who shall, under proper training, unite in himself all the qualities necessary to the career he seems destined to fulfill.. The Empeior makes it a matter of coustaot and untiring effort to impress upon the minds ot his subjects that the safety of France, its future weltare, depend upon the successful estab lishment of the Napoleonic dynasty, and that they may ail the more readtiy accept his views, lie publicly educates his son for the throne of France. He takes the people into his confidence, he tells them how he sliali train up their fa ture sovereign, so that he may be worthy ot that exalted honor. From the moment the Prince was born he has been a public specta cle, an imperial show. His baptism was one of the most gorgeous sights the Parisian had ever witnessed, It was grand, magnificent, imposing. That the people mignt have a lasting remembrance of this event, the Em press founded a charitable institution in the capital, which bears the name of the Prince, and the Emperor announced oificially that their Majesties might be considered the pa rums (godfather and godmother) of all chil dren born in France on the same day that ushered into existence this precious baby. It was also decided that his birthdays to come should be marked by acts of grace to those ot high and low degree, but more es pecially the latter. Then, that the child might at once be viewed with favor by the army, he was made a member of a gienadier regiment of the Guard, and promotions, crosses and medals were granted in com memoration of the event. An English wo man, a Miss Shaw, was placed in charge of the Prince, as soon as he was taken from the wet nurse who had the honor of suckling the Imperial scion, and under her care he re mains to this day. She taught him to speak English, hut he was at the same lime made to understand French, as the servants and taeltttlyof the court who officiated as his oouvemantc always spoke to him in that lan guage. A number of persons were appoint ed to what was termed the “ Household of tae Prince,” and apartment were specially designated for his use. He had carriages outriders,* horses, all furnished for bis ser vice; in fact, the “maison du Prince’ was completed in great style. His visits to his parents were not inlormal They were matters of state. Toddling along by the hide of Miss Shaw, he was piecedeu by "Huissiers, (ushers,; who announced his advent; “Monseigneur le Prince Impe rial'’ When the afternoon drive of the lit tie feiiow took place he was sainted bv the guard as he left and returned to the pilace while a formidable escort ot cavalry gUlon t and after and preceded the carriage, ft was b’,l matter ot parade, of state, and one of the principal.sights of the city was tin* turnout of the Prince As he grew older he was . made more and more a show of. Dressed in nis grenadier uni orm, he accompanied the Utnperor to races, reviews and public cere monies, He wps made to assist at ciinnets given in his narne and the children belonging to the army, “LeaUut&Dts de Troupe." Was tutored to riae and iay, iu the most dignified '.uanaer.a few wotde, which the next day were duly recorded with exclamations of wonder and praise in the Monitettr andConctitutionel In short, the attention of the ptople was constantly being called to him He was taught to assume a grave air, which sat quaintly upon his baby face ; was made to bow and wave bis little hand with courtly grace, was restrained, remonstr&fed with • becked, until he assumed a grave and sol emn air which caused people to remark, Wbut an extraordinary child—how quiet haw thoughtful, how precocious”— and the * ansian to dauds grew to be fond aod proud little boys traddle and make dirt-pies, was already a “litt’e man” —ne p*tit homme. of this wonderful child, who, at an age when The object of all this training this public show, is evident The Emperor wishes to interest the people in his child, to cause them to admire him. In short he makes much of him. that other* may naturally do the same. He is well aware that to associate ceremony and state in die minds of the masses, with the very existence of the Prince, is to render him all the more imporiact to them. Is to accustom them to look upon kitr as a supe rior, an imperial being: a fact which may, even in case of reverse and exile, be of great service at some future date, vide his own case, where the memory of the First. Great Emperor was so instrumental in foisting the Third. Os course it must strengthen the rule of Napoleon to make the people lee! that is to be carried ou by this boy, who, to their entire knowledge and satisfaction is be ing rendered so well fitted to govern. They learn, through the medium of the journals, ! mat spite of ail nis state and his glory he is j at limes made to associate with boys of liis own age, oh terms of perfect equality, so that with a sense of his greatness may be mingled a knowledge of the fact that “a mans a man tor a' that.' Then he is &and vanced in grade, in his regiment, according to routine and length of service, and will be sent, as is publicly announced in France, to one of the military schools of the Country, with his friends, young Conneau. the son of the Emperor's physicians, and Jean, the eld est son of the Duke Pcrsigtry, who at play completes the trioit being impressed upon the people that all this training must j coder the future sovereign of France a more than usually well fitted persons to govern. For’years this scheme has been carried out wiur the tenacity of purpose and concentra tion of wllf which mark the Emperor Napo leons character. He has rendered most tbiogs subservient to his well known desire that his dynasty may be perpetuated. No wonder, then, that dismay should have seized upon himself aDd hi 9 adherents when they saw that precious life, that promise for the future, menaced by disease. They were aware that the death of the Prince w ould leave them with no definite object in view, with no hope of continuance of power, no cause for present labor, that future benefits might accrue. It would indeed be a case of ‘•apres wot le deluge," for the Emperor Napo- leon, were he to lose life heir now. He is not friendly to his cousin, Prince Napofeou, the son of Jerome, who would in that case be the direct heir to the throne, unless the Empress bore another child, a fact said to be not likely, from the Tesults of surgical operations which Her Malesty was some time since obliged to undergo. The recent quarrel be tween the Emperor and his cousin is a mat ter well known. Qf course Napoleon ill would be averse to such a successor. They liave never been on good terms, and are now enemies. Besides, the Emperor is aware that fbe French would never accept the rule of Prince Napoleon as Emperor. He may some time be called to the Presidency of a French Republic, but as Emperor he would not be popular. Any other heir to Napoleon 111 the people of France would never allow to rule, so that the way would remain clear to the Orleans Princes, whom Napoleon fears and hates, not only as liis rivals, but as the future opponents ot the Prince Imperial. All these things taken into consideration, the value of the life lately threatened be comes much enhanced, and one may readily understand the constant care and watchful ness bestowed upon it. In the Prince Im perial tlie Napoleonic party see the promise of a continuance of their power, and the Emperor knows the Prince to be. to a certain extent the security for his reign. His chief purpose, his great aim and ambition are to pave the way for the future power and suc cess of this child who shall render the name of Napoleon still more famous—-who shall continue an empire which future generations shall pronounce infinitely greater than was that, of Charlemagne or of Ctesar. Endowed bv nature with great advantages, the Prince Imperial seems worthy of all this parental aolicitude, this ambitious scheming. He is a fine boy, handsome, of winning manners and remarkably intelligent. He possesses a good memory, and considerable app'ication. Is affectionate, bold, and as a natural result of his surroundings and the deference paid to him, a little hasty in temper. The mate rials are there for a future Emperor, who shall be all und perhaps even more than his father may hope. I* is not strange then that his illness shoulf hart so disturbed po* tical circles in Frat e. T ley value that life at its full price, hi and are ware of the: proba ble consei of 1 :?f— N- Y. iP>«s Celcbratro... tile J.r.. ..apultcnl, l» .‘aril. -l The follow Eg is i translation of the official programme oi of the 16th of Aug, the anniversary es the birth oft ho Little Cor poral, as published in the Moakeur and the leading Paris dallies • At six o'clock in the morning of the loth of August, the national celebration will be ushered iu by sal vorf of artillery, fired from the Invalides, Military Hospital, and the same will be repeated at 9ix p. m. In the morning donations of food and clothing will bo distributed among the iudlg ent families in each of the twenty municipal districts, under the direction of the Mayors and the members of the Bureaus of Charity. At oue o'clock a solemu mass will be cele brated, Deputations from the great of the state, and from the civil and military authorities will be present tt this mass, which will conclude with a Te Denm. The amusement during the day will com mence at oue p. m. and last uutil six p. m. Invalides square there will be two large theatre* for the performance of military pan tomimes, and two for acrobatic exhibitions. Four greased poles, will be erected, with suitable prizes to compete for. A regatta will take place on the Seine at one o'clock. After twi\o clock pantomimes and tiirkt rope performances will be given In two theatres specially erected for the purpose In the Place du Trone. Free performances will take place a one o'clock at the opera, theatres aud circus, without any distinction of seats or charge for admission whatever. At night after dark the garden of the Tuileries, the esplanade of the Invalides Hospital the grand avenue oi the Cham|»s Elysees, the fountains In the Place de la Concorde and the Triumphal Arch will be decorated with banners aud pillars support Ing vases, and Illuminated by festoons of oo ored lanterns and glass cups of various colors. The fountains and gardens in the Champs Elysees wifi alto bo Illuminated by electric light and Bengal fire. All the prin cipal streets, public building*, monuments, churcht'9 and bridges will be brilliantly Il luminated. At hlat-past seven performances will again be given in tbe pantomime thea tres erected iu the. square of the Invalides and the Place du Trone. At nine o'clock two grand display* of fireworks will take place; oat on the Jena bridge, the other in the Place du Trone. The Feniam Brotherhood.— Laaies of Washington city have just had a magnificent flag manufactured for presentation to the So cietv of the Feninn Brotherhood of Washing ton. The flag Is made of emerald green ban ner silk, six feet w ide, eleven teet long, without a seam. On one side is the Irish harp and the coal of arms of Ireland, with the motto -Erin go Bragb," and "Ireland shall be tree" in golden Tetters. On the re verse is a representation of the “Maid of Er-n," weeping over her country; while trom behind a heavy cloud is the sun, Just about to break forth, emblematical of the future ol the “Emerald Isle.” The trimmings and mountings are in keeping with the rich ma terial of the flag and the artistic execution ot the designs. Masosic Con vs stick*,— The Louisville Jour i nal publishes an appeal lrotn Past Grand Master Charles G. Wlntersmltb, of Ken- I tacky, to the leading members ot the Masonic fraternity of the United States, calling a con- I ventloo in Louisville on the second Monday in October next. Captain Wyat Mayo was murderetfnea Kichoicad by seme negroes last Thursday. dutreh Directory. , l the xoroft wi/t Atd*/ UrmW | OIURa BIW Cathedral of John the Baptist -northeast coraer «l Perry aih! Drayton streets.—Maas ol‘J a. m., (f I-? «». m. ilwgh Hm;** lo 1-2 a m. Vesper* 4 p. m. Sunday School 2 1--* p. m.; Stat ion* ot the «.ruw. concluding with the Benediction of ihe Moat Bleaaed Racrament, Friday evening, T o'clock. Clergy—Right Rev. An pujFtn* Verot, D. l>.. Bishop of Savannah : J. F. O’Neil, Sr.. Vicar General; Rev. Peter Dufao, Rev. Henry r. Clavrenl. St. Patrick's Church-fiootheaet corner of We.«t Bioatl and Liberty street*.—Rev. Charles Prendennis!, Kev. Peter Wheliu,—Ma.-tt 8 1? n. m , High si 10 1-2 a. in. p*oT*a*a*r irieporu. onc&ras*. Christ Church—east side of Johnson Square, corner Bull and Cengves* streets— Ro?. Charles Coley, A* nietant Rector. Service ttlOs. m.; Eveuing Prayer, 5 1-2 p. m.: Sunday School 4 p. m. Bt. John's Ghtitch—weat ride of Madison Square, comer br.ii and Charitou etreete—Rev. c F. McKee. Rector Service at lul-8 a. m . 4 p. m * Sunday Scnool 9 a. in; Wm. 8. Bogart, Superintendent. Prayers Wednesdays and Friday*. 5 p - m. XdETUODIST CHLSOiaa. Trinity Church—west j*lde St. James Saoare, comer Barnard and Y»>rk streets—Rev. A. M. Winn, Parfor. Service li»S a. rn. and Sp. m., Sunday; Prayer meet ing, Tuesday Afternoon at lp. m. Sunday school, at 5 p. iu. Sunday Afierneon, Mr. G. b. Roger*, sup’t LU7QE£AM oaUBC-UE) Savannah Lutheran Chu r db—East side.of Wright Square-, comer Bud and State streets—Rev. D. M. Gilbert Pastor, service* at Id 1-2 a. m.; sd. ra. Sun day School 9 a. m ; John T. Tuomas, Superintendent. Service Thursdays, Jl-2 p. ra. om acans Independent Presbyterian Chnrch— Southwest cor ner Bull and South Broad street*—Rev. 1. S. K A Pastor Servipea 101-2 a. m. 6p. ra. Sunday School 0 a in ; John VY Anderson, Superintendent. Sexvice Thursday afternoon. narniT cncacitEa, Savannah baptist Church —West side of Chippewa Square, comer Ball and Hull atreet*-»ftev. Sylvauua I audrum. Panior. Scrvlee 10 1-2 a, m and op.m Minday school 4 1-2 p. ra.; George W. Davis, Super inteurieut. Service Thursdays at sp. m. mURKW CONOaCOATIOKS. Mirkvji Israel- Northeast c met of Whitaker and Liberty street*— Kev. A, Epslein, He(uier. Service Fridny, J o'clock p. in ; Saturday, 0 1-2 o'clock a. m. Buai benth Jacob—Armory llall building, West side Wright Square, coruer Bull and State streets— Services Friday, 5 o'clock p. m.: Saturday, 9 o'clock a. m. COLORED CUUOHES. First African Baptist Church—West side Fraaklin Square, comer Montgomery and Bryan streets—Rev. W in. Campbell, Pastor Service 10 t-. am., Cl-t »ud ;p. in. Sunday School 2p. to.; James Sima, Super intemlent: Charles L. De Callous, Asaiatant. Church service Thursdays, 7p. m.; prayers, Mondays, 7 p. m. Second African Baptist Church—West aide Green Square, corner State und Uoustou afreets—Kev. John Cox, Pastor. Service to i-2 a. iu., 3 1-2 and 7 p.m. Sunday School 2 1-2 p m.: Herman Eve*. Superin toDilent: Wm. Uorgan, Assistant. Prayers Tuesday* and Thursdays, *7l>- m » Third African Baptist Church—Bryan, near Patna street— Kev. E. Houston, Pastor. Service 10 a. er, 3, anil 7p. m. Prayers Mondays and Thursdays, 7p. to. Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty, near Mont iromery streets—Kev Isaac brown. Pastor; Rev. Henry Taylor, Assistant Pastor. Service 10 t-2 a. m., 3 1 2 and 7 p. m. Prayers Tuesdays and Thursday*. 7 St. Stephen's Episcopal Church—West side Calhoun Squur—hcv James Por-er, Lay header. Service to a. in., 7p. m. Futon Methodist Episcopal—New street, near F.ihm Btrest, North Central Railroad Depot—Rev. Wlillum Bentley, Pastor. Service 10 a m.. 8 ' 2 and 7p. m. Sunday School 12 1-2 p. m.; Heury.Bates, superin tendt-u!. csvßCiias CLOsan. German Lutheran Church—Comer Drayton and Gordon streets. Wealev Chapel- Northeast comer of Lincoln and South Broad streets. Peudeld'a Mariners' Church—Bay street. South side, bet ween Ahercorn and Lincoln streets. First Presbyterian Church—East side of Monterpy Square, corner Bull and Taylor streets MASONIC. Solomon's Lodob, No. 1, meets first Thursday In each month. 1L T. Turner, W. At.; John Nicholson, 8. W.; John Foley, F. W.; J. Holbrook Estlll, 8. D.; H. L. Schreiner, J. D.; James M. Jones, Secretary; James Lachlison. Jr , Treasurer Zssact, cole Loiigi, No. 15, meats second Thursday in each month. Win. Greene, W M.; David Thomp son, 8 W.; Thomas Bnllamine. J. \V.j M. Reich. 8. D.; - Stein, J. I>.: John llonsto., Secretary; Alfred Haywood, Treasurer. t.i.i..i,,.s Lobar, No. 54. meets fir-t and thiruMon days in each mouth 8. F Uyrla. \V. M.-. John Rather lard, 8. W.; Wm. Gibbon*, j. W.; P. llellriean. 8. D.; M. Davidson, Treasurer. Ahcicnt Lanumzsu Lodue, No. 23.—N0 regulai meetings during the summer months. EdwarU t\ Hough, W. M ; Wm. F. Holland, 8. W.; J. H. Dft mund, J. W-; C. L. Hackett, 3. D.; , J. D. Ot .aou.Cu.w’TKE, No. 3.-Closed for the summer R T. Turner, H. K: Win. Greene, K.; W. F. Holland, 8; David H. Galloway, M. C ; J. Holbrook Estill. P. s-.; John Felev, At. 3d V.; M Keich. M. 2d V.; H. L Schreiner, .11. let V.; Thomas Ballantlnc, c. H. Uroßota Coo.ncu., No. I.— Closed until wiuter JOLLuTkT Otii-EiaoßrE Lodge, No, 1 raeeta every Tue-nmy eve ning, at th«ir tall. Bay street, over Micnoi'a Printing one?. jKobt, H. Footman, N. ii. 4 Charles F, Proton, V. U. . Charles Orosa, Secretary; \Y, J, Clemence, Treasurer. Live Oak Loras, No. 3* melt* every Friday eteniug al the b'tAUhweat corner of Bull ard Broughto'h street*. ■Klmtor/. Kobt. M. btnlhi.l !*<»»!►, M*. O.; John lioua ton, V. G David H. U-dio'.vay, Secretary : David Thompson, Trt>aSiiiet. Dflyam* Lodge No. 0, iueetoi: every Monday eve ning, southwest orner ot Ban und Broughton alreetn, 4tJi Mtory- Henry J. Qu*»j4tucL, N. U.; johu Nell, V. oh • Q. C- Millar, wetetafy» C. P. LandershJue, Trea surer. AUonqlia UNOAiffUBNt, No. 1, meets *:d uttd 4th Wednesday in each month in De&aJb Lodge Kooun Davin Bailey, C. P.; UobL. Groves, H. TANARUS.; #. Hoi brook Estill, S. W., Chau. Groove*, becretary ; James L. Haupt, Treasurer. - HOTEL*. Sea Island Hotel. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20th, 1865. THIS new Hotel, situated ou tbe moat desirable spot ou tbe eastern batik of Hilton Head island, at bud* a due view of tbe, B»y, Ocean, aad sur rounding ls'and*. Tbe scenery 1* quite as pleasing und interesting, in every respect, a* tbe lamaiia via teriug place ol Newp„rL It L, and i* altogether a* bealtblul a place to spend tbe summer montba. It has a flue hard emootu beach, seveuteca mU«s long, affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Dench at Nahant, Maaa.. und as flue sea bathing aa at t bat-place or Cape May. - .. j" f' Tbe House has over »«Yenty large, airy rsoms, and veranoans on three side* of all 4he stories, the lorn* tun- is entirely uew, and the tables will be I'urnl,hed with the best that cau bo procured here and In the Northern market*. Every etfo.t will be made to ren der the Hotel all that the most fastidious can desire. Dilltard Room* and Seaßathluff Uousci will soon be iu readmes* for gueat*. ■ Ju2S ts Port Rovbl House, HILTON HEAD, S C. H I DDLLI A RCG (* , Pio^fiisxCßt. E. B BlliDSXl*. IL r. BU<W to&tt • : • - - • ■v'i •i • ? ... Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES —AT TONKING’S, IN RFAR OF POST OFFICE. HILTON HEAD. flugtj tt Notice. T'HE City Coancfi, at It* Regular Meeting oa the * wh day oi ffapteober next, will elect a Clerk and Sheriff of the City Court of Savannah tor I the present unexpj-etl term. The compensation cousins ot fee*. * efsous intending to be cundidate* tbr.the above office* are requested to b*nd In their applications to the un dersigned, with the name* of tne two securities r» qolred. B. T. GIBSON, -•reas.SAnoJS Clerk of Connell. CIRCULAR. OFFICE OP 3THKKT OOMMUSIONER. \ ffevaonab. Ua.. xegnst S3, 1865./ la accordance with General Ordvra No. 24, al) Horses. Mr,lee and Cattle (bond at large on tbe streets and squares of the city, on and after Friday, tbe 9Mb Inst., will be Impounded under tbe following regula tions : For first offence—lmpoandtn* fee wtl] be five dol lars, and one dollar per day wblie tbe animal remain In ponud. for second offence—lmpounding fee tball be ten dollars, and one dollar per day while the animal re- DUUIIiQ . t in f U not called for lb Ot* day*, they shall be ad vertUed In the city papvs tor three days, and solffto pay expense* or tniTMd l o**t tof toUitary parpoees. ricbetlog say of the above atffmels to Krese Iu the streets nr aqu .re* of th* city I* hereby poetdveby tor blddro, and the above pens lure enforced By coznmtiidor t j Bvt.Brig, OMA. DAVK „ EDWARD A PAJtKJNSON, guJve Capt. and Street C«mnu«]gse-. COMMISSION MERCHAXTB. Ate. Ltvi M. CatraoniLi., .1. R. W. Jouxmro* CHURCHILL 4 JOHNSTON, Dry Goods, AXD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGSNTB OF STEAMER UNION, 533 H ROAD STRKK TANARUS, Orromrr M»9o!»to Hali- AUCUSTA, GEORGIA. Will give prompt and pereoaai attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY' BE FA. VOBBD WITH. Consignments Solicited. Reference, In Savannah—shaw*. DeWltt & Mor gan. Bell, Wyll j A Chriatian; J. T Patereon A Cos. ; N Lyon, Eaq. augSq-lm JACKSON &T "WARROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JACKSONVILLE. FLA, Consignments solicit'd. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. aal9-lm | TO SHIFPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. | FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN. Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner <* Bennett. I COMMISSION MEHOHANTB, Ho. 40 Vrsxv Stexet. ..r» You.. | And Memphis, Ten.-.. ; Tbom.s Fennso, Hinbv Bskneit, D. W. Bow«cm. jy# > - Dim TdlLs. L. Ct)LBY~A Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JOKMM BLOCS, noONEB USE .till SSEHOOSa STBIIT SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignment* to the firm or Cuia. L. Colsss of New York, or to onr friend* In Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. imntton; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivp Blade. E»q., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby. Esq., Boston. aulß tt Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., HO Duane Street, Newt Y ork, V and 11 Hanover St.. Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, . Pushing* and Yams. - •<— ■ jyjj \ L. J. Guilmartiu & Cos., OENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 148 Bay Street. (Opposite the City Hotel,; SAVANNAH, <1 A PARTICULARe.teuUon given toprocariag Freights, and Ailing .rders for Hard Pine Timber and Lum her, Cotton, VVool, Hides. Ac. l. j. st'it.sraßTiN, tons FLANNcav. *. w. Damanoso. aul7 , i m CEO. R. CRUMP Si CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Bkoa n Siaarr. ArorsTA, Oa. Jn'2o 3m Tobias, lie ml rick* At Cos., fOMAIISSiON MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAVER AND 135 PEARL STS., New York.. Refer to ©et«vu»<\iHen. J - ’■> v- an 23 lm EDWARD f. LEGRIEL A CO., Commission Merchants, BROKERS, ANDINstIRANCE AGENTS, Georgia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOU01TB5). FSrVTAU* 0. LE'eUi ti . i OEO. o FMMAS ( Rng?2 lm James B, Cahill, GROCER and COJIMPNIOX .lIER.CH.YNT AUGUSTA, GA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. COTi'UN. X'ur.insed n;;d Shipped. Merchandise bought and sold on Cotuni^tioii. Will also take Agencies for Ihe sale of any Goods •ltd MereUandUe required in the Southern market Jr-".' am ' M, J. SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, W ILL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For- T T warding ail kind* of Merchandise. Produce, Ac Office for the present at the Drug Store of J. X.. Abraham* A Cos. aa2l-lm joiin s. mm & co., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOB. I AND 2 BAMMI.S' BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JKO. S. BAUMIA. El». Q. BAAL'Jia. OUAB. L, lUTUBB Will ts J. SHAFFER, Commiasloxt Doaior : i “to u; In dU kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS awd PRODUCE, Wear WaaonoTOK Market, Opposite 148 \Vc»t *t„ bulkhead between Barclay an j Vesey Ms., NEW Y ORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constant ly on hand, and put up lor the southern market AH consignment* promptly attenked to. tar Retersno A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. Jyl* 'i eodly HENRY BRYAN, Bhyax Sraxrr, »jtxr to Mrscstawre’ aj*» Baxx BvuDtno, Broker and Oommission Agent FOB dA LE AMD FVECUASE OF BTOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac.,- . And for Forwarding Cotton. *uU _ . 3mo WESLEYAN Female College* THE Twenty-eighth Annas! Session opens OC7O - 9d. IStie. The Faculty 1* Complete. Th# rate* fur the First Term, which end* December 31st, areas follow*: S**"!" J 1!!i 06 *“ Oolicge asasea «0 00 Regular Tuition In Preparatory Claes .. -ft 50 French, (optional! . j. uw Ma».c. (optional), with use of instrument 33 o* and Fuel.... bo oo lo “* P*ld *u aovance. In carreaey or It* eqsdvabnn. . J- H. BoNNSLL, ftSTutaJc Maoo», Ga. »aS3-l«wtiioet University of VirginiaL TriHE next Sesslotrof .this Institution (which w*a M. never discontinued during the weri will c««n aenca, «* usual. October 1. 18*3. and end Jnly * Ttie In»tltutlon 1* organized Into eleven distinct Schools, with as many Professors. Six of the School* are Academic-fbveidM that of Chemistry, which Is a]** Medicinal* tour bejeng to the Medical odd one to theLawDepartnnem snsr'js tie Ist of April. . ror further lnformntton sddrem the sutecHbtr (jr Post Office, "University ot Virginia." aagSS-todSw Cfisim*# puSealty. SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening rSUNDAYS EXCEPTED] 4T Ko 111 SAT SV&SEV, St S. W. MASON & CO. THE Aitt OF THE PUBLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shall aleo be Reliable, regarding Accuracy aa being of aa great importance aa enterprise In procuring Information The Hat.ip Stag embrace, a LARCG CORPS OF EDITORS AND REPORTERS, Including Several writer* long and popularly known aa connected with the Southern Preas. It al«o ha* Special Correspondent* at A.ll Prominent Points. Who are instructed to *pare no etpeoee in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BE9T Mail, Eipress, aod Telegraphic Facilities! So that all New* of Importance will be heralded at the earl lest possible moment. Rape rial attention 1* paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AMD TO Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICW, Aa out of it* province at present, the Hnut o strive* to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to anpport the trne interest, of the re-nnited na tion. It will be ronatantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA. And to djecua, ail vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinion* could have but little weight TUe ENLARGEMENT h£)F THE PAPER Mokes room for » large quantity of Miscellaneous Readiest Matter, Poetry end Articles on Liter ary, Scientific and Commercial suo- Jects, so that In ftU respects It Is ft desirable Journal for the • . , .... . FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS AID Experienced Moil and Delivery Clerks Are empioned, and either Edition of the Hxeald will be defvered promptly In Savannah, or for Warded to soy part of the world, on the following TERMS: MMOLE COT!. I 6c. 'OOtE WEEK. 30c. OHEMONTB! * $ l 00 ONE year io oo PER HUaNDB.ED 3 50 • . »■ . I EXTEAS Are Issued wbeuerer ItArUJgeuce Is received ot suffl clent Lmportagiv to warrant it. ADVERTiSiNQ TERMS : Two Dollar* per e ;sare, (occupying • space ot tea Hues nonpareil for tie aftt Insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent one. A DIS COUNT will be made on LONB ADVERTISEMENTS, or tboe* INSERTED POR A LONG TIME. Tbe Hsbsld la UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM I Having a large circulation In tbe alty, and throughout tbe State, lu Flprlda, South Carolina. tbe South Atlantic Squadron aad tbe North. circuisAag more or lees IN EVERT STATE OP THE UNION. Snbscrlptioos or Adrertiaemcnt* may ho aeat by rrtall or eapress to BKd sur -\.k vi ,or 8. W.IOSON PUBLUKEBa No. 11l Bar {teeqt, Sarauat, 0a SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. muon 4k Gordon. A COTTON FACTORS. Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, an3o 96 Bay street, Rue Whitney 4k Cos., General Commi-atlon Merchants. No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. au24 Drady, Smith 4k Cos., Commiasion and For o warding Merchant* and Manufacturer* Agent*. Bay street, north elde, between Whitaker and Bar nerd street, aug24 James Lravy, COMMISSION MERCHANT Sole Agent for James Wallace'* Celebrated Whiskies, Gin*. Ai'ohol. Cologne Spirit*, and New England Rum. No. 6 Stod dardV Building. Bay atreet. Savannah. anl9 NA. Hardee 4k Cos., • COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS EsvaßLisact r* XS3C. Office No. 2 Stoddard's Bow. aalC Savannah, Oa _ Henry Bryan, BROKEh AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank. Building. ante Vs A. Cohen, JL FORWAKLING asdCOMMISS’N MERCHANT. Office Home in*. Cos., 59 Bay *t Dell, Wylly 4k Christian, AUCTION, GEN D ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS Bav street. Savannah. Ga. 1 ' %. * AM. Scarbrough 4k Cos., Gsoorev and Coa * UIBSION Mura Mere, 140 Congress and 57 St. •la,tan Ms Utrhmi market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advance* on Cotton, Ac. Erwin 4k Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay atreet. Savannah. Oa Wm. H. Stark. Wholesale Grocer and Com mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coin and Bay street. aug-‘2 WTOEsTLIQUOItsr&c. ~~ HO. Ku we 4k Cos., * WHOLESALE OXALEBB IN LIQUORS. ALES AND LAGER BEER. Cor, St. Jnltan street and Johnson Bquare. Israel H. Heuly 4k Cos., SOLE aOESTS AND IMPORTERS OP Cb. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, Iu the State of Olseigia. 207 Bay sl„ between Bat said and Jefferson, au9 savannah Oa. Israel R. Sealy 4k Cos., WHOLESALE PE.ILER9 IX IMPORTED WINKS, r OROIALS, BRANDIES AND SEUARH. an 9 201 Bay *t., betwcvn Barnard and Jefferson JLumn, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In SraN • tau SroAKa Frfnoh BaANDizs. Winks, Wh'skct and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kind*. 191 Bay street. Savannah. Ga. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker 4k Cos., WaiusAti and Entail D*„i*e in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, OLOVKB. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, ie, Ac. Cor. Congrem and Whitaker *tg. Thomaa Pepper, Wuoi.LSALt and Rltall Dm eb in Staple and Fancy Dbv Goodb, at Uttprect (tented low Prices. ONE PRICE ONLY. 115 Congress Street. P reader- 4k Orff. DRY’ GOODS—Wnot EHALE and Retail. lit and 113 Congress *t. John McC-onnghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS. Ao. Samuel M. Ledei-er, Jobber and Retailer of Fanct and Staplx Dbv Goods Boon and Shoes, Clothinq, Hats, Ac. 146 Congress street. ' GROCERIES, &c. O . ft. Gragg 4k Cos., 102 Bryan street, Deal- O ers in Fine GROCERIES and FROViaiONS— Ageuta for Allen's WAROE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer in WINES and LIQUORS. aul9 SI. Miller, 157 Broughton street, bas for sale, . cheap. Flour, Sugar, syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oat*, Corn, Cow P as, Finders, Potatoes, Turuips, Onion* and Cabbages. au9 MFcrit & Cos., w) o.esale Dealer In Wlneh, Li • qtoaa, Seoahk, Pam lOaocrßira, Candies, dc. it j Cougree* AK. Mira, Wuolesxle and Retail Dealeh in . Groceries, fruits, ac. Cor. \\ bitaker and Congress st. I ane Congdon A Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. Corner W hitaker and St. Julian st*., Old Stand of W. R- Symona. Hilton 4k Ikandell, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bat St*ket, are constantly receiving per steamer* from N. York, the largest and most complete anortment of GROCERIES in thla city EP. Deyo, Dealeb in Choice Family Gsocekies, • ' Wines. Liqoona, Ac. Robert Bairorc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, • t 151 Broughton street. CHINA WARE, &Z 13, Smyth, QUEEN3WARR GLASS AND » , CHINA, at Wholesale and RetaiL 10a Broughton street. 2d door from cor, of Bull SODA WATER! ~ John Kynn, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER und ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ao. Cor. Bay ana West Broad streets. ~ BILLIARDS, &c. ~ The “Live Oak,” corner of Drayton street and » Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES, ALEa and SEUAKs at Retail. Dnun A McMahon, Proprietor*. aul9 O’Toole 4k Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. Ac. Broughton at., third door from Bull Billiard Saloon. Bt WALTER O'MEARA. ALE*. WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Thence Nugent. Proprietor. ALES, WINE3, LIQUORS, CEDARS, ac. 65 Bnll*t., opposite Pulaski House. Qt. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,j by O A, Stamm. Wholesale and Pet nil. None but CHOICE WINKS and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. CONFECTIONERY. JI. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WuoIksaI* and Retail. Mt’.rractcbeb or SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY or ALL KIND*. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND BETaIL DIALEB IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY syrups, candies, *c., ao, Eff- In any quantities, to suit Pu. chaser*, si WUtTAAEB STaEGT. "fIAS.FITTING, &(~ plumbing and Gas Fitting, JT By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton st, one door Wfat of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gas Fittbe and Plcmueb, • and Dealer in I'm Ware, Hocbk Fusnishino Qooif, Ac. 145 Broughton street. Weed A Cornwell, W Wholesale Dealer* in HAinwAßt andHtN Waee No 139 and 101 Broughton street TT Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st, next io cor. Whitaker. BEGARH, TOBACCO. &c. Jacob Langsdorf 4k Cos, Wholesale Dealer* iu line Huvaua and Domestic SegHrH, Chewing aud smoking Tobueeo, Snuff, Ac. 171 Bay street, be tween Wnltaleer aod Barnard streets. au-.'S FKoIb. • BEGAR9, TOBACCO. SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door Month of the Market. CP. Lopez, Ssuaea Tobaoco, Snciy, Piri*. • Pans* ABTtcLW, Station tax, Ac- J GOT. Ball and Broughton st*. F Constant, laromTS or Domistk and Havana a Ssoabs, Meexschaum Pu-ia, Ac. Ala), Wines, ot an Baon e* and other Liquor*. - . Bail stteet, opposite the Post Office. architectureTacT ~ ] James C, Blanrr, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will attend to ell call* oi. bus iness la the above branches tar* Office No. 124 Bay street, next to Stoddard M Range. aub PRINTING, STATIONERY, Ac. SavlUe A Leach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor, Bryan afreet aud Market rtqaare. \g ark ing Ink, MANrraorcßEn and for sale by ill DAVID H. GALLOWAY, 36 Drayton street. A«o. hi'toeßolt, : U BOOM AND JOB PRINTER, between Abe ream and Drayton. (J* J. tarn, EiTHwGRAPMEH. BTATTONKR, Hi* BINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. . No. 6 Whitaker street. o W. Mason 4k Co*. ’ ’ J?e BERAtD JOB WONJTNA OPPICE. no. lit Bay street. MRkdTORY - CONTINUED _CLOTHINg7 '' H. A. Topi,am, 13s' Conrrre** V r^ ash, snd 7 Merrhante' RovrPort 'hV S * T ‘- Demler In Fine Ready Made ChAhtnJoeiSft s C. mg Good*, Rats aud Cai*. A.- < * cnu p nnn.- aul. PROFESSIONAL. Dr. X. 91. Sairud, ~ ~~ DENTIST. Jforksfeeet^nesr Conrtllon!^ 0 5^°.° WATCHES, JEWELRY, a-p FD. Jordan, Dealer in e SILVEi and Plated Wear j *'-elbj gar Watches and Jewelry Repaired. vG<>< ' t * 1; f-".* Congress st. oppoene the Pniaai:! ) !or , HAIR PRESSING^— Pulaakt House Barber Bryan fits.3 Bbarintr, Hair Ctmin \ at- Whiskers Dyea, A.c. Fancy »orm and other rincy A,tlciee furntturf Hanging, Ac, at short —■ _ HfOpyt, , oa druggists. WM. Walsh, = • UOLEBALE AND RE'TAIT “ u - cor. Barnard Sd Bro?|Sra * SS ’ Affew Drug House, ~ —--i, A v Comer Congress and Barns-J jjACOB JPPMA N. UteK.MoA tt..... Thomas M. Turner, " ~~— 2. c- DRUGGIST, - at ft We* COr Barnard and Bro„ n ;,. n A A. Solomons 4k Cos., ' * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nuT-.-r,. exeented securelylnd wdhdS^ BOOTS AND SHOES. ~ " A mea 6i Peabody. Jobbers 'n ar A and Child-en’s Calf, Sem nd S™ en ' l SfIiJES, of all kinds and qmTutte* K and B0Ol » sm rj.eo. T. Nichols, VJ RETAIL BtX>T AND SHOE STORK llu Bwngbton st, 2d door irom Bn! SCRTVENERY John J. Purtllle, (late Recorder of „ Provost Court ) will attendtoall wro? SeCo:u Business entrusted to his care at Ral<v»7 ant Nugent, Jr, opposite a ‘°° P 01 *«««, JT. Reading 4k Cos., e PhOTooR .PHERS, Oor-Whitakcr and St. Julian n. WUcon’a Photographic Gallery. ' South-east corn'kkßhoughton anh Wiifhvr c ALL hINDS OF PICTURES KNOWN 30 _a»lS KxEOftn .n th* V, K ,Z? r x,°. TKIK A «~ paints Toils. &c? l SSSj John Oliver, iloa»e and Sim Paintp,- n T r..«e| a Palnte> ° iU ’ QU “- -No II WhtoxJ Thoma* w. Shea, * , , house and sign painter- Dealer in Paint*, Oil*. Ac. Bt. Julian street - stand of Jno. G. Falligant. U “ OKY GOGHS AMD CLOTHING. Carhart, WTiitford & Co=, Mannlhctnrers and Wholesale Dealers u READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 AND 333 Bkoadwat. cob. Wobth brain. NEW YORK. m m*®’ 1 I HINBT SaATKB, Wm. H. Whjtpobd, j A. T. Hamilton, „„ J- B, Van Wzginin. Office of Payan A Carhart in liquidation. W 3m RIDDELL & MURDOCK Wholesale and Retail Otaun in SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES,* DRY GOOD! BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Qrntl ruin’* Fuknisuinq Good*, Ac, No. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S C, w. e. siddii.l, f|u!3-tfl h. ,t. ucanoa STEELE & BIRBJINK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So, Ct CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pm chaser* to their superior stock of p MILITARY AND NAVAI, CLOTHiXG AND FURNISHING GOODS, Jewelry, and Platd s f* he e. Belt*. Embroideries, Boola i iy. Field Glauses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac, Ac, Ac THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865 A WONDERFUL invention for ladles. Unqneutlo: ably superior to all others. • tiESV‘f' 1 t .°. r ® ad the advertißement in the Savunit Heraict containing lull particularn evciy Jjaturdit morning. JyC REAL ESTATE. VILQBLE BI ILDLM. ll FRONTING ON THE PARK The Most Elligible Building Loti in the City. CONSTITUTING AN ENTIRE BLOCK THE undersigned offer* for sale seven (7) Builds Lot*, fronting on the Park. Bounded aa follow! North by Huntingdon street. E*»t by Whitaker street and Forsyth Place South Dy Hall street. West by Barnard street. Lot* known in the plan of the city a* Nos. 1. 5,3.4 5, 6 and 7, Forsyth Place and Ward. ERWIN A HARDEE. aotT-tw Bay street _ A HAJR.S O RAWCE FOR INVESTMENT. WILL be sold at Public Auction, In the city i Savannah, on the £th day of September ner without reserve: The mill site with Sawmill thereunto beioneirr, v uated In the county of Chatham, state of Georg* about nine miles Irom the city of Bavsnnah on ts( Ugeechee Canal, together with all the machines 5i tures, bulldtng*, outhouses, stables, Ac., Ac. . The site of the rulU contains nine acres of land rill very capadnus back water. Th* Ogeechee caua! » Ing In the course of reconstruction will be £n;sb«- : ‘ short time, when lumber can be rafted to andnw points on the A. A G. K R. and the city of savanust and will Urns afford better facilities for rafting »ny other mill In tbe State of Georgia. For row* particulars apply to M. ,T. sOLOMoM j *ngß-td . STATIONKHV, *C. SAVILLE & LEACH, STATIONEItV TIMBER CUTTERS’ BANK, CORNER BRYAN STREET AND MAR KET SQUARE, SAVANNAA, GA The trade supplied at the lowest Cash Prices Every variety of Stationery for office and gece.*. US*. . j anb. STATIONER yT Os |A REAMS Superfine Commercial Note W*; *H pounds to thejream, at the very low pn>' of *2 60 per ream. Also, a large variety of other Papers, Envelope* Pens, Ink, Pencils, Ac. For sale by _. SAVILLE A LEACH. *nl2 cor. Bryan streetsud Market square And Merchants' Row. Hilton Head, b- Legal notice. ALL psisons haring claims against the Charlutte Veader, deceased, will present them, o attested, and those Indebted trill make payment to CHAS. H OLMSTEAD, sn2C-eod3 Qualified Executor SMALL FARM FOISALI aa id!-*» l J£ l ISSS?Ss trom tdwn, close to Ogeechee roed; lmprovstnit destr. yed. Bounded north and wee« of snd* of tste Id this: east by Lawton, snd west by Sloan Price, S6O per acre, cash . *u2o-« HSNFT BRIAN