Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 04, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVAMMH DAILY —H MIAMI VOL. I—NO. 196. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING} IS PCBLIMJED BY a W. MASON * CO AT m 8.1 9nm. BaVamm. Osonau. fllHi: _ Five Onto. Fer Copy. S3 60 Per Hundred ** " Per I ear * anvxßxtai fa: ~ Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in- One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad vertisement* Inserted In the morning, will. If desired. Injuria the evening without extra charge. PP joB PRINTING. in eV ery style, neatly and promptly done. letter from boston. iFiom an occasional Correspondent of the Herald] Boston, August 29tU, 1866. A VOTAGE ON THE AMERICA. TUetrlp of the Star Line Steamship Ameri ca from Savannah, upon which your correa poadent made his journey north, was doubt less one ot the finest yet made by that excel lent steamer. The sun went down the first evening behind the hazy horizon, where the spires and roofs of Savannah had been lost to sight, while the America was ploughing her way past Fort Pulaski tbraugh the placid waters at the mouth of the river, and rose the next morning to show us the open sea, hardly less calm. Throughout this the first day. many ot the ladies among the passen gers kept their places upon deck, although the long swell of the ocean caused the ves sel to roll a little. The second day out, we had a succession of light squalls which pitched us about somewhat, and made many sea sick. But the wind was favorable, and with all sail set, the America bounded over the waves in a manner that made amends for any unpleasant disturbance in the stomachic regions. We passed that day a number of steamers and other vessels bound South, and breasting the same wind and waves that were speeding us to our destination. Among the steamers we met was the Nevada, which passed so near that we exchanged signals. The third day was fine and pleasant, with a light head wind however. In the afternoon, the number of the sail in sight indicated that we were near port, and at about four o'clock the appearance of land, in the shape of the light house at Absecom Point on the New Jersey shore, brought out everybody on deck. Glasses were in great demand, and the apparition of the lighthouse and other buildings whose dim outlines just peered above the “rim of waters,” was hailed with much joy by the ocean-tossed travellers. That night, the moonlighted decks of the good steamer America were gay with groups of light-hearted tourists, watching for the lights on shore, and gazing on the beauty of the now peaceful sea. Praises of the staunch and elegant steamship, which had borne them so comfortably and so prosperously on their delightful voyage, and of her able and gentlemanly and attentive officers, were heard on every hand, and many like bon voyages were wished to Capt. Clift and Purser Owen, of the America. NEW YORK. Everybody rose at daylight the next morning, to find themselves already close upon the Narrows in New York harbor. — The verdant and romantic-looking heights of Staten Island, with the white light house on the shore, here and there an elegant villa showing among the trees, and with summit crowned by an immensely strong fortifica tion, called forth expressions of delighted admiration. Across the Narrows, on the left hand, lay the dark little Fort Lafayette, in the shadow of the wooded shore. Pass the Narrows, by the thickly-settled shores of Staten Island, and making a short stop at Quarantine for the visit of the Quarantine Officer, the America steamed up the magni ficent bay, winding her way among the steamships, war-vessels, tugs, river-boats and sailing craft ot all kinds, with which the great metropolitan harbor swarms, reaching her dock before seven o'clock in the morn ing ; when the passengers yielding them selves up to their respective backmen, sep arated. To one coming from the quiet streets of the “Forest City” of Georgia, the rush and whirl of the Great Metropolis, are at first be wildering indeed. ' It takes a day or so to accommodate one’s self to the elbowing, pushing and hurrying of the throng which incessantly streams along the sidewalks of Broadway. One feels it to be a perilous feat to attempt to cross the streets, and af ter getting over, wonders bow he escaped being run dowu by someone of the numer ous stages, drays, wagons or heavy teams, which tear along over the uneven and slip pery pavements. The appearance of Broadway is not much changed, except per haps at the spot where Barnum’s Museum formerly stood. Instead of the imposing building, which with its mammoth paintings of giants and living skeletons, and wild beasts and fat women, was the mecca of the countrymen in the city, and his landmark from which be radiated ex plorations in various directions through the vast town ; there is now only a rough bar ricade enclosing a bole full ot broken brick, and the debris of iron fixtures. The fence about the ruins encroaches upon the side walk, and what with the crowd rushing by, and the crowd standing still, and the street full of vehicles pouring by within a few inches of the broken walk, the old comer whereon it was once a delight to walk, has become a perfect maelstorm of peril. In deed the condition of the streets throughout the city is frightful, they being not ohly badly out of repair as to tiles and paving stones, but also sadly neglected from week to week by the scavengers and street-sweep ers. In some sections the public thorough fares are reeking with garbage, and the air tainted with disease-bearing odors. THXOUOH NEW ENGLAND.; gThe ride from New York to Boston takes the traveller across New England, nearly The brown hills, with their rocky sides, and their sparse trees clad is a thin dress of sickly-green foliage, are In unpleasant con trast to the glowing and luxuriant verdure of the South. They have had a dry summer iwc-t* <***' ndtted fearful ravages among the trees, earljr In the scaton. The country smiles, though, with its clustering villages, and the well-to do air which everything wears. At every village and station upon the railroad, two or three populous and handsome streets may be seen from the car-window, with the com fortable dwelling houses of the people, their churches, thriving stores or busy manufacto ries. Every acre of land thst whirh past you in that long ride, seems to be fenced, Improved, turned to some manufacturing account, built on or dwelt on as the case may be. BOSTON. The wealthy old city of Boston still contin ues to flourish and grow with the vigor of a voung lown. Approaching the city from the southwest, one finds the broad flats and marshes, two or three miles across, which a few years ago were washed by the tide water, converted into terrafenna and built over with costly brick-blocks. In fact, the Back Bay Lands, as this district was former ly called, is now the fashionable quarter of the city for residences. The streets formerly occupied] by the mansions ot the “first fami lies" have gradually been given over one by one to trade. Beacon and Tremont streets have long since yielded in point of respecta bility to Arlington street and the new avenues of the “Back Bay Lands.” The mansion of the Everett family, where the lamented Ed • ward Everett breathed his last, and which was once in a retired and elegant vicinity, I find now crowded on all sides with the towering palatial stores of the Dry Goods trade. Boston is a marvellously clean city, the streets being everywhere as tidy and free from dust or mud, as the beautiful Common, which itself is kept as scrupulously neat as a gentleman's private grounds. Among the objects of interest to the visitor in Boston, are tho new City Hall, now about completed, and which Is a structure of magnificent and harmonious proportions, and of an elegant and correct style of architecture and worthy of “the modern Athens," and the new statue of Horace Maun at the State House, where it occupies a place with that of Daniel Web ster. The statue of Ben. Franklin is now permanently located in front of the City Hall. THE FEELINO TOWARDS THE SOITTH. I regret to state that the feeling towards the South, as I have observed it exhibited here, is not what those who desire speedy recon ciliation could wish it to be. The activity ol certain newspapers in collecting and group ing all facts, reports, and impressions, rela tive to the spirit of the South, many of which it is unnecessary to say are destitute of any color of truth, has been the means of a wide spread belief getting a hold upon the public mind, that the temper of the Southern people is vicious, dangerous and inclining even to a new warlike outbreak. The most astonishing misapprehension of the condition of affairs, and of the feeling of the people, at the South, prevails even with those who should be well informed. It will take the intimate and un reserved communication arising from busi ness Intercourse between the sections, to open the eyes of both peoples to the real feeling of their neighbors. BUSINESS. The utmost activity prevails among the manufacturers of this vicinity. Nothing like i* was ever known before. The only thing complained of is the lack of tbe raw material and the dearth of operatives for the factories. Business throughout all its various branches is unprecedentedly good this, the “quiet" season of tbe year. There have been a number of diplomatic changes of late by the British government, several applying to this continent. Mr. Phipps, a third secretary at Washington, is transferred to Munich; and Mr. Smyth, another of the Secretaries at Washington, is transferred to St. Petersburg. Mr. Thorn ton, now Minister at Buenos Ayres, is trans ferred to Rio ; the Hon. Richard Edwards, Charge at Caraccas, succeeds to the Minis try at Buenos Ayers, Mr. Fagan is trans ferred from Quito to Caraccas ; and the Hon. F. J. Pakenham, Secretary of Legation at Buenos Ayres, is to be Secretary at Rio.— Other minor changes are also announced. Tbe national Union Party in Philadel phia. As an indication of the spirit principles of the Union Party of Philadelphia, we give the resolutions passed by the Convention in that on Friday last; xa SOLUTIONS. Resolved, That we have entire confidence in the wisdom and integrity of .the present National and State Administrations. Resolved, That we recognize and will sup port Andrew Johnson as a worthy successor of the martyred Lincoln, alike cautious and progressive, prudent and bold, forgiving to the truly repentant, and unrelenting toward persistent traitors. Resolved, That it is the duty of Congress, in raising revenue, so to regulate tbe tariff as to afford the greatest possible protection to American industry. Rttolvtd, That foreign rulers have no right to meddle with the affairs of any American nation. Resolved, That the American people cannot soon forgive the insidious but constant and powerful aid given by British ships and British Qold to the vile attempt of traitors to break aud destroy the unity of our country. Resolved, That we cordially endorse the platform and nominations of tuo Union State Convention, and will use all honorable means to secure tbe election of General John F. Hartranft and Colonel Jacob M. Campbell. Resolved, That the large estates of those who caused and maintained the rebellion ought to be appropriated to the reduction of the national debt, and the increase of pen sions to disabled soldiers and sailors. Resolved, That the people of Pennsylvania will always remember and rebuke tbe dis loyal and traitorous conduct of the Demo cratic leaders during the great struggle for tbe preservation of our Union. Resolved, That the people of the rebel States baring ungratefully endeavored to take ad vantage of the mild and generous method of reconstruction offered by the President, It has become necessary that they be deprived of all political privileges until they show by their conduct that they repent of their trea son and determine to live as good and; law abiding men. The resolutions were unanimous’, v adopt ed. ffMrs. Granger sad daughter, while driving in Columbus, St. Clair county, Michigan, were ijWWMte’' beae and stung so seveteiy that the daughter died. The hones aiao djndlb three or four hours. •.. e J SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1865. PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT. Removal of Restrictions Up Trade m the Late Insurrectionary States. Jeff Davis to be Tried Before a lulled Mates Circuit Court Norfolk, Vs., tbe Probable Place of Trial of tbe Arch Traitor. G. J Pillow and A. O. P. Nichol son Begging to be Pardoned. Confiscated Property In Virginia Advertised for Sale. Washington, August 29, 1865. PROCLAMATION BI THE PRESIDENT. The following proclamation was issued this afternoon: By the President of the United States of Amer ica : ' Whereas, by ray proclamations of the 13th and 24th of June, 1865, removing restrictions in the part upou internal domestic and coast wise intercourse and trade, with the States recently declared in insurrection, certain ar ticles were exempted from the effect of said proclamations as contraband of war; and whereas tbe necessity for restricting trade in said articles has now, in a great measure ceased, it is hereby ordered that on and after tbe first day of September, 1865, all restric tions aforesaid be removed, so that the arti cles declared by tbe said proclamations to be contraband of war may be imported into and sold in said States, subject only to such regu lations as the Secretary of the’Treasury may prescribe. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand aud caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 29th day of August, in the year of our Lord 1865, and ol the Independence of the United States of America the ninetieth. Andrew Johnson. By the President: Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. THE TRIAL OF JEFF DAVIS. The trial of Jefferson Davis will take place before a United States Circuit Court, but the particular one has not yet been designated. TTiere seems to be no importance attached to tbe fact that the Grand Jury of the District of Columbia some months ago found a true bill against him for constructive treason in sending his troops to operate against Wash ingtonin the summer of 1864. The Grand Jury of the court at Knoxville has indicted him for treason, for there Davis harangued the people against the United States govern ment. The trial, however, cannot now take place in that town, or at any other place in the Tenth Judicial District, for the reason the vacancy occasioned by the death of Asso ciate Justice Catron has not yet been filled. As military operations against tbe United States were directed by orders given from Richmond, it is probable that the trial will take place at Norfolk, Virginia, in which event Chief Justice Chase will preside, as that State is embraced in the Judicial Circuit assigned to him. POST OFFICE CONTRACTS. The Postmaster General has mode a con tract for conveyance ot the mails from Nor folk, by Hampton, to Old Point Comfort and back six times per week. He has also order ed the opening Os various post offices in North and South Carolina. The Postmaster General yesterday accept ed the tender made by the Pacific Mail Steam ship Company for tbe mail steamship service between San Francisco and Hong Kong, China, touching at Honolulu, in tbe Sand wich Islands, and Kanagawa, in Japan, as authorized by act of Congress and approved February 17, 1865. The compensation for twelve round trips, out and back, is $500,- 000. The company is to build four first class sidewheel steamships, of from three thousand five hundred to four thousand tons burthen each, government measurement, and the first steamship of the line is to leave San Francisco for China on or before tbe Ist of January, 1867. The term of the contract is ten years from tbe date of tbe commence ment of the service. The distance from San FVgncisco to Hong seven thousand and fifty miles, and from Sau Francisco to Kanagawa, the nearest coal depot, five thou sand four hundred and seventy-five miles.— The average rate of speed of the steamships while at sea is to be not less than two hun dred nautical miles per day. APPLICATIONS FOR PARDON A. Q. P. Nicholson , at one time editor of the Washington Union, and Gideon J. Pillow, late a general in the rebel army, were to-day among tbe applicants for pardon. CONFISCATED PROPERTT IN VIRGINIA. It is reported that among the owners of a large amount of property in Virginia adver tised by General Howard as confiscated ap pear the names General Eppa Hutton, late of the rebel army ; Commodore French Forrest and Ricbaloe, tbe guerilla. Tbe property is divided into two bundled and three lots, situated in London, Fairfax, Elizabeth City, Frince William, Warwick. York and Nor folk counties, and in the cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk THE LATE TREASURY DEFALCATION. The late Treasury defalcation was not so disastrous as at first supposed, nor is It by any means certain that the government will sustain n loss at all in tbe final settlement.— Nearly twelve hundred thousand dollars were involved, If reports be true. Os this amount it has transpired that about seven hundred thousand dollars were promptly set tled by conveyances, and assignments pur porting to be good for the balance have also come into possession of the depart „ient. In addition to this bail bonds are held for near ly a quarter of a million of dollars. From all these sources the government can cer tainly realize the bulk ot Its unpaid balance. ,■ . VESSELS TO BE SOLD. The following naval vessels, the services of which are no longer required, will be of fered at public sale, at the Navy Yard in this city, on tbe 15th of September ; Jacob Bell, paddle wheel, 229 tons; Yankee, paddle wheel, 328 tons ; Keystone State, paddle wheel, 1,364 tons ; John L. Lockwood, pad dle wheel, 180 tons: Victoria, screw, 254 tons; Alpha, screw; Delaware, paddle wheel, 221 tons ; Fuchsia, screw, 180 tons ; Currituck, screw, 193 tons ; Moccasin, screw, 192 tons ; Ella, paddle wbeel, 230 tons ; ‘Eureka, screw, 00 tods. The California Ales — The following are approximate altitudes and latitudes of some Os :ne chief peaks of the Southern Sierra Nevada : Latitude. Altitude. Deg. Min. Feet. Mount Whitney , K W 15,000 Mount Cawlati 36 30 14.000 Mount SllUman. 36 40 ll.soo Mount TyndalL. 31> 40 13,200 Table Mountain 36 40 13.000 Mount Brewer 3« 45 13,700 Mount Goddard 37 13,000 Mount Lyeil 3; 46 13,600 Mount Dana. 37 63 18,500 CaiUehai.i.t.i.rtAtUl ss 10 13,000 L Thi* region, whiph was first explored, and its greet height ascertained by tfi* State Geological Survey, will, in future years, be resorted to by numerous visitors every sum mer. Tbe scenery far exceeds tbe European Alps, in grand and varied character. Cishi or Left Handrdnn,. The question has been much discussed among anatomists, whether the properties of tbe right band, in comparison with those of the left, depend on the course of the arteries to it. It is affirmed that the trunk of the arte ry going to the right arm passes off from the heart, so as to admit tbe blood directly and more forcibly into the small vessels of the arm. Tnis is assigning a cause which is unequal to the effect and presenting altogether too confined a view of the subject; it is a parti cipation in tbe common error of seeking in the mechanism tbe cause of phenomena which have a deeper source. For tbe convenience of life and to make us prompt and dexterous, it is pretty evident no hesitation which hand is to be used, or which loot is to be put forward ; nor is there in fact any such indecision. Is ibis taught ; or have we this readiness given to us by nature ? It must be observed, at the same time, that there is a distinction in the whole right side of tbe body, and that the left side is not the weaker in regard only to muscular strength, but also in its vital or constitutional proper ties. Tbe development of tbe organs of action and melton is greatest upon the right side as may at any time be ascertained by measurement, or tbe testimony es the tailor, or shoemaker ; certainly ; this superiority may be said to result from tbe more frequent exertion of the right hand ; but the peculiari ty extends to tbe constitution also, and dis eases attack the left extremities more fre quently than tbe right. In opera-dancers, we may see that the most difficult feats are performed by tbe right foot. But their preparatory exercises better evince the natural weakness of the left limb, in order to avoid awkwardness In the public exbibiiioD ; for if these exercises be neglect ed, an ungraceful performance will be given to tbe right tide. In walking behind a per son, it is very seldom that we see an equaliz ed motion of the body : and if we look to the left foot, we shall find that tbe tread is not so firm upon it, that the toe is not so much turned out as in the right, and that a greater push is made with it. From the peculiar form of woman, and the elasticity of her step, re sulting more from the motion of the ankle than of the bauuches, the detect of the left foot, when it exists, is more apparent in her gait. No boy hops upon his left foot unless he be left handed. The horseman puts his left foot in the stirrup, and springs from tbe right. We think we may conclude that everything being adapted, in tbe conveniences of life, to the left hand—as for example—the direction of the worm screw or ot the cutting end of the auger—is not arbitrary, but is related to a natural endowment of tbe body. He who is left handed is most sensible to the advan tages of this adaptation, from the opening of a penknife. On the whole, the preferences of the right hand is not the effect of habit, but is a natural provision and is bestowed for a very obvious purpose, and the property dues not depend on tbe peculiar distribution of tlie arteries of the arm, but the preference is given to the right foot as well as to the right hand.— Sir Charles Bell's Bridgewater Treatise. SADDLERY, HARM, M. WM. H. MAY, Sip of the Golden Saddle, (DRIVER BETA* AIVD WHITAKER STS. DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS And all kinds of SADDLERY WARE, RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, Ai.D Stretched Leather Belting. ALSO, A complete assortment of WILLOW WARE, such ss MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS,CHAIRS large and small; with or without Rockers. DRUMS, DOLLS, MARBLES, CARRIAGES, Ac., Ac., togeth with a full and complete selection of every article known in this line of bnalness. Thankful for past favors, the advertiser would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. aug22 ts SUGAR, COFFEE, &C. £A BAGS Rio Coffee UU 36 hbls. Crushed and “C" Sugar 26 hhde. Bacon, sides and Shoulders 2 pahs Dearborn's Cotton Scales 100 bale# Gunny Cloth. For sale by an 29-0 OCTAVOS COHEN. NOTICE. ' i'HE Arm of O'MEARA A CO. having been diasolv- A cdbya decree of the First Provost court of Savan nah, all persons having claims against said arm will present them forthwith to the undersigned, Jy*6-tf W. O'MEARA. THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, Tbe Leading Journal of tbe Sontb, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General Newt—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the southern States The Proprietors of the New Ormans Dailt ami. Weaxi.r Tuna, encouraged by the liberal support given to their Journal, have made amplearrangements for It* improvement, with a view to making it, In every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily, sl6 per annum; half yearir, $8 ; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES la devoted to tbe discussion of topics of vital import ance to the Interests of the Gulf States; contairs a carefully prepared compendium us the news ot etch week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all paru us the conutry and abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc , etc. Terms of the Weekly, $6 per annum. TO CLUBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to one address; 2 copies $ 9 60 1 6 copies i.526 00 3 '• 14 uo| 7 “ ■H uu 4 “ 18 OU| 8 •• 33 «0 6 “ 82 60 1 9 « 37 00 10 copies g4O. An extra copy will be given to any on* getting np a Club of Ten. Terms Invariably In advance. Address WM- H. C. KING A CO., anl4-tf Proprietor* N. O. Time*. No. To Camp at ' White Sulphur Springs, FLORIDA. A Popular and Healthful Resorts CTMIE subscriber Is prepared to accommodate Board- A re* at the above named Springs, situated w<tbln twelve mils* of Lake City and seven miles from Wel bnrn Station, an tbs Jacksonville and Tallahassee Railroad. Stages connect regularly with the trains to convey paasangera to the Springs. The Sulphur Springs an noted for the boanfiftd sup plyof water and for lu medians! virtues, many case, of long steoatea disease having bean affected by thair Ttrms adapted to suit the times . . snS-dlw«ifawlw W. A. TPBNIK. PROFESSIONAL. CARPS. O. H. BROW NING. \ iTHOsTiwiNG. Jr., OF ILLINOIS. / \ OF KANSAS. BROWNING AND EWTNG, -Attorneys AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. uarc Rio. 1-4 North A Street, eKpltol Hill, WAHIIINOTON, D. C. Practice In the Supremo Court, the Court of Claims and In the Departments. «ng24 ts WINTON & BANKSTON, BUILDERS AM) CONTRACTORS. 'll7’iLL Alio kUt strict Attention to Superintending ’ l buildings, and to all work entrusted to their charge. All kinds Jobbing work done at the shorteat notice. Shop on Broughton street lane, between Whitaker and Barnard streets au*6-lm M. P. MULLER, CIYIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. WUt Fire strict attsm tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans lor and Superin tedding Hutlutugs, all kinds Machinery, Ac Office, Sorrel's bntldlng, next to Qss Office. an2l , i m I. G. FEATHER, M. D„ Office, 18 I*2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. Ju2» *m C. S. BUNDY, C3r eueral Agent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMB, No. *47 F STaxrr, Bstu tls 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,) WaHUlngtoii, X3. O. jnso t s COTTON, *c. COTTON GINS. THE EMERY PATENT GIN, WHlua FOB Compactness, Economy of Time, Space and Labor, Far Surpasses any other Uln ever before offered to the Fnbllr. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish them at regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace L. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AME.t, PEABODY & CO., No 162 Congress street, have the above Oln on exhibition. Samples can also be seen at the warehouse of CHAS. L. COLBY' * CO., an26-lf corner Bay and Abercom streets. TO COTTON SHIPPERS. Alexander Hardee, COTTON SHIPPER, IS PREPARED to lake Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rates, and —has orxHRD, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON A BAT STS. For the pnrpoae of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, REPACKING, SAMPLING, tXASSING, aht> Shipping Cotton for the Public AT THI XjOWBBT hates, Furnishing Ink, &c. auT Im Proposals for Wood. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. District of Savannah, Savannah, Oa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the Ist day of September, 1865 next, at 12 o'clock m , for the delivery of 250 cords dry, merchant able Oak and 250 cords merchantable Pine Wood, to be delivered on the Government Wharf In Savannah, Ga, or at snch place as may be hereafter designated by proper authority, at anch times and In such quan tities as may be hereafter directed by the undersigned, sat and wood to be subject to Inspection by an officer of the Quartermaster's Department authorised to Inspect the same. Payment will be made for not teas than 50 cords and In such funds as may be furnished the Quartermaster. Proposals to be endorsed—" Proposals for Wood.” SIDNEY 3. STARR, au2!-tf Chief Quartermaster District of Savannah. SILE OF GOVER.W PROPERTY Horses, Mules, Wagons, A Zs X> BA&NSII. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, ) Ist Division DiTAsrxaNT or Gsosoia, V Ssvsunah, Ue., August 23,1866.) Will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bid der, at the Government Stable* and Corral, on East Boundary street, on MONDAY, the 11th of Septem ber next, the following condemned Stock: aso Muios, 70 Horsos. —ALSO,— A LOT OF WAGONS, HARNESS, &c. Sale to continue Irom day to day until all are sold. This la a good opportunity to procure many valuable animals. Terms, Cash in Government funds. Capt. S 8. STARR, Chief Quartermaster District of Savannah, JOHN S. BERGEN, Ist Lieut. 173d N. Y. Vole, and A. A. Q. M. ang23 INK. _ QE GROSS INK, In stands, at $8 50 per gross. 16 &%J Uoaen Arnold’s Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by SAYILLE A LEACH. aul'2 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square. THOS. W. BROOKN ~ MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 3*4 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pm. N. B.—AB ORDERS uent by Mali promptly At tended to. QUEENS WARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton Street, axooan root raou ooaxia bull itain. A large and elegant Stock of (bliu, Queen* irare, filagg, kc„ Just received bom ike manufacturers, and for sale at LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. JOBBERS AND DEALERS From all part* of the Country are tavtted to examine WHOhKiUE STOCK. Which include* packagesi containing compete aseoct mrnts, pat up expreeely for country trade. w* wam; " * WBiTX GRANITE an» COMMON WARS. ■ ~ Good* re-packed to salt purchaecte. aul-lm K. D, SMITH. FINANCIAL. QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. BAN-KINO HOUSE or MANNING & DE FOREST, 19 WALL STREET, NEW TORE. VIRGINIA. HATt. Bank of Berkeley 70 “ Commerce. Fredericksburg 20 “ Charleston, charleston 10 “ the Commonwealth •• Howardaville 12 “ Old Dominion 25 " Philippi 12 “ Rockbridge 20 " Rockingham so “ Bcottsvllie 12 •• the Valley *6 ** Virginia J 5 “ Winchester 16 Central Bank of Virginia 12 Corporation of Alexandria 50 Danville Bank, Danville 20 Exchange Bank of Va., Norfolk 20 Farmers' Bank of Fin castle 12 ” “ Richmond 20 Merchants' Bank, Lynchburg 20 MonticeUo Bank * _ Northwestern Bank nt Jeffersonville Southwestern Bank, Wytbesvllle is Traders' Bank, Richmond 20 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear “ Charlotte •• Clarendon •* Commeice go “ Fayetteville “ Lexington gg •• North Carolina 30 •* Wadeaboroogh 20 “ Wsshington u “ Wilmington 20 “ Yanoevule 15 Commercial Bank, Wilmington 20 Parmer*' Bank of North Carolina 25 Merchants' Bank, Newbern 24 Bank of Roxboro' 25 Miners and Planters’ Bank 26 Bank of Thomaavllle SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden . hi •• Charleston ! ] 16 •* Chester “ Geoigetown “ Hamburg jg “ Newbury 22 “ Sooth Carolina .. '2O 11 State of Sooth Carolina 16 Commercial Bank. Columbia ’is Exchange “ •• so Farmers' and Exchange ''" ~ Merchants', Cheraw "w, People's Bank " an Planters' •• ...u Planters' and Mechanics' Bulk on South W. R. R 57 State Bank 77 Union Bank !! ".'! .45 GEORGIA . Augusts Insurance and Banking Company 13 ™ “ Colnmbns ,5 * Commerce “ Pulton if “ Empire State IS •' Middle Georgia !!!!*” "5 Bank of Slate of Georgia 5T Central Railroad Banking Comosnv City Bank of AugusuTT? ff Farmers'and Mechnnka Georgia Railroad and Banking Company.... 70 Mechanics' Bank ’"11, Merchant, end Planters' Bank. tn Planters'Bank if Timber Cutters' Bank Luioo “ ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile .. « “°imT me,T . Commercial Bank 2 Central “ Eastern Bank ts. Northern “ Ja Southern " jj 6 ’ TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga ,« “ Middle Tennessee 1!". “ Tennessee ff City Bank of Nashville if Merchants' “ ""1? Ococe “ I? Planters' •• ." if Southern “ "S Shelbyvllle “ Traders' “ union “ " LOUISIANA . Bank of America _, r “ Louisiana ...... 2s “ New Orleans aa Canal Bank f. Citizen*'Bank ,r Crescent City Louisiana State Bank L, Mechanics'aud Traders'Bank Merchants' •• . Southern <• , union •• New Orleana City Scrip ”»* STATE BOBOS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bond* N. Carolina “ _ 8 Carolina •* _ Georgia Tennessee *' MemphlsClty “ """‘""l"”;;;"; ™ Augasta,Oa. •• "K Savannah,Ga “ "Jj from* Se*JZ!SdS - b 0 COQP ° n * North Carolina Coupon! an MemphlsClty *• 76 Tennessee *< '.‘.‘.'.V!‘!‘.366»40 Georgia . “ .... 46®S0 The** Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. *u26 EINSTEIN ROSENFELD & Cos., Bankers, No. 8 Broad Street, York. We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, Paris, Frankfort, and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over On i Thousand Dollars, at the rate of four per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, executed on Commission. Manning A Deforest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, NO- »• Wall street, New York, Dealers la Gold, Silrcr, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. GIVI (pedal attention to the purchase and tale o Virginia, North Carolina, Sontb Carolina, Geor g's. Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes Southern Stales Bond* and Coupon*. Railroad Bond* and Coupon*. Internet allowed cm deposit*. lyls-Sm Cld erbrandyT K AAfl GALLONS, from on* to five yean old.— O.vfUU Samples ot each scat by Xxprosn with Hat of price*. Also, ia o*a** of no* and two dozen each. M. S. CONNOVX Distiller. anlO-lm Freehold. N. J. PRICE, 5 CENTS INSURANCE. INSURANCE. Authorized Capital--* 000. P QARLES L. COLBY A CO. nre prepared to take X Marine Risks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks in this city In the following named £rat class New York Companies AT THE LOWEST RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY $5,000,000 MORRIS HRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY ... 5,000,000 OMMERCE FIBS INSURANCE COMFY. 200,000 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMFY.. 200,000 Office In Jones’ Block, cor. Bay and Abercom eta Branch Office, comer Drayton and Bryan streets sol 8 ts FIRE, MARINE, AND— LIFE ASSURANCE. Cash AsHPtR,<WO,SOO,OOO J. T. THOMAS & CO., Agents 117 BAY STREET, INSURE against every class of loss. By Fire; daring Inland Transportation, and by sea to all Domestic sod Foreign Ports. Losses payable in Currency, Gold, or Sterling—at home or abroad. au?.o THE Underwriters’ Agency Op New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE At* IUCID BT THIS anoCIATION. J. T. THOMAS A CO., nnll-eollm lit Bay atrreet. IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? THIS Is an important question for every man and important also for every wife and mother, as it affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. Tbe "Knickerbocker Life Insurance” of New York will Insureyou at the usual rates tn any sum from Sion SIO,OOO. They also laeu, the favorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITURE Policies, and will after two yean payment give a fall paid np l’ollcy for Two Tenths the whole sum, and Three Years Three Tenths, and on. Tuna a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two Premiums pal upon It will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $9,000. and five years five-tenths for every additional year For further information apply to A. 71ILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cos., Jn97 89 Bay st„ Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANT, O P BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. f |*HIS is one of the oldest and best Companies in X America. , Policies on Lives for any amount np to $16,000 are taken by them. • The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled daring the war until heard from—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to be just and honor able in all cases. Apply to ju27 A WILBUR, Agent. DDR YEAS' lAIZENA TRVI ONE POUND. WAS THE OHIY “ PREPARATION FM FOOD FROM INDIAN CORN " That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competlon of all prom inent manufacturers of “Corn Starch"and “Prepared Com Floor" of this and other countries notwithstand ing. MAXZ E W A , The food and luxury of tbe age, without a single fault. On* trial will convince the moat skeptical.— Mokes Paddings, Cakes, Custard*, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonlihing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It la also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it A little boiled in ™n> will produce rich cream lor ooffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Matzena, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food tor children and in valids of all ages. For .ale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYKA, »°25-3m General Agent tDOLPHO WOir B,” ** Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of bis own importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wine., Liquor*, Ac, of any other bouse in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Hennesy, Pinet CastUlon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in halt quarter, and eighth casks: also Otard and Ronyer, Laferrelere and File Brandy, in cases of one dosen each. "CMdu” Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam In pipes. Aromatic Schnapps, In bond and duty paid, in Class of on* dozen quarts and two dosen pints. ••Whiskey mad Ram.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, In hbda and case* of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey hi barrels and cases of one dozen each. n.xj»c. “Jamaica" and *vff. Croix sum" In hhda. and cases of one dosen each. Madeira, Skerry mad Port Wiasi. More than twenty different grades In halves qnar ter* and eighth casks, alio In cases of one doztu each. ‘‘Hock, Chsmpagae, Moselle and Claret Wince.” From Peter Arnold Mnmm In Cologne, proprietor ot Joanniabnrg estate: J. H. D. Becker A File; Esche n oncer, Benecke * Cos., Bordeaux Barton A Guest in, Bordeaux, and from other wall known homes In Ger many and France. Orta, Cosdials Sasdots, Bmns, Mcstaxd, Olives, Bsahdt, Paxazavo, Ac. Twenty-five years' business transactions with the Southern States with some of the largest and moat respectable dealersAboold be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser for sale la pm* aad genuine. Sample* can be seen, and catalogue of prices oh tained, byaddraadng tbe above. aogMm TRY ONE POUND.