Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 04, 1865, Image 3

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licit MiffllS. OfP*rlut*r UiuuhllM aa< llranirra. FOR K*w TOM. Steamship Varuna. Thursday, September 7, at oidock -Bteam«hip Constitution, Wednesday, September «b, at o’clock. roa raiLADEt^niA. Steamship Minnetonka, Tuesday, September Sth, at’— o'clock. for doctortow.v. Steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, every Tuesday moraine at 9 o’clock. Hulks.—Tins flue passenger steamer left augusta yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, and will arrive here this afternoon. Savannah Rivkk.— Oj Saturday afternoon last mere was on Blue Home Bar, four and a hair feet of water. The river may now be considered In very good boating condition. Brio Fannie.— From an officer ol this vessel ashore on tbe South Breakers off Tybee who arrived in the city yesterday, we learn that the brig lies • comfortable” and has not bilged. Hercargo Isbe ;og discharged as rapidly as circumstances will permit. Qcici Disfatch.— On Saturday last, the steamer, Wn. G. Gibbons, capt. Phllpot, cleared Ur larier, Geo., In ballast, and returned yesterday afternoon, laden with 597 bales of Upland cotton. This prompt dispatch of business Is creditable to Capt. Phllpot and the agents, Messrs. Erwin 4 Hardee. Fro* Sew York.—The steamship Constitution, Capt. G.eenmar. .rom the above port, arrived yet • terdsy morning at 7 o'clock, with many passengers and a fair freight. Purser W. Chrocheron has cu r thanks for full flies of New York papers, and, espe cially, for complete lists of passenger* and consig nees robbery —Oh Friday night last, the warehouse of Messrs. Richardson 4 Barnard, on the North side ol Bay street, between Lincoln and Abercom streets, was broken open. Several boxes In tbe store were opened and tbelr contents scattered on the floor. The thieves no doubt being disappointed Itt Dot find ing the object of their search, departed without booty. Movement of Troofs.—Saturday afternoon, the steamer Savannah arrived here from Hilton Head, with two companies of the 6th U. S. Regular Infant ry, under the command of Capt. J. J. Upham. The sieamer Immediately proceeded to Sisters Ferry, South Carolina. recovery of property.— un Saturday last, pri vate detectives, Patrick Cody and John S. Butler proceeded to a farm on the Little Ogechee River, and recovered a valuable horse. Messrs. Cody and But ler are deserving great credit for their energy and success lu detecting thieves and recovering stolen property. ARRIVAL OB A JdI.MATLKL SIEAMIIR.—The steam' ship Y&runa last evening brought to Savannah from New Y'ork a miniature 3teamer. This little craft is about thirty-six feet long, with side-wheels, and will draw about six Inches of water. Mr. S. S. Waldron, her owner, Intends his miniature craft for towing flats over Blue House Bar to Augusta. A similar miniature craft Is on board the steamship Pent, which will arrive to-day. From New Vox.—The fine steamship Varuaa, Cap tain Whitehurst, of the Atlantic Coast Mall Steam ship Line, consigned to Mr. John R. Wilder, arrived at her wharf In this city last evening. In 72 hours, from New Y'ork. We are Indebted to Purser Henry Bentley for flies of New Y’ork papers, and also to Mr. F. H. Cooley, Chief Executive Officer, for similar tavors. Purser Bentley also has our thanks for a full freight and passenger list. From Doctortown.—The steamer Oak, Captain, Marshall, arrived yesterday at noon from Doctor t) vn, con* ig id to Keln 4 Cos. Mr John M. Keln reports that the Altamaha River Is very low, and that the receipts of cotton at Doc tortown are very smalL The Oak passed, coming down, two flats loaded with about 4.0 bales of cot ton bound for Darien ; also passed, on Saturday af ternoon, steamer Fountain entering Warsaw Sound, bound South. The steamship Continental was lylug off Doboy Light, taking on board troops. From Hilton Head Y'esterday afternoon the line United States steamer DafodU, commanded by Act tug Master John C. Hamlin, having in tow the steam er Chatham, arrived at the wharf foot of Whitaker street, about 5 o’clock. The following is a list of the officers of the Daf odU: Acting Master, John C. Hamlin. Acting Master ana PUot, Charles Cook. Acting Ensign, E. Enter. Acting Master’s Mate, Robert Morson. Chief Engineer, Wm. H. Capon. Assistant Engineer, Thomas Forrest. “ “ C. M. Adams. “ “ J. M. Blakle. THE COURTS. EP.rORE LIET. COL. M. T. HOLBROOK. Savannah, Sept 2,1865. Miss Ann M. Finder vs. Martin Wall—fnlawfuily retaining possession of premises, which he was or dered to vacate by Lt. Col. R. P. Y'ork. It appear ing from the petition of plaintiff that an order grant ed against defendant on the 11th day of July, 1865, by Hon. E. Parsons, Jr., Provost Judge for the Dis trict of Savannah, requiring him to pay the amount of rent due to the Ist of said month, has been disre garded, and that another order granted by Col. R. P. Tort, Provost Marshal, of the District of Savannah, on the 12th day of August. 1865, ordering the defen dant to vacate the premises occupied by him, situate on the south side of Congress street, one door from East Broad street, on or before the 3lst day of Au gust, 1865, has been totaUy disregarded and diso beyed ; It is now ordered that Capt. 8. Cowdry, Provost Marshal, of the Sub-District of ogeechee, proceed to dispossess the above named defendant mstanter, and coUect ITom him the costs of the sev eral suits against him amounting to eight doUars, or commit him In defknlt of payment, until said amount be collected. Ana Gibb, (colored) vs. Mrs. Sarah Fox—Trespass. Counsel of both parties ergued the matter at Issue, and defendant’s attorney admitted that the house o - cupleil by Mr. Pitt, had been fastened up by orders of Mr. Henry Bryan, Administrator; whereupon, the following judgment was given. In the above case. It Is ordered that the suit against Mm Sarah Fox be dismissed, plaintiff having faded to make out a case, upon payment of coste by the latter, amounting to Shtec dollars. Counsel for plalrttlff, M. Benedict, Esq. For defendant, J. K. Sanssy, Esq. William Colson vs. Patrick Cody—Recovery of 'u hosre. lt appearing from the affidavit of plaintiff, that a light bay horse with black mane and tall, with a light spot on his forehead, and about four years old, was stolen from him by a party or parties to him unknown. In the month of December last, which said horse Is now la the possession of Mr. Patrick Cody, and lt further appearing from the statement of the said Patrick Cody, that he has no Individual claim to aald horse: It is ordered that Mr. Cody is hereby authorized to return the hors* above described, to the isonaflde owner of the same. Wm. Remshart vs. Henry Campbell (colored)—Un lawfully retaining possession nf premises. Whereas, the said defendant was, by older from this office, on (he first day of this present month, directed to va cate the premises of the plaintiff, occupied by him the Mid defendant, at or before 12 o'clock m. of this day, or show good cause to this office why the said order has not been obeyed, It Is ordered that Captain S- Cowdreyf Provost Marshal of the Sub-district of the Ogeechee. proceed *3 eject the aald Henry Camp bell from the premises of the plaintiff, Immediately upon the receipt of this order. office wiovost iumru, STB-pmaioN or the OOEECHEE—BEFORE CAFT. SAMI. CO WORT, FHO TOST MARSHAL. Savannah, September 2, 1865. Unite* 1 States vs. McKeon— Selling liquor to soldiers. The deiendant having been prevlouly sen tenced to four months Imprisonment and a line or two hundred dollars, be was ordered to be released on payment of a line of one hundred dollars, by or der of the Commandant of the Post. United States vs. Peter Squires (colored )_E«jrr tlon in the market house. It war ordereiHhat the stock, consisting of two chickens, be conascated for the use au<t benefit of the Post Hospital. Jobu Brow n (colored) vs. C. Kotscbild—unlaw tally detaining property. It was ordered that the nrooertv now in possession of defendant, be return, •and to plaintiff and the defendant pay a line of ten ‘ > °9areh Fox vs. Edward Coyne-Refuaal to obey or ders of court. Defendant having refused to comply ■wits orders from the office of Piovout KaiuMLAug. 16, imw, to pay the stun of sixteen dollars rent to kira Sarah Fox: It Is now ordered that the deffisd ant be cooDned m the county Jail uadi said rent, Btxts.u uouhi ■, la paid into the hands of Provost Marshal. together with tv* dollars, coat* of suit. CBUTERY REPORT. REFoRT OF INTERMENTS IN LArRIL GROVE CEMETERY FOR THE MONTH OF AUOCIT. Aug. l—Robert Charlton Bartrldgc. l year,ll mo*. 4 days, Convulsions, Savannah. Aug. 4—Marian Blake wood, 2 years and 3 mouths,' Meningitis. Aug. s—Laura Bell, 19 years. Laudanum. Georgia Aug. 6—A Tripp, 18 years, Scurry, Cos E, 14th Me.; A. B. Sawyer. IS years. Scurvy, Cos E, 14th Me. Aug. B—H. M. Taylor, Col. L. Phillips’ Legion, pa roled prisoner. Aug. 9—Ada Bell Sinclair, 8 mos., 10 davs, Convul sions, Georgia. Aug. 10—While Sylvester, 2 months,Typhoid Fever Georgia ; Ann Mitchell, 27 years, Peritonitis, Geor gia. Aug. 11—Infant Presdee, Stillborn. Aug. 12—Cornelia S. Johnson, 10 mow., Meningitis Georgia ; Benj. F. Muuchln,6 mos.,Cholera Infantum Savannah. Aug. 13—EUza Champion, 70 years, Apoplexy, New Jeraey ; Beatrice Hoblder, 4 years, BUllous Remlttant Fever, Savannah ; Alice A. Gross, 7 years, 9 months, GastToentretls, Savannah. Aug. 14—Jeremiah Harrington, 20 years. Diarrhoea, Cos I, 30th Me.; Sarah Manning and child, 24 years, childbirth, Georgia ; Robert Grant, Apopleptic Con vulsions, SO years, Georgia ; Sarah F. T. Roberts, ; years, BUllous Fever, Georgia. Aug. 15—Louis S. Jordan, 26 years, Ischuria Re nails, Cos. C. 30th Maine ; Wm. Thompson. flO years general debility, South Carolina ; W. E. 21 years, chronic diarrhoea, Cos. H. 38th Geo. ; Ann’ Louisa Werm, 1 year, 9 months, convulsions, Geor gia ; Margaret Fltz, lnflamatlon of brain, Georgia. AU£-. is—lnfant Nell, 6 months, atrophy, Georgia; Infant Robider, still born, Savannah. Aug 18—Ann Kersey, 60 years, typhoid fever. Geor gia ; Charles Cox, 34 years, Georgia. Aug. 19—Joseph Brown, Cos. B. 12th Conn. Aug. 21—Louisa Shenauld, 3 years. 3 months, di arrhoea. Georgia ; Joseph C. George, 18 years diar rhoea, Cos. C, 30th Maiue. Aug. 22—John B. Guler, 5 years, billions remlttant fever, Georgia ; Sarah Ellen Solomons, 2 yean, 8 months ; Abner North, 4 years, bllllous fever, Geor gia : Margaret Harrison, 71 years, 3 months, 20 days , congestion of brain, Ireland ; Wm. Baker, 29 years, apoplexy, Cos. C, 75th New Y'ork ; Catherine Saigle ton, 35 years, chronic diarrhoea, Ireland. Aug. 23—James Palin, 42 years, hepatitis, Geor gia. Aug. 24—John Flower, 44 years, chronic diarrhoea, Cos. K, 153d New Y’ork ; Phllltpa Minis, 76 years, old age, Georgia. Aug. 26—Miry Eliza Bunch, 25 years and 7 months phthisis pulmonalls, Georgia. Aug. 26—Susan L. Maguire, 22 years, narcotic poisoning, Alabama ; Joseph Van Kest, 38 years, tem porary insanity, Cos. B, 153d New Y*rk. Aug. 27—Ellanora Melehas, 4 months, cholera In fantum, Ga. Aug. 28—Benjamin J. Wade, 1 year and 8 months, diptlieria, Ga.; Thomas Pitt, 67 years, tubercular dis ease of lungs, Ga. Aug. 29—Leodora Balfore, 1 year and 2 months, gastro enteritis, Ca.; Capt. William Robertson, 31 year and 2 months, fracture of skull; Cos. F, 173d New York. Aug. SO—N. P. Johnson, 24 years, dysentery, Ga. Aug. 31—Anna Claudia Coachman, 67 years, chro nic ilUrrhcea. Deaths In the city 48 Stillborn Infants 2 Total so A. F. TORLEv, Keeper Laurel Grove Cemetery. REPORT OF INTERMENTS IN CEMETERY FOR COLORED PERSONS FOR AVGUST, 1865. Aug. I—Elizabeth Kimball, 1 year and 6 months, Ga.; John Gtifflu, acute diarrhoea, 39years. Ga.; Wil liam Thompson, 6 years, bilious fever, Ga.; Grace Black, 40 years, Ga. Aug. 2—Two men from Post Hospital; Rosanna Polite, acute pneumonia, 2 years and 8 months, So. Ca.; Isaac Blake, gunshot wound, 3o years, Georgia; America Casper, diarrhoea, 6 years, Georgia ; Isaac Rlsben, jaundice, 20 years, Cos. I, 33d C. 9. C. T. Aug. 3—One woman from Post Hospital ; John Brown, intermittent fever, 30 years, Ga. ; Caroline Small, typhoid fever, 24 years, Georgia; Willie Jones, pneumonia, 8 months, Ga. Aug. 4—Two men from Post Hospital; Solomon Leon, phthisis pulmonalls, 39 year l , Georgia ; Mary Allen, pertussus, 4 years, Ga.; Catherine De Lyons, acute meningitis, 10 months, Ga. Aug. s—John Wesley Deas, pertussus,, 2 years and 8 months, Georgia ; two men and two women from the Post Hospital. Aug. 6—Toney Slke. dysentery, 38 years, Ga. Aug. 7—One man from Post Hospital; Richard Par sons, diarrhoea, 25 years, SaTannah. Aug. B—John Law, convul9lon9, 4 days, Ga. ; Bei jamln Wales, congestive fever, Cos. B, 33d C. 9. C. T. Aug. 9—Two men from Post Hospital. Aug. 10.—Hannah Ash. diarrhoea, l year and 2 months, Ga. Aug. 11—Marla Oraharn. congestive chills, 19 years, 6 mouths, Georgia : Robert Tolbert, d'arrhcea, 3 years, Georgia ; John Jackson, whooplug cough, 2 years, 3 mouths, Georgia: Louisa, childbirth, 18 years, Georgia ; Andrew Mayer, infant, remlttant fever. 4 years, Georgia ; Charlotte Monroe, convul alons, 5 days Georgia . Aug. 12—One man and one woman, from Post Hospital: Robt. Collins, congestive fever, 30 years ; Ollnda Houghton, disease ol heart, 10 years, Geergla; Victoria Tolbert, whooping cough, c years, 5 mouths, Georgia. Aug. 13—One man from Post Hospital ; Prime, general debility, 70 years, Georgia ; Wm. H. Balam, whooping cough, li months, 2 days, Georgia ; Joseph Simmons, pertussus, 1 year, Bmouths, Georgia. Aug. 14—Elijah Brown, typhoid fever, Cos. G,, 103d U. 8. C. TANARUS.; Rebecca Scott, dropsy, 7 years, 7 mouths, Beujamln Miller, typhoid fever, 22 years, Georgia. Aug. 15—One woman from Post Hospital ; Hagar. 70 years, dropsy, Georgia ; Willie Deas, remlttant fever, 15 years, Georgia ; Daffhey Bee, old age and debility, 60 years, Africa. Aug. 16—Griffin, whooplug cough, 4 years, Geor gia; Francis, perforation or bowels, 4 years, 6 months. Georgia; Lizzie Anderson, typhoid fever, 17 years Aug. 17—Two men from Post Hospital; Anna Lewis, convulsions, 1 year. 6 months. Georgia ; Richard Anderson, gastritis 6 months. Aug. 18—Marla Williams consumption, 6J years, Georgia; Adam Hazard, dropsy, 60 years, Georgia i Cnarity, measles and whooping cough,l6 years. Geor gia ; one man from Post Hospital. Aug. 19—Margaret, disease or heart, 40 years, Georgia ; James Harrison Taylor, pertussus. 6 years, 6 months, Georgia ; Infant, trismus nascentium, 6 days Georgia; Laura, congestive fever, 12 years, Georgia; Steven Hunter, pertussus, 1 year, Georgia; Susannah Atkinson, typhoid fever, 18 years, Geor gia. Aug. 20—Hester Jackson, whooping cough, 6 years, Georgia; Isaac Harrison, consumption, 2; years, Georgia; Rachael Fleming, measels, 5 year?,? months, Georgia. Aug. 21—Two men from Post Hospital unknown; InOmt, convulsions, 14 days, Georgia; L. Wright, dropsy, 50 years, So. Ca. Aug. 22—Alfred, bllllous remittent fever, 10 years, Georgia ; Selina Brown, Intermittent fever, 9 years. Georgia; Chanty, old age and debility. 70 years, ueorgla; Two men lrom Post Hospital. Aug. 2»—Thomas Higgins, general debility, 65 years, Georgia; Tilly, congestive fever, 6 years; Wilde Adams, Intermittent fever, 65 years, Georgia. Aug. 24—George Davis, scrofula, 8 years, Georgia ; Katie Jones, teething, 1 year, Georgia ; Mary Berry, menonwhozle, 18 years, Georgia; Margaret D. Phln ntzey, convulsions, 6 years, 2 months, Georgia; One man from Post Hospital. Aug. 25—Mary Ann Grace, phtbysls pulmonalls, 23 years, Georgia; Julia Madstell, dysentery, 3 years, Georgia; Frank Jocepb, still horn, Georgia ; One woman from Fost Hospital. Aug. 2i—Marla Habersham, dlatThcea, 7 years, 4 months, Gecgla. Aug. 28—One man from Post Hospital. Aug. 29— gwlmer, teething, 2 yean ; Isaac Fable, vollowter trouble of the heart, 70 years, Georgia; John, whooping cough, 2 years, 2 months. Georgia, Robt. Rivers, fever, 8 years, Georgia. Aug. 29 —Haris Lawson, IntermUtant fever, 6 jts, Georgia; two men from Post Hospital. Aug. 30—Jas Locke, pneumonia, 6 yean, Georgia; Kate Bull, diarrhoea, 100 years. South Carolina; Jos. Habersham, congestive fever, If yean, Georgia; Mints Cooper, remittent fever, 8 years,Georgia ; Hen rietta Johnson, whooping cough, 9 moa., Georgia; l man from Post HospltaL Aug. si—Frank Sirtukland, pneumonia, 20 yean, 8 moa., Georgia : Jackson Screven, Intermittent fever, i. Rachael Jones,congestive fever, 10 lm,tljy«-n and tmontn, Georgia. Keeper LanreufrovS'Cemetery. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. SEPTEMBER 2. 18(6 Ed C Fox, Act'd Sure UFA Capt L L Dennett 4 ladt AH Preemau. 4th CS I Dr J F Bamett,LoutavlKy B Baker, do W H Ward, Lexington Capt J J rpham. do M Smith. Albany.Ga '> B Tarver. Twiggs co,Ga:John x Kern, X Y H H Marver, *to lo R Ingraham M E Slappey, do 10 A Dow, Adj 21st TS C T J R Wimberly, do (Will M Hitt. Augusts Leonard Bullts, Hilton H W Horae, Mn.edgeville Lt Cluis E Andros,Charles-;Jno O Auesott. tun E B Stevens, Mil Teleg’h W H Kaylor, Ft Pulaski |W \V Montalvo, do John Henderson, do Theo Ilasch, Sav’b Ma) H GXims.Psrm’il'SA J Is stroMtar. Effingham Win U Williams, Sav’h iF B Berlt do U 11 Sneed, do I j H Randall. G H Fox, do SEPTEMBER 3. M J Bair, Macon Wm Tlllev, C R Breckinridge, Ky CM Greenmail, Jno Brandt, jr, Richmond, Geo H Brown. Bermuda - Ind Jas Crocker. N V N T Philips, Navy E Louis, Hilton Head J A Smith, do D W Ingersoll JacksonVU J F Barfield. Macon O R Fish do H Young, Ky R Gamers, X Y R N Leonard, Ft Pulaski W J Farr, Augusta J C Smith, do Sami Hers, New York A H Mulligan, do • -- Wm H Shaw, do L Frewdenbery, NY B M Barkridge, do Chas L Mather,Jacksonvll-J Marshall, Georgia E C Saurmls, do T Y Jones. Virginia J W Hawkins, do B L Howes wile 4 chad, J Hednck, do Mass Dr Benin, Tallahassee E P Fmtuer, New Y'ork Miss Peck, St Augustine BC Warren, do Capt M Murphy. Btookivn Geo Guraev, Boston Capt McLan; niton. Ark c M Klbbln, Ptilia J 9 Ramsey, PhUa Henrv Map.-P. New Jersey H B Ramsey, Ind Pat Dempsey, New York J McAiden, Boston (Capt E Whitehurst. 9t Va- J S Luney, Savannih [ runa C P Bailey do , Henry Bentlev, St Varuna 9 H Greiner FH Cooley, ' do JasM White, Macon irM Booth, do F A Conon, Iw H Havens, do "(PORT ROY'AL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) SEPT. 2. Lt J L LuiL 26th DSCT -Lt Carlson, do ' I)i Whitten, do Capt C Watkins, Savan’h J Owens, j w Fowler, do Mrs Russell and 2 chiidr’n J Burn, do , 0 New York j H Hays, M C P Officer J S Luney, Savannah Her- T Foley, St Helena _ aid |M Murphy, do 0 Grav, Savannah |m T Drew, do EYVPittet, Capt 26 USCT-MJBaiue, do ' Geo Englaud, do j SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) SEPT. 2. Mr 4 Mrs A G Bennett,R lißt MaJ Gen C Devens,CSA A Care, 6th U 9 I |Col P W Hooker, USA W H Lathrop, Boston A Ames, do H G Pudd, Beaufort |Col C A Carliton, do Capt A P Ketchum, Sav’h! dipping Intelligences. Minaturr Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 37 1 Moon sets 4 28 Sun sets 6 211 High water 6 11 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Saturday, Sept. 2, 1865. Stur Line Steamship Constitution, Greenman, New York, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. Consignees— Adams Express, Brigham. Baldwin 4 Cos, Bluu 4 Meyer, Ready 4 Smith, M Bolay, Brigham, Kelly 4 Cos, Tobias Brown, F Constant, c L Colbv, C 4 Cunningham, J Cohen, Octavus Cohen. DeWttt 4 Morgan, W H Darlington 4 Cos, W M Davidson, M Daley, E W Doane, (Port Royal,) W G Ehrlich, E Ehrlich, S II Eckman, Erwin 4 Hardee, W H Fuller 4 Cos, Geo Filed, M Eerst 4 Cos, A Fawcett, T G i'ar relly, Guckeuheimer A Sellg, S Uerstman, N A Har dee 4 Cos, Halsey, Watson 4 Co.R Habersham 4 Soil, Hunter 4 Gammed, Hess 4 Gutman, H liavm, John Hart, Peter Hausbergher, G (A) H, H U, A B Ives 4 Cos, J I) Kavanaugh, Bernhard Kobn, Keln 4 Cos, 11) Laßoche, Jacob Llppman, J Lama, W H Lucas, S M Lederer, Lilenthal 4 Kohn, Jas I.eavv, Lovell 4 Lat tlmore. M, A Maver, J H Mose, M S Merer, J O Maker 4 Cos, J MeMabou, A J Miller, McDonald 4 McMaha, J E Mauger, O W Nichols, M Newmark, C K Osgood, II N Pease, J L Roumillet, H Rothschild, W Rankin, C D Rogers. Rogers 4 Crane, J Simon 4 Cos, W H Stark, Stuart 4 Cos, Schuster 4 Helntsins, A Shaw, E D Stmthe, A M Scarbrough, A A Solomons 4 Cos, R H Taiem, D F Thorpe, John L Yillalunga, White 4 FUlner, Wm Wolf, 11 B Waugh 4 Cos, J Waldron, S White. L 7. Zeretz, A 4 P, [CB], [T 4 Co], J McM 4 Cos, L W 9. Passengers—Mrs Guckenheiim r nnd 2 children, J Braudt, jr, Jacob Buckley, Miss Emily Allen. Mrs R Levi and 2 children, D E Thorpe and iadv.B D Davis, Mr Webster, Mrs S E Folev, E W Doane’, wife and 2 children, Mr Nash, wife, child and nurse, C R Breck inridge, H P Beckford, J Baer, E F Goddard, G Ehr lich and daughter, .U G Ehrlich, Henrv Bieber, Mr J R Schneider, W L Faruuni, and 11 steerage. Steamer Savannah, Eldridge, Hilton Head. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Hiliou Head. Steamer Samsou, Dennette, Hilton Head. Tug C T Shephard, Bliss, Tybee Roads. Cleared. Star Line Steamship America, Clift, New York— Brigham, Baldwin 4 Go. Exports.—694 bales upland cotton, 2do sea island do, 20 do domestics, 124 cases mdze, 25 tons Iron, and sundry pkgs. Passengers—D L Oakley, Wm B Hassett, Wm J O'Byrne, J SI Charlott, M C Fulton, S A Feck.E Heldt F Hupp, master R Bobinson, Isaac Grass and child ren, T Lynch, F R Welch, A J Cohen, Lt G B Cham berlin, wife, 2 children and servant, A W Aflrahsms, wile and child, Miss J Happ, Miss Anne H ipp, Miss Mary Casslday, Mrs A Johns, W H Harris, j Merchant, L Llppman, J Eva, W Arnold, L M Falsora.M A Coop er, S C Abrams, \\ Unckles, J T Turner, Rev W E Hamilton, L DeWitt, E Flesch, Jno M Mirgle, J D Wilson, D T Sheron, C Churchill, J R Gregory, M O'- Dowd, H B Hollen, J A Gray, J Jackson, G Damon, J Pratorious, A B Noyes, W F Sleissa. T B Griffin, Jno McDugle, E Lovell, H E Morrow, R Martin,J A Burns, A M Tlsou, E H Everson, Mrs H clere, Jno Burning, P E Gardoner, L Abbott. L Ganv, J H»che, and steer uge- Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Phllpot, Darien—Erwin 4 Hardee. Steamer Fountain, Cariner, Jacksonville—M A Cohen. Steamer Fannie, Lewis, Charleston, etc.—C C Cam bridge. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Hilton Head. Steamer Emille, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Savannah, Eldrldie Sisters Ferry. Went to Sea.—Bark Pawnee, for New York. Arrived. Sunday, Sept. 3. C S Coast Mall Steamship Co’s Steamer Varuna, Whitehurst, 72 hours from New York—J k Wilder. Passengers— Mr Gerstman, wife and child. P D’ia lynskl and wife, Miss Dzlalynskl, 2 children and ser vant, H Berlucke, lady and child. Miss Emma Cohen, Mrs B L Howes and culld, Pat Dempsey, J S Gurtens berg, G B Grmner, R D Walker, S Hart, TS Jones, H Leon, Mr Burkham, Mrs Coben, Mi's Leon, Mrs F Co hen and servant, Miss P Brown, T Brown, H Haym.E P Platner, Z C Warren, Thos Sweeny. B M Partridge, W H Shaw. Jos Cohen, L Murray,M Murray,W J Farr J C Peterson, John A Quantock, Thos Cooper. John Spaulding, M Garvey, Pat Maroney, Thos Downy, B L Howes, Henry Wicks, Jackson Marshall, c McKibben Richard Graves, B W ingersoll, Oscar Fish. Consignees—Keln 4 Cos, Schuster 4 Heinslns, R Molina, Hunter 4 GammelLSo Ex Cos, Stockton 4 Cos, W M Davidson, Rodgers 4 Camin, J K WUder.Adams Ex Cos. Savage 4 Hale. F H Cohen, M 9 Myer, W J Farr, t G Daua. H Mein halt 4 Bro, Brady, smith 4 Cos. W Wolf, B Kohn, Thos M Turner, M Ferst 4 Cos, W H Darlington 4 Cos, J McMahon. T Brown, R C Zinn, A J Miller, R T Lowry 4 Cos, Mrs D KothweU, O Kohn. McKlbber 4 Allen, A A Solomons 4 Cos, H W Pease, K Kohn, W H Starke, A Leflier.J L VUlulonga J Rosenband, Octavus Cohen, R D Walker, Emu Koetcbke, G B Scaly, H RotUsculld, W R Funston, T M Fleetwood, R J Larcomb, S W Wight, Dzllynskl 4 Slager, H-Robinson, J G Cohen, M Lama, Dr John Fisher, Lllleuthal 4 Cohen, T M Bloodworm, J Gull lard 4 Cos, Mltchel 4 Smith, W H Lucus, Bulger 4 Colvert, J T Morris 4 Cos, Aaron WBbur, D W Jalmer son, J H Dermoud, J Simons 4 Bros. E Parker. Steamer O M Petit, Smith, Hilton Head. Tug Starlight, Anderson-Hiltou Head. Steamer Emille, Bender, Hilton Head. Br Sloop Sylvia, Brown, Bermuda, 21 days, with assorted cargo to order. Reports—Aug 21st to Aug 24th, lon 70, lat 32, ex perienced heavy gales. Monday, Aug 28th, off the South Atlantic Coast, experienced a heavy gale— spilt sails and vessel started leaking. Aug 25th, lon 75, 25, lat 35 : spoke ship George Wluthrop of New York. Steamer Oak, Marshall. Doctoriown, il hours, Keln 4 Cos. Consignees— 3ss bales upland cotton, 45 do Sea Island do, to N A Hardee 4 Cos, DeWitt 4 Morgan, Alex Hardee, and others. Passengers.—A M Ross, Captain SOCaball, TW Marshall, Lieut C A Dowe. C S Steamer Dalodil, Acting Master Hamlin, Hilton Head, with steamer Chatham In tow. Steamer Wm o Gibbons, Phllpot, Darien. 597 bales cotlon—Erwin 4 Hardee. Steamer Chatham, , Hilton Head. Cleared, Steamer Lanra, Hiller, Augusta—Erwin 4 Hardee. Tug Sheppard, Bliss, Tybee Roads. Went to Sea.—Brig Arthur Eggelso.for New York. Scbr Emma D Finney, for New York. Steamer Jeff Davis, Austin, Hilton Head. Schr J H Williams. Fooks. Philadelphia—Chas L Colby 4 Co steamer Samson, Denette. Darien. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Darien. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE FORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept. 2,1865. steamships. Steamship Minnetoka, Balcli, I,ooo—discharging from Philadelphia, dock, foot of Abercorn street. Star Line Steamship Constitution, Qreenman, 944 tons, from New York—discharging at Low’s wharf, loot of Lincoln street, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. ACM Steamship Yanina, Whitehurst, 861 tons, from New York—discharging at Central Cotton Press, J R Wilder. BARKS. Harvest Moon. Staples, 398—loading for New York, Central Cotton Press,—C L Colby 4 Cos. Brig Hattie. Cfflbey, from Hilton Head, with Ice— discharging at fcxohaage Dock—Cbeesman 4 Mar shall. Waltham, Cottrell—from Boston—discharging, to Master. J SCHOONERS. Sebr Georgia, Holt, T 9 tons, from BaMmore-dLs charging al Central Wharf. Sebr Lovett IVacoc* Lingo, 349, from HUton Head —‘li.'-clirtrjnijjf i i&ll&itf —Master. Schi Wm E Stevenson. Threadcroft, 45, from Ma ranzas—dk-char*ln* at dock foot ot Barnard street _ Master. bchr E C Howard. Nickerson, 30b—discharging bal last at WlUink’a Wharf, near Oas Hou-e—Hill. Mas ter. Witch oueen, PerctvaL 115—from Baalon—dis charging, Lower Rice Mill—Riclwrdson 4 Barnard. .luce Flora, (Hr) Knowles—(Turn Xaaaau—discharg ing, Lower Rice Mill—Bell, Wylly 4 Christian. Anna Suna, (new) steveusoi awauiug completion at iptantock’a Mill—«J L Colby « Cos. Addie E Barnes, Lawson, 145—watting cargo, foot of Dravton street—Emil Koetcke 4 Cos. Rum H Baker, Smith. 378—loading for New York, foot of Barnard street—C L Colbv 4 Cos. Eothen. Murray. 102—from New York—discharg ing, foot of Barnard street—Master, SLOOPS. Br Sloop Sylvia, Brown, from Bermuda—discharg ing at whan foot of Barnard street. AMtSEMK.TI'6. VOZjKS’ G-A.HTHN, (Congress st, between Jefferson and Montgomery ata.,; REGULAR SUMMER SEASON PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT. IT ISS Savannah Orchestra, Prof. E. Richter. Leader, Or Refreshments of the best quality end In every variety. lmo aulo SPECIAL NOTICKS. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE Internal Revenue Tax must be paid os Cotton and all Manufactured Goods before ahlpment from this Port, after mis date. Office at Savannah National Bank. ALEX. N. WILSON, Collector Internal Revenue let District G» aug24-lw BATCHHLOR’U "*th SYS I The Original and Beat In the World 1 The only tme and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Inatan taneoua. Produces immediate.)- a splendid Black or natural Brown, without Injuring the hair or akin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drng gista. The genuine Is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OP MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. au!4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New York. OFFICE COLLECTOR MILITARY TAXES, ) ExcuANot Builiumo, l Savannah, Qa„ 1866. | , CIRCULAR. I am instructed by General order, No. 26, Head quarter Sub-District of the Ogeechee, Ang. 28, 1866, to collect a Tax of Three per cent, upon all incomes of Six Hundred Dollars (tCOiij and upwards, from Real Estate. And, also, a Tax of One per cent. O) on Gross Sales of al) Merchandlae, except Cotton sold on Commis sion ; One per cent, on all Commlaalona derived from the transaction of an Auction, Commission, Shipping, Forwarding, and Brokerage business, except upon tbe sale of Merchandise, upon which a Tax of One per cent, ia levied All persons coming within the requirements of these instructions will immediately make a return or all Incomes, Sales and Commissions, lor the mouth of August, 1865. Blank returns for this purpose may be had on appll cation at this office. Office lu the Exchange. i&~ Office hours, ft-oiu 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. C. H. PIKE, 81,31 ~ 2 Captain and Collector Taxes. WANTED. Wanted, A SITUATION, by a young man willing to make j^ ed himwlf generally useful Grocery business pre- Address L„ Herald Office Pe p 2 Wanted, "CVYRTY (40) able-bodledjroung men fbr duty in the , clly ™J Savannah. They will receive n liberal salary. They must come well recommended. All applicants will apply at office oi Capt. Samuel Cow d.ey, Provost Marshal. By command of WANTED LUEDUTELV, FIFTY TONS ol Rags and Waste Paoer The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PaTd. Aulo. iot mn Pickings, Wool, Hides. Tallow. Grease, Metals, Bottles, 4c., at the FOREST CITY MILLS, * n4 - tf Savannah. TO KENT. Offices to Rent. ONE Single and two Double Offices in the second story, conveniently located on Bay street. Suita ble for Merchants and Lawyers, or for batchelora’ apartments. Apply to BU E 22 ts HENRY BRYAN. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. au!2-tf ROOMS TO LET, At Hilton Hoad, 8. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly JP’ , now offer* large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartment* or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 25, Hi]ten Head Poet Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to 6 o’clock p. m. jn-22 • Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINBB and TRUSSES, LANDED PEON IN X W roXK., Planters, and tradi ft from the Interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article aa being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand line hundred cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, VIOLIIAII AND DITAIL. ATAPOTIECABiES’ BALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets N, B —/reah Garden Seeds . „ , W. M. WALSH, Jnl6-3m Proprietor, NORTH RIVER iGRKULTIIRAL WORKS. GRIFFING, BROTHER 4 CO., Paorairroaa, < 6S AND 90 COOBTLAKD STSSKT. HEW YORK. Manufacturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gins, 4c. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds Also, Agents for Brace's Concentrated Manure. Bone, Ac. Send for drenlar faSO 3m BACON SIDES. Jg HKDS. CHOICE SIDES, landing and lor tale »u3O J CRANE. JOHNSON 4 ORAYEILI. I AUCTION SALES. Bell, Wylly A Christian CARGO SALE. Sugar. Molasses and Segars. On WEDNESDAY next, 6th lnat., will be .old on board the achooner William H. Sleven.-oa. ju*t ar rived from Maudam. Cuba, and now lying at the foot of Barnard street, 39 boxes Sugar, 27 tierce* Muscovado Molaseee. 10 M very superior Havana Segura. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. «ep4-3 By Bell, Wylly A Christian. Will sell at Private Sale 160 bbk Choice Potatoes 60 do Onions boxes Lemons Landingphtn eteamer this day. au?9 AUCTION! Will be aoid at Public Auction, At tbe &oTerimieiit Slangier House, NEAR HABERSHAM’S RICE MILL, CANAL ST., SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1865, AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M., 125 BEEF HlDES—Dried. For account of the Subsistence Department U. S Army HENRY R SIBLEY. aepg-td Capt. and C. 8„ U. 8. Vol*. E. Will.txmb, J. R. Mclntirx. H. P. Ward. WILLIAMS, M'INTIRE & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, O-A.. Baldwin 4 Oo.; Krwin 4 Hardee, Gaden 4 Unckles, Isaac D La. bridge', ' Hiram Robms ’ ■ Wylly Wood . Bences in New Vork-MoMra Samuel T. Knapp 4 Bro,; D. H, Baldwin 4 Cos, 3u«6<'odlm STATIONERY, AC ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, ANI» STATIONERY STORE, Bill Street, Comer of Bar Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW NOVEIsS. JuH Received at the above Depot a further supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas. Price 60 cents. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 50 cents. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 75 cents. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. also HARFER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for September. The aaual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer. ang3o SAVILLE & LEACH, STATIONERY. TIMBER CUTTERS’ BANK, CORNER BRYAN STREET AND MAR KET SQUARE, SAVANNAA, GA. The trade supplied at the lowest Cash P rices. Every variety of Stationery for office and general nßg - an 19 STATIONERY. ’)j lA REAMS Superfine Coramercfnl Note Paper, pounds to the ream, at the very low price of #2 50 per ream. r Also, a large variety of other Papers, Envelopes, Pena, Ink, Pencils, Ac. For sale by SAVILLE 4 LEACH, aul’J cor. Bryan street and Market Sqnare. And Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. OFFICIAL—SI’B-DIST. OF OGEECHEE. HEADERS SCB-DIST. OF OGEECHEE) Savannah, Ga., Ang. 28, 1865. / General Oedxb,) No. 26. ; Pursuant ta Genera! Order No. 18, Headquarters District of Savannah. Ist Division Department of Georgia, the following Taxes will be collected to de iray the necessary expenses of lighting streets, clean ing of city, 4c. lat. Tax of three (3) per cent upon all Incomes of aix hundred 'SO") dollars or upwards from Real Es tate 2d. Tax on all Sales of Liquor as per General Order No. 13, from these headquarters Sd. Tax on all Tradere. Dealers, Commission Mer chants, and Shlppera of one flj per cent on all aalea and commissions. 4th. These Taxes will be paid monthly, commenc ing on the 31st Inst,, to the Tax Collector, ou account of aalea and rents sworn to by parties 6th. All persons who have received Licenses with out paying the license fee as aptclfled In General Or der No. 18, from these Headquarter!, are hereby no tified that their License! are revoked from this data, and that new Licenses will be required before continu ing their business. oth. All persona coming under the provisions of this order will report Immediately to Tax Collector and register their names and place of business, 4c. Any person neglecting to comply with the requirements of this order will be subject to a fine. 7th. Capt. Calvin H. Pike, 163d N. Y. Vols., is here by announced as Tax Collector, Cltv of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Brv’t Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS. Wm. H. Eolk, A. A. A. G. au2B HEADQ’HS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah. G#„ Augzat 28, 1866. Gcnkeal Oanxaa) No. 27. / Hereafter no Commissioned Officers, enlisted men or civilians will be allowed to drive or ride their homes through the streets of .savannah faster than a trot,un less on official business, and then the envelope will be marked gallop. The Provost Marshal la charged with the execution of this order. By command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. Wm. B. Foi.x, A. A. A. G. ang29 HEADQ’RS SUB IMBTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Ga., August 24, 1865. QtanuL Owns.) No. 26. f Capt. E. A. Parkinson, 153d Regiment, N. Y. Vola., is hereby announced as Street Commissioner city of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of „ . Bvt Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Wm. H. Folk, A. A. A. G. au2s LOST, TRAYED OR BTOLEN, from my yard on tho cor ner of Ball and Broughton atrseu, on the night of tbs 30th Aug oat. Four Livar Colored and White POINTER PIT'S. A liberal reward will be given If returned to me. „ , _ B. STAMM, • Hair Dressing and Shaving Saloon, acpl-2 Opposite Pulaski House. "Wholesale Druggists, AHti tmAT.fin a Qf Perfaiery, Patent Medicines, k, k 0801 IS WITH 81MITTAlCtt PIOMPTLt life. COTID AT ISWIST MABKIT MICH. HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. I*l Chamber* and No. 1 Hudson ste., NEW YORK. James Harral, formerly at Charleston, g. c. XI. W. Ridloy, formerly of Augusta, oa. aaSMISt SHIPPING. ST A R LINE FOR NEW YORK. THE new and elegant firm clan sZdtF-iT. B- Hail Steamahl). AMERICA, -A— .TyflUff r. Cam. Clift, will positively sail for the above port on Saturday, September 2d, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dation-, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO., au3l Stoddard’s Building, opposite Poet Office. FOR NEW YORK. STAR LUSTE. The new and elegant first class U. 8. Mall Steam ship CONSTITUTION, Capt. Greenman, will positively sail tor the above port on Wednesday, September 6th, at o’clock. Fbr freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A (XX au3l Stoddard ’a Building, opposite Post Office. Atlantic Coast Mail Rteam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, e..—— The First Class Steamship VARU iS*!piTNA, will positively sail on THURS- the 7th lnat, at o’clock. For Freight or Passage, haring very superior accom modations, apply to •epl JOHN B WILDER. FOR NEW YORK STAR HUE. BBMI-WKEKXiY. The flret class V. 8. Mall Steamships - - - * Capt CaariNTxa. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Saaaa. AMERICA, Capt. Clift. CONSTITUTION, - - Capt. übeemah. The above ships compose tbe Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO, Agenta, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN 4 DICKINSON, Agents, 17 Broadway, New York. FOR NEW YORK. Merchant’s Line Sailing Vessels. The splendid Clipper Schooner jX|fr|k B.TTTB H. BAJCH2L, MbJlmHnm Capt-. WM. SMITH, in now loading for the above port, and will have quick despatch. Apply to CHAfcJ. L. COLBV A CO., auß9-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn street*. For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Afijk Mall Steamship MINNE Commander, will leave for the above port on TUESDAY, SEPT. sth, at O’clock. Cablh Passage to Philadelphia. «4n Through Tickets to New fork via Philadelphia! 40 For freight or passage, haring elegant accommoda tions. apply to 8u26 HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. For New York. The Al Sehooner LOVET EACOCK, -**S maS* IsTJIG-O, Master, Haring the greater portion of cargo engaged, will have despatch for the above port. For freight apply W P2 HUNTER 4 QAMMELL. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. r |iHfi fine Clipper bark HARVEST MOON, Staples. A Muter, will commence receiving cargo for the •bo*® port on Monday, the 28th Inst. For freight or panaage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., * n2b If Cor. Bay and Abercorn stn. FOR FLORIDA The Steamer HELEN GETTY, CAPT. INGRAHAM fFormerly the St. Johns,) Will leave the Old Georgia Steamboat Yatd for Florida, touching at Darien, Brumawick, St. Mary’s, Pernandlna. Jacksonville, Plcolata and Pa. latka. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent Florida Boat. *«P2 Corner West Broad ana Bay sta. MERCHANTS’ LINE Vessels. Regular Weekly Line of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. 'T'HE undersigned Intend to keep np a regular week wtth promptnessi and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY 4 CO, anlH cor. Bay and Abercom streets. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. The fine Clipper Schooner E. C. Howard, Capt. Nickerson, Will have quick deapatch for the above Port. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., >ng3l -ts cor. Bty And Abercorn at*. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will be received at our Warehouse, on Dillon’s Wharf, at any time du ring the week ERWIN 4 HARDEE. iqls imo For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. THE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS. Oapt. Phllpot, wIU leave DlUonn \Vh£t on ruesday morning, 22d lush, at 9 o’clock, and will ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown, In connection with the Road, leaving aa Slow™ SAVANNAH EVERT TUESDAY'. DOCTORTOWN EVERT THURSDAY. Freight receipted for through to any point on Rail road between Doctortown and ThomasvUle. Freights payable here. ERWIN 4 HARDEE. JOIIN L. ROUMILLAT. auggl-Im Agent on Wharf FOB (SALE, 50,000 GRAY BRICKS. $» FEE THOUSAND. Apply at Scpl-3 DILLON'S WHARF. SHIPPING. FREIGHT FOR AUGUST!, RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt R. Jomsom Pe. STEAMER LAURA, Capt Enwaan Boxes &^r^ o^^^ s tL n .^ ,,,, Wh*rf of^T«£££ ,llb * * ,TOn * <*P«rtnrb ERWI.V 4 HARftgr » JOHNLB £2^w BAH.RO* OS. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, > Savannah, Ga., August 1865 » lowflfce £ utl< "“ h* and Angu.ta, Augusta and Savannah*Rrilro!fo By order of K GEO. W. ADAMS, ang2s ■— Assistant Superintendent. Atlantic & Gulf r. _.iroad JSSißiaiaggis STEAMER WM. C. GIBBONS “flt iß tS°n» b ,J w>d *H intermediate potato “* *“ d Sa .Kaasrasa;- Acting President _*ng2l-im aAma '&JZ22L THo ?r“r m ' Z*™™ fORWTtf, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin 4 Flnnell,) ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims. "" A-SHINGTON, I_) -*5 3m the Christian Index. B Y re-e« <l triln»hS U l b^ni 0r “*»“*» the mails are Price of “Index,” per annum. A3 rwi Price of “Child's iSSex,- ™; ;;**;- ’ 2? fA deduction made for ciohs j bfm»iflv? y ar/Ei 11 *? ,toDce ’ “ ">? determination It la my intention to issue first claaa Dane™, .na JKrtwfffore b# ” p,red J" “cure Kit “and “ conform to Its new title, sense, be made to THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. Money may be sent by Express or otherwl««_n hi W !*?r'?. m ' nnnic * tk, ““«yeddies. M “° D ’ Ql - <tul6 - w SAMUEL BOYKIN. THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon Its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of frta to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the .Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. J ADVERTISING RATES. ONS BQCxax. Two weeks. « K no One month Two mouths ... Three months ... L IK si* Months ; h K 22 TWO SdUißl!, Two weeks am on Two months ,; IK Three months W.'.'.V''"t ,8 ou Six months ' 36 m Persons desiring a greater quantity of space thanks above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION Rates. Msr do! ®» One Year do. . !11 i;!!! 6 W Anoaxsa, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD 4 CO., PETERSBURG, VA. boy rom coot ufim ale —AT— TONKING'S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. a°g74 CENTRAL R. R. AND SAVANNAH, ALBANY i SULf R. R. RESTOCKS, FOR SAtk. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. au29-3 ACADEMY OP Sf. VLHCEMT OF PAUL, Savannah, Georgia, CONDUCTED BY THK SISTERS OF MERCY T'HnoftWs institntion will re-open on 1866 B * ,>Wmber 181,1 * Qd cloae on Febiuaiy 15th, snd d<^ eomn “ ,, “ ““ February lath T toclHdln E Hoard, Tuition in English, l\ ashing, and use of Bed and Bed- A -in Freich.-.v.-.v.v.v.v.v:. do Music on Plano " 30 00 do Music on Guitar 7"' 3009 do Crayon, Drawing and Painting in Water Colors 777 ... 30 00 Tuition in Oriental Painting, per course 15 00 do Wax Fruit and Flowers 20 OO do Embroidery joo* For farther particulars apply to the Superioress at the institution. au29-2awlm CTATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.—To kJ all whom it may concern : Whereas. John O. Ferriil will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of James Bilbo, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish sll whom it msy concern, to be snd appear before said Coon to make objection (if any they navel on or beioro the first Monday in October next, otherwise said letters will lie granted. Witness my official signature, this 28th dav of Au gust, 1865. D. A. O’BYBNE, au3l Ordinary. Blacksmithing. VTVHE undersigned wish to inform the public that A they have commenced business in Shin, steam boat and general Blacksmithing Also Hone Shoeing done with nsatueii and de match.