Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 04, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. MONDAY. lIPTKMBEK 4. 1865 Five Days Later from Europe Arrival *r ihe Clfy *1 Uanhiugian, tortb lnrri«i Banu ;ind Propond* The Great Eastern Sack at Crook haven. The Cholera and the Cattle Plague. AflairH in Npaiu A Germniiy. Reduction of the Russian Army. The North American, from Liverpool on 1 the 17th by the way of Londonderry on the 18th, passed Father Point on Monday morn ine ' Her news is one day later than by the City of Washington. The North America is bound for . The Inman steamer City of \\ ashington. Captain Brooks, from Liverpool the 10th ult. and Queenstown the 17th, arrived at New York early the same morning. A telegram to Queenstown, dated August 17tb, says that the Great Eastern arrived at BrookhaTen on that morning, ihe previous report by the Terrible of the breaking of the cable on the 2d and subsequent attempts at grappling, are confirmed. The Great Eastern behaved in the most ad mirable manner, and will sail from Crook haven to Sheerness. ~ , A fortnight had expired after the rable sig nals had ceased and before the Great Eastern had arrived. The public anxiety in England had greatly increased. The impression was very general that the Great eastern must have met with an accideut to her machinery, although some believed that she had gone on to Newfoundland. THE CHOLERA. The cholera continued its ravages at An cona. Up to the 12tli instant the number of deaths that occurred from it reached seven hundred and eighty-one. The cholera had increased in intensity at Constantinople. The total number of deaths on the 12th reached three hundred and eighty-four. Business was generally sus pended. A letter from Paris says t “The news from Ancona concerning the cholera is frightful, but the authorities vie with each other in the zeal and self sacrifice with which they confront the danger. In various other places isolated cases have oc curred, but they are all ot persons who had fled from Ancona. In Florence there has never been less illness of any kind than of late. Amusement is the order of the day ; special trains take thousands of persons to enjoy sea bathing at Leghorn and Spe/.zia. Politics are dead for the moment, and more interest is taken in the great commercial en terprises now upon tire tapis, and which are ot real importance. The harvest is generally abundant, and of oil and wine, especially, much will be made, there having tieeu a great diminution in the disease.” Another account says : The panic in Ancona is terrible, and more than a third of the population have fled from the city. Most the shops were shut, and great misery exists among the surviving families of the victims, the women and chil dren who were left widows and orphans. A committee has been formed, and had made a strong appeal to public charity. The gov ernment lias placed considerable sums at the disposal of the Ancona municipality. A paragraph in the official gazette appealed to the medical profession, and asked for volun teers to assist the over-worked physicians of Ancona. Since this intelligence reached us however, the telegraph has informed us of a considerable diminution in the n u m ber of cases On the Oth they were two hundred and sev en, and no less than one hundred and two deaths. According to a telegram of the 10th trom Ancona, received yesterday, the last bulletin gave ninety-two cases anti sixty-two deaths The large proportion of deaths in cases is striking, and seems to indicate either great virulence of the malady or a want of adequate means, or of a proper system of combatting it. On the other hand, it is high ly satisfactory to remark that it does not seem to extend itself beyond the city where it first appeared. The Marseilles papers state that on the ap pearance of the cholera in Egypt, the mu nicipal authorities in Marseilles desired to place all ships entering that port trom the Levant in quarantine. For that purpose they applied to the Board of Health in Paris for permission to do so, but their application was refused. They add that as yet the in habitants of Marseilles have not suffered trom cholera, although no quarantine has been entoiced. TIIE CATTLE PLAGUE. The ‘'cattle plague" continued a prominent topic in the English journals. The disease continued its ravages, and was spreading in various parts of the kingdom. It wa9 dis puted that the disease had been introduced by foreign cattle, and evidence was adduced to show that it was generated in England. THE FLEETS AT CHERBOURG. The English Channel fleet, consisting of about a dozen vessels, including iron clads and wooden frigates, arrived at Cherbourg on the 11th instant, and was appointed the place ot honor in the harbor. Tne Lords of the Admiralty and many other officials ac companied the fleet. Cherbourg was crowd ed with visitors, and brilliant fetes were to take place. From Cherbourg tbe fleet would proceed to Brest, and at the end of August the French squadron would pay a return vis it to the English at Portsmouth. THE SCHLESWiO HOLSTEIN QUESTION. it was reported that the negotiations be tween Austria and Prussia relative to the Schleswig-Holstein question promised satis factory results, and such being the case, it was expected that au interview between the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia would take place at Salzburg on or about the 19th of August. The meeting was under stood to depend upon the result of the ne gotiations then in progress. A telegram of tbe 15th from Gastein, where the negotiations were taking place, says that Count Blome was to leave there that day. and it was stated that an understanding had been brought about between the twt. Dgov eruments. REDUCTION OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY. Au Imperial decree had been issued by the Czar of Russia, ordering tbe reduction ot tbe army from the semi warlike to the ordinary peace footing. Two divisions of tbe guards, twenty-two divisions of infantry, two brig ades of artillery, and ten other divisions,wul be reduced irom the ordinary peace footing to the cadres of their respective regiments' Two divisions of cavalry are to be reduced from sixteen to fifteen sections, and two oth er divisions are to he maintained on the full peace footing. GABABALDI ON ROHE AND THE FAPAIY The following letter addressed to the Cam pidoglio, anew paper published at Genoa, contains tbe sentiments of General Gsraboldi upon the rumored renunciation of Rome as the capital of Italy ■ Cafeba, August 1, 1865. “Caro Luciani: Roma ! Campidoglio ! These names echo the soul, the heroism, the greatness, the sin of Italy, which sin tbe people who prefer living in the forests have never given us ; we have conquered, them, it iB true, but have we educated them 1 "Rome! Renunciation of Rome! Who renounces his mother, his betrothed, moial fiy, decency I Renounce Rome, and fall whrpiostituUon, where those who are jeal ous of your put and future grandeur which to sec vou. ~ - . , I ••Were there no Ro®*n history wherein »r tearneU tbit we possessed h common country ; if a* a youth, I bad not wondered among the ruioa of. the giant of earth ly grandeur, I should not know that 1 am an Italian And where ii and what is his Italy without Rome ? Can au auimal live without a heait, or with a cankered h e *rt * “Hail, then, to the Campidogha! “The air of her hilla alone can temper the spirit ot this people, and guide it to the glorious and humanitarian goal which Prov idence has set before it. Let it emerge trom I the foul cesspool wherein selddmess, lying I and fear have plunged it ; then Italy can lilt her brow among her sister nations. Bc i lieve me, in affection yours, “G. Garibaldi ' THE ISTERRDPTIOK Or THE CABLE. Prom the Money Market Review. Although the right honorable Chairman, j at the meeting of this company, on Wed nesday, abstained trom making any estiuia.e I of the extent of the receut accident, or ol the cost of repairing the loss, and although any conjectural computation of the kind might, perhaps, have been best avoided by him in the position he held, it may not be quite out ol place here to consider what may j be the probable extent ot tb» recent mishap, as a question of money only, and thereby to what degree the hiture fortunes ot this greul undertaking may be affected. The block Exchange has made its estimate chiefly un der the influence of public opinion, as ex pressed by the purchase or sales of the shares and, as the £600,000 raised by the 120,000 £5 preference shares, recently created, was valued before the accident at about halt pre mium, or £OOO,OOO, and now, as we write, the price has fallen to about tbree discount, representing £240.000, and It may be assum ed that the public puts down the probable cost of the accident to about £420,000. Let usassume the worst. Let us not suppose that the accident is merely temporary, which a few days or weeks may repair,or that the end Ot the cable half laid across the Atlantic, and over its greatest depths, is now buoyed,or in possession of the able and scientific men in the good ship to whose care it was -couflderi We will imagine it gone altogether—snapped in ilie “paying-out" —and that the suapped end is at the bottom of the sta, buried more than 2,000 fathoms deep, and irrecoverable. In that event the length of cable on board the Great Eastern would be about 1,100 miles. On the shore end on this side there will be almost certain recoverable about 250 miles sunk in comparatively shallow water, and a very much greater length than that may I* recovered by “inider-running," as it is termed, that is, by passing the sunken ca ble over a vessel going westward so as to se cure the furthest extremity that may be found sound and serviceable. But. to place the matter in its worse aspect, we will as sume that the 1,100 miles on board the Great Eastern, and the 250 miles westward from Valentia, are all that can be rendered avail able, makiug together 1,350 miles. The dis tance from land to land to be laid with the cable is 1,650 miles, and taking the excess, or suiplus cable, at the average recently re quired, tne total length wanted would be about 1,900 miles, or 250 miles more than the distance as the crow flies and on the level of the sea. Deducting the 1,350 miles assumed to be available from the 1,900 miles required, there would remain 650 miles of new cable to be manufactured; but, to make full allowances for all contingencies, we will assume that 700 miles of new cable must be constructed. The cost ot these 700 miles would be as nearly aa possible £2lO per mile, or £140.000, and the remaining expenditure of transit aud laying would he covered am ply, it is computed, by an additional £60,000 A maximum of £200,000 would, therelore, cover the requirements, and with the recent experience attained would very probably give us effective telegraphic communication with North America. NGWB r&orc havawa Probability of the Slave Trade bring Ilf vlved—Reported Seliure of the Spanish Mali Steamer Samaria by the Huytlen Hebei*—Disturbance on an Engllih ve»- tel—The Movement* of the Rebels Kirby Smith and Judah Benjamin, ftc. Havana, August 11, 1865. The British steamer Asia did not leave last Sunday lor New York, as was supposed, but deferred her departure till to-day. The Little Hattie, once known as a block ade runner, is soon to leave for Rio Janeiro, under command of-r — Blanche, who used to own a part of, and commanded, the no torious Denbigh. The Maria Quinton, the Mexican steamer that'arrived a few months since from New York, will soon leave Havana. It is generally thought that it Gen. Hersundi takes the place of General Dulceas Captain General ot this Island, the African slave trade will commence again with renewed vigor. The Spanish mail steamer has not yet ar rived. It is reported that she was seized at Samana by the revolutionists of Hayti.— Knowing that the Spaniards had evacuated the town and that the steamer would touch there, a large party oi them in schooners, under the English flag, sailed to that place and made the seizure. A disturbance occurred on the English schooner Florida, hi which several negroes were stabbed and one killed. The cooperage shop of Aviles & Leblanc, in Cienfuegos, with a large quantity of sugar and molasses, was receutly destroyed by fire. Loss $350,000. Kirby Smith weut to Matanzas a day or so ago, and is still there. Benjamin is often seen here, walking on the Parque. The weather in Havana is very warm. A hurricane recently passed over St. Jago de Cuba. A son of Lira Elliot, of Lincoln, Vermont, sized ten years, was ill tor a year, and al though having a ravenous appetite, grew emaciated. His physician gave him some medicine that produced nauses, and be was choked by the appearance of a snake, which required all his force to draw from his mouth. It was striped, and eighteen inches in length. The lad i9 better A large meeting of the oldest planters of La Fourcbe, La.,"was recently held, when they resolved to quit trying to raise sugar. The report of their committee argues that cotton cannot be raised with the present la bor force in the State, and they recommend planters to turn their attention entirely to corn. On the 15th of July, 1865, there were 5,- 020 pensioners on the rolls for the State of New York, 2, 709 ol which number were drnwing full pensions. Up to August .11, 1865, 919 pensions were granted to New Jer sey soldiers who had bee n disabled in tbe late war. Some of tbe owners of plantations in Texas are now ptepariug to work their estates next year, by contracting with German families, who are to serve upon them, occupy the houses formerly occupied by the negroes, and pay four dollars an acre tor the rent of the iand. The laboring men of Cincinnati are con templating a strike for the purpose of redu cing tbe hours of labor from ten to eight hours a day. BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS ANEW and extensive Stork of Boot*. Shoe* and Hat*, just received per steamers Zodiac ana America, will be opened for Inspection this dav at the brick store of M. H Williams A Cos, oorner of IL } an aireet and .Market Square, to which the atten tion o< waolesale dealer*, lohbets and the trade gen erally Is solicited. Thla atoca hat been selected with great care for this marke- and neighboring cities, embracing tbe most deslrab.e atyle* and tU-4 tad Will be offered price*, with freight added. Dealer* anticipating going North to purchase can save time and money bv buyiue of at Weekly supplies per ete/mefs , „ WHYTE A FBLLNER, •*pl-2 Agent* for the Manufacturer!. flißßk Directory. 'Ctropßtd ivp- jbr /n Vae i trS'.aoA iHilj; Herald.] | vatbolic , tu.a. un. Ctfbe.fra - . of 9t John the luptlut—northeast comer e.( Pcttt ,if.O lira)C. u street* -Mae* fil-KA BL, S 1-2 m. ui Lii/L la 1-2 a. m Vesper* 4p. m. Sunday Seftoul 2 1-2 p m Station* <a IBe iron: coocladlng mill the BcuvdicUon af itu- M>l Bleated ffatratneni. Frida* evening, 7 o'clock, I‘Cray—Right Rev. Au raftua Verut, It. b. ( Bishop of .Savuiinali: J. F. O'Neil, Nr Vicar General; Re* Peter Dulau. Rev. Henry P. Clavrenl. rst Patrick's Church-southeast corner of We*t Broad and Liberty streets.—Rev. Charles PrendergwL Rev Peter Whelan.—Maas S 1-2 a m , High Maas at 10 1-2 a. m. rooiuiAMi ipucoraL cur sc lira. Christ Church—east aide ot Johnson Square, corner Bull and Congrea- rtrvets—Rev. Cbnrle* Coley, A*- eiotant Rector. at 10 a. m.; Eveulng Prayer. 5 1-2 p ui. : Sunday school 4 p. m. St. John's Church—weat ride of Madison Square, comer Bull and Charlton streets—Rev. C. P. Mcßae. Rector Service at to 1-2 a. to., 4p. m: Sunday School 9 a. m; Win S Bogart, Superintendent. Pruyeia Wednesday* anil Friday-, i p'm. Methodist oucßoura. Trinity Church—neat .ide St. James Square, comer Baru-rd and York streeta—Rev. A. M. VVlun, Pastor. Service I»*4 am. aud Bp. re, Sunday: Prayer meet ing, Tuesday Afternoon at sp. m. Sunday school, at p ui Suuday Afternoon, Mr. C. U. Rogers, Sup't. lvtusbam, nr Bona-. Savannah Church—East aide of Wright Square, corner Bu.l aud State afreet*—Rev. D. M. Gilbert Pastor, services at to 12 a. m; 6n. m. Sun day Si bool 9 a. m.: John T. mounts, Superintendent. ServlceThuradaya, Dl-2 p. m. earaavTiuuAs GBuacacs. Independent Presbyterian Church—Southwest cor ner Bull and South Broad streeta—Rev. I 9. K. Axaou, Pastor, rervii ea 101 -2 a. m-. 6p. in. Sunday School •j n m : lohii W. auderaon. Superintendent Service Toured.,y afternoon baptist riu a. iire Savannah Baptist lAuri b—Weat side of Chippewa Square, corner Bull and Hull street*—Rev. Sylvanua Landrum, Pas-or, Service It) 1-2 a. m and c p m .-anday School 4 1-Ip. m.; Geoigs W. DaTia,Super intendent Service Thursday* at sp. in. ittuat f oosoreoatiom-. , Mit-kva Israel—Northeast c rner of Whitaker and Liberty streets—Rev. A. Epstein, Reader. Service Friday, 3 o’clock p. m : Saturday, 91-2 o'clock a. m. Bniii Berith Jacob—Armory Hail building. Weat (Ode W right square, corner Bull and State afreets— Services Friday, 6 o’clock p. m:; Ssturday, 9 o’clock a. m. , ii COJ OBKO CHLOiiES. First African Baptist Church—West side Franklin Square, comer Montgomery and Bryan streets—Rev. W in. Campbell, Pkator. Service 101-2 a. tn., 31-2 and 7p. m. Sunday School 2p. m.; James Sima, Super intendent: Chat lea I. L>e LaMuttu, Assistant. Chinch service Thursdays. I p. to.; prayers. Mondays, T p. m. Second African Baptist Chnrch—Weat Me Green Square, corner State and Houston streets—Rev. John Cox, Pastor. Service lit 1-2 a. in., S 1-2 and 7p. in. Sunday School 2 1-2 p m.: Herman Eves, Sttpetiu umdent: Wm. Oorgan, Assistant. Prayer* Tuesdays aud Thursdays, 7 p. nt. Third African Baptist Chnrch—Bryan, near Fuhm street—Rev. K. Houston, Paetor. Service 10 a. in .7i and 7p. in. Prayers Mondi.ys sud Thursdays, 7p. in. Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty, near Mont gomery streets—kev. Isaac brown, l'aator: Rev. Henry T.ylot, Assistant Pastor. Service to 1-2 a. m„ 3lf aud 7 p. m. Prayers Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p nr . St. Stephen's Episcopal Church—Welt side Calhoun Square- Rev. James, Lay Reader. Service to a. m., 7 p. ra. L'niou MethixliAt Episcopal—Now street, near Fahm Ftrect, North Ofitrtil Hallroud Depot—Rev. William Buntlfy, Pastor. Service 10 a. m., 3i -2 aud Tp. in. bunday School 12 1-2 p. m.; Henry Bates, superin tendent. CUUICIIES CLOSED. German Lutheran Church—Corner Drayton and Gordon street*. Wesley chapel—Northeast corner of Lincoln and South Broad streets. i'eii field'a Mariners* Church—Bay street. South side, between At*ercorn and Lincoln streets. First Presbyterian Church—East aide of Monterey Square, corner Bull and Taylor etreet*. MASONIC. Solomon’s Lodge. No. l s nweta first Thursday in each month. K. T. Turner, W. M.; John Nicholson, S. \V.; John Foley, F. W.; J. Holbrook Estill. S. D.; H. L. Schreiner, .1. I).; James M. Jones, Secretary; Jurne- Lachiisou, Jr , Treasurer Lommc, No. 15, meets second Thur.-dsy In each mouth. Wm. Greene. W M.; David Thomp son, S. WThomas Ballautine, J. W.; M. Reich, S D.; Stein, J. D.; J%»hn Houstoi * Secretary; Alfred Haywood, Treasurer. Clinton Lesoa No. 54, meets flrat and third Mon days in each month. S. K. Byck. W. M.; John Ruther lurd. S. W.; Wm. (fibhods, J. W.; I*. Uelitieun, S. D.; J. D.: David H. Galloway Secretary; Wm. M. Davidson, Treasurer. Anoiknt Landmark Lodge. No. 23.—N0 regular meeting)* during the summer months Edward C. liouuh, W. M-, Wm. F Holland. S. W.; J. H. De niund, J. W.; C. L. Hackett, S. D.; , J. D. Gr r<«ia On after, N«'. 3.—'Closed for the summer. R. T. Turner, H. P.; Win. Greene. K..; W. F. Holland, S. David 11. Galloway. M. C.; .1. Holbrook Eat ill. P. fj., John Foley, M Hd V.; M. Reich. M. 2d V.; H. L. ischreluer, M. Ist V.; Thomas liallantine, C. H. Georgia Council, No. 1. —Closed until winter. ODD FELLOWS. Lodcb, No. 1 meets every Tuesday eve ning, at their hall, Bay street, over Nichoi’s Priming Oltice. JRobt, 11. Footman, N. U.; Charles F, Preston, V. G.; Charles GrobS, Secretary ; W, J. Clemente, Treasurer. Live Oak Lodge, No- 3. meets every* Friday evening at the southwest corner of Bull ard Broughton streets, 4th story. Kobt M. bailhelmess. N. G.; John llous ton, V. G David 11 Galloway, Secretary; David Thompson, Trousmei. DeEai.o Lodge No. i», meets every Monday eve ning, southwest Ciruei of Bull and Broughton streets, 4tli story. Heury .1. Qu .ntock, N. CL ; John Neil, V. G.; C. C. Millar, Socielary, C. P. Landershiue, Trea surer. Magnolia Enoamv.ment, No. 1, meets 2d and 4th Witlnesduy in each month in DeKnlb Lodge Room.— Dnvin Bailey, <' P; Robu Grove*, 11. P. ;.i. Hol brook Estill, S. W.; r has. Grooves, Secretary ; James L- Haupt, Treasurer. HOTELS. . Sea Island Hotel. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20th, 1866. THIS UPW Hutri, situated on the most desirable spot ou the euetern bank of Hilton Head island, ,1- tbrds a fine view of the Buy, Ocean, aad sur ronndlng la'anda. The sctiery la quite ai pleasing and ihttreating, Id every reaped, aa the famous wa termg place of Newport, R. 1., and la altogether aa healthful a place to spend the summer months, it has a fine hard smooth beach, seventeen miles long, affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahaut, Mass.- and as fine sea bathing aa at that place or Cape May. The House has ov.r seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories; the furni ture is entirety new, and the tables will be Inrntshed with the best that can be procured here and In the Northern markets Ivory effu.t will be made to ren der the Hotel all that the most fastidious mo desire. Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. .iu2h ts Port Roval House, MILTON HEAD, S C. RIDDK LL A RIfO G , PsonitTOn K. 8. RiPPII.L. M. V. ICUO. Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES —AT I ON KING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. aug24 ts Notice. ' PHL City Connell, at its Regular M*etlog on the A Oth day ol September next, will elect a Clerk and Snerlff ot the City Court of Savannah for the. present uuexpired term. Tbe eompenaatlon consist* fit feet. Persona Intending to he candidates foptbe above offices are requested to hand in their applications to the un dersigned. with the names of the two securities re quired. R. T. GIBSON, ‘ • sneSE-HAeodit Clerk of Council. Notice. CAPT CALVIN H. Pi EE, Tex Collector, has hi* office In the Exchange building, foot ot Bull street. Bonn from 9«. m. nnttl 3 p m. a029 University of Virginia. THE next Session of this Institution (which w&a never discontinued during the warj will com menco, m usual, October 1. 1866, and «ud July 4. 1366. The Institution 1s organ 1 red Into «l*ren ilUtlnct Schools, with aa many Profeaaora. Six of the Schools Academic Cter*ld<* ttost of which is ai*o Medicinal*, four belong to the Medical and one to the Law Department. The College eipenaea, sos the senloc of nine month*, will be from SSYU to #360, exclusive of tut book, i of which sum about fi W will be required vn admission, and the balance between that time aod the Ist ot April. “ t or further Information addreea the auheerihw.. or Poet Office, "Vntvdntty Os Virginia * ATtAUPIN, iag2i-eodSw Chairman of Faculty. COMMIMION MKRCMABT*. *»•__ JAMES SEYMOUR, LATE OF THE FIRM OF ROSS 4 SKYIIOI'R. HAS RESUMED BUSINESS A*D OFFERS HIS SERVICE* TO THE PUBLIC AS A COMMISSION MERCHANT. I Will give special attention to the purchase of Cotton. Wuoh or any other Proluce. and respectfully solicits orders and consignments. Refer* to Messrs.C aae. Johnson .1 Graybll!, Savan nah. Os. MACON, GA., Angust 25. ISB3. *epl-lw LlvTla. CHuamiLi., J. R. W. Jounstos. ! CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON. Dry Goods, AND— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION. i t BROAD S T R K KT. Ofpjaite Masonic Hall. AUCUSTA, GEORGIA. j Will give prompt and personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY BE FA VORED WITH. Consignments Solicited. Reference* In Savannah—Measrs. DeWltt A Mnr | gtc, BeJ, Wylly 4 Christian; J. T. Paterson 4 Cos. ; N Lyon, E?q ang24-1m jAC'ktklN dc VVARROCK. AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. I lusignment, solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. aul9-1 in TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON ANU OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT ft BOWMAN, Suoceasars to Hotchkiss, Fenner ft Bennett. COMMISSION MEROHANTS, No. 40 V.sev Stbkkt, „r«* Yitaa. And Memphis, Tenn. Tsouas Finnes. Henbv Bennett, D. W. Bowsen. jyo on. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES HI.OOK, COBNKB RAT ANO ABEBOOBN STBEET SAVANNAH. OA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Cuss. L. Count, of New York, or to our friends In Boston. MAUDE ft WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Os. BKFEBENOKS; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan ft Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. aulß—ft Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duunc Street, New York, O and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheeting*, Yarn*. jylS L. J. Guilmartin & Cos., GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 14H Bn.v Street. (Opposite the City Hotel,j SAVANNAH. UA PARTICULAR e .tention given to procuring Freight*. and filling orders for Hard PineTliabei and Lum ber, Colton, Wool, Hides. Ac. L. J. QUILMIBTIN, *JOBM FLANNERY E. W DRUMMOND. hu 17 lm GEO. R. CRUMP A CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Sth**t. Augusta, Ga. JU2O 3m Tobias, Hcmlricks A Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAVER AND ISS PEARL STS., Wow YToris.. Refer to Octavns C..hen, au23 lm EDWARD C. LEGRIEL 4 CO., Commission Merchants, BHO3LE3RS, ANDINSURANCE AGENTS, Mncon, Georgia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. EDWARD O. LEQB2EL, \ GKO. O FREEMAN. > ang22 10l M. J. SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, WILL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For warding all kinds of Merchandise. Produce, dr. Office for the {gesent at tbs Drag Store of J. M. Abraham* ft Cos. an2l-lm JOHN s. mwi & (0., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMI3' BLOCK, Bay Street. Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. SAALMIS. ED. 9. BAM.XIS. CUA». L, .MATUER aull ts J. SHAFFER, OommiMßlou Dernier In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, West Washington Market, Opposite 143 West at., bulkhead between Barclay and Veaey sta., NEW Y O R K. Pautoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market AH couaignment* promptly attenked to. Kefirs to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. -I. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons jyl’2 eodly HENRY BRYAN, Bbyan Snuurr, next to Mkbohants' and Planters' Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agent FOB SALE AND PFICIIABt OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac, And for Forwarding Cotton. auls 3mo School Notice. A SCHOOL will be opened on MONDAY, the 4th Inst, for the reception of children, at the corntr of East and South Broad streets, by the subscriber, who wtll give hta undivided attention to tne same Term* made known on application. sep2-S NEAL CAHOLAN WESLEYAN Female College. >pHE Twenty-eighth Annual Session open* OCTO- X BEK 2d. 1860. The Faculty 1* complete. The rare* for the First Term, which ends December Slat, i an aa follow* ; Regular Tuition In College Claase* (30 00 **jo Mule, (optional>, with uaeol Instrument 33 cO Board, including Washing, Lights, end Pnel— WOO To be paid In advance. In currency or ns equivalent. ... , J. It BoNNEIX. President Macon, Ox. *u2B-lantlk>ct HILTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 163 Day nt.. Near Barnard, SAVANNAH, GA., Are constantly receiving per Steamer* from New York the Largest and most Complete Assortment of Groceries IN’ THE CITY. N. 8.-Orders by Mill, accompanied with Remit* tauce. rmoMPTLv m.iau at Lowest Market Price* auSl lmo rTORCIBN 4 | QOMESTIcIItjgIP W mts SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORQIA. au3o STUART Sc CO., Fftmily Grooars. DEALS!» IX TEAS. WINES AND LIQUORS. Coaxgß Bull and Bsoccmtox Strbetb. Special attention paid to country order* from Faml lie, and for the Trade Good, delivered to all part* of the city free ol charge. L. Y. Stcabt. H. M. Ksi.looo. aul9 «f PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boot* and Shoe*, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors sndSegars. Also, Skehau'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Kng lUh Ales, ftc. Liberal deduction* made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE on COMS'N MERCHANTS, AMU WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, ftc., Cantus or Bar and Basnabd SrsstTs, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool. Hides, ftc.. and liberal cash advances made on shipments to oar New York House. aalS Geo. A. Hudson, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN Groceries, Ales, Wines, Segars, Liquors, &c. SOOTH BAST CORNER Or EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Aul9 lm KIRLIN & KiENZLE, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR HOUSE, 165 BAA' STREET. au2l ts 3500 TONS or ENGLISH RAILS, Os best qnalitr, 60x58 per lineal yard. For sale t»y FOWLE A CO, juts 6m No. TO Broadway* N. Y. KIRLIN.BR O. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WIH AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. auSl ts JENKINS & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS ix TE7VS only. PHILADELPHIA. T> EsPECTFCLLT inform their old Southern Mends XV and other* that they continue to furnish, a* heretofore, a superior article of Tea. lu their neat, convenient and secure style of metallic packages.con talntng quarter, half, and one pound each. Also, In caddie* and original half cheats. Orders by mall promptly executed. Term* cash, aepl 3 BUTTER & CHEESE DEPOT. mHK subscriber ha* returned hi* old business in A Williamson's Building, up'er end. north able Bey street, where he is now receiving fresh supplies of Butter amt Cheese, at fair price*, and respectfully solicits a liberal share of trade from bl* old customer., ami patrous. aepl-lw SEABORN QOODALL. FOB SALE, Br RECENT ARRIVALS. CIDER VINEGAR. DRIED APPLES, PRUNES, MUiTAJU), CURRANTS. HERRINGS, INDIGO, SEGARS. Paints and oils, AXLE UREASE. BAGGING. ROPE. Inquire of CBA9. L. COLBY A CO., u gl9-tf CorusrJJay and Abercorn streets. VIRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Bsoas Stbsst, Acttm, 01, TT AVI on hand a large and well selected stock of XX Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m JuSO YARNS AND OSNABUR6S. SObales YARN. 10 do OSNaBUROS, For sale by JOHN McMAHON A CO. aakl 6 SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Ekoithn k* ft Cos. • 9HIPPINO ani COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner B.y and Whitaker street*. Savannah. Us. Prompt attention given tn consignment* ol Mer chandise and ProduceVf all kinds purcbieed and aold. aapt lm Horatia Pitcher. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer In Ship Stores and Chandlenr. Harris’ wharf, foot of Lincoln street, under the bluff, repl Tleon ft Gordon, COTTON FACTORS. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, anno . ‘.mßayatrert. Rmr WUitsaey ft Cos„ General Commliwlon Merchants. No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. au!4 Drady, Smith ft Cos,, Commission and For X> warning Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay street, north aide, between Whitaker and Bar nard streeU_ aug24 MERCHANT Foie Agent for James Wallace's Celebrated Whiskies, Oins. Alcohol, Cologne spirits, and New England Rum. No. 6 Stod dard’s Building. Bay Si reel. Savannah. aul9 NA. Hardee ft Cos., • COMMISSION It FORWARDING MERCHANTS EkTAni.ioiiEti in 1836. Office No. 9 Stoddard's Row. sold Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan. BROKER AND COMMISSION AOENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants' and Planters' Bonk. Building. anl6 MA. Cohen, • FORiVAKi/INQ and COMMISS'N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos , 89 Bay Bt. Bell, Wylly ft Christian, AUCTION, GEN ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay *treer. Savannah. Ga. AM. Scarbrough ft Cos., Gaoctav and Con e ataatoN Mt*< ai.nth. 140 Congresa and 5i SI. ouiias au. Highest market prices paid for Cotton, W 001, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advance* ou Lotion, Ac. Erwin ft Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah. Ga. Wm. H. Stark, Wholetale Grocer and Com mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lln coln and Bay street. aug22 WINES, LIQUOKS, Ac. ~ E. Koethcke ft Cos., WHOnESALE DEALERS ro Groceries, “’lues, Liquors aud Segars. Corner of Bay and Whitaker am,, Savannah, Ga. sep*-lm HO. Kuwe ft Cos., • wnOI.ESAI.IE tIKAI.ERS IN LIQUORS. ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. St. Julian street aud Johnson square. Israel R. Sealy ft Cos., SOLE AIIENTB ANI» IMI’ORTKRN OF Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, lu the State of GeOigU. 207 Bay st., bvtwwn liai card and Jeffetson, au9 savannah Go, Israel R, Sealy ft Cos,, WHOI.KNAI.E DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. au9 207 Bay *t„ betwetu Barnard and Jefferson JLsina, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Si'an • IHlt SIOAUa, Fklmu Ukamheh. WINtS, WiilßElV and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. lilt Bay street. Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker ft Cos., Wholesale and Retail De.lrb in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, Ac. Cor. Congress and \\ hltaker ata. Thomas Pepper, Wboixsale and Retail Dealcb in Statls and Fanct Dev Goods, at I'tipreee- Uentetl Cote frirex. ONE PRICE ONLY’. 115 Congress street. Presdee ft OrfT. DRY' GOODS—WnoLrsALE and Retail. 11l and 113 Congress *t. John Mcl'onaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. inn Broughton ptro^t. Stuuuel iu# ticucrei', Juuber amt Uctuiier of Fancy and Staplk Drv Goods Boot* ant. Shoes, ClotuinO, Hats. AC. 14« Congress street. GROCERIES, <fco. S. N. Gragg ft Cos., 102 Bryan street. Deal ers In Fine GROCERIES and PROVISIONS.— Agents for Allen's WAHOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer In WINES and LIQUORS. ;_tt L. aal9 _ Ss. Miller, 167 Broughton Rtreet, has for sale, . ( hasp. Flour, Sugar, syrup, I* toons. Hay, Oats, Coin, Cow P*as, Finders, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. au9 M Fei st ft Cos,. *\ln.eaale Dealer In Wines, Li e qcoas, Sxoabs, F>m lOr’.i.cvstva.CANDiEa Ac. •f,e Congress atreet. AF. Mira, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In . GROCERIES, FRUITS, *c. Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane Congdon ft Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker aud St. Julian sts., Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton 4k Kundell, WHOLESALE GROCERY, 193 Bay Stbcet, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and moat complete assortment ol GROCERIES in thi* city. EP. Dry*, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, • Wines, Liqcohb, &<i. Robert Bailor*, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 161 Broughton street. BILLIARDS, &c. mile “Live Oak,” corner of Drayton street and X Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES, ALES and SEUAKa at Retail. Dunn A McMahon. Proprietors. au 19 O’Toole 4k Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. Broughton si., third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O’MEARA. ALEs, WINES, LIQUORS, Ao. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Teiknoe Ncoxnt, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, aEOARS, ac. Ctt. Charles Saloon, (In rear of Post Office, ) by O A. Stamm. Wholesale and He toil. None but CHOICE M INES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez, a CONFECTIONER—Wboi-xsal* and Retail. MANUKACTCBEB OK SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY OF ALI. LINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. MFltXfterald, * WUOLCSALI AND OXTAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRT SYRUPS, CANDIES, do., Ac., tr In any quantities, to suit Purchasers, a* WiUTAAE* STREAK. ” GAS FITTING, &c. L>luiublug and tia* Plttiiiir, X Br JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton at., one door We.t of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gab Fittim and Plumber, • and Dealer in Tin Ware, House Furnishing Goopa, Ac. 146 Broughton street. Weed 6i Cornwell, Wholesale Dealera In Habdwabe and Tin Ware. No. 169 and 161 Broughton atreet. TT Cranaton, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st„ next to cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO. &c. . Koetheeke A Cos., " ” Importer* of Genuine Havana Segars, Coiner Bay and Whitaker atreet*. Savannah, ua. aepz 1m Jacob Lanaadorf A Cos., Wholesale Dealers In ffne Havana and Domestic Srgars, Chewing aud Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. 171 Bay street, be tween Wul Laker and Bam ard atreet*. SU94 Kolb. • SEGARS, TOBACCO. SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Lopcx, Stasia, Tobacco, Snltv, Pises, • Fancy Aeiiclee, Staxioni»t, Ac. Cor. Bull and Broughton ata. F Constant, Inroaraa or Domestic and Havana * SSUASO, MeEBSOUACM PIFEE, Ao. Also, W INB, c u A.9PAON Ea and other Liquor*. Bull stXMC, opposite the Pott Office. PRINTING, STATIONERY", Ac. Savllle A Leach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan atreet and Market Square. IY/T arktng Ink, MANuracTuxED and for sale by ill DAVID U. GALLOWAY, 36 Drayton atreet. fv*tt. It. Nichola, ~ ~ ' U BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay at,, between Abercorn and Drayton. F J - LITHUUKAPRER, STATIONER, To BINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. No. C Whitaker atreet. Q W. daaon A Cos., ' 1 Ce HERALD JOB KUNTINO OFFICE. No. 11l Bay atreet. DIRECTORY CONTINUED. CLOTUINO. H. A. Topharn, 138 Congrea BtreeL uah. and 7 Merchauu' Portwi' Dealer In Fine Heady Made Ck.thffig. Seuu' IW,- Ing Good*. Hats and Capa, Ac. auM** professional! Dr# K. M. Sneetl, ' llßmflT. _ St'ocaaaoa to Dg E. Paasov. York street, nearConrt House, Savannah. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &r FD. Jordan, Dealer in Watcbes and j7^, • Sima and Plated »aee Fancy Goons A,' Watches and Jewelry Repaired **• 129 Congress at., opposite the Pulaski House HAIR DRESSINQ, Ac. ~ ' pulaskl House Barber Shop, (cor BrriiTZ. * F Bryan at t.i Shaving, Hair Cutting siimSi*” 4 Whiskers Dyed. 4c. Fancy Boapa, and other Fancy A.tides tor sale. Tie, FURNITURE. ~~ D* k" u I “ lv L y • fubniture wareh^Fse' New Woee Made io Obdek. Renairlm, L .? hanging, Ac., at short notice. hnmp^,^ 1 CHINA WARE, Ac. Ijs D. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS aT!, O CHfNA. at Wholesale and RetST A!>D _ BH Broughton street. 2d door from cor, of Bmi ARCHTTECTURE, &c. Blonce, Master Carpenter and Draughtaman. will attend toMl calico, mesa In the above branches, or Office No* ?va B Ue ' street, next to Stoddard', Range. e "° lUßay druggists! M. Walsh, ' ~— • W'HOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGOIdT _ Mul i Sonrheast cor, Barnard and BroashtmT. -• New Drug House, Cornercongres* and Barnard ata. JACOB UPPMAN, htte Kins & Warino Thomas M. Turner, „ DRUGGIST, Sontfage * cor - Darnard and Broiieh.^ A A. Solomout & Cos., * _J^ AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS _aftlOrdera executed accurately and win, despa^' BOOTS and shoes. A I Jj. and Children * Calf, Serge aud Kid 800 is SHOES, of all kinds and qualiiie* 1H anil 162 Congress at.. 4th door North of the M.*ir,. Oeo. T. Nirholp, ' ~ VJ RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE 1111 Broughton *t„ 2d door trom Bull SCRIVENERY. John J. Purtille, (late Provost Court j will attend to all WritirS Busineas entrusted to hie care at Saloon oi Nugent, Jr„ opposite Pulaski rfouee. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Reading ft Cos., • photographers, Cor. Whitaker and St. .Julian eta. Wilson’s Photographic Gallery, Bonin-EAST coeNeh Beolohtov and Wiiirera Sn ALL KINDS OF PICTURES KNOW N TO THE ART PAINTS, OILS, Ac. ~ ' John Oliver. House and Sign Painter. Dealer In Paints, Oils, Glass, 4c. No. 11 Whitaker * ireeL aug22 Thomai W. Shea, * , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER: t n 4o ‘ St ' Jullaii atreet, oil stand of Jno. G. Falligaot. gu i9 SODA WATER. J ohn , I !??“’ Bottler of SODA WATER, POBTEfi and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, 4c. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets PHY' POOPS .AN U CLOTHING. C'arliart, Whitford & Cos., Manufacturers and Wholesale Pealersln READY MADE CLOTHING; 331 a Nil 333 Bboadw'at. ook. Worth Strut, NEW YORK. w a ,lBT ' I Hlrutr Soater, Wm. H. WatTVOBn, | A. T. Hamilton, „ J-B- Van Waoenen. Office of Payan 4 Carhartin liquidation. Jy6 Sm RIDDELL & MURDOCK, Wholesale and Retail Dealera In SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen'* Furnishing Goods, Ac., No. S Merchant*’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., W. O. EIDDELL. fju!3-tfj H. J. MURDOCH STEELE & BURBANK, 11 merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca. C A rh..i hf , att ?L B V' jn of j v ’ holf *»le and Retail put chaser* to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, c Fan o y ,Jewelry, and Plated j^^^^^roMeri^BootACM THE new sKiifFA’«k ihoo. A WONDERFUL Invention for ladle*. Unauesllon ably superior to all other*. Don't fall to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing full particular* every Saturday moral ”g- jyC 6taw3m REAL ESTATE, A RARB OHARTOE FOR INVESTMENT. WILL be sold at Public Auction, In the city oi v V Savannah, on tbe 6th day of September next, without reserve: The mill site,with Sawmill thereunto belonging, all uated In the conuty of Chatham, etate of Georgia about nine miles bom the city of Savannah on tb* Ogeechee Canal, together with all the machines, Sr tnre*, buildings, outhouse*, stables, Ac., Ac. The aite of the mill contain* nine acres of land wlti very capacltms back water. The Ogeechee canal be tng In the course of reconstruction will be finished Ini short time, when lumber can be rafted to and free pojita on the A A G. R. R. and the city of Savanna: and will thus afiord better facilities fur rafting tbs: any other mill in the State of Georgia, For larthu particulars apply to M. J. SOLOMONS g augS-td Large Importation —OF HAVANA SEGARS, LEAF AND SMOKING TOBACCO* 125,000 Superior Havana Segars, (Jenny Lindl 30 bale* Spanish Leal Tobsc x> 2,000 lbs. choice Spanish Smoking Tobacco 3,000 bunches Spanish Cigarettas Just received direct from Havana. 1 have also In Store a Urge lot of the best brtnd* Virginia Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Anderson's and IJUenthal'a Fine Cat Chewing To bacco. Merchants. Brier Root and other Pipe*. All of which I am prepared to sell at Wholesale ot Retail. R. MOLINA. Comer Bull.and Cougrsa* street*. angi6-tf Under Screven House SHADES, SHADES, JUST RECSrVEIy Window Shades PAPER HANCINCB, OILT CORNICES, BANDS AND FIXTURE The lubscriber having purchased a Stock of tl abovs articles, he Is now prepared to attood to all v der* with despatch. All work warranted. W.H.H. T-TBNEF. _ sjpl-16 6» St. Julian »tr*rt.