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The Savannah Daily Herald.
KAMI £l. W. MASON W*«".
W. T. THOMPSON, itmclalr I>ll tor.
By an accident to ourpress wc were oblige .1 to sus
pend onr Evening Edition tempo rarity, and various
circumstances now lead us to announce its discon
tinuance tor a few days longer. We shall resuineits
publication very soon.
TO advertisers.
Onr advertising patrons are rcurinde 3 that stiver
i isements inserted in the Morning Edition of the
Herald will appear in the Evening without extra
charge. Advertisements should bt handed in as early
as possible, but will be received as late "a 12 o’o,ork
at night. We adhere to onr advertised ‘except
for long advertisements, or those Inserted for a long
time, on which a reasonable discount will be made
We often have complainta from residents of Savan
nah and Hilton Head that they are not able always to
ontaln the Peraid. The demand Is sometimes so
great as to exhaust an Edition very soon after Its lasne,
and those who wish to have the Herald regularly,
should subscribe for It. We have faithful carriers in
Savannah and at Hilton Head, and throat*, them we
siwf.ys serve regular subscribers tirst
We are now publishing a column and more of brief
business announcements, carefully classified, under
the general head of ‘‘Savannah Business Directory.”
it includes some forty leading business men and
firms of Savannah. We propose to retain this as a
reguiai mature of the Herald. The expense of in
serting cards in this department of the paper Is very
email, and we believe the advertisers will receive
more than a proportionate benefit Parties wishing
to have their cards included in this Directory, can do
eo by sending them to our counting room, or hand
tug them to Mr. M. J. Divine, who Is authorised to
receive them. Prepayment will be invariably re
•lUireib -
A € ommrrrlnl View of Reconstruction.
In considering the various questions that
have arose in the discussion of the subject of
reconstruction, that of the immediate reor
, ganization of the Southern States, considered
in its material aspect, commercially and
financially, should not be overlooked; and
the best way of enforcing it is, by presenting
the results of the labor, and tbe character
and the amount of tbe products of tbe South
. previous to the late unhappy war. 'To meet
the liabilities imposed upou tbe people by
taxes to liquidate the principal and pay the
iuterest of the enormous war debt, it is abso
lutely necessary that the resources of the
country at large should be developed and
stimulated to their fullest extent; aud it is
only by enlightened, generous and liberal
policy that we can relieve the burden which
is now weighing down the business, eapilal
and energies of the whole country, the North
as well as the South. It is needless to say
that facts and figures demonstrate how much
the Southern States have contributed in the
past to the national w’ealth, and how neces
sary they are to the restoring of our former
prosperity. It would be a short-sighted
policy, indeed, to allow neatly one half of
the nation to become partially unproductive
at this time, in order to try the experiment
of carrying out a theory in politics and in
dustrial economy, of doubtful expediency at
best, even if practicable. If seems to us
lhat tbe nation cannot aflord to hazard its
material prospects to satisfy the demands of
intemperate fanaticism.
The total export value of the cotton crop
of the United States was, in 1830, $30,000,-
000: in 1840, $04,000,000; in 1850, $72,000,-
000; in 1850. $128,000,000; in 1859, $161,-
000,000 ; in 1860, $232,000,000.
If only one third of the crop of 1860 can
be raised next year, it will yield at leas!
$200,000,000, for cotton will certainly be wo t h
three times as much per pound as it was then.
To this must be added other crops and pro
ducts of the South, amounting, before the
war, to upwards of $700,000,000, exclusive
of rosin, turpentine, tar, and many other im
portant articles.
The manufactures of the South, which
were considerably over $200,000,000in 1860,
and have since vastly inct eased, owing to the
stimulus of necessity created by the war, are
also worthy of consideration. It is in this
view that the question of the reorganization
ot the Southern States appeals—not to radi
cal politicians—but to sensible business men,
the bankers, merchants, capitalists and po
litical economists of the nation. What is
wanted is immediate reorganisation, based
upon sound, broad, business principles, and
not upon the narrow, fanatical opinions of
sectional politicians, North or South.
It has been truly said by a Northern
paper, that the people of the South are
heartily desirous of restoring the old order
of things They are endeavoring to make
the most and best of the materials that the
war has left them. They are trying to
systematize their labor and make it useful.
And this is the part of its wise men. It is
what is needed to bring up the South to its
former standing, enable it to minister
in a practical way to the prosperity of the
whole nation. The.sooner the business and
trade of the South is put upou such a foot
ing as will bring a return to the National
Treasury, the sooner will the people of the
whole country feel the load of their taxa
tion lightened. This practical way of looking
at the question should arrest the attention
and challange the sympathy of the sober
men of the South. Better have a produc
tive South, such as it was before tiie war,
than an impoverished South and military
rule, however wise, which is so incongenial
with the true character of our government
and the interests of the masses.
Is the great result we have pointed ont as
being so desirable, to be attained under the
experimental status of the freedmen as fixed
by the Bureau established for their govern
ment? We reply, conscientiously and frank
ly, that we think not. All the intelligence
we have received from this State and Florida,
respecting the temper, disposition and indus
trial habits of the lreedraen forbid, we regret
to say, any indulgence of the hope that the
restoration of the South can be effected to
any considerable extent, through the uncer
tain agency of this class of operators. The
implacable aversion of a large majoiity of
them to constant labor, however liberal the
wages paid, has become so apparent and
conclusive as to convince not only the plan
ters, but many of the intelligent Federal
officers in charge of the freedmen, that the
present system of management is both Inef
fective und hurtful. It is doubtful whether,
uu r any system of management, however
k w dl ever contract industrioue
Mfasedmen which will makegood
tbe amount of labor obtained from tbetn un
der the old syatem. It Is certain, that at tbe
very best, this cannot he realized for many
years to come.
\ et we do not despair eutirely of realizing
immediately a considerable amount of sue
cess if the militaiv authorities controlling
tbe freedinen are permitted by the Northern
popular sentiment to adopt a system of man
agement based upon their own personal
knowledge of the peculiarities of the negro
:.nd the absolute necessity for active and per
sistent labor to re-develop, even partially,
! the agricultural resources ot the South. The
I only difficulty in the way of our restoration
! Is the disorganized condition of labor, and it
is for the General Government, having tbe
whole matter under its immediate control, to
commit its management to intelligent and
faithfui hands, with authority to act, guided
by a bound discretion regardless of theoreti
cal rules and the dictation of New England
The Meaalaslppf Convention.
The Mississippi Constitutional ConvcDtion,
which has attracted a large share of public j
atienlion, has accomplished its important j
work, and adjourned sine die.
The reports of its proceedings by tele- |
graph, as published in the Northern papers,
have been very meagre and unsatisfactory, \
and we are, therefore, almost entirely igno |
rant of the character of the debates and the 1
spirit which annimated ihe Convention. —
Enough is known, however, to warrant the |
presumption that the proceedings have been
satisfactory to tbe friends of the Union and i
President Johnston's scheme of reconstruc- j
The following important and fuadamen- j
tal measures of reconstruction on the Union
basis received the sanction of that body.
Ist. Repeal of the Ordinance of Secession
passed in 1661, and all laws since passed
by the Legislature conflicting with the Con
stitution of the United States, or incon- I
sistent with tlia standing of Mississippi as a j
ioval State ra the restored Union.
2d. Slavery or involuntary servlture, ex
cept for crime, is forever abolished in the
State of Mississippi.
3d. An election for members of Congress
and State Officers, ordered to be held on the
first Monday in October next.
4th. A formal appeal has been made to
President Johnson to extend pardon to
Jefferson Davis.
It also devolved upon the next Legislature
to provide by law “for the protection and
security of the persous and property of the
freedinen of the State, and guard them aud
the State against any evil that may arise
from their sudden emancipation.”
A memorial was also adopted praying
the Government to .remove negro troops
from the State.
A leading Republican paper, of New
York, commenting upou the doings of the
Convention, expresses itself entirely satis
fied, amLsays the declaration that the Seces
sion Ordinance is null and void involves an
absolute abandonment of the doctrine of
the right of secesslob, That it is a full and
final acknowledgment that the Federal Con
stitution, both of right aud iu fact—both de
jure and de facto —is supreme. It says, more
than this, on that score, it is impossible to
The Constitution amendment, declaring
that “neither slavery nor involuntary servi
tude, otherwise than for the punishment ot
crime, whereof the party shall have been
convicted, shall hereafter exist in the
State"—adopted by tbe strong vote of
eighty-six to elevej—is pre-eminently sat
isfactory. It adds, “the memorial praying
for the freedom of tbe Rebel President, will
hardly furnish aDy new reasons for such an
act, and will carry very Hide weight.”
The New York Herald makes mention of
frauds that have recently been discovered in
the Pay Department of the army, which in
dicate an extensive system of robbery and
plunder in that branch of the service. The
Herald is of opinion that when the full e\'-
tent of the robbeiy is known, the recent
financiering enterprise of that hopeful youth,
Ketchum, will sink into insignificance. The
disclosures thus far involve Col. Binuey, re
cent Chief Paymaster of the Richmond Dis
trict, with, it is said, some fourteen of his
subordinates. I' is stated also that the op
eration has extended beyond the Riclauond
district, and that a large number of Northern
paymasters are involved iu similar transac
tions. Simultaneously with this, corrupt
practices of some sort are discovered in the
Pay Department of the city of New York,
and one party, of whose guilt there is un
doubted evidence, has been arreated. It is
alleged that the crime in this case involves
torgery. The Herald says :
How the swindlers operated is not yet cer
tain , but it appears to have been by means
of the seven-tuirty bonds. In one statement
it is alleged that seven-thirties were drawn
by the paymasters anterior to the date at.
which tbeir interest began, and that the gov
ernment allowed interest from the date of
sale; that the officers paid the troops in the
bonds and pocketed the interest ailowed
above what was borne on the face of each
note. And the statement is that the pay
masters, being in collision with all the bro
kers and bankers in the Richmond district,
paid the soldiers in seven-thirties and then
realized a large discount tor the exchange of
the bonds for legal tender notes. But these
cpauletted financiers never submitted their
money-making purpuscs to any such slow or
inadequate m:\cninery as this. Theliuuueial
condition of the Richmond district especially
shows that they operated in a bolder way.
There are three banks in Richmond and two
in Norfolk, and each of the five has a capital
erf only one hundred thousand dollars
Doubtless all are in the hands of the pay
masters. Binney was interested in the Nor
folk banks, and we hear that Stanton, his
successor, u interested iu those at Richmond.
By means ot these institutions tire paymas
ters were using government money to such
an extent that one bank held seven millions
Hie lull figure of the five banks will foot up
tremendously. Men with such financial
machinery as this at their disposal wero not
satisfied with making eight dollars on a
thousand, or even lour on a hundred. Keep
ing so near shore as that y,ns for smaller
boats than theirs. The forgeries spoken of
in the arrests here point abo to a larger
operation. We have heard throughout the
war of the discrepancy between the numbers
ot men who appeared on the pay rolls and
those who appeared in the line of battle.
Perhaps these forgeries will let us further
mto the history ot that discrepancy.
The Herald alter a letl-handed compli
ment to the pay department expresses the
opinion that just now the proper authorities
owe it to public sentiment to vigorously ex
amine into these operations, and to punish
the swindlers to the utmost possible extent
Thirty Laplanders, dressed in fur*
skins, accompanied by twelve Swedes, have
arrived in St Paul to settle in Minnesota
Mr. E#t"r if Me IL rthl:
A- the fleet ion of Delegates to the Con
vention takes place in October next, please
unuoam.c die loilow ing gentlemen as suitable
J candidates, and, if they will consent to serve,
i they will receive die support of many citi
| zeus :
For DeUyates to the Convention .
Atlantlr Monthl>.
We me indebted to Mr. Estill for the Sep
tember number of this able and popular
periodical, and also for tbe Fvederal American
Monthly. The American Monthly contains
ibe usual quantity of entprtaiuing and in
structive matter. We have not time to no
. tice in detail tbe contents. The following
' are the titles of the articles:
; Coupon Bonds, 1.
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship.
Needle and Garden, 9.
Scientific Farming.
Natuial History of the Peacock
Up the St. John's River
A New Art Critic.
Tbe Luck of Abel Steadman.
At Bay Ridge, Long island.
“ Running at the Heads ‘
The Chimney Corner, 9.
A Visit to tbe Edgeworths
On a Pair of Cld Shoes.
Ode Recited at the Harvard Celebration.
Our Future Militia System.
Reviews and Literary Notices
Recent American Publications.
New York Evening Exchange,
The regular board of New York brokers
have done a good thing. They have forbid
den their members from attending what is
called ‘'The Evening Exchange," at the risk
of expulsion. The Evening Exchange was
the nursing mother of vice, not only as af
fording a wide field for stock speculation,
but various forms of vice. “That is an end
(says the Evening Post) of that evil, aud
with it will fall probably a number of music,
dancing and drinking saloons, which gather
ed in the neighborhood, for the accommoda
tion and temptation of those who could not
do business enough between daylight aud
dark, but protracted their speculations into
the night aud naturally drifted from tbe Eve
ning Exchange into tuc congenial haunts
near by.”
Tub Wire. bi.kii and Blackburn Dmi
cffiTr. —This is the greatest topic of con
versation throughout the city, says the
Nashville Dispatch, and the “pro and con”
of the uffair has been very freely discussed
iu high and low circles. We learn that a
challenge was sent to Col. Blackburn yester
day morning by Major Baker, of General
Wheeler's staff. The challenge was can led
by Col. Wolfolk, a late Confederate officer.
Col. Blackburn auswered the challenge by
note, slating that he was no duelisi, and
wanted nothing further to do with Wheeler
or his friends. Subsequently to this, we are
informed, an order was issued by General
Dolittle for Col. Wolfolk and Major Baker
to leave the city by 12 o'clock, which order
was complied with by them. From what
| we can leatn, Gen. Wheeler has also left the
S city, and will not give Ills testimony iu the
Furguson case.
A Nashville despatch to the New York
press says:
Major General Thomas has severely repri
manded Colonel Blackburn and Superinten
daut Quin for their most cowardly, and ua
officer-like attack on the rebel General
Wheeler. He informed them both in plain
terms that he would have them tried before
a court martial if they had not been muster
ed out of service.
Secrlts to bk told. —A Washington letter
says the government will soon publish a com
plete history of the secret service of the various
armies, particularly that of the Army of the
Potomac, which, under the direction of Bre
vet Brigadier Gen. G. Sharp, formerly of the
120th New York Regiment, and Col. J. C.
Babcock, obtained so high a degree of effi
ciency. The details of this service will
prove intensely interesting, embracing as
they do an entirely new system of espionage
upon the civil and military operations of the
enemy. The record will extend from the
campaign on tbp Peninsula to the close of
the war at Richmond.
The Cholera in turret. —Our minister at
Constantinople officially informs this govern
ment that the cholera continues to extend its
ravages, and rays, had the proper quarantine
regulations been enforced at first the intro
duction of the disease from Egypt might
have been prevented. It seems to him, from
the experience at Constantinople, that it will
be advisable for the United States to guard
against it by the most rigid quarantine regu
The lowa Democrats.— The Democratic
party of lowa tias dropped its time-worn ap
pellation, and adopted that of “Union." The
State Convention adopted resolutions for
taxing government bonds and against negro
suffrage, which seem to be the cardinal prin
ciples of the opposition. Thos. H. Benton,
Jr„ Republican, is their candidate for Gov
nor; indeed, their State ticket is composed
principally, it is said, from the same party.
Advices from the Mexican border to the
19th inst., represent a curiously fraternal
state of affairs between our generals on the
Rio Grande and certain dignitaries of the
Maximilian government, who, it seems, have
been hobnobbing together and toasting each
other iu tiue convivial style; and our gener
als are reported as expressing friendship for
the enemy.
The New Jersey Democratic State Con
vention, which met on Wednesday, nomina
ted Gen- Theodore Runyon lor Governor.
The Convention declared, most emphatically,
against negro suffrage.
A Brutal Murder Iu WlUUtan, Vt.—Au
Old Lady Killed and Robbed.
Bcrlinqton, Vt., August 28.
Mrs. Ephraim Griswold, a wealthy old
lady, who resides in the west part of Willls
ton, Vt, about seventy miles Irom this city,
was found in her barn this morning brutally
murdered. Her husband was absent from
i home at the time. The perpetrator of the
deed is as yet unknown. A large amount of
money was in the house, which is missing.
The National Bank or Wellington,
Oujo, Robbed or a Lakge Asioitnt.—Cleve
land, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1865.— The National
Bank of Wellington, Ohio, was robbed last
night of from seventy thousand to one hun
dred thousand dollars in government bonds
on special deposit. The property of the
bank was not touched. No arrests have
been made
BY JOBS 4. OItA If A If.
Dam* Flora her niaiilie uiifoldkOYrCaruvlb
The Debl*. anil iheraileva, And lover*’ ga> bowel*.
Are pled with trie dam, the bluebell aud iiJ.c,
And filled with Ihe fiagraueeef sireet-*,rmeil flow
There the lark nrat appear* wheu Ihe da) i* iiUwu
As his snrfil-koundlng file -*,IN aloud oh the
And the red-ijreast awa'.os 'heath the alder - .* green
To sing o'er his nest In the hawthorn trees.
There the harvest first bends to the hook ot the reaper.
And Apollo awakes to the shepherd's soft lute ;
While ’he lergti* flow s In, stilled in majesty deeper,
As the tvl<le-.-pn>adihg sail* doth her bosom salute,
llecerb’rating pi echo o'er grove* and rills trembling
Is the ••call of the bugle from the Castle >f Clare.
And eveu winds sigh with that music resembling
An angelic choir sounding low ou the ear.
There ttie innocent, simple-dressed, rosy-cheeked
. girls,
M Ith step so fantastic, beat time to the flute,
And wreathe their fair brows with Dame Flora's gay
And sing Erin's wrongs till the robin is mute.
There's my soul's light, liiv treasure—sweet, Innocent
Sports wild as a nymph of some latr sylvan glove,
She owns but yon cabin, aud small 1* her dar.v,
“But she's rich In her virtue and constant In love."
Dame Flora her mantle unfolds o’er Camrlly,—
How oft have 1 seen her unfold It before '
Yea, .Summers shall come with the daisy and llliy,
_ But, alas ! these oid scenes I shall never see more.
No more shall the birds sing their sweetest notes lor
Nor my green-painted wherry the Fergus unglass—
Csrnellv : my heart must be thine, It beats it r thee,
Aye, thine until hushed 'aeath the greeu-tufted
Then farewell, ye scenes so well known to my child
hood ;
in pleasure we met, now in sorrow we part;
Fare well thou angel, my nymph of the wild wood—
The life of my soul, and the core of my heart.
The summon l * Is strong which invites rue to leave
Yes. the trumpet of freedom Is ioud la ihe West;
Us notes hath a magic, and will not deceive me,
Nor 1 deceive Mary, the maid i love best.
Fearl street, Xnc York.
* Carnelly, Funis county Clare, the seat of the
Duchess de Kevigo.
Tire President and liar South.
A Washington correspondent of the Port
land Advertiser says he has therefore indulg
ed the belief that “President Johnson would
ultimately shake off tbe trammels of ibe Re-
Eublican party" and ally himself with the
•emocracy ; but it grieves him “to be com
pelled to say that the indications are that
there is no prospects that will be done soon.”
The following, which this this disheartened
correspondent relates, seeme to be the cause
of his diminished hopes of seeing the Pres
ident restored to the Democratic fold:
A conversation has been detailed to me,
which took place recently at the White
House between President Johnson aud a gen
tleman from one of the Western States,
Frominent in the Republican party, which,
have reason to believe, expresses the deter
mination at which the President has arrived
in bis treatment of the Southern people. At
this interview the President said in substance
that he was satisfied of the impolicy of
making any further reduction of the army ;
that he doubted tbe genuineness of the loy
alty professed by a majority of the people of
tbe South ; that treasou aud rebellion there,
though crushed aud repressed, still existed ;.
that he would be glad to restore to the peo
ple of the South ail of their political rights,
but that he would not do it until he
was certain they would not abuse the priv
ilege by the election to office of Rebels and
traitors; that the recent elections iu Vir
ginia made it quite clear that the people of
that State are not heartily loyal, but would,
if the opportunity were offered to them,
elect Rebels and traitors to office iu prefer
ence to L niomnt-n ; that as soon as he is
convinced of the unquestioned loyalty of any
State, he will withdraw the troops therefrom
and allow it the utmost freedom of election,
etc. ; but until lie is so convinced, he in
tends to keep tlie present military foice in
each Southern State, and to use tlie military
power in order to prevent the election of
Rebels and traitors.
He said, furtlreimore, that the contingency
might arise, nor was it improbable, when he
should feel it to be his duty to remove the
present Provisional Governors, and place the
government of those States entirely under the
control of the military officers in command
of military departments there, and intimated
that it was with that view that the military
departments had been created. But he said
tirst it depended entirely on the people of tbe
South themselves whether he would do that
or not; but that they must be made to real
ize that no person who has been prominently
connected with the rebellion can be elected
to office. If they can only learn that lesson
through the presence of the militaiy, why
they must learn in that way. Such is the
substance of this remarkable 'conversation on
the part of tbe President. I giye it with real
reluctance, for I have no doubt that such
were the views expressed.
Railroad Accident.
We are at a loss to tell whether railroad
accidents exceed in number the murders re
corded in the daily journals. The New York
Evening Post describes a conversation held
witli an accomplished engineer in 1863 who
offered the following theory in accounting
for the great number of accidents on rail
roads :
“ Within ten years,” said the engineer,
“ you will hear of frequent and fatal acci
dents on our American railways. They will
increase to au extent which will be absolute
ly appalling. The wood and iron on which
tne wheels of the trains run can last but a
certain time. At present they are mostly
new, and the danger of which I speak doe’s
not exist; but they will continue to look
sound to the eye until their texture has been
changed by the constant hammering; of the
heavily loaded wheels, and ihen they will
suddenly give way. The first warning which
the companies have of their unsouudness,
-with the exception of the length ol time that
they have been in use, will be some accident
to the trains that pass over them. But the
time which has elapsed since they were laid
will not be regarded. The desire of profit
will induce the railway compauies to leave
them on the track as long as the superinten
dent finds no defect in them apparent to the
eye, and thus the disaster and discovery of
their defective condition will occur at’the
same moment.”
Another Rebellion in C hina— TUr Capital
In Danger.
The latest advices from China are dated
Shanghai, June 22d. A rebellion, known as
the “Nieufel rebellion,” is spreading rapid
ly, the latest report being that the city of
Chu fou-Hsien, remarkable as being the
birthplace of Confucius, has been captured
and sacked. The rebels have taken up a
strong position in the neighborhood of Pilo
ting-tu, an important city lying about one
hundred miles to the southwest of Pekin,
endangering its safety. The authorities of
the city have applied for Britisli military
Colonel Burgevine is in custody of the
Maudarians at Foochow, who refuses to
comply with the demands of the American
Consul for ids release.
Seven thousand Chinese troops have ttn
barked at Shanghai for Tientsin, to operate
against Nienfei.
.Harder la Concord, Man.
Boston, Monday, Aug. 28.
In Concord, Mass., last week, a young
man named Michael McManus was found
dead on the scaffold of a barn, with a bullet
wound through his head. Bryne McDonald,
the uncle of McManus, has been arrested on
suspicion of having perpetrated the deed.
Another Riot in New York.—A ilot oc
curred on the 271 h, in East Nefr York, in
which several street cars were demolished,
and many people badly beaten. Tbe polite
finally quelled the riot. sT
The potato rot is more widely spread in
Ohio this season than ever before. It is also
said that the crop Is likely ts prove an ent re
lallure In portions of Northern Illinois. The
tope have been beaten down and killed by
the rains, and the tuber* are covered with
white specks which develop into the rot.
Tk« OalrßK* n Gem. fWkMltr,
llLAti’qns 4rtt Bum., Dint. Mid. Truk.,)
am# Post or Nashville.
Nashville, Telia,, Aug. 2d, 1865. )
General Orders No. 11.
In accordance with orders from Headquar
ters Division of the Tennessee, the following
correspondence, in the case of the late as
j aault on Gen. Wheeler at tbe City Hotel, is
published for general information :
Nashville, Aug. 23d, 18C.">.
Major General Geo. H. Thomas, Nashville,
General—ln obedience to your instruc
tions. I Imve the honor to make the following
i An order lrom the War Department of the
I United States releasing me from confinement
; as a prisoner of war, directed that I should
l lie paroled in accordance with the terms
agreed upon between Maj. Gen. Sherman
and Gen. Johnston. I have not carried about
my person or baggage any weapous since
May Ist, 1865.
About 4 o'clock p. m., on tbe 21st instant,
while I was lying on my bed in my room at
the City Hotel, no other person being in the
room, someone knocked at the door. After
partially dressing myself I unlocked my
door, when two officers, partially dressed in
United States uniform, entered, one of whom
stated that lie at one time bad been a pris
oner in my bands, and that be had come to
thank me lor kindness received at tbe time.
The other stated ho knew me and had come
to make his personal respects. After a few
moments of polite conversation, they arose
and bade me good bye, remarking that as
they discovered I was’ unwell they would
not remain any longer. About five minutes
after their departure I beard another knock
at my door ; which I again unbolted as soon
as possible, when two other officers dressed
in United State* uniform, neither of whom 1
| had ever seen before, entered. One of them
advanced and extended bia hand, which I
took. While in tbe act of shaking hands, he
remarked, “Is this Gen. Wheeler?” and,
upon my answering in tbe affirmative, he
stated that be was Col. Blackburn ; the other
officer immediately seized me by both arms,
when Col. Blackburb, having given no pre
vious intimation whatever of his hostile pur
pose, struck me violently twiceiupon my
head with a club ot considerable dimensions.
I struggled awaylfrom tbe man who held
me. and as I left the room both the assail
ants followed me, the other officer holding a
pistol in a threatening manner. I am confi
dent I onlv prevented him from shooting me
by keeping Col. Blackburn between him and
myself. Col. Blackburn continued bis at
tempt to strike me, but I succeeded in ward
ing off his blows with my aims.
Finally, a gentleman caught hold of tbe
other officer, when Col. Blackburn hastily
ran back aud ran down the stairs.
I am satisfied that the attempt was one
upou my life., and the pistol would have been
fired at me but from the tact of Col. Black
burn being between myself and the officer
holding it.
I would here state that I never issued any
order whatever to the prejudice of Colonel
Blackburn or any of his men, aud that all
his men who fell into my bands were kindly
treated and allowed to return to their com
mand iu bodies iu order that they might not
be molested by any one.
I would further state that while passing
through tbe country I do not recollect that
any complaint was made by any one of Col.
Blackburn's family, or that anything what
ever was taken from them.
I am, General, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Late C 8. A.
The foregoing Is addressed to you in the
form of an official communication, but I now
desire to swear the facts are irue as set
J. Wheeler,
Late C. S. Army.
H'liqßS Mil. Div. of the Tern >
Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1865. >
Brevet Brig. Gen. E. C. Mason,
Commanding Post of Nashville:
General: 1 have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of yourj.eport of the investigation
ordered by tbe Major General commanding,
into tbe cause of the assault upon Mr.
Joseph Wheeler, late Major General in the
army of tlie so-called Confederate States, at
the City Hotel in this city. Your report has
been carefully and impartially considered by
tbe Major General commanding, and the
facts therein elicited and brought out, with
other facts in tlie same connection, which
have been brought to bis notice, show the
attack on Mr. Wheeler by Lieutenant Col.
Blackburn and Capt. Quinn, 4th Tenn. Cav
alry, wholly unprovoked and unjustifiable,
and unbecoming au officer in the service of
the United Slates.
Mr. Wheeler, as a paroled prisoner, is
justly entitled to protection, instead of being
exposed to assaults, and his position, by
virtue of his parole an unarmed man, and
hence without means of defense, should have
been, and must in future be respected ; and
not only in his case, but in the case of all
other persons occupying a similar position.
You will convey to Lieut. Col. Blackburn
and to Captain Quinn, of the 4th Tennessee
Cavalry, the notification of the extreme dis
pleasure and reprimand of Major General
Thomas, for their unoffleer-like and highly
reprehensible conduct, and say to them that
the muster out of the service of their regi
ment, has been the only reason for tbeir not
being subjected to arrest and trial by court
maitial. Their conduct at the time of the
assault, as well as suDsequeutly, bag been an
insult, and disgrace to the uniform they
wore, and is justly discountenanced and
frowned down upon by every honorable and
high-minded officer and enlisted man in the
The Major General commanding directs
that you will further require of Lieutenant
Colonel Blackburn and Capt. Quinn positive
and satisfactory assurance for their future
good conduct, and the strict compliance
with all orders for tbe preservation and
maintenance of pubiic peace,and at the same
time advising them that will they be held
to strict accountability for any further breach
of the same.
I am very respectfully
Your obedient servant,
Robert H. Ramsey,
Col. and Asst. Gen.
By command of Brevet Brig. E. E. Mason.
Louis J. Lambert,
B'vt Lieut Col. aud A. A. A.
Financial and Commercial.
A.uguHta. Market.
Saturday, Sept. 2, iB6O.
{retorted bv e. c. uanbek a son, brokers,]
ISOLD— Baying, 88a40c. premium.
•• Selling, L'iuiv. ••
Silver— Haying, 35c. premium.
“ Selling, 43c.
(ieorgia R. R. Bank, buying al 40 per ct.Jdlscount.
Central Railroad Bank, 50 •* ••
Hunk State of Georgia, ” so *• •»
Marine Bank, •> 70 •• »
Bank of .Savannah, so •• ~
Bank of Athens, *• so “ ••
Bank Middle Georgia, •• 70 **
Union Bank, S. C., •• 70 *< ••
8. W. R. K. 8., S. C., “ 80 •• ••
Peoples’ Bank, S. 0., “ go •• ••
Plauteia' and Machanlea’ Bank, S. C.. buvimratso
per cent, discount. ‘
City CouncU Notes buying at 75 cents nominal.
Cotton—There is a large oiterlug stock at 35 cents
but tiie sales at these figures have been few. The
market ta dull and too Irregular to give satisfactory
quotations. Uoldera are asking prices which buyers
are unwlllug to give, and. iu consequence of this,
very few sales have been made durlug the week.
Factory Goods—This market lias been acUve, and
a huge amount of Goods changed hands at the fol
lowing quotations : 4-4 Goods, 2So. per yard; '4
Goods, 23c.; prills, 28c.; Osuaburgs, 21a22c.: Yarns
(internal revenue paid) $2 75a52 so.
Sugar—Crushed, 34:. per lb.
Coffee— c, 30c. per lb.
Liquors.—Whiskey, in cases sl2 oo per dozen •
Whiskey (3 25 a 6 00 per gallon ; Brandy, In cases
312 oo per do ten; Blackberry Brandy in cases, $13.50
per doxen ; Ginger Brandy, in cases sl3 50 per
doten; Claret Wine, $0 per dozen ; Holland (Jin
3uarts, sl2 per dozen; Holland Gin, pints, $lO 50 her
ozen; Lemon Syrup, go a 12 per dozen.
Bacon.—Tbe market Is unchanged. Hog round
27<G bams, ,26c; aides and shoulders, good quality!
Tobacco.—There has baen tome enquiry, but few
aalea have been made. We quote common, at from
Kto4o cu per lb; medium, 40 toT#; fair, 75 to $1.25-
Prime. $1.50 to s 2«. * **’
The Hon. James L. Seward, of Thomas
Cos., formerly member of the National Con
gress aud the State Senate, was recently par
doned by the president.
The friend* anl acquaintances us THOMAS O
McCLESKEY. and Geo. A. McCleskey and family.are
Invited to attend the funeral of the former from the
residence of the latter. No. * Gordon Block, Thle
Morning at 10 o'clock.
Os Inflammatory Rheumatism. In Hnntaville, Ala.,
August 14th, 1*65. ELLEN DEIRNE, second daughter
of George A. and Fllen B. Gordon, of tbiadty, aged 6
years, 10 months and 19 days.
‘Of ench are the kingdom of Heaven.”
Mr. Editor:— As a feeble expression of
the sincere gratitude which I feel towards
Capt. W. Greenman, of the steamship Con
stitution, I desire to make this public expres
sion of thanks for his very kind aud humane
assistance and care of my daughter, during
iter severe illness on the passage from New
York to.thia city; without which it is my
conviction she could not have aurvived the
eeps-l G. EHRLICH.
A SMALL CARPET BAG, marked J. 8. Gartea-
A Btei£, from among tlie baggage per steamship
Varan* lrom 2*ew York, landed at Central Press
Wharf and supposed to have been taken away by
mistake. Any person having the same in their pos
session will be liberally compensated by leaving It at
the office of
•eps-2 JOHN R. WILDER.
The new xnd elegant first claaa U. S. Mail Steam
ship CONSTITUTION, Capt. Greenman,
will positively sail lor the above port on
Wedneulay, September 61 h, at 7 1.‘4 p.m.
For freight or passage, having splendid accommo
datums, apply to
sepj Stoddard's Building, opposite Post Office.
/Rdr&mt The U.s. Mall Steamship PERIT,
' C“P I Dxlakot, will sail for the
above port on her regular day,
Thursday, Sept. 7th, ut O’clock, 111.
For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo
dations, apply to
seps 84 Bay street.
The Side-Wheel Steamer
“ Helen, ” Capt. Riley,
Will leave Stoddard's Wharf on
Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 7 a. m.
For Freight or Passage apply to the office of
aeps-l 114 Bay street, opposite the Herald office
Touctima at Darieu aud Doctor Town.
THE well known light draught steamer COMET,
Capt. N. King, having been thoroughly over
hauled. w ill leave for the above places on THURSDAY
MORNING, the 7th ’nst., at 10 o’clock.
For freight or passage apply on board at Upper
Cotton Press, or to
For Augusta,
The light draught and staunch
Will leave Central Press Wharf for Augusta on
Wednesday Eye’g, at 5 o’clock Precisely.
For freight or passage apply at the office of
sepS 114 Bay street.
The swift, commodious and light draught
Steamer Chatham,
Will leave fur the above poista
And will take freight in connection with the
For Thomaaville and intermediate points
Apply to
Corner Bryan and Drayton street.,
eeps-2 Over Bank of Commerce.
ALL persons having claims against the estate of
Mrs. Jane Barnett, deoeasea, will present them,
duly attested, and those indebted will make payment
aepeoda Administrator.
4LL persons having claims against the estate of
•ra Mrs. Elisa Haupt, deceased, will present them,
dnly attested, and thore indebted will make payment
eeps-eod4 Executor.
MR JAS. B. CAHILL having published in the
Herald of this morning that his note to me of
*/oth July, 1806, for $450 has beeu paid, he Is informed
that he well knows that his publication is false, and
that his note is now in the Bank of this city
for collection, and if not paid at maturity It will be
dnly protested, and that said note is now the bona
iide property of Messrs. Hess & Outman ..f thiscity.
Sept. 4, 1805. seps-4
OR KEEP FOR HIS FEED, a good Horse that
wilt work in single harness. Must be gentle.
Apply to
sepG N. A. HARDEE * CO.
Notice to Consignees,
'J'HE Consignees per stermahlp Vanina, from New
31 Barrels, marked T and O C,
20 Barrels, marked O 0 aud T.
No mark. 176 bales Hay,
No mark, 189 baga Corn,
Are nottfird that the good* are now landing at Cen
tral Press Wharf, and unless removed this day will be
stored at the expense and risk us the owners thereof.
eepS-l Aeent
TX7HOLESALE and Retail Dealer In Tinware
. ; st “VM and Store Pipes. Also, Roofing, Gob
taring aid Repairing done at tbe shortest notice
Northwest corner of St. Jolim street
MPS-lra and Market Square.
Law Notice.
i“™~sasitK*sa Sm-fwsri;
business before tbe Departments 0 w
Waabißgton. D. C. August 2stb. ? P^s^!hm
No. 19 N«w Street, Near Wail,
COLLECTIONS made on all porta of the United
State*. Canada, West Indie* and Europe.
Coin. Government Securities, State. City and Rail
road Bond*. Coupons, Stocks and Southern Bank
Note* bought and sold on commlnelon.
Deposit* received, to be drawn at will, and 4 per
cent Interest per annum, allowed thereon,
sterling and French Bills of Exchange negotiated
No. 19 New street opposite the Gold Room.N Y
Richmond, Va
Reference—Meaera. Duncan A Johnston, Savannah-
Barber 4 Sen. Augn*ta; Merchants’ and Planter*'
Bank, Farmer*' and Mechanics’ Bank, Bank of Com
marce. Marine Bank, Bank of Savannah. Bank State
of Georgia, Timber Cutters' Bank, Planters’ Bank all
of Savannah. seps-lm
Factors, forwarding and commission
MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Stores
Bay stieet. Savannah. Ga.
References—Robt Habersham A 80ns, Hunter A
Oammell, Octavns Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos.
Erwin at Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham
iAttoraaay at Isaw,
J 5?! lm
Line of Sailing Vessels
rrtHE BCHOONER GEORGIA. Capt. Holt, wifi have
despatch for the above port. She hsa room for a
amall quantity of light freight. Apply to
WAVING Mandated Col. Robt. P. York with them
~ l" business, under the firm name of York Wit,
llama Mclntlre & Cos., are now prepared with a'mnie
storage accommodation* to receive any and all con
aigmnenis, with roome for those who desire to look
aftersale* of their own goods, and will give nromnt
peraonul attention to all lntereata entrusted tothSJ
Regular sole days In front of store on Bay afreet—
Tuesday* and Friday*.
Night sales at store on Broughton street wIU com
mence on Ist October. ra
Consignments of aU kinds are respectfallr solicited
Just Received,
w 85 cases Tobacco,
200 bushels Salt,
20 boxes English Dairy Cheese.
For sale by
In answer to numerous inquiries from
abroad, we would say that we are prepared
lo take charge of, put in order and ship any
lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South
Carolina or Alabama, as we have local
agents at almost every town, and a corps of
most efficient men, selected for Integrity, ca
pacity, and experince, to take charge of
every lot.
We will also pay all taxes and charges of
every description, and make liberal advances
on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge
of the Cotton on receipts or orders and give
the owners no trouble whatever, from the
time we receive it until sold and returns are
made by our houses.
New York, or
W. C. WAITS & CO ,
Liverpool, England.
We invite the especial attention of non
residents to our facilities.
_AugUßta; August 23, 186S. sen 4-1 m
S T ner T (fßnT a nd^roa N ghter.t^i*on o th?nlSht
A liberal reward will be given if returned to me.
„ . „ B. STAMM,
•owi o Halr I)res * m K Shaving Saloon,
gepl ' 2 Opposite Pulaski House.
Wholesale Druggists,
Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c., &c,
No. 141 Chamber* and No. 1 Hudson Sts.,
James Harral, formerly of Charleston, 8. C.
H. W. Ridley, formerly of August*, (3a.
„ Savannah, Qa„ Aug. 28, 1865. /
Qenibal Ordkb, 1
No. 26. /
Pursuant »« Genera! Order No. 18, Headquarters
District of Savannah. Ist Division Department of
Georgia, the following Taxes will be collected to de
fray ihe necessary expenses of lighting street*, clear
tag of city, Ac.
Ist. Tax of three (3) per cent upon all incomes of
six hundred (60"} dollars or upwards from Real Ks
M. Tax on all Sale* of Liquor aa per General Order
No. 18. from these Headquarter!. act
3d. Tax on all Traders, Dealers, Commission Mer
ot one °»** r crat - OD •“ “>*
4th. These Taxee will be paid monthly, commenr
tag on the 31st Inst, to the Tax Collector o“SSw£St
of sale* and rents sworn to by parties. wumiv
6th. All persona who have received Licenses with
out paying the license fee as specified In General Or
bog*their business n *** WIU * required beforecoutlnu’-
rJur'-m 1 under tbe provisions of this
t 0 T** Collector and
* nd P ,,c * of business. Ac. Any
tl,e rt,alr “ l “ u of
‘«dN. Y. Vela, ishere
by«ta°ltaC«<l as Tax Collector,City of Savannah. He
will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
By command of—
Brv't Brig. Geu. E, P. DAVIS.
Wm. H. Bole. A. A. A. O. SU2B
Savannah. Ga„ August 28, 1355
Genu Otnrasl
No. 27. /
Hereafter no Commissioned Officers, enllibd men.
or civilians will be allowed to drive or ride tbeir bones
through the street* of Savannah (eater than a : rot, an
leas on official hnalnirr and then tbs envelop* wifi be
rnffiplgyrt glUoDa
Tb* Pru*o4tMarahal Is charged with tbe execution
of this order.
By command of
Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS
Wit. 8- Pols, A A- A. o *ugw