Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 06, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. I—NO. 198.
The Savannah Daily Herald
a. w. MASON dfc co
at m B.t &TEEEI, Savam***, GsosaiA.
_ Fir* Cent*.
BerCopj; --; .as 50.
Per Hundred *io o«.
Per Tear
rr-en noliar* per Square of Ten Lines for first ln-
Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad
«iswmenta inserted in the morning. will, If desired,
luuearTr the evening without extra charge.
in every style, neatly and prompt!y done.
interesting correspondence.
We appropriate a considerable portion of
our space this morning to the publication of
the correspondence wherein, at the request
of Col. M. C. Fulton, speaking for himself
and many other citizens of Georgia, Hon. E.
Starnes presents, in a couple of letters, cer
tain views that have occurred to him of some
of the questions of the day.
in an editorial commending this corres
pondence to the attention of bis readers the
editor of the Augusta Constitutionalist says:
judge Staines’ eminent fitness for a calm ex
amination and clear explication of difficult
questions, is a household word with maay of
those to whose attention this correspondence
is commended, and there are few, we fancy,
who in bygone days have admired his logical
ability aud clearness of expression, but will
find those rare gifts existing now in undi
minlshed vigor. W ith admirable candor the
Judge does not hesitate to say that the course
of the authorities is not such as he would
deem best for the whole country, but with a
good sense, as great as his trankneas, he pro
ceeds to lay it down that the views of those
authorities, and not of any man or men in
the conquered section, are to be the arbiters
of our conduct, and the rule to which right
and wisdom requires we should conform our
action. In referring further to the treatment
that should be extended to the blacks, he is
equally sagacious in his advice and felicitous
in the choice of arguments going to show the
propriety of that counsel s being adopted.
The negroes, when slaves, it is his Honors
argument, m petto, stood by us; now they
are free, let us stand by them. This is not
only exact and manly yusft're, but as excellent
policy as It is sound philanthropy, doing
equal honor to its advocate’s head and heart.
Snow Hill, 1
Near Thomas, Ga., .J-
Aug. 22d, 1866 )
Hon. E- Stearns,, Augusta •
Dear Sir—Believing, in common with
mauy other of your fellow-citizens, that our
present political position is such as requires
for its proper comprehension by the people
at large, all the intormalion that can be
thrown on the different questions of the day
—questions so important to us and our pos
terity—and believing, futhermore, from your
experience and acknowledged ability, that
such views as may have occurred to you,
touching the public interest, would be of
great service to the country, in the present
juncture, I venture to address yon, with the
nope that the deep solicitude which, lam
sure, you must teel for the welfare of our
State, may induce you, in compliance with
this request, to present those views to the
public through the medium of the press.
Trusting that your convenience may per
mit as early a response as may be,
I have the honor to be, sir,
With sentiments of highest regard.
Your obedient fellow-citizen,
M. C. Fclton.
Augusta, Aug. 25th, 1865.
Col. M. C. Fulton, Snow Hill, Ga.:
My Dear Sir— Your letter of the 22d mat.,
was duly received. You are right in assum
raing that I feel a deep solicitude lor the wel
fare of our State, and in supposing that this
might induce me to comply with the request
contained in that letter.
Ido not consent to this because 1 agree
with you that ray views may be of great ser
vice to the country. Os some service they
may possibly be, for I occupy advantage
ground ot access lo information which is not
possessed by all; and as my interest and
those of many friends are so deeply involved
in that which you have called “our present
political positions,” I am willing to contrib
ute what in my power lies to have this posi
tion understood by our people, as I think it
must be understood, before we can be reliev
ed from ourpresent condition of distress. I
wish to declare, however, that in yielding to
your kind and flattering solicitation, lam
n )W assuming to be a political guide, or as
piring to notoriety. Seldom or never in my
life have I sought political notoriety or office.
As you know, perhaps, for many years, I
have declined public office of all kinds. I
am uot, aud never expect to be, a candidate
again for place of any sort, unless it be for a
seat in a better world. But if I can aid my
friends, or any portion of the people in our
State, In the present crisis, by writing out,
and allowing to be published, such opinions
aud advice as you invoke, I will cheerfully
do so, though thereby I incur the suspicion
of seeking notoriety. ... ~
Without further preface, I address myself
to the subject, to which you have called my
attention. .
Something more than four years ago, the
great mass of our Southern people engaged
in the movement of Secession, and endeav
ored to establish a government fiom that of
the United States. Whatever may now be
said of the right or wrong, the wisdom or
tbe *oily of this movement, it is certain to
v*u or me iir, that the people of our State
ucied under the influence of a firm convic
tion that they were in the discharge ot duty
and in the support of a righteous cause, fin
man annals in ill their pages afford nc strong
er evidence of honesty and sincerity, than
was exhibited by all classes of our citizens
during the first years of this great struggle.
In progress of time, it is true, that these
signs were somewhat lessened, but enough
remained to impress upon that struggle the
features of a mighty social convulsion, Illus
trated in all its stages by deeds of selt-sscri
fice and heroism, such as have not been sur
passed in all the records of our race.
But whether right or wrong, whether wise
or foolish, whether heroic or dastardly, we
did engage for four year* in a war with tbe
United States, and by so doing subjected our
selves, in the event of failure, to ail the con
tingencies, to which, according to tbe usages
ol civilization and the laws of nations an uu
successtul belligerent may be subjected by
the conquermg power. It was tbe will of
God that we should fail in tbe contest; should
incur these consequences, and be subjected
to those terms which the conqueror had ac
quired the right to dictate. Lookiug at these
from our poiut of view, they may be thought
and they certainly are thought by me, most
injudicious and injurious to tbe interests of
the whole country, to the conqueror as to the
conquered. These terms could have been
modified, as I think, with no sacrifice D f the
principles which animated the Northern peo
ple in the contest, and with no risk to the
Government, so as to have ltaaened the
shock to the material Interests ol the coun
try, and to have secured the prosperity or
both sections. This is only speculation,
however. What U eertaln. is, that those
who control the destinies oi the] country j
thought otherwise, and established a differ
ent policy; and lam only concerned now to
show that nothing is left for us in point of
Interest or duty, but a frank acceptance of
this policy, or an immediate departure from
the country.
When our armies surrendered, and we
were overthrown in the war which we were
waging, and submitted as we did, without {
conditions, except such as were granted for
the retirement of our armies from the field,
when we incurred the liability to receive ;
from our conquerors such terms as they
might dictate, subject only to the limitations
which I have designated ; according to the
lawa ot nations, as I read them, the govern- •
ment of the United States, when it had ob
tained military possession of the belligerent
States, would have found sanction, if it bad
declared Its policy to be a greater change by
legislation of our laws, a determination to
place us in the position of dependent terri
tories, and otherwise to visit upon us incon
venient and ruinous disfranchisement. This
course has not been chosen. The govern
ment has only declared that the war, that is
to say, our defeat in the war, has “deprived
the people of the State of Georgia of all civU
government”—not of all lawa and ol all mu
nicipal organization, as many seem to think,
but of “ all civil government.” This expres
sion. quoted from the President’s proclama
tion, is by the course of the government and
its officers shown to mean in effect, that by
our defeat in war, the government of the
United States, according to the laws of na
tions, has acquired the right to refuse to us
a continuance of such political organization
in the State as has shown itself hostile to the
conqueror, and has aided the war, and so
much of our constitution and laws as con
travenes the fundamental policy of the con
queror. To this we cannot demur if we try
the question by the laws of nations.
The course pursued by the government,
and the declaration of its officers have shown
and are showing, that it is not proposed to
interfere with such of our laws as do not
contravene the policy of the conqueror nor
with our purely municipal organizations.—
But that a new political organization is re
aulred, and such alterations in our constitu
on and laws as will, according to the At
torney General of the United States, bring
the State into “ perfect accord with the wise
and thoroughly tried principles of our gov
The obvious meaning of all this is plainly,
as follows: 1. We must submit to the abo
lition of slavery, thoroughly and in good
faith. 2. We must repeal all our laws which
have reference to the system of slavery, and
regulate the relations of the slaves, which
have been freed, to our society ; not by giving
to them equaUty of citizenship, but by se
curing to them fixed, recognized, just, and
equitable rights as members of the body poli
tic. 3. We must give up all claim to such
State sovereignty as asserts the right of sep
arate State action or secession. 4. That
none but such persons as do not fall within
the classes excepted by the President’s pro
clamation of May 29th, and have taken the
oath of amnesty prescribed by that procla
mation, or falling within these exceptions
have received special pardon, shall be al
lowed for the present to take part in the new
State Government.' This is what is neces
sary to be done, according to the policy of
the conqueror, in order that we may be re
stored to “accord,” as ihe Government holds,
with its principles.
It would be useless, nay, worse than use
less, to quarrel with these terms. They are
the results of our unsuccessful war, as I have
shown, and we must in good faith accept
them, or seek another country. Tae Govern
ment plainly believes them, to be generous
and magnanimous. And if we could, or
would view the matter for a moment from
the stand-point of our late adversaries, we
must realize how strongly and earnestly this
conviction is entertained by them. When,
after overthrowing us in what they bold to
have been an unjustifiable and gigantic re
bellion, they allow us to come back into the
relations of political brotherhood with them,
occupying the same platform of social and
political rights, and accepting and living un
der the same interpretations of the constitu
tion, having left to us the inestimable privi
lege of the common law, so dear to Anglo-
Saxon hearts, and so much of our own legis
lation as does not contravene the fundamen
tal policy which has been indicated, as well
as the exercise of our suffrage according to
our ancient law; when they permit us, so
soon as a constitution can be adopted in ac
cordance with the policy specified, freely to
regulate for ourselves our social relations and
Interests, and to be represented in the coun
cils of the Federal Government, it is not sur
prising that they should feel this to be a great
stretch of generosity and magnanimity.—
Seeing how much worse the matter might
have been made for us, how much worse, my
dear sir, it may yet be made for us, by
the radical majority which controls both
bouses of Congress, unless we have the sa
gacity to appreciate the present policy of the
president, and promptly to accept and se
cure its terms by instant and energetic ac
tion, let us admit the force of these views as
they plainly impress themselves upon the
minds of that mighty people who have sub
dued us.
But whether we admit this or not, there is
no escape from the policy indicated, save
expatriation. To that policy we must con
form, if we would once more make and ad
minister our own laws, regulate our social
relations, and create for ourselves safeguards
tor our life and property.
What Fates Impose, that man must needs abide,
It boots uot to resist both wind and tide,”
There Is no disgrace in this, there need not
be humiliation, it' we only assure ourselves
that we are in the line of duty. We can at
least be satisfied, that in pursuing this course,
we are taking aU the chances that remain to
us ol returning prosperity, and of doing all
that can now be done in making the most of
our situation for the present good of our
selves, and the future prosperity of our chil
Those of us, my dear sir, who are mote or
less answerable by reason of our influence,
our acts, or our votes for the present condi
tion of things, owe it as a solemn duty to the
present, and to future generations, that we
Should uot shirk the responsibilities wbich
are cast upon us, b»t With brave aud hopeful
hearts should do the best we can to m»ke the
most of good out of that condition.
I find with sorrow, there are some persons
in our State, So stunned by the blow which
our social system has received, that their
energies are paralyzed, and in view of what
seems to them the irretrievable pun impend
ing, with a sort of sullen despair they resolye
with folded arm* so await a fate which they
thinjt they cannot avert. These persons
argue, that the immediate abolition of slavery
alone has deprived the South of more than a
thousand millions of dollars of its wealth,
that hundreds of millions more wijl be lost
by causes directly Incident to such abolition,
that out of the three millions and upwards
of slaves who have been freed, in less than
a year more than a million will be paupers,
or thieves and robbers, that food will become
•carce, taxation oppressive, famine and dis
ease will walk abroad, and society (white
and black) become hopelessly impoverished,
disjointed and demoralized. This is an awful
picture, and I cannot deny but that the lU
ture may confirm its likeness, unless wisdom
presides in our councils and influences the
minds of those who control oar destiny; or
unless other coloring and counteracting ele
ment* shall be Introduced to affect its dismal
features. J think that those who present
this discouraging picture have not taken Into
the quite appreciated some ele-
oring. The despairing persons to whom I
refer, are mostly of this class of land holders
among us—the last class who should des
pond, as will be seen, if there be any force
in the suggestions which 1 am about to pre
The circumstances of hope and encourage
ment to which I have reference, are to be
found w Georgia, partly in the immensity of
her material resources. These ate frequently
dwelt upon, and I will say no more about
them now, except to suggest generally, that
if our energy and capital have so far failed
as to render any further development of
these resources impossible, it is utterly im
probable that Northern capital and industry
will allow tbis extensive field of enterprise
to He tallow. If the instincts of commerce
did not prompt to a different result, the in
terests of the nation would force it. And
more or less of prosperity will thus again re
turn to those who possess the real estate of
the country.
But I hare somewhat more special to say
on this subject.
Indulge me, my dear sir, for one moment,
by imagining that a discovery had been
made, that rich and profiable reins of dia
monds, or beds of coal, or streams of petro
leum were deeply underlying the soil in
every part ot our State. What would be the
result ? Do 1 hazard anything in declaring
that in such event, despite all the evils which
hare been mentioned, as afflicting, or men
acing us, if we did not take the matter in
hand for ourselves, the whole face of the
country would be speedily seamed by North
ern capital and enterprise, and scared by
Yankee “diggings;" that trade would soon
thrive, commerce would flourish in our midst,
and the rapid “rise of lots” become fireside
My dear sir, beneath the surface—and Just
beneath it —ot every acre of good arable
land in the State of Georgia, there lies a
treasure, the like of which has exercised au
influence greater and more powerful in meas
uring and controlling the values of com
merce, than all the precious stones of earth,
the beds of coal, or the streams of bitumin
ous oil—that treasure, as you have no doubt
already anticipated, is the cotton producing
capacity. It is true that during the past
four years the diadem of “King Cotton” has
been somewhat battered, bis royal robes
have been soiled, and he begrimed by the j
dust and the smoke of war. But his seep- !
tre has not been broken, though terribly it has I
been bent. The event of recent years have
shorn him of some of that divinity which
formerly badged him about, but they have
not dethroned him. The exigencies ol man
kind, however, what Carlyle calls the
“Cothcs Philosophy," prevails—and that
now, to some extent, as Captain Barton and
Speke have discovered, have penetrated to
the hottest regions of Central Africa—must
bring back, if not an absolute, at least a lim
ited region of the loyal staple. These agen
cies will now stimulate the energies and the
enterprise of our people, and they will in
sist—the shrewd calculating, energetic peo
ple of the North, so much of whose capital 1
is already invested in cotton mills, will in- |
sist, if we do not—that that soil aud cli- j
mate which the experiencies of the last four j
years has shown to be the only soil and cli
mate that can produce this staple in Us per
fection, and supply the wants of the world,
shall be put in requisition. If voluntary I
negro labor will not meet this demand—as j
we believe it will not—depend upon it sir,
that some sort of labor, from some
other source (Coolie, or otherwise)
will assuredly be employed to pro
produce that supply. The rich mine lies
here, my dear sir, beneath our lands; it
must and will be worked ; and with that
work, trade wUI revisit her ancient channels,
commerce her accustomed marts, and pros
perity return to the land-holders of our State.
To maintain the prosperity, law and order
must and will accompany it, demoralization
will be checked, and civilization resume her
empire. A little time must elapse before
these results shall all ensue. We must first
arouse ourselves from the torpor of dis
couragement, and learn to accommodate
ourseives and our polity to the new order of
things. Then, to my mind, as surely as
effect must follow cause, will these, which I
have called counteracting elements to the
evils of which we complain, ensue ; and for
tunate man he his dole, who in our State,
seeking and acting with the eye of a strong
conviction upon this faith, shall do his pres
ent duty, govern himself and his property
Let us all hasten, then, so far as we are
permitted, in good faith, to take the neces
sary oaths or make the proper applications
for special pardon, that we may aid in the
reorganization of our State and a restoration
to the normal condition of civiUzed society.
Let us take care to have “the right man in
the right place” (or the word which is before
us, overlooking the aspirations of interested
politicians, who are seeking their own self
ish ends, and calling to our service wise, ex
perienced and patriotic gentlemen, wherever
this can be done. Let us permit no noisy
and indecent scramble for office, no heated
canvassing, and endeavor to unite upon
those whom we may desire to serve us, with
out partisan clamor, and in all good feeling
and harmony. It would be better too, per
hars, that our selections of candidates, both
for the Convention and the Legislature,
should be made as early as possible, in order
that time may be allowed to the nominees for
reflection and preparation.
In the meantime, in order to lighten the
pressure as much as possible, let all the ju
diciary officers of courts, who have taken the
oath of amnesty resume their functions, try
ing all cases between free white citizens, aud
referring all cases where freedmen may pre
sent themselves or be presented as parties or
witnesses, and which cannot be disposed of
by consent, to the nearest provost marshal,
or continuing the same until our Legislature
meets. TW S COUrBO will have the approba
tion of tin* military authorities commanding
in our State.
I have something more to say In reply to
your letter, but owing to the length of this,
must postpone it until another opportunity.
Very respectfully, &c.,
E. Starnes.
Augusta, Aug. C 6, 1865.
Ooi.. M. C., Snow Hill, Ga.:
>fy Dear Sir—Near the close of my last
letter to you J suggested that our uonainees
should be preparing themselves for the im-
Eortant work which is before them. I have
nw to suggest that a part of this preparation
should be the study how to do justice to the
negroes who have been freed by the military
power ot the United States, and whose
Freedom it is requred that we shall recognise,
how we can best perform our duties in the
new relations which they bear to us : and
how regulate these relations for the good of
both races.
It is true, that we are not responsible for
she condition in which thev have been so
suddenly placed, gut ottr interests and fu
ture welfare are deeply involved in that con
dition, and our duty should prompt us to
study their interests. Our people, I know,
are inclined as a general rule to feel kindly
to their former slaves. But something has
been done in this and some of the neighbor
boring sections of our State, by over zealous
and imprudent men, to alienate the feel
ings of some of these freedmen. These mis
taken men, thongh without learning, genius,
legal experience, or proficiency in states
manship, have ventured recklessly to deal
with one of the most difficult problems of
political science, have undertaken to make
tacts and theories bend to their one absorb
ing idea, and by the errors which have natu
rally ensued, have created some dissatisfac
tion and improper feeling between the race*.
This will Soon be corrected, I believe, to a
great extent by intelligent and conscientious
supervisors, here and at Washington.
Them is every reason why there should
tie no feelings of exasperation between the
freedmen and their late owners, and why
those ol a friendly interest only should exist
between them. These people as slaves were
happy and contented, as the general thing,
and their relations to their owners were very
pleasant. Tbis was shown, beyond contra
diction, by the rapid increase of the race,
by the remarkable longevity which prevailed
among them, by the comparatively few
crimes, and especially brutal crimes commit
ted by blacks, by the absence of idiocy
and lunacy among tbem to so great an ex
tent, and by the a most entire absence of
Long ago I pointed all this out to the
world by facts and figures, in wbicb there
could be no falsehood, and which could not
be misinterpreted, and which, indeed, were
uncontroverted even where the publication
was criticized by Abolitionists. But the past
lour years have in a wonderful way attoided
another illustration, in the evidence which it
has supplied ot loyalty on the part of our
slaves during the terrible war which has just
ended. There is no chapter in the history of
the whole human race more admirable, more
worthy of profound study, than that which
is presented by the good conduct and the
faithful fealty of this people generally—when
the temptations and trials to which they
wi re exposed are considered—during this
great and dreadful convulsion of our society.
Though remarkable for their emotional and
excitable natures, their fondness for novelty
and change, with but a comparatively few
exceptional cases, they were true to their
owners and their owners’ families. Though
sometimes tempted into desertion; they were
seldom or never cruel, brutal or treacherous
in their conduct. For the most part, either
toiling at home to support the absent soldier
or laboring tor him in the trenches, or en
countering with him the weary march, the
dangers ot the bartle field, or the snfferiugs
ol the hospital, they were faithful to their
masters, and the cause of those masters. In
thousands of cases, the slaves of a soldier
absent in the field were the only protectors
of the helpless wife and children in their sol
itary home I find a distinguished and in
telligent English gentleman, who visited us
during the war and afterwards published an
account of that visit in Blackwood's Maga
zine, though much prejudiced against sla
very, yet declaring with feelings of surprise
and admiration. “Undoubtedly it is true,
that notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of
Abolitionists, the negroes bear the yoke
cheerfully, and heartily join their fortunes to
those of their masters in the great struggle
in which they are now engaged. Many
plantations may now be seen', without a
white man upon them, except the overseers,
and instances occur daily of the fidelity with
which servants who have accompanied their
roasters to the war, serve them in the camp
and field.”
This remarkably loyaity greatly surprises
and interests the student of human nature.
It should touch our hearts, command our
gratitude, and secure our friendship tor there
poor creatures, who were faithful to us, until
lorced, as it were, by those who had over
come both master and slave, to accept the
gift of freedom.
When in the latter years of the war, it was
proposed by some, to'imitate the U. 8. Gov
ernment, aDd put negro troops into the field,
if our people bad decided to throw them
selves upon this desperate policy, and to take
the responsibilities of that shock to our so
cial structure, and our labor system which it
would have occasioned, I doubt not, but that
thereby we could have added several hun
dred thousand faithful soldiers to our army.
By virtue of our iormer influence with them,
by judicious treatment of them, by wise and
just lesislatiye regulation ot their relations to
our society, I am sure, sir, that we can still
maintain that hold upon the affections and
prejudices of tbis people, which long habit
has settled, so as to maintain a wholesome
influence over them, for their and our pres
ent and future good And this, although we
decline, as we must do, to share our citizen
ship with them. Indeed, if the unwise radi
cals at the North could have their way, and
give the suffrage to people so utterly unfitted
for it, I doubt not, sir, that if we continue
the just and judicious treatment of them, of
which I have spoken, but that we could easi
ly, if we chose, control and direct that suf
It is true, that since their freedom has
been, as it were, enforced by the presence of
the United States troops, many of these
people declining arrangement's with their
former owners, have seemed to evince un
friendly feelings, and a want of gratitude for
past favors. This has sometimes arisen from
the judicious conduct of the masters, at
others, from improper extraneous influence.
But looking to the many temptations to
which they have been exposed, to the feet
that they were ignorant, inexperienced, and
but as grown-up children, accustomed hith
erto to lean upon a stronger arm, to have
the guidance of a superior will, when these
supports were suddenly withdrawn, in the
midst of such social distractiou and distress
as ensued upon the surrender of our armies,
when the minds of the bravest and wisest
among us were more or less shaken in their
balance, would ft not have been extraordi
nary, if the minds of this people had not
been, to a greater or less extent, unsettled?
We should be very charitable to the errors
of these men, so unprepared by previous ex
perience or discipline, so suddenly released
from a state of pupilage; and in considera
tion of the past, we should resolve by pru
dent and just treatment to preserve tbelr re
spect and retain their friendship. As I have
pointed out, by indicating results, we were
not altogether unmindful of our duties when
the patriarchal relation of master and slave
existed between us. An over-ruling Provi
dence has been pleased to change this rela
tion. Let us still endeavor to do our duty
tn the new position. And as they were true
to us, in the day of our sore trial, let us be
true to them now. Whilst we firmly decline
to shore with them all the rights of citizen
ship, and to admit them to equality in our
social policy, let us frankly concede to them
the position of freedmen— l, Ur Uni dedit'.i, so
familiar to the civil law. Let us try tq make
them useful members of society, m this the
position, at present best suited to their ca
pacities And condition, aud let us legislate
justly and judiciously to regulate this rela
tion. Thus, and thus only, may the new
relations between us be made productive of
good to the people of both races, and result
in the prosperity of the country.
Very respectfully, yours, #c.,
E. Starnes.
3 ’he statue of Senator Benton, which was
ered six years ago by the citizens of St.
Louis, of Miss Harriet Hosmer, arrived in
that city on the 2d inst. It is bronre, ten
feet high, and was cast at the royal foundry
in Munich. Its weight is over 5,000 pounds.
A letter came with it from the sculptor Gib
son. who examined It In Europe, and pro
nounced it a splendid work.
The harvest having been concluded in
Canada, tbe Toronto Globe says that all ac
counts concur in giving the most favorable
view of the products of tbe season. Instances
are given of 30 to 3G 1-2 bushels of wheat per
acre. Oats are an average crop. Barley and
peas were never better. Tbe flax culture of
the season has been highly successful. The
season has been excellent tor bees, and a
arge yield of honey Is assured.
—Jeff. Da via on Friday last, according to
the telegram to a morning paper, announced
himself to a visitor as being In good health,
excepting a carbuncle on tbe leg and a
slight touch of erysipelas. Be said, also,
that he bad never seen or heard eff Wire be
fore his arrest.
or Illinois. j \ or Kansas
outer No. 13 North A Street, Capitol Hill,
Practice In the Supreme Court, the Court of Claims,
and in tb* Departments.
X\T ILL also frive strict attontton to Superintending
» r Buildings, and to all work entrusted to their
Alt kinds lobbing work done at tbeahorteat notice.
Shop on Broughton street lane, between Whitaker
and Barnard streets au2s-lm
Agent for the Sale of Lands. WUI give strict atUn
tlon to Surveying, furnishing Plana for and Snperln
tendingßuildings, all kindsMachlnery, Ac
Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office.
»u4l lm
Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Eow,
JoS9 2m
General Agent
No. 847 F Strict, Bctwicm 13th cnr 14tb Struts,
(Near Pay Department, j
WasMlzigtoxi, D. O.
Jnati t s
im< FOR
Compactness, Economy of Time,
Space and Labor,
Far Surpasses any other Ola ever before
offered to the Pabllc.
THE undersigned nre prepared to famish them st
regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace
L. Emery, Patentee end Manufacturer
Messrs. AAIES, PEABODY A CG., No. 182 Congress
street, have the above Gin on exhibition. Samples
can also be seenst tbe warehouse of
*n2s-tf comer Bay and Abercom streets.
Alexander ZXardeo,
IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, st the
loweßt rates, and
For the purpose of
Shipping Cotton for the Fublic
9hrnishing Ink, &c.
auT in
Proposals for Wood,
District Os Savannah.
Savannah, Gu.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office
until the lit day of September, 1865 next, at 13
o’clock m , for the delivery of 260 cord* dry, merchant
able Oak and 250 cords merchantable Pine Wood, to
be delivered on the Government Wharf In Savannah.
Ga, or at sneb place as may be hereafter designated
by proper authority, at snch times and In snch quan
tities as may be hereafter directed by the undersigned,
said wood to be subject to Inspection by an officer of
the Quartermaster's Department authorised to lnapect
the same. Payment will be made for not less than
60 cords and In such funds as may be famished the
Proposals to be endorsed—" Proposals for Wood."
au2l-tf Chief Qaartermastar District of Savannah
A tt 9 H AKNSII.
lor Division DEraaTKrxT or Gooxai*, >
Savannah, Os , AugnU43,1865.)
Will be told at Public Auction, to the hlgheet bid
der, st the Government Stable* and Corral, on Rey
nold's street, on MONDAY, the Uth of Septem
her next, the following condemned Stock:
800 Mule*,
*7O Xloraea.
Sale to continue from day to day nutll all are aold.
This Is s good opportunity to procure many valuable
Terms, Cash In Government fund*.
Capt. S. S STARR,
Chief Quartermaster District of Savannah.
Ist Lieut. 173d N. Y. Vote., and A. A. Q. M.
or GROSS INK. In stands, at $8 30 per gross. 16
£0 Ilooen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per
daxen. for sale by
aulS ts cor. Bryan street and Market Square.
thoh. w. brookn
444 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
N. B.— All ORDERS sent by Mali promptly at
tended to. i Jysi-tt
109 Broughton Street,
• xcoxd uooi non oomit ncu. strut.
A large and elegant Stock ot
China, Queeniware, Class, Ac,
Just received fiom the maunfacturera, and for aaie at
From all parte of the Country are Invited to examine
my wholesale stock,
Which Includes packages containing compute aeeort
menta, pot np expreaaly for
SSSTCii 1 * T “*
' r ***** «KAJtn* «ra> COMMON
Poods re-pecked to suit pmrhasew.
sai-ia *. o. surra.
For Southern Bank Notes.
Bank of Berkeley
“ Commerce, Fredericksburg 30
“ Charleston, Charleston 10
“ the Commonwealth
“ Howardsvtlle is
“ Old Dominion 25
“ Philippi
“ Rockbridge so
“ Rockingham «o
- Scottsvllie .. 12
“ the Valley
“ Virginia 25
Central Bank of Virginia.. 77 1*
Corporation of Alexandria 7'7 7 60
Danville Bank. Danville 40
Exchange Bank of Va., Norfolk " «o
Farmers' Bank of Fincaatle . .14
" “ Richmond .. on
Merchants' Bank, Lynchburg ..7.7.7..". 40
Montioallo Bank .7 .
Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville....... 20
Southwestern Bank, Wythesvllle is
Traders' Bank, Richmond 20
Bank of Cape Feir. w
•* Clarendon. 77777777777775
“ Commerce to
“ Fayetteville 7777. !ls
•• Lexington 25
“ North Carotin* ' jo
“ Wadcebo rough 20
•• Washington;.. 14
“ Wilmington 20
“ YancevUle.
Commercial Bank, Wilmington to
Fanners' talk ol North Car01ina..7.'.7777.7.46
Merchants* Bank, Newbera j s
Bank of Roxboro' ' 26
Miners and Planters' Bank .7.7"i 25
Bank of Thomasrllle
Bank of Camden , 0
“ Charleston 7.7 1 77 lu
'* Chester .. 20
•• Georgetown ...77 7 Its
“ Hamburg ,•>
“ Newbury. .7 "1 22
“ South Carolina .* .77 40
“ State of South Carolina 1.
Commercial Bank. Columbia... .7. j.. 77m
Exchange “ »* on
Farmers’and Exchange ?Y
Merchants', Cheraw 7i i! 77"
People's Bank TV.
Planters' and Mechanic' 8ank'.'.‘.77.77.
South W.H. R. J?
State Bank "* £
Union Bank .7.7777. 45
B^to?aS£u” M<l Baakh ‘* Company 13
“ a5u5....7.7.7..;:": 00
“ Col tunbus f,
“ Fulton * f®
“ Middle Georgia. » j JV
*• Savannah SV
Bank of State of Geoigia .7.7.'. ti
Central Railroad B*nkTne Comoanv
CKy Bankof August*. . * y “
Farmers' and Mechanics 5?
Georgia Railroad and Banking Coin Dan v to
Marine Bank...: *
Mechanics' Bank 7.
Merchant* end Planters' Bank. ,V
TimberCntters' Bank
onlon “ ’••":7i0
Bankof Mobile.. ~
Sffirr i7 777777" :;:; " :;: " ::;;; S
Commercial Bank “S?
Central •• -.A...'.". o|
Northers “ IV
Southern “ es
Bank of Chattanooga
“ Middle Tennessee ...77! co
City Bonk of Nashville if
Merchants’ “ f:
oeoee « i?
Planters’ •• 7'"'“2
Southern “ IV
Traders' •> ??
union - 77777777772
Bank of America
“ Louisiana v oi
Canal Bank. Jf
Cltlions' Bank ' If
Crescent City
Louisiana State Bank 77777 60
Mechanics' and Tn*m> r*t,lt £!
Merchants' •• ... IV
Southern .. .77 7! 7." "dm
New Orleans City Scrip t./777.7.777 7so
Virginia Bonds. _
N.Carolina •• _
8 Carolina “ _
Georgia •• ) _
Tennessee *• _
MrmphlaClty “ 7777 7770
tZSStf, k-7777:7:777"77777S
The above Bonds are bought with Coupon* Included
from 1661 lncinded.
North Carolina Coupons an
Mctnphle City '■ If
Tenneesee •• 38<ffi40
Gforrfs “ 7Saw
These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot
be relied on for any length of time. an2s
& Cos.,
No. 8 Broad Street,
Niw York.
We draw st sigh:, and at sixty days,
on London, Park, Franxfort, and all
other principal cities of Europe.
Parties opening current accounts, may
deposit and draw at their convenience,
the same as with the City Banks, and
will be allowed interest on all balances
over Oni Thousand Dollars, at the rate
of four per cent, per annum. Orders
for the purchase or sale of various issues
of Government and other Stocks, Bonds,
and Gold executed on Commission-
Maiming & DeForest,
No. W Wall Street, New York,
Dealers In •
Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange
and Government Securities.
f v IVK special attention to the purchase and sale o
vJ Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor
gia, Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank
notes, Southern States Bonds and Coupons Railroad
Bonds and Coupons.
Interest allowed on deposits. jyl6-3m
CI D eTr brandy.
ft nnn from one to five years old.—
tIeVUV Sampke qf each sent ty Kxpreaa with list
of price*. Afln>, in cases of one and two dcaes each.
*. 8. CONNOVI DtetfUer.
sale-la Freehold, N. J.
Authorized tapiUi-«$10,400,000.
/CHARLES L. COLBY dfc CO. are prepared to tikt
to any doraeaUr or foreign port,
and Fire Bisks m thia city is the folio-lag named
Crat claaa New York Companies
COMPANY $5,000,000
ANCE COMPANY 5,000,000
Office in Jones' Block, cor. Bay and Abercom sta.
Branch Office, corner Drayton and Bryan atreeta.
aulS ts
Oh sill A ssotH,#lo^oo,ooo
J. T. THOMAS & CO., Agents
rSURE against every claaa of loea. By Fire:
during Inland Transportation, and by sea to all
Domcattc and Foreign Porta.
Loaaea payable in Currency, Gold, or Sterling—at
home or abroad. au3o
Underwriters’ Agency
Os New York,
Three Million Dollars,
Fire & Marine Insurance
Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY*
Negotiable and Bankable
, 1 1 ' J. T. THOMAS* CO..
anll-eodlm 111 Bay etrreet.
THIS la an Important qoaation for every man and
important also for every wile and mother, ae It
affect* their future welfare.
The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance" of New York
will ininre yon at the usual rates In any sum from sloo
SIO,OOO. They also Issue the favorite TKM YEAR
NON-FORFKITUHE Policies, and will after two yean
payment give a fall paid np Policy for Two Tenths the
whole earn, end Three Year* Three Tenths, and
on. Thus a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two PramiaaiA pal
upon It will he entitled to a psMup Policy of $9,000.
and five year* five-tenths for every addllMnal year
For further Information apply to
A. WILBUR, Agent,
At the office of the Home Insurance Cos.,
Jn2T SO Bay et„ Savannah, da
HPIIIS Is one of the oldest and best Companies In
JL. America. „
Policies on Lives for any amount op to $16,000 ore
token by them.
The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled
daring the war until heard ftoa-i feet which shews
their dealing snd determination to bejast and honor
able in all cases. Apply to
_Mi A. WILBUR, Agent.
was :tme only “preparation for fooo
That received a medal and honorable mention from
the lfeyal Commissioners, the competion of all prom
inent manufacturer* of "Corn Starch"and "Prepared
Cora Flour’’ of this and other countries notwithstand
The food end luxury of the age, without a single
feult. One trial will convince the moet skeptical.—
Makes Puddings, Cakes, Costards, Blanc Mange, Ac.,
without Isinglass, with few or no eggs, tt a oast as
tonishing tbs most economical. A slight addition to
ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and
Coke It is olio excellent for thtckeoinggwewl aonces.
gravies for flff) and meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream
nothing can compare with It. A little boiled hr milk
will produce rich'areom for ooffee, chocolate, too. Ac.
Put up In one pound packages, under the trade
mark Malzena. with directions for use.
A most delicious article at food for children and in
valids of all ages.
For sale by Grocer* and Druggists everywhere.
Wholesale Depot, I6« Fulton Street.
au46-3m General Agent.
** Bearer Street, New York.
Often for sale of bis own importations, In bond tad
duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, JJquon, Ac., of
any other house in this country, comprising In part of
Otard, Hennesy, Pinet CaatUlon, Martel, Godard
Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter.and eighth
casks: also Otard and Rouyer, Lsferrelere and Fils
Brandy, In cases of one dozen each.
Cdolpho Wolfe's Schiedam In pipes. Schiedam
Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid. In cases of
one dozen quart* and two dosen pints
“Whiskey and Bum.”
Scotch and Irish Whiskey, In hhds. and cases of one
dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey Inbertela and cases of
one domen each.
•‘Jamaica" and "St. Croiz Hum" In hhds. and
cases of one dozen each.
Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines.
More than twenty different grade. In halves, qnar.
ter* and eighth casks, also In cases of one dozsn
“Hocla, Champagne, Moselle and Claret
From Peter Arnold Mumm in Cologne, proprietor of
Joanslebnrgestate; J. H. D. Becker A Fils; Bnhe.
nancer, Benecke A C*., Bordeaux- Barton A Ooeslln.
Bordeaux, and from otber well known houses in Ger
many and France.
Oils, Cosouls, Saei'iinrs, Brrma, Mcstaxd, Olive*,
Bbakdt, Parazavza, Ac-
Twenty five years’ business transactions with the
Southern States, with some of the largest and mrti
respectable dealers.shuuld be sufficient ga*. xgee that
every article offered by the advertiser tor sale la pur*
and genuine.
Sample* can he seen, and cetatogn* of prices ob
talced, by addressing the above. . ng e-«^