Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 13, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Dally HerakL BY S. w. MASON & CO. - : — ~ ~ Editor. SAMUEL W. MASOS.. ~ * tr Editor. W. T. THOMPSON. As% ° SKTTEMBEH 1* FVE VOG EDITION of THE HISIMI.D' By an accident to our wess we were obhge pend our Evening Edition temporari y^ ; circumstances now lead us to a ““°’^ lU resume its ! tinuancc for a few days lonßer. Wo publication very soon. TO ADVBBTI»® Mt4thst ldvfr . Our advertising patrons «* 2aition or the ; uwment* inserted in ,h ® Evcii ;r,g without cxt.n HmV® will appear »be handed in as early charge. Advertisemen gs )ate „ P 12 o'clock j as poeaible. but wii. g drerliM fl except at night. WeMH*" nrtho?< , inserted for a long 1 Z^^e^ou^e mndo i HO« T O OBTA«TH^H t HA L D RKfl- _ (ton have complaints from residents of Savan a lnd Baton Head that they arc not able elwayato E tec FattJE The demand is sometimes so „ u, exhaust an Edition very soon aPer itsjssne, those who wish to have the H-.aut’ .esmc.o, .hondsnbscr.oefor it. We have tsrthfni canto fa Savannah and at Hilton Head, ana througn tnem ..e niway* serve regular robsciibera first- Haurial and Financial Resonrces oftnc Vnitcd States, The author of the ingenious pamphlet eu titled “The Commercial and Financial Strength of the United States” must have startled the financiers of the old world by two leading propositions of his publication ; 1, That the exports of the United States greatly exceeded the imports, producing a balance of trade in their favor. 2, That a debt of three thousand millions of dollars was not incommensurate with their resources. He proves these propositions by figures that cannot err, by the additional quantities produced of various commodities since the •war.' He estimates our gold exports among the general exports of the country, as we ■would wheat, cotton, rice, tobacco. • As the evidence of the increase of material wealth in the United States for a series of years, Mr. Blodgett shows that the excess of exports “augmented steadily' and gradually for a period of -ten years, the average excess of exports being between fifty and sixty mil lions, including the exports of gold.” He asserts that, “the statements and opinions expressed by what are usually recognized as commercial and financial authorities are widely and grossly in error. They constant ly assert, and appear to prove, that to be im possible which is daily done triumphantly in spite of these adverse prophecies. The in ference derived from these professed authori ties wouhl be fairly expressed in placing our productive resources-less in 1863 than they were in iB6O, whereas they are proved by in disputable statistics to tie one half greater.” This excess in the export of .merchandise was irrespective of the export of gold. Tho increase in the exports'in 1863 over those in 1860 is 76 per cent, and the total value reach ed is but little short of the value of the total exports when cotton, rice and naval stores made up nearly $200,000,000 ” This excess in the general export embraced the exchange of gold both ways, the average annual e.r --t port of gold from 1854-56 to 1859-60 reaching $43,278,424, and the average annual import from 1860-61 to 1862-63 amounting to be tween three and four millions.” Mr. Blodgell says “there was an excess of specie imported of $22,214,265 while at the, same time the balauce of trade, specie in cluded, was about $12,000,000 in our favor. Remembering the state oPbusiuess generally during most of the period from 1829 to the time the gold began to be produced in Cali fornia, it cannot with any reason be supposed that the prosperity of the last ten years has been a fiction; and that these sums of gold going out have caused the ruin, or at least have proyed that we were ruined. It is simply the movement of a natural excess from the production of the miqes, yet this strong and natural flow of gold has been once, very thoroughly reversed since the war began, in two years, beginning with July, 1860, and ending with June 30, 1862, the total importation of gold was $62,754,602. The excess of importation was in 1860-61 *~was $15,548,501, nearly all of w hich came in after the war began.” We have placed this rather long extract before our readers that they noy- become possessed of the grounds of Mr. Blodgett’s statements and opinions. This gold movement serves to explain the fact that the balance of trade was apparent ly against the United States with Eu r qpc when it was in reality in their favor. This forms a new-element in the foreign trade of j the country. It accounts for the greauex- j cess of its foreign exports. The large addi tion to the productive power of the country remains as a feet, indepently of geld, show ing the abundance of our material resources, and when the large stores of metallic wealth come to bp explored with our other natural resources a debt of even three thousand mil lions of dollars will be found not inepmmen sorkte with those resources. The two circumstances taken in connec tion to which we have adverted c g ic . great mechanical improvements m agricul ture and the large export of gold a 5 one of our native products, explain much n f ,j u . apparent mystery of the increase of our pro ductive power during the war. It was natural to conclude that calling so jnfany men iuu, the field—withdrawing the m from the put-' suits qf agriculture w averting producers into wasteful consuls ers —would not only <l. minish our comru?, a( j 0 f labor, but lessen in- stead of increas' ng the quantity of our agri cultural productions. 'The very reverse ef fect baa Ije.en produced. We havg augment ed our wealth and compensated for our loss ■ and withdrawal of agricultural labor from productive to unproductive uses, by those powers of ingenuity which are the distin guisbing attribute of Yankees in the depart ment'of mechanics. We have thus com bined in war the two elements of National strength, wealth and population, which . have been our source of power during peace. * It is thus that financial becomes the com plement of material power. But for the de cided manifestation of the material resource of the United States, present and live, they never could have succeeded in ac quiring the confidence ot capitalists in Eu rope and obtained money on loan, anri but the large amounts of gold brought into fee country from California, they could not iuJu their loans within their own wS’&S. by popularizinß tUem 90 THE DEHT-l?rrßßirAt REVENUE. Thu report of Secretary McCullough of the condition of the National Treasury on the first instant, baa been publisher!, and ex hibits the Treasury ‘as being in a very satis factory condition. The principle of the pub lic debt remains about the same as ou the ! occasion of the preceding monthly exhibit, while the interest has been considerably di minished. As there havo been no receipts in the meantime, except from the ordinary sources of revenue, it is evideut that the maximum figure of the National debt lias been very nearly, if not quite, reached. There are still some heavy payments due to con tractors, but it is doubtful if they will much 1 exceed the surplus now in the Treasury. ■ The recapitu'ation is as follows: Amount of outstanding debt, bearing .in terest, in coin, $1,J08,310,191 80 ; interest $64,500,590 50; debt beariug interest in law-, ful money, $1,274,478,103 08; interest, $73,- 531,037 74; debt on which interest has closed $1,503,020 09 ; debt bearing no inter est, $373,398,256 38. Total debt $2,757,- 689,571 43. Total interest $133,03i,620 24. Legal tender notes in circulation: One and ten year five per cent notes $33,954,230; U. S. Notes, old issue, $402,958; U. S. Notes, new issue, $432,757,601 ; Compound interest notes, Act of March 3d, 1363, $1i5,000,000 compound interest notes, Act of June 30th, i364, $202,024,100. Total, $634,138,954. As contrasted with the statement of the public debt published on the 31st July, the principal has been increased only $2'95,000 on them the last month, while the interest on the debt has decreased nearly $231,000. The legal tender noles have been reduced sl,- 097,000. The amount of coin now in the Treasury is-nenrly $45,000,000, and a-balf or about ten million more than a month ago. The currency now in the Treasury is nearly $43,000,000, 'tfß against $81,500,000, showing a reduction of currency in the Treasury for the past month of $38,500,000. The sus pended requisitions amount to a little over $2,000,000. The public Tevenuc for the last .month, trom all sources, was over fifty millions of dollars. > From the Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency, it is learned that the issues of currency to National Banks for the last week amounted to two million three hundred and thirty-one thousand five hundred and Jhirty dollars; total issue, one hundred and seven ty-seven million four hundred and eighty soveti thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. PORF.IOV Ft VII (-RATION TO SOVTII CAROLINA. The new and interesting proposition of in troducing emigrants free labor into the South, which we have been urging upon the atten tion ot the people of our State froin time to time, with the hope -of an early practical recognition of its importance, lins found ac tive favor with the people of South Carolina. The movement is actually on foot, in Charles ton and proposes the organization of a Land, Banking and Emigration Company, with a land, and cash capital for the purpose of en couraging laboring classes to settle in South Carolina, whereby anew impetus will be given to the agricultural and manu facturing interests of the State. Agencien are to be established in dif ferent parts of Europe to .induce emigration to the State. A resident agent at Charleston is to receive the emigrants, provide for their comfort, aud make ail arrangements for their transportation to such points of tlie Stare as they may elect for their residence. The cash capital of the company will be used for the purchase and Improvement of lands, ami lor loans to the emigrants, ou suf ficient security to enable them to supply themselves with live stock, and with the necessary appliances for farming. This plan does not differ materially from the one sug gested in our issue of the lith instant, and strikes us as being in a high degree The promptitude and energy displayed by the Charlestonians in the projection of their scheme is truly commendable and worthy of imitation by other communities as deeply interested in the measure ns they are. FTORIDA CENTRAL RAILROAD. S. L. Niblack, Esq., tlie energetic President of the Central Railroad, extending from Jacksonville to Lake city, arrived in this city on Tuesday last, en route for New York. He informs us that he goes North to pur chase new rolling stock for his road, to re place the old, which has been rendered al mrnst useless from the wear and tear of six years’ constant service.' The traffic on the Florida roads for several weeks past has been both commutative and profitable. The gentleman, it affords us pleasure to state, speaks hopefully and confidently oi the future of his State, although it may be some what obscured at present by the yet unad justed economic relations between the plant ers and the SreedmeD, and-otlier embarrassing circumstances t bat will be gradually removed by tlie aetive energies and good judgment of the people President Johnson's Policy. —A printed call for a public meeting “to sustain the poli cy of President Johnson in reconstructing the Southern States,” was in circulation in New York a few days ago, and was receiving many signatures, when it was suddenly can celled, at tlie suggestion of a well-kuoying gentleman, who had been to see the Presi dent himself. It is understood that the ! President expressed to this person his high appreciation for the support for his policy j 'hat might be derived from public meetings j mthe city of New York, but at the same time he said lie liad grave doubts whether an >’ such movements there, at this time, would do good. The public mind, the Presi dent added, needs to be tranquhized, not ex cited, and he was inclined to believe that the great work of reconstruction could tie better facilitated by the administration, if let alone, aud unembarrassed by outside influence, than otherwise. Hence, he thought that the pro posed -demonstration had better be deferred far the present. The period within which clergymen in Missouri were required to take the oath of loyally expired on Saturday. Three-fourths of the gptlesiastics of St. Louis have failed to comply.with the constitutional provision; the recusants including the entire clergy ol Catholic, Methodist south, and Christian churches. Somebody says it is a waste of raw mate rial to put five dollars worth of beaver or ten cents worth of brains. That is so, but it is not the only case where the less brains, the more dollars. ! IjottoßAttos. During the month of Au- j ' gust more than 22.000 passengers arrived at ! Castle Gardeu. Os this number 13,138 aliens I %ud 429 citizens came by 21 steamers; 9.2(9) I aliens sind 18;; citizens by 29 sailing vessels. At least one-qnarter of all the Miens who arrived, amounting to 21,398, proceeded j ! South one-quarter or more to the Western States, while the balance were distributed throughout the Eastern and the Middle States. Still the immigration, so far, this year does not keep pace with that of 1804. : For the seven months of last year ending in August, 128,857 passengers weie landed at this port, aiuf the number during the same months fliis year 119,645, showing a falling off of 8,712.’ This mouth may make up the deficiency, as many thousand immigrants are uow due. —.Ymc Yurk Journal of Commerce. From the it appears that with all t the drawbacks of prejudice and iutercs.t at ] the North, one-fourtli of the present Euro i pean emigration finds its way South. Emi- I gration, like commerce, follows old channels. ; Until now prejudice has closed the South j 1 against emigration. The cause for that pre ' judiee no longer exists, and never can again, j exist. The mild and healthful climate, pro i ductive soli, abounding mineral and agricul tural resources, and cheapness of the lands of the South, if properly brought to the at tention oi Europeans, could not to in duce the great body of emigrants to prefer a home here to a settlement in the bleak and sterile regions of the. North, or in the West, where less inducement is offered. Virginia, North and South Carolina have already taken steps to encourage and facilitate emigration to those States. Shnll the people of the Empire State be behind in this vital move ment? Will not the Convention soon to convent), give to the subject the attention which its importance deserves, and officially inaugurate some plan for opening the door to white emigration, so necessary to our future social, material and political equality with the States of the American Union? Koine, Georg From the Rome Courier we learn that, the citizens of Roma are fast returning to their old homes, and that a large number of busi ness houses have been opened. The Courier fays Hint the business of the place has in creased nearly a’ hundred per cent, a week for the last three months. Among ihe ab sentees is Dr. H. V. M. Miller, “the De mosthenes of the Mountains," who, however, is expected to return to Rome soon. Eleven hundred and. twelve persons had taken the oath of-amnesty at Rome up to the 31st ult., and the work is still progressing lively. A call was published for.a meeting to be held in Rome early in September to nominate candi dates for the State Convention. The military garrison at Rome is Company C, 29th In diana, Captain Kyes. That part oi' Georgia is suffering from a severe drought, which has continued since the J6th of July ; the crops are cut greatly short. Messrs. Noble & Bros, were busily arranging to rebuild their machine shops and foundry, and 11. M. An derson A Cos. were preparing to rebuild their rolling mill. A fine of first class stage coaches is running from Rome to Bine Moun tain, Ala., where they connect with the vail road from Selma. The law in Missouri compelling clergymen, lawyers, grtHicl.jureymcn and others to take the oath of loyal as prescribed by the new constitution, ha« now gone into force. The clergy have, not all obeyed it„ but the grand-' jury aud lawyers have been compelled to do so, and the recusant ministers stand a chance, of being indicted for their contumacy. A correspondent of the Boston Post relates the circumstances attending the painful death of Miss McGregor of Boston, at North Con way, N. H., ns already mentioned : A party of several ladies and gentlemen were practicing pistol firing at a target, when the Disiyi in the hands of Air. Henry’ u. tvtayrr was accidentally discharged, the charge pass ing through the young lady’s head and-killing her. .She cried “Oh, God!” and fell a corpse. Her remains arc to be sent home this even - ing. The excitement consequent upon this agonizing accident cannot be described. Mr. Mayer is overwhelmed with sorrow. Miss -sic Gregor was a young and lovely girl, much beloved by her associates and a large circle of frieuds. Her death will Create a wide spread grief, as much for her rare personal merits as for the sudden and afflicting cir cumstances under which she was deprived of life. Miss McGregor was a daughter of James McGregor, Esq., President of the State Bank iu Boston.' According to a letter from New Oilcan o , the government lias gained little by confis nation iu that city. The writer says : McCluef the defaulting quartermaster, here, tempore Ranks ; turned over seventy five dollars as the tol-al net proceeds of the sales of all the splendid Paris made furniture, gold mid silver plate, and infinitude of valu able things which were taken from the bouses of rich absentees and registered ene mies of New Orleans and Judge Dureli, of tbe United States District Court, says that tbe net .proceeds of the confiscation sales of property adjudged to the United States in bis court will not exceed SIOO,OOO. . This,' you will recollect, includes such properties as the 800 valuable city lots of John Slidell, with many a splendid stove and family resi dence upon them. Harpies, who have done nothing but make money out of botii parties during tlie wnr, profit by confiscation ; tbe government does not. Titj. Prussian Aristocracy. —The privi leges of the military aristocracy in Prussia extend, it would seem, to murder. A French man, named Ott, chef de cuisine to Prince Alfred, was passing, Late in the evening, along the Popelsdorf Alee, in Bonn, when he was stopped by a soldier and some students. He requested civilly permission to pass, when the soldier, Count Eulenberg, a nephew of the Minister of the Interior, drew' his.sabre and with two blows on tlie head wounded the cook so that lie died. Tho murderer im mediately went to Berfiu, and it is considered possible ]hat' lie may suffer a few days’ ar rest- As soldier ami uolile" he had a right to cut clown a citi/eu who wanted leave to pass him. What hope of freedom tnr a people who, being all soldiers, avenge a crime of this kind by sending their carriages to the victim’s funeral.— Sp«:tatne. An On. Conflagration.— Three hundred barrels of oil and a tank at Anderson's Wells, Penn., were destroyed by fire on Saturday, the conflagration originating in a spark dropped from a laborer’s pipe. Two engine bouses and derricks were also among the property consumed. The loss liy this lire Is put at *II,OOO, without insurance. A minister had a prayer at the beginning of the work of reconstruction on the LyncU but g'and Tennessee railroad. At his conclu sion, an old negro man remarked very audi bly : “ Well, 1 reckon dat’s first time de Lord eber been writ to bout railroads." One of the best posted wine-makers at Cleveland, Ohio, says that if for five years to come the people of this country plant vine yards as they have for five years past, there will be more wine and grapes here than in Europe. General Sanborn has made a temporary treaty of peace with the Apache, Camancbe and Kiowa Indians, and ceased hostilities against them until a permanent peace can be arranged. - ; . Mtt'htrn fcnrtfrdttott Thb Courier-ues Etals Luis has givid Us Information of tlie first arrival ol cuiigruutA destined for Virginia. This is bui the key note to the music of the onward inarch of emigration which has already turned 'South ward. We translate from thut journal: “I nr several weeks past, train alter train of Swe dish, German aud Polish emigrants has ar rived in Richmond, aud scattered themselves all over the fertile valley of the James river. The freediueii do not attempt to conceal their dissatisfaction at sight of that foreign influx, destiued, they imagine, to rob them oi the lands they are legally entitled to. The plan ters, however, do all*they can to protect aud encourage an emigration which will eventu ally restore Virginia to her former prosperity and political ascendancy.'' A Richmond correspondent dating his let ter ou the 23d says : Yesterday sixty Swedes arrived here by way of Now York, they in tend starting for Goochland county, in the upper James valley. In the month of May last, a great number of emigrants from that country, settled in Goochland county’, aud they' sent to their friends in Europe, such glowing accounts of their present condition and future prospects, that those distant Swedes became infected with the mania of sold out their ice-bound (arms, and are on their way to the land ot promise, the Virginia paradise. The land s they ha.e “squatted" on, have been sold on the most favorable terms to these hardworking men. They pay for the land by installments, run ning over a term of several years, so that even the poorest can ultimately become the proprietors of the land they cultivate. The general agent of the Polish Emigra tion Society' has been at Richmond some time, add has succeeded in securing for his unfortunate countrymen, large grants ol land on the border of tlie Appomattox river, and has already forwarded shunt a hundred of them in that direction. He was momentari ly expecting, the arrival at New Fork and Fortress Monroe of several French ships, carrying some two or three thousand Poles, who had taken retuge in Switzerland alter the failure of tjieir revolution became evi dent. The freedmen manifest the bitterest hostility toward? the new comers, aitd assert in the most insolent manner, their rights to the uncultivated lands the Swedes have set tled ou. They' allege that the government ought to concede these lands to them, in stead of these intruders, who crime here for the sole purpose of taking the bread out of their mouths. No matter what they say, we greet with unalloyed joy the arrival of these.working men, and we recommend all those who pur pose emigrating to the United States to fol low tlieir example. We cau assure them they will be welcomed with open arms.'’— Ala con Telegraph. . Dististrou* Rnfln Storm in Flit In ilclplltu. [From the Press, Sept, a.] Tlie rainstorm of yesterday afternoon was exceedingly heavy, and it seems to have been confined almost within the limits of Philadelphia and particularly in the built up part thereof. There probably never was such a fall of water in the same space and same time. In a word, it may be said that the city Was deluged. We hear of entire neighborhoods in all parls of the city being inundated trom house to house, and cellars bvghe hundreds were speedily overflowed. Chestnut street, which may be considered one of the highest grade in the centre of the city, vras like a lake of water, iu many places the aqueous element being over the curb stones. The water rushed through the base ment windows of the Continental and the Girard llonse to so great an extent as to ex tinguish the fires in the engine rooms. The water was at least seven teet deep in a por tion of tlie basement of the Continental. The large restaurant at the Assembly build ing, Tenth and Chestnut streets, wasabluted to the depth of three feet. All the cellars along Tenth street, nearly to Walnut, came in for a full share of the deluge, quite a num ber of them being tilled even with the pave ment. The stable cellats along Hansom, in the same neighborhood, weip soon overflowed, and rats, old and young were driven from their hiding places. It is esti mated that thousands of these undermining animals were drowned. In the southwestern section of the city, in the region of Broad and Shippen streets, the flow of water was immense, and many cel lars and basements were filled. In the lower grades of the'surface of the .city the rushing of tho water was impetuous, aud for a time’ fears were entertained that an im mcnoc «•!' must necessarily ensue. The only material destruction that we heard of was the bursting of a culvert at Eleventh and Master street fell in. The country culvert, in Christian street, and tho one in Reed street in the southern part of the city, though they drain several Square miles of the surface, stood tlie mighty rush of wa ters. Whole sections below <hc Navy Yard were'submurged, but no damage was done to anything except the contents of the cellars. Steam fire engines were brought in requi sition, and the work of pumping out the water commenced-as speedily as possible. The tide was high in the Delaware at the time, and the culverts emptying in that stream were choked ; lienee tlie overflow of the streets. Besides this, the gutters in many parts of the city were pretty well filled with’dirt, and this obstruction impedded the the flow of water. We despatched a corps of reporters to the utmost limits of tlie cily, north, .south, east and west, expecting that disasters by the flood might have taken place on or about the many streams, it seems, however, from all tlie reports brought in, that the lain was light. It was heaviest iu the southern part of Philadelphia. In many of the streets traversed by the passenger cars the water was several inches above the platform, and in some flowed into the cars. The rush of water on Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, where the grade forms a hollow, was very'great, but no serious damage occurred. The rain came down for one hour, 3teadi ily. There was no wind. It is estimated that three inches of water fell during that pfcriod, being more than that which fell du ring the month of'August. Mean. —Beyond all question, truly remarks the Augusta Transcript, there is a moreTn cendiary stuff—more that is hostile to the peace, Ihq good feeling, and the restoration of tlie old relation’s of the State and people, in one number of that unmanly and unfeel ing of all publications in this country, Har per's Weekly, than could be gathered in a month from all tlie papers published iu the South. Without argument or truth, a spark of manliness or generosity, the sole object of this journal seems to be to prevent any thing like a return to peaceful relations be tween the people of the'North aud South. By pictures, editorial articles, tales, and even wretched attempts at humor aud wit, this journal labors, with a diabolic pertinacity to keep open the wounds, and heap fuel on the fires of hatred and malignity, produced by tbe war, which all manly and genciotfs minds are striving to close and extinguish. Buenos Ayres papers of the 6th ult. con tain reports of tho celebration of the Fourth of .July last, by the Americans there. Toasts were drank to President Johnson, President Mitre, to the memory of President Lincoln, and to various local celebrities. The eleventh toast was: “Our Erring Southern Brethren, who have fought with a bravery worthy ot a better cause. May their returning sense of justice bring with it a willing obedience to the Constitution qf the United States." Large fields ol cotton are growing in Cali fornia—oJcr 100 acres iu one field looking well. The State of California offers a bounty of $3,000 for the first 100 acres of cotton— also SB,OOO for the first 100 bales of 300 pounds each. Over SIOO,OOO is given by the State for the encouragement or agriculture in the Taislng of various products. Eli* nut* tatul aotOptMtd [From lb* London Bints• ' It now appear? that the canal opened on the 15th instant was not the Hue/. Canal, but simply a certain fresh water canal, <>f very sinnll’dcplh and equally slight capacity. It t» perfectly possible, and no doubt true, that a vessel of -undefined size has been floated through Egypt from one sea to another ; in fact, the waters of the two seas were united, as far as that goes, early in the present year. Midway between the two shores of the isth mus lies a lake, and this lake is connected i with the Mediterranean coast by a jjortion of I the real Suez canal, and with the Red sea coast by the canal above mentioned. Both these channels have been so far completed that water communication, in a certain sense, is practicable along the whole length. M. de Lesseps aud his friends were once actual ly towed in a small boat by a small launch all the way from one sea to the other, and it seems to have been imagined that the feasi bility of the whole enterprise was established by this evidence of what could be done. The j isthmus had been pierced ; a channel had actuallv bceiexcavatcel by which the waters of the Red sea mingled with the waters of the Mediterranean, aud this success was held to have solved the entire problem. Make this channel a little wider and a little deeper, and the thing is done. But we fear this ex pansion of the work is precisely the beset ting difficulty of the enterprise. A channel to •admit the waters of tlie Red sea once in a way to the waters of the Mediterranean is one thing; a permanent ship canal between the two sea3 is another. The former exploit was, perhaps, accomplished by more than one king of ancient Egypt, the latter has never been achieved yet, though the traces ot at tempts and failures are many. It is.when M. de Lesseps comes to enlarge his canals to navigable rivers, and to keep these rivers navigable through the heart of the desert, that his real success will he tested. The scientific commission reported rather oracu larly on the prospects of the undertaking: “In our opinion the construction of a ship canal aeross tlie Isthmus is only a question ol time aud money.” Very probably; but’ of how much time, and how much mouey ? Engineers tell us that with these two ele ments available at discretion no mechanical 1 work is impossible. To say tligt a question is a question of “time and mouey ” is only it.alf stating it. We require a statement, or at least an estimate, both of the money and the time, and then we must know whether the return will justify the expenditure. The public report of the visitors last April repre sented that about three years, “as they were informed,“"Would suffice for tlie completion of tlie various contracts involved, but the private estimates of some of these gentlemen took a wider range. Aud, when the canal is actually finished and paid for, at what cost will it be maintained? That is the real question. The Suez canal, so tar from being open, will not be open lor three years to come at least; and then it will remain to be proved whether it is really navigable tor large ships, and at what charge it can be kept so. The Suez Canal, A paragraph is going the rounds of the pa pers stating that the announcement recently published of the passage of a boat through the Suez Canal amouuts to nothiug. So we said at the time. It has been feasible for cen turies to work a small boat through a consid erable portion ot the isthmus, by the bitter lakes and swamps which stretch from near Suez. Avery little work, very little com pared with the whole to be accomplished, was necessary to make it possible for a small lioat to pass from sea to sea, fitting it occa sionally over sand bills, from one hollow into the next, or even digging a passage through these hills. In short the labor of making a temporary water channel front one sea to the other is but a trifle in comparison with the grand work of making a permanent ship ca nal. It remains exceedingly doubtful whether this can be accomplished. The loose sandy character ot the desert soil is against the work, and renders it quite uncertain whether the depth of the canal can be maintained with regularity from month to month. The chief difficulty, however, will be found in the opening of the canal into the Mediter ranean. The gulf which has been selected as tbe northern terminus is of very uncertain character, and the inlets through the bars which divide it from the.sea are unchangea ble and insecure. The depth of water in the gulf is variable on account of the shifting character of the bottom, and tlie highest en gineering skill is at fault iu devising a trust worthy and permanent plan for the debourhe of the canal into it. The work is not hope- Im-a. it to ctmply H?r?n!„un. Tne engineers now on the work are undoubtedly men of great ability and energy and they will press lorward with persevering skill. In a few years we-shall be better able than now to judge ot the possibility of success. The tri umphs qf modern science are great, and this mighty work is one worthy of its noblest ef forts. But we regretted at the time of.the publication that any one connected with the canal should have thought it necessary to de ceive the people of France, England and America by an announcement calculated to convey tlie idea that the work was already practically comp’eted, when it is but just be‘- gun.— -N. Y. Journal of Commerce. Madame Le Vert writes from the Fifth avenue Hotel, here, (Aug. Cth, ) to private acquaintance in Mobile. * * * I find New York full of Confederate officers— many just out ot prison; They- are most kindly treated here. At a superb supper party* given to its by Mrs. T , there Were five Confederate generals—Marmaduke and Wheeler among the number —and colonels, majors and captains in profusion. The Con federates are dined and supped by the very men they fought against. Every one ex presses the highest admiration pf the Con federates, and I have not yet heard onq word of bitterness against tbe South. Two pub lishers have called on me, hearing I intended writing “Souvenir of the War.” They ruade me great offers if I will publish. I have serious thoughts of doing so. I assure yon i shall do full justice of to the heroic Southern soldiers. I often feel it is my duty to |iet the world know that the nnuals of all times do not hold a parallel to to the self-sacrifice and heroism of tlie South ern soldiers. They were cursed in many of their leaders, but ennobled in others. * * * Although we have not sent our cards to any one, yet many .of our friends havs found us out, and throngs have been to see me, invit ing us to dinners and parties (supper parties at. this season) and everyone manifesting the greatest respect and delight to see us once more in New York. A Terrible Confession. —Daniel An drew’s, Postmaster at Glencoe, Mo., was re cently arrested for robbing a neighbor, and committed suicide in prison. Betore doing so he wrote a confession, which stated, among other things, that lie murdered a re tured Californian, eight or ten years ago, for .the purpose of securing his money, which amounted to about ten thousand dollars*; that he had the murdered man buried at his own expense, many ot the neighbors attending the funeral, and giving him credit for charily to the dead. lie also informs his friends that since his appointment as Postmaster he had robbed tlie mails in search of money in many instances, and that he never lost au opportu nity to appropriate letters intrusted (o him with the information that their contents were valuable. The most shocking statement in tlie confession is, that lie had been tbe means of killing two of his own children, andQhal he had meditated the murder of his wife, procuring a gun and loading it for that pur pose only a lif\v days before the date ot the confession. The Chattanooga Gazette of the 29th says: “We learn, unofficially, that President Jphn son has directed the discontinuance of the operations of the Freedmen’s Bureauin East Tennessee. The small number of Froidmen in this locality probably led to this step.— Abundant lands can and probably will be li belled by the United States District Attorney for confiscation under the laws of Cpngress. Those who have taken* the oath of amnesty will be permitted to take possession of their property.” * Mcttika in WtltMi. •A large mcetiug of the citizens of this county was held at tbu Courthouse iu Wash ington on the first Tuesday of this month, at which the Hon. Wm. M. Reese and G. Q. Norman, Esq., were nominated as delegates to tho approaching Slate Convention.. A mo tion was submitted to tbe meeting to the fol lowing effect: . Jlenolced, That while all the Batiks in the State are paying off their notes at very great discounts, it is unfair and unjust to call on individuals to pay lot) cents in the dollar. This resolution was supported by the mover in a short address. Gen. A. R. Lawton, at tlie request of nu merous citizcus, responded in a very able and effective speech in opposition to the reso lution, showing in the particular case ol tlie banks lhat they were paying all they had, leaving nothing for the stockholders, and pointing out the plain constitutional provis ion which rendered any interference with the obligations of contracts simply impossible. The following resolution was then offered as a substitute for the foregoing, by Mr. Barnett, and advoented in a brief address : Resolved, That it is both the duty and in terest of the Southern people,- especially at this time when all else is lost but honor, to conform strictly to all tfie obligations of public and private faith, by the payment of all debts due by individuals so far as they have the means’ of payment, and of the debts of the State at their just valuation; and that the fulfillment of these obligation will enure to our continued self respect—to the respect of mankind—and to all tlie interests, moral, political and pecuniary of the people ; and that we desire our delegates to use their in fluence practically to carry out this expres sion of our views in the Convention in hon esty and good faith. The substitute was adopted by a vote al most unanimous—the mover of the original resolution alone dissenting. Coj. D. E. Bleekly, being called for ad dressed tho meeting iu an admirable discus sion of thejwhole eucstion of Repudiation, in its moral, political aftd economical bear ings. lie showed that the resolution first offered failed to observe the obvious distinc tion between Repudiation and Insolvency , and therefore to east undeserved odium upon the Bank?, yet that even if the mover liad been correct iu hiacstiinate of their action, would furnish no justification to individuals in following a dishonest example. The un constitutinnality and inexpediency of any scheme of Repudiation were exhibited in a masterly manner. The meeting then adjourned. John-T. Wingfiijm) Chairman. Sam’l Bar.nkte, Secretary.. September 6th, 1865. Fr.VKIrtVL, INVITATION. The lricnds and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. .lame? Doyle and fainilv, are respectfully invited to attend thv funeral of their daughter .JANIE, o’clock this afternoon from their residence, corner Congress street and Warren Sqnare. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. aT card. # THE Lady Managers of the Abraham's Home tender their thanks to Professer Gorree, for tho sum of two hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents, the proceeds of a Concert given bv him for the benefit of the aged inmate*. They also return thanks to Misses. Blair and Wood ward, Messrs Erlich, H. Ward, J. Newman. Dr. John son and Mr. I'ierpont for the kindly aid of their voices; to Mr. Schreiner for the use of a Piano, to Mfceers Wardell & Cos., ‘for the use of tho room, to Messers. Butler, Necherson, Boley, Tnrner, for their assistance. The Proprietors of the Savannah Daily Hkbald and Republican are entitled to a share of thanks for the gratuitous printing of bills, tickets and advertising. During the past month the following donations have been received at the Horne. One Barrel of Flour from Mr. M. O. Littlebridga, Half do do do Kein A Cos., do do Soap Mrs. G. W. Wylly, One do Pried Apples do Graham* Packages of Coffee Graham. One bag of Dried Peaches M™ W. IP. Darling & son do do* Rice Mrs. J. Walburg, A Piec of Mutton Mr Hitcbcofcir, Cabbages from a friend. Mackerel Mr. W. H. Dickerson, sepia % Gas Consumers, Who have not paid their hills f>r Or A.,S‘ Due on the Ist inst, are notified thatlhe bills must be paid on or before Friday tho 15th inst. Alter this date the flow of Gas will be stopped on all defaulters without further notice. P<*pl3-:i W. F. HOLLAND, Aec't. A-ttention MECHANIC FIRE CO., ATJEND an adjourned meeting of the Company to be held this (Wednesday; Evening, 7# o’clock, at thT* Hall of the Washington Fire Cempany. Committees will come prepared to report,, and every member is expected to be present as business of im portance will be brought before the meeting. By Order W. D. DIXON, Ist Ass’t. Foreman. R J. Gi.\6sf, Secretary. sepl3 John Jones, f (Charton H. Way, Late Treasurer State of Ga. > ( Savannah, Ga. . Jones & Way, Have ro-opened their office at No. 98. Bay Street. [Opposite the old stand,) Savannah, Ga-, for the trans action of n General Commission and Factorage hns I - Particular attention paid to forwarding Cotton and Merchandize to and from the interior. Refkkenoiis—T. W. Chichester, Esq.. Augnsta, Ga., I. C. Plant, Esq., Macon, Ga,, J. W. Warren, Esq.. Co lumbus, Ga., ar.d any Bank or Merchautof Savannah, Ga. scplS-eodlmo Headquarters Scb-Disibict of Ogeechee i SavaDuah, Ga., July 28, 1365. ) Circular,) ~ No. 12. j {fn and after this date articles in the Public Market of this city will be sold at the following prices. Persons violating this order, will be reported to this office and summarily dealt with. By command of Brv't Brig. Gen. DAVIS ; Jno . Mullen, A. A. A. G. Fresh Beef, Ist cut, per lb. 20 Country Dried 8eef...... 15 Country Cured Beef. 15 Jerked Beef. 10 to 15 Veal, per 1b..... 20 Mutton, per lb 20 Liver, per lb '. 15 Fresh Pork, per 1b...... .'. 26 Bass, per lb 15 Drum per lb 15 Fresh Water Trout...-...., 15 Salt “ “ 15 Sheephead 20. Mullet, large size, per bunch 40 Brim, per bunch of five 25 Mullet, small size, per bunch of five 40 Perch, per bunch of five 40 Suckers 40 Whiling ; 40 Codfish, per lb : 10 Shrimp, per quart, 15 Crabs, each -3 Sturgeon, per lb 7 Sausages, Fresh pork 40 Bacon, per lb., from 20 to 25 Butter, per lb 50. Clams per bushel 2 00 Cabbages, each, trom... 15 to 40. Turnips, per bunch 10 Tomatoes per quart 10 Okra, per quart 16 Sweet Potatoes, per bu5he1......... 3 00 Irish Potatoes, per quart 10 Green Corn, each.! 3 Water Melons, from 15 to 50 Cantclopes, from 10 to "40 Apples per bushel •. 2 00 Peaches per bushel 3 00 Figs, per doz 10 Honey, per lb a 16 Ducks, per pair 2 00 Turkeys, each, from $2 to 2 60 Geese, per pair . 2 00 Fowls, grown . : fltol 25 Half Grown Fowls 75 Spring Chickens, per pair so Spring Chickens, 2d size 40 Eggs, per dqzen 50 seplS-tf ( tfo Rent. - # fflWO Store* on Andevon’a uppre whart No. 1M and M 193 Bay *treet. lWe«*ion uiv.n iromeJlateij Apply at the 00-ticr of l!*v and Barnard street. ' Ptpl3-Ct O J?* 27* I O I JA. Xj7~ Department of State. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Or .AMERICA. JSo. Whereas, by my proclamations of the thir teenth and twenty-fourth of June, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-five, removing restrictions, in part, upon internal, dome s, ic and coastwise intercourse and trade with those States recently declared in insurection certain articles were excepted from the effect of said proclamations ns contraband of war aud whereas the necessity for restrictinr tiadein said articles has now', in a great measure, ceased : it is hereby ordered that on and niter all restrictions aforesaid be removed, so that the articles declared by the said proclama tions to be contraband of war, may be im-' ported into and sold in said States, subject only to such regulations as the Secretarv of the Treasury may prescribe. J In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-ninth day of August, in tlie year of our Lord one thousand eight hun [seal-] dred and sixty-five, and of the In dependence of the United States of America the ninetieth. D ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: -» Wm. 11. Seward, Secretary of State. Treaserv Department,-) Septemberl, 1865. f Tlie foregoing Proclamation is hereby pro mulgated for the information and guidance of Officers of the Treasury Department. In conformity with its terms, articles here tofore regarded as prohibited may be trans ported to places in States heretofore declared in insurrection without any restrictions, ex cept guns, pistols, and ammunition.- Applications for the shipment of these should be made, in writing, to the proper officers at tlie custom?, who will forward them to the Department, for its decision, ac companied with -such recommendations as . they may be disposed to make. 11. M. Ccr.i.octr, Secretary of the Treasury, Bcpl2-2t , SSO Reward. STOLEN from my 3’ard on the night of the 3rd September, one Bay Horse with the following marks : Blazed face, one white spot on his left, side, also one j. white spot on his right side, he has one small white spot on his neck under the mane, and a small scar on his light hiu quarter. JOHN S HHODER, •Corner of Wayne and West Broad sti eets. Augusta Contstitntioualist publish two times nd send oill to this Office. seplv On Consigmnent' for Sale Low 7 50 Firkins Butter* 100 Boxon Cheese MILLER, THOMAS & CO , scpl2 2t Comer and Drayton streets. INEW.' GROCERY STORE Van Newtou Sc Ward, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have opened at.No U3 Brough ton street, formerly occupied byßl.m and Meyer; and will keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of Family Groceries. Quick sales and small profits is their motto, aud a snaru of th* public patronage is respectfully solHlcd, J. H. VAN NEWTuN. 11. G. WAKD eepl2 10 Hi H* ALLEN & Cos«, 189 & 101 WATER ST., NEW YOKE. MItIILIMIPIEMEMS, AND MACHINERY OF All KINOB, Smalt Toole.for the. Farm ond Garden, Such as Snails, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Fakes, if f , and/or Grass Hooks, Scythes. Sct/th-Slones, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee andGram Mills, Sugar Mills for Grocers’ use. Store Trucks of various pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. Ac. Fertillizers of all kinds, such as Cie'a Snperpbos pnate ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian UuaDO, and Poudreito, SEI£DS. Every, valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed apd Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly for our trade. Sales made in bulk, per pound or bushel. or in small packets, for retailing, by tnc hundred orthousnnd. sepl2-2aw-3mo * Sundries, £0 Cards Pocket Knives, ir>o Boxes Herrings, bo Kitts No. 1 Mackerel, 6 Bbls Brown Sugar, 20 Boxes Assorted Pickles, 21) Hhds Choice Sides, 6 do do Shoulders, 20 Nests Trunks. 25 Boxes Candles, 46 do Assorted Liquors in ; store and for sale by crane Johnson & qraybill. pep 12-4 t Towage, r PHE undersigned, agents for the Savannah Tow A Boat Company, are now readv for towage ofv»r seis of all descriptions. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Bay Street, Opposite Mariuer'a Church. sep!2 New ~V\ r hoiesale BOOT AND K STORE, No. 175 Broiifhtoa SI., The Attention of Wholesale and Retail Dealers Is particularly requested "to OTJR STOCK. It constate of EVERY STYLE AND SIZE, All of which are Particularly Adapted TO THE SOUTHERN TRADE, As they are from Manufacturers who have been pre viously Manufacturers for the same, prio* to 18C0, HO HOODS AT DETAIL, WHYTE & FELLNER, Manufacturers’ Agents, Nt). 175 Broughtoa'st,, Savannah Georgia, »epl2-tf .