Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 13, 1865, Image 3

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, ~< 4L MATTERS. ', arl» r, of h,£, * m ' h,P “ ***'* ft*®*"***' row NSW YOBE. .p Idaho. Wednesday, .September 13th, at -jmsblp Chase, Thursday, September 14th, at - 'nishlp Ariadne, Thursday, September 14, at 3 fob avocsta. rr Amazon, Tuesday, September 12th, at 6 . Vr’lK'en, Wednesday. Septeratter 13th, at 7 FOB nOCTOBTOWN. , , c . r Wm. G. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning .' Wednesday, September IS, at fob Florida. ■ rsgt Fountain, every Saturday morning, at 9 Superior Photograph*. Ter j. shown yesterday by our foreman a pbo -anhic gronpe comprising the compositor corps of r-£?liS Office, eleven persons in number, taken ' juo. x. Beading 4 Cos., northeast comer of i ta -.-er and St. Julian streets, ffhie. we wish to flatter neither the sublets nor ' • a-t we must say that we have rarely ever a nmre artistic picture or a more intellectual -joupe. But for the shirt-sleeves, instead of '. r t ‘ * n * shoulder-straps, and the substitution of mightier instrument,' the printer’s composing lestesa of thgsword, we would haye taken the -a e for ihe representation of an assemblage of dbizuished military characters in council of war. °e rouping of the tlgures is admirabie, the impres -n Cthe faces, eo t 0 apeak, is sharp and vivid, and £• coloring most exquisite. The picture in Its eri ,etT., an excellent specimen of the photograplilc F-rcll® Extbeess.— During our visit yesterday err.’on we i aid a walk to the steamer Express, hems being fitted up at Miller's Foundry, under Dsinervlslonof Mr. J. S. Muliikan. The Express 11 lave superior accommodations f*r passengers and win also convey a large freight. It Is expected at in two weeks she will be ready for the ■j,. -She is of very light draught with stern h,' tVe give the following as ner dimensions: j . ,157 feet, breadth of beam over all 37 feet .of hold 4K feet, saloon, 70 feet by 14 j, .ritiwffate room accommodations for 00 passen , The eugiues and boilers of the General Lee, 11; at Stiles’ landing, wilt be placed in the Expres. W. S. Joue3, who Is noted as a skillful ma iliid is placing the engines and boilers in the Ex re?. associated with him t3 Mr. H. McLean, who Is i charge of alt the wood work. Mr. Mulligan, Su oriutendent and part owner, is determined that the xpvess shall he a steamer worthy in every respect r tic freight and passenger trade on the Savannah ever. M F. M. Myrrell, long known as the Agent of the ui a Line of stoauv. rs plying betweecn Savannah nil Augu .'i), will be- the agent of the Express. Mr. vjreu is well known to our old merchants as an ae oi. ui slating and obliging young man. TiiflStVAXSah and Gulf Railroad.—The public be gratlfled to learn that those energetic con ctors, Messrs. Spratt, Callahau 4 Cos., having com leted their engagements on the Central Railroad, n now employing their entire force on the line of 'Savannah and Gulf Railroad between this city the Aitamaha. Tlfc timber for all the destroyed ; and trestle work Is rapidly being gjt but on ir ic cl road, and will be brought ‘down as needed. -attractors have now about five hundred hands ir,.. i on the whole line of goad, and will shortly . . , c their force to some eight hundred or a thou su The work is being pressed forward as rapidly ? possible, and it is expeeted that the road will cer iin;v he completed by the first of December next, Difaßiibe of Troops.—Yesterday morning the teiruer Resolute, Capt, Cannon, departed for lititon lea iwitli the 26th Massachusetts and 70th New York ’ icgiments- these regiments were erroneously prln ia our paper yesterday morning, as the 48th Mas- Musetts and the 45th New York. Eko Fannie —This vessell, which was ashore on yhee Beach, South Breakers, arrived yesterday In : this city in excellent condition. Capt. Wm. Dixon gntered and brought to this city the vessel. Attention Is directed to the sale of government v petty at the Corral on Reynolds street to-day at - . clock. Persons desiring to purchase horses and' TjgoiK will do well to attend. The sale- will close o-day. v . new Steamers fob the river Trade.—The b liner 11. M. Cool, Capt. Taylor, and the steamer tookland v Capt. Beauford, for4he Doctortown trade, rrived her yesterday. mechanic Fire Company.—The attention of ail oemoers of this company Is called to a meeting to e held this evening at the Uali of Wasington lire ;c it Is expected evqry member wIU be present. THE COURTS. BEFORE CAPT. SAME COWDRT. « Tuesday, Sept. 12. I S. vs. H. McCarty— Drunkenness and riotous conduct, filled $5. BEFORE LT. COL. st. T. HOLBROOK. L T. Turner vs. Richard Golphln, (colored)—Re cover? of a sail boat. It was ordered that the said bC5* be returned to its rightful owner, and that Rich ard Goipuin retain tu his possession the masts, satis and etber tackle, until such time as James Ogiivle, Acting Master, aemmaudiug U. S. steamer John Grif fith, may call far their delivery, upon said Richard Soiyhiu, Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. P. M. Russell. D C. Cook vs. Mrs. R. Smith— Recovery of rent and premises. It Is ordered that judgment be entered up against the defendant in the sum of SOO, and $2 50 tests of suit; and that she vacate the premises on or before the Ist day of October next ; upon failure to do so, to be forcibly ejected. John Bowen vs. Julht Bowen. It appearing from ihe petition of Counsel in the above stated case that i.o has testimony to introduce, which was not heard at the time of said trial, it Is now ordered that the order passed on yesterday, fee held suspended until, tbe merits of the case can "be decided upon, which w.ii take place to-morrow, lffiu inst-, Counsel for defendant ri'imua Grant (colored) ts, Henry Foy—Recovery of a bay reave. Ordered that the defendant deliver up [ tiie said mare to the plaintiff and pay cost of suit. United States by Sarah Richardson (colored) vs. | fir. McGill—assaulttind battery. Whereas the pros :.f"utrU in the above case was duly notified to appear cn ihi3day at nine o'clock, a. m . to prosecute the defendant for the offence, and failed to appear, It was I ordered that the case lie dismissed* defendant paying costs of suit. Counsel for defendant, J. R- Smissy. Edward Chauncy (colored) vs. Thos. Smith (colored) and Leigh Chauncy (colored) —Absconding with the. •lfe of plaintiff and desertion from bed and bqard. it appearing lrom the evidence submitted that the defendant, Leigh Chauncy, *is the «vise of Thomas Smith, and that the plaintiff has no rlfcht to interfere with either of them, it was ordered that the case be dismissed, plaintiff paying costs of. suit. ■ O A Dodge vi Joseph Raldwin and John Leals recovery of a horse. Upon motion of plaintiffs at torney this ease be settled upon payment of costs. Counsel for plaintiff, Col. A. W. Stone ; lor defendant. J Benedict. Jacob Spatin vs. William Morrell—Recovery of premises. It is ordejed that the prayer of the petl, tioner be granted, and that the defendant vacate the house occupied by him within six days, and give Peaceable possession oLthe land after his crop Is harvested, or be forclblyejectod therefrom. Hotel Arrivals. pulaskx House, September 12, is« 6. W A Thomas, SandersvUlC|H P Wilson, Hilton Head E Kllleredge, do OH Dudley, do W H Kalor, roft Pulaski W B Robinson, do j B Johnson, do .|C DSullivan, Charleston .1H Miller, do T Miller, - do Mrs Walker and child. 1J P Johnson, Savannah Mobile |T R Miller, do Mrs Gay, S Carolina |M Oohen, Augusta C W Wiunaard. Pay, Sav J A Metcalf, St Louis J E Buutugon, do ,J D Yonge, Balnbridge Mat R C Walker, Pav, HH H C Brown, Houston co AH s Davis, do F Middleton and lady, L D Roundtree, Valdosta . Augusta R H Braswell, do AM Martin, To Rent. A BAKERY with apparatus complete pertslalng to the buriness. A'eo, rooms suitable for a family, witb a stable attached Inquire at BURT'S SALOON, sspuet Btyan Street. Nhlppiutf IntelHiffeiieto.* Utiuturi Almanac—This Day. Snn rise* .-. 6 42 Moon rises .'...morn Sun get* 9|Hlgh water ~ SlO TORT OF SAVANNAH. : Arrived. Tuesday, Sept. 12. 1865. Brig Fannie, Cooker, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gam mell. Steamer Oneota, Norris, Hilton Head. Stcame Gen Shepley, Mtlllkiu, Fort Pulaski. Steamer II It Cooi; Taylor, New York—to Master. Steamer Rockland, Reaulort, Charleston, etc—to QhuUmrae A Cos. Steamer Laura, Hiller, Augusta. Reports—Passed steamer Berry, aground at Ca noe Cut ; met steamer May near Oemercr's Ferry, bound up ; passed steamer Falcon, rudders broken, at t’atfluger Cut; passed steamer Union, shaft bro ken, and tied up at Hudson Ferrv; met steamer Amazon at Charleston Bridge, on her way up. Exports.—37b bales cotton. 40 do domestics 120 packages merchandize. Consignees.—J L Vitlalonga, crane, Johnson A Cos, A C Lomellno, So Express Cos, E T Metcalf A Cos, Er win A Hardee. Passengers.—Mis Middleton and lady, Mr N Si mon, Maj L E Deginan, F C Lomellno.* Cleared. Steamer Loyalist, Hodman, Hilton Head. Steamer Gen Shepley, MilUkin, Augusta. Steamer Resolute, Caqnkm, Hilton Head. Steamer Emilie, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer WmG Gibbons, Phllpot, Doctortown—Er win A Hardee. ’ Steamer Nantasket, Springer, Beaufort. Steamer Amazon, Johnson. Augusta—Erwin A Har dee MIST OP VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, sept. 13, 1865. STEAMSHIPS. ladaho, Holmes, dlsch’g, New York, Brigham, Bald win A Cos. ' . Trladness, Powers, dlsc’g, New York, J R Wilder. Chase, Bulkley, New York, Hunter A Gammcii. ’ BRIOS. Fannie, Crooker, Philadelphia—foot of Gas House Hill—Hunter A Gammell. SCHOONERS. . Lottielkolts, (3 masked) Endicott, disc’g. B L Sherman, (3 masted) in distress. Schr Wm E Stevenson, Threadcraft, 0, from Ma ta nzas—discharging at dork foot of Bawatd Street- Master. Witch Queen, Percival.lls—from Boston—discharg ing at Lower Klee Mill—Richardson A Barnard. Alice Flora, (Hr) Knowles, from Nassau—waiting at Lower Rice Mill—Bell, Wylly A Christian. Anna Sims; (new) Postell, loading for Florida, at Iron Steamboat Co—C L Colby A Cos. Ruth Baker, Smith, 378—loading for Ndw York foot of Barnard street—C L Colby A Cos. SLOOPS. Br Sloop Svlvla, Brown, from Bermuda—discharg ing at whari foot of Barnard street. Death of Dr. Talmaqe.—The Millcdge ville Federal Union, of Tuesday sth inst., contains the sad intelligence of the death oi Rev. Samuel K. Talmage. He died at Mid way, on the 2d inst., aged 70 years. He had been in feeble health for some time, but the Union says his death was sudden and unex pected. An eminent man and devout Chris tian has fallen. Proclamation by she Governor of Missis sippi. Executive Office,. 1 Jackson, Aug. 19. J Information having reached me that par ties of bad men hare banded together in dis-. ferent parts of the State for the purpose of robbing and plundering, and for violating the law in various ways, and that outrages .of various kinds are being perpetrated, and the military authorities of the United States be ing insufficient to protect the people through out the entire State, I do therefore call upon the people, and especially on such as are liable to perform military duty and are fami liar with military discipline, to organize vol unteer companies in each caunty in the State, if practicable—at least ope company of cav alry and one of infantry—as speedily as pos sible, for the detection of criminals, the pre vention of crime and the preservation of good order. Ana I urge upon these cora ‘ panies, when formed, that they will be vigil ant in the discharge of their duties. These companies will be organized under the law inflation to volunteer companies,as contained in the Revised Code, and the amendment thereto passed on the 10th day of February, 1800, except that as soon as the proper number shall volunteer the election of officers may take place immediately and without further order, and commissions 'will be issued as soon as returns are*received, and the election may be held by any justice of the peace. I most earnestly call upon the youug men of tho Stalo, who have so distin guished themselves for gallantry, to respond promptly to this call, which is made in behalf of a suffering people. It will be the duty, as I hope it will be the pleasure’, of these companies to pursue and apprehend all offenders against law, and by vigilance to prevent crime; to aid’the .civil authorities, and to contribute all in their power to the restoration of good order in the community. Arms will be procured, if pos sible. for such as may not have them ; but I would advise an immediate organization with such arms as can be procured. Given under my band, and the great seal of the State affixed. W. L. Sharkey, Provisional Governor of Mississippi. Monstrous Expectoration.— A little hoy, ten years old, son of Mrs. Ira Elliott, of Lin coln, Vermont, has disgorged, after dread fully suffering from a dangerous cough, ac companied bv violent spasms, a snake 18 inches long. ‘This horrible reptile had the p-race to vacate at last the premises he had so long incontinently occupied, greatly to the relief of the poor child. His lordship sported an alternately green and yellow 3triped skin, and appeared as lively as if he were fraternizing with his brothers in a Ben gal jungle. He was taken care of by Mrs. Elliott, who intends to keep him ns a family relic. Young Elliott has languished for a .year, but rapidly improved from the moment this unwelcome guest leit him. Columbus.—We take the following para graphs from the Columbus Enquirer of the 6th inst. : Cotton.—We can hear of no sales higher than 17c. specie. One lot was yesterday of fered at 24c. currency, but not sold as far as we could learn. The difficulty of effecting shipmeuts from this point, combined with a -decline in the’New York market, (in which middling cotton is quoted St 43,) has made buyers here very cautions. The City bridge makes gratifying progress daily in spanning the river. It will undoubt edly be po far advanced in a very short time h3 to admit ot passage across it- The lattice work seems to be very substantial, and Die work so far gives promise that the bridge will be as strong as the old one, which is sayiug a good deal for it. % Queen Emma, of the Sandwich Islands, is still eDloying herself in England. She has visited the camp at Aldershot and witnessed some military evolutions there. Bolter’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. M.* FUNKS!, • 06 Liberty Street, gepl2-3mo NEW YORK. CENTRAL RAILROAD STOCK. -* K TO 2<rShare» of Central Railroad Stock can be w O purchased by »PP IICl *“ on H ‘ O OLM9TKAD , At the office of Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. «ep!2-2t ' HARDEN & LEVI, Attorneys at Law, OFFICE, N BAY ETREET, eepl2 h? H *® door * E ** t of Drayton. Groceries for Sale. t f ? .P*™* 4 “> e Alto- Store to Rent, Comer Bryan and Jeffenon Street. Inquire of *epl*-Jt 8. q, BYRNE- Alarm about the Cattle Disease in Ire lank.—Tlio Irish landlords are unusually ex cited at the prospect of a murrain among their cattle, ant! demand with one voice that none shall be imported from Great Britain. The people are carrying out this order, and even the packet companies refuse to convey live animals; but the landlords ask formal order in council. This Sir George Grey has refused to grant, arguing that sufficient cause has not been shown; but Lord Naas evi dently hopes to apply the pressure of 105 undivided Irish votes' to Lord Palmerston's' mind. A meeting was held at Dublin, at tended by men ot all- parties, and very vio lent language was used, Lord Naas, in par ticular, hinting at a repeal of the Union, and declaring that such treatment was only pos sible from the absence of Irishmen in the Cabinet, where an Irishman sits as Premier. Thirty : eight members have already signed the resolution in favor ot protection, and the signatures of a great majority of members are expected-. The Cabinet has not yet yield ed, though the only opposing interest is that of a few Highland’stockliolders, who export abont 7,000 small black cattle a year to be fattened on the Irish pastures. Wiio the Basutos Ark. —The following extract from the Philadelphia North Ameri can may help to-elucidate the news recently published, and probably yet to come, in re lation to the war in South Africa : % ' “The basutos, or more correctly, perhaps, the Basutos, are a Caffre clan, and were sub jected to British dominion by the gentle logic of the bayonet in 1853. In 1858 they num bered about twenty thousand. . The Caffres or Kaffirs are located in Caffraria, which lies east of Cape Colony, and south of Natal; almost touching Orange River Free State on the northeast. A family of the same race ex ists in Kaffirland; the southern point of Sofala, adjacent to Natal, and between the sea of Orange River Free State. The Boeis are the descendants of the Dutch, and retain many of their characteristics. They are gen erally well educated, very clannish, agricul tural, and almost equally distrustful of the British and the Africans. ' They live near the outposts of civilization, and are consequently rough, passionate and obstinate.” The Newfoundland Fisheries.—The Bos ton Journal of yesterday says: Our latest dates from Newfoundland speak of improvements in the fishery prospects of the island and Labrador, the accounts re ceived from thd 1 latter place being especially encouraging. The screw steamer Wolf, the poineer vessel engaged in the Greenland whale fishery, from St- Johns, ha 9 returned after an absence of about two months, with a full fare, roughly valued at eight thousand pounds. The Wolf Was engaged in the spring seal fishery, and was successful at that, and it is thought that the success that has attended the first venture iu the new en terprise will gRe her many companions next year. The failure for years back of the shore fishery of the island has caused mer chants to turn their attention to the bank fishery, several vessels having been fitted out for its prosecution this year. The commission, consisting of Newton Ed wards, Governor and ex-officio Superintend ent of Indian Affairs of Dacotah Territory, Edward B. Taylor, Superintendent for Northern Superintendency, Major General Curtis, Brigadier Gen. Sibley, Henry H. Reed, of lowa, and Owen Guernsey, of Wis consin, appointed by the President to nego tiate under instructions from the Secretary of the Interior treaties of peace with several tribes of Sioux and Cheyennes of Upper Mis souri, and any other tribes iA -that region who have recently been engaged in hostili ties against the United States, will meet at Council Bluff on the 10th inst., and proceed to Fort Rice, where the council will be held on the 15th of October, couriers having been sent to the different tribes of Indians, notify ing them to meet there at that. The Rhododendron is a beautiful natural thermometer. When the temperature is above the freezing point, the leaves are per fectly flat aud plane; with about five de grees of frost, the leaves reflex a little'; when the thermometer is about ten 01 fifteen there is a curl to the leaves, and whetvzero is about reached, they .hang flaccid by ihe stems, and a9 completely twisting as a Gre cian curl. This curling and twisting seems like the struggles of a thing of animal or ganization ; for let the glass once get so low as to put out the fire of life in the plant, and the leaves immediately expand as if'there were no frost—more beautiful indeed than iu their living state.; just as we see in our own dead a singular beauty spread over the fea tures for an hour or so after the death-strug gle is over, and the' spirit is flown never to return again.”— Card. Monthly. A steamer of 200 tons is about leaving Hamburg, under, command of Capt. Hage mann, on an exploring tour to tbc -Arctic Ocean, and is said to be the pioneer of an ex pedition upon a .large scale. The expedition will proceed to the eastern coast of Spitz befgen, possibly also to Gillis Land,. from which point ihe actual object of exploration will be entered upon. This is to ascertain by careful examination of the seas between Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla, whether Dr. Petermann’s conjectures as ft) the direction of the Gulf stream are correct. The funds for the exploration have been_ partly raised by subscription among the Senate and citi zens of Hamburg. BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAViLLE & LEACH, - .sep4-tf cor. Biyan street and Market Square. WE E DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER — GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. THE Subscriber announces to his frlend9 nnd pa trons that he lias Inst, returned lrom the Northern Cities, where be has made arrangements with the best Importing Houses, with whom he has dealt (or many years, for supplies of every article in his line and now offers for sale, on the most reasonable terms.— Hia present Stock, selected by himself with great care, comprises; . BRANDY. OTARD, DUrtTY A CO., | ‘ PINET, CASTILLON A CO, A. SEIGNETTE, PELLEVOISIN. GtN . . MEDER SWAN AND IMPERIAL EAGLE. COMET, fin cases.) WHISKIES. JOHN GIBSON, SONS A CO., MONONGAHBLA, X, XX, XXX, CABENET, NECTAR and PURE OLD RYE, O. K. BOURBON, Very Old. BUM. JAMAICA AND Sr. CBOlfc. CHAMPAGNE, OF VARIOUS BRANDS, In Quart* ana Pint*. T E A* 8 . IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON, HYSON, OOLONG. POWCHONG, In Caddies and Half Cheat*. BUBAR, oorru, SOAP, BTAROH, *B., AS. V Alto, Agent for the tale of Massey, Collins A Cos. m fftPKCIAIz KOTICKB. BATCHELOR S HAIR BYE i The Original and Bert in the World I The only true tnd perfect Hair Dvn. H Arm less. RslisMe sad Instan taneous. 7 Produces immediate.y A splendid Black or natural Brown,’ without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug- Cists. Tnc genuine Ir signed William A. Batc hslpr. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFtKTRS. For Rcetoriqg and Beautifying the nair. ’ aul4-ty CUA*RLES BATCHELOR, New Yonn. HINTED mi ITELY, FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Also, Cot ton Tickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grease, Meials, Bottles, Ac., at the FOREST CITY MILLS, au4-t( Savannah. WANTED TO PURCHASE, OR KEEP FOR HIS FEED, a pood Horse that will work in single harness. Must he gentle Apply to . seps N. A. HARDEE A CO. TO RENT. House Painters Wanted. CIXGOOD WORKMEN, will find employment by O applying at once at the MARSHALL HOUSE. Savannah, Sept. It, 1805. 2t Wanted, m A ELVE ABLE BODIED MEN, to cut wood, drive X team, aud manage a fiat For further particulars apply immediately to B. F. ULMER, sepll Corner Eionghton and Price streets. • Wanted, A T THE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, a ccm - A petent Bookkeeper. Salary t1,2U0, Bond SIO,OCA Address sepll 4t SPIVEY, Cashier. • Caikers Wanted, TW(J GOOD CAI.KKRS WANTED to go to Macon. Good wajsres will bo paid to experienced work men. Apply at once to sepll 2t ERWIN A HARDEE. Wanted, BY a Lady, a oitnation as TEACHER in a sAool or family. Is experienced in the English b«anches andMneic, * Address Teacher, Herald office. . sep9-lw Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul‘'-tf « Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STpRAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. anl-2-tf ROOMS TO LET, ■A-t Hilton Head, St. 0., THE Palmetto nerald Building having been Newly fitted Up, now offer* large and airy rooma. auita bie for Sleeping Apartment* or bupiacaa purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., on the prem ises, corner ot Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to C o'clock p. m ju22 LINViLLE & GLEASON, SAVANNAH. AGESTTS foh MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO-. §4 CoiirtiaMt Street, Kew Yorl MANOFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS, - Bridge, Car, Siiip or Baud Hoot, • AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAG SCREWS. Hot and Cole) Pressed Nu*o. ROUND I and SQUARE WASHERS, Turn mickles, Ends, Taps and Dios, «scc. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES ; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. . COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, *c, 0 TELEGRAPH MATERIALS* WIRE, INSULATORS, .BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE / COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of the BEST Oi TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, • SAWS,Ac. BRINCKERHOFF & Mill., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TEAS. Orders for all kind* of Tens, In any Mzod packages de sired, filled at the lowest market price*. Parties or dering will please send remittances. Terms ensh.— Orders solicited. Southern Produce received and sold on commis sion. Will also receive deposits of money for dis bursement. No. 177 Pearfstreet, near Wall, New \ork. sepl im* GUNNY BAGGING. For sale by N. A. HARDEE & CO. MANN, WHOLESALE and Retail, Dealer In Tinware, Ftoves and Stove Pipes. Also, Roofing, Gut tering and Repairing done at the shortest notice. . Northwest comer of St. Jnll tn street seps-1m and Market kqnare. A CARD. WILLIAMS. M INTIRE & CO.. HAVING associated Col. Robt. P. Yprk with them In bnalness, nuder the firm name of York, "ll llama Mclntlre A Cos, are now prepared with ample storage accommodatlo* to recr ive any and all con. signments, with rooms tor those who desire to look after sales of their own goods, and will give prompt personal attention to afl Interests entrusted to their care. _ Regular sale days in front of store on Bay street— Tuesdays and Fridays. Night sales at store on Broughton street will com mence on Ist October. Consignment* of ah kinds are respectfully solicited *epj-» YORK, WILLIAMS, JIoJNTIR* * W SAL IS II CARGO SALE By Beil, Wylly * Christian. ON Tni'RSDAY next, 14th Inst., st in o’cloek ». m„ will tie sold, hi front of store corner Whita ker sad Bsv streets, without reserve, the entire cargo 01 the Br. sloop Sylvia, from St. Georget. Bermuda, consisting Os Groceries, Drv Goode, Drugs, Medicines, Liquors, Clothlug, etc.. v*s: G ROCKBIEK Crash Sugar, Pepper, Beef, Porte Tea—Greeu and Black, Sardines, Preserved Meats, Pickles, Sauces, Soaps, Dundee Bagjjng, oil, etc. DRY GOODS. Broad Cloths, Caasimeree, Kerseys, Ginghams, Irish Linens, Muslins, ~ X. C. Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Spool Cotton, Merino Shirts, &r • Drujfc, and Medicine, Epsom Salts, Soda, Olive Oil, ’ . Arrow Root etc LI4fUORB. Brandy—m eases, pipe Holland Gin, Ale—,n bottles, Porter--in bottles. CLOTHING. Pants, Coats, Shoes, • caps, L. B. Shirts, Vests, 4c. A.leo a French Calf Skins. Shoe Thread, Combs, Brushes, Rubber Goods, Buttons, Ribbons, Sealing wax, Crockery, Glass* are, Sheet Tin, pins. Needles, . . etc., &c., Ac. The above goods will be ready for examination on Wednesday—the day before the sale—whea cata loguee can he procured. TERMS CABH. sept J 2-3 Administrator’s Sale. By York", Williams, Mclutire & Cos, Will be sold on TUESDAY, 19th In front of Store, 166 Bryau street, Snpdry articles of Household and Kitchen Furni ture belonging to the estate of the late Thomas J. Pitt. Sold per order of the Administrator and bv permis sion of Ihe Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county. • sep7 Rout. P. Yobh, \ j ,T. R.M<’lntiub. M, E. Wtt.LfAMS, ( . \ P. H. Warp. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ’ BAY STREET, SAVANNA Hi., Gr A.. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER ' SOLICITED. References In Savannah—Brigham, Baldw in * Cos.; Erwin & Hardee, Gnden d-. I’nckliw, Isaac D. La- Rocho, Ksq ; Hiram Roberts, Ksq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq. : Hunter and Gammell; L. C.‘Norvell * Cos. References In New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp A Bro.; D. H, Baldwin & Cos. an26-eodlm STATIONERY, ftC. JESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, —ANI> STATIONERY STORE, Bill Street, Corner ol Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. KTEW NOVELS. Jusl Received at the above Depot a farther supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas. Price 50 cents. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 50 centa. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 75 cents. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 centa. ALSO HARPER'S MONTHLY', GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK* ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for September. The usual assortment or Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Stcamdr, ang?o CATHOLIC BOOKS. KEY OF HEAVEN, 3TAR OF BETHLEHEM, WAY TO HEAVEN, GATE OF HEAVEN, * FLOWERS OFT ARABISE, POCKET MANUAL. For sale by Saviile & Leach, Timber Cutters*'Bank sepl-tf Cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKS FOR GHILDREN. Youths' Pictorial Library, Marla Edewortk's Early Lessons, Tales and Stories Worth TelHne, Little Frankie Stories, Ydung People’s 1 ibrary, Salt Water Tales, Uncle Sam's Library, The Robin Nest Stones, Lelia Books, Boquets for Children, Mount Vernon Juveniles, * Six Pleasant Companions, Merry Tales and Stories for\'oung Folks, The Jnvcnfft Library, The Jewel Case, Sea and Land Stories, Tho Dog Crusoe’s Stories, Molly and Kitty's Juveniles., Savilie & Leach, v *ep4 ts cor. Bryan gfreet nnd Market Square. BO O KS . THE POETS IS BLUE AND GOLD. Hood. Bums, Moore. Byron, Milton, Goldsmith, Wordsworth, Campbell.' Coleridge, . % Osslsn, Homans, Pope, • Scott, - Crabbe, • Cowper. Savilie ft Leach, cor. flryan street and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS., Spellers, * - Reader*. . Grammars,- t * Book-Keeping. Copy Books, . Dictionaries, Savilie & Leach, *tp«-tf cor. Bryan street and fltrlut Square- stab line. FOB NEW YORK. - »• Mall Steam ■ JTU-A-FiO. Captain Holmes, will posai. lively sail fur the above port on Wcdueaday, Kept, 13th, at 3 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to . BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, seplt Stoddard's Bulldijig, opp. Post Office. PIONEER LINE." FOR NEW YORK. Theufs Mail Steamship CHASE, k. Rogers, commander, will leave ■■Ti n\t iL 1 fr>r tk® above port on her regnlar day Thursday Sept., 14th. at 3 p. m. For freight or passage having superior accommoda tions. apply to W PH HUNTER A GAMMELL. Atlantic Coast MniiStcam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, The First Class Steamship A RIAD /> J-N. ~ L- NE, G. B. Craet, Comthundcr, will —</.'lXii)-SVtTV positively sail on her regnlar dav, THURSDA Y, the 14th lust., at 3 o’clock p. m. For Freight or Passage, haviDg very superior accom modations, apply to 'JOHN R. WILDER. ' Ship's Bills of Lading furnished and signed at the office of Consignee. sepS' FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The fast sailing Schooner jifim. COQUETTE, or Savannah, JA.NtH’.S FEBGTJSON, Master, Lying at the Lower Rice Mill, is now ready to take Cargo on board for any place on the coast of South Carolina, Georgia or Florida. For freight or charter apply to . J W. ANDERSON A SONS, Merchants, Comer Drayton and B.yan streets, sepS-S Savannah, Ga. FOR NEW YORK STAR LINE. SEMI-WEEKLY. The first class U. S. Mail Steamships ' ' ■- ‘ Cap!.. CAr.rrNTTR. ■Y«S?ro? TATKS ’ - - - - Capt. SIIABZ. AMERICA, ..... Capt. Ct.tFr CONSTITUTION, - . - Capt Gemma" The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN A DICKINSON, Agentß, IT Broadway, Now York. MERCHANTS* LINE Sailing J||g V essels. Regnlar Weekly tine of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR ■NEW YORK. r pHE undersigned intend to keep np a regular week -1 lylinc of first class Sailing Vessels plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the very beet fa cilities for delivering freight In good order,at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention Z.iven to forwarding goods from New York. ♦CHARLES L. COLBY AGO., au!B cor. Bay and Ahereotn sjrceta. Merchants’ Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK, THE fine Clipped Bark IDA KEMBALL, Gossling, Master, will have quick despatch for the above port. Apply to sepS-tf . CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO, FOR AUGUSTA" The light draft steamer “ Helen,” James B, Riley, commander,'Will leave Stoddard's Wharf qn Wednesday, faorn’g., at 7 O’clkl For Freight or Passage apply to KEIN 4 CO„ sep 11 No. 3 Stoddard’s Range. forTalatka, Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, FVr nandina, Jacksonville and Ficolata. rFHE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. ■a W. CabT.ntr,wlll leave rs above on SATURDAY, the 16th inst., at 9 o’clock a,m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, at Fndlel ford’a Whaif near White’s Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight payable on Whnrf. * Shipper* will furnish weights and measurement of goods. septl2 .ISTew Lin© FOR DARIEN & DOCTOR TOWN The fast new light draft steamer Rockland, Capt. Geo. 11. Braufort, Will leave Stoddard's wharf on Thursday, Sept. 14th at o r clk-- Eor freight or passage having fcuperiof accommoda tions, Apply to CHAS. L. GUILLEAUME, Nos Stoddard'* Range, Bay Street. r.npl2.2t SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will be received at oar Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf, at any time da ting the week ERWIN * HARDEE, aulff lmo . For Doctortown, VIA DARIBN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC ANt) GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. THE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. Phflpot, will leave Dillon’s Wharf, on Tuesday morning, 22d Inst., at. 9 o’clock, and will ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown, In connection with the Road, leaving as follows • SAVANNAH EVERY" TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. Freight receipted for through to any point on Rail road between Doctortown and Thomasville. Freights payable here. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, ang2l-Im Agent on Wharf. FREIGHT FOR lUGMTA. RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded .Semi-Weekly* Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt R. Jobhson. Per STEAMER LAURA,' Capt. Edwabp Hillib. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf, we arc prepared to receive freight asahove. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each steamer. - . ERWIN A HARDEE. " , JOHN 1. ROUMILLAT. »ul3 lm - . Agent on Wharf. Notice, THUS is to forwarn all persons against crediting my X wife BU*»b*th on my account, as I will pay no delft* Os her contrasting, sep 19-3 t ALFRED KKRNEDY. Central Railroad «TPHRIN TENDENT-8 OFFICE, * i 1 * wdWayueaSMO^ r Augusta and Savannah Kadroid Wa J u ** boro °» ss;' A ’ir“" GEO. W ADAMS. Central Railroad •‘’tPEMNTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) , . Freight for Angnlt'abndini*'’ A ss“ l **> 18 ®-‘ low 4*q Central ffailroad. < 'arrt t h?, e^te Stations be and Augusta, Ancttrta and received on and after Saturd£y'tte 26Yhte2? d wffl be ' A “ B? 0* tO * ™ **' Atlantic & Gulf Railroad TUOTICE ie hereby given- that an,arrangement has for the° 4 STEAMER WM. C. GIBBONS Whi Vi'”, mpa .'! y j hy which Passengers and Freight '“Y I 'Ported to and from Thomasville and ba vannah and all intermediate points. .» C ?h»«' Vl 1 ,c . rc J, elTcd at any time during the week at the Mearners Warehouse, on DiUon’swhuf » ... „ 'VILLUM DUNCAN.' Acting Prestdt nt Atlanilc 4 Gulf Railroad on , GASPER J. FULTON. g,lg2l ' lm Super In tenffent. ' HOTKI.B. Sea Island HotbL~ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20th, 1865. THIS new Hotel, situated on the moat desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head- Island, af fords a fine view of the' Pier, Bay, pceaa, and sur rounding Islands. Tho scenery is qnite as pleasing and Interesting, in every reqpect, as tho famous wa tenng place of Newport, R. 1., and is altogether a* healthful a place to spend the summer months. It has a fine hard smooth beach, seventeen mileß long, wording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Naham, Mass., and as fine sea bathing an at that place or Cape May. " The House has over seventy large, airy room*, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories; the furni ture is entirciCap-, and the tables will be furnished with the best tHSt can be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will be made to ren der the Hotel all that the moat fastidious can de*ire Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. • j 0 23 ts ’ Port Roval House, HILTON HEAD, S C. RIDDELL 4 RUO O , Proprietor** E. 8. RIPPEI.L. • MC F, BTTGO. j u3-tf ACADEMY OF ST, VINCENT OF PAUL, Savannah, Georgia, CONDUC.TED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY TMlfe Fall Term of this Institution will re-open on A September 15th and close on February 16th. The Spring Term will commence on February 16th and close on July 15ttt. Terms per Session, including board. Tuition in English, Washing, and use of Bed and Bed „ fling •’ *l6O 00 Tuition in French 20 00 do Music ou Piano 30 OO do Music on Guitar * 30 00 do Crayon, Drawing and Fainting in . Water Colors 20 00 Tuition In Oriental Faiutlng, per connw. 15 00 do Wax Fruit and Flowers 20 00 do Embroidery 10 00 For further particulars apply to the Superioress at toe iiwtitutioD. an29-2awlm Proposals for Wood. * CHIEF QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, District Gs Savannah, Savannah, Ga. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the Ist day of September, 1865 next, at 12 o’clock m , for the delivery of 260 cords dry, merchant able Oak and 250 cords merchantable Pine Wood, to be delivered on the Government Wharf in Savannah, Ga., or at snch place as may be hereafter designated by proper authority, at such times and In such quan tities as may be hereafter directed by the undersigned, sal and wood to be subject lo Inspection by an ofilter ol the quartermaster's Department authorized to inspect the same. Payment will be made for not leu than 50 cords and In such funds as may be farsltbed tho Quartermaster. Proposals to be endorsed— ••Propo—- for Wood.’* fIIDNEY a STARR, au2l -ts Chief Quartermaster Dlajpict of Savannah. MIRTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS. GRIFFING, BROTHER ft 00., Pxopbxxtoh, 66 aid 60 ComrrnaMD Strict. NEW YORK, Manufacturer* of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gins, ftc. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Garden Seeds. Also, AgOnte fox Bruce’a Concentrated Manure, Bone, ftc. Send for circular. ju2o 3m X CDLLONIS LEAD ®O., IN o. 64 Duane St., ira YORK. HAVE constantly on hand, their well known. brands of Drop Shot, Dead Pipe, Back Shot, Sheet Lead aud Bar Lead, Which they offer for sale at the loweet market prices. Orders solicited, and shipments promptly attended to. JAMES MoCULLOUGH, President, sep 12-lmo 'UDOLVHO WOZ.FS," aa Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of hi* own importations. In bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, Ac., ot any other house in this country, comprising In part ot Otard, Hennesy, Ijjnet Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter,and eighth casks: also Otard and'Rouyer, Latoirelere and FUa Brandy, in case* of one dozen each. “Oln.” Udolpbo Wolfe's Schiedam 4n pipe*. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in bond «nd duty paid, in cases ot one dozen quarts and two dosen pint*. ■■Whiskey and Ram.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhdu. and cases of ona dozen each. Bontbon Whiskey m barre!s*and case* ot one dozen each. Htnvi ■Jamaica" and "St. crotm Bum" in hhda. and cases of onq dozen each. Madeira, Sherry andPort Wines. More than twenty different grades, in halves, qnar tors and eighth casks, also in cases ot one dosen each. "Hock, Champagne, Moselle nnd Clnre* Wines.” . From Peter Arnold Knmm In Cologne, proprietor ot Joannisbnrg estate; J. H. D. Becker A Fila - ; EechO’ cancer, Benecke A Cos., Bordeaux Barton A GuesUn. Bordeaux, and from ether well known house* in Ger many and France. 4 Oils, Cordials, Saswkes. Brmaa. MuatAXD, Olivxs. Bbahpv. *O - years' buMaeea transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable deMera-toonld be rafficlent guarantee then every article offered by thf advertiser for sale is pure and genuine. Samples seen, and catalogue of prices oh ♦.[.-I by