Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 15, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON & CO. -WIKI W. MASON K:lilor. U T THOIU”'."'- KrtMor. SAVANNAH. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, FOB loch. matters see third rt*.E. OF THE HEUAED. 'van accident to our press we werecMiged tosus- M na our Evening Edition temporary', ana . anom, •ircninstauces now lead us to announce U" scon- Unnanee for a few days longer. 170 shail re3ume lla publication very soon. to adveh tiseks * * Onr advertising patrons are reminded that adver :,smenta inserted in the Morning Edition of Hi ll sjui.t> will appear in the Evening withont extra rharge Advertisements should be handed in aa early as possible, but will be received as late as 12 o'clock at night. Wo adhere to our advertised cxc pl for long advertisements, or those inserted for a long rime, on which a reasonable discount will he made. HOW TO OBTAIN THE HERALD REO ILARLY. We often have complaints from residents of Savan nah and Hilton Head that they art not able always t obtain the Hxaai.n. The demand is sometimes so great as to exhaust an Edition very soon sPer its issue, and tboee who wish to tiara the Hraai.o rcgnlarly, Arnold subscribe for it. We have faithful carriers in Savannah and at Hilton Head, and through them we always serve regular subscribers first LAWLESSNESS IX CPPEB GEOROI*. We alern from a gentleman just returned from Habersham County, in this State, that a few days since, a band of men, some twelve or fourteen in number, went to the residence of a young man in Clarke County, whose name we did not learn, and took him out and shot him several times, leaving him for dead. The sister of the young man went to his assistance and finding biai still aliye flressed his wounds. His murderers return ing shortly after to see if they bad effectu ally accompli shed their purpose, found their helpless yictim sitting in the lap of his sister who was ministering to him when they again shot him, and departed leaving him dead The federal officer in command of the dis trict having been informed of the intention of the murderers, sent two parlies of soldiers to intercept them who succeeded iu cap turing all but two of the party. The young man who was killed was charg ed with having been an active Confederate and with having boeu engaged in figlitiug bushwhackers in that section of tire State during the war. *. We have been furnished only with the brief outlines of this melancholy affair. Tho report, however, is lrom a reliable source. Such Occurrences demonstrate the lawless ness and demoralization of the country and the necessity for some efficient local organi zation for the preservation of order and the protection of the lives of the people. In the sparsely populated border regions of the State, it is impossible for a small luillitary force to give protection to the inhabitants, hence the necessity for the organization of the militia as has been done, With the sanc tion of the President, in Mississippi. It is to be hoped that Gov. Johnson, with the U. S. •military-authorities, will take pronqpt meas ures for the maintenance and order, and the suppression of partizan war and murder within our borders. • The Y,->v York Democracy The Sew York Herald says the late Demo cratic State Convention at Albany has made a clean job of its work. It has ratified Uit revolution commenced with Abraham Lin colns election in 1360 and consummated with General Lee s surrender in 1865 ; it has accomplished a compete work of recon struction, and struck out on the high road to the next Presidency, under the wiag of An drew Johnson. The newspaper oracles of the] republican camp are taken all aback. The Albany democratic platform, they say, Is orthodox, but they don't like it; the ticket is excellent, they admit, but they don’t like it, and they are sorely puzzled what to do. The New York democracy, clearly and emphatically, have ranged their colpmn on the side of Andy Johnson’s administration. Without dodging or quibbling they recognize the extinction of slavery and endorse his Southern restoration policy, the negro suf frage question and all. With equal emphasis and good sense they declare themselves in favor of the redemption of the nations! debt, equal taxation and the Monrot; doctrine— thus covering fairly and squarely the living issues of tho day. The dead issues of the past they cast aside into the limbo of con demned politicians. Their platform is ex cellent, and their ticket, including to gener als.and one common soldier of the war, can not be beaten. The leader of the right wing of Sherman's grand army of Georgia and the Carolinas is the man to lead so victory, and the Provdst Marshal of the glorious old Army of the Potomac is the man to bring up the stragglers. The New York democracy not only reject the Chicago abomination tbjit the far is a failure,” they not only declare the war a complete success, but they put the victorious armies of the Union atthefcead of their new departure. . The Minnesota Aim Wisconsin Repobli- republican pk rty in tb< . Statcs of Minnesota and Wisftonsml wve just held their wIT!! 01lQ ‘f*/™ s >Hte they swal n Tn PlaU ° Vm ’ neßtll suffrage and all, and directly voL*l down a te , oUui f )n proving the administration or Preside,., Tni,n. non. In Wisconsin there whs a sU r ,> „ test oser universal negro suffrage and ,1, endorsement of the President’s policy, finally resulted in laying the negro resolut' on the table. The. convex .toons reveals the animus which pervades that party the country over. Mrs. Robinson, a loyal widow lady living in Beaufort, N.C, made an app „ J ion fo fe r the back rent of a building ocsupied by the 'government. A decision recently arrived irom Washington adverse’to her claim on the ground that Beaufort was'a captured city; therefore, all the property, including . personal, in the town is lawful prize of -rar. This decision says a Washington letter, will apply to all property and persons in the in i uucrectionary States which are also conquer ed territory. A young lady by the name of Jones was , arrested in Albany the other day, charged leading a young man, aged* eighteen, from Hhe path of rectitude.” Thlsis'aDcv man’a father 116 CO ™ plaiaant was the y° uu « 01 lf rd r. Douglas Tone of the been founder, t . l * rtlorn catastrophe, has drtvenTSm 1 ! 5 ’ v .? ulilßted Hie head was' off a i,l‘ E^t ,nto y® chest, and one leg «* '•««> IVKNVMIXvrKH REVIEW FOR JfLV. The contend of this Dumber are charac terized by'their more than usual anility. We offer A brief abstract. Latir ■'opecu'ahons of Augustus Comte. This article is in continuation of an able review by John S. Miii, of La Comte's sys tem of philosophy, r.od is worthy ot the pou nf the first metaphysician in Europe. Mr Mill offered a masterly analysis and commen tary of- the first part of La Comte's specula tions in the April Dumber of the Westmin ster. The praise of this first part was quali fied by very' limited censure. It-was pro no caced one of the most original. and pro found works of the age But these later speculations” Bre affirmed to exhibit a re markable intellectual degeneracy. They dis play as striking abeuations as any recorded in the history of the human ramd. A sketch of his life is given. Comte ‘‘formed an attachment to a lady whom (observes Mr. Mill,) he describes as uniting everything which is morally will* much that is intellectually admirable, and his relation to whom, besides the direct in fluence of her character upon his own gave him an insight into the true sources of hu man happiness, which changed liis whole conception of life. This attachment, which always remained pure, gave him hut one year olipassionate enjoyment, the lady having been cut off by death at the end of that short period; but the adoration of her memory survived and became, as we shall see, the type of his couceptlon of the sympathetic culture proper for human beings. The change thus effected in his personal character and sentiment, manifested itself at once in his speculations ; which, from having been only a philosophy, now aspired to become a re ligion ; and from having been aB purely, and almost rudely scientific and intellectual as was compatible with a character always enthusiastic in its admiration and ardor for improvement, became from this time what, for want of a better name, may be called sen timental ; but sentimental in a way of its own, very curious to contemplate. Iu con sidering the system of religion, politics and morals, which, in his later writings, M. Comte constructed, it is not unimportant to bear in mind the nature of the personal experience and inspiration to which he himself constant ly attributed this phnsis of his philosophy. But as we shall have much more to say against than in favor of the conclusions to which he was in this manner conducted, it is right to declare that, \rotn tho evidence of the writings, we really believe the moral in fluence of Madame Clodilde de Vaux upon his character to have been of the ennobling as well as softening character which he ascribes to it. Making allowance for the effects of his exuberant growth in self conceit, we per ceive almost as mmch improvement in his fpeliugs as deterioration in his speculations, compared with those of the Philosophic. Posi tive. Even the speculations are, in some secondary aspects, improved through the beneficial effect of the improved feelings; and might have been more so, if by a rare 1 good fortune, the object of his attachment had been qualified to exercise as improving an influence over him intellectually as mor ally, aud if he could have been contented with something less ambitious than being the supreme moral legislator aud religious pontiff of the human race. When w T e say that M. Comte has erected iris philosophy into a religion, the word reli gion must not bo understood in its ordinary •sense. He made no change in the purely negative attitude which he maintained to wards theology; his religion is without a God. In saying this we, have done enough to induce nine-tenths of all readers, at least in Onr own country, to avert their faces aad close their ears. To have do re ligion, though scandalous enough, is an idea they are partly used to; but to have no God,* and to talk of (religion, is to their feelings at once an absurdity impiety. Os the remaining tenth, a great proportion perhaps will turn away from anything which calls itself by the name of religion at all. Be tween the turn, it is difficult to find an au dience who can be induced to listen to M. Comte without an insurmountable prejudice. But to be just to any opinion, it ought to bo considered, not exclusively fronj an opponents point of view, bu*, from that of the mind which propounds it. Though curious of being In ~an extremely small minority, we venture to think that a religion may exist without belief in a God,. as} that a religion withont a God may be, even to Christians, an instructive aud profit able object of contemplation." Such ie Mr. Mill’s view of Jil. Comte’s system of religion in the abstract, but in de tail it presents something more preposterous than can properly be conceived. The ludi crous aspects in which it is presented makes it difficult to conceive that it could have .formed any part a mind that is philosophical or that laid claim to any portion of common sense. The circumstantiality of the practices, that he would ODjoin. as the ceremonial part of religion, consists of a succession of pueri lities. And‘what is not less remarkable everything in his system, is to be placed vm*- der regulation, from the most minute to the most-important. In this respect his is the true image of the French mind. In his Socialis tic views he is no less devoted to the syste in of regulation—everything is to be squared by the rule and compass. We offer this im perfect abstract, ns M. Comte's Philosophy has obtained much influence both in this country and in England, while from the jDroneuess to innovation in certain portions of the United States we should not he sur- I prised if the Philosophic Positive found its 1 way among the i ext books of some of our colleges, should it be possible to simplify tot the purpose. The Anti Slavery Revolution in America. r k» i a a succinct narrative of the Anti slavery movemenPfrom its orign to ats con summation in the surrender of Lee’s army. Mr. Herbert Spencer's Principles qf Biology. This work is a continuation of Mr, Her bert Bpeneer’s investigation into the Laws of Life, a, work that has earned for him a dis tinguished reputation among European Metaphysicians. His early death is among _ le sever est losses so the scientific world. e design of the author is shown in this bne sentence of his critic, in fulfillment ot the great task which he hat-U-et himself o summing up the maiu items of human knowledge, aid ordinating them under the broadest and e, D plist principles attainable. i Mj, Spencer ha3 tought at once to test the j , V& ' ae f c »“ceptio M by their application mß The objection of hi. critic to his 1 mode or method of inquiring ip that his theory doe* not sufficiently account for the Infill eucti ot Internal changes on the external phe nomena of life, and in showing the connec tion between the organic arid inorganic world. Political 1., ohomy. - This is a masterly, review _i>f John Stuart Mill's 'Principles of Political Economy," be ing the* seventh edition of bis great work, which deserves to lie placed by the side of Adam Smiths -‘Wealth of Nations.” The critic with a comprehensive knowledge of all that is valuable which has been written in the English language on the science, has that | just appreciation of the limit between the ! art and the science of Political Economy— j that his remarks, though brief, would form | a good study for the legislator. The truly : practical questions of Restrictions on Trade, I Corn Laws,a Legal provision for the Poor,Ac. I Ac,, which have formed subjects of de j bate in the British Legislature lor the last j thirty years, would receive a ready solution, | if studied by the light shed on them in this i article. The reviewer enters into an instruc tive sketch of the history of the science from the days of Hume, 1752, the first who broke “ the universal darkness that prevailed be fore the time of Adam- Smith,” down to the latest discovery of our day, the true theory ot Rent. The distinction drawn by the Reviewer between sel/ishisness aud self interest, in the discussion of these subjects is of a most important character. Iviperial History. The cri*ic is here more than the school master to the Emperor—he is his instructor in his historical studies. He shows that the ambition of Louis Napoleon in his “ History of Julius Csesar ”• o’erleaps itself—that the prescient ruler in France was totally In want of due preparation as an historian —that ho is in blind ignorance of that method of writ ing history to which Neighbur led the way, and that he has followed those authorities, Livy aud Polybrius. which formed the staple of Goldsmith's History of Rome and is now rejected as mythical by all enquirers. The earlier part of the article is written in nu ironical spirit, the literary Emperor receiving high praise for his sense of the responsibility of the historian, and his devotion to the in terests of truth, but the critic concludes with leaving an impression on the mind of the reader that the “.Life of Julius Oiesar” is the most puerile of works—and that so far from the Emperor being inspired by the love of truth, he has been animated throughout, by personal vanity—by the desire to illustrate thef “Napoleonic idea” of a perfect Em peror, the original of which was found in the great objects of his idolatry and ndoration Julius Cesar and Napoleon Bonnparte, Iu reality the critic makes the only beau ideal of the author to consist of a successful conquer-, or, and the only true pattern of good gov ernment a military despotism! He is classed with suchj hero worshippers as Carlyle The critic makes allowance for the circum stance,- that only the first part of the work lias been completed, but the spirit and ten dency of the whole can be sufficiently de termined from this specimen. The woi i; will uot, it is evident, make a literary repu tation for the ambitious Emperor. The vein of irony in which the criticism is written can deceive no one when the •critic descends to de-aiis of the execution of this most remark able literary enterprise of the age. American Novelists—Theodore Winthrop. This is a higfily commendatory notice of this author and his works, whose gallantry in tho field was as patriotic as his ability was indisputable—who hud received a classical education,and had undergone a literary train ing, but who volunteered to serve in the U. States army, was in several engagements and perished in one of them. The Principles of Indian Policy. This paper enters into an examination of that branch of the East Indian policy of tho British government that regards its territorial arrangements. It is made out clearly that the same course of policy is pursued as re lates to the class of men called Talookhdars, the proprietors of the soil from immemorial time and prescription, and whose fights and interests have beeu violated in those arrange ments. A Revolution in Ireland.— The Spring field (III.) Circle of the “Fenian Brother hood” have published an address to the American People, announcing that “Ireland is about to have her revolution,” and wish - ing to know whether they will help her. Tho address says : "Our brothers at home are organized in a manuer for superior to any opprersed people we have read of. The day of provisional’ government is established—an army of 200,- 000 men is sworn to sustain it. Officers, American and Irish, who have served with distinction in your service, are silently mov ing into Ireland to assume control of the active operations to ba inaugurated in a few months—sooner, much sooner than any of you can believe. All they require now is arms to enable them to meet the enemy on something like equality. A large sum' of money is required, and without hesitation we appeal to you, for that assistance never heretofore withheld from an uprising people. You need have no feats of war between our common enemy nnd yourself. Believe us, we will give her all tiie work she cau attend to at Lome and in Ireiuud, without crossing the Atlantic to find it.” An organization is announced for the pur pose of soliciting contributions in aid of “the cause.” The New York Times offers the Fenians ihe following encouragement. Ttie editor says— We do not doubt that very considerable sums of money wilt be raised in the proseeu -1 ion of this enterprise. But we do not think Ireland will achieve her independence for a yood while yet. The Public Debt- Secretary McCulloch lias published a state ment of the public debt, as appears from the books, Treasurer's,returns, and retfhisi tions of the Department, up to the Slsi'qf August, 1865. The recapitulation is as fol lows : Amount of outstanding debt bearing interest in cain .. , $1)108,310,191 88 Interest ;... 04,500,490 50 Debt bearing interest, lawful money 1,274,418,103 16 Interest 73,531 037 74 Debt ouwhich Interest ha. ceased... 1,603,020 09 Debt bearing no interest 373,898,260 38 Total debt ~ $2,757,€59,571 43 Interest 138,031,628 24 Legal tender notes In circulation i One and two years 5 per cent, notes $33,964,230 United States notes, old issue 1??'i! 0 ? United States notes, new issue 432.0jt.G0l Compound interest notes act Mar 3,1893.. lAWO.oo® Compound interest notes act June 30,1864 202,024,160 Total * $684,138,959 • As contrasted with the statement ot the public debt published on the 31st of July, the principal has been increased $136,295,67 within the last month. The legal tender notes have been ' amount of coin in the Treasury i» $+5,435,- 771.14, which is (Jn6,iW7,iA.l 40 more than a month ago- The currency now in the Trea - sury Is $+2,782,283:89, a reduction tot the past month of *38,619,490.86. The suspend ed requisitions amount to $2,11 1,000. STUMF.UALL JA( KSO.V—BY WHOSE FIRE WAS IIE KILLED I The New York Tribune U unwilling that it shall go to history that General Stonewall Jackson received ids mortal wound from the fire of his own troops —a tact of universal credence in the Rebel Army, and which we never before seeu denied- The editor says; A sensational account of the death of the Rebel Stonewali Jackson was published some days since in the World, written' by a Southerner and rebel, whom the W orid calls a “gifted Virginian.” The evident purpose of the letter was to reiterate, and if possible establish, the theory which was a favorite one at the time—tifat .lachson met his death at the hands of his friends by a volley mis takenly tired. The place was a thick wood, the time evening, the positions of the differ ent forces uncertain, and tho tire which struok down the rebel leader seemed to come, it is alleged, from the direction of hie own troops. The World correspondent says: “The origin of this fire has never been discovered, and after Jackson’s death there was little dis position to investigate an occurrence which occasionedJritter distress to all who by any possibility could have taken part in it." But we deem it incredible that such an occur rence should have been allowed to pass withont inquiry, aud still more incredible that it should lie supported by no subsequent testimony from some of the Rebel soldiers supposed to be implicated. The matter however, seems to be pul at rest by a letter irom Adjutant-General Schuler of Massa chusetts, quoting first a passage from bis Annual Report for 1863, pp. 528 _and 9, as follows : “It will be seen from the following narrative of the regiment that the Ist Massachusetts had a very advanced position in the front on the Plank Road, in the battle of Chancellors viile; so far, indeed, that two or three of the Rebel officers came down, supposing it to be a part of their own army. They were taken prisoners and sent to the rear. Col. Mc- Laughlin relates this circumstance.” The regiment being in that position, Col. McLaughlin’s report says: “At 8 1-2 o’clock p. in-, a cavalcade of a dozen or more horsemen drove down the Plank Road, when ray men immediately opened fire upon them, they immediately turned round and rodo furiously back up the road. From the official’ report of the rebel Gen. Lee, I am led to believe that Gen. Stone wall Jacksan formed one of the cavalcade, and that he was killed by jny men.” Il is settled, therefore, that on the- evening when Jackson was killed, and at the exact time when he was killed, the Frst Massachu setts Regiment occupied a position near the place where lie was killed,and such a position that several Rebel.officers suppose it he a Rebel .regiment. To' the regiment in that position and at that time rode out aeavalcade of Rebel horsemen, received a volley, and re treated in just the manner Jackson and his party rode out, and wereffired *n; aud re treated. It is searcely possible to doubt that thereavalc.ide which ihe First Mass, fired into was Jackson and his staff, and that it was from tins regiment, and not from his own .men, that tile Rebel leader received his death wound. The darling delusion of his ad mirers that he was impenetrable by a Yan kee bullet must be deemed to be dispelled. A Royal Funeral. OBSEQUIES OF THE FATHER OF THE KING OF SPAIN. The funeral of the father of the Ling of Spain took place on the iotli ultimo. The cere monies are thus described in the Loudon papers: “HJaubid, Tuesday.— At noon yesterday a funeral procession was formed to escort to the Nprihern Railway Station, for convey ance to the Estuiial, the body of bis late Royal Highness Don Francisco de Paula An toini, father of the King of Spain. Atter prayers for the dead bad been chanted before the Palace of San Juau, the residence of the deceased, the cortage set out in the following order: First a battery of mounted artillery, and detatchments from the regiments Astu rias and Coustitucion, with reversed arms; four mounted trumpeters of the Royal Household, the Groom of the Royal House hold ; the standard of the Royal Servants' Society, fol lowed by the parochial clergy, headed by a cross-bearer; a large number of honorary chaplains and gentlemen of the household and four mounted orderlies of the general staff. The funeral car, decorated in gilt and black, drawn by six horses with black plumes, uttended by six grooms of the royal household. The coffin was covered iu black velvet, with gold ornament?. “Immediately after the car marched the royal corps of Alabarderoes, headed by their commander, the Marquis of Santiago, fol lowed by detachments from all the regiments garrisoned in Madrid, a deputation of the chief judges, magistrates, aud Judges of First Instance, &c. The latter were headed by the Duke of Tetuan,, and the other Crown Ministers, resident in Madrid, the Patriarch of the Indies, the Alcaide Corregidfl-, and the Captain-General. Two squadrons of cavalry, a royal state carriage drawn by sjx horses with white plumes, and a detachment from the garrison troops closed jhe proces sion. Prayers were again chanted on the arrival of the body at the railway station.— The bier having been placed upon a car pre pared for the purpose, the train left the sta tion at thirty-five minutes past one, arriving at the Escurial at three o’clock. A procession was here formed to convey the remains to the monastery of San Lorenzo where service for tbe dead was performed by the Archbishop of Santo Domingo and the dergy of the monastery, afier which the body, having been duly recognised by tho first notary of the Clown, was deposited upon n catafalque of black velvet heavily friuged with gold, and lett in charge of four Alabarderos, who will lie relieved day and night until the remains are removed with the customary formalties to the mausoleum of the Infantes. “Tlie deceased Infante was the widower of Dona Maria Luisa Carlota, daughter of Francis I, King of the Two Sicillies, and w’as born on the 10th of Mar, 1791. Heleavestwo sons, Don Francisco dcAssisse, Consort of Queen Isabella ; the Infante Don Enrique Maria Fernando, Duke of*Seville, born 17th April, - 1823, who espoused Dona Elena de Castelloi y Shelly now deceased, and five daughters.” ' . Dkaih ok Hannah F. Gould.— Hannah F. Gould died at Nuwburyport, Mass., on the sth inst. She was born towards the close of the last century, in Lancaster, Mass. The family removed to Newburynnrt in 1800.— Her mother died young, and she became the constant companion of her father, who fought at Lexington and Bunker Hill, and served through the revolutionary war—a fact which suggested many of the subjects of his daugh ter's verses. Miss Gould published three vol umes of her own pieces: one in 1832, an other in 183 C, and the third in 1841. In 184 G she gave to the public “ Gatheied Leaves," a collection partly original and partly select ed. “TheDiosma” appeared in 1850 g “The Youth's Coronal” in 1851 ; and “ Hymns arid Poems for Children” in 185*. • Portions of these latter works are in prose. Free Coli.eqk for Soldiers.— Li addition to the public expressions of gratitude which everywhere greet the return of our troops, some o£onr citizens are engaged in estab lishing and endowing a college tor tlie special benefit of our returned soldiers and their sons, which will be an euduring memorial of the public appreciation of their services to their country. We are happy to learn that the geutlemen who linye the enterprise spe cially in charge and laboring for its consum mation aro everywhere cordially received, and are meeting with encouraging success. Governor Oglesby, Lieut. Gen. Grant, and other civil and military officers, with the leading clergymen of the different denomi nations, have taken bold of this mutter in good earnest.— Republican, A LouUluMlau on CviupcHMUS Earns cipatioM. . LBTTKR WHOM R. KUK* COTLKM. • . Mr. R. King Cutler, of Louisiana, whose application to bo admitted into the Sena'e of the United. States last winter was npt suc cessful, has published nn address to his con stituents lie pays the following tribute to the President and cabinet: “In my judgment we have, in tbe person of President Andrew Johnson, an honorable, high-minded and intelligent gentleman, fully possessing the love of country, integrity and patriotism ot ‘Our Washington;' the nerve ot “Our Jackson ;' the statesmanship of *Our Jefferson,' and the good, natural, common aud practical sense and just application of “Our Lincoln.’ And with him as our Presi dent, I bare no fear for the success of our common country. The Cabinet is composed of the right men in the right place. Who can now call the name of Secretary Seward, Secretary Stanton, Secretary McCulloch or Secretary Welles, without profound rever ence and admiration." Mr. Cutler gives the following opinion j>n the subject of compensation to slave owners, which is very refreshing in hot days : “In this connection, I desire to give it as my opinion, that Congress will determine to compensate all loyal persons for their loss in all kinds of properly, caused by the war; and that they will eventually compensate all loyal persons in every Southern State for their losses' in slave-property. It was a na tional ptide, coupled with a’ national neces sity as a war measure, for the sake of peace aud permanency of government—aud to put down the rebellion, that slaves were eman cipated—and it will be a national pride, as well as pleasant national duty, to compen sate all loyal persons for their loss in slave property. Heaven is Just. And the council of this gfeat, this good and powerfal nation, will be just, for it is a great, a good, and a powerful nation by the will ot Heaven.” Prince de Joinvllle on Fi-cncli European Navies. [Paris correspondence Loudon Herald, Aitg. 23.] The current number of the Revue des Deux Mondes commraences with an article which is likely to attract attention, both from its subject and from the fact that, though signed •“V. de Mars,” it i? understood to proceed from the pen of his Royal Highness the Prince de Joinville. The article is divided into two parts. The .first professes to set forth the share of the federal navy in the American war, with a “view to point out the altered character of naval warfare. It is ably written, but be troys a Northern bias so strong as materially to impair its value, andgsays :—Now, without wishing m the least to undervalue the merit of officers so distinguished ns Dahlgren and Porter undoubtedly are, most members of the profession so which Prince do Joinville once belonged regret that not a line should have fallen from his pen to pay a tribute to tbe gallantry and heroism displayed by the Southern navy iu the struggle ngainist such tremendous odds. It has Rjo given pain to many to find that Prince de Joinville blindly espouses the Yankee prejudice to the extent of calling the Alabama a pirate; he con trives to pay a complifnent to the Kearsage, but has not a word to show that ho appre ciates the courage of tljo gallant Semmes.— Had at any time any French naval officer achieved half as much as. the commander who has made immortal his name and that of the Alabama would not his Royal Highness set down to the prejudice and the narrowest party spirit such contemputous disposal of his claims to renown as he ungenerously and unjustly metes out to the Alabama and her captain. Having said thus much I wili now lay be fore vqu the practical suggestion which the “exploits ot the American navy” have in spired to the Prince. He thinks that hence forth the greatest naval powers in their quar rels with inferior States are bound to provide themselves wi'.h a • large fleet of swift gunboats 'mounting but few guns—but those of a heavy cali bre. Unless they, procure this descrip tion of vessels, which are to be, as it were, “les gened'inns de la mer," their merchant shipping tuns the risk of being destroyed by a few light cruisers. Tbe second part of the Prince's article is tar more valuable. He discusses with great minuteness, and evidently thorough knowl edge of the subject, the materiel and person el of the French navy. The great advan tages to be sought above all others are swift ness and heavy guns—the protection of the iron-casing is but secondary. Swiftness is essential in almost all the circumstances of war ; either to compel the enemy to fight, or to evade his pursuit; to beep up a block ade against blockade-runners, ana to chase steam cruisers or piivateers. I would dis pense with it only for vessels intended to operate close in shore and in shallow waters. For such vessels iron-casing, and v>f the thickest description, may be necessary, but heavy guns are even for thera.of the first im portance. Now as regards naval artillery we ate desidedly behindhand: We have noth ing equivalent so the American fifteen-inch gun, or to the twelve ton Armstrong gun, whether rifled or smooth bore, with which the English are beginning to arm their ships. We have been following u little too closely the system of our new land ordnance, which has been a complete success. Both our field and siege guns are excellenl, and their construction is easy enough. But tho naval gun which intended to smash iron plates is quite another thing ; the problem is to con trive a gun which will stand the discharge of the heaviest projectile with the heaviest charge of powder. Tho experience of the Ameiican war, the experiments which have taken place abroad, all indicate that the ef fects of a projectile on iron plates are the more destructive as the charge of powder that propels it is heavier. Now, these guns, which must have a very heavy calibre to burn a very heavy charge of powder, are very bard to manufacture, aud we have al lowed the English and tho Americans to get tbe better of us in thi3 respect. They have already in use guns whose charge is not less than sixty pounds of powder, and whose de structive effects exceed anything we can ar rive at. , Cholera in Europe. A telegram from Gibraltar of August 18, savs no case of clio.era has occurred there during the last two days. Another sanitary council has declared the port to be now dis infected. A despatch from Barcelona of August 18 says :—ln this city and Valencia cholera is only prevalent, to an insignificant extent. The cholera is decreasing rapidly at Con stantinople. F-XOENTRIC COURSE OF THE PLAGUE. (From the bonbon Tjmcs Aug. 23) The present visitation of the cholera, as re ported by ns from the countries afflicted, is characterized by a particular feature, dis tinguishing it broadly from the epidemics of former times. Hitherto this disease has al ways advanced in a certain track, presumably lrom India towards the regions of Western Europe. We could mark its progress stage hy stage, not always in a direct line or with- capricious deviations and jumps, bußpil generally from the southeast to the northwest. It was heard of in Persia, Asip Minor and Turkey ; then reported from Vien na, from Prague, from Warsaw, from Berlin and from Gorth Germany, till It got to Bel gium and Paris. After that came our own turn. The epidemic wave struck us at. last, and was suffered in proportion to the severi ty of the attack as measured against our organized defences. That is the sketch which would serve generally for the visita tions of 1832, 1849 and 1854. At the piesent time not one of these char acteristics is discernible. We heard nothing whatever of the cholera as on Its route from India. It was first reported, quite abruptly, from Alexandria, where it raged terribly, spreading aloDg the coast to Damiettp, and running up the Nile to Cairo. Then wp heard of it at Smyrna, in the Isle of Cyprus,* at Constantinople, and in the villages on the Bosphorus. Presently it is reported from' Ancona, from Gibraltar and Malta, from Marseilles, from Barcelona, and from Valen cia. Bat in no one ot these instances has it advanced from the sea coast into the interior, I for tbe casa bf Cairo can hardly be consider- I «al an exception. It lias not spread beyond ' Ancona, though the disease In that town was very intense. Once there was a story of its. appearance in Milan, but that was not con firmed. It has not advanced beyond Mar seilles, or beyond any of tbe iufected ports on the east coast oi Spain. Southern Italy has beeu dttacked, but only under similar conditions. Cholera is last reported from San Nicaudro and San Severn— tbe former a town close upon the coast, the latter a little beyond. These are the results of a survey of the case up to the present moment. The only exception is a report of the cholera in Hanover, but this in professional statements is reduced to “cholerine,” and is apparently only such a disorder as occurs most au tumns in London. In short, upon a summary of the evidence, we come to this, not that an Asiastic pestilence is advancing upon us across Europe, but that there has- been an extraordinary outbreak of cholera in the basin of the Mediterranean. This rrterked and special limißrtion of the epidemic may not unreasonably suggest to us some hopes of immunity. Within the basin of the Mediterranean no shore has es caped ; beyond it no cholera has appeared. The latest intelligence reports a panic from Wallachia and Moldavia, but tbe disease had not yet declared itself in those provinces, though it is obviously probable that it might creep into the Black Sea and make the cir cuit of those coasts also. Tile Sea of Galilee. The ascent of Mount Tabor was steep aud difficult. The summit reached, w“had that sweeping view than which none in all the world is more beautiful, certainly none more sublime. In the northeast -was the glory of Hermon, snow-capped and towering in the sky; on the north the Lebanon range, stretching away to sea; on the northwest tiic hills that surround Nazareth, and farther away the peaks that overlook Tyre, and Sa repta, and Sidon. On tbe west was the plain leading off to the Mediterranean; and here and there the silver gleam of Ki shon—“ that ancient river, the rivei Kishon." On the south side of the plain, and in the middle of it, were almost innumerable points of interest. Carmel bounded the horizon towards the sen shore. Between us nnd that hill InyTaanacb, Megiddo, and all tlie points which in the long battle history of Esdraelon made it to be looked upon as a very plain of strife for armies, so that John in the Apoca lypse spoke of the hill of Megiddo as the last gutUeiing-place of nations for combat. South of Tabor lay Shucem, and beyond it the pe4ks of Gilbos, looking down on Jezreel.— Clos* to Shunem was Naln, and not far from that, Endor; and thence tbe eye swept east ward and downward, for the plain descended rapidly; all Ihe mountains seemed to fall swiftly to the Jordan valley, and there, deep down in the slopes, lying in a basin fit emer ald, was the. sea of Galilee, It lies in a deep basin. The eastern shore rises abruptly in high rocky mountains, and the Land to the eastward of these is barren and desolate, stretebing away to the ruins of Gadara, the chief city of the aucient Gada renes. The lake is not large. Here the traveller may bo disappointed. The word sea has led him to think of Genesaret as a vast body of water. He is scarcely prepared for the little lake, over which his eye sweeps with a single glance. But no lake on earth has shores so crowded with holy associations, aud, therefore, there is no other lake or ocean where the observer looks across the water into such infinite distances of thought and memory, joy and sorrow. The lake is oval in form, lying north and south. The Jordan enters it at the northern and flows out of the southern extremity. Around the northern and uorthwestern shores cluster the points of deepest interest. There were Chorazin and Bethsaida, nnd Capernaum. On the east was the land of the Gadarenes. But the steepness of the mountains forbade the loca tion of any cities there, except near the northern and southern extremities of the lake. The western shore must have been lined with cities'and villages. The ruins which are found all along the banks, and es pecially the vacant tombs in the rocky hill sides, attest the former wealth and populous ness of this coast. Tiberias is not a city of the time of Christ, although it cau nardly be doubted that it eccupies the site of some well-known place of that day. It is the only place of any importance now on the shore of the sea. On the southeastern side is a small village of mud huts, but nowhere else on its whole circuit is there any collection ofbuman habitations ; and Tiberias is but a ruin. In the time of the crusades, if was it walled town, and the towers and walls remain, shaken by earthquakes into mournful'ruin Breaches admit friends and enemies through the old defences at numerous points, but their is not much within to tempt either class. No business is done here ; and on the evening of ray arrival, one' solitary boat, a rudely built open fishing-boat, was the only craft floating on the sea. Since that time travellers report this boat as among the things of the past, and there is not even one smsll representative left of the ancient ship ping. Under tfie caption the “Foundations Up heaved,” the N. Y. Freeman's Journal pub lishes the following. Excepting the years of the French infidel Revolution, towards the close ot the last century, history does not re cord a more frightful chaos of morals among any people that has accepted once the Chris rian civilization, than we are enduring now. Men murdering their wives, at the rate of one or two a ( day; men killing their mother’s and sisters for the hope of gaining a few hundred dollars; sons killing their fathers in family quarrels ; femalqs, from infants of Bcven years to old age, violated, almost daily; murderers, of course, by the dozen every day; robberies so common that tbe man is a fool that does not provide his house, and hi.< bedside, with firearms, and learn, if he does not know, how to use them. The banking institutions—that have sustained this war proving their rottenness by daily evidences that they are trading on rauits supposed to have at least paper promises to pay, but, in fact, emptied even of these by thefts of bank officers and bank employees g ISTevv Wholesale BOOT AND SHOE STOKE, No. 175 Broughton St., The Attention of Wholesale and Retail Dealers Is particularly requested to OTJIi STOCK. It consists of EVERY STYLE AND SiZE, All of which are Particularly Adapted TO THE SOUTHERN TRADE, As they are from Manufacturers who have been pre viously Manufacturers for the same; prior to 1860. NO ROODS AT RETAIL, WHYTE & FELLNER, Manufacturers’ Agents, No. 17C Brotifihtonjst., Savannah Georgia. WplS-tf NEVA *IIVEKTItEMEXTS. . WORSHIP, THBB?.tvlll he Dltlnc Service In the Srnagogac corner of Whltftkor and Liberty street*, on FHILt K\ nt C ovtuck. in the evening, and at s q o-clojk, s«r nrday morning. . sepis-5- Headq'rs Sub-District of Ogkechkf ) • Savannah, Ga., Sept. U, 1865. f TJeneral Orders,! No. 30. i:r * datQ Pen™ found EXPOSING for saie Ales, Wines, o. Liquors without License, as prescribed m General Order No. 13, from these HeadmJ tera, will be arrested and fined or impi; 30 n- The Provost Marshal is charged with the executipn of this order. By.command of Bvt May. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN Wm. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A G sep!s 5 ST, ANDREW’S HALL, Corner Broughton anil Jefferson Streets, the mm minstrels" Will appear this FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. IS, IN A CHOICE SELECTION OF SONGS, CHORUSES, &e. Tickets of Admission, »0 cents. * Ee p ls For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah siramship Line. T. h ,V' r u - s - Mail Steamship MINNE -I,Cnu tODa burthen, J \y -<2l>jli-Im Belch Commander, will leave for the -:-- T above port on THURSDAY, SEPT. at O’clock. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia Through Tickets to New York, via Philadelphia.'.'* 0 For freight 6r passage, having elegant accommods tions, apply to seplJ HJJNTER & GAMMELt.. Atlantic Coast Mail Steam ship Company, FOR NEW YORK, tamm The First Class Steamship VAHU j'A'f If NA. Wkitfhvbst, Commander, will P rifi >tivelv sail nn he:- regular dav . THURSDAY, the 21st ifist,, at 9 o'clock a. ra. For Freight or Passage,' having very superior accom modations, apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Ship’s Bills of Lading furnished and signed at the office of Consignee. ‘ . scpl-0 FOR AUGUSTA, The Light Draught Steamer Oak, GEO. S. MARSHALL, Captain, will leave as above on SATURDAY NEXT, 16t'n inst., at 6 p. tn.. For freight engagements appiv to J- B. PBESDEE, Agent, 109 Broughton street, or to F. M. MYRELL, septs 2 Corner Bay and Abercorn sts. FOR AUCUSTA, mHE new and Elegant Steamer H. M. COOL. Capt a Taylor, will reeeive Freight at Bolton's Wharf, and have despatch. 1 his boat is provided with Lighters that can go In low rivers, and no detention will o;cur Only a liniited quantity of freight can be received, having part cargo engaged. Apply on board, or to seplo-2 M A. COHEN, Agent. BOYWANTEdT JN a Counting Room on the Boy, about 16 or II years old, who cau write a good hand Address Bos 331. Sepis-1 Wanted s wonderful S C EIVi\G n '(,aCHINE,* the" onl: cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK. Bid deford, Maine. sepl4.d4-.T9m Wanted, S9O A 1 vantoa wanted for tit articles, mat out. Address O T GAKEY, City Buikiinjr, Ulddelord, Maine septa dAvram HARTRIDGE & CHISHOLM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE CORNER BRYAN AND DRAYTON STA, SAVANNAH, G-A - 6e PJS ,lw C’ JY* a»gooel, Store IS6 Congress aqd s,;"?; Jhhan streets, Savannah, G, Wholesal, and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions Croe ke-v Glassware, Tin and Hardware. N. B -The ht cash prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, I tides, DAILY -1 " JOURNAL & MESSENGE R, PiiiiM Every Morning nil Evenii \i AT— - MACON, GEORGIA, fiOSiitß OF CHERRY AND THIRD STRUTS. LARGEST CIRCULA TION IN MW DLE ANI) SOUTHWESTERN GEORGIA HpHE old‘'Journal & Messenger,” first, established ■* In ISO 9, and regularly published ever since, hai tqe Largest Circulation of kuy paper in t Jiis section. We are offering liberal terms to ar’ ivertlsers, afid merchants, and others: desirous of havi lug their bus;- I ness generally known, will do well to.advertise in our column*. OUR WEEKLY Contains the legal advertising of soifi k e eight or ten counties and is circulated thiodghoui the Southern and Northern Stntes generally. Parties sending their advertiseir ,ents with the money will be insured satisfaction Address. fi. rose & C 0 Senka ß B 9 Bdre, } * »pj 6 EXCHANGE. UGH! DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For Sale by BC P IS BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Tost, F R ?cd TRn"v Ee,oi ? tc J Rt Hliten Head, one large -x red TRUI,h, marked A. TANARUS, It is suDuosad to wind Hotci a r k h n « th r neb , m , lßtakC ' If left island Hotel the finder will be rewarded. sepl4 2 foiYsale. ~~ T'HnSB Lots,onwhich there arc fourene story fran* . .Houses and three two-story frame Houses, ait ua.ed comer Roberts, Wilson and Stewart street*. Apply to ... . " -GEO. UEMENDEN, sepH-3 Planters- Hotel- COLD, BACON, CHOICE FLOUR. For sale by *PI4-» BSltfsY SftTA»-